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Presence of Dhenukasura within us

Jueves, 27 de Octubre de 2011

11:27 a.m.

Presence Of Dhenukasura Within Us - By Radhanath Swami

mayi sarvani karmani
nirasir nirmamo bhutva
yudhyasva vigata-jvarah (BG 3.30)
Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me, with mind intent on Me, and without
for gain and free from egoism and lethargy, you must fight.
This verse, we are reading from this evening, is from the third chapter of the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita.
Arjuna, on the holy battle field of Kurukshetra, he so kindly, so mercifully representing everyone in
this material world before god. There is a Bengali saying that if the mother wants to teach the
daughter in law, she does so by teaching the daughter. Because the daughter in law feels very
strange in this new family surrounding so therefore the compassionate and intelligent mother do
not train __2:15_____ and correct the daughter in law, she will make her life miserable which is
usually the case but rather she will give instruction to daughter even though the daughter already
knows these things and daughter in law watches and sees this, the daughter in law learns. So Arjuna
is Krishnas eternal associate, he is the intimate confidential friend of Bhagavan Sri Krishna whereas
all of us, all the conditioned souls in this material cosmos, we are rebellious, we are fallen, in this
sense we are forgotten the relationship with Krishna. And therefore when we approach the word of
god, we are more or less like strangers before the lord. Therefore Arjuna is so kind that he is
representing every one of us in his condition of consciousness, in his questions and by Krishna
instructing Arjuna by hearing this discourse we receive all the information and inspiration to attain
the supreme perfection of life. So here Krishna is telling Arjuna (Maharaj is smiling) we free from
egoism and lethargy, another words he was saying Arjuna, your problem is, you are proud and you
are lazy spiritually ,materially he was not lazy . We know the story at the Ashram of Dronacharya, he
was the best student. Dronacharya was teaching all the one hundred Kurus plus the five Pandavas
and whatever Drona taught, Arjuna right after the lesson would practice and practice and practice
throughout the entire day and he would not sleep, he would price throughout the night. So by that
next day , he perfected whatever is talked the day before. So according top his occupation his
profession, he was not at all lazy .He was like the doctors, the engineers, the businessmen in this
world. Frantically willing to give all their life, eating, sleeping, all morality for sake it all just to
become perfect in their field, just to succeed. Krishna is telling Arjuna that you are lazy, give up your
lethargy. What is the laziness you are not willing to follow my comment and he also tells him you
have to give up your egoism, your pride that is the greatest enemy .I think we know , how does
Bhagavad-Gita begins ! Arjuna is explaining to Krishna what he thinks, really he explain Krishna what
he thinks , he knows. Krishna , I know what to do , I know you ,you are my friend , I am an intimate
associate therefore I tell you what the facts of life are , I am not going to fight ,why should I fight I
have so many philosophical, moral and social reasons, why I should not fight, and here they are.
Krishna listened as long as we think we know, god has nothing to say my friend, all your spiritual
progress is blocked if you think you know. Because one who knows, understands they are humbling
oneself before the lord and his servants. No advancements in spiritual could possibly takes place. It
is all in illusion.
So how much Arjuna was nicely representing specially the people of Bombay, I know everything, I
work hard and a good family man, has nothing else to be known, you should hear my opinion. I tell
you in sadhu no one is job ,because we are sadhu ,80 percent of the time we just hear everybody
elses opinion. How much percentage of the people come to ask and inquire what is right. Even if
they do after the question , they go on for one hour spending what is right. And really what they
want you to do is just, the impressed by their spiritual perspectives of life. But in reality they are
strict in themselves any spiritual qualification whatsoever.
pariprashnena sevaya the beginning of spiritual life is to inquire submissively, I do not know.
