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The Marshmallow Delayed Gratification Experiment

Psychology experiments instructions: as you watch the video fill makes notes on the questions
below. Write or discuss as directed by your teacher.

What new knowledge about human behaviour was generated?

What methodology did the experiments use?

What problems or issues about the experiment have been raised? (eg. methodology, interpretation
of results, ethics,). In other words, offer some suggestions how this experiment could be misleading
or be wrong?

Suggest 2-3 WOKs or AOKs might have been used in the process of thinking of the hypothesis,
planning the methodology, conducting the experiment, interpreting the resources, and the impact
on the person who reads the findings? How were the WOKs or AOKs referenced?

Explain how did the situation the participants were in could affect their behaviour?

What application does this have to our real lives in the everyday world?

How could the knowledge generated in this experiment be made more reliable?

What might be a good knowledge question extracted from this real-life situation?

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