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Kuis 1:

1. Which worked on administrative management theory? Fayol and Weber

2. Management is defined as a process of coordinating work activities so
that theyre completed efficiently and effectively through other people
3. Which of the following administrative thinkers has defined administration
as the organization and direction of human and material resources.... is
4. The outcome of planning is a strategy
5. If the administrative authority within a department is vested in a single
individual, then that system is known bureau
6. The outcome of the control process is the ability to measure
performance accurately and regulate organizational efficiency and
7. Who among the following says that public administration includes the
operations of only the executive branch of government? Luther Gulick
8. Simon proposes a new concept of...... is logical positivsm
9. ????
10. The classical theory of administration is also known as the mechanistic

Kuis 2:
1. The management of an organization consists of all those people who direct
others internally (True)
2. A manager who gives guidance to employees, using formal and
informal..... is interpersonal
3. First line managers are involved with managing the work of employees
involved in production
4. Doing things right describes efficiency
5. Henry Fayol first wrote about the management functions
6. There are three main reasons why the study of management has value: the
universality of management, the reality of work, how management......
7. All organizations share the three following characteristics: distinct
purpose, deliberate structure, and people
8. Effectiveness is concerned with attainment of organizational goals (True)
9. In the future, operations management will be less important (False)
10. Ten roles managerial by Henri Mintzberg

Organization Quiz:
1. All the following are organization characteristics, except no cooperation
2. The content and strength of an organizations culture influences ethical
3. According to the symbolic view of management, an organizations results
are influenced and constrained by external factors outside of
managements control (True)
4. Which of the following statements is correct about organizational theory
and organizational behavior? Organizational behavior draws from
anthropology and social psychology
5. Which of the following isnt a feature bureaucrazy (Weber) that made it an
efficient organizational form? Loosely defined functions
6. All the following are early observations on organizations and management
by Mary Parker Follett, except power-over
Notes: Power = kekuasaan
Power-over = kekuasaan pada 1 orang (pemimpin)
Power-with = kekuasaan bersama
7. Which of the following is false about the characteristics of modern
organizations? Have little global focus
8. Degree of environmental uncertainty is determined by two dimensions:
degree of change and degree of complexity in the firms organizational
environment (True)
9. Teams operate most effectively when leadership is formally established
and recognized (False)
Notes: Leadership diakui, tidak pernah formal (diangkat)
10. The success of organization greatly depends on the decisions that
managers make. Its a systematic process and involves a series of steps.
Feedback is usually used in which of the following stages of the decision
making process? Alternative evaluation stage

Organization and Management Quiz:

1. Planning invloves the following defining goals
Notes: Perencanaan umumnya menetapkan tujuan dan proses mencapai
2. Organizing involves the following grouping tasks into department
3. Leading involves the following use of influence
Notes: Kata kunci leadership = influence
4. Controlling involves the following monitoring employees activities
5. The strategic issues of organization management are broad in nature
including how much capacity should be acquired (True)
6. Warehousing organization management transformations are referred to as
exchange transformations (False)
Notes: Warehousing organization management = pengelolaan data dan
informasi. Dikatakan benar jika exchange informations
7. Who developed the use of stardadization in large scale mass production
using a moving assembly line? Henry Ford
8. Which of the following isnt associated with the work of Taylor? A one
best way of doing things
9. Which of the following isnt an organization management tactical issue?
Where do we locate the facility or facilities
10. Which of the following isnt an example of the shift of power from
producers to consumers? Better utilization of facilities

System Quiz:
1. Systems concepts have been used to facilitate problem solving one
decision making for managers (True)
2. System thinking is a method of breaking down the components of a system
and analizing each components separately (False)
3. Which of the following isnt a system? A subatomic particle
4. Which isnt an advantage of system thinking? It helps you focus on one
part of the system at a time
5. What is a managers role in an organization under systems theory?
Manage inputs, throughputs and outputs, monitor for positive and
negative feedback loops and make changes as necessary
6. Which of the following isnt an open system? A rock
7. System characteristics, except uncontinuous response and adaptation to
internal and external environments
8. ??????
9. The essence of systems thinking is seeing the family, not the person
10. When designing a new system, the logical model of the current system is
modified until it represents the blueprint for the new system (True)

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