Queen Kunti has said janma aishwarya shruti shri bhir, ed man puma puman , what is that mean that
the greatest disqualification for spiritual advancement. Our good education would simply make you

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the greatest disqualification for spiritual advancement. Our good education would simply make you
proud that I know. Recently at Hoyer state University, we were speaking to one of the top professors
of authors of many books. And he came and when he speaking to me and he was speaking in english,
but I dont think a single word was not less than twenty six letters. This man had such vocabulary
that you may as well speaking hindi to me ( devotees are laughing ) , I know more hindi when I do he
was saying. He could have been speaking Zekoslavikia, Mongolian . And why he is in all big words , to
show everybody around that I am a very highly educated person. And what did he live with, all he
left with was decent pride he came with. So therefore Queen Kunti said high education if it makes
you think you know , it is the greatest disqualification. She also said being born in high family, is the
greatest disqualification. If we think that because of our birth, we have some inheritance to the
truth, that is the greatest illusion. I am a Brahman , I am born in famous this pious, famous family.
Krishna does not care anything for your piety , he does not care anything for your morality , he does
not care anything for your birth. He is only concern with one thing, your surrender your humility ,
your devotion.
Lord Kapila Dev said better that we born in family of swapacha dog eater untouchables and we are
humble devotee of the god that to be born in Brahman family with all the education and knowledge
of the Brahmans and not be a humble devotee.
And the third disqualification Queen Kunti describes to us is beauty. When we are young ,when we
are beautiful, we think who do we have to listen to .. a~ when I get old animal wrinkled and crinkled
then I will may be listen to this Bhagavad-Gita. But now I am young, I am beautiful, I am strong, let
me enjoy. He become fatuated by the bodily conception of life. But someone who is ugly if you tell
them you are not this body, they think oh there is some hope for me. So they are fortunate but
someone is very beautiful, he is being admired for the beauty if you tell them you are not this body ,
thats the greatest insult. What do you mean that I am not this body ,you are envious , you are
jealous because you dont have such a beautiful body.. ahhaa~
Krishna consciousness is for ugly people, they can make it the beautiful people like me aa~
everyone is very kind to me. This is the greatest impediment, high education beauty , high birth and
another great great impediment is too much wealth. Because too much wealth utterly intoxicates
the persons mind. I am the controller people when they have so when they are so much
accustomed to order to their servants around, ordering their employees around , even when they
come before their Guru, the tendency is to order him around.
When they are around the sadhus , the vaishnavas, they want to order them around . Krishna
consciousness means to be a servant of the servant of the servant, not to be the orderer of the
orderer of the orderer, the master of the master of the master that is the tendency of the wealthy
man . I have power, I have glory. Queen Kunti said this is the great impediment.
Arjuna had all these things, he was most highly educated , he was coming from the highest
parentage , he was the descendent of the Kuru, the king of all the world the most royal family in all
the creation, he had fabulous wealth, he was very beautiful. So Krishna was telling give up your
egoism , give up your spiritual lethargy , perform your spiritual activity as first priority of the life. Do
not think your occupation , your family responsibility anything else comes before here duty to god.
And what is the duty to God , Krishna explains in this verse surrender all your works unto me with
mind intent on me and without desire for gain. In a nutshell this verse gives everything we need to
know for perfect spiritual realization.
