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To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee: To me, this book spread a really good message about how

discrimination, slavery, and racism really took part into what American society is today. It had a
country feel to it, but that helps develop how they are different from the black people that live on
the outskirts.

Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe: Chinua Achebe describes so well what power meant to the
people in Nigeria. Their religion was based around gods and they were all really strict about
that, when the white men came and tried to change their religion, they got mad. This book also
showed the discrimination of women at this time. Men would have multiple wives who would
stay at home and all have specific jobs that if they didnt do, they would be beaten until they are
near to death.

Note to Self, Connor Franta: I used to view Connor Franta as a regular person that goes
through the everyday issues of life after reading his first book, but after finishing this one I got an
inside look into what his internal life is actually like. He is one of the most selfless people and
that just amazes me because he has gone through so much.

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