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Herbs and Dietary Supplements

in the Prevention and Treatment
of Cardiovascular Disease
Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD

Herbs and dietary supplements can have

significant physiological effects. Garlic (Allium
sativum) has shown beneficial lipid effects in a
T he use of herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and
other dietary supplements is becoming increas-
ingly popular. A telephone survey found that be-
majority of trials; dried garlic preparations are tween 19901997, herbal remedy use increased
superior to oil preparations. There is preliminary 380% and high dose vitamin use increased 130%.1
evidence that indicates that hawthorn (Crataegus Among respondents, 11.7% reported using an al-
species) may provide benefit in congestive heart fail- ternative therapy for hypertension within the past
ure. Coenzyme Q also may be of benefit in conges- year (a slightly higher number than the 10.9% that
tive heart failure. Although observational studies actually reported a diagnosis of hypertension). It
indicate a protective effect of dietary or supplemen- seems safe to assume that individuals with other
tal vitamin E, controlled trials have not shown a cardiovascular risk factors are also consuming
beneficial effect on angina and have been mixed on quantities of supplements. This paper will review
whether supplementation decreases major cardiac the evidence for herbs and dietary supplements
events. Although several observational studies have commonly used for cardiovascular disease.
noted that fish intake protects against cardiovascu-
lar disease, prospective studies are less impressive. HERBS
Fish oil supplementation may have a mild beneficial Garlic (Allium Sativum)
effect on hypertension, but there is no effect on total Specific preparations of garlic (whether culinary or
cholesterol levels. Trials are inconsistent on whether medicinal) retain different constituents. In raw gar-
fish oil reduces restenosis rates following coronary lic, alliin (S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide), an odorless
angioplasty. Carnitine appears to have beneficial ef- compound, is sequestered from the enzyme aliinase.
fects on congestive heart failure and angina; there is When cell membranes are breached by crushing or
also preliminary evidence that arginine may benefit chopping, alliinase quickly converts alliin to allicin
patients with congestive heart failure or angina. (diallyl thiosulfinate), an odoriferous compound
Herbs and supplements have been associated with with the smell that characterizes garlic. Allicin is
adverse effects and interactions; for example, garlic thermally unstable and also breaks down quickly in
inhibits platelet aggregation and can cause signifi- water or oil into vinyldithiins and ajoene, so garlic
cant anticoagulation, and the Chinese herb danshen oil products contain only these degradation prod-
(Salvia miltiorrhiza) appears to potentiate war- ucts. Allicin (and aliin) is thought to be the most
farin. Several herbs and supplements hold promise beneficial compound in terms of cardiovascular risk
as adjuncts in the prevention and treatment of car- factors. Both are stable in dried garlic preparations,
diovascular disease. There is a need for definitive which should, therefore, be standardized to one of
research on the potential risks and benefits of these the two. Standardized garlic preparations are avail-
compounds, including appropriate dosages and for- able (usually standardized to 1.3% allicin). Howev-
mulations, and delineation of adverse events and er, the most inexpensive option is commercial garlic
interactions. (Prev Cardiol. 2000;3:2432) powder meant for cooking, which was found to be
2000 by CHF, Inc. superior in allicin content to nine commercially
marketed garlic tablets.2
From the George Washington University School of Medicine,
Department of Health Care Sciences, Washington, DC Hypercholesterolemia. Two metaanalyses of con-
Address for correspondence/reprint requests:
Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD, George Washington University
trolled trials of garlic for hypercholesterolemia
School of Medicine, Department of Health Care Sciences, have been done. One metaanalysis, published in
2150 Pennsylvania Avenue, #2B417, Washington DC 20037 1994, included 16 randomized controlled trials
Manuscript received August 19, 1999; with a total of 952 subjects.3 Twelve trials were
accepted November 30, 1999 double blind and 13 trials were placebo con-

