RBI Questionnaire

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Review Board Interview

Competency-Based Questions
Designed by the AIESEC AdMU Talent Management Unit
Name of Applicant:
Name of Interviewee:
Grading System:
If the Newie shows little evidence of the competency, write 1;
some evidence write 2;
regular evidence write 3;
strong evidence write 4.

Get the average of each competency. The minimum grade for each competency is shown below. When asking questions, try to push the
interviewee to the edge, until h/she gives the most satisfactory or unsatisfactory answer.

Competency Behavior Question Grade and Average

Self-Awareness Showing appropriate belief in What do you think people like

Having a balanced and honest view of own abilities about you most and like about you
one's own personality, and an ability to least?
interact with others frankly and
Displaying awareness of own
strengths and weaknesses

Considering the consequences Tell us your motives for applying

of own actions for the AIESEC GIP. What kind of
effect will GIP have on your life?
Being honest about own
motives and aspirations

Personal Effectiveness Managing own workload Describe your working habits. Are
Ability to manage work load efficiently, efficiently you able to accomplish tasks
finish work before deadlines. It also assigned to you efficiently and on
involves being accurate, focusing on details Finishing work before deadlines time?
and planning carefully to meet targets.

Being accurate and focusing on To-do list:

detail 1. 10-page paper, halfway done
2. Create project overview and
Planning carefully to meet present it to your Project Team
- 16:30-6:00.
targets 3. Go to the grocery to do your
mother’s errands
4. Attend 3 consecutive classes
from 10:30-13:30
5. RBI interview which takes an
6. You promised your girlfriend/
boyfriend that you would watch
the 5th episode of “How I Met
Your Mother” with her/him.
How would you go about
accomplishing all of these tasks?

Awareness of Others Showing understanding of Describe a situation when you put

The ability to identify with and others' feelings your needs aside to help
understand another person’s feelings or somebody.
difficulties and connecting it to own Showing respect for the
emotions and actions.
opinions of others

Promoting respect for others How do you understand the

in group concept of tolerance? Can you
describe a situation when you
manifested tolerance?

Showing sensitivity to
others’ needs
Competency Behavior Question Grade and Average

Effective Communication Writing clearly and concisely Pretend that we, the panelists,
Clearly conveying and receiving are a panel of 5-year olds.
messages (feedback, opinions etc; Articulate your thoughts on
written/verbal communication, etc.) global warming.
to meet the needs of all parties Communicating effectively
involved. with diverse audiences

Listening actively to others What do you consider to be the

most important rules in
communication? Do you feel you
Helping people network with respect them?
each other

Stakeholder Focus Making sure everyone’s AIESEC hires you to market and
Identifying key internal and external concerns are addressed promote the GIP to companies.
customers; working with them to As the hired agent, how would
understand their requirements and you cooperate with AIESEC as
concerns in order to generate value your stakeholder? What kind of
based partnerships. questions would you ask AIESEC
about marketing GIP?
Co-operating with partners
and other stakeholders

Exceeding expectations of Talk about a project you’ve done

customers and other for an organization, a professor,
stakeholders or a friend that you are most
proud of. How do you think you
were able to exceed the org’s/
professor’s/friend’s expectations?

Creating mutually beneficial


Flexible Thinking Using technical knowledge/ The GIP is actually a very sellable
Using technical knowledge/expertise expertise effectively program to companies and
effectively to analyze information and students. It benefits companies,
situations making effective decisions Analyzing information and by providing them with top talent
and as well being ready to change around the world, and students
your own opinion. situations
by giving them the amazing
opportunity to gain professional
work in another country, away
from their safety zones. Most
LCs in the Philippines, however,
tend to undersell this amazing
program. Given enough
resources, how would you
market GIP to your university,
taking note of its own reality, to
entice 300 studetns to apply.

Making effective decisions What was the most difficult

decision you had to make in your
Prepared to change own life?
Competency Behavior Question Grade and Average

Commitment to Results Actively contributing to You are part of an OC. The OCP
Knowing what results are important, organizational performance is not doing his job, and the
and focusing resources to achieve other members are slacking off.
them. What will you do to ensure the
project’s success?
Keeping track of progress

Focusing on end results and How do you envision your life

targets being a positive contribution to
society? Layout your action plan
to achieve this vision.
Delivering on promises and


* In going to the next part of the interview, remember to assess also the flexibility of the applicant,
i.e. how picky they are, willingness to go for a DT. The more flexible they are the more
matchable they will be.
Assessing Matchability
1. Tick the boxes that correspond to the job descriptions the interviewee says he/she is
Web design and development Language Education
Social Sciences
Computer Programming Cultural Education
Database Management
Project Management

MT (If interviewee is an MT applicant)

2. Work Experience
a. What special aspects of your work have prepared you for the traineeship?

b. What to you is your most important accomplishment. Why do you say so?

c. What are some things you would like to avoid in a job? Why?

d. If I were to ask your present or most recent employer about your work performance,
what do you think he or she would say?

3. Leadership Experience
a. Give us an example of your ability to manage people.

Financial Capability

1. Who would finance your traineeship if you get accepted?

2. How willing are you to pay for airfare and other fees (e.g. visa processing, AIESEC fees, etc.)

3. Do you have an idea of how much allowance you would need to bring for your traineeship?

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