A. Multiple Choice

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Multiple choice

1. The following are functions of excretory system, except .

A. to control the amount of salt in the body
B. to control the chemical substances in the body liquid
C. to dispose the waste substances produced by metabolism
D. to dispose the unused substances from the digestive system

2. The following are functions of kidney, except .

A. maintaining a balance of acids and bases
B. storing excess fat
C. filtering the blood to produce urine
D. disposing the excessive substances in the body (blood sugar)

3. CO2 and H2O vapor are disposed through the ..

A. skin C. liver
B. lungs D. kidney

4. The skin acts as an excretory organ because it has .

A. sweat glands that produce only water
B. sweat glands that produce only water and salt
C. sweat glands that produce only water and urea
D. sweat glands that produce only water, salt, and urea

5. All statements below are about ways to avoid kidney stones, except .
A. drinking much water
B. making use of a genetic factor
C. consuming vegetables and fruits
D. avoiding from the urinary tubule infection

6. Process of disposing the waste substances produced by metabolism is called ....

A. defekasi C. secretion
B. excretion D. osmoregulasi

7. The correct process of formation until the release of urine in nephron is ....
A. glomerulus collecting duct henle distal proximal
B. proximal glomerulus henle distal collecting duct
C. glomerulus proximal henle distal collecting duct
D. distal proximal henle glomerulus collecting duct

8. Below is a disease with characteristics discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes into
yellow. It is .
A. pleuritis C. bronchtis
B. hepatitis D. tuberculosis

9. The kidney disease that caused by the high concentration of glucose is called .
A. hepatitis C. diabetes of melitus
B. nephritis D. diabetes of insipidus

10. Below are the parts of skin.

1) Sweat gland
2) fatty layer
3) Oil gland
4) Dead layer
5) Tips of nerves
Parts of skin that exist in the dermis layer are .
A. 1, 2, and 3 C. 2, 3, and 5
B. 1, 3, and 5 D. 3, 4, and 5
11. Part of kidney has the function as a blood filtering is .
A. pelvis C. nephron
B. medulla D. ureter

12. One of sign that somebody suffers (menderita) the kidney failure is in his/her urine
contained substance .
A. urea C. glucose
B. ammonia D. hemoglobin

13. The bile found in the liver came from ....

A. the white blood cells are broken
B. the red blood cells are broken
C. the toxic (racun) substances are accumulated
D. the waste producted by demolition (perombakan) protein

14. The skin functions as excretory because it has .

A. hairs C. sweat glands
B. bond gland D. tips of nerves

15. If in urine of somebody has blood sugar greater than normal, it means he/she is suffering ....
A. nefritis C. diabetes melitus
B. kidney stone D. diabetes insipidus

16. If the amount of urine in kidney increase of 20-30 times, this is caused by deficiency of .

17. The primary urine is formed in .

A. glomerulus C. distal convoluted tubule
B. henle loop D. proximal convoluted tubule

18. The following are function of liver in excretory system, except .

A. converting the red blood cells are damaged into bile
B. converting provitamin A into vitamin A
C. converting the type of certain protein
D. storing glycogen (muscle sugar)

19. The following are functions of skin, except .

A. disposing sweat
B. storing excess fat
C. balancing acid and base
D. making vitamin D from provitamin D

20. Look at the figure of kidney below!



Names on number of 2, 1, and 4 are .... respectively.

A. cortex, pelvis, and artery and vein
B. medulla, cortex, and ureter
C. pelvis, ureter, and medulla
D. ureter, pelvis, and medulla
21. Look at the figure of nephron below!


Names on number of 1, 3, and 4 are .... respectively.

A. henle loop, proximal, conducting duct
B. distal, conducting duct, and glomerulus
C. conducting duct, proximal, and glomerulus
D. henle loop, conducting duct, and glomerulus

22. Look at the figure of skin below!


Names on number of 1, 2, 3, and 4 are .... respectively.

A. oil gland, nerve, blood capiller, and sweat gland
B. oil gland, nerve, sweat gland , and blood capiller
C. blood capiller, oil gland, nerve, and sweat gland
D. nerve, oil gland, blood capiller, and sweat gland

23. Look at the figure of urinary tools below!

Names on number of 1, 2, 3, and 4 are .... respectively.

A. kidney, urethra, ureter, and urinary bladder
B. kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra
C. kidney, ureter, urethra, and urinary bladder
D. kidney, urethra, ureter, and urinary bladder
24. Look at the figure of liver below!


Part of liver which functions to neutralize toxin is .

A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

25. The following are diseases of lungs, except .

A. asthma C. acne
B. cancer D. emphysema

1. D
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. C
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. B
24. C
25. C

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