Surrendering all your works to me , nimama means nothing is mine, everything is the property of
god. One who works for the fruits of his action is described in BG , namam dushkrutino mudha that
means such a person is, what is the english translation of mudha (maharaj is asking to devotees )
one is saying a foll , one is saying an ass so to be diplomatic ,I will translate it as a foolish ass
( devotees laughs ) So why is an ass foolish, an ass is foolish because he works so hard .. so much
for the fruits of his action . He works so hard that he will get some little bit of food at end of the day
and all the long just meditating and getting that. What a waste of life so poor, what practically the
whole population everywhere in the world are simply nothing but the foolish asses , no offence but
the doctor diagnoses the disease is not offence, is out of concern, why , what are we working for ,
we are working for money , we are working for prestige , we are working for promotion, is all our
fruits of our action. karmanne va dhika raste , ma phaleshu kadachan what is it mean , do not be
attached to the fruits And then Krishna says do not be attached to not doing your duty and do not be
attached to the fruits. Everyone is working because they want the fruit , if you are not paid for what
you work ,so must do your duty and not be attached. What is that mean ! That means you must
offer the fruits of your action as an offering of surrender to god. Otherwise whatever you do will

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offer the fruits of your action as an offering of surrender to god. Otherwise whatever you do will
simply cause you bondage and frustration, however successful you are , success in this world is like
tightening a rope around our neck .The more successful we are , the more tied it becomes. For a
sadhu I will tell you how will look it thing , you want to know amongst ourselves we dont say this
usually to the Grahastha ashram because we dont want to offend you still I will offend you because
after all I am not supposed to be attached ( Mah. and devotees are laughing ) . As far as we are
concerned we see people working 9 to5 , 9 to 6 , 9 to 8, 9 to 12 sometime all day long just money
money money building their businesses , building their reputation, they are working so hard towards
as having a rope tighter on your neck a noose. And they just just hard they can they pulling it and
pulling it and pulling it and pulling it and pulling it and more they pull more they chocking
themselves. Thats how we look it people of this world. What is the use and they are thinking harder
I pull happier I become. Because after all the harder I pull more rope I can show people. See all the
rope I have now I have more I have more I have more ,but your neck is getting less and less and less.
So similarly more and more and more we accumulate in this consciousness the less and less and less
spiritual wealth we have. Its crazy, its the activity of the foolish ass. What this foolish ass mentality
is such so deeply embedded within our hearts that even after coming and hearing all of this things
still what is the hope that we can change our lives. It is only one hope. Krishna says surrendering all
your works unto me with mind intent on me. This is the only hope. We have to intently fix our mind
on Krishna.
When Krishna was living in Vrindavan, he was enjoying very nicely with his friends with Gopas the
Gopis .They were simply enjoying. He was playing upon his flute, dancing, playing. It is the abode of
love. But when this abode of love descended into the material world, Krishna allowed one after the
another so many asuras or the demons to come in. Why ? Justas Arjuna in the Gita is representing all
of us , each and every single one of these demons who came in the Vrindavan who representing
demons within our own hearts. Each one of them represented specific quality that are killing our
own spirituality killing our souls, they keeping us merged in forgetfulness of god.
So one of this demon happen to be a foolish ass quite proper. His name was Dhenukasura. Let us
discuss this beautiful lila for a few minutes, not simply for the sake of hearing the glories of the lord
which in itself is purifying to our heart. But also let us try to receive very very important lesson and
how to come closer to God. Dhenukasura was very powerful, he was very dear friend of Kamsa. In
the forest of Talvan, there were beautiful tall trees and on this tall trees very vary sweet ripped fruits
were growing. The best fruits in all Vraja dham and Kamsa, he wanted to enjoy those fruits for
himself so he sent Dhenukasura and he said you keep everyone out of this Talvan forest. You can
have as many fruits as you like and your friends and family members and all the rest you sent to me
in Mathura and do not let anyone else touch them. So Dhenukasura was very happy ,anyone to
Talvan. And He was fearsome , he was do powerful that even animal and the birds are evacuated
that forest out of fear of them and he would simply enjoy the fruits. They go on the trees and then
he sent the rest of the fruits to Kamsa.
Now Krishnas friends Subahu, Sridama, Stoka Krishna they approached lord Shyamsundar. And
Gopal these fruits in Talvan are very sweet, they are so sweet that even from here when the wind
blows it takes the fragrance into our nose and make us very much interested to eat them and enjoy
them. If we can go to the forest of Talvan together, we will be very happy eating the fruits. But there
is two fool ass ,not two there are many demons in the form of asses and they will not allow any one
but Krishna and Balarmji you are very very powerful and you are bhaktavatsal, you are always
interested in pleasing your devotees so please kill these demons so that all of these fruits we can
offer to you. We see the cowherd boys, they were not interested themselves in eating the fruits.
