A Church in Pursuit of God, With A Passion For: People

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a church in pursuit of God, with a passion for people

01... Allen & Judy Nichols 20... Judy Nichols

03… Levia Striker 23… Blake Moser
04... John & Mary Sommer 24... David Geiger
05... Jon Bruce 27… Dawn Moses
07... Kelly Mahoney 27... John Sommer
10… Jessica Anderson 27… Matthew Gideons
11… Elias James 28… Rachael Ponds
12... Will & Tina McGall 28… Rhonda Gideons
17... Katie Cochran 30… Lennie Moser
17… Tasha Caruthers 31… Mike & Sandra Lindsay
17… Thomas & Cheryl Clark
18... Amy Russ
18… Chip & Brenda Sims
Randy Gideons Lead Pastor The Warehouse Church


n 1998 as the early group who would become The
Vineyard Christian Fellowship were seeking God for “When a church is doing superb work in each of these
direction, I was introduced to a book entitled “The Habits elements of ministry, it is truly being the Church that Christ
of Highly Effective Churches” by George Barna. The intended us to be.” George Barna
book would become a strategic tool to help the early
leadership find their way. Mr. Barna had studied churches from In these churches, these are the common results:
coast to coast and identified certain characteristics of churches • These are the churches where the people are implementing
that seemed to be excellent at achieving the goals that Christianity more and more deeply, both on the church-wide
scripture revealed to be important in building God’s Kingdom. and the individual levels.
• They are people who truly worship God on a regular basis.
Here are some of the goals that he found many churches felt • They are a people who are consistently introducing non-
were a sign of success: Christians to Christ.
• having a sanctuary filled with 1000 or more people at the • They are learning and applying principles and truths of the
weekend service. Christian faith to their lives.
• raising a million dollars a year or more for the church’s
• donating half-million dollars or more annually to global • They are developing significant relationships with other
missions. believers, befriending, encouraging and holding each
• adding buildings or constructing a new campus with at least other accountable.
100,000 square feet of ministry facilities. • They joyfully contribute their material possessions to ministries
• sending church choirs to sing in other churches, community and individuals in need, for the glory of God.
events, and on school campuses throughout the nation or • And they devote their time and energy to helping disadvantaged
overseas. people.
• broadcasting the church worship services throughout the city,
region or country.
• offering a wide range of Christian education classes and These behaviors represent the Church in its fullest
ministry programs manifestation!
• having high name awareness in the community at large.
• adding 100 or more new members a year. I pray Dear God that we…The Warehouse Church Family
become the church described above to the fullest…and please
If effective relates to personal commitments and activities Dear God…start with me!
through which people become more Christ-like, the situations
just described do not automatically signal church-wide or Randy
personal spiritual health.

Here is what Mr. Barna found to be effective in reaching

Kingdom goals:
• intimate worship.
• effective evangelism (with true goals for reaching those outside
the church).
• Christian education.
• real community among believers (relationship). Check out Randy’s blog on the Warehouse website.
• holistic stewardship (in every area of life). www.vcfleesburg.com
• serving the needy.
They're back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences
(with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:

Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign
of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your slogan last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.’

Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight

Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from
Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone Africa.
who doesn't care much about you.

This evening at 7 pm there will be a hymn sing in the park

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to
the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school sin.

The concert held in Fellowship Hall was a great success.

Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to Special thanks are due to the minister's daughter, who labored
be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. the whole evening at the piano, which as usual fell upon her.

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the Next Friday we will be serving hot gods for lunch.
deceased person you want remembered.

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super

entertainment and gracious hostility...

Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All

ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S.
is done.

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation

would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast
next Sunday.

Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8

PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the

Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in

the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is
invited to attend this tragedy.