trolled (two were treatment controlled and one and LDL was reduced 4.6% during garlic adminis-
compared a group that supplemented their diet tration vs. placebo administration.10 HDL levels
with raw garlic to a group instructed to avoid di- were not significantly affected. A study of 50 hy-
etary garlic). Eleven trials in this metaanalysis used percholesterolemic males that randomized subjects
dried garlic powder. Garlic preparations reduced to fish oil (4 capsules tid; each capsule contained
total cholesterol 12% (0.77 mmol/L or 29.7 180 mg eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] and 120 mg
mg/dL); the effect increased progressively over docosaheaenoic [DHA]), a standardized dried gar-
three months. There was no apparent difference lic preparation (300 mg tid), both, or placebo,
between a daily dose of 600 mg and a daily dose found a significant reduction in cholesterol and
of 900 mg dried garlic powder (equivalent to LDL only in the two groups that received garlic.11
1.82.7g or approximately 13 cloves fresh garlic). A placebo controlled study of 35 hypercholes-
Of the eight trials that measured serum triglyc- terolemic renal transplant patients found a mild bene-
erides, garlic reduced triglycerides 13% (0.31 fit of dried garlic tablets in a dose of 680 mg bid. Over
mmol/L or 12 mg/dL). High density lipoprotein six weeks TC decreased from 290 mg/dL to 276
(HDL) cholesterol levels were not significantly affect- mg/dL and LDL levels decreased from 193 mg/dL to
ed. A small metaanalysis of five controlled trials 181 mg/dL; benefits were maintained at 12 weeks.12
found that the equivalent of one-half to one clove of The mixed results of the effect of garlic on cho-
garlic daily lowered serum cholesterol about 9%.4 lesterol may be partially due to variations in prepa-
Clinical trials performed since the preceding rations. Although most positive trials have utilized
metaanalyses have been mixed, with negative trials dried garlic powder preparations, there are also
predominating. A randomized double blind several negative trials utilizing the same prepara-
crossover trial of 25 patients with moderate hyper- tions. It is possible that garlic benefits only some
cholesterolemia found that garlic (5 mg of volatile subsets of the population.
oil in -cyclodextrin matrix bid x 12 weeks) did
not affect total cholesterol (TC), low density Hypertension. Garlic may reduce blood pressure,
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, but the effect is mild and there is a relative dearth of
or markers of cholesterol synthesis.5 Although this data in hypertensive patients. A metaanalysis of
negative trial received much publicity, it is by no eight controlled trials (seven placebo controlled)
means definitive; in fact, the unusual preparation with a total of 415 subjects found the general quali-
(unique to the brand tested) makes it unwise to ex- ty of trials poor. All tested the same brand of dried
trapolate results to any other preparations. Allicin, garlic tablets. Only three of these trials were in hy-
a known active compound, is not stable in oil. Ad- pertensive patients. Results were mixed, with posi-
ditionally, the unusual matrix of this preparation tive trials showing only small reductions in blood
may have inhibited release of relevant compounds. pressure.13 A more recent trial, not included in the
Other negative studies include a randomized metaanalysis, of 41 normotensive hypercholes-
controlled trial of 115 hypercholesterolemic pa- terolemic men treated with aged garlic extract,
tients that found no significant difference between found a 5.5% reduction in systolic blood pressure.10
dried garlic tablets (300 mg tid) and placebo
on serum lipids, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, or Arterial Elasticity. A case control study found that
apolipoproteins A and B. 6 A randomized con- 101 healthy, nonsmoking adults aged 5080 with
trolled trial of 28 hypercholesterolemic patients a history of regular garlic intake ( 300 mg/day of
given dried garlic tablets (300 mg tid x 12 weeks) standardized garlic extract for 2 years) demon-
found no significant differences in lipids or strated more aortic elasticity (measured by pulse
lipoproteins either between groups or from base- wave velocity and pressure standardized elastic
line. 7 A small Australian crossover study also vascular resistance) than age and sex matched con-
found no effect of garlic on lipids.8 trols.14 Other cardiovascular risk factors did not
Garlic did not benefit hypercholesterolemic differ between the two groups.
