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(United States v. Bustos, G.R. No.

L-12592, any subject matter in which the party

March 08, 1918) communicating has an interest or in reference to
which he has a duty, is privileged, if made to a
FIRST DIVISION person having a corresponding interest or duty,
[G.R. No. L-12592. March 8, 1918.] although it contain criminatory matter which
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. without this privilege would be slanderous and
FELIPE BUSTOS ET AL., defendants-appellants. actionable." (Harrison vs. Rush, 5 E. & B. 344; 1
Kincaid & Perkins for appellants. Jur. [N. S.], 846; 25 L. J. Q. B., 25; 3 W. R., 474; 85
Acting Attorney-General Paredes, for appellee. E. C. L., 344.)
9. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; Even when the
SYLLABUS statements are found to be false, if there is
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; FREEDOM OF probable cause for belief in their truthfulness and
SPEECH AND PRESS; ASSEMBLY AND the charge is made in good faith, the mantle of
PETITION; HISTORY. Freedom of speech as privilege may still cover the mistake of the
cherished in democratic countries was unknown individual. Personal injury is not necessary. The
in the Philippine Islands before 1900. It was privilege is not defeated by the mere fact that the
among the reforms sine quibus non insisted upon communication is made in intemperate terms.
by the Filipino People. The Malolos Constitution, Finally, if a party applies to the wrong person
the work of the Revolutionary Congress, in its bill through some natural and honest mistake as to
of rights, zealously guarded these basic rights. A the respective functions of various officials, such
reform so sacred to the people of these Islands an unintentional error would not take the case out
and won at so dear a cost should now be of the privilege.
protected and carried forward. 10. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; MALICE. In the usual
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. The Constitution of the libel case, malice can be presumed from
United States and the State constitutions defamatory words. Privilege destroys that
guarantee the right of freedom of speech and presumption. the onus of proving malice then lies
press and the right of assembly and petition. on the plaintiff.
Beginning with the President's Instructions to the 11. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. A privileged
Commission of April 7, 1900, these gruaranties communication should not be subjected to
were made effective in the Philippines. They are microscopic examination to discover grounds of
now part and parcel of the Organic Law of the malice or falsity. Such excessive scrutiny will
Constitution of the Philippines Islands. defeat the protection which the law throws over
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION. privileged communications.
These paragraphs in the Philippine Bill of 12. ID.; ID.; ID. Previous decisions of this
Rights carry with them all the applicable English court concerning libel reviewed and
and American jurisprudence. distinguished.
4. ID.; ID.; GENERAL PRINCIPLES. The 13. ID.; ID.; ID. A petition, prepared and
interests of society and the maintenance of good signed at an assembly of numerous citizens
government demand a full discussion public including affidavits by five individuals, charging a
affairs. Complete liberty to comment on the justice of the peace with malfeasance in office
conduct of public men is necessary for free and asking for his removal, was presented
speech. "The people are not obliged to speak of through lawyers to the Executive Secretary. The
the conduct of their officials in whispers or with Executive Secretary referred the papers to the
bated breath in a free government, but only in a judge of first instance of the district. The judge of
despotism." (Howarth vs. Barlow [1906], 113 App. first instance, after investigation, recommended
Div. N. Y., 510.) Of course, criticism does not to the Governor-General that the justice of the
authorize defamation. peace filing a motion for new trial, the judge of
5. ID.; ID.; ID. The guaranties of a free first instance ordered the suppression of the
speech and a free press include the right to charges and acquitted the justice of the peace of
criticize judicial conduct. the same. Criminal action was then begun
6. ID.; ASSEMBLY AND PETITION; GENERAL against the petitioners, now become the
PRINCIPLES. The right to assemble and defendants, charging that portions of the petition
petition is a necessary consequence of republican presented to the Executive Secretary were
institutions and the complement of the right of libelous. The trial court found thirty-two of the
free speech. Assembly means a right on the part defendants guilty and sentenced each of them to
of citizens to meet peaceably for consultation in pay a nominal fine. On a review of the evidence,
respect to public affairs. Petition means that any we find that express malice was not proved by
person or group of persons can apply without fear the prosecution. Good faith surrounded the action
of penalty to the appropriate branch or office of of the petitioners. Their ends and motives were
the Government for a redness of grievances. justifiable. The charges and the petition were
7. ID.; FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PRESS; transmitted through reputable attorneys to the
ASSEMBLY AND PETITION; PRIVILEGE. The proper functionary. The defendants are not guilty
doctrine of privileged communications rests upon and instead of punishing them for an hones
public policy, "which looks to the free and endeavor to improve the public service, they
unfettered administration of justice, through, as should rather be commended for their good
an incidental result, it may, in some instances, citizenship.
afford an immunity to the evil-disposed and DECISION
malignant slanderer." (Abboth vs. National Bank MALCOLM, J p:
of Commerce, Tacoma [1899], 175 U. S., 409, This appeal presents the specific question of
411.) whether or not the defendants and appellants are
8. ID.; ID.; ID.; QUALIFIED PRIVILEGE. guilty of a libel of Roman Punsalan, justice of the
Qualified privilege which may be lost by proof of peace of Macabebe and Masantol, Province of
malice. "A communication made bona fide upon Pampanga. The appeal also submits the larger
question of the attitude which the judiciary Pampanga, asserting that the justice of the peace
should take in interpreting and enforcing the Libel was the victim of prosecution, and that one
Law in connection with the basic prerogatives of Agustin Jaime, the auxiliary justice of the peace,
freedom of speech and press, and of assembly had instituted the charges for personal reasons;
and petition. For a better understanding, the facts and the judge of first instance ordered a
in the present appeal are first narrated in the suppression of the charges against Punsalan and
order of their occurrence, then certain suggestive acquitted him of the same. Attorneys for
aspects relative to the rights of freedom of complainants thereupon appealed to the
speech and press and of assembly and petition Governor-General as requested the record does
are interpolated, then the facts are tested by not disclose.
these principles, and, finally, judgment is Criminal action against the petitioners, now
rendered. become the defendants, was instituted on
First, the facts. In the latter part of 1915, October 12, 1916, by virtue of the following
numerous citizens of the Province of Pampanga information:
assembled, the prepared and signed a petition to
the Executive Secretary through the law office of "That on or about the month of December, 1915,
Crossfield & O'Brien, and five individuals signed in the municipality of Macabebe, Pampanga, P.I.,
affidavits, charging Roman Punsalan, justice of the said accused, voluntarily, illegally, and
the peace of Macabebe and Masantol, Pampanga, criminality and with malicious intent to prejudice
with malfeasance in office and asking for his and defame Mr. Roman Punsalan Serrano who
removal. Crossfield & O'Brien submitted this was at said time and place justice of the peace of
petition and these affidavits with a complaint to Macabebe and Masantol of this province, wrote,
the Executive Secretary. The petition transmitted signed, and published a writing which was false,
by these attorneys was signed by thirty-four scandalous, malicious, defamatory, and libelous
citizens apparently owners (now the defendants), against the justice of the peace Mr. Roman
and contained the statements set out in the Punsalan Serrano, in which writing appear among
formation as libelous. Briefly stated the specific other things the following:
charges against the justice of the peace were. " 'That the justice of the peace, Mr. Roman
1. That Francisca Polintan, desiring to make Punsalan Serrano, of this town of Macabebe, an
complaint against Mariano de los Reyes, visited account of the conduct observed by him
the justice of the peace, who first told her that he heretofore, a conduct highly improper of the
would draw up the complaint for P5; afterwards office which he holds, is found to be a public
he said he would take P3 which she paid; also functionary who is absolutely unfit, eminently
kept her in the house for four days as a servant immoral and dangerous to the community, and
and took from her two chickens and twelve consequently unworthy of the office.
"gandus;" " 'That this assertion of the undersigned is
2. That Valentin Sunga being interested in a case evidenced in a clear and positive manner by facts
regarding land which was on trial before the so certain, so serious, and so denigrating which
justice of the peace, went to see the justice of the appear in the affidavits attached hereto, and by
peace to ascertain the result of the trial, and was other facts no less serious, but which the
told by the justice of the peace that if he wished undersigned refrain from citing herein for the
to win he must give him P50. Not having this sake of brevity and in order not to bother too
amount, Sunga gave the justice nothing, and a much the attention of your Honor and due to lack
few days later was informed that he had lost the of sufficient proof to substantiate them.
case. Returning again to the office of the justice " 'That should the higher authorities allow the
of the peace in order to appeal, the justice told said justice of the peace of this town to continue
him that he could still win if he would pay P50; in his office, the protection of the rights and
3. That Leoncio Quiambao, having filed a interest solemnly guaranteed by the Philippine
complaint for assault against four persons, on the Bill of Right, and justice in this town will not be
day of the trial the justice called him over to his administered in accordance with law.
house, where he secretly gave him (Quiambao) " 'Than on account of the wrongful discharge of
P30; and the complaint was thereupon shelved. his office and of his bad conduct as such justice
The Executive Secretary referred the papers to of the peace, previous to this time, some
the judge of first instance for the Seventh Judicial respectable citizens of this town of Macabebe
District requesting investigation, proper action were compelled to present an administrative case
and report. The justice of the peace was notified against the said Roman Punsalan Serrano before
and denied the charges. The judge of first the judge of first instance of Pampanga, in which
instance found the first count not proved and case there were made against him various
counts 2 and 3 established. In view of this result, charges which were true and certain and of
the judge, the Honorable Percy M. Moir, was of different characters.
the opinion "that it must be, and it is hereby, " 'That after the said administrative case was
recommended to the Governor-General that the over, the said justice of the peace, far from
respondent be removed from his position as changing his bad and despicable conduct, which
justice of the peace of Macabebe and Masantol, has roused the indignation of this town of
Province of Pampanga, and it is ordered that the Macabebe, subsequently performed the acts
proceedings had in it is ordered that the above-mentioned, as stated in the affidavits
proceedings had in this case be transmitted to herewith attached, as if intending to mock at the
the Executive Secretary." people and to show his mistaken valor and
Later the justice of the peace filed a motion for a heroism.'
new trial; the judge of first instance granted the "All of this has been written and published by the
motion and reopened the hearing; documents accused with the deliberate purpose of attacking
were introduced, including a letter sent by the the virtue, honor and reputation of the justice of
municipal president and is councilors of Masantol,
the peace, Mr. Roman Punsalan Serrano, and thus than to pick out certain words which standing by
exposing him to public hatred, contempt, and themselves and unexplained are libelous and
ridicule. All contrary to law." then by shutting off all knowledge of facts which
It should be noted that the information omits would justify these words, to convict the accused.
paragraphs of the petition mentioning the The records in question are attached to the rollo,
investigation before the judge of first instance, and either on the ground that the attorneys for
the affidavits upon which based and the the defense retired the objection to the
concluding words, "To the Executive Secretary, introduction of the administrative proceedings by
through the office of Crossfield & O'Brien." the prosecution, or that a new trial should have
The Honorable Percy M. Moir found all the been had because under section 42 of the Code
defendants, with the exception of Felix of Criminal Procedure "a case may be reopened
Fernandez, Juan S. Alfonso, Restituto Garcia, and on account of errors at law committed at the
Manuel Mallari, guilty and sentenced each of trial," or because of the right of this court to call
them to pay a fine of P10 and one thirty-second in such records as are sufficiently incorporated
part of the costs, or to suffer subsidiary into the complaint and are essential to a
imprisonment in case of insolvency. New determination of the case, or finally, because of
attorneys for the defense, coming into the case, our conceded right to take judicial proceedings
after the handing down of the decision, filed on supplemental to the basis action, we examine the
December 16, 1916, a motion for a new trial, the record as because us, containing not alone the
principal purpose of which was to retire the trial for libel, but the proceedings previous to that
objection interposed by then counsel for the trial giving rise to it. To this action, the
defendants to the admission of Exhibit A Government can not complain for it was the
consisting of the entire administrative prosecution which tried to incorporated Exhibit A
proceedings. The trial court denied the motion. All into the record.
the defendants, except Melecio S. Sabado and With these facts pleading justification, before
Fortunato Macalino appealed making the testing them by certain principles which make up
following assignments of error: the law of libel and slander, we feel warranted in
"1. The court erred in overruling the motion of the seizing the opportunity to intrude an introductory
convicted defendants for a new trial. and general discussion of freedom of speech and
"2. The court erred in refusing to permit the press and assembly and petition in the Philippine
defendants to retire the objection inadvertently Islands. We conceive that the time is ripe thus to
interposed by their counsel to the admission in clear up certain misapprehensions on the subject
evidence of the expediente administrativo out of and to place these basic rights in their proper
which the accusation in this case arose. light.
"3. The court erred in sustaining the objection of Turning to the pages of history, we state nothing
the prosecution to the introducing in evidence by new when we set down the freedom of speech as
the accused of the affidavits upon which the cherished in democratic countries was unknown
petition forming the basis of the libelous charge in the Philippine Islands before 1900. A prime
was based. cause for revolt was consequently ready made.
"4. The court erred in not holding that the alleged Jose Rizal in "Filipinas Despues de Cien Anos"
libelous statement was unqualifiedly privileged. (The Philippines a Century Hence, pages 62 et
"5. The court erred in assuming and impliedly seq.) describing "the reforms sine quibus non,"
holding that the burden was on the defendants to which the Filipinos insist upon, said:
show that the alleged libelous statements were "The minister, . . . who wants his reforms to be
true and free from malice. reforms, must begin by declaring the press in the
"6. The court erred in not acquitting the Philippines free and by instituting Filipino
defendants. delegates."
"7. The evidence adduced fails to show the guilt The Filipino patriots in Spain, through the
of the defendants beyond a reasonable doubt. columns of "La Solidaridad" and by other means
This is especially true of all the defendants, invariably in exposing the wants of the Filipino
except Felipe Bustos, Dionisio Mallari, and Jose T. people demanded." (See Mabini, La Revolucion
Reyes." Filipina.) The Malolos Constitution, the work of the
We have thus far taken it for granted that all the Revolutionary Congress, in its Bill of Rights,
proceedings, administrative and judicial, were zealously guarded freedom of speech and press
properly before this court. As a matter of fact and assembly and petition.
counsel for defendants in the lower court made Mention is made of the foregoing data only to
an improvident objection to the admission of the deduce the proposition that a reform so sacred to
administrative proceedings on the ground that the people of these Islands and won at so dear as
the signatures were not identified and that the one would protect and preserve the covenant of
same was immaterial, which objection was liberty itself.
partially sustained by the trial court. Net comes the period of American-Filipino
Notwithstanding this curious situation by reason cooperative effort. The Constitution of the United
of which the attorney for the defense attempted States and the State constitutions guarantee the
to destroy through his objection the very right of freedom of speech and press and the
foundation for the justification of his clients, we right of assembly and petition. We are therefore,
shall continue to consider all the proceedings as not surprised to find President McKinley in that
before us. Not indicating specifically the reason Magna Charta of Philippine Liberty, the
for this action, let the following be stated: The Instruction to the Second Philippine Commission,
administrative proceedings were the basis of the of April 7, 1900, laying down the inviolable rule
accusation, the information, the evidence, and "That no law shall be passed abridging the
the judgment rendered. The prosecution cannot freedom of speech or of the press or of the rights
be understood without knowledge of interior of the people to peaceably assemble and petition
action. Nothing more unjust could be imagined the Government for a redress of grievances."
The Philippine Bill, the Act of Congress of July 1, law of libel. "The people are not obliged to speak
1902, and the Jones Law, the Act of Congress of of the conduct of their officials in whispers or with
August 29, 1916, in the nature of organic acts for bated breath in a free government, but only in a
the Philippines, continued this guaranty. The despotism." (Howarth vs. Barlow [1906], 113 App.
words quoted are not unfamiliar to students of Div., N. Y., 510.)
Constitutional Law, for they are the counterpart The right to assemble and petition is the
of the first amendment to the Constitution of the necessary consequence of republican institutions
United States, which the American people and the complement of the right of free speech.
demanded before giving their approval to the Assembly means a right on the part of citizens to
Constitution. meet peaceably for consultation in respect to
We mention the foregoing facts only to deduce public affairs. Petition means that any person or
the proposition never to be forgotten for an group of persons can apply, without fear of
instant that the guaranties mentioned are part penalty, to the appropriate branch or office of the
and parcel of the Organic Law of the government for a redress of grievances. The
Constitution of the Philippines Islands. persons assembling and petitioning must, of
These paragraphs found in the Philippine Bill of course, assume responsibility for the charges
Rights are not threadbare verbiage. The language made.
carries with it all the applicable jurisprudence of Public policy, the welfare of society, and the
great English and American Constitutional cases. orderly administration of government have
(Kepner vs. U. S. [1904], 195 U. S., 100; Serra vs. demanded protection for public opinion. The
Mortiga [1907], 204 U. S., 470.) And what are inevitable and incontestable result has been the
these principles? Volumes would inadequately development and adoption of the doctrine of
answer. But included are the following: privilege.
"The doctrine of privileged communications rests
The interest of society and the maintenance of upon public policy, 'which looks to the free and
good government demand a full discussion of unfettered administration of justice, though, as
public affairs. Complete liberty to comment on an incidental result, it may in some instances
the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case afford an immunity to the evil-disposed and
of free speech. The sharp incision of its probe malignant slanderer.'" (Abbott vs. National Bank
relieves the abscesses of officialdom. Men in of Commerce, Tacoma [1899], 175 U. S., 409,
public life may suffer under a hostile and an 411.)
unjust accusation; the wound can be assuaged Privilege is classified as either absolute or
with the balm of a clear conscience. A public qualified. With the first, we are not concerned. As
officer must not be too thin-skinned with to qualified privilege, it is as the words suggest a
reference to comment upon his official acts. Only prima facie privilege which may be lost by proof
thus can the intelligence and dignity of the of malice. The rule is thus stated by Lord
individual be exalted. Of course, criticism does Campbell, C. J.
not authorized defamation. Nevertheless, as the "A communication made bona fide upon any
individual is less than the State, so must subject-matter in which the party communicating
expected criticism be born for the common good. has an interest, or in reference to which he has a
Rising superior to any official, or set of officials, to duty, is privileged, if made to a person having a
the Chief Executive, to the Legislature, to the corresponding interest or duty, although it
Judiciary to any or all the agencies of contained criminatory matter which without this
Government public opinion should be the privilege would be slanderous and actionable."
constant source of liberty and democracy. (See (Harrison vs. Bush, 5 E. & B., 344; 1 Jur. [N.S.],
the well considered cases of Wason vs. Walter, 4 846; 25 L. J. Q. B., 25; 3 W. R., 474; 85 E. C. L.,
L.R. 4 Q. B., 73; Seymour vs. Butterworth, 3 F. & 344.)
F., 372; The Queen vs. Sir R. Garden, 5 Q. B. D., A pertinent illustration of the application of
1.) qualified privilege is a complaint made in good
The guaranties of a free speech and a free press faith and without malice in regard to the
include the right to criticize judicial conduct. The character or conduct of a public official when
administration of the law is a matter of vital addressed to an officer or a board having some
public concern. Whether the law is wisely or badly interest or duty in the matter. Even when the
enforced is, therefore, a fit subject for proper statements are found to be false, if there is
comment. If the people cannot criticize a justice probable cause for belief in their truthfulness and
of the peace or a judge the same as any other the charge is made in good faith, the mantle of
public officer, public opinion will be effectively privilege may still cover the mistake of the
muzzled. Attempted terrorization of public individual. But the statements must be made
opinion on the part of the judiciary would be under an honest sense of duty; a self-seeking
tyranny of the basest sort. The sword of motive is destructive. Personal injury is not
Damocles in the hands of a judge does not hang necessary. All persons have an interest in the
suspended over the individual who dares to pure and efficient administration of justice and of
assert his prerogative as a citizen and to stand up public affairs. The duty under which a party is
bravely before any official. On the contrary, it is a privileged is sufficient if it is social or moral in its
duty which every one owes to society or to the nature and this person in good faith believe he is
State to assist in the investigation of any alleged acting in pursuance thereof although in fact he is
misconduct. It is further the duty of all know of mistaken. The privilege is not defeated by the
any official dereliction on the part of a magistrate mere fact that the communication is made in
or the wrongful act of any public officer to bring intemperate terms. A further element of the law
the facts to the notice of those whose duty it is to of privilege concerns the person to whom the
inquire into and punish them. In the words of Mr. complaint should be made. The rule is that if a
Justice Gayner, who contributed so largely to the party applies to the wrong person through some
natural and honest mistake as to the respective
functions of various officials such unintentional office through which the Governor-General acted
error will not take the case out of the privilege. in such matters. (See Administrative Code of
In the usual case malice can be presumed from 1917, secs. 203 and 229, in connection with the
defamatory words. Privilege destroy that cases of U. S. vs. Galeza [1915], 31 Phil., 365,
presumption. The onus of proving malice then lies and of Harrison vs. Bush, 5 E. & B., 344, holding
on the plaintiff. The plaintiff must bring home to that where defendant was subject to removal by
the defendant the existence of malice as the true the sovereign, a communication to the Secretary
motive of his conduct. Falsehood and the absence of State was privileged.)
of probable cause will amount to proof of malice. The present facts are further essentially different
(See White vs. Nicholls [1845], 3 How., 266.) from those established in other cases in which
A privileged communication should not be private individuals have been convicted of libels
subjected to microscopic examination to discover of public officials. Malice, traduction, falsehood,
grounds of malice or falsity. Such excessive calumny, against the man and not the officer,
scrutiny would defeat the protection which the have been the causes of the verdict of guilty. (See
law throws over privileged communications. The U. S. vs. Sedano [1909], 14 Phil., 338, 339; U. S.
ultimate test is that of bona fides. (See white vs. vs. Contreras [1912], 23 Phil., 513; U. S. vs.
Nicholls [1845], How., 266; Bradley vs. Heath Montalvo [1915], 29 Phil., 595.)
[1831], 12 Pick. [Mass.], 163; Kent vs. Bongartz The Attorney-General bases his recommendation
[1885], 15 R. L., 72; Street, Foundations of Legal for confirmation on the case of the United States
Liability, vol. 1, pp. 308, 309; Newell, Slander and vs. Julio Bustos ([1909], 13 Phil., 690). The Julio
Libel, various citations; 25 Cyc. pages 385 et Bustos case, the Attorney-General says, is
seq.) identical with the Felipe Bustos case, with the
Having ascertained the attitude which should be exception that there has been more publicity in
assumed relative to the basic rights of freedom of the present instance and that the person to
speech and press and of assembly and petition, whom the charge was made had less jurisdiction
having emphasized the point that our Libel Law than had the Secretary of Justice in the Julio
as a statute must be construed with reference to Bustos case. Publicity is immaterial if the charge
the guaranties of our Organic Law, and having against Punsalan is in fact a privileged
sketched the doctrine of privilege, we are in a communication. Moreover, in the Julio Bustos
position to test the facts of this case with these case we find wild statements, with no basis in
principles. fact, made against reputable members of the
It is true that the particular words set out in the judiciary, "to persons who could not furnish
information, if said of a private person, might well protection." Malicious and untrue
be considered libelous per se. The charges might communications are not privileged. A later case
also under certain conceivable conditions convict and one more directly in point to which we invite
one of a libel of a government official. As a special attention is United States vs. Galeza
general rule words imputing to a judge or a ([1915], 31 Phil., 365). (Note also Yancey vs.
justice of the peace dishonesty or corruption or Commonwealth [1909], 122 So. W., 123.)
incapacity or misconduct touching him in his
office are actionable. But as suggested in the We find the defendants and appellants entitled to
beginning we do not have present a simple case the protection of the rules concerning qualified
of direct and vicious accusations published in the privilege, growing out of constitutional guaranties
press, but of charges predicated on affidavits in our bill of rights. Instead of punishing citizens
made to the proper official and thus qualifiedly for an honest endeavor to improve the public
privileged. Express malice has not been proved service, we should rather commend them for
by the prosecution. Further, although the charges their good citizenship. The defendants and
are probably not true as to the justice of the appellants are acquitted with the costs de officio.
peace, they were believed to be true by the So ordered.
petitioners. Good faith surrounded their action. Arellano, C.J., Johnson, Araullo, Street, and Fisher,
Probable cause for them to think that JJ., concur.
malfeasance or misfeasance in office existed is
apparent. The ends and the motives of these (People v. ALARCON Ma, G.R. No. 46551,
citizens to secure the removal from office of a December 12, 1939)
person thought to be venal were justifiable. In
no way did they abuse the privilege. These EN BANC
respectable citizens did not eagerly seize on a [G.R. No. 46551. December 12, 1939.]
frivolous matter but on instances which not only THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-
seemed to them of a grave character, but which appellee, vs. SALVADOR ALARCON, ET AL.,
were sufficient in an investigation by a judge of accused. FEDERICO MAGAHAS, respondent-
first instance to convince him of their appellant.
seriousness. No undue publicity was given to the Araneta, Zaragoza & Araneta; for appellant.
petition. The manner of commenting on the Assistant Solicitor-General Salvador Abad Santos;
conduct of the justice of the peace was proper. for appellee.
And finally the charges and the petition were
submitted through reputable attorneys to the SYLLABUS
proper functionary, the Executive Secretary. In 1. CONTEMPT BY NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION;
this connection it is sufficient to note that justices ELEMENTS OF; WHEN SUIT NOT PENDING.
of the peace are appointed by the Governor- The elements of contempt by newspaper
General, that they may be removed by the publications are well defined by the cases
Governor-General upon the recommendation of a adjudicated in this as in other jurisdictions.
judge of First Instance, or on the Governor- Newspaper publications tending to impede,
General's own motion, and that at the time this obstruct, embarrass, or influence the courts in
action took place the Executive Bureau was the
administering justice in a pending suit or principle" (Villavicencio vs. Lukban, 39 Phil., 778),
proceeding constitutes criminal con tempt which "on the corrective and not on the retaliatory idea
is summarily punishable by the courts. The rule is of punishment." (In re Lozano and Quevedo,
otherwise after the cause is ended. (In re Lozano supra.) Contempt of court is in the nature of a
and Quevedo, 54 Phil., 801; In re Abistado, 57 criminal offense (Lee Yick Hon. V8. Collector of
Phil., 668.) It must, however, clearly appear that Customs, 41 Phil., 548), and in considering the
such publications do impede, interfere with, and probate effects of the article alleged to be
embarrass the administration of justice before the contemptuous, every fair and reasonable
author of the publications should be held for inference consistent with the theory of
contempt. (Nixon v. State, 207 Ind., 426; 193 N. defendants innocence will be indulged ( State v.
E., 591; 97 A. L. R., 894.) What is thus sought to New Mexican Printing Co., 25 N. M., 102, 177 p.
be shielded against the influence of newspaper 751), and where a reasonable doubt in fact or in
comments is the all-important duty of the court to law exists as to the guilt of one of constructive
administer justice in the decision of a pending contempt for interfering with the due
case. There is no pending case to speak of when administration of justice the doubt must be re
and once the court has come upon a decision and solved in his favor, and he must be acquitted.
has lost control either to reconsider or amend it. (State v. Hazel tine, 82 Wash., 81, 143 p. 436.)
That, we believe, is the case at bar, for here we
have a concession that the letter complained of DECISION
was published after the Court of First Instance of LAUREL, J p:
Pampanga had decided the aforesaid criminal As an aftermath of the decision rendered by the
case for robbery in band, and after that decision Court of First Instance of Pampanga in criminal
had been appealed to the Court of Appeals. The case No. 5733, The People of the Philippines vs.
fact that a motion to reconsider its order Salvador Alarcon, et al., convicting the accused
confiscating the bond of the accused therein was therein except one of the crime of robbery
subsequently filed may be admitted; but, the committed in band, a denunciatory letter, signed
important consideration is that it was then by one Luis M. Taruc, was addressed to His
without power to reopen or modify the decision Excellency, the President of the Philippines. A
which it had rendered upon the merits of the copy of said letter found its way to the herein
case, and could not have been influenced by the respondent, Federico Manga has who, as
questioned publication. columnist of the Tribune, a newspaper of general
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; JURISDICTION OF ONE COURT circulation in the Philippines, quoted the letter in
TO PUNISH CONTEMPTS COMMITTED an article published by him in the issue of that
AGAINST ANOTHER. In the interrelation of paper of September 23, 1937. The objectionable
the different courts forming our integrated portion is inserted in the following petition of the
judicial system, one court is not an agent or provincial fiscal of Pampanga, filed with the Court
representative of another and may not, for this of First Instance of that province on September
reason, punish contempts in vindication of the 29, 1937:
authority and decorum which are not its own. The "PETITION PARA QUE FEDERICO MAGAHAS SEA
appeal transfers the proceedings to the appellate CASTIGADO POR DESACATO
court, and this last court becomes thereby "Comparece el fiscal provincial que suscribe y al
charged with the authority to deal with Hon. Juzgado, como motivos de accion,
contempts committed after the perfection of the respetuosamente alega:
appeal. 1. Que el 23 de julio de 1937, el que suscribe
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. CRIMINAL NATURE OF presento una querella en la causa arriba titulada,
EXERCISED ON PRESERVATIVE NOT VINDICATIVE celebrado la vista de esta causa durante los dias
PRINCIPLE. It is suggested that "even if there 28, 29 y 30 del mismo mes y ao;
had been no thing more pending before the trial 2. Que el 2 de agosto de 1937, el Hon. Juzgado
court, this still had jurisdiction to punish the dicto su decision declarando culpables a los
accused for contempt, for the reason that the cincuenta y dos acusa dos, y condenando al
publication scandalized the court. (13 C. J., p. 37, acusado Ricardo Serrano 1. como jefe de la
45; o R. C. L., 513.)" The rule suggested, which cuadrilla, a una pena indeterminada no menor de
has its origin at common law, is involved in some cuatro meses de arresto mayor, ni mayor de
doubt under modern English law and in the cuatro aos de prision correccional, y a todos los
United States, "the weight of authority, how ever, demas acusados a una pena indeterminada no
is clearly to the effect that comment upon menor de dos meses y un dia de arresto mayor,
concluded cases is unrestricted under our ni mayor de tres aos, ocho meses y un dia de
constitutional guaranty of the liberty of the prision correccional y al pago proporcional de las
press." (Annotations, 68 L. R. A., 255.) Other costas;
considerations argue against our adoption of the 3. Que el 9 de agosto de 1937, no estando
suggested holding. As stated, the rule imported conformes de esta decision, 108 referidos
into this jurisdiction is that "newspaper acusados presentaron su es crito de apelacion
publications tending to impede, obstruct, para ante la Corte de Apelaciones;
embarrass, or influence the courts in 4. Que el 23 de septiembre de 1937, el recurrido
administering justice in a pending suit or Fede rico Magahas escribio, redacto, imprimio y
proceeding constitute criminal contempt which is publico e hizo que se publicara en el periodico
summarily punishable by the courts; that the rule diario The Tribune que se edite en la Ciudad de
is other wise after the case is ended." (In re Manila y de general circulacion en las Islas
Lozano and Quevedo, supra; In re Abistado, Filipinas, en su numero correspondiente a dicha
supra.) In at least two instances, this court has fecha, un articulo que hacia referencia a este
exercised the power to punish for contempt "on Hon. Juzgado y a la actuacion de este en esta
the preservative and not on the vindictive
causa, cuyo articulo en parte es del tenor publication of the letter to the President simply
siguiente: constitutes an indirect criticism of the methods of
'Fifty-two (52) tenants in Floridablanca,
the Popular Front in building up its political
Pampanga, have been charged and convicted on prestige.
a trumped up charge of robbery in band because "5. That the publication of the letter in question
they took each a few cavans of palay for which did not and does not embarrass, impede,
they issued the corresponding receipts, from the intimidate or influence this Honorable Court in
bodega in the hacienda where they are working. the exercise of its judicial functions, or prevent an
These tenants contend that they have the right to impartial trial in this case, inasmuch as the case
take the palay for their food as the hacienda has already been decided.
owner has the obligation to give them rations of " 6. That the respondent alleges that this case is
palay for their main tenance and their families tono longer pending before this Hon. Court and
be paid later with their share of their crop. But therefore the Court has lost its jurisdiction over it.
this is not all. When the convicted tenants "7. The respondent contends that the portion of
appealed the case and were released on bail the article quoted by the provincial fiscal in his
pending their appeal, court and public officials petition for contempt does not constitute
exerted pressure upon one of their bondsmen, as contempt of court because it does not attack nor
this bondsman informed the tenants, to withdraw question the judgment of the Court but only
his bail for them, and the fifty two tenants were explain the side of the defendant.
arrested again and put in jail.' "8. 'The general rule is that to constitute any
5. Que la publicacion de este articulo acotado publication a contempt it must have reference to
constituye un verdadero desacato al Tribunal, a matter then pending in court, and be of a
porque tiene por objeto obstaculizar la recta character tending to the injury of pending
administrion de justicia, y tiende, ademas, a proceeding before it and of the subsequent
impresionar en el animo del Tribunal y a ejercer proceeding. It is accordingly held that libelous
influencia en la decision que se dictare en este comments upon a sentence already passed in a
causa; criminal proceeding is not a contempt.' (Percival
6. Que la publicacion de dicho articulo es v. State, 45 Neb., 741; 50 Am. St. Rept., 568; 64
igualmente un verdarero desacato a este Hon. NW. 221; 68 L. R. A., 255.)
Juzgado, por ser completamente falsos y "9. 'But comment upon the lower court's decision
tendenciosos los hechos expuestos en el mismo was held not contemptuous because relating to a
como hechos ejecutados por este Hon. Juzgado; concluded matter, in Re Dalton, 46 Jan., 256; 26
7. Que el recurrido Federico Magahas con dicho Pac., 673 and Dumhan v. State, 6 Iowa, 245;
articulo acotado, voluntaria, maliciosa y
although the case was then pending on appeal.'
deliberadamente trato y se propuso atacar la (68 L. R. IA., 262.) (Emphasis ours.)
honra, virtud y reputacion de este Hon. Juzgado "10. That the publication of the letter in question
exponiendolo el menosprecio y ridiculo del is in line with the constitutional guarantee of
publico por las imputaciones falsas, maliciosas y freedom of the press."
difama torias contenidas en dicho articulo. On November 29, 1937, the lower court entered
"Por tanto, pide se sirva ordenar el
an order, the dispositive part of which reads thus:
emplazamiento del recurrido Federico Magahas, "Considerando, sin embargo, todas las
c/o T. V. T. Publishing Corporation, Calle Florentino
circunstancias del caso, el Juzgado solamente
Torres, Manila, para que comparezca ante este impone al recurrido una multa nominal de P25, o
Hon. Juzgado y conteste a la presente peticion, y,en caso de insolvencia, cinco dias de prision sin
previos los tramites legales, dicho recurido sea perjuicio de la accion por libelo que el fiscal
castigado por desacato. Pide igualmente se sirva creyere conveniente incoar contra Luis M. Taruc.
dictar cualquier otra resolucion que en derecho "Asi se ordena."
proceda." Respondent Magahas appealed from this order
"San Fernando, Pampanga, septiembre 23, 1937." to the Court of Appeals which later certified the
On the same date, the lower court ordered the case to this Court as involving only a question of
respondent to appear and show cause. The law assigning the following errors allegedly
respondent appeared and filed an answer, committed by the trial court;
alleging: "I. The lower court erred in finding the respondent
"1. That he did not draft and write the paragraph guilty of contempt of court.
above quoted in the petition of the Provincial "II. The lower court erred in considering the letter
Fiscal, but the same is merely a part of a letter quoted in the article in question as falling under
addressed to the President of the Philippines, the Rules on the Investigation of Judges of First
certified copy of which is hereto attached, and Instance.
marked Exhibit '1.' "III. The lower court erred in taking jurisdiction of
"2. That he caused the said letter to be copied the motion for contempt."
without comments or remarks as may been seen Consideration of the first error is all that is
from the attached issue of the 'The Tribune' on necessary as the same will lead incidentally to
September 23, 1937, marked Exhibit '2.' the disposition of the other two.
"3. That in having the said letter copied it was not
The elements of contempt by newspaper
the intention, much less the purpose and design publications are well defined by the cases
of the respondent to attack the honor, virtue and adjudicated in this as in other jurisdictions.
reputation of this Honorable Court but merely Newspaper publications tending to impede,
cited it as an instance of the popular tendency toobstruct, embarrass, or influence the courts in
resort to the President in everything. administering justice in a pending suit or
proceeding constitutes criminal contempt which
"4. That far from reflecting on the honor, virtue is summarily punish able by the courts. The rule
and reputation of this Honorable Court, the is otherwise after the cause is ended. (In re
Lozano and Quevedo, 54 Phil., 801; In re
Abistado, 57 Phil., 668. ) It must, however, clearly Phil., 548), and in considering the probable
appear that such publications do impede, effects of the article alleged to be contemptuous,
interfere with, and embarrass the administration every fair and reasonable inference consistent
of justice before the author of the publications with the theory of defendant's innocence will be
should be held for contempt. (Nixon v. State 207 indulged (State v. New Mexican Printing Co., 25 N.
Ind., 426, 193 N. E., 591, 97 A. L. R., 894.) What is M., 102, 177 p. 751), and where a reasonable
thus sought to be shielded against the influence doubt in fact or in law exists as to the guilt of one
of newspaper comments is the all-important duty of constructive contempt for interfering with the
of the court to administer justice in the decision due administration of justice the doubt must be
of a pending case. There is no pending case to resolved in his favor, and he must be acquitted.
speak of when and once the court has come upon (State v. Hazel tine, 82 Wash., 81, 143 p. 436.)
a decision and has lost control either to The appealed order is hereby reversed, and the
reconsider or amend it. That, we believe, is the respondent acquitted, without pronouncement as
case at bar, for here we have a concession that to costs. So ordered.
the letter complained of was published after the Avancea, C.J., Villa-Real, Imperial, Diaz and
Court of First Instance of Pampanga had decided Concepcion, JJ., concur.
the aforesaid criminal case for robbery in band,
and after that decision had been appealed to the (Ayer Productions Pty. Ltd. v. Capulong,
Court of Appeals. The fact that a motion to G.R. No. 82380, 82398, April 29, 1988)
reconsider its order confiscating the bond of the
accused therein was subsequently filed may be EN BANC
admitted; but, the important consideration is that [G.R. No. 82380. April 29, 1988.]
it was then without power to reopen or modify the AYER PRODUCTIONS PTY. LTD. and McELROY &
decision which it had rendered upon the merits of McELROY FILM PRODUCTIONS, petitioners, vs.
the case, and could not have been influenced by HON. IGNACIO M. CAPULONG and JUAN PONCE
the questioned publication. ENRILE, respondents.
If it be contended, however, that the publication
of the questioned letter constitutes contempt of [G.R. No. 82398. April 29, 1988.]
the Court of Appeals where the appeal in the HAL McELROY, petitioner, vs. HON. IGNACIO M.
criminal case was then pending, as was the CAPULONG, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of
theory of the provincial fiscal below which was the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 134 and
accepted by the lower court, we take the view JUAN PONCE ENRILE, respondents.
that in the interrelation of the different courts
forming our integrated judicial system, one court SYLLABUS
is not an agent or representative of another and 1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BILL OF RIGHTS;
may not, for this reason, punish contempts in FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION;
vindication of the authority and de corum which SCOPE. The freedom of speech and of
are not its own. The appeal transfers the expression, includes the freedom to film and
proceedings to the appellate court, and this last produce motion pictures and to exhibit such
court be comes thereby charged with the motion pictures in theaters or to diffuse them
authority to deal with contempts committed after through television. In our day and age, motion
the perfection of the appeal. pictures are a universally utilized vehicle of
The Solicitor-General, in his brief, suggests that communication and medium of expression. Along
"even if there had been nothing more pending with the press, radio and television, motion
before the trial court, this still had jurisdiction to pictures constitute a principal medium of mass
punish the accused for contempt, for the reason communication for information, education and
that the publication scandalized the court. (13 C. entertainment.
J., p. 37, 45; o R. C. L., 513.)" The rule suggested,
which has its origin at common law, is involved in 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; AVAILABLE TO FOREIGN-
some doubt under modern English law and in the OWNED MOTION PICTURE COMPANIES.
United States, "the weight of authority, however, This freedom is available in our country both to
is clearly to the effect that comment upon locally-owned and to foreign-owned motion
concluded cases is unrestricted under our picture companies. Furthermore, the
constitutional guaranty of the liberty of the circumstance that the production of motion
press." (Annotations, 68 L. R. A., 255.) Other picture films is a commercial activity expected to
considerations argue against our adoption of the yield monetary profit, is not a disqualification for
suggested holding. As stated, the rule imported availing of freedom of speech and of expression.
into this jurisdiction is that "newspaper
publications tending to impede, obstruct, 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; COMMERCIAL MEDIA NOT
embarrass, or influence the courts in EXCLUDED FROM THE EXERCISE THEREOF.
administering justice in a pending suit or The circumstance that the production of motion
proceeding constitute criminal contempt which is picture films is a commercial activity expected to
summarily punishable by the courts; that the rule yield monetary profit, is not a disqualification for
is otherwise after the case is ended." (In re availing of freedom of speech and of expression.
Lozano and Quevedo, supra; In re Abistado, In our community as in many other countries,
supra.) In at least two instances, this Court has media facilities are owned either by the
exercised the power to punish for contempt "on government or the private sector but the private
the preservative and on the vindicative principle" sector-owned media facilities commonly require
(Villa vicencio vs. Lukban, 39 Phil., 778), "on the to be sustained by being devoted in whole or in
corrective and not on the retaliatory idea of part to revenue producing activities. Indeed,
punishment". In re Lozano and Quevedo, supra.) commercial media constitute the bulk of such
Contempt of court is in the nature of a criminal facilities available in our country and hence to
offense (Lee Yick Hon vs. Collector of Customs, 41 exclude commercially owned and operated media
from the exercise of constitutionally protected violation of any right to privacy that private
freedom of speech and of expression can only respondent could lawfully assert.
result in the drastic contraction of such
constitutional liberties in our country. 8. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; SUBJECT MATTER OF
CONTENT MARKED OUT BY CASELAW. It ENRILE. The subject matter of "The Four Day
was demonstrated sometime ago by the then Revolution" relates to the non-bloody change of
Dean Irene R. Corts that our law, constitutional government that took place at Epifanio de los
and statutory, does include a right of privacy. It is Sentos Avenue in February 1986, and the train of
left to case law, however, to mark out the precise events which led up to that denouement. Clearly,
scope and content of this right in differing types such subject matter is one of public interest and
of particular situations. concern. Indeed, it is, petitioners' argue, of
international interest. The subject thus relates to
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; NOT AN ABSOLUTE RIGHT a highly critical stage in the history of this
AND CANNOT BE INVOKED TO RESIST country and as such, must be regarded as having
PUBLICATION AND DISSEMINATION OF passed into the public domain and as an
MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST. The right of appropriate subject for speech and expression
privacy or "the right to be let alone," like the right and coverage by any form of mass media. The
of free expression, is not an absolute right. A subject matter, as set out in the synopsis
limited intrusion into a person's privacy has long provided by the petitioners and quoted above,
been regarded as permissible where that person does not relate to the individual life and certainly
is a public figure and the information sought to be not to the private life of private respondent Ponce
elicited from him or to be published about him Enrile. Unlike in Lagunzad, which concerned the
constitute matters of a public character. life story of Moises Padilla necessarily including at
Succinctly put, the right of privacy cannot be least his immediate family, what we have here is
invoked to resist publication and dissemination of not a film biography, more or less fictionalized, of
matters of public interest. The interest sought to private respondent Ponce Enrile. "The Four Day
be protected by the right of privacy is the right to Revolution" is not principally about, nor is it
be free from "unwarranted publicity, from the focused upon, the man Juan Ponce Enrile; but it is
wrongful publicizing of the private affairs and compelled, if it is to be historical, to refer to the
activities of an individual which are outside the role played by Juan Ponce Enrile in the
realm of legitimate public concern." precipitating and the constituent events of the
change of government in February 1986.
The respondent Judge has restrained petitioners extent of the intrusion upon the life of private
from filming and producing the entire proposed respondent Juan Ponce Enrile that would be
motion picture. It is important to note that in entailed by the production and exhibition of "The
Lagunzad, there was no prior restrain of any kind Four Day Revolution" would, therefore, be limited
imposed upon the movie producer who in fact in character. The extent of that intrusion, as this
completed and exhibited the film biography of Court understands the synopsis of the proposed
Moises Padilla. Because of the preferred character film, may be generally described as such
of the constitutional rights of freedom of speech intrusion as is reasonably necessary to keep that
and of expression, a weighty presumption of film a truthful historical account. Private
invalidity vitiates measures of prior restraint upon respondent does not claim that petitioners
the exercise of such freedoms. threatened to depict in "The Four Day Revolution"
any part of the private life of private respondent
7. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; FILMING OF PROJECTED or that of any member of his family.
INTRUSION THEREOF; DOCTRINE OF CLEAR DEFINED. "A public figure has been defined as
AND PRESENT DANGER UNAVAILING AS a person who, by his accomplishments, fame, or
FILMING WAS AS YET UNCOMPLETED. The mode of living, or by adopting a profession or
production and filming by petitioners of the calling which gives the public a legitimate
projected motion picture "The Four Day interest in his doings, his affairs, and his
Revolution" does not, in the circumstances of this character, has become a 'public personage.' He
case, constitute an unlawful intrusion upon is, in other words, a celebrity. Obviously to be
private respondent's "right of privacy." The included in this category are those who have
respondent Judge should have stayed his hand, achieved some degree of reputation by appearing
instead of issuing an ex-parte Temporary before the public, as in the case of an actor, a
Restraining Order one day after filing of a professional baseball player, a pugilist, or any
complaint by the private respondent and issuing other entertainer. The list is, however, broader
a Preliminary Injunction twenty (20) days later; than this. It includes public officers, famous
for the projected motion picture was as yet inventors and explorers, war heroes and even
uncompleted and hence not exhibited to any ordinary soldiers, an infant prodigy, and no less a
audience. Neither private respondent nor the personage than the Grand Exalted Ruler of a
respondent trial Judge knew what the completed lodge. It includes, in short, anyone who has
film would precisely look like. There was, in other arrived at a position where public attention is
words, no "clear and present danger" of any focused upon him as a person.
with local movie producer Lope V. Juban, who
11. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; PRIVATE suggested that they consult with the appropriate
RESPONDENT ENRILE IS A PUBLIC FIGURE. government agencies and also with General Fidel
Private respondent is a "public figure" precisely V. Ramos and Senator Juan Ponce Enrile, who had
because, inter alia, of his participation as a played major roles in the events proposed to be
principal actor in the culminating events of the filmed.
change of government in February 1986. Because
his participation therein was major in character, a The proposed motion picture entitled "The Four
film reenactment of the peaceful revolution that Day Revolution" was endorsed by the Movie
fails to make reference to the role played by Television Review and Classification Board as well
private respondent would be grossly unhistorical. as the other government agencies consulted.
The right of privacy of a "public figure" is General Fidel Ramos also signified his approval of
necessarily narrower than that of an ordinary the intended film production.
citizen. Private respondent has not retired into
the seclusion of simple private citizenship. He In a letter dated 16 December 1987, petitioner
continues to be a "public figure." After a Hal McElroy, informed private respondent Juan
successful political campaign during which his Ponce Enrile about the projected motion picture
participation in the EDSA Revolution was directly enclosing a synopsis of it, the full text of which is
or indirectly referred to in the press, radio and set out below:
television, he sits in a very public place, the
Senate of the Philippines. "The Four Day Revolution is a six hour mini-series
about People Power a unique event in modern
12. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; PORTRAYAL OF history that made possible the peaceful
PRIVATE RESPONDENT MUST BE RELATED TO revolution in the Philippines in 1986.
PUBLIC FACTS. The line of equilibrium in the
specific context of the instant case between the Faced with the task of dramatising these
constitutional freedom of speech and of remarkable events, screenwriter David
expression and the right of privacy, may be Williamson and history Prof. Al McCoy have
marked out in terms of a requirement that the chosen a 'docu-drama' style and created [four]
proposed motion picture must be fairly truthful fictitious characters to trace the revolution from
and historical in its presentation of events. There the death of Senator Aquino, to the February
must, in other words, be no knowing or reckless revolution and the fleeing of Marcos from the
disregard of truth in depicting the participation of country.
private respondent in the EDSA Revolution. There
must, further, be no presentation of the private These characters' stories have been woven
life of the unwilling private respondent and through the real events to help our huge
certainly no revelation of intimate or international audience understand this
embarrassing personal facts. The proposed extraordinary period in Filipino history.
motion picture should not enter into what Mme.
Justice Melencio-Herrera in Lagunzad referred to First, there's Tony O'Neil, an American television
as "matters of essentially private concern." To the journalist working for a major network Tony
extent that "The Four Day Revolution" limits itself reflects the average American attitude to the
in portraying the participation of private Philippines once a colony, now the home of
respondent in the EDSA Revolution to those crucially important military bases. Although Tony
events which are directly and reasonably related is aware of the corruption and of Marcos'
to the public facts of the EDSA Revolution, the megalomania, for him, there appears to be no
intrusion into private respondent's privacy cannot alternative to Marcos except the Communists.
be regarded as unreasonable and actionable.
Such portrayal may be carried out even without a Next, Angie Fox, a fiery Australian photo-
license from private respondent. journalist. A 'new girl in town,' she is quickly
caught up in the events as it becomes clear that
13. REMEDIAL LAW; CIVIL PROCEDURE; the time has come for a change. Through Angie
COMPLAINT; DISMISSAL; A FUGITIVE and her relationship with one of the Reform Army
FOREFEITS HIS RIGHT TO PRIVACY Movement Colonels (a fictitious character), we
THROUGH COURT PROCESSES. It is, follow the developing discontent in the armed
however, important to dispose of the complaint forces. Their dislike for General Ver, their strong
filed by former Colonel Honasan who, having loyalty to Defense Minister Enrile, and ultimately
refused to subject himself to the legal processes their defection from Marcos. LLjur
of the Republic and having become once again a
fugitive from justice, must be deemed to have The fourth fictitious character is Ben Balano, a
forfeited any right he might have had to protect middle-aged editor of a Manila newspaper who
his privacy through court processes. despises the Marcos regime and is a supporter
and promoter of Cory Aquino. Ben has two
DECISION daughters, Celie a left-wing lawyer who is a
FELICIANO, J p: secret member of the New People's Army, and
Petitioner Hal McElroy, an Australian film maker, Eva a P.R. girl, politically moderate and very
and his movie production company, petitioner much in love with Tony. Ultimately, she must
Ayer Productions Pty. Ltd. ("Ayer Productions), 1 choose between her love and the revolution.
envisioned, sometime in 1987, the filming for
commercial viewing and for Philippine and Through the interviews and experiences of these
international release, the historic peaceful central characters, we show the complex nature
struggle of the Filipinos at EDSA (Epifanio de los of Filipino society, and the intertwining series of
Santos Avenue). Petitioners discussed this project
10 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
events and characters that triggered these Temporary Restraining Order and set for hearing
remarkable changes. the application for preliminary injunction.