B ack in the day, you could find me in the man that has all of the answers before the turmoil hits? Do you open the
weight room being a typical “gym rat”. book that has the answers before you have the questions? In short, do you
Every afternoon I would put on my gym prepare for the battle that is to come before the enemy is in your house? Do
attire and go to that wonderful place that smelled you practice your offense and defense before your life depends on it? When
of…….well I won’t tell you what it really smelled was the last time that you did any “cross-training”? Are you one of the many
like. Anyway, for hours on end, I would lift that waits for the battle to ensue before doing anything to prepare for it?
weights in various ways training for a Would you wait for a hurricane to demolish your home before preparing for it?
competition. I would incorporate Plyometrics I assure you that the enemy can do more damage in your home than a
and cardio into the routines so as to cross train hurricane.
my muscles. You see, I had a purpose. Before Folks, now is the time to prepare for the battle. If you aren’t in a battle,
the weightlifting meet, there would be countless you will be. If you are in a battle, fight hard because your life depends on it. If
hours specifically training for certain you just finished with a battle, thank God for getting you through it and begin
movements. I was preparing for the battle at preparing for the next. Take some time and work a little “cross-training” into
hand. your schedules.
On Monday through Thursday afternoons it
was not uncommon to find me practicing
football. It would be intensely hot. Back in
those days, hydration was a sign of weakness.
We would practice certain drills over and over
and over again. We would run certain plays
over and over and over again. We had a
purpose. We were preparing for the battle at
hand that would come on Friday night. You see,
practice didn’t make perfect; PERFECT
In the next season, I would train for the shot
put and discus. Hours on end of proper foot
work. Hours on end of Plyometrics. Hours on
end of practicing the proper release from my On Sunday, August 29
hand. Each skill had to be broken down into the The Warehouse Church will be meeting at
smaller parts and perfected. You see, I had a Main Street Receptions
purpose. I was preparing for the battle that was on the corner of
to come. Canal St. and East Main St. in Leesburg.
Most of you can understand what all of this
means. You must practice what you intend on Parking spaces are available on the site,
doing in the battle/competition. We wouldn’t the street, or in the lot provided
think of showing up for a game on Friday night on the corner of Main and Kaolin Streets.
having never practiced running a play. Going to Look for the signage.
a weightlifting meet without proper training and
coaching is not an option. Showing up for a Our service time will be:
track and field meet without knowing how to 10:00am – Café and 10:30am – Worship Service
throw a discus is ridiculous.
How many of us do things just as ridiculous Hope to see you there!
on a daily basis when it comes to fighting in the
spiritual realm? How many of us go through life
and never bend a knee and practice talking to
the Father. Do you practice discussion with the


In Ephesians 4:31, Paul lists things we must remove

from our lives if we are to grow in the grace of Christ:
Diana Crawford ~ I'd be named after OHIO...because it "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and
always says Hi, like me. Besides I was born there! clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you,
with all malice."
Robert Bowersox ~ FLORIDA. Why? I'm a little stormy, wild
and adventurous, prone to fun times and my wife says I'm real We dare not skip over these issues on Paul's list.
hot. The apostle says we absolutely must face these
things if we are to grow in grace. If you ignore the
Sonia Shearer ~ Ohio because I'm round at both ends. heart issues Paul mentions here, you will grieve the
Holy Spirit. Your growth
Brenda Petersen ~ DAKOTA, always thought it was a pretty will be stunted, and you'll end up a spiritual zombie.
name for a girl.
The first three items on Paul's list—bitterness, wrath
Jeff Light ~ TEXAS, everything is bigger in Texas! and anger—are self-explanatory. Bitterness is a
refusal to let go of an old wound or forgive a past
Brenda Sims ~ ALASKA! The last frontier! wrong. Wrath is a stronghold of resentment coupled
(and Alaska is bigger than Texas, humph ‘little pup!’). with a hope to gain revenge. Anger is exasperation
—either a quick explosive outburst or a slow burn of
Stacey Hairston ~ Louisiana, because it is southern, filled with indignation toward someone. Evil speaking are
great people, and fun! words that tear down—it is the opposite of edifying
someone or speaking words of edification; evil
Sue Myers ~ I would be Utah! It means "people of the speaking is malicious, hurtful.
mountains", and that is where I would like to live, more
specifically the West Virginia Mountains with my grandsons. Clamor is a sudden outburst over nothing—an
unnecessary hubbub, a loud noise made for no
Sandy Lindsay ~ Just call me Manhattan. Oh, wait that's not purpose. We cause a clamor when we make a big
a State! Well it should be. It is an International location where issue out of something insignificant, or cause a
the world comes together! scene rather than trying to help or heal.

The final item on Paul's list is malice. Malice is the

desire to see someone else suffer. For many
Christians malice means hoping God will punish
someone who wounded them. It's a devilish spirit,
and it's usually hidden deep within the heart.

