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Membership Selection Interview

AIESEC Ateneo de Manila University

19, 21-23 September 2009
Name of Applicant: MSI Day:
Grading System:
If the Newie shows little evidence of the competency, write 1;
some evidence write 2;
regular evidence write 3;
strong evidence write 4.

Get the average of each competency. The minimum grade for each competency is
shown below.

CompetencyBehaviorQuestionGrade and AverageSelf-Awareness

Having a balanced and honest view of one's own personality, and an ability to interact with others frankly and confidently. Showing
appropriate belief in own abilities What are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?Displaying
awareness of own strengths and weaknessesConsidering the consequences of own actions How
do you connect AIESEC with your own motives and aspirations?Being honest about own motives
and aspirations Personal Effectiveness
Ability to manage work load efficiently, finish work before deadlines. It also involves being accurate, focusing on details and planning
Managing own workload efficiently Describe your working habits. Are you able
carefully to meet targets.
to accomplish tasks assigned to you efficiently and on time?Finishing work before deadlines Being
accurate and focusing on detail It’s member recruitment, and you are tasked to do the logistics of
the event. Describe how you would go about this.Planning carefully to meet targets Awareness of
The ability to identify with and understand another person’s feelings or difficulties and connecting it to own emotions and
understanding of others' feelings How do you manage conflict? Give an example of
your own experience.Showing respect for the opinions of others Promoting respect for others in
group How do you understand the concept of tolerance? Can you describe a situation when you
proved tolerance?Showing sensitivity to others’ needs
CompetencyBehaviorQuestionGrade and AverageEffective Communication
Clearly conveying and receiving messages (feedback, opinions etc; written/verbal communication, etc.) to meet the needs of all
parties involved.Writing
clearly and concisely Pretend that we, the panelists, are a panel of 5-year
olds. Articulate your thoughts to us on global warming.Communicating effectively with diverse
audiences Listening actively to others What do you consider to be the most important rules in
communication? Do you feel you respect them?Helping people network with each other
Stakeholder Focus
Identifying key internal and external customers; working with them to understand their requirements and concerns in order to
generate value based partnerships.Making
sure everyone’s concerns are addressed For one of your newie
internships, the VPOGX assigns you to promote the GIP. How do you make sure April’s
requirements and concerns are met?Co-operating with partners and other stakeholders
Exceeding expectations of customers and other stakeholdersHow have you, as a newie,
attempted to exceed the expectations of members and leaders in AIESEC?Creating mutually
beneficial relationships Flexible Thinking
Using technical knowledge/expertise effectively to analyze information and situations making effective decisions and as well being
Using technical knowledge/expertise effectively Information: There is a
ready to change your own opinion.
high demand for TTEPs in Poland. What would be your strategy during GIP recruitment?
Analyzing information and situations Making effective decisions What was the most difficult
decision you had to make in your life?Prepared to change own opinion
CompetencyBehaviorQuestionGrade and AverageCommitment to Results
Knowing what results are important, and focusing resources to achieve them.Actively
contributing to organizational
performance In member recruitment, what do you think are the key results that indicate a
successful recruitment?Keeping track of progress Focusing on end results and targets What do
you want to achieve in AIESEC? Layout your action plan.Delivering on promises and
Grading System:
Grade the newie from 1-5 (5 being the highest) based on each criterion. For AIESEC
Knowledge, get the average of the grades of each sub-criterion.

At the end, add up all the grades for the total score.

CriterionSub-criteriaQuestionGradeAIESEC KnowledgeAIESEC ArticulationArticulate what

AIESEC is.AIESEC WayWhat is AIESEC?, What we Envision, The Way We Do It, Our Impact, Values
(Choose 1)AIESEC HistoryWhen was AIESEC established? When was AIESEC Phes established?
When was AIESEC Ateneo de Manila University established?AIESEC XPExplain the AIESEC XP. Why is
X essential?AIESEC NetworkExplain the AIESEC Network from the International level to the Local
level.Functional DepartmentsChoose a functional department and briefly explain its responsibilities
and general processes.Other triviaAverageComment

CriterionQuestionGradeAIESEC InvolvementOn a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, rate your

involvement in AIESEC as a newie.Comment

CriterionQuestionGradeLeadership PotentialWhat would you say are leadership qualities that you
exhibit? How do you see yourself as a leader in AIESEC? Is there any specific role you are looking
CriterionQuestionGradeUnderstanding of AIESEC OpportunitiesName two AIESEC Opportunities.
Why does AIESEC provide these opportunities to its members?Comment

CriterionQuestionGradeCultural AwarenessGet score from Awareness of Others


CriterionQuestionGradePersonality, Maturity, and Work attitudeRate your own Personality in

terms of Maturity and Work attitude on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest). Explain your

CriterionQuestionGradeCommunication SkillsGet score from Effective Communication


Total Score

TM InfoAnswerWhat projects/departments might you want to be a part of?What particular skills do

you have that can contribute to AIESEC’s success in the Local Committee.When do you plan on
taking a Leadership Role?When do you plan on going on Exchange?

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