Through them also, we meet all of the principal On 9 March 1988, Hal McElroy filed a Motion to
characters and experience directly dramatic Dismiss with Opposition to the Petition for
recreation of the revolution. The story Preliminary Injunction contending that the mini-
incorporates actual documentary footage filmed series film would not involve the private life of
during the period which we hope will capture the Juan Ponce Enrile nor that of his family and that a
unique atmosphere and forces that combined to preliminary injunction would amount to a prior
overthrow President Marcos. restraint on their right of free expression.
Petitioner Ayer Productions also filed its own
David Williamson is Australia's leading playwright Motion to Dismiss alleging lack of cause of action
with some 14 hugely successful plays to his credit as the mini-series had not yet been completed.
('Don's Party,' 'The Club, 'Travelling North') and
11 feature films ('The Year of Living Dangerously,' In an Order 2 dated 16 March 1988, respondent
'Gallipoli,' 'Phar Lap'). court issued a writ of Preliminary Injunction
against the petitioners, the dispositive portion of
Professor McCoy (University of New South Wales) which reads thus:
is an American historian with a deep
understanding of the Philippines, who has worked WHEREFORE, let a writ of preliminary injunction
on the research for this project for some 18 be issued, ordering defendants, and all persons
months. Together with David Williamson they and entities employed or under contract with
have developed a script we believe accurately them, including actors, actresses and members of
depicts the complex issues and events that the production staff and crew, as well as all
occurred during the period. persons and entities acting on defendants' behalf,
to cease and desist from producing and filming
The six-hour mini-series is a McElroy and McElroy the mini-series entitled "The Four Day Revolution"
co-production with Home Box Office in America, and from making any reference whatsoever to
the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in plaintiff or his family and from creating any
Australia and Zenith Productions in the United fictitious character in lieu of plaintiff which
Kingdom." nevertheless is based on, or bears remote,
substantial or marked resemblance or similarity
The proposed motion picture would be essentially to, or is otherwise identifiable with, plaintiff in the
a reenactment of the events that made possible production and filming any similar film or
the EDSA revolution; it is designed to be viewed photoplay, until further orders from this Court,
in a six-hour mini-series television play, upon plaintiff's filing of a bond in the amount of
presented in a "docu-drama" style, creating four P2,000,000.00, to answer for whatever damages
(4) fictional characters interwoven with real defendants may suffer by reason of the injunction
events, and utilizing actual documentary footage if the Court should finally decide that plaintiff was
as background. not entitled thereto. LibLex

On 21 December 1987, private respondent Enrile xxx xxx xxx

replied that "[he] would not and will not approve
of the use, appropriation, reproduction and/or (Emphasis supplied)
exhibition of his name, or picture, or that of any
member of his family in any cinema or television On 22 March 1988, petitioner Ayer Productions
production, film or other medium for advertising came to this Court by a Petition for Certiorari
or commercial exploitation" and further advised dated 21 March 1988 with an urgent prayer for
petitioners that "in the production, airing, Preliminary Injunction or Restraining Order, which
showing, distribution or exhibition of said or petition was docketed as G.R. No. L-82380.
similar film, no reference whatsoever (whether
written, verbal or visual) should be made to [him] A day later, or on 23 March 1988, petitioner Hal
or any member of his family, much less to any McElroy also filed a separate Petition for
matter purely personal to them." Certiorari with Urgent Prayer for a Restraining
Order or Preliminary Injunction, dated 22 March
It appears that petitioners acceded to this 1988, docketed as G.R. No. L-82398.
demand and the name of private respondent
Enrile was deleted from the movie script, and By a Resolution dated 24 March 1988, the
petitioners proceeded to film the projected petitions were consolidated and private
motion picture. respondent was required to file a consolidated
Answer. Further, in the same Resolution, the
On 23 February 1988, private respondent filed a Court granted a limited Temporary Restraining
Complaint with application for Temporary Order partially enjoining the implementation of
Restraining Order and Writ of Preliminary the respondent Judge's Order of 16 March 1988
Injunction with the Regional Trial Court of Makati, and the Writ of Preliminary Injunction issued
docketed as Civil Case No. 88-151 in Branch 134 therein, and allowing the petitioners to resume
thereof, seeking to enjoin petitioners from producing and filming those portions of the
producing the movie "The Four Day Revolution." projected mini-series which do not make any
The complaint alleged that petitioners' production reference to private respondent or his family or to
of the mini-series without private respondent's any fictitious character based on or bearing
consent and over his objection, constitutes an substantial resemblance or similarity to or
obvious violation of his right of privacy. On 24 identifiable as private respondent.
February 1988, the trial court issued ex-parte a
11 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Private respondent seasonably filed his demonstrated sometime ago by the then Dean
Consolidated Answer on 6 April 1988 invoking in Irene R. Cortes that our law, constitutional and
the main a right of privacy. statutory, does include a right of privacy. 5 It is
left to case law, however, to mark out the precise
I scope and content of this right in differing types
The constitutional and legal issues raised by the of particular situations. The right of privacy or
present Petitions are sharply drawn. Petitioners' "the right to be let alone," 6 like the right of free
claim that in producing and filming "The Four Day expression, is not an absolute right. A limited
Revolution," they are exercising their freedom of intrusion into a person's privacy has long been
speech and of expression protected under our regarded as permissible where that person is a
Constitution. Private respondent, upon the other public figure and the information sought to be
hand, asserts a right of privacy and claims that elicited from him or to be published about him
the production and filming of the projected mini- constitute matters of a public character. 7
series would constitute an unlawful intrusion into Succinctly put, the right of privacy cannot be
his privacy which he is entitled to enjoy. invoked to resist publication and dissemination of
matters of public interest. 8 The interest sought
to be protected by the right of privacy is the right
to be free from "unwarranted publicity, from the
Considering first petitioners' claim to freedom of wrongful publicizing of the private affairs and
speech and of expression, the Court would once activities of an individual which are outside the
more stress that this freedom includes the realm of legitimate public concern." 9
freedom to film and produce motion pictures and
to exhibit such motion pictures in theaters or to Lagunzad v. Vda. de Gonzales, 10 on which
diffuse them through television. In our day and private respondent relies heavily, recognized a
age, motion pictures are a universally utilized right to privacy in a context which included a
vehicle of communication and medium of claim to freedom of speech and of expression.
expression. Along with the press, radio and Lagunzad involved a suit for enforcement of a
television, motion pictures constitute a principal licensing agreement between a motion picture
medium of mass communication for information, producer as licensee and the widow and family of
education and entertainment. In Gonzales v. the late Moises Padilla as licensors. This
Katigbak, 3 former Chief Justice Fernando, agreement gave the licensee the right to produce
speaking for the Court, explained: a motion picture portraying the life of Moises
Padilla, a mayoralty candidate of the Nacionalista
"1. Motion pictures are important both as a Party for the Municipality of Magallon, Negros
medium for the communication of ideas and the Occidental during the November 1951 elections
expression of the artistic impulse. Their effects on and for whose murder, Governor Rafael Lacson, a
the perception by our people of issues and public member of the Liberal Party then in power and
officials or public figures as well as the prevailing his men were tried and convicted. 11 In affirming
cultural traits is considerable. Nor as pointed out the judgment of the lower court enforcing the
in Burstyn v. Wilson (343 US 495 [1942]) is the licensing agreement against the licensee who had
'importance of motion pictures as an organ of produced the motion picture and exhibited it but
public opinion lessened by the fact that they are refused to pay the stipulated royalties, the Court,
designed to entertain as well as to inform' (Ibid, through Mme. Justice Melencio-Herrera, said:
501). There is no clear dividing line between what
involves knowledge and what affords pleasure. If "Neither do we agree with petitioner's submission
such a distinction were sustained, there is a that the Licensing Agreement is null and void for
diminution of the basic right to free expression. . . lack of, or for having an illegal cause or
."4 consideration, while it is true that petitioner had
purchased the rights to the book entitled 'The
This freedom is available in our country both to Moises Padilla Story,' that did not dispense with
locally-owned and to foreign-owned motion the need for prior consent and authority from the
picture companies. Furthermore, the deceased heirs to portray publicly episodes in
circumstance that the production of motion said deceased's life and in that of his mother and
picture films is a commercial activity expected to the members of his family. As held in Schuyler v.
yield monetary profit, is not a disqualification for Curtis, ([1895], 147 NY 434, 42 NE, 31 LRA 286.
availing of freedom of speech and of expression. 49 Am St Rep 671), 'a privilege may be given the
In our community as in many other countries, surviving relatives of a deceased person to
media facilities are owned either by the protect his memory, but the privilege exists for
government or the private sector but the private the benefit of the living, to protect their feelings
sector-owned media facilities commonly require and to prevent a violation of their own rights in
to be sustained by being devoted in whole or in the character and memory of the deceased.'
part to revenue producing activities. Indeed,
commercial media constitute the bulk of such Petitioner's averment that private respondent did
facilities available in our country and hence to not have any property right over the life of Moises
exclude commercially owned and operated media Padilla since the latter was a public figure, is
from the exercise of constitutionally protected neither well taken. Being a public figure ipso facto
freedom of speech and of expression can only does not automatically destroy in toto a person's
result in the drastic contraction of such right to privacy. The right to invade a person's
constitutional liberties in our country. privacy to disseminate public information does
not extend to a fictional or novelized
The counter-balancing claim of private representation of a person, no matter how public
respondent is to a right of privacy. It was a figure he or she may be (Garner v. Triangle
Publications, DCNY, 97 F. Supp., 564, 549 [1951]).
12 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
In the case at bar, while it is true that petitioner 1. It may be observed at the outset that what is
exerted efforts to present a true-to-life story of involved in the instant case is a prior and direct
Moises Padilla, petitioner admits that he included restraint on the part of the respondent Judge
a little romance in the film because without it, it upon the exercise of speech and of expression by
would be a drab story of torture and brutality." 12 petitioners. The respondent Judge has restrained
petitioners from filming and producing the entire
In Lagunzad, the Court had need, as we have in proposed motion picture. It is important to note
the instant case, to deal with contraposed claims that in Lagunzad, there was no prior restrain of
to freedom of speech and of expression and to any kind imposed upon the movie producer who
privacy. Lagunzad the licensee in effect claimed, in fact completed and exhibited the film
in the name of freedom of speech and biography of Moises Padilla. Because of the
expression, a right to produce a motion picture preferred character of the constitutional rights of
biography at least partly "fictionalized" of Moises freedom of speech and of expression, a weighty
Padilla without the consent of and without paying presumption of invalidity vitiates measures of
pre-agreed royalties to the widow and family of prior restraint upon the exercise of such
Padilla. In rejecting the licensee's claim, the Court freedoms. 14 The invalidity of a measure of prior
said: restraint does not, of course, mean that no
subsequent liability may lawfully be imposed
Lastly, neither do we find merit in petitioner's upon a person claiming to exercise such
contention that the Licensing Agreement constitutional freedoms. The respondent Judge
infringes on the constitutional right of freedom of should have stayed his hand, instead of issuing
speech and of the press, in that, as a citizen and an ex-parte Temporary Restraining Order one day
as a newspaperman, he had the right to express after filing of a complaint by the private
his thoughts in film on the public life of Moises respondent and issuing a Preliminary Injunction
Padilla without prior restraint. The right of twenty (20) days later; for the projected motion
freedom of expression, indeed, occupies a picture was as yet uncompleted and hence not
preferred position in the 'hierarchy of civil exhibited to any audience. Neither private
liberties' (Philippine Blooming Mills Employees respondent nor the respondent trial Judge knew
Organization v. Philippine Blooming Mills Co., Inc., what the completed film would precisely look like.
51 SCRA 191 [1963]). It is not, however, without There was, in other words, no "clear and present
limitations. As held in Gonzales v. Commission on danger" of any violation of any right to privacy
Elections, 27 SCRA 835, 858 [1960]: that private respondent could lawfully assert.

xxx xxx xxx

The prevailing doctrine is that the clear and 2. The subject matter of "The Four Day
present danger rule is such a limitation. Another Revolution" relates to the non-bloody change of
criterion for permissible limitation on freedom of government that took place at Epifanio de los
speech and of the press, which includes such Santos Avenue in February 1986, and the train of
vehicles of the mass media as radio, television events which led up to that denouement. Clearly,
and the movies, is the 'balancing-of-interests test' such subject matter is one of public interest and
(Chief Justice Enrique M. Fernando on the Bill of concern. Indeed, it is, petitioners' argue, of
Rights, 1970 ed., p. 79). The principle 'requires a international interest. The subject thus relates to
court to take conscious and detailed a highly critical stage in the history of this
consideration of the interplay of interests country and as such, must be regarded as having
observable in a given situation or type of passed into the public domain and as an
situation' (Separation Opinion of the late Chief appropriate subject for speech and expression
Justice Castro in Gonzales v. Commission on and coverage by any form of mass media. The
Elections, supra, p. 899). cdphil subject matter, as set out in the synopsis
provided by the petitioners and quoted above,
In the case at bar, the interests observable are does not relate to the individual life and certainly
the right to privacy asserted by respondent and not to the private life of private respondent Ponce
the right of freedom of expression invoked by Enrile. Unlike in Lagunzad, which concerned the
petitioner. Taking into account the interplay of life story of Moises Padilla necessarily including at
those interests, we hold that under the particular least his immediate family, what we have here is
circumstances presented and considering the not a film biography, more or less fictionalized, of
obligations assumed in the Licensing Agreement private respondent Ponce Enrile. "The Four Day
entered into by petitioner, the validity of such Revolution" is not principally about, nor is it
agreement will have to be upheld particularly focused upon, the man Juan Ponce Enrile; but it is
because the limits of freedom of expression are compelled, if it is to be historical, to refer to the
reached when expression touches upon matters role played by Juan Ponce Enrile in the
of essentially private concern. 13 precipitating and the constituent events of the
change of government in February 1986.
Whether the "balancing of interests test" or the
"clear and present danger test" be applied in 3. The extent of the intrusion upon the life of
respect of the instant Petitions, the Court believes private respondent Juan Ponce Enrile that would
that a different conclusion must here be reached: be entailed by the production and exhibition of
The production and filming by petitioners of the "The Four Day Revolution" would, therefore, be
projected motion picture "The Four Day limited in character. The extent of that intrusion,
Revolution" does not, in the circumstances of this as this Court understands the synopsis of the
case, constitute an unlawful intrusion upon proposed film, may be generally described as
private respondent's "right of privacy." such intrusion as is reasonably necessary to keep