children. A randomized, placebo controlled trial in
30 subjects aged 818 years found that a dried gar- Other Effects. Two studies found that alliums (which
lic powder preparation (300 mg tid x 8 weeks) did include onions as well as garlic) inhibit platelet aggre-
not cause any significant changes in TC, LDL, gation in human blood;15,16 another laboratory study
triglycerides, apolipoprotein B-100, lipoprotein(a), found that allicin had the same effect.17 Garlic also
fibrinogen, homocysteine, or blood pressure. The appears to have some antioxidant qualities, decreasing
only significant finding was a small effect (+10%) the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation.18
on apolipoprotein A-1.9
Recent trials that indicated a benefit for garlic Adverse Reactions. Garlic can cause significant an-
include a double blind crossover study of 41 mod- ticoagulation. Because it interferes with platelet ag-
erately hypercholesterolemic men (TC between 5.7 gregation, not the coagulation cascade, this effect
and 7.5 mmol/dL [220290 mg/dL]) treated with will not be picked up on prothrombin time/partial
7.2 g aged garlic extract; TC was reduced 6.1% thromboplastin time (PT/PTT). Bleeding may

occur, especially after surgery. The following case mg/kg or 5 mg/kg), compared to 88% of the animals
reports suggest this potential adverse effect. A 32 in the control group.25 In isolated rat myocardial
year old woman with a heavy dietary garlic intake cells, hawthorn extract increased both amplitude and
had significant bleeding intraoperatively and post- duration of cell contractions in a dose dependent
operatively associated with a prolonged clotting manner (30120 g/mL); at higher doses (90180
time. 19 A 72 year old man who regularly con- g/mL), the extract lengthened the refractory period
sumed garlic tablets experienced significant post- from 144 minutes to 420 minutes.25 Hawthorn was
operative bleeding following a transurethral tested in isolated normal and atherosclerotic seg-
resection of prostate (TURP); tests revealed ments taken from human coronary arteries of heart
platelet dysfunction. 20 A spontaneous spinal transplant patients and resulted in 14% relaxation in
epidural hematoma resulting in paraplegia in an 87 normal arterial segments and 8% relaxation in ather-
year old patient has been attributed to chronic osclerotic segments.25
heavy use of garlic. Platelet count was normal but
platelet dysfunction was demonstrated.21 Adverse Effects. Hawthorn appears to be quite
safe; only minor side effects (nausea, headache,
Hawthorn (Crataegus Species) palpitations) have been noted in clinical trials.
Hawthorn fruits have been used in jams, jellies, wines, There is a theoretical concern that hawthorn may
and confections, as well as medicinally. The active potentiate the effect of cardiac glycosides, but no
compounds in hawthorn are thought to be oligomeric cases of interactions have been reported.
procyanidins (also called leucoanthocyanadins or pyc-
nogenols) and flavonoids (including hyperoside, vitex- Amla (Emblica Officinalis)
inrhamnoside, rutin, and vitexin). Flowers and leaves Amla (also called Indian gooseberry), is an
contain far more of the major flavones than the fruit. Ayurvedic herb used to treat hypercholes-
While there is some evidence for a beneficial effect of terolemia. In an uncontrolled study, 50 g of raw
hawthorn on congestive heart failure (CHF), larger Amla was found to lower cholesterol in 35
clinical trials are indicated. men 26 (only some of whom were hypercholes-
terolemic). After a month, there was significant
Clinical Trials. A randomized placebo controlled reduction in TC and LDL levels.
