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Was The Mob

Responsible For JFKs

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Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
Was The Mob Responsible
for JFKs Assassination?
The Warren Commissions
The Castro Theory
The Umbrella Man
Government Conspiracy
Hobo Theory
+ More
Was The Mob Responsible
for JFKs Assassination?
Credible Unbelievable
Only 3 bullets were
Bullets were fired
fired Oswald was working
JFK was There was no
killed conspiracy
Acceptance of the
Ruby killed pristine bullet (aka
Magic Bullet)
Oswald theory

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
Evidence proves that more-than-
likely the government was
Before: The original route of
motorcade, lax security
After: Changing of JFKs casket,
cleaning of limousine, inadequate

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
Lax Secret Service protection
Protection for Kennedy was
Buildings in the area were not
checked and secured
Route of motorcade
Changed shortly before the motorcade

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
Johnson ordered the limousine
Kennedy was killed in to be
cleaned and repaired before
evidence was gathered
Refusal of the government to
allow Dallas doctors to autopsy
the body
Muddled Warren Commission
Was The Mob Responsible
for JFKs Assassination?
Prior knowledge of a Mafia hit
on this day lead to
Coordination with the Mafia:
promised to stay out of the

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
Carlos Marcello (New Orleans
Mafia boss) swore vengeance on
the Kennedys after Robert
Kennedy dropped him in the
Guatemalan mountains.
After several times assisting the
government, the Kennedys (esp.
Robert) began a war on
organized crime
Was The Mob Responsible
for JFKs Assassination?
Memorable Quotes
Kennedys not going to make it
to the [1964]election-hes going
to be hit. Santo Trafficante
There is a price on the
Presidents head. Somebody will
kill Kennedy when he comes down
South. Bernard Tregle

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
Why Oswald?
Oswald = Perfect Patsy
Dishonorable discharge from the
U.S. defector to Russia
Known Marxist
Prone to violence:
Beat his wife
Chronic malcontent
a potential for explosive, assaultive
acting out
Was The Mob Responsible
for JFKs Assassination?
Why Oswald?
Connections to the Mob
Connections to Cuba
(Communist/Russian ally)
Connection to the Mob
Allegedly collected bets for his
Uncle Murret
His Fair Play for Cuba Committee
listed his office as one that
belonged to an investigator connect
to Marcello
Was The Mob Responsible
for JFKs Assassination?
Owed his strip joints to
Mafia connections
Dying of lung cancer, so he
had nothing to lose

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
Multiple ear witnesses claim
they heard some of the shots
from the direction of the
grassy knoll
93.6% confidence that a shot
came from the knoll
Kennedys throat shot was an
ENTRY wound

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
What Went Down
November 22, 1963?
Altered route (possibly by the
government) runs the motorcade by
the Depository
Sharpshooters in the grassy knoll
and on the 6th floor of the
depository fire at least 4 shots
into Kennedy and Connally
Government purposefully smears
evidence and creates perfect
Warren report for the public.
Was The Mob Responsible
for JFKs Assassination?
The Mafia staged and planned the murder of JFK
The Mafia had the means and motive
The Mafia planted Oswalds rifle in the nest
while firing from another window entirely
The CIA/FBI aided the Mafia, directly or
At least 4 shots were fired into Connally and
Oswald was nothing but a patsy, and probably
originally agreed to it.

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?
The only things we can be 100%
confident about:
John F. Kennedy was murdered on
November 22, 1963
Ruby murdered Oswald
Whether the government did it on
purpose or not, they effectively
covered up and muddled the evidence
involving JFKs death

Was The Mob Responsible

for JFKs Assassination?

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