13 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
that film a truthful historical account. Private
respondent does not claim that petitioners The privilege of enlightening the public was not,
threatened to depict in "The Four Day Revolution" however, limited to the dissemination of news in
any part of the private life of private respondent the sense of current events. It extended also to
or that of any member of his family. information or education, or even entertainment
and amusement, by books, articles, pictures,
4. At all relevant times, during which the films and broadcasts concerning interesting
momentous events, clearly of public concern, phases of human activity in general, as well as
that petitioners propose to film were taking place, the reproduction of the public scene in newsreels
private respondent was what Profs. Prosser and and travelogues. In determining where to draw
Keeton have referred to as a "public figure:" the line, the courts were invited to exercise a
species of censorship over what the public may
"A public figure has been defined as a person be permitted to read; and they were
who, by his accomplishments, fame, or mode of understandably liberal in allowing the benefit of
living, or by adopting a profession or calling the doubt." 15
which gives the public a legitimate interest in his
doings, his affairs, and his character, has become Private respondent is a "public figure" precisely
a 'public personage.' He is, in other words, a because, inter alia, of his participation as a
celebrity. Obviously to be included in this principal actor in the culminating events of the
category are those who have achieved some change of government in February 1986. Because
degree of reputation by appearing before the his participation therein was major in character, a
public, as in the case of an actor, a professional film reenactment of the peaceful revolution that
baseball player, a pugilist, or any other fails to make reference to the role played by
entertainer. The list is, however, broader than private respondent would be grossly unhistorical.
this. It includes public officers, famous inventors The right of privacy of a "public figure" is
and explorers, war heroes and even ordinary necessarily narrower than that of an ordinary
soldiers, an infant prodigy, and no less a citizen. Private respondent has not retired into
personage than the Grand Exalted Ruler of a the seclusion of simple private citizenship. He
lodge. It includes, in short, anyone who has continues to be a "public figure." After a
arrived at a position where public attention is successful political campaign during which his
focused upon him as a person. LexLib participation in the EDSA Revolution was directly
or indirectly referred to in the press, radio and
Such public figures were held to have lost, to television, he sits in a very public place, the
some extent at least, their right of privacy. Three Senate of the Philippines.
reasons were given, more or less indiscrimately,
in the decisions that they had sought publicity 5. The line of equilibrium in the specific context of
and consented to it, and so could not complain the instant case between the constitutional
when they received it; that their personalities and freedom of speech and of expression and the
their affairs had already become public, and right of privacy, may be marked out in terms of a
could no longer be regarded as their own private requirement that the proposed motion picture
business; and that the press had a privilege, must be fairly truthful and historical in its
under the Constitution, to inform the public about presentation of events. There must, in other
those who have become legitimate matters of words, be no knowing or reckless disregard of
public interest. On one or another of these truth in depicting the participation of private
grounds, and sometimes all, it was held that respondent in the EDSA Revolution. 16 There
there was no liability when they were given must, further, be no presentation of the private
additional publicity, as to matters legitimately life of the unwilling private respondent and
within the scope of the public interest they had certainly no revelation of intimate or
aroused. embarrassing personal facts. 17 The proposed
motion picture should not enter into what Mme.
The privilege of giving publicity to news, and Justice Melencio-Herrera in Lagunzad referred to
other matters of public interest, was held to arise as "matters of essentially private concern." 18 To
out of the desire and the right of the public to the extent that "The Four Day Revolution" limits
know what is going on in the world, and the itself in portraying the participation of private
freedom of the press and other agencies of respondent in the EDSA Revolution to those
information to tell it. 'News' includes all events events which are directly and reasonably related
and items of information which are out of the to the public facts of the EDSA Revolution, the
ordinary humdrum routine, and which have 'that intrusion into private respondent's privacy cannot
indefinable quality of information which arouses be regarded as unreasonable and actionable.
public attention.' To a very great extent the press, Such portrayal may be carried out even without a
with its experience or instinct as to what its license from private respondent.
readers will want, has succeeded in making its
own definition of news, as a glance at any II
morning newspaper will sufficiently indicate. It In a Manifestation dated 30 March 1988,
includes homicide and other crimes, arrests and petitioner Hal McElroy informed this Court that a
police raides, suicides, marriages and divorces, Temporary Restraining Order dated 25 March
accidents, a death from the use of narcotics, a 1988, was issued by Judge Teofilo Guadiz of the
woman with a rare disease, the birth of a child to Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 147, in Civil
a twelve year old girl, the reappearance of one Case No. 88-413, entitled "Gregorio B. Honasan
supposed to have been murdered years ago, and vs. Ayer Productions Pty. Ltd., McElroy and
undoubtedly many other similar matters of McElroy Film Productions, Hal McElroy, Lope Juban
genuine, if more or less deplorable, popular and PMP Motion for Pictures Production" enjoining
appeal. him and his production company from further
14 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
filming any scene of the projected mini-series
film. Petitioner alleged that Honasan's complaint SO ORDERED.
was a "scissors and paste" pleading, cut out
straight from the complaint of private respondent Yap, C.J., Fernan, Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera,
Ponce Enrile in Civil Case No. 88-151. Petitioner Gutierrez, Jr., Cruz, Paras, Gancayco, Padilla,
Ayer Productions, in a separate Manifestation Bidin, Sarmiento, Cortes and Grio-Aquino, JJ.,
dated 4 April 1988, brought to the attention of concur.
the Court the same information given by
petitioner Hal McElroy, reiterating that the (Borjal v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126466,
complaint of Gregorio B. Honasan was January 14, 1999)
substantially identical to that filed by private
respondent herein and stating that in refusing to SECOND DIVISION
join Honasan in Civil Case No. 88-151, counsel for [G.R. No. 126466. January 14, 1999.]
private respondent, with whom counsel for ARTURO BORJAL a.k.a. ART BORJAL and MAXIMO
Gregorio Honasan are apparently associated, SOLIVEN, petitioners, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and
deliberately engaged in "forum shopping." FRANCISCO WENCESLAO,respondents.
Angara Abello Concepcion Regala & Cruz for
Private respondent filed a Counter-Manifestation petitioners.
on 13 April 1988 stating that the "slight Cenon C. Sorreta for private respondent.
similarity" between private respondent's
complaint and that of Honasan in the SYNOPSIS
construction of their legal basis of the right to The case under consideration is a petition for
privacy as a component of the cause of action is review filed by petitioners Arturo Borjal and
understandable considering that court pleadings Maximo Soliven seeking the reversal of the Court
are public records; that private respondent's of Appeals decision in "Francisco Wenceslao vs.
cause of action for invasion of privacy is separate Arturo Borjal and Maximo Soliven," CA-GR No.
and distinct from that of Honasan's although they 40496, holding on March 25, 1996 that
arose from the same tortious act of petitioners; petitioners are solidarily liable for damages for
that the rule on permissive joinder of parties is writing and publishing certain articles claimed to
not mandatory and that, the cited cases on be derogatory and offensive to private
"forum shopping" were not in point because the respondent Francisco Wenceslao. SEcADa
parties here and those in Civil Case No. 88-413
are not identical. LLpr The petition was impressed with merit. The Court
ruled that in order to maintain a libel suit, it is
For reasons that by now have become clear, it is essential that the victim be identifiable although
not necessary for the Court to deal with the it is not necessary that he be named. It is also not
question of whether or not the lawyers of private sufficient that the offended party recognized
respondent Ponce Enrile have engaged in "forum himself as the person attacked or defamed, but is
shopping." It is, however, important to dispose of must be shown that at least a third person could
the complaint filed by former Colonel Honasan identify him as the object of the libelous
who, having refused to subject himself to the publication. Regrettably, these requisites have
legal processes of the Republic and having not been complied with in the case at bar.
become once again a fugitive from justice, must Moreover, the Court said that even assuming that
be deemed to have forfeited any right he might the contents of these articles are false, mere
have had to protect his privacy through court error, inaccuracy or even falsity alone does not
processes. prove actual malice. Errors or misstatement are
inevitable in any scheme of truly free expression
WHEREFORE, and debate. Consistent with good faith and
reasonable care, the press should not be held to
a) the Petitions for Certiorari are GRANTED DUE account, to a point of suppression, for honest
COURSE, and the Order dated 16 March 1988 of mistakes or imperfections in the choice of
respondent trial court granting a Writ of language. There must be some room for
Preliminary Injunction is hereby SET ASIDE. The misstatement of fact as well as for misjudgment.
limited Temporary Restraining Order granted by Only by giving them much leeway and tolerance
this Court on 24 March 1988 is hereby MODIFIED can they courageously and effectively function as
by enjoining unqualifiedly the implementation of critical agencies in our democracy. Accordingly,
respondent Judge's Order of 16 March 1988 and the petition is granted and the decision of the
made PERMANENT, and Court of Appeals and its resolution are reversed
and set aside. CcEHaI
b) Treating the Manifestations of petitioners dated
30 March 1988 and 4 April 1988 as separate SYLLABUS
Petitions for Certiorari with Prayer for Preliminary 1. CRIMINAL LAW; LIBEL; TO MAINTAIN A
Injunction or Restraining Order, the Court, in the LIBEL SUIT, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE
exercise of its plenary and supervisory VICTIM BE IDENTIFIABLE ALTHOUGH IT IS
jurisdiction, hereby REQUIRES Judge Teofilo NOT NECESSARY THAT HE BE NAMED. In
Guadiz of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, order to maintain a libel suit, it is essential that
Branch 147, forthwith to DISMISS Civil Case No. the victim be identifiable although it is not
88-413 and accordingly to SET ASIDE and necessary that he be named. It is also not
DISSOLVE his Temporary Restraining Order dated sufficient that the offended party recognized
25 March 1988 and any Preliminary Injunction himself as the person attacked or defamed, but it
that may have been issued by him. LLphil must be shown that at least a third person could
identify him as the object of the libelous
No pronouncement as to costs.
15 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
publication. Regrettably, these requisites have ruling. At any rate, we have also defined
not been complied within the case at bar. "public figure" in Ayers Production Pty., Ltd.
v. Capulong (160 SCRA 861) as . . . a
2. ID.; ID.; PUBLICATIONS WHICH ARE person who, by his accomplishments, fame, mode
PRIVILEGED FOR REASONS OF PUBLIC of living, or by adopting a profession or calling
POLICY ARE PROTECTED BY THE which gives the public a legitimate interest in his
CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTY OF FREEDOM doings, his affairs and his character, has become
OF SPEECH. Indisputably, petitioner Borjal's a public personage. He is, in other words, a
questioned writings are not within the exceptions celebrity. Obviously, to be included in his
of Art. 354 of the Revised Penal Code for, as category are those who have achieved some
correctly observed by the appellate court, they degree of reputation by appearing before the
are neither private communications nor fair and public, as in the case of an actor, a professional
true report without any comments or remarks. baseball player, a pugilist, or any other
However this does not necessarily mean that entertainer. The list is, however, broader than
they are not privileged. To be sure, the this. It includes public officers, famous inventors
enumeration under Art. 354 is not an exclusive and explorers, war heroes and even ordinary
list of qualifiedly privileged communications since soldiers, infant prodigy, and no less a personage
fair commentaries on matters of public interest than the Great Exalted Ruler of the lodge. It
are likewise privileged. The rule on privileged includes, in short, anyone who has arrived at a
communications had its genesis not in the position where the public attention is focused
nation's penal code but in the Bill of Rights of the upon him as a person.
Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech and
of the press. As early as 1918, in United States 5. ID; ID; FAIR COMMENTARIES ON
vs. Caete (38 Phil. 253), this Court ruled that MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST ARE
publications which are privileged for reasons of PRIVILEGED AND CONSTITUTE VALID
public policy are protected by the constitutional DEFENSE IN AN ACTION FOR LIBEL OR
guaranty of freedom of speech. This SLANDER. To reiterate, fair commentaries on
constitutional right cannot be abolished by the matters of public interest are privileged and
mere failure of the legislature to give it express constitute a valid defense in an action for libel or
recognition in the statute punishing libels. IDTHcA slander. The doctrine of fair comment means that
while in general every discreditable imputation
3. ID.; ID.; PRIVILEGED publicly made is deemed false, because every
COMMUNICATION; IMPLICIT IN FREEDOM OF man is presumed innocent until his guilt is
SPEECH. The concept of privileged judicially proved, and every false imputation is
communications is implicit in the freedom of the deemed, malicious, nevertheless, when the
press. As held in Elizalde v. Gutierrez (76 SCRA discreditable imputation is directed against a
448) and reiterated in Santos v. Court of Appeals public person in his public capacity, it is not
(203 SCRA 110) To be more specific, no necessarily actionable. In order that such
culpability could be imputed to petitioners for the discreditable imputation to a public official may
alleged offending publication without doing be actionable, it must either be a false allegation
violence to the concept of privileged of fact or a comment based on a false
communications implicit in the freedom of the supposition. If the comment is an expression of
press. As was so well put by Justice Malcolm in opinion, based on established facts, then it is
Bustos: 'Public Policy, the welfare of society, and immaterial that the opinion happens to be
the orderly administration of government have mistaken, as long as it might reasonably be
demanded protection of public opinion. The inferred from the facts. cCSDTI
inevitable and incontestable result has been the
development and adoption of the doctrine of 6. ID.; ID.; MALICE; DEFINED; ABSENT IN
privilege.' The doctrine formulated in these two CASE AT BAR. Malice connotes ill will or spite
(2) cases resonates the rule that privileged and speaks not in response to duty but merely to
communications must, sui generis, be protective injure the reputation of the person defamed, and
of public opinion. This closely adheres to the implies an intention to do ulterior and
democratic theory of free speech as essential to unjustifiable harm. Malice is bad faith or bad
collective self-determination and eschews the motive. It is the essence of the crime of libel. In
strictly libertarian view that it is protective solely the milieu obtaining, can it be reasonably inferred
of self-expression which, in the words of Yale that in writing and publishing the articles in
Sterling Professor Owen Fiss, makes its appeal to question petitioner Borjal acted with malice?
the individualistic ethos that so dominates our Primarily, private respondent failed to
popular and political culture. It is therefore clear substantiate by preponderant evidence that
that the restrictive interpretation vested by the petitioner was animated by a desire to inflict
Court of Appeals on the penal provision unjustifiable harm on his reputation, or that the
exempting from liability only private articles were written and published without good
communications and fair and true report without motives or justifiable ends. On the other hand, we
comments or remarks defeats, rather than find petitioner Borjal to have acted in good faith.
promotes, the objective of the rule on privileged Moved by a sense of civic duty and prodded by
communications, sadly contriving as it does, to his responsibility as a newspaperman, he
suppress the healthy efflorescence of public proceeded to expose and denounce what he
debate and opinion as shining linchpins of truly perceived to be a public deception. Surely, we
democratic societies. cannot begrudge him for that. Every citizen has
the right to enjoy a good name and reputation,
4. ID.; ID.; PUBLIC FIGURE; DEFINED. but we do not consider that petitioner Borjal has
We deem private respondent a public figure violated that right in this case nor abused his
within the purview of the New York Times press freedom. Furthermore, to be considered
16 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
malicious, the libelous statements must be shown terrain, explore and furrow its heretofore
to have been written or published with the uncharted moors and valleys and finally redefine
knowledge that they are false or in reckless the metes and bounds of its controversial
disregard or whether they are false or not. domain. This, prominently, is one such case.
"Reckless disregard of what is false or not" means LLphil
that the defendant entertains serious doubt as to Perhaps, never in jurisprudential history has any
the truth of the publication, or that he possesses freedom of man undergone radical doctrinal
a high degree of awareness of their probable metamorphoses than his right to freely and
falsity. openly express his views. Blackstone's pontifical
comment that "where blasphemous, immoral,
7. ID.; ID.; PUBLIC OFFICIAL MUST NOT treasonable, schismatical, seditious, or
BE TOO THIN-SKINNED WITH REFERENCE TO scandalous libels are punished by English law . . .
COMMENTS UPON HIS OFFICIAL ACTS. the liberty of the press, properly understood, is by
Even assuming that the contents of the articles no means infringed or violated," found kindred
are false, mere error, inaccuracy or even falsity expression in the landmark opinion of England's
alone does not prove actual malice. Errors or Star Chamber in the Libelis Famosis case in 1603.
misstatements are inevitable in any scheme of 1 That case established two major propositions in
truly free expression and debate. Consistent with the prosecution of defamatory remarks: first, that
good faith and reasonable care, the press should libel against a public person is a greater offense
not be held to account, to a point of suppression, than one directed against an ordinary man, and
for honest mistakes or imperfections in the choice second, that it is immaterial that the libel be true.
of language. There must be some room for Until republicanism caught fire in early America,
misstatement of fact as well as for misjudgment. the view from the top on libel was no less dismal.
Only by giving them much leeway and tolerance Even the venerable Justice Holmes appeared to
can they courageously and effectively function as waffle as he swayed from the concept of criminal
critical agencies in our democracy. In Bulletin libel liability under the clear and present danger
Publishing Corp. v. Noel (167 SCRA 255) we held rule, to the other end of the spectrum in defense
A newspaper especially one national in reach of the constitutionally protected status of
and coverage, should be free to report on events unpopular opinion in free society.
and developments in which the public has a Viewed in modern times and the current
legitimate interest with minimum fear of being revolution in information and communication
hauled to court by one group or another on technology, libel principles formulated at one
criminal or civil charges for libel, so long as the time or another have waxed and waned through
newspaper respects and keeps within the the years in the constant ebb and flow of judicial
standards of morality and civility prevailing within review. At the very least, these principles have
the general community. To avoid the self- lost much of their flavor, drowned and swamped
censorship that would necessarily accompany as they have been by the ceaseless cacophony
strict liability for erroneous statements, rules and din of thought and discourse emanating from
governing liability for injury to reputation are just about every source and direction, aided no
required to allow an adequate margin of error by less by an increasingly powerful and irrepressible
protecting some inaccuracies. It is for the same mass media. Public discourse, laments Knight,
reason that the New York Times doctrine requires has been devalued by its utter commonality; and
that liability for defamation of a public official or we agree, for its logical effect is to benumb
public figure may not be imposed in the absence thought and sensibility on what may be
of proof of "actual malice" on the part of the considered as criminal illegitimate
person making the libelous statement. At any encroachments on the right of persons to enjoy a
rate, it may be salutary for private respondent to good, honorable and reputable name. This may
ponder upon the advice of Mr. Justice Malcolm explain the imperceptible demise of criminal
expressed in U.S. vs. Bustos (37 Phil. 731 [1918]), prosecutions for libel and the trend to rely instead
that "the interest of society and the maintenance on indemnity suits to repair any damage on one's
of good government demand a full discussion of reputation.
public affairs. Complete liberty to comment on In this petition for review, we are asked to reverse
the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case the Court of Appeals in "Francisco Wenceslao v.
of free speech. The sharp incision of its probe Arturo Borjal and Maximo Soliven," CA-G.R. No.
relieves the abscesses of officialdom. Men in 40496, holding on 25 March 1996 that petitioners
public life may suffer under a hostile and unjust Arturo Borjal and Maximo Soliven are solidarily
accusation; the wound may be assuaged by the liable for damages for writing and publishing
balm of a clear conscience. A public official must certain articles claimed to be derogatory and
not be too thin-skinned with reference to offensive to private respondent Francisco
comments upon his official acts." EASCDH Wenceslao.
Petitioners Arturo Borjal and Maximo Soliven are
DECISION among the incorporators of Philippines Today, Inc.
"The question is not so much as who was aimed (PTI), now PhilSTAR Daily, Inc., owner of The
at as who was hit." (Pound, J., in Corrigan v. Philippine Star, a daily newspaper. At the time the
Bobbs-Merill Co., 228 N .Y . 58 [1920]). complaint was filed, petitioner Borjal was its
President while Soliven was (and still is) Publisher
BELLOSILLO, J p: and Chairman of its Editorial Board. Among the
PERPETUALLY HAGRIDDEN as the public is about regular writers of The Philippine Star is Borjal who
losing one of the most basic yet oft hotly runs the column Jaywalker.
contested freedoms of man, the issue of the right Private respondent Francisco Wenceslao, on the
of free expression bestirs and presents itself time other hand, is a civil engineer, businessman,
and again, in cyclic occurrence, to inveigle, nay, business consultant and journalist by profession.
challenge the courts to re-survey its ever shifting In 1988 he served as a technical adviser of
17 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Congressman Fabian Sison, then Chairman of the letterheads carried the names of Reyes and
House of Representatives Sub-Committee on Periquet. Agrarian Reform Secretary on leave
Industrial Policy. Philip Juico received one, but he decided to find
During the congressional hearings on the out from Reyes himself what the project was all
transport crisis sometime in September 1988 about. Ray Reyes, in effect, advised Juico to put
undertaken by the House Sub-Committee on the fund solicitation letter in the waste basket.
Industrial Policy, those who attended agreed to Now, if the 3,000 persons and agencies
organize the First National Conference on Land approached by the organizer shelled out 1,000
Transportation (FNCLT) to be participated in by each, that's easily P3 million to a project that
the private sector in the transport industry and seems so unsophisticated. But note that one
government agencies concerned in order to find garment company gave P100,000, after which the
ways and means to solve the transportation Garments Regulatory Board headed by Trade and
crisis. More importantly, the objective of the Industry Undersecretary Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
FNCLT was to draft an omnibus bill that would was approached by the organizer to expedite the
embody a long-term land transportation policy for garment license application of the P100,000
presentation to Congress. The conference which, donor.
according to private respondent, was estimated
to cost around P1,815,000.00 would be funded 21 June 1989
through solicitations from various sponsors such
as government agencies, private organizations, A 'conference organizer' associated with shady
transport firms, and individual delegates or deals seems to have a lot of trash tucked inside
participants. 2 his closet. The Jaywalker continues to receive
On 28 February 1989, at the organizational information about the man's dubious deals. His
meeting of the FNCLT, private respondent notoriety, according to reliable sources, has
Francisco Wenceslao was elected Executive reached the Premier Guest House where his name
Director. As such, he wrote numerous solicitation is spoken like dung.
letters to the business community for the support
of the conference. xxx xxx xxx
Between May and July 1989 a series of articles
written by petitioner Borjal was published on The first information says that the 'organizer'
different dates in his column Jaywalker. The tried to mulct half a million pesos from a garment
articles dealt with the alleged anomalous producer and exporter who was being
activities of an "organizer of a conference" investigated for violation of the rules of the
without naming or identifying private respondent. Garments, Textile, Embroidery and Apparel Board.
Neither did it refer to the FNCLT as the conference The 'organizer' told the garment exporter that the
therein mentioned. Quoted hereunder are case could be fixed for a sum of P500,000.00. The
excerpts from the articles of petitioner together organizer got the shock of his life when the
with the dates they were published 3 exporter told him: 'If I have that amount, I will
31 May 1989 hire the best lawyers, not you.' The organizer left
in a huff, his thick face very pale.
Another self-proclaimed 'hero' of the EDSA
Revolution goes around organizing 'seminars and xxx xxx xxx
conferences' for a huge fee. This is a simple ploy
coated in jazzy letterheads and slick prose. The Friends in government and the private sector
'hero' has the gall to solicit fees from anybody have promised the Jaywalker more 'dope' on the
with bucks to spare. Recently, in his usual 'organizer.' It seems that he was not only
straightforward style, Transportation Secretary indiscreet; he even failed to cover his tracks. You
Rainerio 'Ray' Reyes, asked that his name be will be hearing more of the 'organizer's' exploits
stricken off from the letterheads the 'hero' has from this corner soon.
been using to implement one of his pet
'seminars.' Reyes said: 'I would like to reiterate 22 June 1989
my request that you delete my name.' Note that
Ray Reyes is an honest man who would confront The scheming 'organizer' we have been writing
anybody eyeball to eyeball without blinking. about seems to have been spreading his wings
too far. A congressional source has informed the
9 June 1989 Jaywalker that the schemer once worked for a
congressman from the North as some sort of a
Another questionable portion of the so-called consultant on economic affairs. The first thing the
conference is its unauthorized use of the names "organizer" did was to initiate hearings and
of President Aquino and Secretary Ray Reyes. The round-the-table discussions with people from the
conference program being circulated claims that business, export and his favorite the
President Aquino and Reyes will be main speakers garments sector.
in the conference. Yet, the word is that Cory and
Reyes have not accepted the invitation to appear xxx xxx xxx
in this confab. Ray Reyes even says that the
conference should be unmasked as a The 'organizer's' principal gamely went along,
moneymaking gimmick. thinking that his 'consultant' had nothing but the
good of these sectors in mind. It was only later
19 June 1989 that he realized that the 'consultant' was acting
with a burst of energy 'in aid of extortion.' The
. . . some 3,000 fund solicitation letters were sent 'consultant' was fired.
by the organizer to every Tom, Dick and Harry
and to almost all government agencies. And the xxx xxx xxx
18 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Thereafter, private respondent filed a complaint
There seems to be no end to what a man could with the National Press Club (NPC) against
do to pursue his dubious ways. He has tried to petitioner Borjal for unethical conduct. He
operate under a guise of a well-meaning accused petitioner Borjal of using his column as a
reformist. He has intellectual pretensions and form of leverage to obtain contracts for his public
sometimes he succeeds in getting his thoughts in relations firm, AA Borjal Associates. 6 In turn,
the inside pages of some newspapers, with the petitioner Borjal published a rejoinder to the
aid of some naive newspaper people. He has challenge of private respondent not only to
been turning out a lot of funny-looking advice on protect his name and honor but also to refute the
investments, export growth, and the like. claim that he was using his column for character
assassination. 7
xxx xxx xxx Apparently not satisfied with his complaint with
the NPC, private respondent filed a criminal case
A cabinet secretary has one big wish. He is for libel against petitioners Borjal and Soliven,
hoping for a broad power to ban crooks and among others. However, in a Resolution dated 7
influence-peddlers from entering the premises of August 1990, the Assistant Prosecutor handling
his department. But the Cabinet man might not the case dismissed the complaint for insufficiency
get his wish. There is one 'organizer' who, even if of evidence. The dismissal was sustained by the
physically banned, can still concoct ways of doing Department of Justice and later by the Office of
his thing. Without a tinge of remorse, the the President.
'organizer' could fill up his letterheads with On 31 October 1990 private respondent instituted
names of Cabinet members, congressmen, and against petitioners a civil action for damages
reputable people from the private sector to shore based on libel subject of the instant case. 8 In
up his shady reputation and cover up his their answer, petitioners interposed compulsory
notoriety. counterclaims for actual, moral and exemplary
damages, plus attorney's fees and costs. After
due consideration, the trial court decided in favor
of private respondent Wenceslao and ordered
3 July 1989 petitioners Borjal and Soliven to indemnify private
respondent P1,000,000.00 for actual and
A supposed conference on transportation was a compensatory damages, in addition to
big failure. The attendance was very poor and the P200,000.00 for moral damages, P100,000.00 for
few who participated in the affair were mostly exemplary damages, P200,000.00 for attorney's
leaders of jeepney drivers' groups. None of the fees, and to pay the costs of suit.
government officials involved in regulating public The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the
transportation was there. The big names in the court a quo but reduced the amount of the
industry also did not participate. With such a poor monetary award to P110,000.00 actual damages,
attendance, one wonders why the conference P200,000.00 moral damages and P75,000.00
organizers went ahead with the affair and tried so attorney's fees plus costs. In a 20-page Decision
hard to convince 3,000 companies and individuals promulgated 25 March 1996, the appellate court
to contribute to the affair. ruled inter alia that private respondent was
sufficiently identifiable, although not named, in
xxx xxx xxx the questioned articles; that private respondent
was in fact defamed by petitioner Borjal by
The conference was doomed from the start. It describing him variously as a "self-proclaimed
was bound to fail. The personalities who count in hero," "a conference organizer associated with
the field of transportation refused to attend the shady deals who has a lot of trash tucked inside
affair or withdrew their support after finding out his closet," "thick face," and "a person with
the background of the organizer of the dubious ways;" that petitioner's claim of privilege
conference. How could a conference on communication was unavailing since the
transportation succeed without the participation privileged character of the articles was lost by
of the big names in the industry and government their publication in a newspaper of general
policy-makers? circulation; that petitioner could have performed
his office as a newspaperman without necessarily
Private respondent reacted to the articles. He transgressing the rights of Wenceslao by calling
sent a letter to The Philippine Star insisting that the attention of the government offices
he was the "organizer" alluded to in petitioner concerned to examine the authority by which
Borjal's columns. 4 In a subsequent letter to The Wenceslao acted, warning the public against
Philippine Star, private respondent refuted the contributing to a conference that, according to his
matters contained in petitioner Borjal's columns perception, lacked the univocal indorsement of
and openly challenged him in this manner the responsible government officials, or simply
To test if Borjal has the guts to back up his holier informing the public of the letters Wenceslao
than thou attitude, I am prepared to relinquish wrote and the favors he requested or demanded;
this position in case it is found that I have and, that when he imputed dishonesty, falsehood
misappropriated even one peso of FNCLT money. and misrepresentation, shamelessness and
On the other hand, if I can prove that Borjal has intellectual pretensions to Wenceslao, petitioner
used his column as a 'hammer' to get clients for Borjal crossed the thin but clear line that
his PR Firm, AA Borjal Associates, he should separated fair comment from actionable
resign from the STAR and never again write a defamation.
column. Is it a deal? 5 Private respondent manifested his desire to
appeal that portion of the appellate court's
decision which reduced the amount of damages
awarded him by filing with this Court a Petition for
19 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Extension of Time to File Petition and a Motion for the FNCLT who were present at its inception, and
Suspension of Time to File Petition. 9 However, in who had pledged their assistance to it. cdasia
a Resolution dated 27 May 1996, the Second We hold otherwise. These conclusions are at
Division denied both motions: the first, for being variance with the evidence at hand. The
premature, and the second, for being a wrong questioned articles written by Borjal do not
remedy. identify private respondent Wenceslao as the
On 20 November 1996 when the First Division organizer of the conference. The first of the
consolidated and transferred the present case to Jaywalker articles which appeared in the 31 May
the Second Division, there was no longer any 1989 issue of The Philippine Star yielded nothing
case thereat with which to consolidate this case to indicate that private respondent was the
since G.R. No. 124396 had already been disposed person referred to therein. Surely, as observed by
of by the Second Division almost six (6) months petitioners, there were millions of "heroes" of the
earlier. EDSA Revolution and anyone of them could be
On their part, petitioners filed a motion for "self-proclaimed" or an "organizer of seminars
reconsideration but the Court of Appeals denied and conferences." As a matter of fact, in his 9
the motion in its Resolution of 12 September June 1989 column petitioner Borjal wrote about
1996. Hence the instant petition for review. The the "so-called First National Conference on Land
petitioners contend that the Court of Appeals Transportation whose principal organizers are not
erred: (a) in ruling that private respondent specified" (italics supplied). 11 Neither did the
Wenceslao was sufficiently identified by petitioner FNCLT letterheads 12 disclose the identity of the
Borjal in the questioned articles; (b) in refusing to conference organizer since these contained only
accord serious consideration to the findings of the an enumeration of names where private
Department of Justice and the Office of the respondent Francisco Wenceslao was described
President that private respondent Wenceslao was as Executive Director and Spokesman and not as
not sufficiently identified in the questioned a conference organizer. 13 The printout 14 and
articles, this notwithstanding that the degree of tentative program 15 of the conference were
proof required in a preliminary investigation is devoid of any indication of Wenceslao as
merely prima facie evidence which is significantly organizer. The printout which contained an article
less than the preponderance of evidence required entitled "Who Organized the NCLT ?" did not even
in civil cases; (c) in ruling that the subject articles mention private respondent's name, while the
do not constitute qualifiedly privileged tentative program only denominated private
communication; (d) in refusing to apply the respondent as "Vice Chairman and Executive
"public official doctrine" laid down in New York Director," and not as organizer.
Times v. Sullivan; (e) in ruling that the questioned No less than private respondent himself admitted
articles lost their privileged character because of that the FNCLT had several organizers and that he
their publication in a newspaper of general was only a part of the organization, thus
circulation; (f) in ruling that private respondent
has a valid cause of action for libel against I would like to clarify for the record that I was only
petitioners although he failed to prove actual a part of the organization. I was invited then
malice on their part, and that the prosecutors of because I was the head of the technical panel of
the City of Manila, the Department of Justice, and the House of Representatives Sub-Committee on
eventually, the Office of the President, had Industrial Policy that took care of congressional
already resolved that there was no sufficient hearings. 16
evidence to prove the existence of libel; and, (g)
assuming arguendo that Borjal should be held Significantly, private respondent himself
liable, in adjudging petitioner Soliven solidarily entertained doubt that he was the person spoken
liable with him. Thus, petitioners pray for the of in Borjal's columns. The former even called up
reversal of the appellate court's ruling, the columnist Borjal to inquire if he (Wenceslao) was
dismissal of the complaint against them for lack the one referred to in the subject articles. 17 His
of merit, and the award of damages on their letter to the editor published in the 4 June 1989
counterclaim. issue of The Philippine Star even showed private
The petition is impressed with merit. In order to respondent Wenceslao's uncertainty
maintain a libel suit, it is essential that the victim Although he used a subterfuge, I was almost
be identifiable although it is not necessary that certain that Art Borjal referred to the First
he be named. It is also not sufficient that the National Conference on Land Transportation (June
offended party recognized himself as the person 29-30) and me in the second paragraph of his
attacked or defamed, but it must be shown that May 31 column . . . 18
at least a third person could identify him as the
object of the libelous publication. 10 Regrettably, Identification is grossly inadequate when even
these requisites have not been complied with in the alleged offended party is himself unsure that
the case at bar. he was the object of the verbal attack. It is well to
In ruling for private respondent, the Court of note that the revelation of the identity of the
Appeals found that Borjal's column writings person alluded to came not from petitioner Borjal
sufficiently identified Wenceslao as the but from private respondent himself when he
"conference organizer." It cited the First National supplied the information through his 4 June 1989
Conference on Land Transportation, the letter to the editor. Had private respondent not
letterheads used listing different telephone revealed that he was the "organizer" of the FNCLT
numbers, the donation of P100,000.00 from referred to in the Borjal articles, the public would
Juliano Lim and the reference to the "organizer of have remained in blissful ignorance of his
the conference" the very same appellation identity. It is therefore clear that on the element
employed in all the column items as having of identifiability alone the case falls.
sufficiently established the identity of private
respondent Wenceslao for those who knew about
20 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
The above disquisitions notwithstanding, and on freedom of speech. This constitutional right
the assumption arguendo that private respondent cannot be abolished by the mere failure of the
has been sufficiently identified as the subject of legislature to give it express recognition in the
Borjal's disputed comments, we now proceed to statute punishing libels.
resolve the other issues and pass upon the The concept of privileged communications is
pertinent findings of the courts a quo. implicit in the freedom of the press. As held in
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth assigned errors Elizalde v. Gutierrez 21 and reiterated in Santos v.
all revolve around the primary question of Court of Appeals 22
whether the disputed articles constitute To be more specific, no culpability could be
privileged communications as to exempt the imputed to petitioners for the alleged offending
author from liability. publication without doing violence to the concept
The trial court ruled that petitioner Borjal cannot of privileged communications implicit in the
hide behind the proposition that his articles are freedom of the press. As was so well put by
privileged in character under the provisions of Justice Malcolm in Bustos: 'Public policy, the
Art. 354 of The Revised Penal Code which state welfare of society, and the orderly administration
Art. 354. Requirement for publicity. Every of government have demanded protection of
defamatory imputation is presumed to be public opinion. The inevitable and incontestable
malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention result has been the development and adoption of
and justifiable motive for making it is shown, the doctrine of privilege.'
except in the following cases:
The doctrine formulated in these two (2) cases
1) A private communication made by any resonates the rule that privileged
person to another in the performance of any communications must, sui generis, be protective
legal, moral or social duty; and, of public opinion. This closely adheres to the
democratic theory of free speech as essential to
2) A fair and true report, made in good faith, collective self-determination and eschews the
without any comments or remarks, of any judicial, strictly libertarian view that it is protective solely
legislative or other official proceedings which are of self-expression which, in the words of Yale
not of confidential nature, or of any statement, Sterling Professor Owen Fiss, 23 makes its appeal
report or speech delivered in said proceedings, or to the individualistic ethos that so dominates our
of any other act performed by public officers in popular and political culture. It is therefore clear
the exercise of their functions. that the restrictive interpretation vested by the
Court of Appeals on the penal provision
Respondent court explained that the writings in exempting from liability only private
question did not fall under any of the exceptions communications and fair and true report without
described in the above-quoted article since these comments or remarks defeats, rather than
were neither "private communications" nor "fair promotes, the objective of the rule on privileged
and true report . . . without any comments or communications, sadly contriving as it does, to
remarks." But this is incorrect. suppress the healthy efflorescence of public
A privileged communication may be either debate and opinion as shining linchpins of truly
absolutely privileged or qualifiedly privileged. democratic societies.
Absolutely privileged communications are those To reiterate, fair commentaries on matters of
which are not actionable even if the author has public interest are privileged and constitute a
acted in bad faith. An example is found in Sec. valid defense in an action for libel or slander. The
11, Art. VI, of the 1987 Constitution which doctrine of fair comment means that while in
exempts a member of Congress from liability for general every discreditable imputation publicly
any speech or debate in the Congress or in any made is deemed false, because every man is
Committee thereof. Upon the other hand, presumed innocent until his guilt is judicially
qualifiedly privileged communications containing proved, and every false imputation is deemed
defamatory imputations are not actionable unless malicious, nevertheless, when the discreditable
found to have been made without good intention imputation is directed against a public person in
or justifiable motive. To this genre belong "private his public capacity, it is not necessarily
communications" and "fair and true report actionable. In order that such discreditable
without any comments or remarks." imputation to a public official may be actionable,
Indisputably, petitioner Borjal's questioned it must either be a false allegation of fact or a
writings are not within the exceptions of Art. 354 comment based on a false supposition. If the
of The Revised Penal Code for, as correctly comment is an expression of opinion, based on
observed by the appellate court, they are neither established facts, then it is immaterial that the
private communications nor fair and true report opinion happens to be mistaken, as long as it
without any comments or remarks. However this might reasonably be inferred from the facts. 24
does not necessarily mean that they are not There is no denying that the questioned articles
privileged. To be sure, the enumeration under Art. dealt with matters of public interest. In his
354 is not an exclusive list of qualifiedly testimony, private respondent spelled out the
privileged communications since fair objectives of the conference thus
commentaries on matters of public interest are . . . The principal conference objective is to come
likewise privileged. The rule on privileged up with a draft of an Omnibus Bill that will
communications had its genesis not in the embody a long term land transportation policy for
nation's penal code but in the Bill of Rights of the presentation to Congress in its next regular
Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech and session in July. Since last January, the National
of the press. 19 As early as 1918, in United States Conference on Land Transportation (NCLT), the
v. Caete, 20 this Court ruled that publications conference secretariat, has been enlisting
which are privileged for reasons of public policy support from all sectors to ensure the success of
are protected by the constitutional guaranty of the project. 25
21 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
The raison d'etre for the New York Times doctrine
Private respondent likewise testified that the was that to require critics of official conduct to
FNCLT was raising funds through solicitation from guarantee the truth of all their factual assertions
the public on pain of libel judgments would lead to self-
Q: Now, in this first letter, you have attached censorship, since would-be critics would be
a budget and it says here that in this seminar of deterred from voicing out their criticisms even if
the First National Conference on Land such were believed to be true, or were in fact
Transportation, you will need around One million true, because of doubt whether it could be proved
eight hundred fifteen thousand pesos, is that or because of fear of the expense of having to
right? prove it. 28
In the present case, we deem private respondent
A: That was the budget estimate, sir. a public figure within the purview of the New York
Times ruling. At any rate, we have also defined
Q: How do you intend as executive officer, to "public figure" in Ayers Production Pty., Ltd. v.
raise this fund of your seminar? Capulong 29 as
. . . a person who, by his accomplishments, fame,
A: Well, from sponsors such as government mode of living, or by adopting a profession or
agencies and private sectors or organizations as calling which gives the public a legitimate
well as individual transport firms and from interest in his doings, his affairs and his
individual delegates/participants. 26 character, has become a 'public personage.' He
is, in other words, a celebrity. Obviously, to be
The declared objective of the conference, the included in this category are those who have
composition of its members and participants, and achieved some degree of reputation by appearing
the manner by which it was intended to be before the public, as in the case of an actor, a
funded no doubt lend to its activities as being professional baseball player, a pugilist, or any
genuinely imbued with public interest. An other entertainer. The list is, however, broader
organization such as the FNCLT aiming to reinvent than this. It includes public officers, famous
and reshape the transportation laws of the inventors and explorers, war heroes and even
country and seeking to source its funds for the ordinary soldiers, infant prodigy, and no less a
project from the public at large cannot dissociate personage than the Great Exalted Ruler of the
itself from the public character of its mission. As lodge. It includes, in short, anyone who has
such, it cannot but invite close scrutiny by the arrived at a position where the public attention is
media obliged to inform the public of the focused upon him as a person.
legitimacy of the purpose of the activity and of
the qualifications and integrity of the The FNCLT was an undertaking infused with public
personalities behind it. interest. It was promoted as a joint project of the
This in effect is the strong message in New York government and the private sector, and
Times v. Sullivan 27 which the appellate court organized by top government officials and
failed to consider or, for that matter, to heed. It prominent businessmen. For this reason, it
insisted that private respondent was not, properly attracted media mileage and drew public
speaking, a "public official" nor a "public figure," attention not only to the conference itself but to
which is why the defamatory imputations against the personalities behind as well. As its Executive
him had nothing to do with his task of organizing Director and spokesman, private respondent
the FNCLT. consequently assumed the status of a public
New York Times v. Sullivan was decided by the U. figure.
S. Supreme Court in the 1960s at the height of But even assuming ex-gratia argumenti that
the bloody rioting in the American South over private respondent, despite the position he
racial segregation. The then City Commissioner L. occupied in the FNCLT, would not qualify as a
B. Sullivan of Montgomery, Alabama, sued New public figure, it does not necessarily follow that
York Times for publishing a paid political he could not validly be the subject of a public
advertisement espousing racial equality and comment even if he was not a public official or at
describing police atrocities committed against least a public figure, for he could be, as long as
students inside a college campus. As he was involved in a public issue. If a matter is a
commissioner having charge over police actions subject of public or general interest, it cannot
Sullivan felt that he was sufficiently identified in suddenly become less so merely because a
the ad as the perpetrator of the outrage; private individual is involved or because in some
consequently, he sued New York Times on the sense the individual did not voluntarily choose to
basis of what he believed were libelous become involved. The public's primary interest is
utterances against him. in the event; the public focus is on the conduct of
the participant and the content, effect and
The U.S. Supreme Court speaking through Mr. significance of the conduct, not the participant's
Justice William J. Brennan Jr. ruled against Sullivan prior anonymity or notoriety. 30
holding that honest criticisms on the conduct of There is no denying that the questioned articles
public officials and public figures are insulated dealt with matters of public interest. A reading of
from libel judgments. The guarantees of freedom the imputations of petitioner Borjal against
of speech and press prohibit a public official or respondent Wenceslao shows that all these
public figure from recovering damages for a necessarily bore upon the latter's official conduct
defamatory falsehood relating to his official and his moral and mental fitness as Executive
conduct unless he proves that the statement was Director of the FNCLT. The nature and functions of
made with actual malice, i.e., with knowledge his position which included solicitation of funds,
that it was false or with reckless disregard of dissemination of information about the FNCLT in
whether it was false or not. order to generate interest in the conference, and
the management and coordination of the various
22 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
activities of the conference demanded from him very serious allegations of petitioner Borjal
utmost honesty, integrity and competence. These assumed by private respondent to be directed
are matters about which the public has the right against him are true. But we nevertheless find
to be informed, taking into account the very these at least to have been based on reasonable
public character of the conference itself. grounds formed after the columnist conducted
Concededly, petitioner Borjal may have gone several personal interviews and after considering
overboard in the language employed describing the varied documentary evidence provided him
the "organizer of the conference." One is tempted by his sources. Thus, the following are supported
to wonder if it was by some mischievous gambit by documentary evidence: (a) that private
that he would also dare test the limits of the "wild respondent requested Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,
blue yonder" of free speech in this jurisdiction. then head of the Garments and Textile Export
But no matter how intemperate or deprecatory Board (GTEB), to expedite the processing and
the utterances appear to be, the privilege is not release of the import approval and certificate of
to be defeated nor rendered inutile for, as availability of a garment firm in exchange for the
succinctly expressed by Mr. Justice Brennan in monetary contribution of Juliano Lim, which
New York Times v. Sullivan, "[D]ebate on public necessitated a reply from the office of Gloria
issues should be uninhibited, robust and wide Macapagal-Arroyo explaining the procedure of the
open, and that it may well include vehement, GTEB in processing applications and clarifying
caustic and sometimes unpleasantly sharp that all applicants were treated equally; 40 (b)
attacks on the government and public officials." that Antonio Periquet was designated Chairman
31 of the Executive Committee of the FNCLT
The Court of Appeals concluded that since malice notwithstanding that he had previously declined
is always presumed in the publication of the offer; 41 and, (c) that despite the fact that
defamatory matters in the absence of proof to then President Aquino and her Secretary of
the contrary, the question of privilege is Transportation Rainerio Reyes declined the
immaterial. invitation to be guest speakers in the conference,
We reject this postulate. While, generally, malice their names were still included in the printout of
can be presumed from defamatory words, the the FNCLT. 42 Added to these are the admissions
privileged character of a communication destroys of private respondent that: (a) he assisted Juliano
the presumption of malice. 32 The onus of Lim in his application for a quota allocation with
proving actual malice then lies on plaintiff, the GTEB in exchange for monetary contributions
private respondent Wenceslao herein. He must to the FNCLT; 43 (b) he included the name of then
bring home to the defendant, petitioner Borjal Secretary of Transportation Rainerio Reyes in the
herein, the existence of malice as the true motive promotional materials of the conference
of his conduct. 33 notwithstanding the latter's refusal to lend his
Malice connotes ill will or spite and speaks not in name to and participate in the FNCLT; 44 and, (c)
response to duty but merely to injure the he used different letterheads and telephone
reputation of the person defamed, and implies an numbers. 45
intention to do ulterior and unjustifiable harm. 34 Even assuming that the contents of the articles
Malice is bad faith or bad motive. 35 It is the are false, mere error, inaccuracy or even falsity
essence of the crime of libel. 36 alone does not prove actual malice. Errors or
In the milieu obtaining, can it be reasonably misstatements are inevitable in any scheme of
inferred that in writing and publishing the articles truly free expression and debate. Consistent with
in question petitioner Borjal acted with malice? good faith and reasonable care, the press should
Primarily, private respondent failed to not be held to account, to a point of suppression,
substantiate by preponderant evidence that for honest mistakes or imperfections in the choice
petitioner was animated by a desire to inflict of language. There must be some room for
unjustifiable harm on his reputation, or that the misstatement of fact as well as for misjudgment.
articles were written and published without good Only by giving them much leeway and tolerance
motives or justifiable ends. On the other hand, we can they courageously and effectively function as
find petitioner Borjal to have acted in good faith. critical agencies in our democracy. 46 In Bulletin
Moved by a sense of civic duty and prodded by Publishing Corp. v. Noel 47 we held
his responsibility as a newspaperman, he A newspaper especially one national in reach and
proceeded to expose and denounce what he coverage, should be free to report on events and
perceived to be a public deception. Surely, we developments in which the public has a
cannot begrudge him for that. Every citizen has legitimate interest with minimum fear of being
the right to enjoy a good name and reputation, hauled to court by one group or another on
but we do not consider that petitioner Borjal has criminal or civil charges for libel, so long as the
violated that right in this case nor abused his newspaper respects and keeps within the
press freedom. LLphil standards of morality and civility prevailing within
Furthermore, to be considered malicious, the the general community.
libelous statements must be shown to have been
written or published with the knowledge that they To avoid the self-censorship that would
are false or in reckless disregard of whether they necessarily accompany strict liability for
are false or not. 37 "Reckless disregard of what is erroneous statements, rules governing liability for
false or not" means that the defendant entertains injury to reputation are required to allow an
serious doubt as to the truth of the publication, adequate margin of error by protecting some
38 or that he possesses a high degree of inaccuracies. It is for the same reason that the
awareness of their probable falsity. 39 New York Times doctrine requires that liability for
The articles subject of the instant case can hardly defamation of a public official or public figure
be said to have been written with knowledge that may not be imposed in the absence of proof of
these are false or in reckless disregard of what is "actual malice" on the part of the person making
false or not. This is not to say however that the the libelous statement.
23 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
At any rate, it may be salutary for private For, concluding with the wisdom in Warren v.
respondent to ponder upon the advice of Mr. Pulitzer Publishing Co. 52
Justice Malcolm expressed in U.S. v. Bustos, 48 Every man has a right to discuss matters of
that "the interest of society and the maintenance public interest. A clergyman with his flock, an
of good government demand a full discussion of admiral with his fleet, a general with his army, a
public affairs. Complete liberty to comment on judge with his jury, we are, all of us, the subject
the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case of public discussion. The view of our court has
of free speech. The sharp incision of its probe been thus stated: 'It is only in despotisms that
relieves the abscesses of officialdom. Men in one must speak sub rosa, or in whispers, with
public life may suffer under a hostile and unjust bated breath, around the corner, or in the dark on
accusation; the wound may be assuaged by the a subject touching the common welfare. It is the
balm of a clear conscience. A public official must brightest jewel in the crown of the law to speak
not be too thin-skinned with reference to and maintain the golden mean between
comments upon his official acts." defamation, on one hand, and a healthy and
The foregoing disposition renders the second and robust right of free public discussion, on the
seventh assigned errors moot and academic, other.'
hence, we find no necessity to pass upon them.
We must however take this opportunity to WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
likewise remind media practitioners of the high Decision of the Court of Appeals of 25 March
ethical standards attached to and demanded by 1996 and its Resolution of 12 September 1996
their noble profession. The danger of an unbridled denying reconsideration are REVERSED and SET
irrational exercise of the right of free speech and ASIDE, and the complaint for damages against
press, that is, in utter contempt of the rights of petitioners is DISMISSED. Petitioners'
others and in willful disregard of the cumbrous counterclaim for damages is likewise DISMISSED
responsibilities inherent in it, is the eventual self- for lack of merit. No costs. cda
destruction of the right and the regression of SO ORDERED.
human society into a veritable Hobbesian state of Puno, Martinez and Buena, JJ., concur.
nature where life is short, nasty and brutish.
Therefore, to recognize that there can be no Mendoza, J., concurs in the result.
absolute "unrestraint" in speech is to truly
comprehend the quintessence of freedom in the
marketplace of social thought and action,
genuine freedom being that which is limned by
the freedom of others. If there is freedom of the
press, ought there not also be freedom from the
press? It is in this sense that self-regulation as
distinguished from self-censorship becomes the
ideal mean for, as Mr. Justice Frankfurter has
warned, "[W]ithout . . . a lively sense of (Reyes v. Bagatsing, G.R. No. L-65366,
responsibility, a free press may readily become a November 09, 1983)
powerful instrument of injustice." 49
Lest we be misconstrued, this is not to diminish EN BANC
nor constrict that space in which expression [G.R. No. L-65366. November 9, 1983.]
freely flourishes and operates. For we have JOSE B.L. REYES, in behalf of the ANTI-BASES
always strongly maintained, as we do now, that COALITION (ABC), petitioner, vs. RAMON
freedom of expression is man's birthright BAGATSING, as Mayor of the City of Manila,
constitutionally protected and guaranteed, and respondent.
that it has become the singular role of the press Lorenzo M. Taada, Jose W. Diokno and Haydee B.
to act as its "defensor fidei" in a democratic Yorac for petitioner.
society such as ours. But it is also worth keeping The Solicitor General for respondent.
in mind that the press is the servant, not the
master, of the citizenry, and its freedom does not SYLLABUS
carry with it an unrestricted hunting license to 1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BILL OF RIGHTS;
prey on the ordinary citizen. 50 FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND PEACEFUL
On petitioners' counterclaim for damages, we find ASSEMBLY; LIBERTY TO DISCUSS AND MEET
the evidence too meager to sustain any award. WITHOUT CENSORSHIP UNLESS THERE IS
Indeed, private respondent cannot be said to CLEAR DANGER OF A SUBSTANTIVE EVIL.
have instituted the present suit in abuse of the Free speech, like free press, may be identified
legal processes and with hostility to the press; or with the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully
that he acted maliciously, wantonly, oppressively, any matter of public concern without censorship
fraudulently and for the sole purpose of harassing or punishment. There is to be then no previous
petitioners, thereby entitling the latter to restraint on the communication of views or
damages. On the contrary, private respondent subsequent liability whether in libel suits,
acted within his rights to protect his honor from prosecution for sedition, or action for damages, or
what he perceived to be malicious imputations contempt proceedings unless there be a "clear
against him. Proof and motive that the institution and present danger of a substantive evil that the
of the action was prompted by a sinister design to State has a right to prevent." Freedom of
vex and humiliate a person must be clearly and assembly connotes the right of the people to
preponderantly established to entitle the victim meet peaceably for consultation and discussion of
to damages. The law could not have meant to matters of public concern. It is entitled to be
impose a penalty on the right to litigate, nor accorded the utmost deference and respect. It is
should counsel's fees be awarded every time a not to be limited, much less denied, except on a
party wins a suit. 51 showing, as is the case with freedom of
24 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
expression, of a clear and present danger of a conclusion finds support in the decision in the
substantive evil that the state has a right to case of Willis Cox vs. State of New Hampshire,
prevent. 312 U.S. 569. . . ." The Supreme Court of the
United States, in its decision (1941) penned by
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; INSEPARABLE RIGHTS THE Chief Justice Hughes affirming the judgment of
LIMITATION OF WHICH IS SUBJECT TO the State Supreme Court, held that "a statute
JUDICIAL EXAMINATION. In Thomas v. requiring persons using the public streets for a
Collins, 323 US 516 (1945), the American parade or procession to procure a special license
Supreme Court held that it was not by accident or therefor from the local authorities is not an
coincidence that the rights to freedom of speech unconstitutional abridgment of the rights of
and of the press were coupled in a single assembly or of freedom of speech and press,
guarantee with the rights of the people peaceably where, as the statute is construed by the state
to assemble and to petition the government for courts, the licensing authorities are strictly
redress of grievances. All these rights, while not limited, in the issuance, to a consideration of the
identical, are inseparable. In every case, time, place, and manner of the parade or
therefore, where there is a limitation placed on procession, with a view to conserving the public
the exercise of the right, the judiciary is called convenience and of affording an opportunity to
upon to examine the effects of the challenged provide proper policing, and are not invested with
governmental actuation. The sole justification for arbitrary discretion to issue or refuse
a limitation on the exercise of this right, so license, . . . , " 80 Phil, at 78.
fundamental to the maintenance of democratic
institutions, is the danger, of a character both 5. ID.; ID.; ID.; FREEDOM OF ACCESS TO
grave and imminent, of a serious evil to public PUBLIC PARKS AND STREETS; PURPOSE OF
safety, public morals, public health, of other APPLICANT DETERMINATIVE OF THE USE
legitimate public interest (Cf. Schneider v. THEREOF. It is settled law that as to public
Irvington, 308 US 147 (1939). places, especially so as to parks and streets,
there is freedom of access. Nor is their use
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; RIOTOUS CONDUCT MUST BE dependent on who is the applicant for the permit,
AVOIDED IN THE EXERCISE OF THESE whether an individual or a group. If it were, then
CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. What is the freedom of access becomes discriminatory
guaranteed is peaceable assembly. One may not access, giving rise to an equal protection
advocate disorder in the name of protest, much question. The principle under American doctrines
less preach rebellion under the cloak of dissent. was given utterance by Chief Justice Hughes in
The Constitution frowns on disorder or tumult these words: "The question, if the rights of free
attending a rally or assembly. Resort to force is speech and peaceable assembly are to be
ruled out and outbreaks of violence to be preserved, is not as to the auspices under which
avoided. The utmost calm though is not required. the meeting is held but as to its purpose; not as
As pointed out in an early Philippine case, penned to the relations of the speakers, but whether their
in 1907 to be precise, United States v. Apurado, 7 utterances transcend the bounds of the freedom
Phil. 422, "It is rather to be expected that more or of speech which the Constitution protects" (De
less disorder will mark the public assembly of the Jorge v. Oregon, 299 US 353, 364 (1937).
people to protest against grievances whether real
or imaginary, because on such occasions feeling 6. ID.; ID.; ID.; LICENSING AUTHORITIES ARE
is always wrought to a high pitch of excitement, NOT INVESTED WITH ARBITRARY
and the greater the grievances and the more DISCRETION TO ISSUE OR REFUSE LICENSE.
intense the feeling, the less perfect, as a rule, will There could he danger to public peace and
be the disciplinary control of the leaders over safety if such a gathering were marked by
their irresponsible followers." It bears repeating turbulence. That would deprive it of its peaceful
that for the constitutional right to be invoked, character. Even then, only the guilty parties
riotous conduct, injury to property, and acts of should be held accountable. It is true that the
vandalism must be avoided. To give free rein to licensing official, here respondent Mayor, is not
one's destructive urges is to call for devoid of discretion in determining whether or
condemnation. It is to make a mockery of the not a permit would be granted. White prudence
high estate occupied by intellectual liberty its our requires that there be a realistic appraisal not of
scheme of values. what may possibly occur but of what may
probably occur, given all the relevant
4. ID.; ID.; ID.; NO VALID OBJECTION EXISTS circumstances, still the assumption especially
ON THE CHOICE OF PLACE FOR THE MARCH so where the assembly is scheduled for a specific
AND RALLY, PROCUREMENT OF LICENSE FOR public place is that the permit must he for the
USE OF PUBLIC STREETS NOT AN assembly being held there. The exercise of such a
UNCONSTITUTIONAL ABRIDGEMENT OF right, in the language of Justice Roberta, speaking
ONE'S CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. There can for the American Supreme Court, is not to be
be no valid reason why a permit should not be "abridged on the plea that it may be exercised in
granted for the proposed march and rally starting some other place."
from a public park that is the Luneta. Neither can
there be any valid objection to the use of the 7. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; NON-EXISTENCE IN CASE
streets to the gates of the US Embassy, hardly AT BAR A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO
two blocks away at the Roxas Boulevard. JUSTIFY A DENIAL OF A PERMIT. While the
Primicias v. Fugoso has resolved any lurking general rule is that a permit should recognize the
doubt on the matter. In holding that the then right of the applicants to hold their assembly at a
Mayor Fugoso of the City of Manila should grant a public place of their choice, another place may be
permit for a public meeting at Plaza Miranda in designated by the licensing authority if it be
Quiapo, this Court categorically declared: "Our shown that there is a clear and present danger of
25 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
a substantive evil if no such change were made. distance is less than 500 feet, the need to pass
In the Navarro and the Pagkakaisa decisions, G.R. on that issue was obviated.
No. L-31687, February 26, 1970 and G.R. No.
60294, April 30, 1982, this Court was persuaded TEEHANKEE, J., concurring:
that the clear and present danger test was 1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BILL OF RIGHTS;
satisfied. The present situation is quite different. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND PEACEFUL
Hence the decision reached by the Court. The ASSEMBLY; DOCTRINE OF PRIMICIAS vz.
mere assertion that subversives may infiltrate the FUGOSO. The Chief Justice's opinion of the
ranks of the demonstrators does not suffice. Court reaffirms the doctrine of Primicias vs.
Fugoso, 80 Phil. 71 that "the right to freedom of
8. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; REFUSAL OR speech and to peacefully assemble and petition
MODIFICATION OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT the government for redress of grievances are
SUBJECT TO CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER fundamental personal rights of the people
TEST. The applicants for a permit to hold an recognized and guaranteed by the constitutions
assembly should inform the licensing authority of of democratic countries" and that the city or town
the date, the public place where and the time mayors are not conferred "the power to refuse to
when it will take place. If it were a private place, grant the permit, but only the discretion, in
only the consent of the owner or the one entitled issuing the permit, to determine or specify the
to its legal possession is required. Such streets or public places where the parade or
application should be filed well ahead in time to procession may pass or the meeting may be
enable the public official concerned to appraise held."
whether there may be valid objections to the
grant of the permit or to its grant but at another 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; CLEAR AND PRESENT
public place. It is an indispensable condition to DANGER RULE, THE SOLE JUSTIFICATION
such refusal or modification that the clear and FOR A LIMITATION ON THE EXERCISE
present danger test be the standard for the THEREOF. The procedure for the securing of
decision reached. If he is of the view that there is such permits for peaceable assembly is succinctly
such an imminent sad grave danger of a set forth in paragraph 8 of the Court's opinion,
substantive evil, the applicants must be heard on with the injunction that "the presumption must be
the matter. Thereafter, his decision, whether to incline the weight of the scales of justice on
favorable or adverse, must be transmitted to the side of such rights, enjoying as they do,
them at the earliest opportunity. Thus if so precedence and primacy." The exception of the
minded, they can have recourse to the proper clear and present danger rule, which alone would
judicial authority. warrant a limitation of these fundamental rights
is therein restated in paragraph 1, thus: "The sole
9. ID.; ID.; ID.; RESPECT AND DEFERENCE justification for a limitation on the exercise of this
ACCORDED TO THESE PREFERRED RIGHTS. right, so fundamental to the maintenance of
Free speech and peaceable assembly, along democratic institutions, is the danger, of a
with other intellectual freedom, are highly ranked character both grave and imminent, of a serious
in our scheme of constitutional values. It cannot evil to public safety, public morals, public health,
be too strongly stressed that on the judiciary, or any other legitimate public interest."
even more so than on the other departments
rests the grave and delicate responsibility of 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; BEFORE DENIAL OF
assuring respect for and deference to such PERMIT, LICENSING AUTHORITY MUST SHOW
preferred rights. No verbal formula, no sanctifying EXISTENCE OF REASONABLE GROUND TO
phrase can, of course, dispense with what has BELIEVE THAT THE DANGER APPREHENDED
been so felicitiously termed by Justice Holmes "as IS IMMINENT. The burden to show the
the sovereign prerogative of judgment." existence of grave and imminent danger that
Nonetheless, the presumption must be to incline would justify adverse action on the application
the weight of the scales of justice on the side of lies on the mayor as the licensing authority. There
suds rights, enjoying as they do precedence and must be objective and convincing, not subjective
primacy. or conjectural, proof of the existence of such
clear and present danger. As stated in the Court's
10. ID.; ID.; ID.; VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE Resolution of October 25, 1983, which granted
7295 NEED NOT BE PASSED UPON. The the mandatory injunction as prayed for, "It is
issue of the applicability of Ordinance No. 7295 of essential for the validity of a denial of a permit
the City of Manila prohibiting the holding or which amounts to a previous restraint or
staging of rallies or demonstrations within a censorship that the licensing authority does not
radius of five hundred (500) feet from any foreign rely solely on his own appraisal of what public
mission or chancery; and for other purposes welfare, peace or safety may require. To justify
which finds support in Article 22 of the Vienna such a limitation, there must be proof of such
Convention on Diplomatic Relations need not be weight and sufficiency to satisfy the clear and
passed upon. There was no showing that the present danger test. The possibility that
distance between the chancery and the embassy subversives may infiltrate the ranks of the
gate is less than 500 feet. Even if it could be demonstrators is not enough."
shown that such a condition is satisfied, it does
not follow that respondent Mayor could legally act 4. ID.; ID.; ID.; ASSEMBLY LEADERS SHOULD
the way he did. The validity of his denial of the TAKE NECESSARY MEASURES TO ENSURE
permit sought could still be challenged. It could PEACEFUL MARCH AND ASSEMBLY;
be argued that a case of unconstitutional ISOLATED ACTS OF DISTURBANCE SHOULD
application of such ordinance to the exercise of NOT CHARACTERIZE ASSEMBLY AS
the right of peaceable assembly presents itself. TUMULTUOUS. The leaders of the peaceable
As in this case there was no proof that the assembly should take all the necessary measure"
26 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
to ensure a peaceful much and assembly and to not been informed of any action taken on his
avoid the possibility of infiltrators and request on behalf of the organization to hold a
troublemakers disrupting the same, rally. On October 25, 1983, the answer of
concommitantly with the duty of the police to respondent Mayor was filed on his behalf by
extend protection to the participants "staying at a Assistant Solicitor General Eduardo G.
discreet distance, but ever ready and alert to Montenegro. 5 It turned out that on October 19,
perform their duty." But should any disorderly such permit was denied. Petitioner was unaware
conduct or incidents occur, whether provoked or of such a fact as the denial was sent by ordinary
otherwise, it is well to recall former Chief Justice mail. The reason for refusing a permit was due to
Ricardo Paras` injunction in his concurring opinion "police intelligence reports which strongly militate
in Fugoso, citing the 1907 case of U.S. vs. against the advisability of issuing such permit at
Apurado, 7 Phil. 422, 426, per Carson, J. that such this time and at the place applied for." 6 To be
instances of "disorderly conduct by individual more specific, reference was made to "persistent
members of a crowd (be not seized) as an excuse intelligence reports affirm[ing] the plans of
to characterize the assembly as a seditious and subversive/criminal elements to infiltrate and/or
tumultuous rising against the authorities" and disrupt any assembly or congregations where a
render illusory the right of peaceful assembly. large number of people is expected to attend." 7
Respondent Mayor suggested, however, in
PLANA, J., separate opinion: accordance with the recommendation of the
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BILL OF RIGHTS; police authorities, that "a permit may be issued
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND PEACEFUL for the rally if it is to be held at the Rizal Coliseum
ASSEMBLY; THE ORDINANCE BEING or any other enclosed area where the safety of
UNCONSTITUTIONAL CANNOT BE VALIDLY the participants themselves and the general
INVOKED, THE DISTANCE OF THE CHANCERY public may be ensured." 8
IMMATERIAL. In my view, without saying that The oral argument was heard on October 25,
the Ordinance is obnoxious per se to the 1983, the very same day the answer was filed.
constitution, it cannot be validly invoked The Court then deliberated on the matter. That
whenever its application would collide with a same afternoon, a minute resolution was issued
constitutionally guaranteed right such as freedom by the Court granting the mandatory injunction
of assembly and/or expression, as in the case at prayed for on the ground that there was no
bar, regardless of whether the chancery of any showing of the existence of a clear and present
foreign embassy is beyond or within 500 feet danger of a substantive evil that could justify the
from the situs of the rally or demonstration. denial of a permit. On this point, the Court was
unanimous, but there was a dissent by Justice
DECISION Aquino on the ground that the holding of a rally in
FERNANDO, C.J p: front of the US Embassy would be violative of
This Court, in this case of first impression, at least Ordinance No. 7295 of the City of Manila. The last
as to some aspects, is called upon to delineate sentence of such minute resolution reads: "This
the boundaries of the protected area of the resolution is without prejudice to a more
cognate rights to free speech and peaceable extended opinion." 9 Hence this detailed
assembly, 1 against an alleged intrusion by exposition of the Court's stand on the matter.
respondent Mayor Ramon Bagatsing. Petitioner,
retired Justice J.B.L. Reyes, on behalf of the Anti- 1. It is thus clear that the Court is called upon to
Bases Coalition, sought a permit from the City of protect the exercise of the cognate rights to free
Manila to hold a peaceful march and rally on speech and peaceful assembly, arising from the
October 26, 1983 from 2:00 to 5:00 in the denial of a permit. The Constitution is quite
afternoon, starting from the Luneta, a public park, explicit: "No law shall be passed abridging the
to the gates of the United States Embassy, hardly freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of
two blocks away. Once there, and in an open the people peaceably to assemble and petition
space of public property, a short program would the Government for redress of grievances." 10
be held. 2 During the course of the oral Free speech, like free press, may be identified
argument, 3 it was stated that after the delivery with the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully
of two brief speeches, a petition based on the any matter of public concern without censorship
resolution adopted on the last day by the or punishment. 11 There is to be then no previous
International Conference for General restraint on the communication of views or
Disarmament, World Peace and the Removal of All subsequent liability whether in libel suits, 12
Foreign Military Bases held in Manila, would be prosecution for sedition, 13 or action for
presented to a representative of the Embassy or damages, 14 or contempt proceedings 15 unless
any of its personnel who may be there so that it there be a "clear and present danger of a
may be delivered to the United States substantive evil that [the State] has a right to
Ambassador. The march would be attended by prevent." 16 Freedom of assembly connotes the
the local and foreign participants of such right of the people to meet peaceably for
conference. There was likewise an assurance in consultation and discussion of matters of public
the petition that in the exercise of the concern. 17 It is entitled to be accorded the
constitutional rights to free speech and assembly, utmost deference and respect. It is not to be
all the necessary steps would be taken by it "to limited, much less denied, except on a showing,
ensure a peaceful march and rally." 4 as is the case with freedom of expression, of a
clear and present danger of a substantive evil
The filing of this suit for mandamus with that the state has a right to prevent. 18 Even
alternative prayer for writ of preliminary prior to the 1935 Constitution, Justice Malcolm
mandatory injunction on October 20, 1983 was had occasion to stress that it is a necessary
due to the fact that as of that date, petitioner had consequence of our republican institutions and
27 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
complements the right of free speech. 19 To feeling, the less perfect, as a rule, will be the
paraphrase the opinion of Justice Rutledge, disciplinary control of the leaders over their
speaking for the majority of the American irresponsible followers." 24 It bears repeating that
Supreme Court in Thomas v. Collins, 20 it was not for the constitutional right to be invoked, riotous
by accident or coincidence that the rights to conduct, injury to property, and acts of vandalism
freedom of speech and of the press were coupled must be avoided. To give free rein to one's
in a single guarantee with the rights of the people destructive urges is to call for condemnation. It is
peaceably to assemble and to petition the to make a mockery of the high estate occupied by
government for redress of grievances. All these intellectual liberty in our scheme of values.
rights, while not identical, are inseparable. In
every case, therefore, where there is a limitation 3. There can be no legal objection, absent the
placed on the exercise of this right, the judiciary existence of a clear and present danger of a
is called upon to examine the effects of the substantive evil, on the choice of Luneta as the
challenged governmental actuation. The sole place where the peace rally would start. The
justification for a limitation on the exercise of this Philippines is committed to the view expressed in
right, so fundamental to the maintenance of the plurality opinion, of 1939 vintage, of Justice
democratic institutions, is the danger, of a Roberts in Hague v. CIO: 25 "Whenever the title of
character both grave and imminent, of a serious streets and parks may rest, they have
evil to public safety, public morals, public health, immemorially been held in trust for the use of the
or any other legitimate public interest. 21 public and, time out of mind, have been used for
purposes of assembly, communicating thoughts
between citizens, and discussing public
questions. Such use of the streets and public
2. Nowhere is the rationale that underlies the places has, from ancient times, been a part of the
freedom of expression and peaceable assembly privileges, immunities, rights, and liberties of
better expressed than in this excerpt from an citizens. The privilege of a citizen of the United
opinion of Justice Frankfurter: "It must never be States to use the streets and parks for
forgotten, however, that the Bill of Rights was the communication of views on national questions
child of the Enlightenment. Back of the guaranty may be regulated in the interest of all; it is not
of free speech lay faith in the power of an appeal absolute, but relative, and must be exercised in
to reason by all the peaceful means for gaining subordination to the general comfort and
access to the mind. It was in order to avert force convenience, and in consonance with peace and
and explosions due to restrictions upon rational good order; but it must not, in the guise of
modes of communication that the guaranty of regulation, be abridged or denied." 26 The above
free speech was given a generous scope. But excerpt was quoted with approval in Primicias v.
utterance in a context of violence can lose its Fugoso. 27 Primicias made explicit what was
significance as an appeal to reason and become implicit in Municipality of Cavite v. Rojas, 28 a
part of an instrument of force. Such utterance 1915 decision, where this Court categorically
was not meant to be sheltered by the affirmed that plazas or parks and streets are
Constitution." 22 What was rightfully stressed is outside the commerce of man and thus nullified a
the abandonment of reason, the utterance, contract that leased Plaza Soledad of plaintiff-
whether verbal or printed, being in a context of municipality. Reference was made to such plaza
violence. It must always be remembered that this "being a promenade for public use," 29 which
right likewise provides for a safety valve, allowing certainly is not the only purpose that it could
parties the opportunity to give vent to their serve. To repeat, there can be no valid reason
views, even if contrary to the prevailing climate why a permit should not be granted for the
of opinion. For if the peaceful means of proposed march and rally starting from a public
communication cannot be availed of, resort to park that is the Luneta.
non-peaceful means may be the only alternative.
Nor is this the sole reason for the expression of 4. Neither can there be any valid objection to the
dissent. It means more than just the right to be use of the streets to the gates of the US Embassy,
heard of the person who feels aggrieved or who is hardly two blocks away at the Roxas Boulevard.
dissatisfied with things as they are. Its value may Primicias v. Fugoso has resolved any lurking
lie in the fact that there may be something worth doubt on the matter. In holding that the then
hearing from the dissenter. That is to ensure a Mayor Fugoso of the City of Manila should grant a
true ferment of ideas. There are, of course, well- permit for a public meeting at Plaza Miranda in
defined limits. What is guaranteed is peaceable Quiapo, this Court categorically declared: "Our
assembly. One may not advocate disorder in the conclusion finds support in the decision in the
name of protest, much less preach rebellion case of Willis Cox vs. State of New Hampshire,
under the cloak of dissent. The Constitution 312 U.S., 569. In that case, the statute of New
frowns on disorder or tumult attending a rally or Hampshire P. L. chap. 145, section 2, providing
assembly. Resort to force is ruled out and that `no parade or procession upon any ground
outbreaks of violence to be avoided. The utmost abutting thereon, shall be permitted unless a
calm though is not required. As pointed out in an special license therefor shall first be obtained
early Philippine case, penned in 1907 to be from the selectmen of the town or from licensing
precise, United States v. Apurado: 23 "It is rather committee,' was construed by the Supreme Court
to be expected that more or less disorder will of New Hampshire as not conferring upon the
mark the public assembly of the people to protest licensing board unfettered discretion to refuse to
against grievances whether real or imaginary, grant the license, and held valid. And the
because on such occasions feeling is always Supreme Court of the United States, in its
wrought to a high pitch of excitement, and the decision (1941) penned by Chief Justice Hughes
greater the grievance and the more intense the affirming the judgment of the State Supreme
Court, held that `a statute requiring persons
28 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
using the public streets for a parade or Ordinance No. 7295 of the City of Manila
procession to procure a special license therefor prohibiting the holding or staging of rallies or
from the local authorities is not an demonstrations within a radius of five hundred
unconstitutional abridgment of the rights of (500) feet from any foreign mission or chancery;
assembly or of freedom of speech and press, and for other purposes. Unless the ordinance is
where, as the statute is construed by the state nullified, or declared ultra vires, its invocation as
courts, the licensing authorities are strictly a defense is understandable but not decisive, in
limited, in the issuance of licenses, to a view of the primacy accorded the constitutional
consideration of the time, place, and manner of rights of free speech and peaceable assembly.
the parade or procession, with a view to Even if shown then to be applicable, that question
conserving the public convenience and of still confronts this Court.
affording an opportunity to provide proper
policing, and are not invested with arbitrary 6. There is merit to the observation that except
discretion to issue or refuse license, . . .'" 30 Nor as to the novel aspects of a litigation, the
should the point made by Chief Justice Hughes in judgment must be confined within the limits of
a subsequent portion of the opinion be ignored. previous decisions. The law declared on past
"Civil liberties, as guaranteed by the Constitution, occasions is, on the whole, a safe guide. So it has
imply the existence of an organized society been here. Hence, as noted, on the afternoon of
maintaining public order without which liberty the hearing, October 25, 1983, this Court issued
itself would be lost in the excesses of unrestricted the minute resolution granting the mandatory
abuses. The authority of a municipality to impose injunction allowing the proposed march and rally
regulations in order to assure the safety and scheduled for the next day. That conclusion was
convenience of the people in the use of public inevitable in the absence of a clear and present
highways has never been regarded as danger of a substantive evil to a legitimate public
inconsistent with civil liberties but rather as one interest. There was no justification then to deny
of the means of safeguarding the good order the exercise of the constitutional rights of free
upon which they ultimately depend. The control speech and peaceable assembly. These rights are
of travel on the streets of cities is the most assured by our Constitution and the Universal
familiar illustration of this recognition of social Declaration of Human Rights. 35 The participants
need. Where a restriction of the use of highways to such assembly, composed primarily of those in
in that relation is desired to promote the public attendance at the International Conference for
convenience in the interest of all, it cannot be General Disarmament, World Peace and the
disregarded by the attempted exercise of some Removal of All Foreign Military Bases would start
civil right which in other circumstances would be from the Luneta, proceeding through Roxas
entitled to protection." 31 Boulevard to the gates of the United States
Embassy located at the same street. To repeat, it
5. There is a novel aspect to this case. If the rally is settled law that as to public places, especially
were confined to Luneta, no question, as noted, so as to parks and streets, there is freedom of
would have arisen. So, too, if the march would access. Nor is their use dependent on who is the
end at another park. As previously mentioned applicant for the permit, whether an individual or
though, there would be a short program upon a group. If it were, then the freedom of access
reaching the public space between the two gates becomes discriminatory access, giving rise to an
of the United States Embassy at Roxas Boulevard. equal protection question. The principle under
That would be followed by the handing over of a American doctrines was given utterance by Chief
petition based on the resolution adopted at the Justice Hughes in these words: "The question, if
closing session of the Anti-Bases Coalition. The the rights of free speech and peaceable assembly
Philippines is a signatory of the Vienna are to be preserved, is not as to the auspices
Convention on Diplomatic Relations adopted in under which the meeting is held but as to its
1961. It was concurred in by the then Philippine purpose; not as to the relations of the speakers,
Senate on May 3, 1965 and the instrument of but whether their utterances transcend the
ratification was signed by the President on bounds of the freedom of speech which the
October 11, 1965, and was thereafter deposited Constitution protects." 36 There could be danger
with the Secretary General of the United Nations to public peace and safety if such a gathering
on November 15. As of that date then, it was were marked by turbulence. That would deprive it
binding on the Philippines. The second paragraph of its peaceful character. Even then, only the
of its Article 22 reads: "2. The receiving State is guilty parties should be held accountable. It is
under a special duty to take appropriate steps to true that the licensing official, here respondent
protect the premises of the mission against any Mayor, is not devoid of discretion in determining
intrusion or damage and to prevent any whether or not a permit would be granted. It is
disturbance of the peace of the mission or not, however, unfettered discretion. While
impairment of its dignity." 32 The Constitution prudence requires that there be a realistic
"adopts the generally accepted principles of appraisal not of what may possibly occur but of
international law as part of the law of the what may probably occur, given all the relevant
land, . . ." 33 To the extent that the Vienna circumstances, still the assumption especially
Convention is a restatement of the generally so where the assembly is scheduled for a specific
accepted principles of international law, it should public place is that the permit must be for the
be a part of the law of the land. 34 That being the assembly being held there. The exercise of such a
case, if there were a clear and present danger of right, in the language of Justice Roberts, speaking
any intrusion or damage, or disturbance of the for the American Supreme Court, is not to be
peace of the mission, or impairment of its dignity, "abridged on the plea that it may be exercised in
there would be a justification for the denial of the some other place." 37
permit insofar as the terminal point would be the
Embassy. Moreover, respondent Mayor relied on
29 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
be too strongly stressed that on the judiciary,
even more so than on the other departments
7. In fairness to respondent Mayor, he acted on rests the grave and delicate responsibility of
the belief that Navarro v. Villegas 38 and assuring respect for and deference to such
Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawang Pilipino (PMP) v. preferred rights. No verbal formula, no sanctifying
Bagatsing, 39 called for application. While the phrase can, of course, dispense with what has
general rule is that a permit should recognize the been so felicitiously termed by Justice Holmes "as
right of the applicants to hold their assembly at a the sovereign prerogative of judgment."
public place of their choice, another place may be Nonetheless, the presumption must be to incline
designated by the licensing authority if it be the weight of the scales of justice on the side of
shown that there is a clear and present danger of such rights, enjoying as they do precedence and
a substantive evil if no such change were made. primacy. Clearly then, to the extent that there
In the Navarro and the Pagkakaisa decisions, this may be inconsistencies between this resolution
Court was persuaded that the clear and present and that of Navarro v. Villegas, that case is pro
danger test was satisfied. The present situation is tanto modified. So it was made clear in the
quite different. Hence the decision reached by the original resolution of October 25, 1983.
Court. The mere assertion that subversives may
infiltrate the ranks of the demonstrators does not 9. Respondent Mayor posed the issue of the
suffice. Not that it should be overlooked. There applicability of Ordinance No. 7295 of the City of
was in this case, however, the assurance of Manila prohibiting the holding or staging of rallies
General Narciso Cabrera, Superintendent, or demonstrations within a radius of five hundred
Western Police District, Metropolitan Police Force, (500) feet from any foreign mission or chancery;
that the police force is in a position to cope with and for other purposes. It is to be admitted that it
such emergency should it arise. That is to comply finds support in the previously quoted Article 22
with its duty to extend protection to the of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
participants of such peaceable assembly. Also There was no showing, however, that the
from him came the commendable admission that distance between the chancery and the embassy
there were at least five previous demonstrations gate is less than 500 feet. Even if it could be
at the Bayview Hotel Area and Plaza Ferguson in shown that such a condition is satisfied, it does
front of the United States Embassy where no not follow that respondent Mayor could legally act
untoward event occurred. It was made clear by the way he did. The validity of his denial of the
petitioner, through counsel, that no act offensive permit sought could still be challenged. It could
to the dignity of the United States Mission in the be argued that a case of unconstitutional
Philippines would take place and that, as application of such ordinance to the exercise of
mentioned at the outset of this opinion, "all the the right of peaceable assembly presents itself.
necessary steps would be taken by it `to ensure a As in this case there was no proof that the
peaceful march and rally.'" 40 Assistant Solicitor distance is less than 500 feet, the need to pass
General Montenegro expressed the view that the on that issue was obviated. Should it come, then
presence of policemen may in itself be a the qualification and observation of Justices
provocation. It is a sufficient answer that they Makasiar and Plana certainly cannot be
should stay at a discreet distance, but ever ready summarily brushed aside. The high estate
and alert to cope with any contingency. There is accorded the rights to free speech and peaceable
no need to repeat what was pointed out by Chief assembly demands nothing less.
Justice Hughes in Cox that precisely, it is the duty
of the city authorities to provide the proper police 10. Ordinarily, the remedy in cases of this
protection to those exercising their right to character is to set aside the denial or the
peaceable assembly and freedom of expression. modification of the permit sought and order the
respondent official to grant it. Nonetheless, as
8. By way of a summary. The applicants for a there was urgency in this case, the proposed
permit to hold an assembly should inform the march and rally being scheduled for the next day
licensing authority of the date, the public place after the hearing, this Court, in the exercise of its
where and the time when it will take place. If it conceded authority, granted the mandatory
were a private place, only the consent of the injunction in the resolution of October 25, 1983. It
owner or the one entitled to its legal possession is may be noted that the peaceful character of the
required. Such application should be filed well peace march and rally on October 26 was not
ahead in time to enable the public official marred by any untoward incident. So it has been
concerned to appraise whether there may be in other assemblies held elsewhere. It is quite
valid objections to the grant of the permit or to its reassuring such that both on the part of the
grant but at another public place. It is an national government and the citizens, reason and
indispensable condition to such refusal or moderation have prevailed. That is as it should
modification that the clear and present danger be.
test be the standard for the decision reached. If
he is of the view that there is such an imminent WHEREFORE, the mandatory injunction prayed
and grave danger of a substantive evil, the for is granted. No costs.
applicants must be heard on the matter.
Thereafter, his decision, whether favorable or Concepcion, Jr., Guerrero, Melencio-Herrera,
adverse, must be transmitted to them at the Escolin, Relova and Gutierrez, Jr., JJ., concur.
earliest opportunity. Thus if so minded, they can
have recourse to the proper judicial authority. Abad Santos, J., to add anything to the learned
Free speech and peaceable assembly, along with opinion of the Chief Justice is like bringing coal to
the other intellectual freedoms, are highly ranked Newcastle. I just want to state for the record that
in our scheme of constitutional values. It cannot I voted for the issuance ex-parte of a preliminary
mandatory injunction.
30 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
tastes develop, adapt to wide-ranging influences,
De Castro, J., is on sick leave. and keep in step with the rapid advance of
civilization. What shocked our forebears, say, five
(Pita v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 80806, decades ago, is not necessarily repulsive to the
October 05, 1989) present generation. James Joyce and D.H.
Lawrence were censored in the thirties yet their
EN BANC works are considered important literature today.
[G.R. No. 80806. October 5, 1989.] Goya's La Maja desnuda was once banned from
LEO PITA, doing business under the name and public exhibition but now adorns the world's most
style of PINOY PLAYBOY, petitioner, vs. THE prestigious museums. But neither should we say
COURT OF APPEALS, RAMON BAGATSING, and that "obscenity" is a bare (no pun intended)
NARCISO CABRERA, respondents. matter of opinion. As we said earlier, it is the
William C. Arceno for petitioner. divergent perceptions of men and women that
Casibang, Perello and De Dios for private have probably compounded the problem rather
respondent. than resolved it. What the Court is impressing,
plainly and simply, is that the question is not, and
SYLLABUS has not been, an easy one to answer, as it is far
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; OBSCENITY; TEST from being a settled matter. We share Tribe's
FOR DETERMINING ITS EXISTENCE. In disappointment over the discouraging trend in
Gonzalez v. Kalaw Katigbak, the Court, following American decisional law on obscenity as well as
trends in the United States, adopted the test: his pessimism on whether or not an "acceptable"
"Whether to the average person, applying solution is in sight.
contemporary standards, the dominant theme of
the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient 4. ID.; BILL OF RIGHTS; FREEDOM OF
interest." Kalaw-Katigbak represented a marked SPEECH; "IMMORAL" LORE OR LITERATURE,
departure from Kottinger in the sense that it WITHIN ITS AMBIT; STATE INTERFERENCE
measured obscenity in terms of the "dominant AND ACTION DRAWN BY A "CLEAR AND
theme" of the work rather than isolated PRESENT DANGER." Undoubtedly, "immoral"
passages, which were central to Kottinger lore or literature comes within the ambit of free
(although both cases are agreed that expression, although not its protection. In free
"contemporary community standards" are the expression cases, this Court has consistently
final arbiters of what is "obscene"). Kalaw- been on the side of the exercise of the right,
Katigbak undertook moreover to make the barring a "clear and present danger" that would
determination of obscenity essentially a judicial warrant State interference and action. But, so we
question and as a consequence, to temper the asserted in Reyes v. Bagatsing, "the burden to
wide discretion Kottinger had given unto law show the existence of grave and imminent
enforcers. danger that would justify adverse action . . . lies
on the . . . authorit[ies]." "There must be
2. ID.; ID.; LACK OF UNIFORMITY IN objective and convincing, not subjective or
AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE AS TO WHAT conjectural, proof of the existence of such clear
CONSTITUTES "OBSCENITY". It is significant and present danger." "It is essential for the
that in the United States, constitutional law on validity of . . . previous restraint or censorship
obscenity continues to journey from development that the . . . authority does not rely solely on his
to development, which, states one authoritative own appraisal of what the public welfare, peace
commentator (with ample sarcasm), has been as or safety may require." "To justify such a
"unstable as it is unintelligible." The lack of limitation, there must be proof of such weight and
uniformity in American jurisprudence as to what sufficiency to satisfy the clear and present danger
constitutes "obscenity" has been attributed to the test."
reluctance of the courts to recognize the
constitutional dimension of the problem. 5. ID.; ID.; ID.; BURDEN IS ON THE STATE TO
Apparently, the courts have assumed that DEMONSTRATE EXISTENCE OF A DANGER TO
"obscenity" is not included in the guaranty of free JUSTIFY BAN OF THE SPEECH. As so
speech, an assumption that, as we averred, has strongly stressed in Bagatsing, a case involving
allowed a climate of opinions among magistrates the delivery of a political speech, the
predicated upon arbitrary, if vague theories of presumption is that the speech may validly be
what is acceptable to society. And "[t]here is little said. The burden is on the State to demonstrate
likelihood," says Tribe, "that this development has the existence of a danger, a danger that must not
reached a state of rest, or that it will ever do so only be (1) clear but also, (2) present, to justify
until the Court recognizes that obscene speech is State action to stop the speech. Meanwhile, the
speech nonetheless, although it is subject as in Government must allow it (the speech). It has no
all speech to regulation in the interests of choice. However, if it acts notwithstanding that
[society as a whole] but not in the interest of a (absence of evidence of a clear and present
uniform vision of how human sexuality should be danger), it must come to terms with, and be held
regarded and portrayed." accountable for, due process. The Court is not
convinced that the private respondents have
3. ID.; ID.; QUESTION AS TO ITS TRUE shown the required proof to justify a ban and to
PERCEPTION, FAR FROM BEING A SETTLED warrant confiscation of the literature for which
MATTER. In the case at bar, there is no mandatory injunction had been sought below.
challenge on the right of the State, in the First of all, they were not possessed of a lawful
legitimate exercise of police power, to suppress court order: (1) finding the said materials to be
smut provided it is smut. For obvious reasons, pornography, and (2) authorizing them to carry
smut is not smut simply because one insists it is out a search and seizure, by way of a search
smut. So is it equally evident that individual warrant.
31 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code; 6. Any
6. ID.; ID.; ID.; SEIZURE OF PROPERTY IN conviction is subject to appeal. The appellate
DISREGARD OF DUE PROCESS, NOT court may assess whether or not the properties
LICENSED ALTHOUGH SANCTIONED BY seized are indeed "obscene". These do not
"POLICE POWER." The fact that the former foreclose, however, defenses under the
respondent Mayor's act was sanctioned by "police Constitution or applicable statutes, or remedies
power" is no license to seize property in disregard against abuse of official power under the Civil
of due process. In Philippine Service Exporters, Code or the Revised Penal Code.
Inc. v. Drilon, We defined police power as "state
authority to enact legislation that may interfere DECISION
with personal liberty or property in order to SARMIENTO, J p:
promote the general welfare." Presidential The petitioner, publisher of Pinoy Playboy, a
Decrees Nos. 960 and 969 are, arguably, police "men's magazine", seeks the review of the
power measures, but they are not, by decision of the Court of Appeals, 1 rejecting his
themselves, authorities for high-handed acts. appeal from the decision of the Regional Trial
They do not exempt our law enforcers, in carrying Court, dismissing his complaint for injunctive
out the decree of the twin presidential issuances relief. He invokes, in particular, the guaranty
(Mr. Marcos'), from the commandments of the against unreasonable searches and seizures of
Constitution, the right to due process of law and the Constitution, as well as its prohibition against
the right against unreasonable searches and deprivation of property without due process of
seizures, specifically. Significantly, the Decrees law. Cdpr
themselves lay down procedures for
implementation. There is no controversy as to the facts. We quote:

7. ID.; ID.; SEARCHES AND SEIZURES On December 1 and 3, 1983, pursuing an Anti-
BECOME UNREASONABLE AND SUBJECT TO Smut Campaign initiated by the Mayor of the City
CHALLENGE IF NOT DONE THROUGH A of Manila, Ramon D. Bagatsing, elements of the
JUDICIAL WARRANT. It is basic that searches Special Anti-Narcotics Group, Auxilliary Services
and seizures may be done only through a judicial Bureau, Western Police District, INP of the
warrant, otherwise, they become unreasonable Metropolitan Police Force of Manila, seized and
and subject to challenge. In Burgos v. Chief of confiscated from dealers, distributors, newsstand
Staff AFP, We countermanded the orders of the owners and peddlers along Manila sidewalks,
Regional Trial Court authorizing the search of the magazines, publications and other reading
premises of We Forum and Metropolitan Mail, two materials believed to be obscene, pornographic
Metro Manila dailies, by reason of a defective and indecent and later burned the seized
warrant. We have greater reason here to materials in public at the University belt along
reprobate the questioned raid, in the complete C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila, in the presence of
absence of a warrant, valid or invalid. The fact Mayor Bagatsing and several officers and
that the instant case involves an obscenity rap members of various student organizations.
makes it no different from Burgos, a political
case, because, and as we have indicated, speech
is speech, whether political or "obscene".
Among the publications seized, and later burned,
8. ID.; ID.; WARRANTLESS SEARCHES was "Pinoy Playboy" magazines published and co-
WARRANTED IF EXECUTED INCIDENT TO A edited by plaintiff Leo Pita.
LAWFUL ARREST. The Court is not ruling out
warrantless searches as provided in the Rules of On December 7, 1983, plaintiff filed a case for
Court (1964 rev.) (the Rules then prevailing), but injunction with prayer for issuance of the writ of
as the provision itself suggests, the search must preliminary injunction against Mayor Bagatsing
have been an incident to a lawful arrest, and the and Narcisco Cabrera, as superintendent of
arrest must be on account of a crime committed. Western Police District of the City of Manila,
Here, no party has been charged, nor are such seeking to enjoin and or restrain said defendants
charges being readied against any party, under and their agents from confiscating plaintiffs
Article 201, as amended, of the Revised Penal magazines or from otherwise preventing the sale
Code. or circulation thereof claiming that the magazine
is a decent, artistic and educational magazine
9. ID.; ID.; PROCUREMENT OF A SEARCH which is not per se obscene, and that the
WARRANT; PROPER PROCEDURE IN AN publication is protected by the Constitutional
OBSCENITY RAP; DEFENSE NOT DEEMED guarantees of freedom of speech and of the
FORECLOSED. 1. The authorities must apply press.
for the issuance of a search warrant from a judge,
if in their opinion, an obscenity rap is in order; 2. By order dated December 8, 1983 the Court set
The authorities must convince the court that the the hearing on the petition for preliminary
materials sought to be seized are "obscene", and injunction on December 14, 1983 and ordered the
pose a clear and present danger of an evil defendants to show cause not later than
substantive enough to warrant State interference December 13, 1983 why the writ prayed for
and action; 3. The judge must determine whether should not be granted.
or not the same are indeed "obscene:" the
question is to be resolved on a case-to-case basis On December 12, 1983, plaintiff filed an Urgent
and on His Honor's sound discretion. 4. If, in the Motion for issuance of a temporary restraining
opinion of the court, probable cause exists, it may order against indiscriminate seizure, confiscation
issue the search warrant prayed for; 5. The and burning of plaintiffs "Pinoy Playboy"
proper suit is then brought in the court under
32 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Magazines, pending hearing on the petition for Plaintiff's supplemental Memorandum was filed
preliminary injunction in view of Mayor on January 18 1984. Defendant filed his Comment
Bagatsing's pronouncement to continue the Anti- on plaintiff's supplemental Memorandum on
Smut Campaign. The Court granted the January 20, 1984, and plaintiff filed his "Reply-
temporary restraining order on December 14, Memorandum" to defendants' Comment on
1983. LLphil January 25, 1984.