trial of 78 patients with NYHA Class II heart failure
found that a commercial preparation of hawthorn Danshen (Salvia Miltiorrhiza)
leaves and flowers resulted in increased working ca- Danshen is a Chinese herb, the root of which is
pacity and decreased symptoms at one and two used to treat cardiovascular disease; it inhibits
months.22 In the group receiving hawthorn (200 mg platelet aggregation in vitro and in vivo and
tid), working capacity by bicycle ergometry increased demonstrates hypotensive, positive inotropic,
significantly from 79 W at baseline to 107 W two and negative chronotropic effects, as well as va-
months later (benefits were apparent at one month). sodilatory effects on coronary arteries.27
The placebo group increased from 71 W at baseline to Danshen appears to potentiate warfarin. Two case
76 W at two months. Systolic blood pressure (at maxi- reports of clotting abnormalities, including pro-
mal exercise) decreased from 171 mm Hg to 164 mm longed PT and activated partial thromboplastin time
Hg in the Crataegus group; there was no significant (APTT) in patients mixing danshen and warfarin
difference in diastolic pressure. have been reported: one in a 48 year old woman
A number of studies in the German literature maintained on a varying dose of warfarin for 15
have found improvement in cardiac function para- months (other medications included furosemide and
meters (cardiac output, exercise tolerance, blood digoxin) hospitalized for a chest infection,27 and an-
pressure, heart rate) with Crataegus prepara- other in a 66 year old man on warfarin28 admitted
tions. 23 One of these trials compared hawthorn for melena (subsequently diagnosed with gastric ade-
(LI132 Faros 300 mg tid) to captopril (12.5 mg nocarcinoma). The latter patient also had been using
tid) in 132 patients with Class II CHF. Improve- a Chinese medicated oil containing 15% methyl sali-
ment was measured by bicycle ergometry. At eight cylate (Kwan Loong Medicated Oil) topically. In
weeks the hawthorn group increased from 83 W rats, danshen appears to decrease the elimination of
to 97 W, while the group receiving captopril im- warfarin.29 It would be prudent to avoid the com-
proved from 83 W to 99 W. Hawthorn was asso- bined use of danshen with any anticoagulant.
ciated with fewer side effects than captopril.24
Aconite (Aconitum Species)
Animal and In Vitro Studies. In a rat model, Aconite tubers are used medicinally in tradition-
hawthorn reduced reperfusion induced ventricular al Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for various
fibrillation. In rats subjected to left coronary artery illnesses, including heart failure. No clinical tri-
ischemia for seven minutes, followed by reperfusion als were identified and the herb is included here
for 15 minutes, ventricular fibrillation occurred in because of its cardiovascular toxicity. Aconite is
<20% of animals receiving hawthorn extract (0.5 the most toxic herb in current medicinal use.

Aconite (also called chuanwu or caowu) con- DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS

tains aconitine and other C19 diterpenoid alkaloids. Coenzyme Q10
Although proper processing reduces the alkaloid Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) also called ubiquinone, is a
content to 10% of its original level,30 any amount naturally occurring fat soluble quinone found in high
can cause cardiac arrhythmias; severe poisoning has concentrations in mitochondria. It is an electron car-
been observed following ingestion of a preparation rier for the respiratory transport chain and appears
containing as little as 6 g of cured rootstocks.31 The to be important in membrane stabilization. In its re-
first symptoms of aconite poisoning appear within duced form, it is an antioxidant. A number of trials
90 minutes of ingesting the herb.31 The majority of indicate that it may have cardioprotective effects.
patients present with neurological symptoms, most
commonly oral numbness or burning, progressing Recent Myocardial Infarction. A placebo con-
to peripheral paraesthesias and generalized muscle trolled study in 144 patients after acute myocar-
weakness. Nausea and vomiting are also common. dial infarction tested the effect of 120 mg/day of
Cardiovascular effects include bradycardia, hy- CoQ10 for four weeks.33 The incidence of angina
potension, and a range of arrhythmias similar to was less in the treated group compared to the
that caused by cardiac glycoside toxicity. These may placebo group (9.5% vs. 28.1%). Total arrhyth-
include ventricular or supraventricular tachycardia, mias (9.5% vs. 25.3%) and total cardiac events,
sinus bradycardia with first degree heart block, bun- including nonfatal infarction and cardiac deaths,
dle branch block with junctional escape rhythm, or were also significantly reduced in the treated
torsade de pointes.31 Bidirectional tachycardia has group (15% vs. 30.9%).