They wanted to simply offer to Krishna and Balaram. That was their great happiness. But they could
not offer them to Krishna and Balaram as long as Dhenukasura was there. This is our problem.
Krishna says all the fruits of your works should be offered to me. But because this demon, this ass
demon in our heart constantly wants to lustfully enjoy everything we come in contact but we can
not do it. So like the cowherd boys approached Krishna and Balarmji and beg them please remove
this demons from my heart so that I can offer everything to you for your pleasure and in your
pleasure I will enjoy the highest , that is yoga. So Krishna and Balaram , they will always respond to
the sincere call of their devotees similarly if we sincerely call out the holy name of the god.
( All the devotees loudly says )
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare ||
Krishna will enter into the forest of our heart into the Talvan of our heart. He will find all ass demon.
So Balaram and Krishna went into the garden and Balaramji, he started taking the trees and shaking

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So Balaram and Krishna went into the garden and Balaramji, he started taking the trees and shaking
them shaking them. They were shaking them with such force all the fruits were falling aaa~~
Sadhu is the representative of Krishna aa~ Balaram represent guru tatva. Balaramji is the original
guru. How is this. Because he the first expansion of Bhagvan Sri Krishna , therefore he is the first one
who assist Krishna in his lila. And what is the duty of guru , the eternal fortunate gurudev is to simply
assist Krishna in his mission. So Balaram is The guru of all guru. So Balaram wanted to go in forest
of Talvan and first thing he did is he started shaking the trees. So when guru comes into the Talvan
of our heart , the first thing he does start shaking everything .. aa~~ start shaking and I will start
falling. And when everything starts falling when gurudev starts shaking things then al the ass demons
becomes very angry , get this rascal out of here a~~ the mind says who is this rascal telling me
what to do , who is he chastising me , who is he ignoring me , who is he neglecting me, who is he
trying to get me surrendered when I am the enjoyer . What is this saying is thing is hurting my
feelings blaspheming my family attachments. He does not understand , he doesnt know, he is a
sanyasi , what could he possibly know about my life a ~~~ The ass demons are checking us with
always terrible misconceptions. So when Krishnas representative comes into our life, the first thing
he does, he shakes us and next as soon as he starts shaking all the ass demon start becoming very
angry. So when Dhenukasura heard of this fruits are falling to the ground, he was very upset, he
came charging at Balarmji. He charged with such force, he created an earth quake.
Our mind when we take to spiritual life , just listen to the holy name , just follow the order of guru
and Krishna , our mind just become like an earth quake. This is practical. And then Dhenukasura
came to Balaram and with behind legs he started kicking him and kicking him and kicking him and
kicking him with such force, any one of the kicks could have killed tem thousand elephants. And
Balaramji stood there quietly and when he stood there quietly, Dhenukasura became even more
angry and started kicking him with more force. And then Balarmji decided .. Hari bol .. and he with
one hand he took two hind legs of Dhenukasura and demon like this ( maharaj makes sound like
wishu shuow shuow shuow shuow shuow and then devotees laughs ) something like that ( again
devotees and Maharaj laughs ) And he was going and as he was rolling him around Dhenukasura , he
died , his soul left and then he went to the trees and the highest tree fell and all the other trees
started falling. He was dead. But then all the associates of Dhenukasura, they were very angry. They
started attacking by the thousands and Krishna and Balaram were just catching them all one at a
time ( Maharaj Makes sound like whish.. which whish.) They were all on the trees dead. That was
the very beautiful scene , all these colorful asses everywhere and cowherd boys , they were very
happy. They all started dancing into the forest to offer fruits to Krishna and enjoy with Krishna. He is
same Krishna , he never keeps anything for himself, there is always a competition between Krishna
and his devotees. The devotees are always wanting to offer everything that Krishna keep noting for
me and Krishna is always desire to give everything to devotees and keep nothing for himself.