In his Answer and Opposition filed on December On February 3, 1984, the trial court promulgated
27, 1983 defendant Mayor Bagatsing admitted the Order appealed from denying the motion for a
the confiscation and burning of obscence reading writ of preliminary injunction, and dismissing the
materials on December 1 and 3, 1983, but case for lack of merit. 2
claimed that the said materials were voluntarily
surrendered by the vendors to the police The Appellate Court dismissed the appeal upon
authorities, and that the said confiscation and the grounds, among other things, as follows:
seizure was (sic) undertaken pursuant to P.D. No.
960, as amended by P.D. No. 969, which We cannot quarrel with the basic postulate
amended Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code. suggested by appellant that seizure of allegedly
In opposing the plaintiff's application for a writ of obscene publications or materials deserves close
preliminary injunction, defendant pointed out that scrutiny because of the constitutional guarantee
in that anti-smut campaign conducted on protecting the right to express oneself in print
December 1 and 3, 1983, the materials (Sec. 9, Art. IV), and the protection afforded by
confiscated belonged to the magazine stand the constitution against unreasonable searches
owners and peddlers who voluntarily surrendered and seizure (Sec. 3, Art. IV). It must be equally
their reading materials, and that the plaintiff's conceded, however, that freedom of the press is
establishment was not raided. not without restraint, as the state has the right to
protect society from pornographic literature that
The other defendant, WPD Superintendent, is offensive to public morals, as indeed we have
Narcisco Cabrera, filed no answer. laws punishing the author, publishers and sellers
of obscene publications (Sec. 1, Art. 201, Revised
On January 5, 1984, plaintiff filed his Penal Code, as amended by P.D. No. 960 and P.D.
Memorandum in support of the issuance of the No. 969). Also well settled is the rule that the
writ of preliminary injunction, raising the issue as right against unreasonable searches and seizures
to "whether or not the defendants. and or their recognizes certain exceptions, as when there is
agents can without a court order confiscate or consent to the search or seizure, (People vs.
seize plaintiff's magazine before any judicial Malesugui, 63 Phil. 22) or search is an incident to
finding is made on whether said magazine is an arrest, (People vs. Veloso, 48 Phil. 169; Alvero
obscene or not" vs. Dizon, 76 Phil. 637) or is conducted in a
vehicle or movable structure (See Papa vs.
The restraining order issued on December 14, Magno, 22 SCRA 857). 3
1983 having lapsed on January 3, 1984, the
plaintiff filed an urgent motion for issuance of The petitioner now ascribes to the respondent
another restraining order, which was opposed by court the following errors:
defendant on the ground that issuance of a
second restraining order would violate the 1. The Court of Appeals erred in affirming the
Resolution of the Supreme Court dated January decision of the trial court and, in effect, holding
11, 1983, providing for the Interim Rules Relative that the police officers could without any court
to the Implementation of Batas Pambansa Blg. warrant or order seize and confiscate petitioner's
129, which provides that a temporary restraining magazines on the basis simply of their
order shall be effective only for twenty days from determination that they are obscene.
date of its issuance.
2. The Court of Appeals erred in affirming the
On January 9, 1984 defendant filed his Comment decision of the trial court and, in effect, holding
and or Rejoinder Memorandum in support of his that the trial court could dismiss the case on its
opposition to the issuance of a writ of preliminary merits without any hearing thereon when what
injunction. was submitted to it for resolution was merely the
application of petitioner for the writ of preliminary
On January 11, 1984, the trial court issued an injunction. 4
Order setting the case for hearing on January 16,
1984 "for the parties to adduce evidence on the The Court states at the outset that it is not the
question of whether the publication 'Pinoy first time that it is being asked to pronounce what
Playboy Magazine' alleged (sic) seized, "obscene" means or what makes for an obscene
confiscated and or burned by the defendants, are or pornographic literature. Early on, in People vs.
obscence per se or not" Kottinger, 5 the Court laid down the test, in
determining the existence of obscenity, as
On January 16, 1984, the Court issued an order follows: "whether the tendency of the matter
granting plaintiff's motion to be given three days charged as obscene, is to deprave or corrupt
"to file a reply to defendants' opposition dated those whose minds are open to such immoral
January 9, 1984, serving a copy thereof to the influences and into whose hands a publication or
counsel for the defendants, who may file a other article charged as being obscene may fall."
rejoinder within the same period from receipt, 6 "Another test," so Kottinger further declares, "is
after which the issue of Preliminary Injunction that which shocks the ordinary and common
shall be resolved" sense of men as an indecency." 7 Kottinger
hastened to say, however, that "[w]hether a
33 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
picture is obscene or indecent must depend upon cases, one might yet claim that there was
the circumstances of the case," 8 and that involved the element of art; that connoisseurs of
ultimately, the question is to be decided by the the same, and painters and sculptors might find
"judgment of the aggregate sense of the inspiration in the showing of pictures in the nude,
community reached by it." 9 or the human body exhibited in sheer nakedness,
as models in tableaux vivants. But an actual
Yet Kottinger, in its effort to arrive at a exhibition of the sexual act, preceded by acts of
"conclusive" definition, succeeded merely in lasciviousness, can have no redeeming feature. In
generalizing a problem that has grown it, there is no room for art. One can see nothing in
increasingly complex over the years. Precisely, it but clear and unmitigated obscenity,
the question is: When does a publication have a indecency, and an offense to public morals,
corrupting tendency, or when can it be said to be inspiring and causing as it does, nothing but lust
offensive to human sensibilities? And obviously, it and lewdness, and exerting a corrupting influence
is to beg the question to say that a piece of specially on the youth of the land. . . . 14
literature has a corrupting influence because it is
obscene, and vice-versa.

Apparently, Kottinger was aware of its own Padan y Alova, like Go Pin, however, raised more
uncertainty because in the same breath, it would questions than answers. For one thing, if the
leave the final say to a hypothetical "community exhibition was attended by "artists and persons
standard" whatever that is and that the interested in art and who generally go to art
question must supposedly be judged from case to exhibitions and galleries to satisfy and improve
case. their artistic tastes," 15 could the same
legitimately lay claim to "art"? For another,
About three decades later, this Court suppose that the exhibition was so presented that
promulgated People v. Go Pin, 10 a prosecution "connoisseurs of [art], and painters and sculptors
under Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code. Go might find inspiration," 16 in it, would it cease to
Pin was also even hazier: be a case of obscenity?

. . . We agree with counsel for appellant in part. If Padan y Alova, like Go Pin also leaves too much
such pictures, sculptures and paintings are shown latitude for judicial arbitrament, which has
in art exhibits and art galleries for the cause of permitted an ad lib of ideas and "two-cents
art, to be viewed and appreciated by people worths" among judges as to what is obscene and
interested in art, there would be no offense what is art.
committed. However, the pictures here in
question were used not exactly for art's sake but In a much later decision, Gonzalez v. Kalaw
rather for commercial purposes. In other words, Katigbak, 17 the Court, following trends in the
the supposed artistic qualities of said pictures United States, adopted the test: "Whether to the
were being commercialized so that the cause of average person, applying contemporary
art was of secondary or minor importance. Gain standards, the dominant theme of the material
and profit would appear to have been the main, if taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest." 18
not the exclusive consideration in their exhibition; Kalaw-Katigbak represented a marked departure
and it would not be surprising if the persons who from Kottinger in the sense that it measured
went to see those pictures and paid entrance fees obscenity in terms of the "dominant theme" of
for the privilege of doing so, were not exactly the work rather than isolated passages, which
artists and persons interested in art and who were central to Kottinger (although both cases
generally go to art exhibitions and galleries to are agreed that "contemporary community
satisfy and improve their artistic tastes, but standards" are the final arbiters of what is
rather people desirous of satisfying their morbid "obscene"). Kalaw-Katigbak undertook moreover
curiosity and taste, and lust, and for love for to make the determination of obscenity
excitement, including the youth who because of essentially a judicial question and as a
their immaturity are not in a position to resist and consequence, to temper the wide discretion
shield themselves from the ill and perverting Kottinger had given unto law enforcers. cdphil
effects of these pictures. 11
xxx xxx xxx It is significant that in the United States,
As the Court declared, the issue is a complicated constitutional law on obscenity continues to
one, in which the fine lines have neither been journey from development to development,
drawn nor divided. It is easier said than done to which, states one authoritative commentator
say, indeed, that if "the pictures here in question (with ample sarcasm), has been as "unstable as it
were used not exactly for art's sake but rather for is unintelligible." 19
commercial purposes," 12 the pictures are not
entitled to any constitutional protection. Memoirs v. Massachusettes, 20 a 1966 decision,
which characterized obscenity as one "utterly
It was People v. Padan y Alova, 13 however, that without any redeeming social value," 21 marked
introduced to Philippine jurisprudence the yet another development.
"redeeming" element that should accompany the
work, to save it from a valid prosecution. We The latest word, however, is Miller v. California,
quote: 22 which expressly abandoned Massachusettes,
and established "basic guidelines," 23 to wit: "(a)
. . . We have had occasion to consider offenses whether 'the average person, applying
like the exhibition of still or moving pictures of contemporary standards' would find the work,
women in the nude, which we have condemned taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient
for obscenity and as offensive to morals. In those
34 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
interest . . .; (b) whether the work depicts or
describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual However, this much we have to say.
conduct specifically defined by the applicable
state law; and (c) whether the work, taken as a Undoubtedly, "immoral" lore or literature comes
whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or within the ambit of free expression, although not
scientific value." 24 its protection. In free expression cases, this Court
has consistently been on the side of the exercise
(A year later, the American Supreme Court of the right, barring a "clear and present danger"
decided Hamling v. United States, 25 which that would warrant State interference and action.
repeated Miller, and Jenkins v. Georgia, 26 yet 30 But, so we asserted in Reyes v. Bagatsing, 31
another reiteration of Miller. Jenkins, curiously, "the burden to show the existence of grave and
acquitted the producers of the motion picture, imminent danger that would justify adverse
Carnal Knowledge, in the absence of "genitals" action . . . lies on the . . . authorit[ies]." 32
portrayed on screen, although the film
highlighted contemporary American sexuality.). "There must be objective and convincing, not
subjective or conjectural, proof of the existence of
The lack of uniformity in American jurisprudence such clear and present danger." 33 "It is essential
as to what constitutes "obscenity" has been for the validity of . . . previous restraint or
attributed to the reluctance of the courts to censorship that the . . . authority does not rely
recognize the constitutional dimension of the solely on his own appraisal of what the public
problem. 27 Apparently, the courts have assumed welfare, peace or safety may require." 34
that "obscenity" is not included in the guaranty of
free speech, an assumption that, as we averred, "To justify such a limitation, there must be proof
has allowed a climate of opinions among of such weight and sufficiency to satisfy the clear
magistrates predicated upon arbitrary, if vague and present danger test." 35
theories of what is acceptable to society. And
"[t]here is little likelihood," says Tribe, "that this The above disposition must not, however, be
development has reached a state of rest, or that taken as a neat effort to arrive at a solution so
it will ever do so until the Court recognizes that only we may arrive at one but rather as a serious
obscene speech is speech nonetheless, although attempt to put the question in its proper
it is subject as in all speech to regulation in perspective, that is, as a genuine constitutional
the interests of [society as a whole] but not in issue.
the interest of a uniform vision of how human
sexuality should be regarded and portrayed." 28 It is also significant that in his petition, the
petitioner asserts constitutional issues, mainly,
In the case at bar, there is no challenge on the due process and illegal search and seizure.
right of the State, in the legitimate exercise of
police power, to suppress smut provided it is As we so strongly stressed in Bagatsing, a case
smut. For obvious reasons, smut is not smut involving the delivery of a political speech, the
simply because one insists it is smut. So is it presumption is that the speech may validly be
equally evident that individual tastes develop, said. The burden is on the State to demonstrate
adapt to wide-ranging influences, and keep in the existence of a danger, a danger that must not
step with the rapid advance of civilization. What only be (1) clear but also, (2) present, to justify
shocked our forebears, say, five decades ago, is State action to stop the speech. Meanwhile, the
not necessarily repulsive to the present Government must allow it (the speech). It has no
generation. James Joyce and D.H. Lawrence were choice. However, if it acts notwithstanding that
censored in the thirties yet their works are (absence of evidence of a clear and present
considered important literature today. 29 Goya's danger), it must come to terms with, and be held
La Maja desnuda was once banned from public accountable for, due process.
exhibition but now adorns the world's most
prestigious museums. The Court is not convinced that the private
respondents have shown the required proof to
But neither should we say that "obscenity" is a justify a ban and to warrant confiscation of the
bare (no pun intended) matter of opinion. As we literature for which mandatory injunction had
said earlier, it is the divergent perceptions of men been sought below. First of all, they were not
and women that have probably compounded the possessed of a lawful court order: (1) finding the
problem rather than resolved it. said materials to be pornography, and (2)
authorizing them to carry out a search and
What the Court is impressing, plainly and simply, seizure, by way of a search warrant.
is that the question is not, and has not been, an
easy one to answer, as it is far from being a The Court of Appeals has no "quarrel that . . .
settled matter. We share Tribe's disappointment freedom of the press is not without restraint, as
over the discouraging trend in American the state has the right to protect society from
decisional law on obscenity as well as his pornographic literature that is offensive to public
pessimism on whether or not an "acceptable" morals." 36 Neither do we. But it brings us back
solution is in sight. to square one: were the "literature" so
confiscated "pornographic"? That "we have laws
In the final analysis perhaps, the task that punishing the author, publisher and sellers of
confronts us is less heroic than rushing to a obscence publications (Sec. 1, Art. 201, Revised
"perfect" definition of "obscenity", if that is Penal Code, as amended by P.D. No. 960 and P.D.
possible, as evolving standards for proper police No. 969)," 37 is also fine, but the question, again,
conduct faced with the problem, which, after all, is: Has the petitioner been found guilty under the
is the plaint specifically raised in the petition. statute?
35 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
complainant and the witnesses he may produce,
The fact that the former respondent Mayor's act and particularly describing the place to be
was sanctioned by "police power" is no license to searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
seize property in disregard of due process. In 42
Philippine Service Exporters, Inc. v. Drilon, 38 We
defined police power as "state authority to enact It is basic that searches and seizures may be
legislation that may interfere with personal liberty done only through a judicial warrant, otherwise,
or property in order to promote the general they become unreasonable and subject to
welfare." 39 Presidential Decrees Nos. 960 and challenge. In Burgos v. Chief of Staff AFP, 43 We
969 are, arguably, police power measures, but countermanded the orders of the Regional Trial
they are not, by themselves, authorities for high- Court authorizing the search of the premises of
handed acts. They do not exempt our law We Forum and Metropolitan Mail, two Metro
enforcers, in carrying out the decree of the twin Manila dailies, by reason of a defective warrant.
presidential issuances (Mr. Marcos'), from the We have greater reason here to reprobate the
commandments of the Constitution, the right to questioned raid, in the complete absence of a
due process of law and the right against warrant, valid or invalid. The fact that the instant
unreasonable searches and seizures, specifically. case involves an obscenity rap makes it no
Significantly, the Decrees themselves lay down different from Burgos, a political case, because,
procedures for implementation. We quote: and as we have indicated, speech is speech,
whether political or "obscene"
Sec. 2. Disposition of the Prohibited Articles.
The disposition of the literature, films, prints, The Court is not ruling out warrantless searches,
engravings, sculptures, paintings, or other as the Rules of Court (1964 rev.) (the Rules then
materials involved in the violation referred to in prevailing), provide:
Section 1 hereof (Art. 201), RPC as amended)
shall be governed by the following rules: SEC. 12. Search without warrant of person
arrested. A person charged with an offense
(a) Upon conviction of the offender, to be may be searched for dangerous weapons or
forfeited in favor of the Government to be anything which may be used as proof of the
destroyed. commission of the offense. 44

(b) Where the criminal case against any violator but as the provision itself suggests, the search
of this decree results in an acquittal, the must have been an incident to a lawful arrest,
obscene/immoral literature, films, prints, and the arrest must be on account of a crime
engravings, sculptures, paintings or other committed. Here, no party has been charged, nor
materials and articles involved in the violation are such charges being readied against any party,
referred to in Section 1 (referring to Art. 201) under Article 201, as amended, of the Revised
hereof shall nevertheless be forfeited in favor of Penal Code.
the government to be destroyed, after forfeiture We reject outright the argument that "[t]here is
proceedings conducted by the Chief of no constitutional nor legal provision which would
Constabulary. free the accused of all criminal responsibility
because there had been no warrant," 45 and that
(c) The person aggrieved by the forfeiture action "violation of penal law [must] be punished." 46
of the Chief of Constabulary may, within fifteen For starters, there is no "accused" here to speak
(15) days after his receipt of a copy of the of, who ought to be "punished". Second, to say
decision, appeal the matter to the Secretary of that the respondent Mayor could have validly
National Defense for review. The decision of the ordered the raid (as a result of an anti-smut
Secretary of National Defense shall be final and campaign) without a lawful search warrant
unappealable. (Sec. 2, PD No. 960 as amended by because, in his opinion, "violation of penal laws"
PD No. 969.) has been committed, is to make the respondent
Mayor judge, jury, and executioner rolled into
Sec. 4. Additional Penalties. Additional one. And precisely, this is the very complaint of
penalties shall be imposed as follows: the petitioner.

1. In case the offender is a government official or We make this resume.

employee who allows the violations of Section 1
hereof, the penalty as provided herein shall be 1. The authorities must apply for the issuance of
imposed in the maximum period and, in addition, a search warrant from a judge, if in their opinion,
the accessory penalties provided for in the an obscenity rap is in order;
Revised Penal Code, as amended, shall likewise
be imposed. 40 2. The authorities must convince the court that
the materials sought to be seized are "obscene",
Under the Constitution, 41 on the other hand: and pose a clear and present danger of an evil
substantive enough to warrant State interference
SEC. 3. The right of the people to be secure in and action;
their persons, houses, papers, and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever 3. The judge must determine whether or not the
nature and for any purpose shall not be violated, same are indeed "obscene:" the question is to be
and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall resolved on a case-to-case basis and on His
issue except upon probable cause to be Honor's sound discretion.
determined by the judge, or such other
responsible officer as may be authorized by law,
after examination under oath or affirmation of the
36 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
4. If, in the opinion of the court, probable cause credible elections. Moreover, the Comelec's
exists, it may issue the search warrant prayed concern with the possible noncommunicative
for; effect of exit polls disorder and confusion in
the voting centers does not justify a total ban
5. The proper suit is then brought in the court on them. Undoubtedly, the assailed Comelec
under Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code; Resolution was too broad, since its application is
without qualification as to whether the polling is
6. Any conviction is subject to appeal. The disruptive or not. Concededly, the Omnibus
appellate court may assess whether or not the Election Code prohibits disruptive behaviors
properties seized are indeed "obscene" around the voting centers. There was no showing,
however, that exit polls or the means to interview
These do not foreclose, however, defenses under voters cause chaos in voting centers. Neither had
the Constitution or applicable statutes, or any evidence been presented proving that the
remedies against abuse of official power under presence of exit poll reporters near the election
the Civil Code 47 or the Revised Penal code. 48 precincts tended to create disorder or confuse the
voters. Accordingly, the petition was granted and
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The the temporary restraining order issued by the
decision of the respondent court is REVERSED Court was made permanent.
and SET ASIDE. It appearing, however, that the
magazines subject of the search and seizure have SYLLABUS
been destroyed, the Court declines to grant 1. POLITICAL LAW; CONSTITUTIONAL LAW;
affirmative relief. To that extent, the case is moot BILL OF RIGHTS; FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND
and academic. cdll OF THE PRESS; NATURE AND SCOPE
THEREOF. The freedom of expression is a
SO ORDERED. fundamental principle of our democratic
government. It "is a 'preferred' right and,
Melencio-Herrera, Cruz, Paras, Gancayco, Padilla, therefore, stands on a higher level than
Bidin, Cortes, Grio-Aquino, Medialdea and substantive economic or other liberties. . . . [T]his
Regalado, JJ., concur. must be so because the lessons of history, both
Fernan, C.J., Narvasa and Feliciano, JJ., In the political and legal, illustrate that freedom of
result. thought and speech is the indispensable
Gutierrez, Jr., J., On leave. condition of nearly every other form of freedom."
(ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. COMELEC, Our Constitution clearly mandates that no law
G.R. No. 133486, January 28, 2000) shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech
or of the press. In the landmark case Gonzales v.
EN BANC Comelec, this Court enunciated that at the very
[G.R. No. 133486. January 28, 2000.] least, free speech and a free press consist of the
ABS-CBN BROADCASTING CORPORATION, liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully any
petitioner, vs. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, matter of public interest without prior restraint.
respondent. The freedom of expression is a means of assuring
Quiason Makalintal Barot Torres & Ibarra for individual self-fulfillment, of attaining the truth, of
petitioner. securing participation by the people in social and
The Solicitor General for respondent. political decision-making, and of maintaining the
balance between stability and change. It
SYNOPSIS represents a profound commitment to the
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of principle that debates on public issues should be
the Rules of Court filed by ABS-CBN Broadcasting uninhibited, robust, and wide open. It means
Corporation assailing the COMELEC En Banc more than the right to approve existing political
Resolution No. 98-1419 dated April 21, 1998 beliefs or economic arrangements, to lend
approving the issuance of a restraining order to support to official measures, or to take refuge in
stop petitioner ABS-CBN or any other groups, its the existing climate of opinion on any matter of
agents or representatives from conducting exit public consequence. And paraphrasing the
survey and to authorize the Honorable Chairman eminent Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, we stress
to issue the same. Because of the issuance of this that the freedom encompasses the thought we
resolution, petitioner filed the instant case, and hate, no less than the thought we agree with.
on May 9, 1998, the Court issued the temporary DTAaCE
restraining order prayed for by petitioner. The
lone issue to be resolved in this case is whether 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; LIMITATIONS; CLEAR AND
or not the respondent Comelec acted with grave PRESENT DANGER TEST. This Court adheres
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess to the "clear and present danger" test. It
of jurisdiction when it approved the issuance of a implicitly did in its earlier decisions in Primicias v.
restraining order enjoining the petitioner or any Fugoso and American Bible Society v. City of
other group, its agents or representatives from Manila; as well as in later ones, Vera v. Arca,
conducting exit polls during the May 11, 1998 Navarro v. Villegas, Imbong v. Ferrer, Blo Umpar
elections. Adiong v. Comelec and, more recently, in Iglesia
ni Cristo v. MTRCB. In setting the standard or test
The Supreme Court found the petition for the "clear and present danger" doctrine, the
meritorious. The Court ruled that the holding of Court echoed the words of Justice Holmes: "The
exit polls and the dissemination of their results question in every case is whether the words used
through mass media constitute an essential part are used in such circumstances and are of such a
of the freedoms of speech and of the press. nature as to create a clear and present danger
Hence, the Comelec cannot ban them totally in that they will bring about the substantive evils
the guise of promoting clean, honest, orderly and that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a
37 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
question of proximity and degree." A limitation on from outside influences is insufficient to justify
the freedom of expression may be justified only speech regulation. Just as curtailing election-day
by a danger of such substantive character that broadcasts and newspaper editorials for the
the state has a right to prevent. Unlike in the reason that they might indirectly affect the
"dangerous tendency" doctrine, the danger must voters' choices is impermissible, so is regulating
not only be clear but also present. "Present" speech via an exit poll restriction. The absolute
refers to the time element; the danger must not ban imposed by the Comelec cannot, therefore,
only be probable but very likely to be inevitable. be justified. It does not leave open any
The evil sought to be avoided must be so alternative channel of communication to gather
substantive as to justify a clamp over one's the type of information obtained through exit
mouth or a restraint of a writing instrument. polling. On the other hand, there are other valid
and reasonable ways and means to achieve the
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; JUSTIFICATION FOR Comelec end of avoiding or minimizing disorder
RESTRICTION. Doctrinally, the Court has and confusion that may be brought about by exit
always ruled in favor of the freedom of surveys.
expression, and any restriction is treated an
exemption. The power to exercise prior restraint 5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; EXIT POLLS DO NOT
is not to be presumed; rather the presumption is TRANSGRESS THE SANCTITY AND SECRECY
against its validity. And it is respondent's burden OF THE BALLOT. The contention of public
to overthrow such presumption. Any act that respondent that exit polls indirectly transgress
restrains speech should be greeted with furrowed the sanctity and the secrecy of the ballot is off-
brows, so it has been said. To justify a restriction, tangent to the real issue. Petitioner does not seek
the promotion of a substantial government access to the ballots cast by the voters. The
interest must be clearly shown. Thus: "A ballot system of voting is not at issue here. The
government regulation is sufficiently justified if it reason behind the principle of ballot secrecy is to
is within the constitutional power of the avoid vote buying through voter identification.
government, if it furthers an important or Thus, voters are prohibited from exhibiting the
substantial government interest; if the contents of their official ballots to other persons,
governmental interest is unrelated to the from making copies thereof, or from putting
suppression of free expression; and if the distinguishing marks thereon so as to be
incidental restriction on alleged First Amendment identified. Also proscribed is finding out contents
freedoms is no greater than is essential to the of the ballots cast by particular voters or
furtherance of that interest." Hence, even though disclosing those of disabled or illiterate voters
the government's purposes are legitimate and who have been assisted. Clearly, what is
substantial, they cannot be pursued by means forbidden is the association of voters with their
that broadly stifle fundamental personal liberties, respective votes, for the purpose of assuring that
when the end can be more narrowly achieved. the votes have been cast in accordance with the
instructions of a third party. This result cannot,
4. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; TOTAL BAN ON EXIT POLL however, be achieved merely through the voters'
NOT JUSTIFIED. The Comelec's concern with verbal and confidential disclosure to a pollster of
the possible noncommunicative effect of exit whom they have voted for. In exit polls, the
polls disorder and confusion in the voting contents of the official ballot are not actually
centers does not justify a total ban on them. exposed. Furthermore, the revelation of whom an
Undoubtedly, the assailed Comelec Resolution is elector has voted for is not compulsory, but
too broad, since its application is without voluntary. Voters may also choose not to reveal
qualification as to whether the polling is their identities. Indeed, narrowly tailored
disruptive or not. Concededly, the Omnibus countermeasures may be prescribed by the
Election Code prohibits disruptive behavior Comelec, so as to minimize or suppress incidental
around the voting centers. There is no showing, problems in the conduct of exit polls, without
however, that exit polls or the means to interview transgressing the fundamental rights of our
voters cause chaos in voting centers. Neither has people.
any evidence been presented proving that the
presence of exit poll reporters near an election
precinct tends to create disorder or confuse the
voters. Moreover, the prohibition incidentally VITUG, J., separate opinion:
prevents the collection of exit poll data and their CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BILL OF RIGHTS;
use for any purpose. The valuable information RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH AND INFORMATION;
and ideas that could be derived from them, based NOT ILLIMITABLE AND IMMUNE FROM THE
on the voters' answers to the survey questions VALID EXERCISE OF AN EVER DEMANDING
will forever remain unknown and unexplored. AND PERVASIVE POLICE POWER. While I
Unless the ban is restrained, candidates, understand what the ponencia is saying quite
researchers, social scientists and the electorate in laudably, I also appreciate, upon the other hand,
general would be deprived of studies on the the concern of the Commission on Elections, i.e.,
impact of current events and of election-day and that the conduct of exit polls can have some
other factors on voters' choices. In Daily Herald adverse effects on the need to preserve the
Co. vs. Munro, the US Supreme Court held that a sanctity of the ballot. The Commission performs
statute, one of the purposes of which was to an indispensable task of ensuring free, honest,
prevent the broadcasting of early returns, was and orderly elections and of guarding against any
unconstitutional because such purpose was frustration of the true will of the people.
impermissible, and the statute was neither Expectedly, it utilizes all means available within
narrowly tailored to advance a state interest nor its power and authority to prevent the electoral
the least restrictive alternative. Furthermore, the process from being manipulated and rendered an
general interest of the State in insulating voters
38 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
absurdity. Like my colleagues, I greatly prize the the criminal law and only later appropriated for
freedom of expression but, so also, I cherish no free speech cases. For the criminal law is
less the right of the people to express their will by necessarily concerned with the line at which
means of the ballot. In any case, I must accept innocent preparation ends and guilty conspiracy
the reality that the right to information and free or attempt begins. Clearly, it is inappropriate as a
speech is not illimitable and immune from the test for determining the constitutional validity of
valid exercise of an ever demanding and law which, like 11(b) of R.A. No. 6646, are not
pervasive police power. Whether any kind of concerned with the content of political ads but
restraint should be upheld or declared invalid in only with their incidents. To apply the clear-and-
the proper balancing of interest is one that must present danger test to such regulatory measures
be resolved at any given moment, not on would be like using a sledgehammer to drive a
perceived circumstances, but on prevailing facts. nail when a regular hammer is all that is needed.
KAPUNAN, J., dissenting opinion: PANGANIBAN, J p:
1. POLITICAL LAW; CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; The holding of exit polls and the dissemination of
RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH; IF THE RIGHT TO their results through mass media constitute an
FREE SPEECH COLLIDES WITH A NORM OF essential part of the freedoms of speech and of
CONSTITUTIONAL STATURE, THE RULE ON the press. Hence, the Comelec cannot ban them
HEAVY PRESUMPTION OF INVALIDITY DOES totally in the guise of promoting clean, honest,
NOT APPLY. The majority opinion cites the orderly and credible elections. Quite the contrary,
general rule that any restrictions to freedom of exit polls properly conducted and publicized
expression would be burdened with a can be vital tools in eliminating the evils of
presumption of invalidity and should be greeted election-fixing and fraud. Narrowly tailored
with "furrowed brows." While this has been the countermeasures may be prescribed by the
traditional approach, this rule does not apply Comelec so as to minimize or suppress the
where, as in this case, the Comelec exercised its incidental problems in the conduct of exit polls,
Constitutional functions of securing the secrecy without transgressing in any manner the
and sanctity of the ballots and ensuring the fundamental rights of our people.
integrity of the elections. Thus, Mr. Justice
Feliciano in National Press Club (NPC) v. Comelec The Case and the Facts
wrote: The technical effect of Article IX (C) (4) of Before us is a Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65
the Constitution may be seem to be that no of the Rules of Court assailing Commission on
presumption of invalidity arises in respect of Elections (Comelec) en banc Resolution No. 98-
supervisory or regulatory authority on the part of 1419 1 dated April 21, 1998. In the said
the COMELEC for the purpose of securing equal Resolution, the poll body
opportunity among candidates for political office,
although such supervision or regulation may "RESOLVED to approve the issuance of a
result in some limitation of the right of free restraining order to stop ABS-CBN or any other
speech and free press. For supervision or groups, its agents or representatives from
regulation of the operations of media enterprises conducting such exit survey and to authorize the
is scarcely conceivable without such Honorable Chairman to issue the same."
accompanying limitation. Thus, the applicable
rule is the general, time honored one that a The Resolution was issued by the Comelec
statute is presumed to be constitutional and that allegedly upon "information from [a] reliable
the party asserting its unconstitutionality must source that ABS-CBN (Lopez Group) has prepared
discharge the burden of clearly and convincingly a project, with PR groups, to conduct radio-TV
proving that assertion. The NPC decision holds coverage of the elections . . . and to make [an]
that if the right to free speech collides with a exit survey of the . . . vote during the elections
norm of constitutional stature, the rule on heavy for national officials particularly for President and
presumption of invalidity does not apply. Vice President, results of which shall be
[broadcast] immediately." 2 The electoral body
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; IF NO PRESUMPTION OF believed that such project might conflict with the
INVALIDITY ARISES, THERE IS NO OCCASION official Comelec count, as well as the unofficial
FOR THE APPLICATION OF THE CLEAR AND quick count of the National Movement for Free
PRESENT DANGER TEST. Our Constitution Elections (Namfrel). It also noted that it had not
mandates the Comelec to enforce and administer authorized or deputized Petitioner ABS-CBN to
laws and regulations relative to the conduct of undertake the exit survey.
elections and to secure the secrecy and sanctity
of the ballots to ensure orderly, honest, credible On May 9, 1998, this Court issued the Temporary
and peaceful elections. This Constitutional Restraining Order prayed for by petitioner. We
provision effectively displaces the general directed the Comelec to cease and desist, until
presumption of invalidity in favor of the further orders, from implementing the assailed
presumption that Comelec acted in the exercise Resolution or the restraining order issued
of its constitutionally mandated powers. If no pursuant thereto, if any. In fact, the exit polls
presumption of invalidity arises, I see no occasion were actually conducted and reported by media
for the application of the "clear and present without any difficulty or problem.
danger test." As this Court, through Mr. Justice
Mendoza, succinctly observed: . . . the clear-and- The Issues
present danger test is not, however, a sovereign Petitioner raises this lone issue: "Whether or not
remedy for all free speech problems. As has been the Respondent Commission acted with grave
pointed out by a thoughtful student of abuse of discretion amounting to a lack or excess
constitutional law, it was originally formulated for of jurisdiction when it approved the issuance of a
39 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
restraining order enjoining the petitioner or any Direct resort to this Court through a special civil
[other group], its agents or representatives from action for certiorari is therefore justified.
conducting exit polls during the . . . May 11
elections." 3

In his Memorandum, 4 the solicitor general, in Main Issue:

seeking to dismiss the Petition, brings up Validity of Conducting Exit Polls
additional issues: (1) mootness and (2) An exit poll is a species of electoral survey
prematurity, because of petitioner's failure to conducted by qualified individuals or group of
seek a reconsideration of the assailed Comelec individuals for the purpose of determining the
Resolution. LibLex probable result of an election by confidentially
asking randomly selected voters whom they have
The Court's Ruling voted for, immediately after they have officially
The Petition 5 is meritorious. cast their ballots. The results of the survey are
announced to the public, usually through the
Procedural Issues: mass media, to give an advance overview of how,
Mootness and Prematurity in the opinion of the polling individuals or
The solicitor general contends that the petition is organizations, the electorate voted. In our
moot and academic, because the May 11, 1998 electoral history, exit polls had not been resorted
election has already been held and done with. to until the recent May 11, 1998 elections.
Allegedly, there is no longer any actual
controversy before us. In its Petition, ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation
maintains that it is a responsible member of the
The issue is not totally moot. While the assailed mass media, committed to report balanced
Resolution referred specifically to the May 11, election-related data, including "the exclusive
1998 election, its implications on the people's results of Social Weather Station (SWS) surveys
fundamental freedom of expression transcend the conducted in fifteen administrative regions."
past election. The holding of periodic elections is
a basic feature of our democratic government. By It argues that the holding of exit polls and the
its very nature, exit polling is tied up with nationwide reporting of their results are valid
elections. To set aside the resolution of the issue exercises of the freedoms of speech and of the
now will only postpone a task that could well crop press. It submits that, in precipitately and
up again in future elections. 6 unqualifiedly restraining the holding and the
reporting of exit polls, the Comelec gravely
In any event, in Salonga v. Cruz Pano, the Court abused its discretion and grossly violated the
had occasion to reiterate that it "also has the petitioner's constitutional rights.
duty to formulate guiding and controlling
constitutional principles, precepts, doctrines, or Public respondent, on the other hand, vehemently
rules. It has the symbolic function of educating denies that, in issuing the assailed Resolution, it
bench and bar on the extent of protection given gravely abused its discretion. It insists that the
by constitutional guarantees." 7 Since the issuance thereof was "pursuant to its
fundamental freedoms of speech and of the press constitutional and statutory powers to promote a
are being invoked here, we have resolved to clean, honest, orderly and credible May 11, 1998
settle, for the guidance of posterity, whether they elections"; and "to protect, preserve and maintain
likewise protect the holding of exit polls and the the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot." It
dissemination of data derived therefrom. contends that "the conduct of exit surveys might
unduly confuse and influence the voters," and
The solicitor general further contends that the that the surveys were designed "to condition the
Petition should be dismissed for petitioner's minds of people and cause confusion as to who
failure to exhaust available remedies before the are the winners and the [losers] in the election,"
issuing forum, specifically the filing of a motion which in turn may result in "violence and
for reconsideration. anarchy."

This Court, however, has ruled in the past that Public respondent further argues that "exit
this procedural requirement may be glossed over surveys indirectly violate the constitutional
to prevent a miscarriage of justice, 8 when the principle to preserve the sanctity of the ballots,"
issue involves the principle of social justice or the as the "voters are lured to reveal the contents of
protection of labor, 9 when the decision or ballots," in violation of Section 2, Article V of the
resolution sought to be set aside is a nullity, 10 or Constitution; 12 and relevant provisions of the
when the need for relief is extremely urgent and Omnibus Election Code. 13 It submits that the
certiorari is the only adequate and speedy constitutionally protected freedoms invoked by
remedy available. 11 petitioner "are not immune to regulation by the
State in the legitimate exercise of its police
The instant Petition assails a Resolution issued by power," such as in the present case.
the Comelec en banc on April 21, 1998, only
twenty (20) days before the election itself. The solicitor general, in support of the public
Besides, the petitioner got hold of a copy thereof respondent, adds that the exit polls pose a "clear
only on May 4, 1998. Under the circumstances, and present danger of destroying the credibility
there was hardly enough opportunity to move for and integrity of the electoral process,"
a reconsideration and to obtain a swift resolution considering that they are not supervised by any
in time for the May 11, 1998 elections. Moreover, government agency and can in general be
not only is time of the essence; the Petition manipulated easily. He insists that these polls
involves transcendental constitutional issues.
40 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
would sow confusion among the voters and would can be punished. The danger to be guarded
undermine the official tabulation of votes against is the 'substantive evil' sought to be
conducted by the Commission, as well as the prevented. . . ." 23
quick count undertaken by the Namfrel.
"The 'dangerous tendency' rule, on the other
Admittedly, no law prohibits the holding and the hand, . . . may be epitomized as follows: If the
reporting of exit polls. The question can thus be words uttered create a dangerous tendency
more narrowly defined: May the Comelec, in the which the state has a right to prevent, then such
exercise of its powers, totally ban exit polls? In words are punishable. It is not necessary that
answering this question, we need to review some definite or immediate acts of force,
quickly our jurisprudence on the freedoms of violence, or unlawfulness be advocated. It is
speech and of the press. sufficient that such acts be advocated in general
terms. Nor is it necessary that the language used
Nature and Scope of Freedoms be reasonably calculated to incite persons to acts
of Speech and of the Press of force, violence, or unlawfulness. It is sufficient
The freedom of expression is a fundamental if the natural tendency and probable effect of the
principle of our democratic government. It "is a utterance be to bring about the substantive evil
'preferred' right and, therefore, stands on a which the legislative body seeks to prevent." 24
higher level than substantive economic or other
liberties. . . . [T]his must be so because the Unquestionably, this Court adheres to the "clear
lessons of history, both political and legal, and present danger" test. It implicitly did in its
illustrate that freedom of thought and speech is earlier decisions in Primicias v. Fugoso 25 and
the indispensable condition of nearly every other American Bible Society v. City of Manila; 26 as
form of freedom." 14 well as in later ones, Vera v. Arca, 27 Navarro v.
Villegas, 28 Imbong v. Ferrer, 29 Blo Umpar
Our Constitution clearly mandates that no law Adiong v. Comelec 30 and, more recently, in
shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech Iglesia ni Cristo v. MTRCB. 31 In setting the
or of the press. 15 In the landmark case Gonzales standard or test for the "clear and present
v. Comelec, 16 this Court enunciated that at the danger" doctrine, the Court echoed the words of
very least, free speech and a free press consist of Justice Holmes: "The question in every case is
the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully any whether the words used are used in such
matter of public interest without prior restraint. circumstances and are of such a nature as to
LLpr create a clear and present danger that they will
bring about the substantive evils that Congress
The freedom of expression is a means of assuring has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity
individual self-fulfillment, of attaining the truth, of and degree." 32
securing participation by the people in social and
political decision-making, and of maintaining the A limitation on the freedom of expression may be
balance between stability and change. 17 It justified only by a danger of such substantive
represents a profound commitment to the character that the state has a right to prevent.
principle that debates on public issues should be Unlike in the "dangerous tendency" doctrine, the
uninhibited, robust, and wide open. 18 It means danger must not only be clear but also present.
more than the right to approve existing political "Present" refers to the time element; the danger
beliefs or economic arrangements, to lend must not only be probable but very likely to be
support to official measures, or to take refuge in inevitable. 33 The evil sought to be avoided must
the existing climate of opinion on any matter of be so substantive as to justify a clamp over one's
public consequence. And paraphrasing the mouth or a restraint of a writing instrument. 34
eminent Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 19 we
stress that the freedom encompasses the thought Justification for a
we hate, no less than the thought we agree with. Restriction
Doctrinally, the Court has always ruled in favor of
Limitations the freedom of expression, and any restriction is
The realities of life in a complex society, however, treated an exemption. The power to exercise prior
preclude an absolute exercise of the freedoms of restraint is not to be presumed; rather the
speech and of the press. Such freedoms could not presumption is against its validity. 35 And it is
remain unfettered and unrestrained at all times respondent's burden to overthrow such
and under all circumstances. 20 They are not presumption. Any act that restrains speech
immune to regulation by the State in the exercise should be greeted with furrowed brows, 36 so it
of its police power. 21 While the liberty to think is has been said. Cdpr
absolute, the power to express such thought in
words and deeds has limitations. To justify a restriction, the promotion of a
substantial government interest must be clearly
In Cabansag v. Fernandez 22 this Court had shown. 37 Thus:
occasion to discuss two theoretical tests in
determining the validity of restrictions to such "A government regulation is sufficiently justified if
freedoms, as follows: it is within the constitutional power of the
government, if it furthers an important or
"These are the 'clear and present danger' rule substantial government interest; if the
and the 'dangerous tendency' rule. The first, as governmental interest is unrelated to the
interpreted in a number of cases, means that the suppression of free expression; and if the
evil consequence of the comment or utterance incidental restriction on alleged First Amendment
must be 'extremely serious and the degree of freedoms is no greater than is essential to the
imminence extremely high' before the utterance furtherance of that interest." 38
41 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
survey, the interviewees or participants are
Hence, even though the government's purposes selected at random, so that the results will as
are legitimate and substantial, they cannot be much as possible be representative or reflective
pursued by means that broadly stifle fundamental of the general sentiment or view of the
personal liberties, when the end can be more community or group polled. Second, the survey
narrowly achieved. 39 result is not meant to replace or be at par with
the official Comelec count. It consists merely of
The freedoms of speech and of the press should the opinion of the polling group as to who the
all the more be upheld when what is sought to be electorate in general has probably voted for,
curtailed is the dissemination of information based on the limited data gathered from polled
meant to add meaning to the equally vital right of individuals. Finally, not at stake here are the
suffrage. 40 We cannot support any ruling or credibility and the integrity of the elections,
order "the effect of which would be to nullify so which are exercises that are separate and
vital a constitutional right as free speech." 41 independent from the exit polls. The holding and
When faced with borderline situations in which the reporting of the results of exit polls cannot
the freedom of a candidate or a party to speak or undermine those of the elections, since the
the freedom of the electorate to know is invoked former is only part of the latter. If at all, the
against actions allegedly made to assure clean outcome of one can only be indicative of the
and free elections, this Court shall lean in favor of other.
freedom. For in the ultimate analysis, the
freedom of the citizen and the State's power to The Comelec's concern with the possible
regulate should not be antagonistic. There can be noncommunicative effect of exit polls disorder
no free and honest elections if, in the efforts to and confusion in the voting centers does not
maintain them, the freedom to speak and the justify a total ban on them. Undoubtedly, the
right to know are unduly curtailed. 42 assailed Comelec Resolution is too broad, since
its application is without qualification as to
whether the polling is disruptive or not. 44
Concededly, the Omnibus Election Code prohibits
True, the government has a stake in protecting disruptive behavior around the voting centers. 45
the fundamental right to vote by providing voting There is no showing, however, that exit polls or
places that are safe and accessible. It has the the means to interview voters cause chaos in
duty to secure the secrecy of the ballot and to voting centers. Neither has any evidence been
preserve the sanctity and the integrity of the presented proving that the presence of exit poll
electoral process. However, in order to justify a reporters near an election precinct tends to
restriction of the people's freedoms of speech create disorder or confuse the voters.
and of the press, the state's responsibility of
ensuring orderly voting must far outweigh them. Moreover, the prohibition incidentally prevents
the collection of exit poll data and their use for
These freedoms have additional importance, any purpose. The valuable information and ideas
because exit polls generate important research that could be derived from them, based on the
data which may be used to study influencing voters' answers to the survey questions will
factors and trends in voting behavior. An absolute forever remain unknown and unexplored. Unless
prohibition would thus be unreasonably the ban is restrained, candidates, researchers,
restrictive, because it effectively prevents the use social scientists and the electorate in general
of exit poll data not only for election-day would be deprived of studies on the impact of
projections, but also for long-term research. 43 current events and of election-day and other
factors on voters' choices.
Comelec Ban on
Exit Polling In Daily Herald Co. v. Munro, 46 the US Supreme
In the case at bar, the Comelec justifies its Court held that a statute, one of the purposes of
assailed Resolution as having been issued which was to prevent the broadcasting of early
pursuant to its constitutional mandate to ensure returns, was unconstitutional because such
a free, orderly, honest, credible and peaceful purpose was impermissible, and the statute was
election. While admitting that "the conduct of an neither narrowly tailored to advance a state
exit poll and the broadcast of the results thereof interest nor the least restrictive alternative.
[are] . . . an exercise of press freedom," it argues Furthermore, the general interest of the State in
that "[p]ress freedom may be curtailed if the insulating voters from outside influences is
exercise thereof creates a clear and present insufficient to justify speech regulation. Just as
danger to the community or it has a dangerous curtailing election-day broadcasts and newspaper
tendency." It then contends that "an exit poll has editorials for the reason that they might indirectly
the tendency to sow confusion considering the affect the voters' choices is impermissible, so is
randomness of selecting interviewees, which regulating speech via an exit poll restriction. 47
further make[s] the exit poll highly unreliable.
The probability that the results of such exit poll The absolute ban imposed by the Comelec
may not be in harmony with the official count cannot, therefore, be justified. It does not leave
made by the Comelec . . . is ever present. In open any alternative channel of communication
other words, the exit poll has a clear and present to gather the type of information obtained
danger of destroying the credibility and integrity through exit polling. On the other hand, there are
of the electoral process." other valid and reasonable ways and means to
achieve the Comelec end of avoiding or
Such arguments are purely speculative and minimizing disorder and confusion that may be
clearly untenable. First, by the very nature of a brought about by exit surveys.

42 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
For instance, a specific limited area for compulsory, but voluntary. Voters may also
conducting exit polls may be designated. Only choose not to reveal their identities. Indeed,
professional survey groups may be allowed to narrowly tailored countermeasures may be
conduct the same. Pollsters may be kept at a prescribed by the Comelec, so as to minimize or
reasonable distance from the voting center. They suppress incidental problems in the conduct of
may be required to explain to voters that the exit polls, without transgressing the fundamental
latter may refuse to be interviewed, and that the rights of our people. cdrep
interview is not part of the official balloting
process. The pollsters may further be required to WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED, and the
wear distinctive clothing that would show they Temporary Restraining Order issued by the Court
are not election officials. 48 Additionally, they on May 9, 1998 is made PERMANENT. Assailed
may be required to undertake an information Minute Resolution No. 98-1419 issued by the
campaign on the nature of the exercise and the Comelec en banc on April 21, 1998 is hereby
results to be obtained therefrom. These NULLIFIED and SET ASIDE. No costs.
measures, together with a general prohibition of
disruptive behavior, could ensure a clean, safe SO ORDERED.
and orderly election. prcd
Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, Puno, Quisumbing,
For its part, Petitioner ABS-CBN explains its Purisima, Buena, Gonzaga-Reyes, Ynares-
survey methodology as follows: (1) communities Santiago, and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.
are randomly selected in each province; (2)
residences to be polled in such communities are Melo and Mendoza, JJ., join separate opinion of J.
also chosen at random; (3) only individuals who Vitug.
have already voted, as shown by the indelible ink
on their fingers, are interviewed; (4) the Vitug, J., see separate opinion.
interviewers use no cameras of any sort; (5) the
poll results are released to the public only on the Kapunan, J., see dissenting opinion.
day after the elections. 49 These precautions,
together with the possible measures earlier Pardo, J ., took no part.
stated, may be undertaken to abate the
Comelec's fear, without consequently and (Social Weather Stations, Inc. v. COMELEC,
unjustifiably stilling the people's voice. G.R. No. 147571, May 05, 2001)

With the foregoing premises, we conclude that EN BANC

the interest of the state in reducing disruption is [G.R. No. 147571. May 5, 2001.]
outweighed by the drastic abridgment of the SOCIAL WEATHER STATIONS,
constitutionally guaranteed rights of the media INCORPORATED and KAMAHALAN PUBLISHING
and the electorate. Quite the contrary, instead of CORPORATION, doing business as MANILA
disrupting elections, exit polls properly STANDARD, petitioners, vs. COMMISSION ON
conducted and publicized can be vital tools for ELECTIONS, respondent.
the holding of honest, orderly, peaceful and
credible elections; and for the elimination of DECISION
election-fixing, fraud and other electoral ills. MENDOZA, J p:
Petitioner, Social Weather Stations, Inc. (SWS), is
Violation of Ballot Secrecy a private non-stock, non-profit social research
The contention of public respondent that exit institution conducting surveys in various fields,
polls indirectly transgress the sanctity and the including economics, politics, demography, and
secrecy of the ballot is off-tangent to the real social development, and thereafter processing,
issue. Petitioner does not seek access to the analyzing, and publicly reporting the results
ballots cast by the voters. The ballot system of thereof. On the other hand, petitioner Kamahalan
voting is not at issue here. Publishing Corporation publishes the Manila
Standard, a newspaper of general circulation,
The reason behind the principle of ballot secrecy which features newsworthy items of information
is to avoid vote buying through voter including election surveys.
identification. Thus, voters are prohibited from
exhibiting the contents of their official ballots to Petitioners brought this action for prohibition to
other persons, from making copies thereof, or enjoin the Commission on Elections from
from putting distinguishing marks thereon so as enforcing 5.4 of R.A. No. 9006 (Fair Election Act),
to be identified. Also proscribed is finding out the which provides:
contents of the ballots cast by particular voters or
disclosing those of disabled or illiterate voters Surveys affecting national candidates shall not be
who have been assisted. Clearly, what is published fifteen (15) days before an election and
forbidden is the association of voters with their surveys affecting local candidates shall not be
respective votes, for the purpose of assuring that published seven (7) days before an election.
the votes have been cast in accordance with the
instructions of a third party. This result cannot, The term "election surveys" is defined in 5.1 of
however, be achieved merely through the voters' the law as follows:
verbal and confidential disclosure to a pollster of Election surveys refer to the measurement of
whom they have voted for. opinions and perceptions of the voters as regards
a candidate's popularity, qualifications, platforms
In exit polls, the contents of the official ballot are or a matter of public discussion in relation to the
not actually exposed. Furthermore, the revelation election, including voters' preference for
of whom an elector has voted for is not candidates or publicly discussed issues during the
43 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
campaign period (hereafter referred to as abridgment of freedom of speech, expression,
"Survey"). and the press.