also been reported.32 Other symptoms may include
chest pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hyperventila- Congestive Heart Failure. Six hundred forty one
tion, respiratory distress, dizziness, sweating, confu- patients with CHF (NYHA Class III or IV) were
sion, headache, and excessive lacrimation.31 randomized to CoQ10 (2 mg/kg) or placebo for one
In a case series of 17 Chinese patients (12 men year. Compared to placebo, fewer patients in the
and five women) with aconite toxicity, 15 patients treated group required hospitalization for worsen-
were hypotensive on admission (six with unrecord- ing CHF (73 vs. 118). Episodes of pulmonary
able blood pressure), two patients had ventricular edema (20 vs. 51) and cardiac asthma (97 vs. 198)
fibrillation, 13 had ventricular tachycardia (nine were also less.34 In 79 patients with chronic stable
sustained, nine polymorphic) and two patients had CHF, a double blind placebo controlled crossover
frequent polymorphic ventricular ectopics.31 Nine study compared CoQ10 (100 mg) or placebo, each
patients had an elevated serum creatine kinase for three months. Left ventricular ejection fraction
(without electrocardiographic evidence of acute did not increase significantly, but maximal exercise
myocardial infarction) and four had hypokalemia. capacity increased significantly (from 94 W during
Eleven patients required high dose inotropic sup- placebo to 100 W during CoQ10) and total quality
port, seven required cardiopulmonary resuscita- of life scores increased significantly during the
tion, and eight were mechanically ventilated. CoQ 10 phase. 35 However, a more recent trial
Repeated direct current cardioversions were un- found no effect of CoQ10 on left ventricular func-
successful in 10 patients. From one to nine antiar- tion in patients with CHF. In a double blind
rythmic drugs had been administered to 11 crossover trial in which 30 patients with ischemic
patients, without success (lignocaine was given to or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and chronic
all, amiodarone to five, and bretylium to three). left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction 26%)
Ventricular tachycardia was eventually suppressed were treated with placebo or CoQ10, each for three
in nine patients (five of whom received amio- months, CoQ10 did not significantly improve rest-
darone, two flecanainide, one procainamide, and ing left ventricular systolic function or quality of
one mexiletine). In this series, 15 patients were life indices.36
stabilized within 24 hours and recovered without
sequelae; two patients with refractory ventricular Tissue Reperfusion Injury. A preoperative course
fibrillation died within six hours of admission. of CoQ10 may have a beneficial effect in preventing
Patients with suspected aconite poisoning tissue reperfusion injury. Thirty patients undergo-
should be hospitalized in units with cardiac moni- ing elective vascular surgery requiring aortic cross
toring. Ventricular arrhythmias are most frequent clamping were randomized to CoQ10 150 mg/day
in the first 24 hours after injection. There is no or placebo for seven days preoperatively. Concen-
specific antidote for aconite poisoning. Atropine trations of malondialdehyde, conjugated dienes,
may be given if symptoms of cholinergic excess creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase were
are apparent. 31 Antiarrhythmic drugs may be significantly lower in the treated group. 37 Short
helpful in converting aconite induced arrhythmias, term supplementation, however, does not appear
but it is not clear that one agent is better than an- to help postoperative outcomes. A randomized,
other. Direct current cardioversion has been un- double blind trial compared placebo to 600 mg
succesful in reported cases. CoQ10, in divided doses, 12 hours before surgery,

in 20 patients with adequate left ventricular func- of 1862 men with a previous MI, there were no
tion undergoing elective coronary revasculariza- significant differences between groups in the
tion. There was no difference between the two number of major coronary events.44
groups in postoperative levels of myoglobin, crea-
tine kinase MB fraction, or cardiac troponin T.38 Angina. Vitamin E supplementation does not ap-
pear to benefit angina. In the ATBC Cancer Pre-
Adverse Events. Adverse effects of CoQ10 have been vention Study neither vitamin E (50 mg) nor
limited to occasional reports of gastrointestinal upset. -carotene (20 mg) had a beneficial effect on new
incidence of angina in 22,269 men considered
Vitamin E free of coronary heart disease at baseline.45 In a
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin found in veg- placebo controlled trial in 60 patients with coro-
etable oils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and egg nary spastic angina, vitamin E (-tocopherol
