Exercise 1 and 2 (Conjunction)

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Exercise 1

Choose the correct conjunction from the given answers below.

since so so that where or

although but when and until

1. I need to work hard ________ I can pass the exam.

2. ____________he was the best candidate, he didn't win the elections.
3. ___________you come back from your trip, we'll meet to discuss the

4. They said that the movie was fantastic, ____________ I watched it.
5. I refuse to pay anything ______ you do the work properly.
6. I don't know __________ I can buy a pair of jeans.
7. She went to the shops ___________ couldn't find anything that could fit

her needs.
8. Everybody likes him because he is nice ___________ helpful.
9. _____________he was angry with her, he didn't utter a word.
10. Keep quiet __________ go out.

Exercise 2

Construct a sentence for each of the following conjunction below.

1. Unless
2. Though
3. Despite
4. Later
5. Neithernor
6. Since
7. Until
8. Moreover
9. Besides
10. Therefore

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