To implement 5.4, Resolution 3636, 24(h), To be sure, 5.4 lays a prior restraint on freedom
dated March 1, 2001, of the COMELEC enjoins of speech, expression, and the press by
Surveys affecting national candidates shall not be prohibiting the publication of election survey
published fifteen (15) days before an election and results affecting candidates within the prescribed
surveys affecting local candidates shall not be periods of fifteen (15) days immediately
published seven (7) days before an election. preceding a national election and seven (7) days
before a local election. Because of the preferred
Petitioner SWS states that it wishes to conduct an status of the constitutional rights of speech,
election survey throughout the period of the expression, and the press, such a measure is
elections both at the national and local levels and vitiated by a weighty presumption of invalidity. 2
release to the media the results of such survey as Indeed, "any system of prior restraints of
well as publish them directly. Petitioner expression comes to this Court bearing a heavy
Kamahalan Publishing Corporation, on the other presumption against its constitutional validity. . . .
hand, states that it intends to publish election The Government 'thus carries a heavy burden of
survey results up to the last day of the elections showing justification for the enforcement of such
on May 14, 2001. restraint.'" 3 There is thus a reversal of the
normal presumption of validity that inheres in
Petitioners argue that the restriction on the every legislation.
publication of election survey results constitutes
a prior restraint on the exercise of freedom of Nor may it be argued that because of Art. IX-C, 4
speech without any clear and present danger to of the Constitution, which gives the COMELEC
justify such restraint. They claim that SWS and supervisory power to regulate the enjoyment or
other pollsters conducted and published the utilization of franchise for the operation of media
results of surveys prior to the 1992, 1995, and of communication, no presumption of invalidity
1998 elections up to as close as two days before attaches to a measure like 5.4. For as we have
the election day without causing confusion pointed out in sustaining the ban on media
among the voters and that there is neither political advertisements, the grant of power to
empirical nor historical evidence to support the the COMELEC under Art. IX-C, 4 is limited to
conclusion that there is an immediate and ensuring "equal opportunity, time, space, and the
inevitable danger to the voting process posed by right to reply" as well as uniform and reasonable
election surveys. They point out that no similar rates of charges for the use of such media
restriction is imposed on politicians from facilities for "public information campaigns and
explaining their opinion or on newspapers or forums among candidates." 4 This Court stated:
broadcast media from writing and publishing
articles concerning political issues up to the day The technical effect of Article IX (C) (4) of the
of the election. Consequently, they contend that Constitution may be seen to be that no
there is no reason for ordinary voters to be presumption of invalidity arises in respect of
denied access to the results of election surveys exercises of supervisory or regulatory authority
which are relatively objective. ETHaDC on the part of the Comelec for the purpose of
securing equal opportunity among candidates for
Respondent Commission on Elections justifies the political office, although such supervision or
restrictions in 5.4 of R.A. No. 9006 as necessary regulation may result in some limitation of the
to prevent the manipulation and corruption of the rights of free speech and free press. 5
electoral process by unscrupulous and erroneous
surveys just before the election. It contends that MR. JUSTICE KAPUNAN dissents. He rejects as
(1) the prohibition on the publication of election inappropriate the test of clear and present danger
survey results during the period proscribed by for determining the validity of 5.4. Indeed, as
law bears a rational connection to the objective of has been pointed out in Osmea v. COMELEC, 6
the law, i.e., the prevention of the debasement of this test was originally formulated for the criminal
the electoral process resulting from manipulated law and only later appropriated for free speech
surveys, bandwagon effect, and absence of reply; cases. Hence, while it may be useful for
(2) it is narrowly tailored to meet the "evils" determining the validity of laws dealing with
sought to be prevented; and (3) the impairment inciting to sedition or incendiary speech, it may
of freedom of expression is minimal, the not be adequate for such regulations as the one
restriction being limited both in duration, i.e., the in question. For such a test is concerned with
last 15 days before the national election and the questions of the gravity and imminence of the
last 7 days before a local election, and in scope danger as basis for curtailing free speech, which
as it does not prohibit election survey results but is not the case of 5.4 and similar regulations.
only require timeliness. Respondent claims that in
National Press Club v. COMELEC, 1 a total ban on Instead, MR. JUSTICE KAPUNAN purports to
political advertisements, with candidates being engage in a form of balancing by "weighing and
merely allocated broadcast time during the so- balancing the circumstances to determine
called COMELEC space or COMELEC hour, was whether public interest [in free, orderly, honest,
upheld by this Court. In contrast, according to peaceful and credible elections] is served by the
respondent, it states that the prohibition in 5.4 regulation of the free enjoyment of the rights"
of R.A. No. 9006 is much more limited. (page 7). After canvassing the reasons for the
prohibition, i.e., to prevent last-minute pressure
For reasons hereunder given, we hold that 5.4 of on voters, the creation of bandwagon effect to
R.A. No. 9006 constitutes an unconstitutional favor candidates, misinformation, the "junking" of
weak and "losing" candidates by their parties,
44 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
and the form of election cheating called "dagdag- Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland,
bawas" and invoking the State's power to Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Macedonia, the
supervise media of information during the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Ukraine, some
election period (pages 11-16), the dissenting of which are no older nor more mature than the
opinion simply concludes: ACTEHI Philippines in political development, do not
restrict the publication of election survey results.
Viewed in the light of the legitimate and
significant objectives of Section 5.4, it may be What test should then be employed to determine
seen that its limiting impact on the rights of free the constitutional validity of 5.4? The United
speech and of the press is not unduly repressive States Supreme Court, through Chief Justice
or unreasonable. Indeed, it is a mere restriction, Warren, held in United States v. O'Brien:
not an absolute prohibition, on the publication of
election surveys. It is limited in duration; it [A] government regulation is sufficiently justified
applies only during the period when the voters [1] if it is within the constitutional power of the
are presumably contemplating whom they should Government; [2] if it furthers an important or
elect and when they are most susceptible to such substantial governmental interest; [3] if the
unwarranted persuasion. These surveys may be governmental interest is unrelated to the
published thereafter. (Pages 17-18) suppression of free expression; and [4] if the
incidental restriction on alleged First Amendment
The dissent does not, however, show why, on freedoms [of speech, expression and press] is no
balance, these considerations should outweigh greater than is essential to the furtherance of
the value of freedom of expression. Instead, that interest. 8
reliance is placed on Art. IX-C, 4. As already
stated, the purpose of Art. IX-C, 4 is to "ensure This is so far the most influential test for
equal opportunity, time, and space and the right distinguishing content-based from content-
of reply, including reasonable, equal rates neutral regulations and is said to have "become
therefor for public information campaigns and canonical in the review of such laws." 9 It is
forums among candidates." Hence the validity of noteworthy that the O'Brien test has been applied
the ban on media advertising. It is noteworthy by this Court in at least two cases. 10
that R.A. No. 9006, 14 has lifted the ban and
now allows candidates to advertise their Under this test, even if a law furthers an
candidacies in print and broadcast media. Indeed, important or substantial governmental interest, it
to sustain the ban on the publication of survey should be invalidated if such governmental
results would sanction the censorship of all interest is "not unrelated to the suppression of
speaking by candidates in an election on the free expression." Moreover, even if the purpose is
ground that the usual bombasts and hyperbolic unrelated to the suppression of free speech, the
claims made during the campaigns can confuse law should nevertheless be invalidated if the
voters and thus debase the electoral process. restriction on freedom of expression is greater
than is necessary to achieve the governmental
In sum, the dissent has engaged only in a purpose in question.
balancing at the margin. This form of ad hoc
balancing predictably results in sustaining the Our inquiry should accordingly focus on these two
challenged legislation and leaves freedom of considerations as applied to 5.4.
speech, expression, and the press with little
protection. For anyone who can bring a plausible First. Sec. 5.4 fails to meet criterion [3] of the
justification forward can easily show a rational O'Brien test because the causal connection of
connection between the statute and a legitimate expression to the asserted governmental interest
governmental purpose. In contrast, the balancing makes such interest "not unrelated to the
of interest undertaken by then Justice Castro in suppression of free expression." By prohibiting
Gonzales v. COMELEC, 7 from which the dissent in the publication of election survey results because
this case takes its cue, was a strong one resulting of the possibility that such publication might
in his conclusion that 50-B of R.A. No. 4880, undermine the integrity of the election, 5.4
which limited the period of election campaign and actually suppresses a whole class of expression,
partisan political activity, was an unconstitutional while allowing the expression of opinion
abridgment of freedom of expression. concerning the same subject matter by
newspaper columnists, radio and TV
commentators, armchair theorists, and other
opinion makers. In effect, 5.4 shows a bias for a
Nor can the ban on election surveys be justified particular subject matter, if not viewpoint, by
on the ground that there are other countries preferring personal opinion to statistical results.
78, according to the Solicitor General, while the The constitutional guarantee of freedom of
dissent cites 28 which similarly impose expression means that "the government has no
restrictions on the publication of election surveys. power to restrict expression because of its
At best this survey is inconclusive. It is message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its
noteworthy that in the United States no content." 11 The inhibition of speech should be
restriction on the publication of election survey upheld only if the expression falls within one of
results exists. It cannot be argued that this is the few unprotected categories dealt with in
because the United States is a mature Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 12 thus:
democracy. Neither are there laws imposing an
embargo on survey results, even for a limited There are certain well-defined and narrowly
period, in other countries. As pointed out by limited classes of speech, the prevention and
petitioners, the United Kingdom, Austria, punishment of which have never been thought to
raise any Constitutional problem. These include
45 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous,
and the insulting or 'fighting' words those To stop any illegal activity, or confiscate, tear
which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend down, and stop any unlawful, libelous, misleading
to incite an immediate breach of the peace. or false election propaganda, after due notice and
[S]uch utterances are no essential part of any hearing.
exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social
value as a step to truth that any benefit that may This is surely a less restrictive means than the
be derived from them is clearly outweighed by prohibition contained in 5.4. Pursuant to this
the social interest in order and morality. power of the COMELEC, it can confiscate bogus
survey results calculated to mislead voters.
Nor is there justification for the prior restraint Candidates can have their own surveys
which 5.4 lays on protected speech. In Near v. conducted. No right of reply can be invoked by
Minnesota, 13 it was held: others. No principle of equality is involved. It is a
free market to which each candidate brings his
[The] protection even as to previous restraint is ideas. As for the purpose of the law to prevent
not absolutely unlimited. But the limitation has bandwagon effects, it is doubtful whether the
been recognized only in exceptional cases. . . . No Government can deal with this natural-enough
one would question but that a government might tendency of some voters. Some voters want to be
prevent actual obstruction to its recruiting service identified with the "winners." Some are
or the publication of the sailing dates of susceptible to the herd mentality. Can these be
transports or the number and location of troops. legitimately prohibited by suppressing the
On similar grounds, the primary requirements of publication of survey results which are a form of
decency may be enforced against obscene expression? It has been held that "[mere]
publications. The security of the community life legislative preferences or beliefs respecting
may be protected against incitements to acts of matters of public convenience may well support
violence and the overthrow by force of orderly regulation directed at other personal activities,
government . . . . ACcaET but be insufficient to justify such as diminishes
the exercise of rights so vital to the maintenance
Thus, contrary to the claim of the Solicitor of democratic institutions." 18
General, the prohibition imposed by 5.4 cannot
be justified on the ground that it is only for a To summarize then, we hold that 5.4 is invalid
limited period and is only incidental. The because (1) it imposes a prior restraint on the
prohibition may be for a limited time, but the freedom of expression, (2) it is a direct and total
curtailment of the right of expression is direct, suppression of a category of expression even
absolute, and substantial. It constitutes a total though such suppression is only for a limited
suppression of a category of speech and is not period, and (3) the governmental interest sought
made less so because it is only for a period of to be promoted can be achieved by means other
fifteen (15) days immediately before a national than the suppression of freedom of expression.
election and seven (7) days immediately before a
local election. On the other hand, the COMELEC contends that
under Art. IX-A, 7 of the Constitution, its
This sufficiently distinguishes 5.4 from R.A. No. decisions, orders, or resolutions may be reviewed
6646, 11(b), which this Court found to be valid in by this Court only by certiorari. The flaws in this
National Press Club v. COMELEC 14 and Osmea argument is that it assumes that its Resolution
v. COMELEC. 15 For the ban imposed by R.A. No. 3636, dated March 1, 2001 is a "decision, order,
6646, 11(b) is not only authorized by a specific or resolution" within the meaning of Art. IX-A, 7.
constitutional provision, 16 but it also provided an Indeed, counsel for COMELEC maintains that
alternative so that, as this Court pointed out in Resolution 3636 was "rendered" by the
Osmea, there was actually no ban but only a Commission. However, the Resolution does not
substitution of media advertisements by the purport to adjudicate the right of any party. It is
COMELEC space and COMELEC hour. not an exercise by the COMELEC of its
adjudicatory power to settle the claims of parties.
Second. Even if the governmental interest sought To the contrary, Resolution 3636 clearly states
to be promoted is unrelated to the suppression of that it is promulgated to implement the
speech and the resulting restriction of free provisions of R.A. No. 9006. Hence, there is no
expression is only incidental, 5.4 nonetheless basis for the COMELEC's claim that this petition
fails to meet criterion [4] of the O'Brien test, for prohibition is inappropriate. Prohibition has
namely, that the restriction be not greater than is been found appropriate for testing the
necessary to further the governmental interest. constitutionality of various election laws, rules,
As already stated, 5.4 aims at the prevention of and regulations. 19
last-minute pressure on voters, the creation of
bandwagon effect, "junking" of weak or "losing" WHEREFORE, the petition for prohibition is
candidates, and resort to the form of election GRANTED and 5.4 of R.A. No. 9006 and 24(h) of
cheating called "dagdag-bawas." Praiseworthy as COMELEC Resolution 3636, dated March 1, 2001,
these aims of the regulation might be, they are declared unconstitutional.
cannot be attained at the sacrifice of the
fundamental right of expression, when such aim SO ORDERED.
can be more narrowly pursued by punishing Davide, Jr., C.J., Vitug and Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ.,
unlawful acts, rather than speech because of concur.
apprehension that such speech creates the Bellosillo, Pardo and Sandoval-Gutierrez, JJ., join
danger of such evils. Thus, under the in the dissent of J. Kapunan.
Administrative Code of 1987, 17 the COMELEC is Melo, J., Pls. see concurring opinion.
given the power: Puno, J., Pls. see concurring opinion.
46 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Kapunan, J., see dissenting opinion. 3. On June 8, 2005, respondent Department of
Panganiban, J., Please see concurring opinion. Justice (DOJ) Secretary Raul Gonzales warned
Quisumbing, Buena and De Leon, Jr., JJ., are on reporters that those who had copies of the
leave. compact disc (CD) and those broadcasting or
publishing its contents could be held liable under
Ynares-Santiago, J., I hereby certify that J. the Anti-Wiretapping Act. These persons included
Santiago joins the decision of Kapunan, J. (signed Secretary Bunye and Atty. Paguia. He also stated
by C.J. Davide) that persons possessing or airing said tapes were
committing a continuing offense, subject to arrest
(Chavez v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 168338, by anybody who had personal knowledge if the
February 15, 2008) crime was committed or was being committed in
their presence. 9
[G.R. No. 168338. February 15, 2008.] 4. On June 9, 2005, in another press briefing,
FRANCISCO CHAVEZ, petitioner, vs. RAUL M. Secretary Gonzales ordered the National Bureau
GONZALES, in his capacity as the Secretary of of Investigation (NBI) to go after media
the Department of Justice; and NATIONAL organizations "found to have caused the spread,
TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (NTC), the playing and the printing of the contents of a
respondents. tape" of an alleged wiretapped conversation
involving the President about fixing votes in the
DECISION 2004 national elections. Gonzales said that he
PUNO, C.J p: was going to start with, a joint venture
A. Precis between the Philippine Daily Inquirer and GMA7
In this jurisdiction, it is established that freedom television network, because by the very nature of
of the press is crucial and so inextricably woven the Internet medium, it was able to disseminate
into the right to free speech and free expression, the contents of the tape more widely. He then
that any attempt to restrict it must be met with expressed his intention of inviting the editors and
an examination so critical that only a danger that managers of and GMA7 to a probe, and
is clear and present would be allowed to curtail it. supposedly declared, "I [have] asked the NBI to
conduct a tactical interrogation of all concerned."
Indeed, we have not wavered in the duty to 10
uphold this cherished freedom. We have struck
down laws and issuances meant to curtail this 5. On June 11, 2005, the NTC issued this press
right, as in Adiong v. COMELEC, 1 Burgos v. Chief release: 11
of Staff, 2 Social Weather Stations v. COMELEC, 3
and Bayan v. Executive Secretary Ermita. 4 When NTC GIVES FAIR WARNING TO RADIO AND
on its face, it is clear that a governmental act is TELEVISION OWNERS/OPERATORS TO OBSERVE
nothing more than a naked means to prevent the ANTI-WIRETAPPING LAW AND PERTINENT
free exercise of speech, it must be nullified. CIRCULARS ON PROGRAM STANDARDS

B. The Facts xxx xxx xxx

1. The case originates from events that occurred
a year after the 2004 national and local elections. Taking into consideration the country's unusual
On June 5, 2005, Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye situation, and in order not to unnecessarily
told reporters that the opposition was planning to aggravate the same, the NTC warns all radio
destabilize the administration by releasing an stations and television network owners/operators
audiotape of a mobile phone conversation that the conditions of the authorization and
allegedly between the President of the permits issued to them by Government like the
Philippines, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and a high- Provisional Authority and/or Certificate of
ranking official of the Commission on Elections Authority explicitly provides that said companies
(COMELEC). The conversation was audiotaped shall not use [their] stations for the broadcasting
allegedly through wire-tapping. 5 Later, in a or telecasting of false information or willful
Malacaang press briefing, Secretary Bunye misrepresentation. Relative thereto, it has come
produced two versions of the tape, one to the attention of the [NTC] that certain
supposedly the complete version, and the other, personalities are in possession of alleged taped
a spliced, "doctored" or altered version, which conversations which they claim involve the
would suggest that the President had instructed President of the Philippines and a Commissioner
the COMELEC official to manipulate the election of the COMELEC regarding supposed violation of
results in the President's favor. 6 It seems that election laws.
Secretary Bunye admitted that the voice was that
of President Arroyo, but subsequently made a These personalities have admitted that the taped
retraction. 7 conversations are products of illegal wiretapping
2. On June 7, 2005, former counsel of deposed
President Joseph Estrada, Atty. Alan Paguia, Considering that these taped conversations have
subsequently released an alleged authentic tape not been duly authenticated nor could it be said
recording of the wiretap. Included in the tapes at this time that the tapes contain an accurate or
were purported conversations of the President, truthful representation of what was recorded
the First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo, COMELEC therein, it is the position of the [NTC] that the
Commissioner Garcillano, and the late Senator continuous airing or broadcast of the said taped
Barbers. 8 conversations by radio and television stations is a
continuing violation of the Anti-Wiretapping Law
and the conditions of the Provisional Authority
47 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
and/or Certificate of Authority issued to these The KBP Codes also require that no false
radio and television stations. It has been statement or willful misrepresentation is made in
subsequently established that the said tapes are the treatment of news or commentaries.
false and/or fraudulent after a prosecution or
appropriate investigation, the concerned radio The supposed wiretapped tapes should be
and television companies are hereby warned that treated with sensitivity and handled responsibly
their broadcast/airing of such false information giving due consideration to the process being
and/or willful misrepresentation shall be just undertaken to verify and validate the authenticity
cause for the suspension, revocation and/or and actual content of the same."
cancellation of the licenses or authorizations
issued to the said companies. C. The Petition
Petitioner Chavez filed a petition under Rule 65 of
In addition to the above, the [NTC] reiterates the the Rules of Court against respondents Secretary
pertinent NTC circulars on program standards to Gonzales and the NTC, "praying for the issuance
be observed by radio and television stations. NTC of the writs of certiorari and prohibition, as
Memorandum Circular 111-12-85 explicitly states, extraordinary legal remedies, to annul void
among others, that "all radio broadcasting and proceedings, and to prevent the unlawful,
television stations shall, during any broadcast or unconstitutional and oppressive exercise of
telecast, cut off from the air the speech, play, act authority by the respondents." 13
or scene or other matters being broadcast or
telecast the tendency thereof is to disseminate Alleging that the acts of respondents are
false information or such other willful violations of the freedom on expression and of
misrepresentation, or to propose and/or incite the press, and the right of the people to
treason, rebellion or sedition." The foregoing information on matters of public concern, 14
directive had been reiterated by NTC petitioner specifically asked this Court:
Memorandum Circular No. 22-89, which, in
addition thereto, prohibited radio, broadcasting [F]or [the] nullification of acts, issuances, and
and television stations from using their stations orders of respondents committed or made since
to broadcast or telecast any speech, language or June 6, 2005 until the present that curtail the
scene disseminating false information or willful public's rights to freedom of expression and of
misrepresentation, or inciting, encouraging or the press, and to information on matters of public
assisting in subversive or treasonable acts. concern specifically in relation to information
regarding the controversial taped conversion of
The [NTC] will not hesitate, after observing the President Arroyo and for prohibition of the further
requirements of due process, to apply with full commission of such acts, and making of such
force the provisions of said Circulars and their issuances, and orders by respondents. 15
accompanying sanctions on erring radio and
television stations and their owners/operators. Respondents 16 denied that the acts transgress
the Constitution, and questioned petitioner's legal
6. On June 14, 2005, NTC held a dialogue with the standing to file the petition. Among the
Board of Directors of the Kapisanan ng mga arguments they raised as to the validity of the
Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP). NTC allegedly "fair warning" issued by respondent NTC, is that
assured the KBP that the press release did not broadcast media enjoy lesser constitutional
violate the constitutional freedom of speech, of guarantees compared to print media, and the
expression, and of the press, and the right to warning was issued pursuant to the NTC's
information. Accordingly, NTC and KBP issued a mandate to regulate the telecommunications
Joint Press Statement which states, among industry. 17 It was also stressed that "most of the
others, that: 12 [television] and radio stations continue, even to
this date, to air the tapes, but of late within the
NTC respects and will not hinder freedom of the parameters agreed upon between the NTC and
press and the right to information on matters of KBP." 18
public concern. KBP & its members have always
been committed to the exercise of press freedom
with high sense of responsibility and discerning
judgment of fairness and honesty. D. THE PROCEDURAL THRESHOLD: LEGAL
NTC did not issue any MC [Memorandum To be sure, the circumstances of this case make
Circular] or Order constituting a restraint of press the constitutional challenge peculiar. Petitioner,
freedom or censorship. The NTC further denies who is not a member of the broadcast media,
and does not intend to limit or restrict the prays that we strike down the acts and
interview of members of the opposition or free statements made by respondents as violations of
expression of views. the right to free speech, free expression and a
free press. For another, the recipients of the press
What is being asked by NTC is that the exercise statements have not come forward neither
of press freedom [be] done responsibly. intervening nor joining petitioner in this action.
Indeed, as a group, they issued a joint statement
KBP has program standards that KBP members with respondent NTC that does not complain
will observe in the treatment of news and public about restraints on freedom of the press.
affairs programs. These include verification of
sources, non-airing of materials that would It would seem, then, that petitioner has not met
constitute inciting to sedition and/or rebellion. the requisite legal standing, having failed to
allege "such a personal stake in the outcome of

48 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
the controversy as to assure that concrete free speech. 26 This preferred status of free
adverseness which sharpens the presentation of speech has also been codified at the international
issues upon which the Court so largely depends level, its recognition now enshrined in
for illumination of difficult constitutional international law as a customary norm that binds
questions." 19 all nations. 27

But as early as half a century ago, we have In the Philippines, the primacy and high esteem
already held that where serious constitutional accorded freedom of expression is a fundamental
questions are involved, "the transcendental postulate of our constitutional system. 28 This
importance to the public of these cases demands right was elevated to constitutional status in the
that they be settled promptly and definitely, 1935, the 1973 and the 1987 Constitutions,
brushing aside if we must, technicalities of reflecting our own lesson of history, both political
procedure." 20 Subsequently, this Court has and legal, that freedom of speech is an
repeatedly and consistently refused to wield indispensable condition for nearly every other
procedural barriers as impediments to its form of freedom. 29 Moreover, our history shows
addressing and resolving serious legal questions that the struggle to protect the freedom of
that greatly impact on public interest, 21 in speech, expression and the press was, at bottom,
keeping with the Court's duty under the 1987 the struggle for the indispensable preconditions
Constitution to determine whether or not other for the exercise of other freedoms. 30 For it is
branches of government have kept themselves only when the people have unbridled access to
within the limits of the Constitution and the laws information and the press that they will be
and that they have not abused the discretion capable of rendering enlightened judgments. In
given to them. the oft-quoted words of Thomas Jefferson, we
cannot both be free and ignorant.
Thus, in line with the liberal policy of this Court
on locus standi when a case involves an issue of E.1. ABSTRACTION OF FREE SPEECH
overarching significance to our society, 22 we Surrounding the freedom of speech clause are
therefore brush aside technicalities of procedure various concepts that we have adopted as part
and take cognizance of this petition, 23 seeing as and parcel of our own Bill of Rights provision on
it involves a challenge to the most exalted of all this basic freedom. 31 What is embraced under
the civil rights, the freedom of expression. The this provision was discussed exhaustively by the
petition raises other issues like the extent of the Court in Gonzales v. Commission on Elections, 32
right to information of the public. It is in which it was held:
fundamental, however, that we need not address
all issues but only the most decisive one which in . . . At the very least, free speech and free press
the case at bar is whether the acts of the may be identified with the liberty to discuss
respondents abridge freedom of speech and of publicly and truthfully any matter of public
the press. interest without censorship and punishment.
But aside from the primordial issue of There is to be no previous restraint on the
determining whether free speech and freedom of communication of views or subsequent liability
the press have been infringed, the case at bar whether in libel suits, prosecution for sedition, or
also gives this Court the opportunity: (1) to distill action for damages, or contempt proceedings
the essence of freedom of speech and of the unless there be a clear and present danger of
press now beclouded by the vagaries of substantive evil that Congress has a right to
motherhood statements; (2) to clarify the types of prevent. 33
speeches and their differing restraints allowed by
law; (3) to discuss the core concepts of prior Gonzales further explained that the vital need of
restraint, content-neutral and content-based a constitutional democracy for freedom of
regulations and their constitutional standard of expression is undeniable, whether as a means of
review; (4) to examine the historical difference in assuring individual self-fulfillment; of attaining
the treatment of restraints between print and the truth; of assuring participation by the people
broadcast media and stress the standard of in social, including political, decision-making; and
review governing both; and (5) to call attention to of maintaining the balance between stability and
the ongoing blurring of the lines of distinction change. 34 As early as the 1920s, the trend as
between print and broadcast media. reflected in Philippine and American decisions
was to recognize the broadest scope and assure
E. RE-EXAMINING THE LAW ON FREEDOM OF the widest latitude for this constitutional
SPEECH, guarantee. The trend represents a profound
OF EXPRESSION AND OF THE PRESS commitment to the principle that debate on
No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of public issue should be uninhibited, robust, and
speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right wide-open. 35
of the people peaceably to assemble and petition
the government for redress of grievances. 24 Freedom of speech and of the press means
Freedom of expression has gained recognition as something more than the right to approve
a fundamental principle of every democratic existing political beliefs or economic
government, and given a preferred right that arrangements, to lend support to official
stands on a higher level than substantive measures, and to take refuge in the existing
economic freedom or other liberties. The cognate climate of opinion on any matter of public
rights codified by Article III, Section 4 of the consequence. 36 When atrophied, the right
Constitution, copied almost verbatim from the becomes meaningless. 37 The right belongs as
First Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights, 25 well if not more to those who question, who
were considered the necessary consequence of do not conform, who differ. 38 The ideas that may
republican institutions and the complement of be expressed under this freedom are confined not
49 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
only to those that are conventional or acceptable permissible scope of restrictions on various
to the majority. To be truly meaningful, freedom categories of speech. 44 We have ruled, for
of speech and of the press should allow and even example, that in our jurisdiction slander or libel,
encourage the articulation of the unorthodox lewd and obscene speech, as well as "fighting
view, though it be hostile to or derided by others; words" are not entitled to constitutional
or though such view "induces a condition of protection and may be penalized. 45
unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as
they are, or even stirs people to anger." 39 To
paraphrase Justice Holmes, it is freedom for the
thought that we hate, no less than for the Moreover, the techniques of reviewing alleged
thought that agrees with us. 40 restrictions on speech (overbreadth, vagueness,
and so on) have been applied differently to each
The scope of freedom of expression is so broad category, either consciously or unconsciously. 46
that it extends protection to nearly all forms of A study of free speech jurisprudence whether
communication. It protects speech, print and here or abroad will reveal that courts have
assembly regarding secular as well as political developed different tests as to specific types or
causes, and is not confined to any particular field categories of speech in concrete situations; i.e.,
of human interest. The protection covers myriad subversive speech; obscene speech; the speech
matters of public interest or concern embracing of the broadcast media and of the traditional print
all issues, about which information is needed or media; libelous speech; speech affecting
appropriate, so as to enable members of society associational rights; speech before hostile
to cope with the exigencies of their period. The audiences; symbolic speech; speech that affects
constitutional protection assures the broadest the right to a fair trial; and speech associated
possible exercise of free speech and free press for with rights of assembly and petition. 47
religious, political, economic, scientific, news, or
informational ends, inasmuch as the Generally, restraints on freedom of speech and
Constitution's basic guarantee of freedom to expression are evaluated by either or a
advocate ideas is not confined to the expression combination of three tests, i.e., (a) the dangerous
of ideas that are conventional or shared by a tendency doctrine which permits limitations on
majority. speech once a rational connection has been
established between the speech restrained and
The constitutional protection is not limited to the the danger contemplated; 48 (b) the balancing of
exposition of ideas. The protection afforded free interests tests, used as a standard when courts
speech extends to speech or publications that are need to balance conflicting social values and
entertaining as well as instructive or informative. individual interests, and requires a conscious and
Specifically, in Eastern Broadcasting Corporation detailed consideration of the interplay of interests
(DYRE) v. Dans, 41 this Court stated that all forms observable in a given situation of type of
of media, whether print or broadcast, are entitled situation; 49 and (c) the clear and present danger
to the broad protection of the clause on freedom rule which rests on the premise that speech may
of speech and of expression. be restrained because there is substantial danger
that the speech will likely lead to an evil the
While all forms of communication are entitled to government has a right to prevent. This rule
the broad protection of freedom of expression requires that the evil consequences sought to be
clause, the freedom of film, television and radio prevented must be substantive, "extremely
broadcasting is somewhat lesser in scope than serious and the degree of imminence extremely
the freedom accorded to newspapers and other high." 50
print media, as will be subsequently discussed.
As articulated in our jurisprudence, we have
E.2. DIFFERENTIATION: THE LIMITS & RESTRAINTS applied either the dangerous tendency doctrine
OF FREE SPEECH or clear and present danger testto resolve free
From the language of the specific constitutional speech challenges. More recently, we have
provision, it would appear that the right to free concluded that we have generally adhered to the
speech and a free press is not susceptible of any clear and present danger test. 51
limitation. But the realities of life in a complex
society preclude a literal interpretation of the E.3. IN FOCUS: FREEDOM OF THE PRESS
provision prohibiting the passage of a law that Much has been written on the philosophical basis
would abridge such freedom. For freedom of of press freedom as part of the larger right of free
expression is not an absolute, 42 nor is it an discussion and expression. Its practical
"unbridled license that gives immunity for every importance, though, is more easily grasped. It is
possible use of language and prevents the the chief source of information on current affairs.
punishment of those who abuse this freedom." It is the most pervasive and perhaps most
powerful vehicle of opinion on public questions. It
Thus, all speech are not treated the same. Some is the instrument by which citizens keep their
types of speech may be subjected to some government informed of their needs, their
regulation by the State under its pervasive police aspirations and their grievances. It is the sharpest
power, in order that it may not be injurious to the weapon in the fight to keep government
equal right of others or those of the community or responsible and efficient. Without a vigilant press,
society. 43 The difference in treatment is the mistakes of every administration would go
expected because the relevant interests of one uncorrected and its abuses unexposed. As Justice
type of speech, e.g., political speech, may vary Malcolm wrote in United States v. Bustos: 52
from those of another, e.g., obscene speech.
Distinctions have therefore been made in the
treatment, analysis, and evaluation of the
50 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
The interest of society and the maintenance of publication including the payment of license
good government demand a full discussion of taxes for the privilege to publish; and even
public affairs. Complete liberty to comment on injunctions against publication. Even the closure
the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case of the business and printing offices of certain
of free speech. The sharp incision of its probe newspapers, resulting in the discontinuation of
relieves the abscesses of officialdom. Men in their printing and publication, are deemed as
public life may suffer under a hostile and unjust previous restraint or censorship. 57 Any law or
accusation; the wound can be assuaged with the official that requires some form of permission to
balm of clear conscience. be had before publication can be made, commits
an infringement of the constitutional right, and
Its contribution to the public weal makes freedom remedy can be had at the courts.
of the press deserving of extra protection. Indeed,
the press benefits from certain ancillary rights. Given that deeply ensconced in our fundamental
The productions of writers are classified as law is the hostility against all prior restraints on
intellectual and proprietary. Persons who interfere speech, and any act that restrains speech is
or defeat the freedom to write for the press or to presumed invalid, 58 and "any act that restrains
maintain a periodical publication are liable for speech is hobbled by the presumption of
damages, be they private individuals or public invalidity and should be greeted with furrowed
officials. brows," 59 it is important to stress not all prior
restraints on speech are invalid. Certain previous
E.4. ANATOMY OF RESTRICTIONS: PRIOR restraints may be permitted by the Constitution,
RESTRAINT, CONTENT-NEUTRAL AND CONTENT- but determined only upon a careful evaluation of
BASED REGULATIONS the challenged act as against the appropriate test
Philippine jurisprudence, even as early as the by which it should be measured against.
period under the 1935 Constitution, has
recognized four aspects of freedom of the press. Hence, it is not enough to determine whether the
These are (1) freedom from prior restraint; (2) challenged act constitutes some form of restraint
freedom from punishment subsequent to on freedom of speech. A distinction has to be
publication; 53 (3) freedom of access to made whether the restraint is (1) a content-
information; 54 and (4) freedom of circulation. 55 neutral regulation, i.e., merely concerned with the
incidents of the speech, or one that merely
Considering that petitioner has argued that controls the time, place or manner, and under
respondents' press statement constitutes a form well defined standards; 60 or (2) a content-based
of impermissible prior restraint, a closer scrutiny restraint or censorship, i.e., the restriction is
of this principle is in order, as well as its sub- based on the subject matter of the utterance or
specie of content-based (as distinguished from speech. 61 The cast of the restriction determines
content-neutral) regulations. the test by which the challenged act is assayed
At this point, it should be noted that respondents
in this case deny that their acts constitute prior When the speech restraints take the form of a
restraints. This presents a unique tinge to the content-neutral regulation, only a substantial
present challenge, considering that the cases in governmental interest is required for its validity.
our jurisdiction involving prior restrictions on 62 Because regulations of this type are not
speech never had any issue of whether the designed to suppress any particular message,
governmental act or issuance actually constituted they are not subject to the strictest form of
prior restraint. Rather, the determinations were judicial scrutiny but an intermediate approach
always about whether the restraint was justified somewhere between the mere rationality that is
by the Constitution. required of any other law and the compelling
interest standard applied to content-based
Be that as it may, the determination in every restrictions. 63 The test is called intermediate
case of whether there is an impermissible because the Court will not merely rubberstamp
restraint on the freedom of speech has always the validity of a law but also require that the
been based on the circumstances of each case, restrictions be narrowly-tailored to promote an
including the nature of the restraint. And in its important or significant governmental interest
application in our jurisdiction, the parameters of that is unrelated to the suppression of expression.
this principle have been etched on a case-to-case The intermediate approach has been formulated
basis, always tested by scrutinizing the in this manner:
governmental issuance or act against the
circumstances in which they operate, and then A governmental regulation is sufficiently justified
determining the appropriate test with which to if it is within the constitutional power of the
evaluate. Government, if it furthers an important or
substantial governmental interest; if the
Prior restraint refers to official governmental governmental interest is unrelated to the
restrictions on the press or other forms of suppression of free expression; and if the incident
expression in advance of actual publication or restriction on alleged [freedom of speech &
dissemination. 56 Freedom from prior restraint is expression] is no greater than is essential to the
largely freedom from government censorship of furtherance of that interest. 64
publications, whatever the form of censorship,
and regardless of whether it is wielded by the On the other hand, a governmental action that
executive, legislative or judicial branch of the restricts freedom of speech or of the press based
government. Thus, it precludes governmental on content is given the strictest scrutiny in light
acts that required approval of a proposal to of its inherent and invasive impact. Only when
publish; licensing or permits as prerequisites to the challenged act has overcome the clear and
51 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
present danger rule will it pass constitutional explore and test the validity of this argument,
muster, 65 with the government having the insofar as it has been invoked to validate a
burden of overcoming the presumed content-based restriction on broadcast media.
The regimes presently in place for each type of
Unless the government can overthrow this media differ from one other. Contrasted with the
presumption, the content-based restraint will be regime in respect of books, newspapers,
struck down. 66 magazines and traditional printed matter,
broadcasting, film and video have been subjected
With respect to content-based restrictions, the to regulatory schemes.
government must also show the type of harm the
speech sought to be restrained would bring about The dichotomy between print and broadcast
especially the gravity and the imminence of media traces its origins in the United States.
the threatened harm otherwise the prior There, broadcast radio and television have been
restraint will be invalid. Prior restraint on speech held to have limited First Amendment protection,
based on its content cannot be justified by 75 and U.S. Courts have excluded broadcast
hypothetical fears, "but only by showing a media from the application of the "strict scrutiny"
substantive and imminent evil that has taken the standard that they would otherwise apply to
life of a reality already on ground." 67 As content-based restrictions. 76 According to U.S.
formulated, "the question in every case is Courts, the three major reasons why broadcast
whether the words used are used in such media stands apart from print media are: (a) the
circumstances and are of such a nature as to scarcity of the frequencies by which the medium
create a clear and present danger that they will operates [i.e., airwaves are physically limited
bring about the substantive evils that Congress while print medium may be limitless]; 77 (b) its
has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity "pervasiveness" as a medium; and (c) its unique
and degree." 68 accessibility to children. 78 Because cases
involving broadcast media need not follow
The regulation which restricts the speech content "precisely the same approach that [U.S. courts]
must also serve an important or substantial have applied to other media," nor go "so far as to
government interest, which is unrelated to the demand that such regulations serve 'compelling'
suppression of free expression. 69 government interests," 79 they are decided on
whether the "governmental restriction" is
narrowly tailored to further a substantial
governmental interest," 80 or the intermediate
Also, the incidental restriction on speech must be test.
no greater than what is essential to the
furtherance of that interest. 70 A restriction that As pointed out by respondents, Philippine
is so broad that it encompasses more than what jurisprudence has also echoed a differentiation in
is required to satisfy the governmental interest treatment between broadcast and print media.
will be invalidated. 71 The regulation, therefore, Nevertheless, a review of Philippine case law on
must be reasonable and narrowly drawn to fit the broadcast media will show that as we have
regulatory purpose, with the least restrictive deviated with the American conception of the Bill
means undertaken. 72 of Rights 81 we likewise did not adopt en
masse the U.S. conception of free speech as it
Thus, when the prior restraint partakes of a relates to broadcast media, particularly as to
content-neutral regulation, it is subjected to an which test would govern content-based prior
intermediate review. A content-based regulation, restraints.
73 however, bears a heavy presumption of
invalidity and is measured against the clear and Our cases show two distinct features of this
present danger rule. The latter will pass dichotomy. First, the difference in treatment, in
constitutional muster only if justified by a the main, is in the regulatory scheme applied to
compelling reason, and the restrictions imposed broadcast media that is not imposed on
are neither overbroad nor vague. 74 traditional print media, and narrowly confined to
unprotected speech (e.g., obscenity,
Applying the foregoing, it is clear that the pornography, seditious and inciting speech), or is
challenged acts in the case at bar need to be based on a compelling government interest that
subjected to the clear and present danger rule, as also has constitutional protection, such as
they are content-based restrictions. The acts of national security or the electoral process.
respondents focused solely on but one object a
specific content fixed as these were on the Second, regardless of the regulatory schemes
alleged taped conversations between the that broadcast media is subjected to, the Court
President and a COMELEC official. Undoubtedly has consistently held that the clear and present
these did not merely provide regulations as to the danger test applies to content-based restrictions
time, place or manner of the dissemination of on media, without making a distinction as to
speech or expression. traditional print or broadcast media.

E.5. Dichotomy of Free Press: Print v. Broadcast The distinction between broadcast and traditional
Media print media was first enunciated in Eastern
Finally, comes respondents' argument that the Broadcasting Corporation (DYRE) v. Dans, 82
challenged act is valid on the ground that wherein it was held that "[a]ll forms of media,
broadcast media enjoys free speech rights that whether print or broadcast, are entitled to the
are lesser in scope to that of print media. We next broad protection of the freedom of speech and
expression clause. The test for limitations on
52 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
freedom of expression continues to be the clear Similar considerations apply in the area of
and present danger rule . . ." 83 national security.

Dans was a case filed to compel the reopening of The broadcast media have also established a
a radio station which had been summarily closed uniquely pervasive presence in the lives of all
on grounds of national security. Although the Filipinos. Newspapers and current books are
issue had become moot and academic because found only in metropolitan areas and in the
the owners were no longer interested to reopen, poblaciones of municipalities accessible to fast
the Court still proceeded to do an analysis of the and regular transportation. Even here, there are
case and made formulations to serve as low income masses who find the cost of books,
guidelines for all inferior courts and bodies newspapers, and magazines beyond their humble
exercising quasi-judicial functions. Particularly, means. Basic needs like food and shelter perforce
the Court made a detailed exposition as to what enjoy high priorities.
needs be considered in cases involving broadcast
media. Thus: 84 On the other hand, the transistor radio is found
everywhere. The television set is also becoming
xxx xxx xxx universal. Their message may be simultaneously
received by a national or regional audience of
(3) All forms of media, whether print or listeners including the indifferent or unwilling who
broadcast, are entitled to the broad protection of happen to be within reach of a blaring radio or
the freedom of speech and expression clause. television set. The materials broadcast over the
The test for limitations on freedom of expression airwaves reach every person of every age,
continues to be the clear and present danger persons of varying susceptibilities to persuasion,
rule, that words are used in such circumstances persons of different I.Q.s and mental capabilities,
and are of such a nature as to create a clear and persons whose reactions to inflammatory or
present danger that they will bring about the offensive speech would be difficult to monitor or
substantive evils that the lawmaker has a right to predict. The impact of the vibrant speech is
prevent, In his Constitution of the Philippines (2nd forceful and immediate. Unlike readers of the
Edition, pp. 569-570) Chief Justice Enrique M. printed work, the radio audience has lesser
Fernando cites at least nine of our decisions opportunity to cogitate analyze, and reject the
which apply the test. More recently, the clear and utterance.
present danger test was applied in J.B.L. Reyes in
behalf of the Anti-Bases Coalition v. Bagatsing. (4) (5) The clear and present danger test, therefore,
The clear and present danger test, however, does must take the particular circumstances of
not lend itself to a simplistic and all embracing broadcast media into account. The supervision of
interpretation applicable to all utterances in all radio stations-whether by government or through
forums. self-regulation by the industry itself calls for
thoughtful, intelligent and sophisticated handling.
Broadcasting has to be licensed. Airwave
frequencies have to be allocated among qualified The government has a right to be protected
users. A broadcast corporation cannot simply against broadcasts which incite the listeners to
appropriate a certain frequency without regard violently overthrow it. Radio and television may
for government regulation or for the rights of not be used to organize a rebellion or to signal
others. the start of widespread uprising. At the same
time, the people have a right to be informed.
All forms of communication are entitled to the Radio and television would have little reason for
broad protection of the freedom of expression existence if broadcasts are limited to bland,
clause. Necessarily, however, the freedom of obsequious, or pleasantly entertaining
television and radio broadcasting is somewhat utterances. Since they are the most convenient
lesser in scope than the freedom accorded to and popular means of disseminating varying
newspaper and print media. views on public issues, they also deserve special

The American Court in Federal Communications (6) The freedom to comment on public affairs is
Commission v. Pacifica Foundation (438 U.S. 726), essential to the vitality of a representative
confronted with a patently offensive and indecent democracy. In the 1918 case of United States v.
regular radio program, explained why radio Bustos (37 Phil. 731) this Court was already
broadcasting, more than other forms of stressing that.
communications, receives the most limited
protection from the free expression clause. First, The interest of society and the maintenance of
broadcast media have established a uniquely good government demand a full discussion of
pervasive presence in the lives of all citizens, public affairs. Complete liberty to comment on
Material presented over the airwaves confronts the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case
the citizen, not only in public, but in the privacy of free speech. The sharp incision of its probe
of his home. Second, broadcasting is uniquely relieves the abscesses of officialdom. Men in
accessible to children. Bookstores and motion public life may suffer under a hostile and an
picture theaters may be prohibited from making unjust accusation; the wound can be assuaged
certain material available to children, but the with the balm of a clear conscience. A public
same selectivity cannot be done in radio or officer must not be too thin-skinned with
television, where the listener or viewer is reference to comment upon his official acts. Only
constantly tuning in and out. thus can the intelligence and dignity of the
individual be exalted.