So therefore to the degree we try to keep for our self to that degree we are poverty stricken. And to
the degree we give to Krishna everything to that degree we really wealthy. internal wealth Lord
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu explain , the more we give to Krishna , the more he give us to give. The more
we hold back, the more he hold back.
So after all of these demon would dead , the demigods started showering flowers. And the boys all
went into the forest and with Krishna they were simply enjoying nice things.
So this propensity that we in our heart to be the enjoyer, to think that I am the proprietor, I am the
controller. This is nothing less than the demon Dhenukasura living within the forest of your heart.
And because of his presence. Krishna is not there but when we sincerely call upon Krishna through
Balaram , through gurudev, when we sincerely call through the association of good sadhus, we call
for Krishna. When we hear from the sadhus, when we are willing to render service to the sadhus
then they start shaking things up in our heart. Dont be annoyed when that happens, its good. It is
required. And when it happens haa~~ all the demons that are hiding , they all starts coming out.
We see an enemy when he is concealed, is very dangerous. First you have to do to kill an enemy, is
you have get him to show the self. SO the sadhus words, they creates such a situation in our heart
that all the demons within starts coming out, hearing threaten by those words. And then, by the
power and grace of Krishna, all of these demons are killed. And that power and grace is coming
through his holy name. This is the supreme message of the shastra , this is the supreme message of
all the great Acharyas. That by keeping our mind intent on Krishna. I chanted his names, all of the
demons, all of the foolish ass like propensities within us are vanquished. So therefore these are the
prime necessities of our life, associating a saintly person enquire submissively from them as Arjuna
enquired submissively from Krishna, giving up his egoism and giving up our lethargy and being

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enquired submissively from Krishna, giving up his egoism and giving up our lethargy and being
willing to follow what they say.
Krishna says in Gita, Tatvidhi Pranipatena pariprashnena sevaya, if you want to know the truth, you
approach sadhu, enquire submissively and render service. And he says give up egoism and lethargy.
The same idea as long as there is egoism, we can not enquire submissively. We think we know, we
may many years. And even after enquire submissively, unless we put those instructions into our life
by service, we fall pray to lethargy laziness. Here in India often times they go to so many Pravchans ,
so many saptahas but their life remains the same due to laziness. We are willing to work so hard for
the futile , temporary illusions of this world. But when it comes to grasping the real purpose of life ,
we do not have time. If after all my family maintenance, my social obligations, all my watching
television, all my social functions ,all my parties , all my business, after all those things if I have any
time left I will go to the temple and I will chant the names of god, may be I will do some puja. This
called laziness. An intelligent person must make a wow to chant the holy names as certain amount
everyday, make a wow to associate with saintly persons regularly, make wow to do the proper puja,
go to holy places and our family, our society, our business, everything else should be organized
around that. If you do vice versa, you are cheating yourself and you are cheating your family
members and cheating the world and most of all you are cheating god. Putting Krishna first is human
life, that is the prime duty, we should not be lazy in this regard. Krishna is chastising Arjuna but really
he is chastising us through Arjuna.
So therefore let us invite Krishna into our lives, let us in the mood of the gopas ,the cowherd boys,
beg Sri Krishna please come into the forest of my heart, please kill these demons of lust, envy, anger,
pride. And through your holy name all this can conquered. So therefore Harer naam, Harer naam,
Harer naam ev kevalam, Kalau nast ev nast ev nast ev gatir anyatha. There is no more sublime
method and all the world purifying our hearts and bringing it back towards transparent blissful state
and chanting the holy names.
( All the devotees loudly says )
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare ||
Because the name of god is empowered with all the potencies and all the glories of the lord.