When Paul says "Put away all these evils from you,"
he's not talking about a quick fix. He's describing a
process—a matter of growth that takes time. At
times, we may fail at ridding ourselves of these evils.
But if we will quickly repent, and commit to making
things right with the person, over time these issues
will fade away.
Every Sunday ~ 2nd & 4th Wednesday ~ 4th Friday ~
averagejoe’s Café * S OA K IN G @ 7:00pm Older Gents @ 11:30am
Free continental breakfast served from The Lindsay Home Older Gents is an opportunity for men over
10:00am to 10:20am The Plantations off Hwy 27 50 to meet for lunch and enjoy great
Contact: Renee Stoffel @ 253-2465 24113 Peekskill St. South Leesburg conversation over a variety of topics that
Contact: Sandy Lindsay 315-0245 affect all of us.
THEWAREHOUSE BAND Dinner served @ 6:30pm Golden Coral, West Leesburg
Contacts: Aaron Symonds @ 330-1928 Next Meeting: Aug 11 & 25 Contact: Randy Gideons 793-9270
Mela Striker @ 365-1006 Next Meeting: Aug 27
* Soaking is simply spending time in God’s
Presence rather than striving in prayer. It’s
We believe in ministering to the needs of even
about resting in His Presence, experiencing
Him and choosing to be intimate with Him. elev ation
our littlest members. Our qualified teachers Young Adults of 18 to 29 years old gather for
create a positive experience that introduces fellowship and different activities. Contact:
nursery and preschool children to the love of
Every Friday ~ Vance Harbaugh (941) 720-3912
Jesus early on.
Warehouse Volleyball
Contact: Jill Porvaznik @ 793-1326
Leesburg Rec Center
1851 Griffin Rd., Leesburg CREATIVE ARTS
WAREHOUSE KID’S from 7-7:30 until you drop. Drama! Dance! Pantomime! Sign language!
Warehouse Kid’s is for all boys and girls in Cost is $2 per night until you reach $20, Flags! Children's ballet! These are just a few
Kindergarten through 6th grade. We provide a then you are covered for the rest of the year. venues that have been incorporated into the
combination of games, interactive characters, These are pickup games open to the public. Creative Arts Ministry at the Warehouse
and fun filled songs capture kid’s attention Contact: Derek Striker 551-9535 Church. The message of salvation through
while showing them that living for God is the Jesus Christ and the ministry of worship are
best way to live! 1st Friday ~ key factors in the foundation of our Creative
READER’S Book Group @ 6:30pm
Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385 Arts Ministry. Many people are blessed
This group is for the discussion of books through the visual arts and this is why this
1st & 3rd Sunday @ 5:00pm~ ministry exists. Look for future opportunities
pertaining to the Christian Faith.
Barnes & Noble @ Lake Sumter Landing that will allow community oriented theater and
Book to read for the summer: dance.
The Great House of God by Max Lucado Contact: Barbara Smith @ 315-1400
We desire to Tell, Teach and Touch those
around us. We are ordinary, everyday Contact: Brenda Sims (352) 787-5266
people, working out a God-initiated, Next Meeting: Sept 3
supernatural salvation, and offering the same
to those we come in contact with. 2nd & 4th Friday ~ Tuesday, 8/17 @ 6:30pm
12415 SE 60th Terrace, Belleview Harp & Bowl - Worship & Intercession
Contact: David Schott 347-9841 Cochran Home Lead Team Meeting
3233 Indian Trail, Eustis, 32726 at the Warehouse
2nd & 4th Sunday ~ Snacks at 6:30; Harp & Bowl at 7:00
S T A T U R E Youth Group @ 1:00pm All Team Leaders
Stature is about experience, connection and Harp & Bowl is based on Rev. 5:8-10
are asked to attend.
influence. Teenagers can have an authentic, ... one had a harp and they were holding golden
first-hand experience with God while they bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the
connect with others, forming purposeful saints...
Our goal is to worship God and to pray the heart of
relationships. As they grow, they learn how Jesus in every situation that God leads us to.
to make an impact on the world they live in. The format is simple--worship and pray--which
Contact: Neal Hayes 365-1496 works out very free flowing, with sensitivity to the
Next Meeting: Aug 8 & 22 Spirit expected. We worship and minister in many
various ways, along with focused/pointed
1st Wednesday ~ intercession. Everyone is expected to participate,
Light Home Group @ 6:30pm encouraging everyone that they
Our group is about RELATIONSHIPS; have the freedom to fail--just go for it! When we
feel like God's done with us we stop. Everyone is
building them and maintaining them. We are encouraged to slip out earlier if they need to.
studying Romans Chapter 12 and using the Our worship is led primarily by Ernest & Rita
examples given to do Acts of Kindness to the Machamer and Jamie & Cliff Cochran. Ernest, a
people that we run into within our own former church worship leader, plays the keyboard
community. This in turn will hopefully build beautifully, while Rita sings beautifully and
more relationships to the people that need it prophetically. We’ve got three guitars, a piano, and
most. another keyboard just waiting for those who can
1304 CR 245A, Oxford (West) play them.
Contact: Jeff Light @ (352) 427-9211 Contact: Cliff Cochran @ 483-3140
Next Meeting: Aug 4 Next Meeting: Aug 13 & 27
Brenda Petersen


Granny Scam-someone calls claiming to be a relative of the senior. Person Be wary of work at home offers. You'll be
says he/she is in another country and needs money. Scammer asks the senior asked to pay in advance for materials and
to wire money. are unlikely to make money.

Supplemental Medicare policies-salesmen illegally claim to represent the Don't respond if you receive an unsolicited
federal government and say they are selling supplemental Medicare insurance. email that asks to confirm personal
information such as a bank account/credit
Investment Scam-person selling the investment promises profits or returns that card number. Never give out personal
are too good to be true. information.