53 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
when the challenged act is a content-based
regulation that infringes on free speech,
(7) Broadcast stations deserve the special expression and the press. Indeed, in Osmena v.
protection given to all forms of media by the due COMELEC, 90 which also involved broadcast
process and freedom of expression clauses of the media, the Court refused to apply the clear and
Constitution. [Citations omitted] present danger rule to a COMELEC regulation of
time and manner of advertising of political
It is interesting to note that the Court in Dans advertisements because the challenged
adopted the arguments found in U.S. restriction was content-neutral. 91 And in a case
jurisprudence to justify differentiation of involving due process and equal protection
treatment (i.e., the scarcity, pervasiveness and issues, the Court in Telecommunications and
accessibility to children), but only after Broadcast Attorneys of the Philippines v.
categorically declaring that "the test for COMELEC 92 treated a restriction imposed on a
limitations on freedom of expression continues to broadcast media as a reasonable condition for
be the clear and present danger rule," for all the grant of the media's franchise, without going
forms of media, whether print or broadcast. into which test would apply.
Indeed, a close reading of the above-quoted
provisions would show that the differentiation That broadcast media is subject to a regulatory
that the Court in Dans referred to was narrowly regime absent in print media is observed also in
restricted to what is otherwise deemed as other jurisdictions, where the statutory regimes in
"unprotected speech" (e.g., obscenity, national place over broadcast media include elements of
security, seditious and inciting speech), or to licensing, regulation by administrative bodies,
validate a licensing or regulatory scheme and censorship. As explained by a British author:
necessary to allocate the limited broadcast
frequencies, which is absent in print media. Thus, The reasons behind treating broadcast and films
when this Court declared in Dans that the differently from the print media differ in a number
freedom given to broadcast media was of respects, but have a common historical basis.
"somewhat lesser in scope than the freedom The stricter system of controls seems to have
accorded to newspaper and print media," it was been adopted in answer to the view that owing to
not as to what test should be applied, but the their particular impact on audiences, films, videos
context by which requirements of licensing, and broadcasting require a system of prior
allocation of airwaves, and application of norms restraints, whereas it is now accepted that books
to unprotected speech. 85 and other printed media do not. These media are
viewed as beneficial to the public in a number of
In the same year that the Dans case was decided, respects, but are also seen as possible sources of
it was reiterated in Gonzales v. Katigbak, 86 that harm. 93
the test to determine free expression challenges
was the clear and present danger, again without Parenthetically, these justifications are now the
distinguishing the media. 87 Katigbak, strictly subject of debate. Historically, the scarcity of
speaking, does not treat of broadcast media but frequencies was thought to provide a rationale.
motion pictures. Although the issue involved However, cable and satellite television have
obscenity standards as applied to movies, 88 the enormously increased the number of actual and
Court concluded its decision with the following potential channels. Digital technology will further
obiter dictum that a less liberal approach would increase the number of channels available. But
be used to resolve obscenity issues in television still, the argument persists that broadcasting is
as opposed to motion pictures: the most influential means of communication,
since it comes into the home, and so much time
All that remains to be said is that the ruling is to is spent watching television. Since it has a unique
be limited to the concept of obscenity applicable impact on people and affects children in a way
to motion pictures. It is the consensus of this that the print media normally does not, that
Court that where television is concerned, a less regulation is said to be necessary in order to
liberal approach calls for observance. This is so preserve pluralism. It has been argued further
because unlike motion pictures where the patrons that a significant main threat to free expression
have to pay their way, television reaches every in terms of diversity comes not from
home where there is a set. Children then will government, but from private corporate bodies.
likely be among the avid viewers of the programs These developments show a need for a
therein shown. . . . . It cannot be denied though reexamination of the traditional notions of the
that the State as parens patriae is called upon to scope and extent of broadcast media regulation.
manifest an attitude of caring for the welfare of 94
the young.
The emergence of digital technology which has
More recently, in resolving a case involving the led to the convergence of broadcasting,
conduct of exit polls and dissemination of the telecommunications and the computer industry
results by a broadcast company, we reiterated has likewise led to the question of whether the
that the clear and present danger rule is the test regulatory model for broadcasting will continue to
we unquestionably adhere to issues that involve be appropriate in the converged environment. 95
freedoms of speech and of the press. 89 Internet, for example, remains largely
unregulated, yet the Internet and the broadcast
This is not to suggest, however, that the clear media share similarities, 96 and the rationales
and present danger rule has been applied to all used to support broadcast regulation apply
cases that involve the broadcast media. The rule equally to the Internet. 97 Thus, it has been
applies to all media, including broadcast, but only argued that courts, legislative bodies and the
government agencies regulating media must
54 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
agree to regulate both, regulate neither or violations of law should be vigorously prosecuted
develop a new regulatory framework and by the State for they breed their own evil
rationale to justify the differential treatment. 98 consequence. But to repeat, the need to prevent
their violation cannot per se trump the exercise of
F. The Case At Bar free speech and free press, a preferred right
Having settled the applicable standard to whose breach can lead to greater evils. For this
content-based restrictions on broadcast media, failure of the respondents alone to offer proof to
let us go to its application to the case at bar. To satisfy the clear and present danger test, the
recapitulate, a governmental action that restricts Court has no option but to uphold the exercise of
freedom of speech or of the press based on free speech and free press. There is no showing
content is given the strictest scrutiny, with the that the feared violation of the anti-wiretapping
government having the burden of overcoming the law clearly endangers the national security of the
presumed unconstitutionality by the clear and State.
present danger rule. This rule applies equally to
all kinds of media, including broadcast media. This is not all the faultline in the stance of the
respondents. We slide to the issue of whether the
This outlines the procedural map to follow in mere press statements of the Secretary of Justice
cases like the one at bar as it spells out the and of the NTC in question constitute a form of
following: (a) the test; (b) the presumption; (c) content-based prior restraint that has
the burden of proof; (d) the party to discharge the transgressed the Constitution. In resolving this
burden; and (e) the quantum of evidence issue, we hold that it is not decisive that the
necessary. On the basis of the records of the case press statements made by respondents were not
at bar, respondents who have the burden to show reduced in or followed up with formal orders or
that these acts do not abridge freedom of speech circulars. It is sufficient that the press statements
and of the press failed to hurdle the clear and were made by respondents while in the exercise
present danger test. It appears that the great evil of their official functions. Undoubtedly,
which government wants to prevent is the airing respondent Gonzales made his statements as
of a tape recording in alleged violation of the anti- Secretary of Justice, while the NTC issued its
wiretapping law. The records of the case at bar, statement as the regulatory body of media. Any
however, are confused and confusing, and act done, such as a speech uttered, for and on
respondents' evidence falls short of satisfying the behalf of the government in an official capacity is
clear and present danger test. Firstly, the various covered by the rule on prior restraint. The
statements of the Press Secretary obfuscate the concept of an "act" does not limit itself to acts
identity of the voices in the tape recording. already converted to a formal order or official
Secondly, the integrity of the taped conversation circular. Otherwise, the non formalization of an
is also suspect. The Press Secretary showed to act into an official order or circular will result in
the public two versions, one supposed to be a the easy circumvention of the prohibition on prior
"complete" version and the other, an "altered" restraint. The press statements at bar are acts
version. Thirdly, the evidence of the respondents that should be struck down as they constitute
on the who's and the how's of the wiretapping act impermissible forms of prior restraints on the
is ambivalent, especially considering the tape's right to free speech and press.
different versions. The identity of the wire-
tappers, the manner of its commission and other There is enough evidence of chilling effect of the
related and relevant proofs are some of the complained acts on record. The warnings given to
invisibles of this case. Fourthly, given all these media came from no less the NTC, a regulatory
unsettled facets of the tape, it is even arguable agency that can cancel the Certificate of
whether its airing would violate the anti- Authority of the radio and broadcast media. They
wiretapping law. also came from the Secretary of Justice, the alter
ego of the Executive, who wields the awesome
We rule that not every violation of a law will power to prosecute those perceived to be
justify straitjacketing the exercise of freedom of violating the laws of the land. After the warnings,
speech and of the press. Our laws are of different the KBP inexplicably joined the NTC in issuing an
kinds and doubtless, some of them provide norms ambivalent Joint Press Statement. After the
of conduct which even if violated have only an warnings, petitioner Chavez was left alone to
adverse effect on a person's private comfort but fight this battle for freedom of speech and of the
does not endanger national security. There are press. This silence on the sidelines on the part of
laws of great significance but their violation, by some media practitioners is too deafening to be
itself and without more, cannot support the subject of misinterpretation.
suppression of free speech and free press. In fine,
violation of law is just a factor, a vital one to be The constitutional imperative for us to strike
sure, which should be weighed in adjudging down unconstitutional acts should always be
whether to restrain freedom of speech and of the exercised with care and in light of the distinct
press. The totality of the injurious effects of the facts of each case. For there are no hard and fast
violation to private and public interest must be rules when it comes to slippery constitutional
calibrated in light of the preferred status questions, and the limits and construct of relative
accorded by the Constitution and by related freedoms are never set in stone. Issues revolving
international covenants protecting freedom of on their construct must be decided on a case to
speech and of the press. In calling for a careful case basis, always based on the peculiar shapes
and calibrated measurement of the and shadows of each case. But in cases where
circumference of all these factors to determine the challenged acts are patent invasions of a
compliance with the clear and present danger constitutionally protected right, we should be
test, the Court should not be misinterpreted as swift in striking them down as nullities per se. A
devaluing violations of law. By all means,
55 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
blow too soon struck for freedom is preferred SENATOR TEOFISTO DL GUINGONA III, petitioner,
writs of certiorari and prohibition are hereby CHIEF OF THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, and
issued, nullifying the official statements made by DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF
respondents on June 8, and 11, 2005 warning the INVESTIGATION, respondents.
media on airing the alleged wiretapped
conversation between the President and other [G.R. No. 203378. February 18, 2014.]
personalities, for constituting unconstitutional ALEXANDER ADONIS, ELLEN TORDESILLAS, MA.
prior restraint on the exercise of freedom of GISELA ORDENES-CASCOLAN, H. HARRY L.
speech and of the press ROQUE, JR., ROMEL R. BAGARES, and GILBERT T.
ANDRES, petitioners, vs. THE EXECUTIVE
Ynares-Santiago and Reyes, JJ., concur. MANAGEMENT, THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE,
Quisumbing, J., concurs in the result and joins in THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL
the separate concurring opinion of J. Carpio. GOVERNMENT, THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF
Sandoval-Gutierrez, J., please see my separate INVESTIGATION, THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL
Carpio, J., see separate concurring opinion. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY OFFICE-
Austria-Martinez, J., also joins in the separate DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,
opinion of J. Carpio. respondents.
Corona, J., joins the dissent of Mr. Justice Nachura.
Carpio-Morales, J., joins in the separate [G.R. No. 203391. February 18, 2014.]
concurring opinion of J. Carpio. HON. RAYMOND V. PALATINO, HON. ANTONIO
Azcuna, J., concurs in a separate opinion. TINIO, VENCER MARI CRISOSTOMO OF
Tinga, J., please see separate opinion (dissenting ANAKBAYAN, MA. KATHERINE ELONA OF THE
Chico-Nazario, J., please see my separate BAGUISI OF THE NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS
dissenting opinion. OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL., petitioners, vs.
Velasco, Jr., J., please see separate concurring and PAQUITO N. OCHOA, JR., in his capacity as
dissenting opinion. Executive Secretary and alter-ego of President
Nachura, J., please see my dissent. Benigno Simeon Aquino III, LEILA DE LIMA in her
Leonardo-de Castro, J., joins the dissent of Justice capacity as Secretary of Justice, respondents.
Nazario and Justice Nachura.
[G.R. No. 203407. February 18, 2014.]
(Disini v. The Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. BAGONG ALYANSANG MAKABAYAN SECRETARY
203335, 203299, 203306, 203359, 203378, GENERAL RENATO M. REYES, JR., National Artist
203391, 203407, 203440, 203453, 203454, BIENVENIDO L. LUMBERA, Chairperson of
203469, 203501, 203509, 203515, 203518, Concerned Artists of the Philippines, ELMER C.
February 18, 2014) LABOG, Chairperson of Kilusang Mayo Uno,
CRISTINA E. PALABAY, Secretary General of
EN BANC Karapatan, FERDINAND R. GAITE, Chairperson of
[G.R. No. 203335. February 18, 2014.] COURAGE, JOEL B. MAGLUNSOD, Vice President of
LIANNE IVY P. MEDINA, JANETTE TORAL and General Gabriela Women's Party, ADOLFO ARES P.
THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL President of the Republic of the Philippines,
respondents. Secretary of the Department of Justice, LOUIS
NAPOLEON C. CASAMBRE, Executive Director of
[G.R. No. 203299. February 18, 2014.] the Information and Communications Technology
LOUIS "BAROK" C. BIRAOGO, petitioner, vs. Office, NONNATUS CAESAR R. ROJAS, Director of
NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION and the National Bureau of Investigation, D/GEN.
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, respondents. NICANOR A. BARTOLOME, Chief of the Philippine
National Police, MANUEL A. ROXAS II, Secretary of
[G.R. No. 203306. February 18, 2014.] the Department of the Interior and Local
ALAB NG MAMAMAHAYAG (ALAM), HUKUMAN NG Government, respondents.
BERTENI "TOTO" CAUSING, HERNANI Q. CUARE, [G.R. No. 203440. February 18, 2014.]
PRESIDENT, represented by President Benigno JEREMIAH D. QUAN (all of the Ateneo Human
Simeon Aquino III, SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Rights Center), petitioners, vs. HONORABLE
and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, respondents. PAQUITO OCHOA in his capacity as Executive
[G.R. No. 203359. February 18, 2014.] capacity as Secretary of Justice, HONORABLE
56 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
MANUEL ROXAS in his capacity as Secretary of his official capacity as Executive Secretary; HON.
the Department of Interior and Local LEILA M. DE LIMA, in her official capacity as
Government, The CHIEF of the Philippine National Secretary of Justice; LOUIS NAPOLEON C.
Police, The DIRECTOR of the National Bureau of CASAMBRE, in his official capacity as Executive
Investigation (all of the Executive Department of Director, Information and Communications
Government), respondents. Technology Office; NONNATUS CAESAR R. ROJAS,
in his official capacity as Director of the National
[G.R. No. 203453. February 18, 2014.] Bureau of Investigation; and DIRECTOR GENERAL
PHILIPPINES (NUJP), PHILIPPINE PRESS INSTITUTE as Chief of the Philippine National Police,
MELINDA QUINTOS-DE JESUS, JOSEPH ALWYN [G.R. No. 203509. February 18, 2014.]
ra10175/, petitioners, vs. THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY PAQUITO OCHOA, JR., respondent.
SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL [G.R. No. 203515. February 18, 2014.]
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, THE DIRECTOR OF capacity as President and in his personal
[G.R. No. 203454. February 18, 2014.] ACT 10175, respondents.
petitioners, vs. THE HON. SECRETARY OF JUSTICE, [G.R. No. 203518. February 18, 2014.]
MODERN HEROISM, represented by Leni Velasco,
[G.R. No. 203469. February 18, 2014.] PARTIDO LAKAS NG MASA, represented by Cesar
capacity as President of the Republic of the SECRETARY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, THE
BELMONTE, JR., in his capacity as Speaker of the OF THE DOJ OFFICE OF CYBERCRIME, and THE
Secretary; HON. LEILA M. DE LIMA, in her capacity respondents.
as Secretary of Justice; HON. LOUIS NAPOLEON C. DECISION
CASAMBRE, in his capacity as Executive Director, ABAD, J p:
Information and Communications Technology These consolidated petitions seek to declare
Office; HON. NONNATUS CAESAR R. ROJAS, in his several provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) 10175,
capacity as Director, National Bureau of the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012,
Investigation; and P/DGEN. NICANOR A. unconstitutional and void.
BARTOLOME, in his capacity as Chief, Philippine
National Police, respondents. The Facts and the Case
The cybercrime law aims to regulate access to
[G.R. No. 203501. February 18, 2014.] and use of the cyberspace. Using his laptop or
PHILIPPINE BAR ASSOCIATION, INC., petitioner, vs. computer, a person can connect to the internet, a
HIS EXCELLENCY BENIGNO S. AQUINO III, in his system that links him to other computers and
official capacity as President of the Republic of enable him, among other things, to:
the Philippines; HON. PAQUITO N. OCHOA, JR., in
57 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
1.Access virtual libraries and encyclopedias for all the Court extended the original 120-day
kinds of information that he needs for research, temporary restraining order (TRO) that it earlier
study, amusement, upliftment, or pure curiosity; issued on October 9, 2012, enjoining respondent
government agencies from implementing the
2.Post billboard-like notices or messages, cybercrime law until further orders.
including pictures and videos, for the general
public or for special audiences like associates, The Issues Presented
classmates, or friends and read postings from Petitioners challenge the constitutionality of the
them; SEcTHA following provisions of the cybercrime law that
regard certain acts as crimes and impose
3.Advertise and promote goods or services and penalties for their commission as well as
make purchases and payments; provisions that would enable the government to
track down and penalize violators. These
4.Inquire and do business with institutional provisions are:
entities like government agencies, banks, stock
exchanges, trade houses, credit card companies, a.Section 4 (a) (1) on Illegal Access;
public utilities, hospitals, and schools; and
b.Section 4 (a) (3) on Data Interference;
5.Communicate in writing or by voice with any
person through his e-mail address or telephone. c.Section 4 (a) (6) on Cyber-squatting;

This is cyberspace, a system that accommodates d.Section 4 (b) (3) on Identity Theft; IASCTD
millions and billions of simultaneous and ongoing
individual accesses to and uses of the internet. e.Section 4 (c) (1) on Cybersex;
The cyberspace is a boon to the need of the
current generation for greater information and f.Section 4 (c) (2) on Child Pornography;
facility of communication. But all is not well with
the system since it could not filter out a number g.Section 4 (c) (3) on Unsolicited Commercial
of persons of ill will who would want to use Communications;
cyberspace technology for mischiefs and crimes.
One of them can, for instance, avail himself of the h.Section 4 (c) (4) on Libel;
system to unjustly ruin the reputation of another
or bully the latter by posting defamatory i.Section 5 on Aiding or Abetting and Attempt in
statements against him that people can read. the Commission of Cybercrimes;

And because linking with the internet opens up a j.Section 6 on the Penalty of One Degree Higher;
user to communications from others, the ill-
motivated can use the cyberspace for committing k.Section 7 on the Prosecution under both the
theft by hacking into or surreptitiously accessing Revised Penal Code (RPC) and R.A. 10175;
his bank account or credit card or defrauding him
through false representations. The wicked can l.Section 8 on Penalties;
use the cyberspace, too, for illicit trafficking in
sex or for exposing to pornography guileless m.Section 12 on Real-Time Collection of Traffic
children who have access to the internet. For this Data;
reason, the government has a legitimate right to
regulate the use of cyberspace and contain and n.Section 13 on Preservation of Computer Data;
punish wrongdoings.
o.Section 14 on Disclosure of Computer Data;
Notably, there are also those who would want,
like vandals, to wreak or cause havoc to the p.Section 15 on Search, Seizure and Examination
computer systems and networks of indispensable of Computer Data;
or highly useful institutions as well as to the
laptop or computer programs and memories of q.Section 17 on Destruction of Computer Data;
innocent individuals. They accomplish this by
sending electronic viruses or virtual dynamites r.Section 19 on Restricting or Blocking Access to
that destroy those computer systems, networks, Computer Data;
programs, and memories. The government
certainly has the duty and the right to prevent s.Section 20 on Obstruction of Justice;
these tomfooleries from happening and punish
their perpetrators, hence the Cybercrime t.Section 24 on Cybercrime Investigation and
Prevention Act. SHCaEA Coordinating Center (CICC); and

But petitioners claim that the means adopted by u.Section 26 (a) on CICC's Powers and Functions.
the cybercrime law for regulating undesirable
cyberspace activities violate certain of their Some petitioners also raise the constitutionality
constitutional rights. The government of course of related Articles 353, 354, 361, and 362 of the
asserts that the law merely seeks to reasonably RPC on the crime of libel.
put order into cyberspace activities, punish
wrongdoings, and prevent hurtful attacks on the The Rulings of the Court
system. Section 4 (a) (1)
Section 4 (a) (1) provides: ICTcDA
Pending hearing and adjudication of the issues
presented in these cases, on February 5, 2013
58 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Section 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following (a)Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity
acts constitute the offense of cybercrime and availability of computer data and systems:
punishable under this Act: xxx xxx xxx
(3)Data Interference. The intentional or
(a)Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or
and availability of computer data and systems: deterioration of computer data, electronic
document, or electronic data message, without
(1)Illegal Access. The access to the whole or right, including the introduction or transmission of
any part of a computer system without right. viruses. DASCIc
Petitioners contend that Section 4 (a) (1) fails to Petitioners claim that Section 4 (a) (3) suffers
meet the strict scrutiny standard required of laws from overbreadth in that, while it seeks to
that interfere with the fundamental rights of the discourage data interference, it intrudes into the
people and should thus be struck down. area of protected speech and expression, creating
a chilling and deterrent effect on these
The Court has in a way found the strict scrutiny guaranteed freedoms.
standard, an American constitutional construct, 1
useful in determining the constitutionality of laws
that tend to target a class of things or persons. Under the overbreadth doctrine, a proper
According to this standard, a legislative governmental purpose, constitutionally subject to
classification that impermissibly interferes with state regulation, may not be achieved by means
the exercise of fundamental right or operates to that unnecessarily sweep its subject broadly,
the peculiar class disadvantage of a suspect class thereby invading the area of protected freedoms.
is presumed unconstitutional. The burden is on 7 But Section 4 (a) (3) does not encroach on
the government to prove that the classification is these freedoms at all. It simply punishes what
necessary to achieve a compelling state interest essentially is a form of vandalism, 8 the act of
and that it is the least restrictive means to willfully destroying without right the things that
protect such interest. 2 Later, the strict scrutiny belong to others, in this case their computer
standard was used to assess the validity of laws data, electronic document, or electronic data
dealing with the regulation of speech, gender, or message. Such act has no connection to
race as well as other fundamental rights, as guaranteed freedoms. There is no freedom to
expansion from its earlier applications to equal destroy other people's computer systems and
protection. 3 CAIaDT private documents.

In the cases before it, the Court finds nothing in All penal laws, like the cybercrime law, have of
Section 4 (a) (1) that calls for the application of course an inherent chilling effect, an in terrorem
the strict scrutiny standard since no fundamental effect 9 or the fear of possible prosecution that
freedom, like speech, is involved in punishing hangs on the heads of citizens who are minded to
what is essentially a condemnable act step beyond the boundaries of what is proper. But
accessing the computer system of another to prevent the State from legislating criminal laws
without right. It is a universally condemned because they instill such kind of fear is to render
conduct. 4 the state powerless in addressing and penalizing
socially harmful conduct. 10 Here, the chilling
Petitioners of course fear that this section will effect that results in paralysis is an illusion since
jeopardize the work of ethical hackers, Section 4 (a) (3) clearly describes the evil that it
professionals who employ tools and techniques seeks to punish and creates no tendency to
used by criminal hackers but would neither intimidate the free exercise of one's constitutional
damage the target systems nor steal information. rights.
Ethical hackers evaluate the target system's
security and report back to the owners the Besides, the overbreadth challenge places on
vulnerabilities they found in it and give petitioners the heavy burden of proving that
instructions for how these can be remedied. under no set of circumstances will Section 4 (a)
Ethical hackers are the equivalent of independent (3) be valid. 11 Petitioner has failed to discharge
auditors who come into an organization to verify this burden.
its bookkeeping records. 5
Section 4 (a) (6) of the Cybercrime Law
Besides, a client's engagement of an ethical Section 4 (a) (6) provides: CHTcSE
hacker requires an agreement between them as
to the extent of the search, the methods to be Section 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following
used, and the systems to be tested. This is acts constitute the offense of cybercrime
referred to as the "get out of jail free card." 6 punishable under this Act:
Since the ethical hacker does his job with prior
permission from the client, such permission would (a)Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity
insulate him from the coverage of Section 4 (a) and availability of computer data and systems:
(1). xxx xxx xxx
(6)Cyber-squatting. The acquisition of domain
Section 4 (a) (3) of the Cybercrime Law name over the internet in bad faith to profit,
Section 4 (a) (3) provides: mislead, destroy the reputation, and deprive
others from registering the same, if such a
Section 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following domain name is:
acts constitute the offense of cybercrime (i)Similar, identical, or confusingly similar to an
punishable under this Act: existing trademark registered with the
appropriate government agency at the time of
the domain name registration;
59 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Relevant to any discussion of the right to privacy
(ii)Identical or in any way similar with the name of is the concept known as the "Zones of Privacy."
a person other than the registrant, in case of a The Court explained in "In the Matter of the
personal name; and CEcaTH Petition for Issuance of Writ of Habeas Corpus of
Sabio v. Senator Gordon" 15 the relevance of
(iii)Acquired without right or with intellectual these zones to the right to privacy:
property interests in it.
Zones of privacy are recognized and protected in
Petitioners claim that Section 4 (a) (6) or cyber- our laws. Within these zones, any form of
squatting violates the equal protection clause 12 intrusion is impermissible unless excused by law
in that, not being narrowly tailored, it will cause a and in accordance with customary legal process.
user using his real name to suffer the same fate The meticulous regard we accord to these zones
as those who use aliases or take the name of arises not only from our conviction that the right
another in satire, parody, or any other literary to privacy is a "constitutional right" and "the right
device. For example, supposing there exists a most valued by civilized men," but also from our
well known billionaire-philanthropist named "Julio adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human
Gandolfo," the law would punish for cyber- Rights which mandates that, "no one shall be
squatting both the person who registers such subjected to arbitrary interference with his
name because he claims it to be his pseudo- privacy" and "everyone has the right to the
name and another who registers the name protection of the law against such interference or
because it happens to be his real name. attacks." AaECSH
Petitioners claim that, considering the substantial
distinction between the two, the law should Two constitutional guarantees create these zones
recognize the difference. of privacy: (a) the right against unreasonable
searches 16 and seizures, which is the basis of
But there is no real difference whether he uses the right to be let alone, and (b) the right to
"Julio Gandolfo" which happens to be his real privacy of communication and correspondence.
name or use it as a pseudo-name for it is the evil 17
purpose for which he uses the name that the law
condemns. The law is reasonable in penalizing In assessing the challenge that the State has
him for acquiring the domain name in bad faith to impermissibly intruded into these zones of
profit, mislead, destroy reputation, or deprive privacy, a court must determine whether a
others who are not ill-motivated of the rightful person has exhibited a reasonable expectation of
opportunity of registering the same. The privacy and, if so, whether that expectation has
challenge to the constitutionality of Section 4 (a) been violated by unreasonable government
(6) on ground of denial of equal protection is intrusion. 18
The usual identifying information regarding a
Section 4 (b) (3) of the Cybercrime Law person includes his name, his citizenship, his
Section 4 (b) (3) provides: residence address, his contact number, his place
and date of birth, the name of his spouse if any,
Section 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following his occupation, and similar data. 19 The law
acts constitute the offense of cybercrime punishes those who acquire or use such
punishable under this Act: identifying information without right, implicitly to
cause damage. Petitioners simply fail to show
xxx xxx xxx how government effort to curb computer-related
identity theft violates the right to privacy and
b)Computer-related Offenses: CTSDAI correspondence as well as the right to due
process of law.
xxx xxx xxx
Also, the charge of invalidity of this section based
(3)Computer-related Identity Theft. The on the overbreadth doctrine will not hold water
intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, since the specific conducts proscribed do not
possession, alteration, or deletion of identifying intrude into guaranteed freedoms like speech.
information belonging to another, whether Clearly, what this section regulates are specific
natural or juridical, without right: Provided: that if actions: the acquisition, use, misuse or deletion
no damage has yet been caused, the penalty of personal identifying data of another. There is
imposable shall be one (1) degree lower. no fundamental right to acquire another's
Petitioners claim that Section 4 (b) (3) violates personal data.
the constitutional rights to due process and to
privacy and correspondence, and transgresses Further, petitioners fear that Section 4 (b) (3)
the freedom of the press. violates the freedom of the press in that
journalists would be hindered from accessing the
The right to privacy, or the right to be let alone, unrestricted user account of a person in the news
was institutionalized in the 1987 Constitution as a to secure information about him that could be
facet of the right protected by the guarantee published. But this is not the essence of identity
against unreasonable searches and seizures. 13 theft that the law seeks to prohibit and punish.
But the Court acknowledged its existence as early Evidently, the theft of identity information must
as 1968 in Morfe v. Mutuc, 14 it ruled that the be intended for an illegitimate purpose.
right to privacy exists independently of its Moreover, acquiring and disseminating
identification with liberty; it is in itself fully information made public by the user himself
deserving of constitutional protection. cannot be regarded as a form of theft.

60 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
The Court has defined intent to gain as an intercourse or lascivious conduct in exchange for
internal act which can be established through the money, profit, or any other consideration. 27
overt acts of the offender, and it may be
presumed from the furtive taking of useful The case of Nogales v. People 28 shows the
property pertaining to another, unless special extent to which the State can regulate materials
circumstances reveal a different intent on the that serve no other purpose than satisfy the
part of the perpetrator. 20 As such, the press, market for violence, lust, or pornography. 29 The
whether in quest of news reporting or social Court weighed the property rights of individuals
investigation, has nothing to fear since a special against the public welfare. Private property, if
circumstance is present to negate intent to gain containing pornographic materials, may be
which is required by this Section. forfeited and destroyed. Likewise, engaging in
sexual acts privately through Internet connection,
Section 4 (c) (1) of the Cybercrime Law perceived by some as a right, has to be balanced
Section 4 (c) (1) provides: with the mandate of the State to eradicate white
slavery and the exploitation of women.
Sec. 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following acts
constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable In any event, consenting adults are protected by
under this Act: the wealth of jurisprudence delineating the
bounds of obscenity. 30 The Court will not declare
xxx xxx xxx Section 4 (c) (1) unconstitutional where it stands
a construction that makes it apply only to persons
(c)Content-related Offenses: engaged in the business of maintaining,
controlling, or operating, directly or indirectly, the
(1)Cybersex. The willful engagement, lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual
maintenance, control, or operation, directly or activity with the aid of a computer system as
indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual Congress has intended.
organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a
computer system, for favor or consideration. Section 4 (c) (2) of the Cybercrime Law
EHTISC Section 4 (c) (2) provides:
Petitioners claim that the above violates the
freedom of expression clause of the Constitution. Sec. 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following acts
21 They express fear that private constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable
communications of sexual character between under this Act: cTCaEA
husband and wife or consenting adults, which are
not regarded as crimes under the penal code, xxx xxx xxx
would now be regarded as crimes when done "for
favor" in cyberspace. In common usage, the term (c)Content-related Offenses:
"favor" includes "gracious kindness," "a special
privilege or right granted or conceded," or "a xxx xxx xxx
token of love (as a ribbon) usually worn
conspicuously." 22 This meaning given to the (2)Child Pornography. The unlawful or
term "favor" embraces socially tolerated trysts. prohibited acts defined and punishable by
The law as written would invite law enforcement Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child
agencies into the bedrooms of married couples or Pornography Act of 2009, committed through a
consenting individuals. computer system: Provided, That the penalty to
be imposed shall be (1) one degree higher than
But the deliberations of the Bicameral Committee that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775.
of Congress on this section of the Cybercrime It seems that the above merely expands the
Prevention Act give a proper perspective on the scope of the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009
issue. These deliberations show a lack of intent to 31 (ACPA) to cover identical activities in
penalize a "private showing . . . between and cyberspace. In theory, nothing prevents the
among two private persons . . . although that government from invoking the ACPA when
may be a form of obscenity to some." 23 The prosecuting persons who commit child
understanding of those who drew up the pornography using a computer system. Actually,
cybercrime law is that the element of "engaging ACPA's definition of child pornography already
in a business" is necessary to constitute the embraces the use of "electronic, mechanical,
illegal cybersex. 24 The Act actually seeks to digital, optical, magnetic or any other means."
punish cyber prostitution, white slave trade, and Notably, no one has questioned this ACPA
pornography for favor and consideration. This provision.
includes interactive prostitution and pornography,
i.e., by webcam. 25 Of course, the law makes the penalty higher by
one degree when the crime is committed in
The subject of Section 4 (c) (1) lascivious cyberspace. But no one can complain since the
exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity is intensity or duration of penalty is a legislative
not novel. Article 201 of the RPC punishes prerogative and there is rational basis for such
"obscene publications and exhibitions and higher penalty. 32 The potential for uncontrolled
indecent shows." The Anti-Trafficking in Persons proliferation of a particular piece of child
Act of 2003 penalizes those who "maintain or hire pornography when uploaded in the cyberspace is
a person to engage in prostitution or incalculable. AacCHD
pornography." 26 The law defines prostitution as
any act, transaction, scheme, or design involving Petitioners point out that the provision of ACPA
the use of a person by another, for sexual that makes it unlawful for any person to
"produce, direct, manufacture or create any form
61 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
of child pornography" 33 clearly relates to the wastes the storage and network capacities of
prosecution of persons who aid and abet the core internet service providers, reduces the efficiency
offenses that ACPA seeks to punish. 34 Petitioners of commerce and technology, and interferes with
are wary that a person who merely doodles on the owner's peaceful enjoyment of his property.
paper and imagines a sexual abuse of a 16-year- Transmitting spams amounts to trespass to one's
old is not criminally liable for producing child privacy since the person sending out spams
pornography but one who formulates the idea on enters the recipient's domain without prior
his laptop would be. Further, if the author permission. The OSG contends that commercial
bounces off his ideas on Twitter, anyone who speech enjoys less protection in law.
replies to the tweet could be considered aiding
and abetting a cybercrime. But, firstly, the government presents no basis for
holding that unsolicited electronic ads reduce the
The question of aiding and abetting the offense "efficiency of computers." Secondly, people,
by simply commenting on it will be discussed before the arrival of the age of computers, have
elsewhere below. For now the Court must hold already been receiving such unsolicited ads by
that the constitutionality of Section 4 (c) (2) is not mail. These have never been outlawed as
successfully challenged. nuisance since people might have interest in such
ads. What matters is that the recipient has the
Section 4 (c) (3) of the Cybercrime Law option of not opening or reading these mail ads.
Section 4 (c) (3) provides: That is true with spams. Their recipients always
have the option to delete or not to read them.
Sec. 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following acts cSCTEH
constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable
under this Act: To prohibit the transmission of unsolicited ads
would deny a person the right to read his emails,
xxx xxx xxx even unsolicited commercial ads addressed to
him. Commercial speech is a separate category of
(c)Content-related Offenses: speech which is not accorded the same level of
protection as that given to other constitutionally
xxx xxx xxx guaranteed forms of expression but is
nonetheless entitled to protection. 36 The State
(3)Unsolicited Commercial Communications. cannot rob him of this right without violating the
The transmission of commercial electronic constitutionally guaranteed freedom of
communication with the use of computer system expression. Unsolicited advertisements are
which seeks to advertise, sell, or offer for sale legitimate forms of expression.
products and services are prohibited unless:
Articles 353, 354, and 355 of the Penal Code
(i)There is prior affirmative consent from the Section 4 (c) (4) of the Cyber Crime Law
recipient; or CaASIc Petitioners dispute the constitutionality of both
(ii)The primary intent of the communication is for the penal code provisions on libel as well as
service and/or administrative announcements Section 4 (c) (4) of the Cybercrime Prevention Act
from the sender to its existing users, subscribers on cyberlibel.
or customers; or
(iii)The following conditions are present: The RPC provisions on libel read:
(aa)The commercial electronic communication
contains a simple, valid, and reliable way for the Art. 353.Definition of libel. A libel is public and
recipient to reject receipt of further commercial malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or
electronic messages (opt-out) from the same defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission,
source; condition, status, or circumstance tending to
cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a
(bb)The commercial electronic communication natural or juridical person, or to blacken the
does not purposely disguise the source of the memory of one who is dead.
electronic message; and
Art. 354.Requirement for publicity. Every
(cc)The commercial electronic communication defamatory imputation is presumed to be
does not purposely include misleading malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention
information in any part of the message in order to and justifiable motive for making it is shown,
induce the recipients to read the message. except in the following cases:

The above penalizes the transmission of 1.A private communication made by any person
unsolicited commercial communications, also to another in the performance of any legal, moral
known as "spam." The term "spam" surfaced in or social duty; and
early internet chat rooms and interactive fantasy 2.A fair and true report, made in good faith,
games. One who repeats the same sentence or without any comments or remarks, of any judicial,
comment was said to be making a "spam." The legislative or other official proceedings which are
term referred to a Monty Python's Flying Circus not of confidential nature, or of any statement,
scene in which actors would keep saying "Spam, report or speech delivered in said proceedings, or
Spam, Spam, and Spam" when reading options of any other act performed by public officers in
from a menu. 35 SEACTH the exercise of their functions.
Art. 355.Libel means by writings or similar
The Government, represented by the Solicitor means. A libel committed by means of writing,
General, points out that unsolicited commercial printing, lithography, engraving, radio,
communications or spams are a nuisance that phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition,
62 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
cinematographic exhibition, or any similar means, Transportation). Since the penal code and
shall be punished by prision correccional in its implicitly, the cybercrime law, mainly target libel
minimum and medium periods or a fine ranging against private persons, the Court recognizes that
from 200 to 6,000 pesos, or both, in addition to these laws imply a stricter standard of "malice" to
the civil action which may be brought by the convict the author of a defamatory statement
offended party. where the offended party is a public figure.
Society's interest and the maintenance of good
The libel provision of the cybercrime law, on the government demand a full discussion of public
other hand, merely incorporates to form part of it affairs. 44 CSAcTa
the provisions of the RPC on libel. Thus Section 4
(c) (4) reads: Parenthetically, the Court cannot accept the
proposition that its ruling in Fermin disregarded
Sec. 4.Cybercrime Offenses. The following acts the higher standard of actual malice or malice in
constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable fact when it found Cristinelli Fermin guilty of
under this Act: committing libel against complainants who were
public figures. Actually, the Court found the
xxx xxx xxx presence of malice in fact in that case. Thus:

(c)Content-related Offenses: EaDATc It can be gleaned from her testimony that

petitioner had the motive to make defamatory
xxx xxx xxx imputations against complainants. Thus,
petitioner cannot, by simply making a general
(4)Libel. The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel denial, convince us that there was no malice on
as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal her part. Verily, not only was there malice in law,
Code, as amended, committed through a the article being malicious in itself, but there was
computer system or any other similar means also malice in fact, as there was motive to talk ill
which may be devised in the future. against complainants during the electoral
Petitioners lament that libel provisions of the campaign. (Emphasis ours) SIaHTD
penal code 37 and, in effect, the libel provisions
of the cybercrime law carry with them the Indeed, the Court took into account the relatively
requirement of "presumed malice" even when the wide leeway given to utterances against public
latest jurisprudence already replaces it with the figures in the above case, cinema and television
higher standard of "actual malice" as a basis for personalities, when it modified the penalty of
conviction. 38 Petitioners argue that inferring imprisonment to just a fine of P6,000.00.
"presumed malice" from the accused's
defamatory statement by virtue of Article 354 of But, where the offended party is a private
the penal code infringes on his constitutionally individual, the prosecution need not prove the
guaranteed freedom of expression. presence of malice. The law explicitly presumes
its existence (malice in law) from the defamatory
Petitioners would go further. They contend that character of the assailed statement. 45 For his
the laws on libel should be stricken down as defense, the accused must show that he has a
unconstitutional for otherwise good jurisprudence justifiable reason for the defamatory statement
requiring "actual malice" could easily be even if it was in fact true. 46
overturned as the Court has done in Fermin v.
People 39 even where the offended parties Petitioners peddle the view that both the penal
happened to be public figures. code and the Cybercrime Prevention Act violate
the country's obligations under the International
The elements of libel are: (a) the allegation of a Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
discreditable act or condition concerning another; They point out that in Adonis v. Republic of the
(b) publication of the charge; (c) identity of the Philippines, 47 the United Nations Human Rights
person defamed; and (d) existence of malice. 40 Committee (UNHRC) cited its General Comment
34 to the effect that penal defamation laws
There is "actual malice" or malice in fact 41 when should include the defense of truth.
the offender makes the defamatory statement
with the knowledge that it is false or with reckless But General Comment 34 does not say that the
disregard of whether it was false or not. 42 The truth of the defamatory statement should
reckless disregard standard used here requires a constitute an all-encompassing defense. As it
high degree of awareness of probable falsity. happens, Article 361 recognizes truth as a
There must be sufficient evidence to permit the defense but under the condition that the accused
conclusion that the accused in fact entertained has been prompted in making the statement by
serious doubts as to the truth of the statement he good motives and for justifiable ends. Thus:
published. Gross or even extreme negligence is
not sufficient to establish actual malice. 43 Art. 361.Proof of the truth. In every criminal
prosecution for libel, the truth may be given in
The prosecution bears the burden of proving the evidence to the court and if it appears that the
presence of actual malice in instances where matter charged as libelous is true, and, moreover,
such element is required to establish guilt. The that it was published with good motives and for
defense of absence of actual malice, even when justifiable ends, the defendants shall be
the statement turns out to be false, is available acquitted.
where the offended party is a public official or a
public figure, as in the cases of Vasquez (a Proof of the truth of an imputation of an act or
barangay official) and Borjal (the Executive omission not constituting a crime shall not be
Director, First National Conference on Land admitted, unless the imputation shall have been
63 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
made against Government employees with attempts to commit any of the offenses
respect to facts related to the discharge of their enumerated as cybercrimes. It suffers from
official duties. overbreadth, creating a chilling and deterrent
effect on protected expression.
In such cases if the defendant proves the truth of
the imputation made by him, he shall be The Solicitor General contends, however, that the
acquitted. current body of jurisprudence and laws on aiding
and abetting sufficiently protects the freedom of
Besides, the UNHRC did not actually enjoin the expression of "netizens," the multitude that avail
Philippines, as petitioners urge, to decriminalize themselves of the services of the internet. He
libel. It simply suggested that defamation laws be points out that existing laws and jurisprudence
crafted with care to ensure that they do not stifle sufficiently delineate the meaning of "aiding or
freedom of expression. 48 Indeed, the ICCPR abetting" a crime as to protect the innocent. The
states that although everyone should enjoy Solicitor General argues that plain, ordinary, and
freedom of expression, its exercise carries with it common usage is at times sufficient to guide law
special duties and responsibilities. Free speech is enforcement agencies in enforcing the law. 51
not absolute. It is subject to certain restrictions, The legislature is not required to define every
as may be necessary and as may be provided by single word contained in the laws they craft.
law. 49
Aiding or abetting has of course well-defined
The Court agrees with the Solicitor General that meaning and application in existing laws. When a
libel is not a constitutionally protected speech person aids or abets another in destroying a
and that the government has an obligation to forest, 52 smuggling merchandise into the
protect private individuals from defamation. country, 53 or interfering in the peaceful
Indeed, cyberlibel is actually not a new crime picketing of laborers, 54 his action is essentially
since Article 353, in relation to Article 355 of the physical and so is susceptible to easy assessment
penal code, already punishes it. In effect, Section as criminal in character. These forms of aiding or
4 (c) (4) above merely affirms that online abetting lend themselves to the tests of common
defamation constitutes "similar means" for sense and human experience.
committing libel.
But, when it comes to certain cybercrimes, the
But the Court's acquiescence goes only insofar as waters are muddier and the line of sight is
the cybercrime law penalizes the author of the somewhat blurred. The idea of "aiding or
libelous statement or article. Cyberlibel brings abetting" wrongdoings online threatens the
with it certain intricacies, unheard of when the heretofore popular and unchallenged dogmas of
penal code provisions on libel were enacted. The cyberspace use. ScaHDT
culture associated with internet media is distinct
from that of print. DaScCH According to the 2011 Southeast Asia Digital
Consumer Report, 33% of Filipinos have accessed
The internet is characterized as encouraging a the internet within a year, translating to about 31
freewheeling, anything-goes writing style. 50 In a million users. 55 Based on a recent survey, the
sense, they are a world apart in terms of Philippines ranks 6th in the top 10 most engaged
quickness of the reader's reaction to defamatory countries for social networking. 56 Social
statements posted in cyberspace, facilitated by networking sites build social relations among
one-click reply options offered by the networking people who, for example, share interests,
site as well as by the speed with which such activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.
reactions are disseminated down the line to other 57
internet users. Whether these reactions to
defamatory statement posted on the internet Two of the most popular of these sites are
constitute aiding and abetting libel, acts that Facebook and Twitter. As of late 2012, 1.2 billion
Section 5 of the cybercrime law punishes, is people with shared interests use Facebook to get
another matter that the Court will deal with next in touch. 58 Users register at this site, create a
in relation to Section 5 of the law. personal profile or an open book of who they are,
add other users as friends, and exchange
Section 5 of the Cybercrime Law messages, including automatic notifications when
Section 5 provides: they update their profile. 59 A user can post a
statement, a photo, or a video on Facebook,
Sec. 5.Other Offenses. The following acts shall which can be made visible to anyone, depending
also constitute an offense: on the user's privacy settings. acIHDA

(a)Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of

Cybercrime. Any person who willfully abets or If the post is made available to the public,
aids in the commission of any of the offenses meaning to everyone and not only to his friends,
enumerated in this Act shall be held liable. anyone on Facebook can react to the posting,
clicking any of several buttons of preferences on
(b)Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime. the program's screen such as "Like," "Comment,"
Any person who willfully attempts to commit any or "Share." "Like" signifies that the reader likes
of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be the posting while "Comment" enables him to post
held liable. online his feelings or views about the same, such
as "This is great!" When a Facebook user "Shares"
Petitioners assail the constitutionality of Section 5 a posting, the original "posting" will appear on his
that renders criminally liable any person who own Facebook profile, consequently making it
willfully abets or aids in the commission or visible to his down-line Facebook Friends.
64 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
aiding or abetting libel in the physical world is a
Twitter, on the other hand, is an internet social crime.
networking and microblogging service that
enables its users to send and read short text- But suppose Nestor posts the blog, "Armand is a
based messages of up to 140 characters. These thief!" on a social networking site. Would a reader
are known as "Tweets." Microblogging is the and his Friends or Followers, availing themselves
practice of posting small pieces of digital content of any of the "Like," "Comment," and "Share"
which could be in the form of text, pictures, reactions, be guilty of aiding or abetting libel?
links, short videos, or other media on the And, in the complex world of cyberspace
internet. Instead of friends, a Twitter user has expressions of thoughts, when will one be liable
"Followers," those who subscribe to this particular for aiding or abetting cybercrimes? Where is the
user's posts, enabling them to read the same, venue of the crime?
and "Following," those whom this particular user
is subscribed to, enabling him to read their posts. Except for the original author of the assailed
Like Facebook, a Twitter user can make his tweets statement, the rest (those who pressed Like,
available only to his Followers, or to the general Comment and Share) are essentially knee-jerk
public. If a post is available to the public, any sentiments of readers who may think little or
Twitter user can "Retweet" a given posting. haphazardly of their response to the original
Retweeting is just reposting or republishing posting. Will they be liable for aiding or abetting?
another person's tweet without the need of And, considering the inherent impossibility of
copying and pasting it. joining hundreds or thousands of responding
"Friends" or "Followers" in the criminal charge to
In the cyberworld, there are many actors: a) the be filed in court, who will make a choice as to
blogger who originates the assailed statement; b) who should go to jail for the outbreak of the
the blog service provider like Yahoo; c) the challenged posting?
internet service provider like PLDT, Smart, Globe,
or Sun; d) the internet cafe that may have The old parameters for enforcing the traditional
provided the computer used for posting the blog; form of libel would be a square peg in a round
e) the person who makes a favorable comment hole when applied to cyberspace libel. Unless the
on the blog; and f) the person who posts a link to legislature crafts a cyber libel law that takes into
the blog site. 60 Now, suppose Maria (a blogger) account its unique circumstances and culture,
maintains a blog on (blog service such law will tend to create a chilling effect on
provider). She needs the internet to access her the millions that use this new medium of
blog so she subscribes to Sun Broadband communication in violation of their
(Internet Service Provider). THEDcS constitutionally-guaranteed right to freedom of
One day, Maria posts on her internet account the
statement that a certain married public official The United States Supreme Court faced the same
has an illicit affair with a movie star. Linda, one of issue in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 61
Maria's friends who sees this post, comments a case involving the constitutionality of the
online, "Yes, this is so true! They are so immoral." Communications Decency Act of 1996. The law
Maria's original post is then multiplied by her prohibited (1) the knowing transmission, by
friends and the latter's friends, and down the line means of a telecommunications device, of
to friends of friends almost ad infinitum. Nena, "obscene or indecent" communications to any
who is a stranger to both Maria and Linda, comes recipient under 18 years of age; and (2) the
across this blog, finds it interesting and so shares knowing use of an interactive computer service to
the link to this apparently defamatory blog on her send to a specific person or persons under 18
Twitter account. Nena's "Followers" then years of age or to display in a manner available
"Retweet" the link to that blog site. to a person under 18 years of age
communications that, in context, depict or
Pamela, a Twitter user, stumbles upon a random describe, in terms "patently offensive" as
person's "Retweet" of Nena's original tweet and measured by contemporary community
posts this on her Facebook account. Immediately, standards, sexual or excretory activities or
Pamela's Facebook Friends start Liking and organs.
making Comments on the assailed posting. A lot
of them even press the Share button, resulting in Those who challenged the Act claim that the law
the further spread of the original posting into violated the First Amendment's guarantee of
tens, hundreds, thousands, and greater postings. freedom of speech for being overbroad. The U.S.
Supreme Court agreed and ruled: SIAEHC
The question is: are online postings such as
"Liking" an openly defamatory statement, The vagueness of the Communications Decency
"Commenting" on it, or "Sharing" it with others, Act of 1996 (CDA), 47 U.S.C.S. 223, is a matter
to be regarded as "aiding or abetting?" In libel in of special concern for two reasons. First, the CDA
the physical world, if Nestor places on the office is a content-based regulation of speech. The
bulletin board a small poster that says, "Armand vagueness of such a regulation raises special U.S.
is a thief!," he could certainly be charged with Const. amend. I concerns because of its obvious
libel. If Roger, seeing the poster, writes on it, "I chilling effect on free speech. Second, the CDA is
like this!," that could not be libel since he did not a criminal statute. In addition to the opprobrium
author the poster. If Arthur, passing by and and stigma of a criminal conviction, the CDA
noticing the poster, writes on it, "Correct!," would threatens violators with penalties including up to
that be libel? No, for he merely expresses two years in prison for each act of violation. The
agreement with the statement on the poster. He severity of criminal sanctions may well cause
still is not its author. Besides, it is not clear if speakers to remain silent rather than
65 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
communicate even arguably unlawful words, can challenge the constitutionality of a statute
ideas, and images. As a practical matter, this only if he asserts a violation of his own rights. It
increased deterrent effect, coupled with the risk prohibits one from assailing the constitutionality
of discriminatory enforcement of vague of the statute based solely on the violation of the
regulations, poses greater U.S. Const. amend. I rights of third persons not before the court. This
concerns than those implicated by certain civil rule is also known as the prohibition against third-
regulations. party standing. 66

xxx xxx xxx But this rule admits of exceptions. A petitioner

may for instance mount a "facial" challenge to
The Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA), the constitutionality of a statute even if he claims
47 U.S.C.S. 223, presents a great threat of no violation of his own rights under the assailed
censoring speech that, in fact, falls outside the statute where it involves free speech on grounds
statute's scope. Given the vague contours of the of overbreadth or vagueness of the statute. The
coverage of the statute, it unquestionably rationale for this exception is to counter the
silences some speakers whose messages would "chilling effect" on protected speech that comes
be entitled to constitutional protection. That from statutes violating free speech. A person who
danger provides further reason for insisting that does not know whether his speech constitutes a
the statute not be overly broad. The CDA's crime under an overbroad or vague law may
burden on protected speech cannot be justified if simply restrain himself from speaking in order to
it could be avoided by a more carefully drafted avoid being charged of a crime. The overbroad or
statute. (Emphasis ours) vague law thus chills him into silence. 67

Libel in the cyberspace can of course stain a As already stated, the cyberspace is an
person's image with just one click of the mouse. incomparable, pervasive medium of
Scurrilous statements can spread and travel fast communication. It is inevitable that any
across the globe like bad news. Moreover, government threat of punishment regarding
cyberlibel often goes hand in hand with certain uses of the medium creates a chilling
cyberbullying that oppresses the victim, his effect on the constitutionally-protected freedom
relatives, and friends, evoking from mild to of expression of the great masses that use it. In
disastrous reactions. Still, a governmental this case, the particularly complex web of
purpose, which seeks to regulate the use of this interaction on social media websites would give
cyberspace communication technology to protect law enforcers such latitude that they could
a person's reputation and peace of mind, cannot arbitrarily or selectively enforce the law. HCTDIS
adopt means that will unnecessarily and broadly
sweep, invading the area of protected freedoms. Who is to decide when to prosecute persons who
62 ICTDEa boost the visibility of a posting on the internet by
liking it? Netizens are not given "fair notice" or
If such means are adopted, self-inhibition borne warning as to what is criminal conduct and what
of fear of what sinister predicaments await is lawful conduct. When a case is filed, how will
internet users will suppress otherwise robust the court ascertain whether or not one netizen's
discussion of public issues. Democracy will be comment aided and abetted a cybercrime while
threatened and with it, all liberties. Penal laws another comment did not?
should provide reasonably clear guidelines for law
enforcement officials and triers of facts to prevent Of course, if the "Comment" does not merely
arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement. 63 The react to the original posting but creates an
terms "aiding or abetting" constitute broad sweep altogether new defamatory story against Armand
that generates chilling effect on those who like "He beats his wife and children," then that
express themselves through cyberspace posts, should be considered an original posting
comments, and other messages. 64 Hence, published on the internet. Both the penal code
Section 5 of the cybercrime law that punishes and the cybercrime law clearly punish authors of
"aiding or abetting" libel on the cyberspace is a defamatory publications. Make no mistake, libel
nullity. destroys reputations that society values. Allowed
to cascade in the internet, it will destroy
When a penal statute encroaches upon the relationships and, under certain circumstances,
freedom of speech, a facial challenge grounded will generate enmity and tension between social
on the void-for-vagueness doctrine is acceptable. or economic groups, races, or religions,
The inapplicability of the doctrine must be exacerbating existing tension in their
carefully delineated. As Justice Antonio T. Carpio relationships.
explained in his dissent in Romualdez v.
Commission on Elections, 65 "we must view these In regard to the crime that targets child
statements of the Court on the inapplicability of pornography, when "Google procures, stores, and
the overbreadth and vagueness doctrines to indexes child pornography and facilitates the
penal statutes as appropriate only insofar as completion of transactions involving the
these doctrines are used to mount 'facial' dissemination of child pornography," does this
challenges to penal statutes not involving free make Google and its users ciders and abettors in
speech." the commission of child pornography crimes? 68
Byars highlights a feature in the American law on
In an "as applied" challenge, the petitioner who child pornography that the Cybercrimes law lacks
claims a violation of his constitutional right can the exemption of a provider or notably a plain
raise any constitutional ground absence of due user of interactive computer service from civil
process, lack of fair notice, lack of ascertainable liability for child pornography as follows:
standards, overbreadth, or vagueness. Here, one
66 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
No provider or user of an interactive computer not be freed from liability simply because of the
service shall be treated as the publisher or vigilance of a lawful owner or his supervisor.
speaker of any information provided by another
information content provider and cannot be held Petitioners of course claim that Section 5 lacks
civilly liable for any action voluntarily taken in positive limits and could cover the innocent. 73
good faith to restrict access to or availability of While this may be true with respect to
material that the provider or user considers to be cybercrimes that tend to sneak past the area of
obscene . . . whether or not such material is free expression, any attempt to commit the other
constitutionally protected. 69 acts specified in Section 4 (a) (1), Section 4 (a)
(2), Section 4 (a) (3), Section 4 (a) (4), Section 4
When a person replies to a Tweet containing child (a) (5), Section 4 (a) (6), Section 4 (b) (1), Section
pornography, he effectively republishes it 4 (b) (2), Section 4 (b) (3), and Section 4 (c) (1)
whether wittingly or unwittingly. Does this make as well as the actors aiding and abetting the
him a willing accomplice to the distribution of commission of such acts can be identified with
child pornography? When a user downloads the some reasonable certainty through adroit
Facebook mobile application, the user may give tracking of their works. Absent concrete proof of
consent to Facebook to access his contact details. the same, the innocent will of course be spared.
In this way, certain information is forwarded to
third parties and unsolicited commercial Section 6 of the Cybercrime Law
communication could be disseminated on the Section 6 provides:
basis of this information. 70 As the source of this
information, is the user aiding the distribution of Sec. 6.All crimes defined and penalized by the
this communication? The legislature needs to Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special
address this clearly to relieve users of annoying laws, if committed by, through and with the use
fear of possible criminal prosecution. of information and communications technologies
shall be covered by the relevant provisions of this
Section 5 with respect to Section 4 (c) (4) is Act: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed
unconstitutional. Its vagueness raises shall be one (1) degree higher than that provided
apprehension on the part of internet users for by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and
because of its obvious chilling effect on the special laws, as the case may be. TcSAaH
freedom of expression, especially since the crime
of aiding or abetting ensnares all the actors in the Section 6 merely makes commission of existing
cyberspace front in a fuzzy way. What is more, as crimes through the Internet a qualifying
the petitioners point out, formal crimes such as circumstance. As the Solicitor General points out,
libel are not punishable unless consummated. 71 there exists a substantial distinction between
In the absence of legislation tracing the crimes committed through the use of information
interaction of netizens and their level of and communications technology and similar
responsibility such as in other countries, Section crimes committed using other means. In using
5, in relation to Section 4 (c) (4) on Libel, Section the technology in question, the offender often
4 (c) (3) on Unsolicited Commercial evades identification and is able to reach far
Communications, and Section 4 (c) (2) on Child more victims or cause greater harm. The
Pornography, cannot stand scrutiny. EDISTc distinction, therefore, creates a basis for higher
penalties for cybercrimes.
But the crime of aiding or abetting the
commission of cybercrimes under Section 5 Section 7 of the Cybercrime Law
should be permitted to apply to Section 4 (a) (1) Section 7 provides:
on Illegal Access, Section 4 (a) (2) on Illegal
Interception, Section 4 (a) (3) on Data Sec. 7.Liability under Other Laws. A
Interference, Section 4 (a) (4) on System prosecution under this Act shall be without
Interference, Section 4 (a) (5) on Misuse of prejudice to any liability for violation of any
Devices, Section 4 (a) (6) on Cyber-squatting, provision of the Revised Penal Code, as amended,
Section 4 (b) (1) on Computer-related Forgery, or special laws.
Section 4 (b) (2) on Computer-related Fraud,
Section 4 (b) (3) on Computer-related Identity The Solicitor General points out that Section 7
Theft, and Section 4 (c) (1) on Cybersex. None of merely expresses the settled doctrine that a
these offenses borders on the exercise of the single set of acts may be prosecuted and
freedom of expression. penalized simultaneously under two laws, a
special law and the Revised Penal Code. When
The crime of willfully attempting to commit any of two different laws define two crimes, prior
these offenses is for the same reason not jeopardy as to one does not bar prosecution of
objectionable. A hacker may for instance have the other although both offenses arise from the
done all that is necessary to illegally access same fact, if each crime involves some important
another party's computer system but the security act which is not an essential element of the other.
employed by the system's lawful owner could 74 With the exception of the crimes of online libel
frustrate his effort. Another hacker may have and online child pornography, the Court would
gained access to usernames and passwords of rather leave the determination of the correct
others but fail to use these because the system application of Section 7 to actual cases. SCIAaT
supervisor is alerted. 72 If Section 5 that
punishes any person who willfully attempts to Online libel is different. There should be no
commit this specific offense is not upheld, the question that if the published material on print,
owner of the username and password could not said to be libelous, is again posted online or vice
file a complaint against him for attempted versa, that identical material cannot be the
hacking. But this is not right. The hacker should subject of two separate libels. The two offenses,
67 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
one a violation of Article 353 of the Revised Penal Any person found guilty of any of the punishable
Code and the other a violation of Section 4 (c) (4) acts enumerated in Section 5 shall be punished
of R.A. 10175 involve essentially the same with imprisonment one (1) degree lower than that
elements and are in fact one and the same of the prescribed penalty for the offense or a fine
offense. Indeed, the OSG itself claims that online of at least One hundred thousand pesos
libel under Section 4 (c) (4) is not a new crime (PhP100,000.00) but not exceeding Five hundred
but is one already punished under Article 353. thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00) or both.
Section 4 (c) (4) merely establishes the computer
system as another means of publication. 75 Section 8 provides for the penalties for the
Charging the offender under both laws would be a following crimes: Sections 4 (a) on Offenses
blatant violation of the proscription against Against the Confidentiality, Integrity and
double jeopardy. 76 Availability of Computer Data and Systems; 4 (b)
on Computer-related Offenses; 4 (a) (5) on Misuse
The same is true with child pornography of Devices; when the crime punishable under 4
committed online. Section 4 (c) (2) merely (a) is committed against critical infrastructure; 4
expands the ACPA's scope so as to include (c) (1) on Cybersex; 4 (c) (2) on Child
identical activities in cyberspace. As previously Pornography; 4 (c) (3) on Unsolicited Commercial
discussed, ACPA's definition of child pornography Communications; and Section 5 on Aiding or
in fact already covers the use of "electronic, Abetting, and Attempt in the Commission of
mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any Cybercrime.
other means." Thus, charging the offender under
both Section 4 (c) (2) and ACPA would likewise be The matter of fixing penalties for the commission
tantamount to a violation of the constitutional of crimes is as a rule a legislative prerogative.
prohibition against double jeopardy. Here the legislature prescribed a measure of
severe penalties for what it regards as deleterious
Section 8 of the Cybercrime Law cybercrimes. They appear proportionate to the
Section 8 provides: evil sought to be punished. The power to
determine penalties for offenses is not diluted or
Sec. 8.Penalties. Any person found guilty of improperly wielded simply because at some prior
any of the punishable acts enumerated in time the act or omission was but an element of
Sections 4(a) and 4(b) of this Act shall be another offense or might just have been
punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or a connected with another crime. 77 Judges and
fine of at least Two hundred thousand pesos magistrates can only interpret and apply them
(PhP200,000.00) up to a maximum amount and have no authority to modify or revise their
commensurate to the damage incurred or both. range as determined by the legislative
department. The courts should not encroach on
Any person found guilty of the punishable act this prerogative of the lawmaking body. 78
under Section 4(a)(5) shall be punished with
imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of not Section 12 of the Cybercrime Law
more than Five hundred thousand pesos Section 12 provides: cACDaH
(PhP500,000.00) or both.
Sec. 12.Real-Time Collection of Traffic Data.
If punishable acts in Section 4(a) are committed Law enforcement authorities, with due cause,
against critical infrastructure, the penalty of shall be authorized to collect or record by
reclusion temporal or a fine of at least Five technical or electronic means traffic data in real-
hundred thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00) up to time associated with specified communications
maximum amount commensurate to the damage transmitted by means of a computer system.
incurred or both, shall be imposed. aESIDH
Traffic data refer only to the communication's
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable origin, destination, route, time, date, size,
acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(1) of this Act duration, or type of underlying service, but not
shall be punished with imprisonment of prision content, nor identities.
mayor or a fine of at least Two hundred thousand
pesos (PhP200,000.00) but not exceeding One All other data to be collected or seized or
million pesos (PhP1,000,000.00) or both. disclosed will require a court warrant.