Nam namakari naja sarva shaktis, tatrarpita niyamita smaranena kalaha
Etadrashi tava kripa bhagawan mamapi, durdaiva mihdhrisham nanuragah ||
All the opulence, power and glory of god is within his name. The name of god is all attractive as
Krishna is all attractive like magnet that attracts our hearts. Simply we must attentively learn to
chant his holy name and lives will be perfect. But without following the direction of the saintly
person and associating with highly saintly persons in our life, the real understanding of how to chant
the name of god can not takes place. So whether we are guest visiting for the same time for the first
time to this discussion this evening or whether we devotees who have name aspiring for 10 15 20
years, we are all in the same position that the holy is the only our refuge in hum. And the humble
service of the sadhus is the only means of properly approaching the name. So with this in mind let us
practically apply which Krishna is explaining to us in our life. Without practical application, all
theoretical knowledge is no value.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare ||
Whether one is man, woman or child anyone can call upon the holy name. So let us take this
instruction to heart and thus takes to real sweet fruit of love of god. Let us caste aside all these
bitter fruits of material attachment and when we do that and attentively think of Krishna through his
name, the ultimate sweetest of all fruits, the fruit of prema bhakti, we can enjoy eternally. And we
can distribute the sweetness of that fruit to all of those who are near and dear to us and that is love
and that is true love. Thank you very much Hare Krishna

Q. When are in Grahastha Ashram and we are working what is the method by which we can work
but we
may not enjoy the fruit of labour and the, we can make a spiritual progress. Because nearly saying
that we
should enjoy the fruit of the labour then nobody will be interested to work.
Mah. Answered : Then you will become like me ( Mah. And dev. Laughs ). So that is not good.
Krishna is telling Arjuna to work. Krishna tells Arjuna in the 6th chapter of Gita that a sanyasi is not
one who does no work , lights no fire but one who works in the spirit of devotion. Because the real
pleasure, the real peace , the real joy of the heart can only be found in that devotion. No amount of

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pleasure, the real peace , the real joy of the heart can only be found in that devotion. No amount of
material acquirements, acquisitions will bring one peace. In fact Krishna says in Gita that our
material desires are like a fire and more you feed the fire the larger and hungry it becomes. So
therefore with proper intelligence we must know that real enjoyment, real pleasure is in finding
peace of mind and love of god within our own heart. And to the degree we offer our love in the form
of whatever we have , whatever we are, whatever we can do to Krishna to that same degree we will
enjoy the sweet fruit of love of god. That should be our motivation . Our motivation should be that if
water the root of the tree, the whole tree is nourished. If we satisfy Krishna, we please Krishna , our
life will be perfect full of bliss and full of knowledge. Sat-chit-ananda but if we do not water the root,
if we do not satisfy Krishna we will see everything more important than the difference is the
similarities. ( mah. Smiling) We both surrendered everything for the pleasure of their beloved lord.
They both fearlessly accepted impossible conditions in child like thing Krishna. They all left home and
she had no one to protect her. She simply want to the jungles to go to Vrindavan. But she had
complete faith that if I remember Krishna with love he will protect me. When she was given poison,
she had complete faith that by offering to Krishna it will be Prasad. And it will be for my benefit, it
will be for my purification. Let him do what he wants but I will take his Prasad. Because of her faith
and because of her dependence on Krishna and Krishna only. She was able to do what is impossible.
And Shabri , she was living in a cave showering alone very difficult situation performing tremendous
tapasya. But she knew Ram will come, she had that faith. They both had complete faith that Krishna
will come that Ram will come. And therefore there was no impediment , there was no danger that
even in the slightest wave disturb their mind. They were both exhibiting the nature of true devotee.
By hearing in the association of saintly person, his faith awakens in heart. And with that faith there is
no obstacle, there is no danger in this world that can disturb our minds. What is that faith that if I
simply remember Krishna , if I simply follow his direction and chant his names then he will always be
there to protect me ,to guide me to grant his loving service. So that us the example that we all strive
to follow today if we are sincere.
