Inventory For 21st Century Readiness

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Inventory for 21st Century readiness: Are You a 21st Century Teacher?

1. You require your students to use a

variety of sources for their research
projects...and they cite blogs, podcasts,
and interviews they've conducted via

2. Your students work on collaborative

projects for their assignment ... with
students in other IPGK.

3. You give weekly class updates to

superior...via your blog.

4. Your students participate in class

discussions, questions and
comments ... by tweeting/fb/edmodo/
5. You ask your students to study and
create reports on a controversial
topic...and you grade their video
submissions via youtube/teachertube
comments and likes.

6. You prepare substitutes (replacement

class activities) with detailed
7. You ask your students to do a
environmental issues study...and they
create animated presentation for the
8. You share/adopt/adapt lesson plans
with your teacher friends ... from around
the globe via
9. Your classroom budget is tight...but it
doesn't matter because you can use so
many free resources on the web you
can use.
10. You realize the importance of
professional development...and you
read blogs, join online communities,
and tweet/google for self-development.

11. You take your students on a field trip

to the rain forest ...and never leave
your classroom.

12. Your students share stories of their

project assignment progress ...

through an online photo repository.

13. You visit the NASA Space Station

with your students...and don't spend
a dime.

14. You teach your students not to be

bullies...or cyberbullies.

15. You make your students turn in their

cell phones before class
starts...because you plan on using
them in class.
16. You require your students to
summarize a recent chapter...and
submit it to you via a text message.

17. You showcase your students'

original the world.

18. You have your morning

coffee...while checking your RSS
19. You subscribe to a number of online
journals to get fresh ideas for your
lecture activities.

20. You will share this page, tweet or

blog about it, "like" it, or email it to
someone else...

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