Any person found guilty of any of the punishable Service providers are required to cooperate and
acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(2) of this Act assist law enforcement authorities in the
shall be punished with the penalties as collection or recording of the above-stated
enumerated in Republic Act No. 9775 or the "Anti- information.
Child Pornography Act of 2009:" Provided, That
the penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree The court warrant required under this section
higher than that provided for in Republic Act No. shall only be issued or granted upon written
9775, if committed through a computer system. application and the examination under oath or
affirmation of the applicant and the witnesses he
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable may produce and the showing: (1) that there are
acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(3) shall be reasonable grounds to believe that any of the
punished with imprisonment of arresto mayor or crimes enumerated hereinabove has been
a fine of at least Fifty thousand pesos committed, or is being committed, or is about to
(PhP50,000.00) but not exceeding Two hundred be committed; (2) that there are reasonable
fifty thousand pesos (PhP250,000.00) or both. grounds to believe that evidence that will be
obtained is essential to the conviction of any
person for, or to the solution of, or to the
68 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
prevention of, any such crimes; and (3) that there arrangements and with unregistered SIM cards do
are no other means readily available for obtaining not have listed addresses and can neither be
such evidence. located nor identified. There are many ways the
cyber criminals can quickly erase their tracks.
Petitioners assail the grant to law enforcement Those who peddle child pornography could use
agencies of the power to collect or record traffic relays of computers to mislead law enforcement
data in real time as tending to curtail civil authorities regarding their places of operations.
liberties or provide opportunities for official Evidently, it is only real-time traffic data
abuse. They claim that data showing where collection or recording and a subsequent recourse
digital messages come from, what kind they are, to court-issued search and seizure warrant that
and where they are destined need not be can succeed in ferreting them out.
incriminating to their senders or recipients before
they are to be protected. Petitioners invoke the Petitioners of course point out that the provisions
right of every individual to privacy and to be of Section 12 are too broad and do not provide
protected from government snooping into the ample safeguards against crossing legal
messages or information that they send to one boundaries and invading the people's right to
another. privacy. The concern is understandable. Indeed,
the Court recognizes in Morfe v. Mutuc 88 that
The first question is whether or not Section 12 certain constitutional guarantees work together
has a proper governmental purpose since a law to create zones of privacy wherein governmental
may require the disclosure of matters normally powers may not intrude, and that there exists an
considered private but then only upon showing independent constitutional right of privacy. Such
that such requirement has a rational relation to right to be left alone has been regarded as the
the purpose of the law, 79 that there is a beginning of all freedoms. 89
compelling State interest behind the law, and
that the provision itself is narrowly drawn. 80 In But that right is not unqualified. In Whalen v. Roe,
assessing regulations affecting privacy rights, 90 the United States Supreme Court classified
courts should balance the legitimate concerns of privacy into two categories: decisional privacy
the State against constitutional guarantees. 81 and informational privacy. Decisional privacy
DEICHc involves the right to independence in making
certain important decisions, while informational
Undoubtedly, the State has a compelling interest privacy refers to the interest in avoiding
in enacting the cybercrime law for there is a need disclosure of personal matters. It is the latter
to put order to the tremendous activities in right the right to informational privacy that
cyberspace for public good. 82 To do this, it is those who oppose government collection or
within the realm of reason that the government recording of traffic data in real-time seek to
should be able to monitor traffic data to enhance protect. DECcAS
its ability to combat all sorts of cybercrimes.
Informational privacy has two aspects: the right
Chapter IV of the cybercrime law, of which the not to have private information disclosed, and the
collection or recording of traffic data is a part, right to live freely without surveillance and
aims to provide law enforcement authorities with intrusion. 91 In determining whether or not a
the power they need for spotting, preventing, and matter is entitled to the right to privacy, this
investigating crimes committed in cyberspace. Court has laid down a two-fold test. The first is a
Crime-fighting is a state business. Indeed, as subjective test, where one claiming the right
Chief Justice Sereno points out, the Budapest must have an actual or legitimate expectation of
Convention on Cybercrimes requires signatory privacy over a certain matter. The second is an
countries to adopt legislative measures to objective test, where his or her expectation of
empower state authorities to collect or record privacy must be one society is prepared to accept
"traffic data, in real time, associated with as objectively reasonable. 92
specified communications." 83 And this is
precisely what Section 12 does. It empowers law Since the validity of the cybercrime law is being
enforcement agencies in this country to collect or challenged, not in relation to its application to a
record such data. particular person or group, petitioners' challenge
to Section 12 applies to all information and
But is not evidence of yesterday's traffic data, like communications technology (ICT) users, meaning
the scene of the crime after it has been the large segment of the population who use all
committed, adequate for fighting cybercrimes sorts of electronic devices to communicate with
and, therefore, real-time data is superfluous for one another. Consequently, the expectation of
that purpose? Evidently, it is not. Those who privacy is to be measured from the general
commit the crimes of accessing a computer public's point of view. Without reasonable
system without right, 84 transmitting viruses, 85 expectation of privacy, the right to it would have
lasciviously exhibiting sexual organs or sexual no basis in fact.
activity for favor or consideration; 86 and
producing child pornography 87 could easily As the Solicitor General points out, an ordinary
evade detection and prosecution by simply ICT user who courses his communication through
moving the physical location of their computers a service provider, must of necessity disclose to
or laptops from day to day. In this digital age, the the latter, a third person, the traffic data needed
wicked can commit cybercrimes from virtually for connecting him to the recipient ICT user. For
anywhere: from internet cafs, from kindred example, an ICT user who writes a text message
places that provide free internet services, and intended for another ICT user must furnish his
from unregistered mobile internet connectors. service provider with his cellphone number and
Criminals using cellphones under pre-paid the cellphone number of his recipient,
69 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
accompanying the message sent. It is this and analyzed, they reveal patterns of activities
information that creates the traffic data. which can then be used to create profiles of the
Transmitting communications is akin to putting a persons under surveillance. With enough traffic
letter in an envelope properly addressed, sealing data, analysts may be able to determine a
it closed, and sending it through the postal person's close associations, religious views,
service. Those who post letters have no political affiliations, even sexual preferences.
expectations that no one will read the information Such information is likely beyond what the public
appearing outside the envelope. may expect to be disclosed, and clearly falls
within matters protected by the right to privacy.
Computer data messages of all kinds travel But has the procedure that Section 12 of the law
across the internet in packets and in a way that provides been drawn narrowly enough to protect
may be likened to parcels of letters or things that individual rights?
are sent through the posts. When data is sent
from any one source, the content is broken up Section 12 empowers law enforcement
into packets and around each of these packets is authorities, "with due cause," to collect or record
a wrapper or header. This header contains the by technical or electronic means traffic data in
traffic data: information that tells computers real-time. Petitioners point out that the phrase
where the packet originated, what kind of data is "due cause" has no precedent in law or
in the packet (SMS, voice call, video, internet chat jurisprudence and that whether there is due
messages, email, online browsing data, etc.), cause or not is left to the discretion of the police.
where the packet is going, and how the packet Replying to this, the Solicitor General asserts that
fits together with other packets. 93 The difference Congress is not required to define the meaning of
is that traffic data sent through the internet at every word it uses in drafting the law. ATcaEH
times across the ocean do not disclose the actual
names and addresses (residential or office) of the Indeed, courts are able to save vague provisions
sender and the recipient, only their coded of law through statutory construction. But the
internet protocol (IP) addresses. The packets cybercrime law, dealing with a novel situation,
travel from one computer system to another fails to hint at the meaning it intends for the
where their contents are pieced back together. phrase "due cause." The Solicitor General
Section 12 does not permit law enforcement suggests that "due cause" should mean "just
authorities to look into the contents of the reason or motive" and "adherence to a lawful
messages and uncover the identities of the procedure." But the Court cannot draw this
sender and the recipient. ACSaHc meaning since Section 12 does not even bother
to relate the collection of data to the probable
For example, when one calls to speak to another commission of a particular crime. It just says,
through his cellphone, the service provider's "with due cause," thus justifying a general
communication's system will put his voice gathering of data. It is akin to the use of a
message into packets and send them to the other general search warrant that the Constitution
person's cellphone where they are refitted prohibits.
together and heard. The latter's spoken reply is
sent to the caller in the same way. To be Due cause is also not descriptive of the purpose
connected by the service provider, the sender for which data collection will be used. Will the law
reveals his cellphone number to the service enforcement agencies use the traffic data to
provider when he puts his call through. He also identify the perpetrator of a cyber attack? Or will
reveals the cellphone number to the person he it be used to build up a case against an identified
calls. The other ways of communicating suspect? Can the data be used to prevent
electronically follow the same basic pattern. cybercrimes from happening?

In Smith v. Maryland, 94 cited by the Solicitor The authority that Section 12 gives law
General, the United States Supreme Court enforcement agencies is too sweeping and lacks
reasoned that telephone users in the '70s must restraint. While it says that traffic data collection
realize that they necessarily convey phone should not disclose identities or content data,
numbers to the telephone company in order to such restraint is but an illusion. Admittedly,
complete a call. That Court ruled that even if nothing can prevent law enforcement agencies
there is an expectation that phone numbers one holding these data in their hands from looking
dials should remain private, such expectation is into the identity of their sender or receiver and
not one that society is prepared to recognize as what the data contains. This will unnecessarily
reasonable. expose the citizenry to leaked information or,
worse, to extortion from certain bad elements in
In much the same way, ICT users must know that these agencies.
they cannot communicate or exchange data with
one another over cyberspace except through Section 12, of course, limits the collection of
some service providers to whom they must traffic data to those "associated with specified
submit certain traffic data that are needed for a communications." But this supposed limitation is
successful cyberspace communication. The no limitation at all since, evidently, it is the law
conveyance of this data takes them out of the enforcement agencies that would specify the
private sphere, making the expectation to privacy target communications. The power is virtually
in regard to them an expectation that society is limitless, enabling law enforcement authorities to
not prepared to recognize as reasonable. engage in "fishing expedition," choosing
whatever specified communication they want.
The Court, however, agrees with Justices Carpio This evidently threatens the right of individuals to
and Brion that when seemingly random bits of privacy.
traffic data are gathered in bulk, pooled together,
70 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
The Solicitor General points out that Section 12 The service provider ordered to preserve
needs to authorize collection of traffic data "in computer data shall keep confidential the order
real time" because it is not possible to get a court and its compliance. DcCEHI
warrant that would authorize the search of what
is akin to a "moving vehicle." But warrantless Petitioners in G.R. 203391 97 claim that Section
search is associated with a police officer's 13 constitutes an undue deprivation of the right
determination of probable cause that a crime has to property. They liken the data preservation
been committed, that there is no opportunity for order that law enforcement authorities are to
getting a warrant, and that unless the search is issue as a form of garnishment of personal
immediately carried out, the thing to be searched property in civil forfeiture proceedings. Such
stands to be removed. These preconditions are order prevents Internet users from accessing and
not provided in Section 12. cDTIAC disposing of traffic data that essentially belong to
The Solicitor General is honest enough to admit
that Section 12 provides minimal protection to No doubt, the contents of materials sent or
internet users and that the procedure envisioned received through the internet belong to their
by the law could be better served by providing for authors or recipients and are to be considered
more robust safeguards. His bare assurance that private communications. But it is not clear that a
law enforcement authorities will not abuse the service provider has an obligation to indefinitely
provisions of Section 12 is of course not enough. keep a copy of the same as they pass its system
The grant of the power to track cyberspace for the benefit of users. By virtue of Section 13,
communications in real time and determine their however, the law now requires service providers
sources and destinations must be narrowly drawn to keep traffic data and subscriber information
to preclude abuses. 95 relating to communication services for at least six
months from the date of the transaction and
Petitioners also ask that the Court strike down those relating to content data for at least six
Section 12 for being violative of the void-for- months from receipt of the order for their
vagueness doctrine and the overbreadth preservation.
doctrine. These doctrines however, have been
consistently held by this Court to apply only to Actually, the user ought to have kept a copy of
free speech cases. But Section 12 on its own that data when it crossed his computer if he was
neither regulates nor punishes any type of so minded. The service provider has never
speech. Therefore, such analysis is unnecessary. assumed responsibility for their loss or deletion
while in its keep.
This Court is mindful that advances in technology
allow the government and kindred institutions to At any rate, as the Solicitor General correctly
monitor individuals and place them under points out, the data that service providers
surveillance in ways that have previously been preserve on orders of law enforcement authorities
impractical or even impossible. "All the forces of are not made inaccessible to users by reason of
a technological age . . . operate to narrow the the issuance of such orders. The process of
area of privacy and facilitate intrusions into it. In preserving data will not unduly hamper the
modern terms, the capacity to maintain and normal transmission or use of the same.
support this enclave of private life marks the
difference between a democratic and a Section 14 of the Cybercrime Law
totalitarian society." 96 The Court must ensure Section 14 provides:
that laws seeking to take advantage of these
technologies be written with specificity and Sec. 14.Disclosure of Computer Data. Law
definiteness as to ensure respect for the rights enforcement authorities, upon securing a court
that the Constitution guarantees. warrant, shall issue an order requiring any person
or service provider to disclose or submit
Section 13 of the Cybercrime Law subscriber's information, traffic data or relevant
Section 13 provides: data in his/its possession or control within
seventy-two (72) hours from receipt of the order
Sec. 13.Preservation of Computer Data. The in relation to a valid complaint officially docketed
integrity of traffic data and subscriber information and assigned for investigation and the disclosure
relating to communication services provided by a is necessary and relevant for the purpose of
service provider shall be preserved for a investigation. ISaCTE
minimum period of six (6) months from the date
of the transaction. Content data shall be similarly The process envisioned in Section 14 is being
preserved for six (6) months from the date of likened to the issuance of a subpoena.
receipt of the order from law enforcement Petitioners' objection is that the issuance of
authorities requiring its preservation. subpoenas is a judicial function. But it is well-
settled that the power to issue subpoenas is not
Law enforcement authorities may order a one- exclusively a judicial function. Executive agencies
time extension for another six (6) months: have the power to issue subpoena as an adjunct
Provided, That once computer data preserved, of their investigatory powers. 98
transmitted or stored by a service provider is
used as evidence in a case, the mere furnishing Besides, what Section 14 envisions is merely the
to such service provider of the transmittal enforcement of a duly issued court warrant, a
document to the Office of the Prosecutor shall be function usually lodged in the hands of law
deemed a notification to preserve the computer enforcers to enable them to carry out their
data until the termination of the case. executive functions. The prescribed procedure for
disclosure would not constitute an unlawful
71 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
search or seizure nor would it violate the privacy this as necessary to clear up the service
of communications and correspondence. provider's storage systems and prevent overload.
Disclosure can be made only after judicial It would also ensure that investigations are
intervention. quickly concluded.

Section 15 of the Cybercrime Law Petitioners claim that such destruction of

Section 15 provides: computer data subject of previous preservation or
examination violates the user's right against
Sec. 15.Search, Seizure and Examination of deprivation of property without due process of
Computer Data. Where a search and seizure law. But, as already stated, it is unclear that the
warrant is properly issued, the law enforcement user has a demandable right to require the
authorities shall likewise have the following service provider to have that copy of the data
powers and duties. saved indefinitely for him in its storage system. If
he wanted them preserved, he should have saved
Within the time period specified in the warrant, to them in his computer when he generated the
conduct interception, as defined in this Act, and: data or received it. He could also request the
CHcESa service provider for a copy before it is deleted.

(a)To secure a computer system or a computer Section 19 of the Cybercrime Law

data storage medium; Section 19 empowers the Department of Justice
(b)To make and retain a copy of those computer to restrict or block access to computer data:
data secured; aITECA
(c)To maintain the integrity of the relevant stored
computer data; Sec. 19.Restricting or Blocking Access to
(d)To conduct forensic analysis or examination of Computer Data. When a computer data is
the computer data storage medium; and prima facie found to be in violation of the
(e)To render inaccessible or remove those provisions of this Act, the DOJ shall issue an order
computer data in the accessed computer or to restrict or block access to such computer data.
computer and communications network.
Pursuant thereof, the law enforcement authorities Petitioners contest Section 19 in that it stifles
may order any person who has knowledge about freedom of expression and violates the right
the functioning of the computer system and the against unreasonable searches and seizures. The
measures to protect and preserve the computer Solicitor General concedes that this provision
data therein to provide, as is reasonable, the may be unconstitutional. But since laws enjoy a
necessary information, to enable the undertaking presumption of constitutionality, the Court must
of the search, seizure and examination. satisfy itself that Section 19 indeed violates the
freedom and right mentioned.
Law enforcement authorities may request for an
extension of time to complete the examination of Computer data 99 may refer to entire programs
the computer data storage medium and to make or lines of code, including malware, as well as
a return thereon but in no case for a period files that contain texts, images, audio, or video
longer than thirty (30) days from date of approval recordings. Without having to go into a lengthy
by the court. discussion of property rights in the digital space,
it is indisputable that computer data, produced or
Petitioners challenge Section 15 on the created by their writers or authors may constitute
assumption that it will supplant established personal property. Consequently, they are
search and seizure procedures. On its face, protected from unreasonable searches and
however, Section 15 merely enumerates the seizures, whether while stored in their personal
duties of law enforcement authorities that would computers or in the service provider's systems.
ensure the proper collection, preservation, and aEcADH
use of computer system or data that have been
seized by virtue of a court warrant. The exercise Section 2, Article III of the 1987 Constitution
of these duties do not pose any threat on the provides that the right to be secure in one's
rights of the person from whom they were taken. papers and effects against unreasonable
Section 15 does not appear to supersede existing searches and seizures of whatever nature and for
search and seizure rules but merely supplements any purpose shall be inviolable. Further, it states
them. IcHTAa that no search warrant shall issue except upon
probable cause to be determined personally by
Section 17 of the Cybercrime Law the judge. Here, the Government, in effect, seizes
Section 17 provides: and places the computer data under its control
and disposition without a warrant. The
Sec. 17.Destruction of Computer Data. Upon Department of Justice order cannot substitute for
expiration of the periods as provided in Sections judicial search warrant.
13 and 15, service providers and law
enforcement authorities, as the case may be, The content of the computer data can also
shall immediately and completely destroy the constitute speech. In such a case, Section 19
computer data subject of a preservation and operates as a restriction on the freedom of
examination. expression over cyberspace. Certainly not all
forms of speech are protected. Legislature may,
Section 17 would have the computer data, within constitutional bounds, declare certain
previous subject of preservation or examination, kinds of expression as illegal. But for an executive
destroyed or deleted upon the lapse of the officer to seize content alleged to be unprotected
prescribed period. The Solicitor General justifies without any judicial warrant, it is not enough for
72 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
him to be of the opinion that such content Thus, Section 20 is valid insofar as it applies to
violates some law, for to do so would make him the provisions of Chapter IV which are not struck
judge, jury, and executioner all rolled into one. down by the Court.
Sections 24 and 26 (a) of the Cybercrime Law
Not only does Section 19 preclude any judicial Sections 24 and 26 (a) provide:
intervention, but it also disregards jurisprudential
guidelines established to determine the validity of Sec. 24.Cybercrime Investigation and
restrictions on speech. Restraints on free speech Coordinating Center. There is hereby created,
are generally evaluated on one of or a within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of this
combination of three tests: the dangerous Act, an inter-agency body to be known as the
tendency doctrine, the balancing of interest test, Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center
and the clear and present danger rule. 101 (CICC), under the administrative supervision of
Section 19, however, merely requires that the the Office of the President, for policy coordination
data to be blocked be found prima facie in among concerned agencies and for the
violation of any provision of the cybercrime law. formulation and enforcement of the national
Taking Section 6 into consideration, this can cybersecurity plan. cEHSTC
actually be made to apply in relation to any penal
provision. It does not take into consideration any Sec. 26.Powers and Functions. The CICC shall
of the three tests mentioned above. EHSIcT have the following powers and functions:

The Court is therefore compelled to strike down (a)To formulate a national cybersecurity plan and
Section 19 for being violative of the constitutional extend immediate assistance of real time
guarantees to freedom of expression and against commission of cybercrime offenses through a
unreasonable searches and seizures. computer emergency response team (CERT); . . . .
Petitioners mainly contend that Congress invalidly
Section 20 of the Cybercrime Law delegated its power when it gave the Cybercrime
Section 20 provides: Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) the
power to formulate a national cybersecurity plan
Sec. 20.Noncompliance. Failure to comply with without any sufficient standards or parameters
the provisions of Chapter IV hereof specifically for it to follow.
the orders from law enforcement authorities shall
be punished as a violation of Presidential Decree In order to determine whether there is undue
No. 1829 with imprisonment of prision delegation of legislative power, the Court has
correccional in its maximum period or a fine of adopted two tests: the completeness test and the
One hundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) or sufficient standard test. Under the first test, the
both, for each and every noncompliance with an law must be complete in all its terms and
order issued by law enforcement authorities. conditions when it leaves the legislature such
that when it reaches the delegate, the only thing
Petitioners challenge Section 20, alleging that it is he will have to do is to enforce it. The second test
a bill of attainder. The argument is that the mere mandates adequate guidelines or limitations in
failure to comply constitutes a legislative finding the law to determine the boundaries of the
of guilt, without regard to situations where non- delegate's authority and prevent the delegation
compliance would be reasonable or valid. from running riot. 103

But since the non-compliance would be punished Here, the cybercrime law is complete in itself
as a violation of Presidential Decree (P.D.) 1829, when it directed the CICC to formulate and
102 Section 20 necessarily incorporates elements implement a national cybersecurity plan. Also,
of the offense which are defined therein. If contrary to the position of the petitioners, the law
Congress had intended for Section 20 to gave sufficient standards for the CICC to follow
constitute an offense in and of itself, it would not when it provided a definition of cybersecurity.
have had to make reference to any other statue CEaDAc
or provision.
Cybersecurity refers to the collection of tools,
P.D. 1829 states: policies, risk management approaches, actions,
training, best practices, assurance and
Section 1.The penalty of prision correccional in its technologies that can be used to protect cyber
maximum period, or a fine ranging from 1,000 to environment and organization and user's assets.
6,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon any 104 This definition serves as the parameters
person who knowingly or willfully obstructs, within which CICC should work in formulating the
impedes, frustrates or delays the apprehension of cybersecurity plan.
suspects and the investigation and prosecution of
criminal cases by committing any of the following Further, the formulation of the cybersecurity plan
acts: is consistent with the policy of the law to "prevent
and combat such [cyber] offenses by facilitating
xxx xxx xxx their detection, investigation, and prosecution at
both the domestic and international levels, and
Thus, the act of non-compliance, for it to be by providing arrangements for fast and reliable
punishable, must still be done "knowingly or international cooperation." 105 This policy is
willfully." There must still be a judicial clearly adopted in the interest of law and order,
determination of guilt, during which, as the which has been considered as sufficient standard.
Solicitor General assumes, defense and 106 Hence, Sections 24 and 26 (a) are likewise
justifications for non-compliance may be raised. valid.
73 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
p.Articles 353, 354, 361, and 362 of the Revised
WHEREFORE, the Court DECLARES: Penal Code that penalizes libel.

1.VOID for being UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Further, the Court DECLARES: aDHCEA

a.Section 4 (c) (3) of REPUBLIC ACT 10175 that 1.Section 4 (c) (4) that penalizes online libel as
penalizes posting of unsolicited commercial VALID and CONSTITUTIONAL with respect to the
communications; original author of the post; but VOID and
UNCONSTITUTIONAL with respect to others who
b.Section 12 that authorizes the collection or simply receive the post and react to it; and
recording of traffic data in real-time; and
2.Section 5 that penalizes aiding or abetting and
c.Section 19 of the same Act that authorizes the attempt in the commission of cybercrimes as
Department of Justice to restrict or block access VALID and CONSTITUTIONAL only in relation to
to suspected Computer Data. Section 4 (a) (1) on Illegal Access, Section 4 (a)
(2) on Illegal Interception, Section 4 (a) (3) on
2.VALID and CONSTITUTIONAL: Data Interference, Section 4 (a) (4) on System
Interference, Section 4 (a) (5) on Misuse of
a.Section 4 (a) (1) that penalizes accessing a Devices, Section 4 (a) (6) on Cyber-squatting,
computer system without right; Section 4 (b) (1) on Computer-related Forgery,
Section 4 (b) (2) on Computer-related Fraud,
b.Section 4 (a) (3) that penalizes data Section 4 (b) (3) on Computer-related Identity
interference, including transmission of viruses; Theft, and Section 4 (c) (1) on Cybersex; but VOID
and UNCONSTITUTIONAL with respect to Sections
c.Section 4 (a) (6) that penalizes cyber-squatting 4 (c) (2) on Child Pornography, 4 (c) (3) on
or acquiring domain name over the internet in Unsolicited Commercial Communications, and 4
bad faith to the prejudice of others; (c) (4) on online Libel.

d.Section 4 (b) (3) that penalizes identity theft or Lastly, the Court RESOLVES to LEAVE THE
the use or misuse of identifying information DETERMINATION of the correct application of
belonging to another; Section 7 that authorizes prosecution of the
offender under both the Revised Penal Code and
e.Section 4 (c) (1) that penalizes cybersex or the REPUBLIC ACT 10175 to actual cases, WITH THE
lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual EXCEPTION of the crimes of:
activity for favor or consideration;
1.Online libel as to which, charging the offender
f.Section 4 (c) (2) that penalizes the production of under both Section 4 (c) (4) of REPUBLIC ACT
child pornography; 10175 and Article 353 of the Revised Penal Code
constitutes a violation of the proscription against
g.Section 6 that imposes penalties one degree double jeopardy; as well as
higher when crimes defined under the Revised
Penal Code are committed with the use of 2.Child pornography committed online as to
information and communications technologies; which, charging the offender under both Section
4 (c) (2) of REPUBLIC ACT 10175 and Republic Act
h.Section 8 that prescribes the penalties for 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009
cybercrimes; also constitutes a violation of the same
proscription, and, in respect to these, is VOID and
i.Section 13 that permits law enforcement UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
authorities to require service providers to
preserve traffic data and subscriber information SO ORDERED. SAcCIH
as well as specified content data for six months; Leonardo-de Castro, Peralta, Bersamin, Del
Castillo, Villarama, Jr., Perez and Reyes, JJ.,
j.Section 14 that authorizes the disclosure of concur.
computer data under a court-issued warrant; Sereno, C.J. and Carpio, J., see concurring &
dissenting opinion.
k.Section 15 that authorizes the search, seizure, Velasco, Jr., J., took no part due to prior case.
and examination of computer data under a court- Brion, J., see separate concurring opinion.
issued warrant; Mendoza, J., I join Justice Brion in all his positions.
Perlas-Bernabe, J., took no part.
l.Section 17 that authorizes the destruction of Leonen, J., see separate dissenting and
previously preserved computer data after the concurring opinion.
expiration of the prescribed holding periods;
aATCDI (GMA Network, Inc. v. COMELEC, G.R. No.
205357, 205374, 205592, 205852 & 206360,
m.Section 20 that penalizes obstruction of justice September 02, 2014)
in relation to cybercrime investigations;
n.Section 24 that establishes a Cybercrime [G.R. No. 205357. September 2, 2014.]
Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC); GMA NETWORK, INC., petitioner, vs.
o.Section 26 (a) that defines the CICC's Powers SENATOR ALAN PETER "COMPAERO" S.
and Functions; and CAYETANO, petitioner-intervenor.

74 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
[G.R. No. 205374. September 2, 2014.] that such restrictive regulation on allowable
ABC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, petitioner, vs. broadcast time violates freedom of the press,
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent. impairs the people's right to suffrage as well as
their right to information relative to the exercise
[G.R. No. 205592. September 2, 2014.] of their right to choose who to elect during the
MANILA BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. and forthcoming elections.
petitioner, vs. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, The heart of the controversy revolves upon the
respondent. proper interpretation of the limitation on the
number of minutes that candidates may use for
[G.R. No. 205852. September 2, 2014.] television and radio advertisements, as provided
KAPISANAN NG MGA BRODKASTER NG PILIPINAS in Section 6 of Republic Act No. 9006 (R.A. No.
(KBP) and ABS-CBN CORPORATION, petitioners, 9006), otherwise known as the Fair Election Act.
vs. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent. Pertinent portions of said provision state, thus:
[G.R. No. 206360. September 2, 2014.]
RADIO MINDANAO NETWORK, INC., petitioner, vs. Sec. 6. Equal Access to Media Time and Space.
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent. All registered parties and bona fide candidates
shall have equal access to media time and space.
DECISION The following guidelines may be amplified on by
"The clash of rights demands a delicate balancing
of interests approach which is a 'fundamental xxx xxx xxx
postulate of constitutional law.'" 1
6.2 (a) Each bona fide candidate or registered
Once again the Court is asked to draw a carefully political party for a nationally elective office shall
drawn balance in the incessant conflicts between be entitled to not more than one hundred twenty
rights and regulations, liberties and limitations, (120) minutes of television advertisement and
and competing demands of the different one hundred eighty (180) minutes of radio
segments of society. Here, we are confronted with advertisement whether by purchase or donation.
the need to strike a workable and viable
equilibrium between a constitutional mandate to b. Each bona fide candidate or registered political
maintain free, orderly, honest, peaceful and party for a locally elective office shall be entitled
credible elections, together with the aim of to not more than sixty (60) minutes of television
ensuring equal opportunity, time and space, and advertisement and ninety (90) minutes of radio
the right to reply, including reasonable, equal advertisement whether by purchase or donation.
rates therefor, for public information campaigns
and forums among candidates, 2 on one hand, For this purpose, the COMELEC shall require any
and the imperatives of a republican and broadcast station or entity to submit to the
democratic state, 3 together with its guaranteed COMELEC a copy of its broadcast logs and
rights of suffrage, 4 freedom of speech and of the certificates of performance for the review and
press, 5 and the people's right to information, 6 verification of the frequency, date, time and
on the other. duration of advertisements broadcast for any
candidate or political party.
In a nutshell, the present petitions may be seen
as in search of the answer to the question how During the previous elections of May 14, 2007
does the Charter of a republican and democratic and May 10, 2010, COMELEC issued Resolutions
State achieve a viable and acceptable balance implementing and interpreting Section 6 of R.A.
between liberty, without which, government No. 9006, regarding airtime limitations, to mean
becomes an unbearable tyrant, and authority, that a candidate is entitled to the aforestated
without which, society becomes an intolerable number of minutes "per station." 7 For the May
and dangerous arrangement? 2013 elections, however, respondent COMELEC
promulgated Resolution No. 9615 dated January
Assailed in these petitions are certain regulations 15, 2013, changing the interpretation of said
promulgated by the Commission on Elections candidates' and political parties' airtime limitation
(COMELEC) relative to the conduct of the 2013 for political campaigns or advertisements from a
national and local elections dealing with political "per station" basis, to a "total aggregate" basis.
advertisements. Specifically, the petitions
question the constitutionality of the limitations Petitioners ABS-CBN Corporation (ABS-CBN), ABC
placed on aggregate airtime allowed to Development Corporation (ABC), GMA Network,
candidates and political parties, as well as the Incorporated (GMA), Manila Broadcasting
requirements incident thereto, such as the need Company, Inc. (MBC), Newsounds Broadcasting
to report the same, and the sanctions imposed for Network, Inc. (NBN), and Radio Mindanao
violations. Network, Inc. (RMN) are owners/operators of radio
and television networks in the Philippines, while
The five (5) petitions before the Court put in issue petitioner Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng
the alleged unconstitutionality of Section 9 (a) of Pilipinas (KBP) is the national organization of
COMELEC Resolution No. 9615 (Resolution) broadcasting companies in the Philippines
limiting the broadcast and radio advertisements representing operators of radio and television
of candidates and political parties for national stations and said stations themselves. They sent
election positions to an aggregate total of one their respective letters to the COMELEC
hundred twenty (120) minutes and one hundred questioning the provisions of the aforementioned
eighty (180) minutes, respectively. They contend Resolution, thus, the COMELEC held public
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hearings. Thereafter, on February 1, 2013, party's aggregate airtime, otherwise, it may incur
respondent issued Resolution No. 9631 amending administrative and criminal liability. HCaDET
provisions of Resolution No. 9615. Nevertheless,
petitioners still found the provisions objectionable Further, petitioners claim that Section 7 (d) is null
and oppressive, hence, the present petitions. and void for unlawfully criminalizing acts not
prohibited and penalized as criminal offenses by
All of the petitioners assail the following R.A. No. 9006.
provisions of the Resolution:
Section 14 of Resolution No. 9615, providing for a
a) Section 7 (d), 8 which provides for a penalty of candidate's or political party's "right to reply," is
suspension or revocation of an offender's likewise assailed to be unconstitutional for being
franchise or permit, imposes criminal liability an improper exercise of the COMELEC's
against broadcasting entities and their officers in regulatory powers; for constituting prior restraint
the event they sell airtime in excess of the size, and infringing petitioners' freedom of expression,
duration, or frequency authorized in the new speech and the press; and for being violative of
rules; the equal protection guarantee.

b) Section 9 (a), 9 which provides for an In addition to the foregoing, petitioner GMA
"aggregate total" airtime instead of the previous further argues that the Resolution was
"per station" airtime for political campaigns or promulgated without public consultations, in
advertisements, and also required prior COMELEC violation of petitioners' right to due process.
approval for candidates' television and radio Petitioner ABC also avers that the Resolution's
guestings and appearances; and definition of the terms "political advertisement"
and "election propaganda" suffers from
c) Section 14, 10 which provides for a candidate's overbreadth, thereby producing a "chilling effect,"
"right to reply." constituting prior restraint.

In addition, petitioner ABC also questions Section On the other hand, respondent posits in its
1 (4) 11 thereof, which defines the term "political Comment and Opposition 13 dated March 8,
advertisement" or "election propaganda," while 2013, that the petition should be denied based on
petitioner GMA further assails Section 35, 12 the following reasons:
which states that any violation of said Rules shall
constitute an election offense. Respondent contends that the remedies of
certiorari and prohibition are not available to
On March 15, 2013, Senator Alan Peter S. petitioners, because the writ of certiorari is only
Cayetano (Petitioner-Intervenor) filed a Motion for available against the COMELEC's adjudicatory or
Leave to Intervene and to File and Admit the quasi-judicial powers, while the writ of prohibition
Petition-in-Intervention, which was granted by the only lies against the exercise of judicial, quasi-
Court per its Resolution dated March 19, 2013. judicial or ministerial functions. Said writs do not
Petitioner-Intervenor also assails Section 9 (a) of lie against the COMELEC's administrative or rule-
the Resolution changing the interpretation of making powers.
candidates' and political parties' airtime limitation
for political campaigns or advertisements from a Respondent likewise alleges that petitioners do
"per station" basis, to a "total aggregate" basis. not have locus standi, as the constitutional rights
and freedoms they enumerate are not personal to
Petitioners allege that Resolutions No. 9615 and them, rather, they belong to candidates, political
9631, amending the earlier Resolution, are parties and the Filipino electorate in general, as
unconstitutional and issued without jurisdiction or the limitations are imposed on candidates, not on
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack media outlets. It argues that petitioners' alleged
or excess of jurisdiction, for the reasons set forth risk of exposure to criminal liability is insufficient
hereunder. to give them legal standing as said "fear of
injury" is highly speculative and contingent on a
Petitioners posit that Section 9 (a) of the assailed future act.
Resolution provides for a very restrictive
aggregate airtime limit and a vague meaning for Respondent then parries petitioners' attack on
a proper computation of "aggregate total" the alleged infirmities of the Resolution's
airtime, and violates the equal protection provisions.
guarantee, thereby defeating the intent and
purpose of R.A. No. 9006. Respondent maintains that the per candidate rule
or total aggregate airtime limit is in accordance
Petitioners contend that Section 9 (a), which with R.A. No. 9006 as this would truly give life to
imposes a notice requirement, is vague and the constitutional objective to equalize access to
infringes on the constitutionally protected media during elections. It sees this as a more
freedom of speech, of the press and of effective way of levelling the playing field
expression, and on the right of people to be between candidates/political parties with
informed on matters of public concern. enormous resources and those without much.
Moreover, the COMELEC's issuance of the
assailed Resolution is pursuant to Section 4,
Also, Section 9 (a) is a cruel and oppressive Article IX (C) of the Constitution which vests on
regulation as it imposes an unreasonable and the COMELEC the power to supervise and
almost impossible burden on broadcast mass regulate, during election periods, transportation
media of monitoring a candidate's or political and other public utilities, as well as mass media,
to wit:
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Next, respondent counters that there is no merit
Sec. 4. The Commission may, during the election to ABC's claim that the Resolutions' definition of
period, supervise or regulate the enjoyment or "political advertisement" or "election
utilization of all franchises or permits for the propaganda" suffers from overbreadth, as the
operation of transportation and other public extent or scope of what falls under said terms is
utilities, media of communication or information, clearly stated in Section 1 (4) of Resolution No.
all grants, special privileges, or concessions 9615.
granted by the Government or any subdivision,
agency, or instrumentality thereof, including any It is also respondent's view that the nationwide
government-owned or controlled corporation or aggregate total airtime does not violate the equal
its subsidiary. Such supervision or regulation shall protection clause, because it does not make any
aim to ensure equal opportunity, and equal rates substantial distinctions between national and
therefor, for public information campaigns and regional and/or local broadcast stations, and even
forums among candidates in connection with the without the aggregate total airtime rule,
objective of holding free, orderly, honest, candidates and parties are likely to be more
peaceful, and credible elections. inclined to advertise in national broadcast
This being the case, then the Resolutions cannot
be said to have been issued with grave abuse of Respondent likewise sees no merit in petitioners'
discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction. claim that the Resolutions amount to taking of
Next, respondent claims that the provisions are private property without just compensation.
not vague because the assailed Resolutions have Respondent emphasizes that radio and television
given clear and adequate mechanisms to protect broadcasting companies do not own the airwaves
broadcast stations from potential liability arising and frequencies through which they transmit
from a candidate's or party's violation of airtime broadcast signals; they are merely given the
limits by putting in the proviso that the station temporary privilege to use the same. Since they
"may require buyer to warrant under oath that are merely enjoying a privilege, the same may be
such purchase [of airtime] is not in excess of size, reasonably burdened with some form of public
duration or frequency authorized by law or these service, in this case, to provide candidates with
rules." Furthermore, words should be understood the opportunity to reply to charges aired against
in the sense that they have in common usage, them.
and should be given their ordinary meaning.
Thus, in the provision for the right to reply, Lastly, respondent contends that the public
"charges" against candidates or parties must be consultation requirement does not apply to
understood in the ordinary sense, referring to constitutional commissions such as the COMELEC,
accusations or criticisms. pursuant to Section 1, Chapter I, Book VII of the
Administrative Code of 1987. Indeed, Section 9,
Respondent also sees no prior restraint in the Chapter II, Book VII of said Code provides, thus:
provisions requiring notice to the COMELEC for
appearances or guestings of candidates in bona Section 9. Public Participation. (1) If not
fide news broadcasts. It points out that the fact otherwise required by law, an agency shall, as far
that notice may be given 24 hours after first as practicable, publish or circulate notices of
broadcast only proves that the mechanism is for proposed rules and afford interested parties the
monitoring purposes only, not for censorship. opportunity to submit their views prior to the
Further, respondent argues, that for there to be adoption of any rule.
prior restraint, official governmental restrictions
on the press or other forms of expression must be However, Section 1, Chapter 1, Book VII of said
done in advance of actual publication or Code clearly provides:
dissemination. Moreover, petitioners are only
required to inform the COMELEC of Section 1. Scope. This Book shall be applicable
candidates'/parties' guestings, but there is no to all agencies as defined in the next succeeding
regulation as to the content of the news or the section, except the Congress, the Judiciary, the
expressions in news interviews or news Constitutional Commissions, military
documentaries. Respondent then emphasized establishments in all matters relating exclusively
that the Supreme Court has held that freedom of to Armed Forces personnel, the Board of Pardons
speech and the press may be limited in light of and Parole, and state universities and colleges.
the duty of the COMELEC to ensure equal access
to opportunities for public service. Nevertheless, even if public participation is not
required, respondent still conducted a meeting
With regard to the right to reply provision, with representatives of the KBP and various
respondent also does not consider it as restrictive media outfits on December 26, 2012, almost a
of the airing of bona fide news broadcasts. More month before the issuance of Resolution No.
importantly, it stressed, the right to reply is 9615.
enshrined in the Constitution, and the assailed
Resolutions provide that said right can only be On April 2, 2013, petitioner GMA filed its Reply,
had after going through administrative due 14 where it advanced the following counter-
process. The provision was also merely lifted from arguments:
Section 10 of R.A. No. 9006, hence, petitioner
ABC is actually attacking the constitutionality of According to GMA, a petition for certiorari is the
R.A. No. 9006, which cannot be done through a proper remedy to question the herein assailed
collateral attack. HSaIET Resolutions, which should be considered as a
"decision, order or ruling of the Commission" as

77 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
mentioned in Section 1, Rule 37 of the COMELEC Committee on the bills that led to the enactment
Rules of Procedure which provides: of the Fair Election Act, and alleges that this
shows the legislative intent that airtime allocation
Section 1. Petition for Certiorari; and Time to File. should be on a "per station" basis. Thus, GMA
Unless otherwise provided by law, or by any claims it was arbitrary and a grave abuse of
specific provisions in these Rules, any decision, discretion for the COMELEC to issue the present
order or ruling of the Commission may be brought Resolutions imposing airtime limitations on an
to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the "aggregate total" basis.
aggrieved party within thirty (30) days from its
promulgation. It is likewise insisted by GMA that the assailed
Resolutions impose an unconstitutional burden on
GMA further stressed that this case involves them, because their failure to strictly monitor the
national interest, and the urgency of the matter duration of total airtime that each candidate has
justifies its resort to the remedy of a petition for purchased even from other stations would expose
certiorari. their officials to criminal liability and risk losing
the station's good reputation and goodwill, as
Therefore, GMA disagrees with the COMELEC's well as its franchise. It argues that the wordings
position that the proper remedy is a petition for of the Resolutions belie the COMELEC's claim that
declaratory relief because such action only asks petitioners would only incur liability if they
the court to make a proper interpretation of the "knowingly" sell airtime beyond the limits
rights of parties under a statute or regulation. imposed by the Resolutions, because the element
Such a petition does not nullify the assailed of knowledge is clearly absent from the provisions
statute or regulation, or grant injunctive relief, thereof. This makes the provisions have the
which petitioners are praying for in their petition. nature of malum prohibitum.
Thus, GMA maintains that a petition for certiorari
is the proper remedy. Next, GMA also says that the application of the
aggregate airtime limit constitutes prior restraint
GMA further denies that it is making a collateral and is unconstitutional, opining that "[t]he
attack on the Fair Election Act, as it is not reviewing power of respondent COMELEC and its
attacking said law. GMA points out that it has sole judgment of a news event as a political
stated in its petition that the law in fact allows advertisement are so pervasive under the
the sale or donation of airtime for political assailed Resolutions, and provoke the distastes or
advertisements and does not impose criminal chilling effect of prior restraint" 16 as even a
liability against radio and television stations. legitimate exercise of a constitutional right might
What it is assailing is the COMELEC's erroneous expose it to legal sanction. Thus, the
interpretation of the law's provisions by declaring governmental interest of leveling the playing field
such sale and/or donation of airtime unlawful, between rich and poor candidates cannot justify
which is contrary to the purpose of the Fair the restriction on the freedoms of expression,
Election Act. speech and of the press.

GMA then claims that it has legal standing to On the issue of lack of prior public participation,
bring the present suit because: GMA cites Section 82 of the Omnibus Election
Code, pertinent portions of which provide, thus:
. . . First, it has personally suffered a threatened
injury in the form of risk of criminal liability Section 82. Lawful election propaganda. Lawful
because of the alleged unconstitutional and election propaganda shall include:
unlawful conduct of respondent COMELEC in
expanding what was provided for in R.A. No. xxx xxx xxx
9006. Second, the injury is traceable to the
challenged action of respondent COMELEC, that All other forms of election propaganda not
is, the issuance of the assailed Resolutions. Third, prohibited by this Code as the Commission may
the injury is likely to be redressed by the remedy authorize after due notice to all interested parties
sought in petitioner GMA's Petition, among and hearing where all the interested parties were
others, for the Honorable Court to nullify the given an equal opportunity to be heard: Provided,
challenged pertinent provisions of the assailed That the Commission's authorization shall be
Resolutions. 15 EaSCAH published in two newspapers of general
circulation throughout the nation for at least
On substantive issues, GMA first argues that the twice within one week after the authorization has
questioned Resolutions are contrary to the been granted.
objective and purpose of the Fair Election Act. It
points out that the Fair Election Act even repealed There having been no prior public consultation
the political ad ban found in the earlier law, R.A. held, GMA contends that the COMELEC is guilty of
No. 6646. The Fair Election Act also speaks of depriving petitioners of its right to due process of
"equal opportunity" and "equal access," but said law.
law never mentioned equalizing the economic
station of the rich and the poor, as a declared GMA then concludes that it is also entitled to a
policy. Furthermore, in its opinion, the supposed temporary restraining order, because the
correlation between candidates' expenditures for implementation of the Resolutions in question will
TV ads and actually winning the elections, is a cause grave and irreparable damage to it by
mere illusion, as there are other various factors disrupting and emasculating its mandate to
responsible for a candidate's winning the provide television and radio services to the
election. GMA then cites portions of the public, and by exposing it to the risk of incurring
deliberations of the Bicameral Conference criminal and administrative liability by requiring it
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to perform the impossible task of surveillance and may be caused to the petitioners if respondent
monitoring, or the broadcasts of other radio and COMELEC is not enjoined from implementing
television stations. Resolution No. 9615.