And the results, the end of both of their lives, Shabri in the presence of Laxman and Ram, she made
a sacrificial fire and with the holy name of Ram on her lips and the beautiful darshan of Ram in her
minds heart. She entered into that fire and as her body was burning she resumed her spiritual
original body and ascended to vaikuntha. This is explained in Valmikis Ramayana. And Meera at the
end of her leela into his world, she went to Dwaraka and with name of Sri Krishna on her lips and the
beautiful darshan of Dwarakadhish in her heart she entered into the beautiful form of sri
Dwarakadhish. Which means attainment of his eternal abode.
(Mahaprabhu Prabhu explains above stanza into Hindi )
The same way that Arjuna fought with the Kurus. He fought with his bows and arrows and he killed
them all ( mah smiles.) So I dont want to create a wrong impression but this is true, Arjuna was
told to kill those opposing god with his arrows and his mighty Gandiva bow. But that same Krishna
appeared in the age of Kali as Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu and is given his another type of arrow. It is
the astra of Harinam.More powerful than sudarshan chakra of Krishna, more powerful than the
arrows of Ram, more powerful than the Gandiva bow is the holy name. And holy name of lord can
kill demoniac atheistic propensities in the heart of others. So by purifying our own lives by the
chanting of holy names and assisting those great souls who are distributing the glories of the holy
name to the world, that is best way we can defeat, conquer the demoniac propensities in human
society. (Mahaprabhu Prabhu explains above stanza into Hindi )
Q. PAMHO as a house wife doing mundane duties like cooking, bringing up children, doing house
work not the being to go out much to sit with sadhus or we able to keep time separately for Krishna ,
how can I ever offer all the fruits of labor to Krishna ?
Mah answered : Gopis were also housewives with children but they manage time with Krishna ( Mah
smiles ) So that is way , some how or other you must understand the necessity of Krishna
consciousness. If a husband does not want wife to become Krishna conscious, he is not husband at
all, he is an enemy. This is not my opinion , this is gods opinion whether popular or not amongst
man it is the true. The duty of the husband is to help a wife to become Krishna conscious that is his
duty to god. Also social obligations are insignificant compare to that. If a husband is stopping a wife ,
the spiritual progress is her enemy. According to shastra she has every right to go to be with Krishna.
I am saying this so that your husbands wake up and stop cheating those who so called love and in
the name of love you kill them spiritually. Its demoniac even in the name of morality and piety, its
demoniac. Morality and piety is demoniac if it is not connected to devotion to god. Its not popular
but its true. Better you know it now then you hear through Yamaraj. What do you think !!! If you do

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but its true. Better you know it now then you hear through Yamaraj. What do you think !!! If you do
not listen now , you can have to be hear from Yamaduta tell you at the end of their life. According to
the Rishabh Dev, you have no right to be a parent or a husband or a teacher or a guru unless you can
told people your dependence to way to love god. Of course some of the Gopis left , they just
abended all these relatives and went to the Vamsivat tree to dance with Krishna so you can do like
that but some of the Gopis they were trapped , they could not go home. So in that condition
internally they embraced Krishnas lotus feet into core of their heart. Whatever you cook, you offer
to Krishna. You raise your children in such a way knowing that they are Krishnas children and I must
raise them according to his desire. Give them food but give them Prasad. Give them entertainment
but make the entertainment connected to god. Tell them stories, educate them, make Krishna as the
center. Give them your love that really that is real love is giving Krishnas love , your love is not very
important but Krishnas love is all important. When we love Krishna, Krishnas love flows through us.
Then even at home we can always be a associate of the sadhus instructions and you always be think
of loving service of Krishna without impediment. (Mahaprabhu Pr explains above question and its
answer in Hindi )
We want husbands to properly care for wives . and precise ( mah. smiles ) But it is also the duty of
a wife to assist her husband in becoming Krishna conscious. That the family that prays together stays
together , dances together advances together. So now let us the prayer of this age is the
( All the devotees loudly says )
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare ||
And since we are all aham prajapita the Krishnas children. Let us advance together, let us stay

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