yolks. Vitamin E includes eight compounds in two acetate 300 mg/day) improved endothelium de-
classes, the tocopherols and tocotrienols, which pendent vasodilation significantly but the number
vary in their effects. Vitamin E appears to inhibit of anginal attacks did not differ significantly be-
LDL oxidation, proliferation of smooth muscle tween the groups.46 Another double blind, place-
cells, and platelet aggregation and adhesion. bo controlled crossover study, of vitamin E (1000
IU/day) in 20 asymptomatic subjects aged 4570
Coronary Heart Disease. While several observa- years with evidence of age related endothelial dys-
tional studies have linked vitamin E intake with function, found no significant effect of 10 weeks
reduced risk of coronary heart disease, there are of treatment with vitamin E on flow mediated en-
few prospective controlled trials in this area. The dothelium dependent dilatation, nor were there
best known epidemiological studies will be sum- significant changes in glyceryl trinitrate endotheli-
marized briefly. um independent dilatation.47
In the Health Professionals Follow Up Study,
which followed 39,910 male health professionals, Nitrate Tolerance. A double blind, placebo con-
4075 years old, dietary or supplemental vitamin trolled trial of the effect of vitamin E on the de-
E was associated with a protective effect. Men velopment of nitrate tolerance tested 48 subjects
who consumed >60 IU/day of vitamin E in their (24 normal volunteers and 24 patients with is-
diets had a risk of coronary heart disease 36% chemic heart disease).48 Forearm plethysmogra-
lower than men who consumed <7.5 IU/day. Men phy was used to assess vasodilator response to
who took vitamin E supplements containing at nitroglycerin; at the same time, blood was sam-
least 100 IU for >2 years had a 37% decreased pled to assess platelet cGMP levels. Compared to
risk of cardiovascular disease.39 placebo, the administration of vitamin E (200
In the Nurses Health Study, which included mg tid) significantly attenuated the development
87,245 women followed prospectively, vitamin E of nitrate tolerance.
supplements taken for >2 years were associated
with a 41% reduction in relative risk of major coro- Adverse Effects. Vitamin E appears to be relatively
nary disease.40 A study of 34,486 postmenopausal safe. Although there is concern about vitamin E
women found that vitamin E consumption was in- possibly increasing the risk of bleeding, a recent
versely related to the risk of death from coronary report found that vitamin E (all-rac-alpha toco-
heart disease,41 and in a study of 11,178 people, pherol in doses of 60, 200, or 800 IU for four
aged 67105 years, the use of vitamin E supplements months) did not increase bleeding time in 88
was associated with a 34% lower mortality rate, and healthy subjects >65 years old.49 Although the to-
a 47% reduction in cardiovascular mortality.42 copherols include -, -, gamma-, and delta-toco-
pherol, most vitamin E supplements sold contain
Secondary Prevention of Myocardial Infarction. only d- or d,l- tocopherol. It may actually be a
Controlled trials have yielded mixed results on disadvantage to take large doses of -tocopherol.
the benefits of vitamin E supplementation. In the Gamma-tocopherol (the principal form of dietary
Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study(CHAOS), vitamin E in the U.S. diet) appears to be very im-
2002 patients with coronary artery disease were portant in protecting against peroxynitrite induced
given vitamin E (400 or 800 IU -tocopherol) or lipid oxidation, and large doses of -tocopherol
placebo. Vitamin E reduced nonfatal myocardial displace gamma-tocopherol in plasma and tissues.50
infarction (MI) by 77% compared to placebo but
did not have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular Fish Oil
deaths or all cause mortality.43 The Alpha Toco- Dark meat fish (including salmon, mackerel, blue-
pherol Beta Carotene (ATBC) Cancer Prevention fish, swordfish, and sardines) are highest in
Study was a randomized controlled trial that test- omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna and cod liver oil are
ed vitamin E, -carotene, or both against placebo also good sources; other fish and shellfish contain
in 29,133 male Finnish smokers. Within a subset lesser but significant amounts. Fish oil contains the

omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which appear In a placebo controlled, double blind study, 500
to have antiarrhythmic, antithrombotic, and mild patients were randomized to omega-3 fatty acids 5.1
antihypertensive effects.51 g/day or placebo (corn oil) starting at least two
Of 10 prospective cohort studies, six have re- weeks prior to elective coronary angioplasty. 58
ported an inverse relationship between consump- Treatment was continued for six months, after
tion of fish and cardiovascular mortality.52 In the which quantitative coronary angiography was done.