Thereafter, on April 4, 2013, the COMELEC, On April 19, 2013 respondent filed an Urgent
through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), Motion to Lift Temporary Restraining Order and
filed a Supplemental Comment and Opposition 17 Motion for Early Resolution of the Consolidated
where it further expounded on the legislative Petitions. 21
intent behind the Fair Election Act, also quoting
portions of the deliberations of the Bicameral On May 8, 2013, petitioners ABS-CBN and the KBP
Conference Committee, allegedly adopting the filed its Opposition/Comment 22 to the said
Senate Bill version setting the computation of Motion. Not long after, ABC followed suit and filed
airtime limits on a per candidate, not per station, its own Opposition to the Motion 23 filed by the
basis. Thus, as enacted into law, the wordings of respondent.
Section 6 of the Fair Election Act shows that the
airtime limit is imposed on a per candidate basis, In the interim, respondent filed a Second
rather than on a per station basis. Furthermore, Supplemental Comment and Opposition 24 dated
the COMELEC states that petitioner-intervenor April 8, 2013.
Senator Cayetano is wrong in arguing that there
should be empirical data to support the need to In the Second Supplemental Comment and
change the computation of airtime limits from a Opposition, respondent delved on points which
per station basis to a per candidate basis, were not previously discussed in its earlier
because nothing in law obligates the COMELEC to Comment and Supplemental Comment,
support its Resolutions with empirical data, as particularly those raised in the petition filed by
said airtime limit was a policy decision dictated petitioner ABS-CBN and KBP.
by the legislature itself, which had the necessary
empirical and other data upon which to base said Respondent maintains that certiorari in not the
policy decision. proper remedy to question the Constitutionality of
the assailed Resolutions and that petitioners ABS-
The COMELEC then points out that Section 2 (7), CBN and KBP have no locus standi to file the
18 Article IX (C) of the Constitution empowers it present petition.
to recommend to Congress effective measures to
minimize election spending and in furtherance of Respondent posits that contrary to the contention
such constitutional power, the COMELEC issued of petitioners, the legislative history of R.A. No.
the questioned Resolutions, in faithful 9006 conclusively shows that congress intended
implementation of the legislative intent and the airtime limits to be computed on a "per
objectives of the Fair Election Act. aDIHTE candidate" and not on a "per station" basis. In
addition, the legal duty of monitoring lies with the
The COMELEC also dismisses Senator Cayetano's COMELEC. Broadcast stations are merely required
fears that unauthorized or inadvertent inclusion to submit certain documents to aid the COMELEC
of his name, initial, image, brand, logo, insignia in ensuring that candidates are not sold airtime in
and/or symbol in tandem advertisements will be excess of the allowed limits.
charged against his airtime limits by pointing out
that what will be counted against a candidate's Also, as discussed in the earlier Comment, the
airtime and expenditures are those prior notice requirement is a mechanism
advertisements that have been paid for or designed to inform the COMELEC of the
donated to them to which the candidate has appearances or guesting of candidates in bona
given consent. fide news broadcasts. It is for monitoring
purposes only, not censorship. It does not control
With regard to the attack that the total aggregate the subject matter of news broadcasts in anyway.
airtime limit constitutes prior restraint or undue Neither does it prevent media outlets from
abridgement of the freedom of speech and covering candidates in news interviews, news
expression, the COMELEC counters that "the events, and news documentaries, nor prevent the
Resolutions enjoy constitutional and candidates from appearing thereon.
congressional imprimatur. It is the Constitution
itself that imposes the restriction on the freedoms As for the right to reply, respondent insists that
of speech and expression, during election period, the right to reply provision cannot be considered
to promote an important and significant a prior restraint on the freedoms of expression,
governmental interest, which is to equalize, as far speech and the press, as it does not in any way
as practicable, the situation of rich and poor restrict the airing of bona fide new broadcasts.
candidates by preventing the former from Media entities are free to report any news event,
enjoying the undue advantage offered by huge even if it should turn out to be unfavourable to a
campaign 'war chests.'" 19 candidate or party. The assailed Resolutions
merely give the candidate or party the right to
Lastly, the COMELEC also emphasizes that there reply to such charges published or aired against
is no impairment of the people's right to them in news broadcasts.
information on matters of public concern,
because in this case, the COMELEC is not Moreover, respondent contends that the
withholding access to any public record. imposition of the penalty of suspension and
revocation of franchise or permit for the sale or
On April 16, 2013, this Court issued a Temporary donation of airtime beyond the allowable limits is
Restraining Order 20 (TRO) in view of the urgency sanctioned by the Omnibus Election Code.
involved and to prevent irreparable injury that
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Meanwhile, RMN filed its Petition on April 8, 2013. Cayetano, he undoubtedly has standing since he
On June 4, 2013, the Court issued a Resolution 25 is a candidate whose ability to reach out to the
consolidating the case with the rest of the electorate is impacted by the assailed
petitions and requiring respondent to comment Resolutions.
For the broadcast companies, they similarly have
On October 10, 2013, respondent filed its Third the standing in view of the direct injury they may
Supplemental Comment and Opposition. 26 suffer relative to their ability to carry out their
Therein, respondent stated that the petition filed tasks of disseminating information because of the
by RMN repeats the issues that were raised in the burdens imposed on them. Nevertheless, even in
previous petitions. Respondent, likewise, regard to the broadcast companies invoking the
reiterated its arguments that certiorari in not the injury that may be caused to their customers or
proper remedy to question the assailed the public those who buy advertisements and
resolutions and that RMN has no locus standi to the people who rely on their broadcasts what
file the present petition. Respondent maintains the Court said in White Light Corporation v. City
that the arguments raised by RMN, like those of Manila 29 may dispose of the question. In that
raised by the other petitioners are without merit case, there was an issue as to whether owners of
and that RMN is not entitled to the injunctive establishments offering "wash-up" rates may
relief sought. have the requisite standing on behalf of their
patrons' equal protection claims relative to an
The petition is partly meritorious. aSTHDc ordinance of the City of Manila which prohibited
"short-time" or "wash-up" accommodation in
At the outset, although the subject of the present motels and similar establishments. The Court
petitions are Resolutions promulgated by the essentially condensed the issue in this manner:
COMELEC relative to the conduct of the 2013 "[T]he crux of the matter is whether or not these
national and local elections, nevertheless the establishments have the requisite standing to
issues raised by the petitioners have not been plead for protection of their patrons' equal
rendered moot and academic by the conclusion of protection rights." 30 The Court then went on to
the 2013 elections. Considering that the matters hold:
elevated to the Court for resolution are
susceptible to repetition in the conduct of future Standing or locus standi is the ability of a party to
electoral exercises, these issues will be resolved demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to
in the present action. and harm from the law or action challenged to
support that party's participation in the case.
PROCEDURAL ASPECTS More importantly, the doctrine of standing is built
Matters of procedure and technicalities normally on the principle of separation of powers, sparing
take a backseat when issues of substantial and as it does unnecessary interference or
transcendental importance are presented before invalidation by the judicial branch of the actions
the Court. So the Court does again in this rendered by its co-equal branches of government.
particular case.
The requirement of standing is a core component
Proper Remedy of the judicial system derived directly from the
Respondent claims that certiorari and prohibition Constitution. The constitutional component of
are not the proper remedies that petitioners have standing doctrine incorporates concepts which
taken to question the assailed Resolutions of the concededly are not susceptible of precise
COMELEC. Technically, respondent may have a definition. In this jurisdiction, the extancy of "a
point. However, considering the very important direct and personal interest" presents the most
and pivotal issues raised, and the limited time, obvious cause, as well as the standard test for a
such technicality should not deter the Court from petitioner's standing. In a similar vein, the United
having to make the final and definitive States Supreme Court reviewed and elaborated
pronouncement that everyone else depends for on the meaning of the three constitutional
enlightenment and guidance. "[T]his Court has in standing requirements of injury, causation, and
the past seen fit to step in and resolve petitions redressability in Allen v. Wright.
despite their being the subject of an improper
remedy, in view of the public importance of the Nonetheless, the general rules on standing admit
issues raised therein. 27 of several exceptions such as the overbreadth
doctrine, taxpayer suits, third party standing and,
It has been in the past, we do so again. especially in the Philippines, the doctrine of
transcendental importance.
Locus Standi
Every time a constitutional issue is brought For this particular set of facts, the concept of
before the Court, the issue of locus standi is third party standing as an exception and the
raised to question the personality of the parties overbreadth doctrine are appropriate. . . .
invoking the Court's jurisdiction. The Court has
routinely made reference to a liberalized stance xxx xxx xxx
when it comes to petitions raising issues of
transcendental importance to the country. American jurisprudence is replete with examples
Invariably, after some discussions, the Court where parties-in-interest were allowed standing
would eventually grant standing. 28 to advocate or invoke the fundamental due
process or equal protection claims of other
In this particular case, respondent also questions persons or classes of persons injured by state
the standing of the petitioners. We rule for the action. . . .
petitioners. For petitioner-intervenor Senator
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xxx xxx xxx All parties and bona fide candidates shall have
Assuming arguendo that petitioners do not have equal access to media time and space for their
a relationship with their patrons for the former to election propaganda during the campaign period
assert the rights of the latter, the overbreadth subject to the following requirements and/or
doctrine comes into play. In overbreadth analysis, limitations:
challengers to government action are in effect
permitted to raise the rights of third parties. a. Broadcast Election Propaganda
Generally applied to statutes infringing on the
freedom of speech, the overbreadth doctrine The duration of an air time that a candidate, or
applies when a statute needlessly restrains even party may use for their broadcast advertisements
constitutionally guaranteed rights. In this case, or election propaganda shall be, as follows:
the petitioners claim that the Ordinance makes a
sweeping intrusion into the right to liberty of their For Not more than an aggregate total of one
clients. We can see that based on the allegations Candidates/Registered hundred (120)
in the petition, the Ordinance suffers from minutes of television
overbreadth. IHTaCE Political parties for a advertising, whether
appearing on national,
We thus recognize that the petitioners have a National Elective regional, or local, free or
right to assert the constitutional rights of their cable television,
clients to patronize their establishments for a Position and one hundred eighty (180)
"wash-rate" time frame. 31 minutes of
radio advertising, whether airing on
If in regard to commercial undertakings, the national, regional, or local radio, whether
owners may have the right to assert a by purchase or donation
constitutional right of their clients, with more
reason should establishments which publish and For Not more than an aggregate total of sixty
broadcast have the standing to assert the Candidates/Registered (60) minutes of
constitutional freedom of speech of candidates television advertising,
and of the right to information of the public, not Political parties for a whether appearing on
to speak of their own freedom of the press. So, national, regional, or
we uphold the standing of petitioners on that Elective Position local, free or cable
basis. television, and ninety (90)
minutes of radio advertising, whether
SUBSTANTIVE ASPECTS airing on national, regional, or local radio,
Aggregate Time Limits whether by purchase or donation.
COMELEC Resolution No. 9615 introduced a
radical departure from the previous COMELEC In cases where two or more candidates or parties
resolutions relative to the airtime limitations on whose names, initials, images, brands, logos,
political advertisements. This essentially consists insignias, color motifs, symbols, or forms of
in computing the airtime on an aggregate basis graphical representations are displayed,
involving all the media of broadcast exhibited, used, or mentioned together in the
communications compared to the past where it broadcast election propaganda or
was done on a per station basis. Thus, it becomes advertisements, the length of time during which
immediately obvious that there was effected a they appear or are being mentioned or promoted
drastic reduction of the allowable minutes within will be counted against the airtime limits allotted
which candidates and political parties would be for the said candidates or parties and the cost of
able to campaign through the air. The question is the said advertisement will likewise be
accordingly whether this is within the power of considered as their expenditures, regardless of
the COMELEC to do or not. The Court holds that it whoever paid for the advertisements or to whom
is not within the power of the COMELEC to do so. the said advertisements were donated.

a. Past elections and airtime limits xxx xxx xxx 37

The authority of the COMELEC to impose airtime
limits directly flows from the Fair Election Act Corollarily, petitioner-intervenor, Senator
(R.A. No. 9006 [2001]) 32 one hundred (120) Cayetano, alleges:
minutes of television advertisement and one-
hundred eighty (180) minutes for radio 6.15. The change in the implementation of
advertisement. For the 2004 elections, the Section 6 of R.A. 9006 was undertaken by
respondent COMELEC promulgated Resolution No. respondent Comelec without consultation with
6520 33 implementing the airtime limits by the candidates for the 2013 elections, affected
applying said limitation on a per station basis. 34 parties such as media organizations, as well as
Such manner of determining airtime limits was the general public. Worse, said change was put
likewise adopted for the 2007 elections, through into effect without explaining the basis therefor
Resolution No. 7767. 35 In the 2010 elections, and without showing any data in support of such
under Resolution No. 8758, 36 the same was change. Respondent Comelec merely maintained
again adopted. But for the 2013 elections, the that such action "is meant to level the playing
COMELEC, through Resolution No. 9615, as field between the moneyed candidates and those
amended by Resolution No. 9631, chose to who don't have enough resources," without
aggregate the total broadcast time among the particularizing the empirical data upon which
different broadcast media, thus: such a sweeping statement was based. This was
evident in the public hearing held on 31 January
Section 9. Requirements and/or Limitations on the 2013 where petitioner GMA, thru counsel,
Use of Election Propaganda through Mass Media.
81 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
explained that no empirical data on the excesses some interest to protect directly. Is there any
or abuses of broadcast media were brought to the interest on the part of the media to expand it?
attention of the public by respondent Comelec, or
even stated in the Comelec Resolution No. 9615. Atty. Lucila
Thus cEaSHC
Well, our interest Your Honor is to participate in
xxx xxx xxx this election Your Honor and we have been
constantly (sic) as the resolution says and even in
Chairman Brillantes the part involved because you will be getting
some affirmative action time coming from the
So if we can regulate and amplify, we may media itself and Comelec time coming from the
amplify meaning we can expand if we want to. media itself. So we could like to be both involved
But the authority of the Commission is if we do in the whole process of the exercise of the
not want to amplify and we think that the 120 or freedom of suffrage Your Honor.
180 is okay we cannot be compelled to amplify.
We think that 120 or 180 is okay, is enough. Chairman Brillantes

Atty. Lucila Yes, but the very essence of the Constitutional

provision as well as the provision of 9006 is
But with due respect Your Honor, I think the basis actually to level the playing field. That should be
of the resolution is found in the law and the law the paramount consideration. If we allow
has been enterpreted (sic) before in 2010 to be everybody to make use of all their time and all
120 per station, so why the change, your Honor? radio time and TV time then there will be
practically unlimited use of the mass media. . . .
Chairman Brillantes
Atty. Lucila
No, the change is not there, the right to amplify
is with the Commission on Elections. Nobody can Was there in 2010 Your Honor, was there any
encroach in our right to amplify. Now, if in 2010 data to support that there was an unlimited and
the Commission felt that per station or per abuse of a (sic) political ads in the mass media
network is the rule then that is the prerogative of that became the basis of this change in
the Commission then they could amplify it to interpretation Your Honor? We would like to know
expand it. If the current Commission feels that about it Your Honor.
120 is enough for the particular medium like TV
and 180 for radio, that is our prerogative. How Chairman Brillantes
can you encroach and what is unconstitutional
about it? What do you think there was no abuse in 2010?

Atty. Lucila Atty. Lucila

We are not questioning the authority of the As far as the network is concern, there was none
Honorable Commission to regulate Your Honor, Your Honor.
we are just raising our concern on the manner of
regulation because as it is right now, there is a Chairman Brillantes
changing mode or sentiments of the Commission
and the public has the right to know, was there There was none . . .
rampant overspending on political ads in 2010,
we were not informed Your Honor. Was there Atty. Lucila
abuse of the media in 2010, we were not
informed Your Honor. So we would like to know I'm sorry, Your Honor . . .
what is the basis of the sudden change in this
limitation, Your Honor.. And law must have a Chairman Brillantes
consistent interpretation that [is] our position,
Your Honor. Yes, there was no abuse, okay, but there was
some advantage given to those who took . . . who
Chairman Brillantes had the more moneyed candidates took
advantage of it. TCaADS
But my initial interpretation, this is personal to
this representation counsel, is that if the Atty. Lucila
Constitution allows us to regulate and then it
gives us the prerogative to amplify then the But that is the fact in life, Your Honor there are
prerogative to amplify you should leave this to poor candidates, there are rich candidates. No
the discretion of the Commission. Which means if amount of law or regulation can even level the
previous Commissions felt that expanding it playing filed (sic) as far as the economic station
should be part of our authority that was a valid in life of the candidates are concern (sic) our
exercise if we reduce it to what is provided for by Honor. 38
law which is 120-180 per medium, TV, radio, that
is also within the law and that is still within our Given the foregoing observations about what
prerogative as provided for by the Constitution. If happened during the hearing, Petitioner-
you say we have to expose the candidates to the Intervenor went on to allege that:
public then I think the reaction should come, the
negative reaction should come from the 6.16. Without any empirical data upon which to
candidates not from the media, unless you have base the regulatory measures in Section 9 (a),
82 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
respondent Comelec arbitrarily changed the rule There is something basically wrong with that
from per station basis to aggregate airtime basis. manner of explaining changes in administrative
Indeed, no credence should be given to the rules. For one, it does not really provide a good
cliched explanation of respondent Comelec (i.e., basis for change. For another, those affected by
leveling the playing field) in its published such rules must be given a better explanation
statements which in itself is a mere reiteration of why the previous rules are no longer good
the rationale for the enactment of the political ad enough. As the Court has said in one case:
ban of Republic Act No. 6646, and which has
likewise been foisted when said political ad ban While stability in the law, particularly in the
was lifted by R.A. 9006. 39 business field, is desirable, there is no demand
that the NTC slavishly follow precedent. However,
From the foregoing, it does appear that the we think it essential, for the sake of clarity and
COMELEC did not have any other basis for coming intellectual honesty, that if an administrative
up with a new manner of determining allowable agency decides inconsistently with previous
time limits except its own idea as to what should action, that it explain thoroughly why a different
be the maximum number of minutes based on its result is warranted, or if need be, why the
exercise of discretion as to how to level the previous standards should no longer apply or
playing field. The same could be encapsulized in should be overturned. Such explanation is
the remark of the COMELEC Chairman that "if the warranted in order to sufficiently establish a
Constitution allows us to regulate and then it decision as having rational basis. Any
gives us the prerogative to amplify then the inconsistent decision lacking thorough,
prerogative to amplify you should leave this to ratiocination in support may be struck down as
the discretion of the Commission." 40 being arbitrary. And any decision with absolutely
nothing to support it is a nullity. 42
The Court could not agree with what appears as a
nonchalant exercise of discretion, as expounded What the COMELEC came up with does not
anon. measure up to that level of requirement and
accountability which elevates administrative rules
b. COMELEC is duty bound to come up to the level of respectability and acceptability.
with reasonable basis for changing the Those governed by administrative regulations are
interpretation and implementation of entitled to a reasonable and rational basis for any
the airtime limits changes in those rules by which they are
There is no question that the COMELEC is the supposed to live by, especially if there is a radical
office constitutionally and statutorily authorized departure from the previous ones.
to enforce election laws but it cannot exercise its
powers without limitations or reasonable basis. c. The COMELEC went beyond the
It could not simply adopt measures or regulations authority granted it by the law in
just because it feels that it is the right thing to do, adopting "aggregate" basis in the
in so far as it might be concerned. It does have determination of allowable airtime
discretion, but such discretion is something that The law, which is the basis of the regulation
must be exercised within the bounds and intent subject of these petitions, pertinently provides:
of the law. The COMELEC is not free to simply THCSAE
change the rules especially if it has consistently
interpreted a legal provision in a particular 6.2. (a) Each bona fide candidate or registered
manner in the past. If ever it has to change the political party for a nationally elective office shall
rules, the same must be properly explained with be entitled to not more than one hundred twenty
sufficient basis. (120) minutes of television advertisement and
one hundred eighty (180) minutes of radio
Based on the transcripts of the hearing advertisement whether by purchase or donation.
conducted by the COMELEC after it had already
promulgated the Resolution, the respondent did (b) Each bona fide candidate or registered
not fully explain or justify the change in political party for a locally elective office shall be
computing the airtime allowed candidates and entitled to not more than sixty (60) minutes of
political parties, except to make reference to the television advertisement and ninety (90) minutes
need to "level the playing field." If the "per of radio advertisement whether by purchase or
station" basis was deemed enough to comply donation; . . .
with that objective in the past, why should it now
be suddenly inadequate? And, the short answer The law, on its face, does not justify a conclusion
to that from the respondent, in a manner which that the maximum allowable airtime should be
smacks of overbearing exercise of discretion, is based on the totality of possible broadcast in all
that it is within the discretion of the COMELEC. As television or radio stations. Senator Cayetano has
quoted in the transcript, "the right to amplify is called our attention to the legislative intent
with the COMELEC. Nobody can encroach in our relative to the airtime allowed that it should be
right to amplify. Now, if in 2010 the Commission on a "per station" basis. 43
felt that per station or per network is the rule
then that is the prerogative of the Commission This is further buttressed by the fact that the Fair
then they could amplify it to expand it. If the Election Act (R.A. No. 9006) actually repealed the
current Commission feels that 120 is enough for previous provision, Section 11 (b) of Republic Act
the particular medium like TV and 180 for radio, No. 6646, 44 which prohibited direct political
that is our prerogative. How can you encroach advertisements the so-called "political ad ban."
and what is unconstitutional about it?" 41 If under the previous law, no candidate was
allowed to directly buy or procure on his own his
broadcast or print campaign advertisements, and
83 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
that he must get it through the COMELEC Time or can post, display or exhibit election propaganda
COMELEC Space, R.A. No. 9006 relieved him or to announce or further their candidacy.
her from that restriction and allowed him or her
to broadcast time or print space subject to the "Whenever feasible common billboards may be
limitations set out in the law. Congress, in installed by the Commission and/or non-partisan
enacting R.A. No. 9006, felt that the previous law private or civic organizations which the
was not an effective and efficient way of giving Commission may authorize whenever available,
voice to the people. Noting the debilitating after due notice and hearing, in strategic areas
effects of the previous law on the right of suffrage where it may readily be seen or read, with the
and Philippine democracy, Congress decided to heaviest pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic in the
repeal such rule by enacting the fair Election Act. city or municipality. STIcaE

In regard to the enactment of the new law, taken The space in such common poster areas or
in the context of the restrictive nature of the billboards shall be allocated free of charge, ifs
previous law, the sponsorship speech of Senator feasible, equitably and impartially among the
Raul Roco is enlightening: candidates in the province, city or municipality.

The bill seeks to repeal Section 85 of the "SEC. 11. Prohibited Forms of Election
Omnibus Election Code and Sections 10 and 11 of Propaganda. In addition to the forms of
RA 6646. In view of the importance of their election propaganda prohibited under Section 85
appeal in connection with the thrusts of the bill, I of Batas Pambansa Blg. 881, it shall be unlawful:
hereby quote these sections in full: (a) to draw, paint, inscribe, write, post, display or
publicly exhibit any election propaganda in any
"SEC. 85. Prohibited forms of election place, whether private or public, except in
propaganda. It shall be unlawful: common poster areas and/or billboards provided
in the immediately preceding section, at the
"(a) To print, publish, post or distribute any candidate's own residence, or at the campaign
poster, pamphlet, circular, handbill, or printed headquarters of the candidate or political party:
matter urging voters to vote for or against any Provided, That such posters or election
candidate unless they hear the names and propaganda shall in no case exceed two (2) feet
addresses of the printed and payor as required in by three (3) feet in area; Provided, further, That
Section 84 hereof; at the site of and on the occasion of a public
meeting or rally, streamers, not more than two
"(b) To erect, put up, make use of, attach, float or (2) feet and not exceeding three (3) feet by eight
display any billboard, tinplate-poster, balloons (8) each may be displayed five (5) days before
and the like, of whatever size, shape, form or the date of the meeting or rally, and shall be
kind, advertising for or against any candidate or removed within twenty-four (24) hours after said
political party; meeting or rally; and

"(c) To purchase, manufacture, request, distribute "(b) For any newspapers, radio broadcasting or
or accept electoral propaganda gadgets, such as television station, or other mass media, or any
pens, lighters, fans of whatever nature, person making use of the mass media to sell or
flashlights, athletic goods or materials, wallets, give for free of charge print space or air time for
shirts, hats, bandannas, matches, cigarettes and campaign or other political purposes except to
the like, except that campaign supporters the Commission as provided under Section 90
accompanying a candidate shall be allowed to and 92 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 881. Any mass
wear hats and/or shirts or T shirts advertising a media columnist, commentator, announcer or
candidate; personality who is a candidate for any elective
public office shall take a leave of absence from
"(d) To show or display publicly any his work as such during the campaign."
advertisement or propaganda for or against any
candidate by means of cinematography, audio- The repeal of the provision on the Common
visual units or other screen projections except Poster Area implements the strong
telecasts which may be allowed as hereinafter recommendations of the Commission on Elections
provided; and during the hearings. It also seeks to apply the
doctrine enunciated by the Supreme Court in the
"(e) For any radio broadcasting or television case of Blo Umpar Adiong vs. Commission on
station to sell or give free of charge airtime for Elections, 207 SCRA 712, 31 March 1992. Here a
campaign and other political purposes except as unanimous Supreme Court ruled: The COMELEC's
authorized in this Code under the rules and prohibition on the posting of decals and stickers
regulations promulgated by the Commission on "mobile" places whether public or private
pursuant thereto; except [in] designated areas provided for by the
COMELEC itself is null and void on constitutional
"Any prohibited election propaganda gadget or grounds.
advertisement shall be stopped, confiscated or
torn down by the representative of the For the foregoing reasons, we commend to our
Commission upon specific authority of the colleagues the early passage of Senate Bill No.
Commission." 1742. In so doing, we move one step towards
further ensuring "free, orderly, honest, peaceful
"SEC. 10. Common Poster Areas. The and credible elections" as mandated by the
Commission shall designate common poster Constitution. 45
areas in strategic public places such as markets,
barangay centers and the like wherein candidates
84 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Given the foregoing background, it is therefore station basis, it could have left the original "per
ineluctable to conclude that Congress intended to day per station" formulation. 46
provide a more expansive and liberal means by
which the candidates, political parties, citizens The Court does not agree. It cannot bring itself to
and other stake holders in the periodic electoral read the changes in the bill as disclosing an
exercise may be given a chance to fully explain intent that the COMELEC wants this Court to put
and expound on their candidacies and platforms on the final language of the law. If anything, the
of governance, and for the electorate to be given change in language meant that the computation
a chance to know better the personalities behind must not be based on a "per day" basis for each
the candidates. In this regard, the media is also television or radio station. The same could not
given a very important part in that undertaking of therefore lend itself to an understanding that the
providing the means by which the political total allowable time is to be done on an
exercise becomes an interactive process. All of aggregate basis for all television or radio stations.
these would be undermined and frustrated with
the kind of regulation that the respondent came Clearly, the respondent in this instance went
up with. beyond its legal mandate when it provided for
rules beyond what was contemplated by the law
The respondent gave its own understanding of it is supposed to implement. As we held in Lokin,
the import of the legislative deliberations on the Jr. v. Commission on Elections: 47
adoption of R.A. No. 9006 as follows:
The COMELEC, despite its role as the
The legislative history of R.A. 9006 clearly shows implementing arm of the Government in the
that Congress intended to impose the per enforcement and administration of all laws and
candidate or political party aggregate total regulations relative to the conduct of an election,
airtime limits on political advertisements and has neither the authority nor the license to
election propaganda. This is evidenced by the expand, extend, or add anything to the law it
dropping of the "per day per station" language seeks to implement thereby. The IRRs the
embodied in both versions of the House of COMELEC issued for that purpose should always
Representatives and Senate bills in favour of the be in accord with the law to be implemented, and
"each candidate" and "not more than" limitations should not override, supplant, or modify the law.
now found in Section 6 of R.A. 9006. It is basic that the IRRs should remain consistent
with the law they intend to carry out.
The pertinent portions of House Bill No. 9000 and
Senate Bill No. 1742 read as follows: Indeed, administrative IRRs adopted by a
particular department of the Government under
House Bill No. 9000: legislative authority must be in harmony with the
provisions of the law, and should be for the sole
SEC. 4. Section 86 of the same Batas is hereby purpose of carrying the law's general provisions
amended to read as follows: into effect. The law itself cannot be expanded by
such IRRs, because an administrative agency
Sec. 86. Regulation of Election Propaganda cannot amend an act of Congress. 48
Through Mass Media.
In the case of Lokin, Jr., the COMELEC's
xxx xxx xxx explanation that the Resolution then in question
did not add anything but merely reworded and
A) The total airtime available to the candidate rephrased the statutory provision did not
and political party, whether by purchase or by persuade the Court. With more reason here since
donation, shall be limited to five (5) minutes per the COMELEC not only reworded or rephrased the
day in each television, cable television and radio statutory provision it practically replaced it
stations during the applicable campaign period. with its own idea of what the law should be, a
TSIEAD matter that certainly is not within its authority. As
the Court said in Villegas v. Subido: 49
Senate Bill No. 1742:
One last word. Nothing is better settled in the law
SEC. 5. Equal Access to Media Space and Time. than that a public official exercises power, not
All registered parties and bona fide candidates rights. The government itself is merely an agency
shall have equal access to media space and time. through which the will of the state is expressed
The following guidelines may be amplified by the and enforced. Its officers therefore are likewise
COMELEC. agents entrusted with the responsibility of
discharging its functions. As such there is no
xxx xxx xxx presumption that they are empowered to act.
There must be a delegation of such authority,
2. The total airtime available for each registered either express or implied. In the absence of a
party and bona fide candidate whether by valid grant, they are devoid of power. What they
purchase or donation shall not exceed a total of do suffers from a fatal infirmity. That principle
one (1) minute per day per television or radio cannot be sufficiently stressed. In the appropriate
station. (Emphasis supplied.) language of Chief Justice Hughes: "It must be
conceded that departmental zeal may not be
As Section 6 of R.A. 9006 is presently worded, it permitted to outrun the authority conferred by
can be clearly seen that the legislature intended statute.'' Neither the high dignity of the office nor
the aggregate airtime limits to be computed on the righteousness of the motive then is an
per candidate or party basis. Otherwise, if the acceptable substitute. Otherwise the rule of law
legislature intended the computation to be on per
85 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
becomes a myth. Such an eventuality, we must provide substantially greater room for discussion
take all pains to avoid. 50 and debate, they would have required restrictions
in the scope of a number of past congressional
So it was then. So does the rule still remains the and Presidential campaigns and would operate to
same. constrain campaigning by candidates who raise
sums in excess of the spending ceiling. 52
d. Section 9 (a) of COMELEC Resolution
No. 9615 on airtime limits also goes Section 9 (a) of COMELEC Resolution No. 9615
against the constitutional guaranty of comes up with what is challenged as being an
freedom of expression, of speech unreasonable basis for determining the allowable
and of the press air time that candidates and political parties may
The guaranty of freedom to speak is useless avail of. Petitioner GMA came up with its analysis
without the ability to communicate and of the practical effects of such a regulation:
disseminate what is said. And where there is a
need to reach a large audience, the need to 5.8. Given the reduction of a candidate's airtime
access the means and media for such minutes in the New Rules, petitioner GMA
dissemination becomes critical. This is where the estimates that a national candidate will only have
press and broadcast media come along. At the 120 minutes to utilize for his political
same time, the right to speak and to reach out advertisements in television during the whole
would not be meaningful if it is just a token ability campaign period of 88 days, or will only have
to be heard by a few. It must be coupled with 81.81 seconds per day TV exposure allotment. If
substantially reasonable means by which the he chooses to place his political advertisements
communicator and the audience could effectively in the 3 major TV networks in equal allocation, he
interact. Section 9 (a) of COMELEC Resolution No. will only have 27.27 seconds of airtime per
9615, with its adoption of the "aggregate-based" network per day. This barely translates to 1
airtime limits unreasonably restricts the advertisement spot on a 30-second spot basis in
guaranteed freedom of speech and of the press. television.
5.9. With a 20-hour programming per day and
Political speech is one of the most important considering the limits of a station's coverage, it
expressions protected by the Fundamental Law. will be difficult for 1 advertising spot to make a
"[F]reedom of speech, of expression, and of the sensible and feasible communication to the
press are at the core of civil liberties and have to public, or in political propaganda, to "make
be protected at all costs for the sake of known [a candidate's] qualifications and stand on
democracy." 51 Accordingly, the same must public issues".
remain unfettered unless otherwise justified by a
compelling state interest. 5.10. If a candidate loads all of his 81.81 seconds
per day in one network, this will translate to
In regard to limitations on political speech relative barely three 30-second advertising spots in
to other state interests, an American case television on a daily basis using the same
observed: assumptions above.

A restriction on the amount of money a person or 5.11. Based on the data from the 2012 Nielsen
group can spend on political communication TV audience measurement in Mega Manila, the
during a campaign necessarily reduces the commercial advertisements in television are
quantity of expression by restricting the number viewed by only 39.2% of the average total day
of issues discussed, the depth of their household audience if such advertisements are
exploration, and the size of the audience reached. placed with petitioner GMA, the leading television
This is because virtually every means of network nationwide and in Mega Manila. In effect,
communicating ideas in today's mass society under the restrictive aggregate airtime limits in
requires the expenditure of money. The the New Rules, the three 30-second political
distribution of the humblest handbill or leaflet advertisements of a candidate in petitioner GMA
entails printing, paper, and circulation costs. will only be communicated to barely 40% of the
Speeches and rallies generally necessitate hiring viewing audience, not even the voting population,
a hall and publicizing the event. The electorate's but only in Mega Manila, which is defined by AGB
increasing dependence on television, radio, and Nielsen Philippines to cover Metro Manila and
other mass media for news and information has certain urban areas in the provinces of Bulacan,
made these expensive modes of communication Cavite, Laguna, Rizal, Batangas and Pampanga.
indispensable instruments of effective political Consequently, given the voting population
speech. distribution and the drastically reduced supply of
airtime as a result of the New Rules' aggregate
The expenditure limitations contained in the Act airtime limits, a national candidate will be forced
represent substantial, rather than merely to use all of his airtime for political
theoretical restraints on the quantity and advertisements in television only in urban areas
diversity of political speech. The $1,000 ceiling on such as Mega Manila as a political campaign tool
spending "relative to a clearly identified to achieve maximum exposure.
candidate," 18 U.S.C. 608(e)(1) (1970 ed., Supp.
IV), would appear to exclude all citizens and 5.12. To be sure, the people outside of Mega
groups except candidates, political parties, and Manila or other urban areas deserve to be
the institutional press from any significant use of informed of the candidates in the national
the most effective modes of communication. elections, and the said candidates also enjoy the
Although the Act's limitations on expenditures by right to be voted upon by these informed
campaign organizations and political parties populace. 53
86 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
determine their own destiny through the choice
The Court agrees. The assailed rule on of leaders they may have in government. Thus,
"aggregate-based" airtime limits is unreasonable the primordial importance of suffrage and the
and arbitrary as it unduly restricts and constrains concomitant right of the people to be adequately
the ability of candidates and political parties to informed for the intelligent exercise of such
reach out and communicate with the people. birthright. It was said that:
Here, the adverted reason for imposing the
"aggregate-based" airtime limits leveling the . . . As long as popular government is an end to
playing field does not constitute a compelling be achieved and safeguarded, suffrage, whatever
state interest which would justify such a may be the modality and form devised, must
substantial restriction on the freedom of continue to be the means by which the great
candidates and political parties to communicate reservoir of power must be emptied into the
their ideas, philosophies, platforms and programs receptacular agencies wrought by the people
of government. And, this is specially so in the through their Constitution in the interest of good
absence of a clear-cut basis for the imposition of government and the common weal.
such a prohibitive measure. In this particular Republicanism, in so far as it implies the adoption
instance, what the COMELEC has done is of a representative type of government,
analogous to letting a bird fly after one has necessarily points to the enfranchised citizen as a
clipped its wings. ESIcaC particle of popular sovereignty and as the
ultimate source of the established authority. He
It is also particularly unreasonable and whimsical has a voice in his Government and whenever
to adopt the aggregate-based time limits on possible it is the solemn duty of the judiciary,
broadcast time when we consider that the when called upon to act in justifiable cases, to
Philippines is not only composed of so many give it efficacy and not to stifle or frustrate it.
islands. There are also a lot of languages and This, fundamentally, is the reason for the rule
dialects spoken among the citizens across the that ballots should be read and appreciated, if not
country. Accordingly, for a national candidate to with utmost, with reasonable, liberality. . . . 56
really reach out to as many of the electorates as
possible, then it might also be necessary that he It has also been said that "[c]ompetition in ideas
conveys his message through his advertisements and governmental policies is at the core of our
in languages and dialects that the people may electoral process and of the First Amendment
more readily understand and relate to. To add all freedoms." 57 Candidates and political parties
of these airtimes in different dialects would need adequate breathing space including the
greatly hamper the ability of such candidate to means to disseminate their ideas. This could not
express himself a form of suppression of his be reasonably addressed by the very restrictive
political speech. manner by which the respondent implemented
the time limits in regard to political
Respondent itself states that "[t]elevision is advertisements in the broadcast media.
arguably the most cost-effective medium of
dissemination. Even a slight increase in television f. Resolution No. 9615 needs
exposure can significantly boost a candidate's prior hearing before adoption
popularity, name recall and electability." 54 If that The COMELEC promulgated Resolution No. 9615
be so, then drastically curtailing the ability of a on January 15, 2013 then came up with a public
candidate to effectively reach out to the hearing on January 31, 2013 to explain what it
electorate would unjustifiably curtail his freedom had done, particularly on the aggregate-based air
to speak as a means of connecting with the time limits. This circumstance also renders the
people. new regulation, particularly on the adoption of
the aggregate-based airtime limit, questionable.
Finally on this matter, it is pertinent to quote It must not be overlooked that the new Resolution
what Justice Black wrote in his concurring opinion introduced a radical change in the manner in
in the landmark Pentagon Papers case: "In the which the rules on airtime for political
First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the advertisements are to be reckoned. As such there
free press the protection it must have to fulfill its is a need for adequate and effective means by
essential role in our democracy. The press was to which they may be adopted, disseminated and
serve the governed, not the governors. The implemented. In this regard, it is not enough that
Government's power to censor the press was they be published or explained after they
abolished so that the press would remain forever have been adopted.
free to censure the Government. The press was
protected so that it could bare the secrets of While it is true that the COMELEC is an
government and inform the people. Only a free independent office and not a mere administrative
and unrestrained press can effectively expose agency under the Executive Department, rules
deception in government." 55 which apply to the latter must also be deemed to
similarly apply to the former, not as a matter of
In the ultimate analysis, when the press is administrative convenience but as a dictate of
silenced, or otherwise muffled in its undertaking due process. And this assumes greater
of acting as a sounding board, the people significance considering the important and pivotal
ultimately would be the victims. role that the COMELEC plays in the life of the
nation. Thus, whatever might have been said in
e. Section 9 (a) of Resolution 9615 is Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of
violative of the people's Appeals, 58 should also apply mutatis mutandis
right to suffrage to the COMELEC when it comes to promulgating
Fundamental to the idea of a democratic and rules and regulations which adversely affect, or
republican state is the right of the people to impose a heavy and substantial burden on, the
87 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
citizenry in a matter that implicates the very aggregate basis and considering that said Rules
nature of government we have adopted: declare it unlawful in Section 7(d) thereof for a
radio, television station or other mass media to
It should be understandable that when an sell or give for free airtime to a candidate in
administrative rule is merely interpretative in excess of that allowed by law or by said New
nature, its applicability needs nothing further Rules:
than its bare issuance for it gives no real
consequence more than what the law itself has "Section 7. Prohibited Forms of Election
already prescribed. When, upon the other hand, Propaganda. During the campaign period, it is
the administrative rule goes beyond merely unlawful:
providing for the means that can facilitate or
render least cumbersome the implementation of xxx xxx xxx
the law but substantially adds to or increases the
burden of those governed, it behooves the (d) for any newspaper or publication, radio,
agency to accord at least to those directly television or cable television station, or other
affected a chance to be heard, and thereafter to mass media, or any person making use of the
be duly informed, before that new issuance is mass media to sell or to give free of charge print
given the force and effect of law. AEaSTC space or air time for campaign or election
propaganda purposes to any candidate or party
A reading of RMC 37-93, particularly considering in excess of the size, duration or frequency
the circumstances under which it has been authorized by law or these rules;
issued, convinces us that the circular cannot be
viewed simply as a corrective measure (revoking xxx xxx xxx"
in the process the previous holdings of past
Commissioners) or merely as construing Section (Emphasis supplied)
142(c)(1) of the NIRC, as amended, but has, in
fact and most importantly, been made in order to petitioner GMA submits that compliance with the
place "Hope Luxury," "Premium More" and New Rules in order to avoid administrative or
"Champion" within the classification of locally criminal liability would be unfair, cruel and
manufactured cigarettes bearing foreign brands oppressive.
and to thereby have them covered by RA 7654.
Specifically, the new law would have its xxx xxx xxx.
amendatory provisions applied to locally
manufactured cigarettes which at the time of its 5.43 In the present situation wherein airtime
effectivity were not so classified as bearing minutes shall be shared by all television and
foreign brands. . . . In so doing, the BIR not simply radio stations, broadcast mass media
interpreted the law; verily, it legislated under its organizations would surely encounter
quasi-legislative authority. The due observance of insurmountable difficulties in monitoring the
the requirements of notice, of hearing, and of airtime minutes spent by the numerous
publication should not have been then ignored. candidates for various elective positions, in real
59 time.

For failing to conduct prior hearing before coming 5.44 An inquiry with the National
up with Resolution No. 9615, said Resolution, Telecommunications Commission (NTC) bears out
specifically in regard to the new rule on that there are 372 television stations and 398 AM
aggregate airtime is declared defective and and 800 FM radio stations nationwide as of June
ineffectual. 2012. In addition, there are 1,113 cable TV
providers authorized by the NTC to operate within
g. Resolution No. 9615 does not impose the country as of the said date.
an unreasonable burden on the
broadcast industry 5.45 Given such numbers of broadcast entities
It is a basic postulate of due process, specifically and the necessity to monitor political
in relation to its substantive component, that any advertisements pursuant to the New Rules,
governmental rule or regulation must be petitioner GMA estimates that monitoring
reasonable in its operations and its impositions. television broadcasts of all authorized television
Any restrictions, as well as sanctions, must be station would involve 7,440 manhours per day. To
reasonably related to the purpose or objective of aggravate matters, since a candidate may also
the government in a manner that would not work spend his/her broadcasting minutes on cable TV,
unnecessary and unjustifiable burdens on the additional 281,040 manhours per day would have
citizenry. Petitioner GMA assails certain to be spent in monitoring the various channels
requirements imposed on broadcast stations as carried by cable TV throughout the Philippines. As
unreasonable. It explained: far as radio broadcasts (both AM and FM stations)
are concerned, around 23,960 manhours per day
5.40 Petitioner GMA currently operates and would have to be devoted by petitioner GMA to
monitors 21 FM and AM radio stations nationwide obtain an accurate and timely determination of a
and 8 originating television stations (including its political candidate's remaining airtime minutes.
main transmitter in Quezon City) which are During the campaign period, petitioner GMA
authorized to dechain national programs for would have to spend an estimated 27,494,720
airing and insertion of local content and manhours in monitoring the election campaign
advertisements. commercials of the different candidates in the
country. caTESD
5.41 In light of the New Rules wherein a
candidate's airtime minutes are applied on an
88 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
5.46 In order to carry-out the obligations imposed of the candidate is incidental to the presentation
by the New Rules, petitioner GMA further of the subject or subjects covered by the news
estimates that it would need to engage and train documentary, or on-the-spot coverage of bona
39,055 additional persons on an eight-hour shift, fide news events, including but not limited to
and assign them all over the country to perform events sanctioned by the Commission on
the required monitoring of radio, television and Elections, political conventions, and similar
cable TV broadcasts. In addition, it would likewise activities, shall not be deemed to be broadcast
need to allot radio, television, recording election propaganda within the meaning of this
equipment and computers, as well as provision. For purposes of monitoring by the
telecommunications equipment, for this COMELEC and ensuring that parties and
surveillance and monitoring exercise, thus candidates were afforded equal opportunities to
imputing additional costs to the company. promote their candidacy, the media entity shall
Attached herewith are the computations give prior notice to the COMELEC, through the
explaining how the afore-said figures were appropriate Regional Election Director (RED), or in
derived and the conservative assumptions made the case of the National Capital Region (NCR), the
by petitioner GMA in reaching said figures, as Education and Information Department (EID). If
Annex "H". such prior notice is not feasible or practicable, the
notice shall be sent within twenty-four (24) hours
5.47 Needless to say, such time, manpower from the first broadcast or publication. Nothing in
requirements, expense and effort would have to the foregoing sentence shall be construed as
be replicated by each and every radio station to relieving broadcasters, in connection with the
ensure that they have properly monitored around presentation of newscasts, news interviews, news
33 national and more than 40,000 local documentaries, and on-the-spot coverage of
candidates' airtime minutes and thus, prevent news events, from the obligation imposed upon
any risk of administrative and criminal liability. 60 them under Sections 10 and 14 of these Rules."
The Court cannot agree with the contentions of
GMA. The apprehensions of the petitioner appear Further, the petitioner in G.R. No. 205374 assails
more to be the result of a misappreciation of the the constitutionality of such monitoring
real import of the regulation rather than a real requirement, contending, among others, that it
and present threat to its broadcast activities. The constitutes prior restraint. The Court finds
Court is more in agreement with the respondent otherwise. Such a requirement is a reasonable
when it explained that: means adopted by the COMELEC to ensure that
parties and candidates are afforded equal
The legal duty of monitoring lies with the opportunities to promote their respective
Comelec. Broadcast stations are merely required candidacies. Unlike the restrictive aggregate-
to submit certain documents to aid the Comelec based airtime limits, the directive to give prior
in ensuring that candidates are not sold airtime in notice is not unduly burdensome and
excess of the allowed limits. These documents unreasonable, much less could it be
include: (1) certified true copies of broadcast characterized as prior restraint since there is no
logs, certificates of performance, and certificates restriction on dissemination of information before
of acceptance, or other analogous record on broadcast.
specified dates (Section 9[d][3], Resolution No.
9615, in relation to Section 6.2, R.A. 9006; and Additionally, it is relevant to point out that in the
(2) copies of all contract for advertising, original Resolution No. 9615, the paragraph in
promoting or opposing any political party or the issue was worded in this wise:
candidacy of any person for public office within
five (5) days after its signing (Section 6.3, R.A. Appearance or guesting by a candidate on any
9006). bona fide newscast, bona fide news interview,
bona fide news documentary, if the appearance
xxx xxx xxx of the candidate is incidental to the presentation
of the subject or subjects covered by the news
[T]here is absolutely no duty on the broadcast documentary, or on-the-spot coverage of bona
stations to do monitoring, much less monitoring fide news events, including but not limited to
in real time. GMA grossly exaggerates when it events sanctioned by the Commission on
claims that the non-existent duty would require Elections, political conventions, and similar
them to hire and train an astounding additional activities, shall not be deemed to be broadcast
39,055 personnel working on eight-hour shifts all election propaganda within the meaning of this
over the country. 61 provision. To determine whether the appearance
or guesting in a program is bona fide, the
The Court holds, accordingly, that, contrary to broadcast stations or entities must show that (1)
petitioners' contention, the Reporting prior approval of the Commission was secured;
Requirement for the COMELEC's monitoring is and (2) candidates and parties were afforded
reasonable. equal opportunities to promote their candidacy.
Nothing in the foregoing sentence shall be
Further, it is apropos to note that, pursuant to construed as relieving broadcasters, in
Resolution No. 9631, 62 the respondent revised connection with the presentation of newscasts,
the third paragraph of Section 9 (a). As revised, news interviews, news documentaries, and on-
the provision now reads: the-spot coverage of news events, from the
obligation imposed upon them under Sections 10
Appearance or guesting by a candidate on any and 14 of these Rules. 64 caITAC
bona fide newscast, bona fide news interview,
bona fide news documentary, if the appearance
89 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
Comparing the original with the revised The attack on the validity of the "right to reply"
paragraph, one could readily appreciate what the provision is primarily anchored on the alleged
COMELEC had done to modify the requirement ground of prior restraint, specifically in so far as
from "prior approval" to "prior notice." While the such a requirement may have a chilling effect on
former may be suggestive of a censorial tone, speech or of the freedom of the press.
thus inviting a charge of prior restraint, the latter
is more in the nature of a content-neutral Petitioner ABC states, inter alia:
regulation designed to assist the poll body to
undertake its job of ensuring fair elections 5.145. A "conscious and detailed consideration"
without having to undertake any chore of of the interplay of the relevant interests the
approving or disapproving certain expressions. constitutional mandate granting candidates the
right to reply and the inviolability of the
Also, the right to reply provision is reasonable constitutional freedom of expression, speech, and
In the same way that the Court finds the "prior the press will show that the Right to Reply, as
notice" requirement as not constitutionally infirm, provided for in the Assailed Resolution, is an
it similarly concludes that the "right to reply" impermissible restraint on these fundamental
provision is reasonable and consistent with the freedoms.
constitutional mandate.
5.146. An evaluation of the factors set forth in
Section 14 of Resolution No. 9615, as revised by Soriano (for the balancing of interests test) with
Resolution No. 9631, provides: respect to the present controversy will show that
the Constitution does not tilt the balance in favor
SECTION 14. Right to Reply. All registered of the Right to Reply provision in the Assailed
political parties, party-list groups or coalitions and Resolution and the supposed governmental
bona fide candidates shall have the right to reply interest it attempts to further. 65
to charges published or aired against them. The
reply shall be given publicity by the newspaper, The Constitution itself provides as part of the
television, and/or radio station which first printed means to ensure free, orderly, honest, fair and
or aired the charges with the same prominence or credible elections, a task addressed to the
in the same page or section or in the same time COMELEC to provide for a right to reply. 66 Given
slot as the first statement. that express constitutional mandate, it could be
seen that the Fundamental Law itself has
Registered political parties, party-list groups or weighed in on the balance to be struck between
coalitions and bona fide candidates may invoke the freedom of the press and the right to reply.
the right to reply by submitting within a non- Accordingly, one is not merely to see the
extendible period of forty-eight hours from first equation as purely between the press and the
broadcast or publication, a formal verified claim right to reply. Instead, the constitutionally-
against the media outlet to the COMELEC, mandated desiderata of free, orderly, honest,
through the appropriate RED. The claim shall peaceful, and credible elections would necessarily
include a detailed enumeration of the have to be factored in trying to see where the
circumstances and occurrences which warrant the balance lies between press and the demands of a
invocation of the right to reply and must be right-to-reply. IASCTD
accompanied by supporting evidence, such a
copy of the publication or recording of the Moreover, as already discussed by the Court in
television or radio broadcast, as the case may be. Telecommunications and Broadcast Attorneys of
If the supporting evidence is not yet available due the Philippines, Inc. v. Commission on Elections.
to circumstances beyond the power of the 67
claimant, the latter shall supplement his claim as
soon as the supporting evidence becomes In truth, radio and television broadcasting
available, without delay on the part of the companies, which are given franchises, do not
claimant. The claimant must likewise furnish a own the airwaves and frequencies through which
copy of the verified claim and its attachments to they transmit broadcast signals and images. They
the media outlet concerned prior to the filing of are merely given the temporary privilege of using
the claim with the COMELEC. them. Since a franchise is a mere privilege, the
exercise of the privilege may reasonably be
The COMELEC, through the RED, shall view the burdened with the performance by the grantee of
verified claim within forty-eight (48) hours from some form of public service. . . . 68
receipt thereof, including supporting evidence,
and if circumstances warrant, give notice to the Relevant to this aspect are these passages from
media outlet involved for appropriate action, an American Supreme Court decision with regard
which shall, within forty-eight (48) hours, submit to broadcasting, right to reply requirements, and
its comment, answer or response to the RED, the limitations on speech:
explaining the action it has taken to address the
claim. The media outlet must likewise furnish a We have long recognized that each medium of
copy of the said comment, answer or response to expression presents special First Amendment
the claimant invoking the right to reply. problems. Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson, 343 U.S.
495, 502-503, 96 L Ed 1098, 72 S Ct 777. And of
Should the claimant insist that his/her right to all forms of communication, it is broadcasting
reply was not addressed, he/she may file the that has received the most limited First
appropriate petition and/or complaint before the Amendment protection. Thus, although other
Commission on Elections or its field offices, which speakers cannot be licensed except under laws
shall be endorsed to the Clerk of Court. that carefully define and narrow official
discretion, a broadcaster may be deprived of his
90 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N
license and his forum if the Commission decides broadcast material, coupled with the concerns
that such an action would serve "the public recognized in Ginsberg, amply justify special
interest, convenience, and necessity." Similarly, treatment of indecent broadcasting. 69
although the First Amendment protects
newspaper publishers from being required to Given the foregoing considerations, the
print the replies of those whom they criticize, traditional notions of preferring speech and the
Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. press over so many other values of society do not
241, 41 L Ed 2d 730, 94 S Ct 2831, it affords no readily lend itself to this particular matter.
such protection to broadcasters; on the contrary, Instead, additional weight should be accorded on
they must give free time to the victims of their the constitutional directive to afford a right to
criticism. Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 395 reply. If there was no such mandate, then the
U.S. 367, 23 L Ed 2d 371, 89 S Ct 1794. submissions of petitioners may more easily
commend themselves for this Court's acceptance.
The reasons for these distinctions are complex, But as noted above, this is not the case. Their
but two have relevance to the present case. First, arguments simplistically provide minimal
the broadcast media have established a uniquely importance to that constitutional command to the
pervasive presence in the lives of all Americans. point of marginalizing its importance in the
Patently offensive, indecent material presented equation.
over the airwaves confronts the citizen not only in
public, but also in the privacy of the home, where In fine, when it comes to election and the
the individual's right to be left alone plainly exercise of freedom of speech, of expression and
outweighs the First Amendment rights of an of the press, the latter must be properly viewed
intruder. Rowan v. Post Office Dept., 397 U.S. 728, in context as being necessarily made to
25 L Ed 2d 736, 90 S Ct 1484. Because the accommodate the imperatives of fairness by
broadcast audience is constantly tuning in and giving teeth and substance to the right to reply
out, prior warnings cannot completely protect the requirement.
listener or viewer from unexpected program
content. To say that one may avoid further WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petitions
offense by turning off the radio when he hears are PARTIALLY GRANTED, Section 9 (a) of
indecent language is like saying that the remedy Resolution No. 9615, as amended by Resolution
for an assault is to run away after the first blow. No. 9631, is declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL and,
One may hang up on an indecent phone call, but therefore, NULL and VOID. The constitutionality of
that option does not give the caller a the remaining provisions of Resolution No. 9615,
constitutional immunity or avoid a harm that has as amended by Resolution No. 9631, is upheld
already taken place. and remain in full force and effect.

Second, broadcasting is uniquely accessible to In view of this Decision, the Temporary

children, even those too young to read. Although Restraining Order issued by the Court on April 16,
Cohen's written message might have been 2013 is hereby made PERMANENT.
incomprehensible to a first grader, Pacifica's
broadcast could have enlarged a child's SO ORDERED. aDECHI
vocabulary in an instant. Other forms of offensive Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-de Castro, Bersamin, Del
expression may be withheld from the young Castillo, Villarama, Jr., Perez, Reyes and Perlas-
without restricting the expression at its source. Bernabe, JJ., concur.
Bookstores and motion picture theaters, for Sereno, C.J. * and Jardeleza, J., ***** are on leave.
example, may be prohibited from making Carpio, ** see separate concurring opinion.
indecent material available to children. We held Brion, J., *** I certify that J. Brion left his vote
in Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U.S. 629, that the concurring in the result. - Carpio, J.
government's interest in the "well-being of its Mendoza, J., **** I certify that J. Mendoza left his
youth" and in supporting "parents' claim to vote concurring with the ponencia.- Carpio, J.,
authority in their own household" justified the Leonen, J., see separate concurring opinion.
regulation of otherwise protected expression. The
ease with which children may obtain access to

91 | C O N S T I 2 _ S E C 3 _ F R E E D O M O F E X P R E S S I O N

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