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Jenna Piscitella

Research Paper

Bottled Water VS. Tap Water

Table of Contents
1. Position
2. History of the Problem
A. How it developed
B. How it was discovered
C. What other parties have done to help solve this problem
D. What are relevant laws or treaties
5. Causes of the problem
6. Consequences of the problem
A. Present
B. Future (5,10,25,50 years in the future)
7. Proposed solution(s) to the problem
A. Action Steps
8. The position of those who oppose you
A. Rebuttal to opposing position
9. Tables, Charts, Graphs, Pictures, Diagrams, and Maps
10. Works Cited Page
The position of this problem is, bottle water is a multibillion dollar industry, and in my opinion

it is a waste. Just because most water bottles are recyclable doesn't mean it's not still harming the

environment. Where is it really going is the question. It's not like poof and it disappears. We

would like to think that's what happens, but in reality that's not what happens. I think bottled

water is in a rather interestion position. People think it's just easier to have bottles of water. Sure

it can come in handy at times, but it's not worth it. Do you really want to be drinking or possibly

taking in harmful chemicals or know that the water you are drinking isn't 100% clean. No, i

wouldn't either. I would suggest buying a water bottle and filling it up with your tap water right

at home. How easy is that? You know it's cleaner and it even tastes better! So why waste your

money? Dont give these companies and industries your money.

The history of this problem, the earliest water company was found in the 19th century. In 1845,

the Ricker family of Maine bottled and sold water from a unidentified source. This slowly

became very popular and grew quickly. Im sure everyone thought this was great, but now is it?

This is where it all began. It developed quite rapidly I would say. Im sure back then, tap water

wasn't as crazy. Im not even sure if it is now. I would say over the last couple of years is when

the whole bottled water and tap water became a problem or the latest thing to worry about.

Especially now with PFOA being in water.

It was discovered that bottled water isn't as clean as we thought in, 2014 or so. It was all over the

news and everything. It really made you take a double take at whether we should be drinking it,
or even giving it to our kids. Maybe not even necessarily is it the water, but the bottle that it is in

that could be causing all the problems and possible chemicals. I mean, do we know how that

plastic water bottle was made?. Exactly, no we dont. Only that places that manufacture them

know how they are produced/made.

Im not exactly sure if other parties have done or considered doing anything about this problem.

The only thing i know of is that scientists and people on the news have been warning us about

any water problems or safety/health related.

Laws and treaties may be, that bottled water needs to be tested at least once a year. (And in my

opinion I dont believe thats enough. It should be tested more often. Anything could change with

the water within a year.) Also, bacteria must not be present in the water. (But E-Coli is in most

bottled water.) Bottled water must contain to be marketed under a certain name in interstate

commerce. The FDA also has certain standards and expectations that the water must reach, or

else it must not be sold or purchased in the stores for customers to buy. Im sure there are many

more laws and regulations to bottled water. But I can tell you already, just by knowing this.

Bottled water has some nasty secrets behind it.

Causes of this problem would be, we dont officially know where this water is coming from. Its

not like the bottle has in fine print exactly where it came from and how fresh it is. Us Americans

are using about 50 million bottles of water a day. Do you have any idea how much waste we are

producing? Does anyone seem to care? This may seem like a small problem, but it has a lot of

consequences at the end of the day. Such as pollution and harming the environment. Even

hurting our wild animals. Is this really what we want? Do citizens know this?. No, because they

are too busy getting sucked into the industries wasting their money. Lastly, we are wasting so

much energy just by producing this product. The energy we waste using bottled water would be
enough to power 190,000 homes. Isnt that sickening to hear? That is so many homes and just to

make a single (or more) water bottles. This really makes me sick and I worry about our industry

and what we are doing. We could honestly be using that time, money and energy and putting it to

better use than this. Really America?. Look at what youre doing here.

This is all present consequences that are occurring in our everyday lives.Even now we have

systems and ways to have the best and pure water. There is technology called Brita and what

that is; is, which use silver-impregnated activated carbon and ion-exchange resin disposable

filters as their primary filtering mechanism. Basically it filters and cleans the tap water even

more. It just hooks up to the sink faucet and that's it. In the future, I wouldn't even want to know

what would happen. I would hope that its gets better, and that we find a solution. But for now,

we will have to just hope for the best and see what happens. Who knows, maybe with all the

technology that we have, we will be able to produce some type of non-harmful and non-chemical

way to have bottled water. Or we could just get rid of the whole thing and request that everyone

uses tap water.

Proposed solutions to this problem are in a way unknown. We obviously have been going

through this and have been trying to take action steps. But nothing really new yet. Possibly by

using Brita filters, or buying one of those machine type things and replacing/buying the jugs

could be another way to go, if youre uneasy about tap water. (Although I dont know why you

would be after knowing all these terrible things about bottled water.

The only people that I know that would oppose this is obviously the industries and companies.

They still want your money no matter what, and they will do whatever they can to make sure that

it stays that way. Because if we stopped purchasing the bottled water that they put out there, they
would lose their jobs, lose money and just about everything would crash. But it is our job to take

pride in our tap water. And thats something they cant take away from us.

Lastly, I think you should know some facts about tap water. This isnt just about tap water. Tap

water is safer than you think. Yeah it might come out of a faucet, but that doesn't mean anything.

In New York, fluorite is in our tap water, which is really good for your teeth. Who knew?. Tap

water also doesnt necessarily come from underground. We can also get our tap water from a

surface water source. How cool! Tap water also doesnt take money out of your pocket, unlike

bottled water.

Just overall, be smart the next time youre thinking of purchasing bottled water. If you have tap

water, use it to your advantage.

Works Cited
- January 05, 2016 Andrew Postman. "The Truth About Tap." NRDC. N.p., 15 Dec.

2016. Web. 11 May 2017.

- Food & Water Watch. N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 11 May 2017.

- Wpadmin. "Bottled Water Pros and Cons." HRFnd. N.p., 03 Apr. 2015. Web. 11 May


- Different Types Of Bottled Water Explained. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2017.

- "Water benefits health and water filter reviews." Water Benefits Health. N.p., n.d. Web.

11 May 2017.

- Fox, Catherine Clarke. "Water Bottle Pollution -- National Geographic Kids." National

Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2017.

- "Home." Save The Water. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2017.

- Amy LivingstonAmy Livingston is a freelance writer who can actually answer yes to the

question, "And from that you make a living?" She has written about personal finance

and shopping strategies for a variety of publications, including ConsumerSearch.com,

ShopSmart.com, and the Dollar Stretcher newsletter. She also maintains a personal

blog, Ecofrugal Living, on ways to save money and live green at the same time.

"Topics." Money Crashers. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2017.

- "Bottled Water." International Bottled Water Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2017.

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