Physicians Health Study, a prospective cohort study Restenosis was not reduced in the fish oil group
of 20,551 U.S. male physicians, dietary fish intake compared to the placebo group. One study found a
was associated with a reduced risk of sudden mild benefit. Of the patients with angiographically
death.51 However, very few prospective trials have documented coronary heart disease 220 received fish
examined the effects of fish oil supplements on car- oil or placebo (6 g daily for three months and then
diovascular risk factors or the course of coronary 3 g daily for 21 months).59 Angiograms were evalu-
heart disease. ated in 164 patients at two years. Of the 80 patients
who remained in the placebo group, 36 coronary
Hypercholesterolemia. A review of 36 crossover segments showed mild disease progression, five
studies and 20 parallel design studies of the effect showed moderate progression, and seven showed
of fish oils on lipids concluded that fish oils signifi- mild regression. In the 82 patients who remained in
cantly lower triacylglycerol concentrations, but the fish oil group, 35 showed mild progression, four
that while very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) showed moderate progression, 14 showed mild re-
concentrations decrease, LDL cholesterol increases gression, and two showed moderate regression.
slightly.53 HDL cholesterol is unaffected and there There was no difference in minimal lumen diameter,
is no net effect on total cholesterol. cardiovascular events, or other variables.

Hypertension. A metaanalysis of 31 placebo con- Secondary Prevention of Cardiac Events. A ran-

trolled trials in 1356 subjects examined the effect domized controlled trial compared placebo to fish
of fish oil on blood pressure.54 The mean reduc- oil (containing EPA 1.08 g/day) or mustard oil (a
tion in systolic blood pressure was 3.0 mm Hg source of -linolenic acid, 2.9 g/day) in 360 pa-
and the mean reduction in diastolic blood pres- tients with suspected MI.60 After one year, total
sure 1.5 mm Hg. Doses ranged from <3 g/day to cardiac events were less in both treatment groups:
15 g/day, and there appeared to be a dose re- 24.5% in the fish oil group and 28% in the mus-
sponse relationship in hypertensive patients. In tard oil group compared to 34.7% in the placebo
contrast, there was no effect on blood pressure in group.
normotensive subjects.
Adverse Events. Gastrointestinal side effects have
Restenosis After Coronary Angioplasty. Although been associated with fish oil. There is also one case of
a small metaanalysis of four trials concluded lipoid pneumonia in a 63 year old woman who took
that fish oil reduced restenosis rates after coro- cod liver oil capsules (the patient also smoked and
nary angioplasty, 55 more recent studies have had symptoms suggestive of esophageal reflux).61
not supported this and the evidence is consid-
ered mixed. In one randomized controlled trial, Arginine
59 patients with angiographically documented Arginine, a nonessential amino acid, is found in
coronary heart disease and normal lipid levels meats, sea food, eggs, dairy products, nuts, beans,
were randomized to placebo (olive oil) or fish whole grains, and gelatin. An intermediate in the
oil (6 g daily) for an average of 28 months. 56 urea cycle, it is also a precursor for nitric oxide and
Fish oil lowered triglycerides 30%, but had no creatine phosphate. Arginine may have beneficial
effect on plasma lipids. Minimal lumen diame- effects on arterial function but studies are limited.
ter decreased slightly and stenosis increased in A randomized, double blind, crossover study in 15
both groups. There was no significant differ- subjects with moderate to severe heart failure found
ence between groups. that oral L-arginine hydrochloride (5.612.6 g daily)
In a 2 x 2 factorial trial that tested fish oil with increased distance covered in the six minute walking
or without low molecular weight heparin, 814 pa- test from 390 feet to 422 feet, and lowered scores on
tients were randomized to fish oils (5.4 g omega-3 the Living with Heart Failure questionnaire from 55
fatty acids) or placebo a median of 6 days before to 42.62 In this survey, arginine also increased fore-
angioplasty and continued for 18 weeks.57 Of the arm blood flow during forearm exercise, improved
patients 653 were later randomized to low molec- arterial compliance, and reduced circulating levels of
ular weight heparin or control. Quantitative coro- endothelin. In a randomized, double blind crossover
nary angiography was performed at about 18 study in 27 hypercholesterolemic subjects, arginine (7
weeks. There were no significant differences be- g tid for four weeks) significantly improved endothe-
tween groups in terms of restenosis rates, mini- lium dependent dilation.63 Arterial diameter in the
mal lumen diameter, or ischemic events. brachial artery was assessed by -mode ultrasound

images; reactive hyperemia was used to assess en- for six weeks) in 46 patients with stable, exercise in-
dothelium dependent vasodilation, and sublingual duced angina, found that both treatments were bene-
glyceryl trinitrate was employed to assess endotheli- ficial in terms of decreasing ischemic effects, but that
um independent vasodilation. diltiazem was more effective than carnitine.68 Both
In another trial, 26 patients with recurrent chest treatments improved exercise duration and time to
pain, but without significant coronary artery disease ST depression. Diltiazem decreased rate pressure
on coronary angiography and intravascular ultra- product at rest and exercise, and increased time to
sound, were randomized to placebo or 3 g arginine onset of angina by 22%; L-propionylcarnitine did
tid for six months.64 Compared to placebo, coro- not affect either parameter. During the study, dilti-
nary blood flow in response to acetylcholine in- azem decreased anginal attacks by 57%, while L-
creased significantly in the treatment group; this propionylcarnitine decreased attacks by 70%.
was associated with decreased endothelin concen- Patients on diltiazem decreased nitroglycerin con-
trations as well as symptomatic improvement. sumption by 70%, while those on L-propionylcarni-
tine decreased nitroglycerin consumption by 57%.
Adverse Events. No significant adverse effects of A randomized, double blind crossover trial of 44
arginine have been reported. men with stable chronic angina found improvements
in exercise tolerance in those treated with carnitine
Carnitine (1 g bid) compared to placebo. Maximal exercise in-
Carnitine is a nonessential nutrient formed in the creased significantly and less ischemic depression was
liver and kidney from the amino acids lysine and me- seen during L-carnitine treatment than during placebo
thionine. A carrier molecule vital to lipid metabo- treatment. There were no differences in blood pres-
lism, carnitine is necessary for the transport of long sure, heart rate, or time to ST segment depression.69
chain fatty acids into mitochondria for -oxidation
and may be a promising adjunctive treatment for pa- Adverse Effects. L-carnitine is relatively safe. Side
tients with coronary artery disease. effects reported from trials of this substance in-
clude diarrhea and agitation. D-carnitine, howev-
Heart Failure. A placebo controlled trial in 50 pa- er, has been associated with muscle pain and
tients with left ventricular dysfunction (NYHA Class decreased physical performance.
II, ejection fraction <45%) found that the group re-
ceiving L-propionylcarnitine (500 mg tid for six CONCLUSION
months) showed improvements in left ventricular Several herbs and dietary supplements, including
shortening fraction, left ventricular ejection fraction, garlic, CoQ10, carnitine, and arginine, hold promise
stroke volume, cardiac index, and systemic vascular in the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and
resistance. No changes in hemodynamic function should be tested in large randomized primary and
were seen in the placebo group. Both groups im- secondary prevention trials. As herbs and dietary
proved in exercise time, but the increase in the carni- supplements are nonpatentable entities, pharmaceu-
tine group (1.4 minutes) was significantly more than tical companies cannot be expected to fund these
that of the placebo group (0.36 minutes).65 trials; public sector funding is needed in this area.

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