Make money at home-advertisement/ phone solicitation promises profitable Never sign blank forms.
home-based work but requires you pay in advance for training or materials.
Make sure to investigate unfamiliar
Identity theft-scammer-obtains bank-account/ credit card numbers via email, companies before investing with them.
falsified change of address forms or from person directly. Contact your local police department or
senior service agency and ask whether they
Lottery/prize scam-person can only claim winnings by sending money in have any classes or seminars specifically
advance to pay taxes/fees. about seniors and crime.

Tips to avoid scams: make sure you're in control of any situation when you may
be giving money to someone you don't know.

Be wary of responding to phone come-ons. Never reveal your bank information

to someone who calls you. Never give out personal information.

If someone comes to your door and asks to come in to use your phone, don't let
them in; tell them you'll make the call for them. They could be trying to rob your
home or scope it out for a later robbery.

Find the Cross!

Hidden somewhere in the newsletter is a “cross” similar to
the one below and possibly a different color.

If you find it and you’re the first to call the church office
@ 365-2594 or email to vcfleesburg@embarqmail.com,
you’ll win a treat! Happy Hunting!

Last newsletter the cross was in the lawn mower

graphic on Jeff’s World.

No one found the cross last month!

That sweet voice you hear on Sunday mornings is Aimee! Aimee is an old soul
trapped in a young woman’s body! Her maturity and love of God is refreshing to
see in a young adult. We lover her!

Food: My family says that my favorite food group

Full name: Aimee Rebecca Anderson
is condiments. Everything is better with (Hunt’s)
Nicknames: Monk (from Daddy), Monkey, Aimee Loo, Punkin
ketchup, or mayo, or sour cream, or cream
Born where & when: Waterman Hospital, July 7, 1988 cheese, or butter. But as far as real food goes, I
Family stats: Daughter, Sister, mean Aunt Aimee ; ) love potatoes, tomatoes, cheese and bananas
Pets: I have “Honey” a Chocolate Lab, “Shorty “ A Basset Hound/Beagle, three goats (not together, of course). I love chicken and
named Billy, Mama, and Lulu, “Bella” the rabbit, and a bunch of chickens and a steak, but I hate seafood. I know what you’re
turkey. thinking, and no, not even lobster, shrimp, or
Last movie seen: In theaters: ‘Iron Man II’. At home: ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ crab. I don’t like chocolate either. I’m a freak of
First job: The Yalaha Country Bakery. Gained 5 pounds just walking in the door nature.
everyday. Words: Selah. I love the word Selah. I love that
Worst job: My worst job was probably Sears. The people I worked with were like no one knows exactly what it means. Some think
another family to me, but the job itself was not fun. it’s a direction in music such as interlude. Since
Worst subject in school: I loved everything, except Chemistry and Grammar. the word appears is Habakkuk also, most do not
Grammar wasn’t that fun, and Chemistry was like a foreign language to me! think it’s a musical term. Most think it is sort of
Your favorite sport/game to play: I really like to jog, and I like kickball. I like like ‘amen’ or ‘so be it’ or ‘meditate on this’.
volleyball, but I’m pretty sure that I’m horrible at it. Vacation spot: The beach! I love the beach. I
What are your hobbies: I love to read, jog, find new music, cook, and take care of can’t get enough of it. I like Florida nature in
my animals. I like sitting on the porch with Daddy, watching our animals and the lake. general; Florida is a regular paradise to me.
Song: Prepare yourself…I like too many songs to
Best way to make you laugh: I like witty-ness and a good joke or story.
name one favorite. ‘Don’t Wait’, or anything by
Most annoying habit: I pop my gum a lot. It really annoys my dad. Really bad. Ha!
Dashboard Confessional, ‘Black River’ by Amos
If you had to pick another profession, what would it be: Well I don’t really have a
Lee, ‘Please Forgive Me’ and ‘Fugitive’ by David
profession yet, but I’m going to school to be an RN, so if I had to choose something Gray, ‘Grace’ by Kate Havnevik, ‘King Without a
other than nursing, I would definitely choose education. I love teaching/tutoring. Crown’ by Matisyahu, ‘Cello Song’ by Nick Drake,
Word or phrase you overuse: Cool beans. My bad. Sorry. People tell me that I ‘Colorful’ by Rocco DeLuca, ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy
apologize too much and I say ‘Sorr-- . . . I’m not sorry.’ Ha! Chapman, ‘Gravity’ by Sara Bareilles, and many
Worst trouble you got into as a child: Talking too much and running outside more.
barefoot. Perfume: Heaven by Gap, Moon Sparkle by
Hidden talent: Sneezing. If sneezing could be a talent, I’d be the best at it because Escada, and Clinique Happy Heart.
every time I sneeze, I sneeze about 7 times. I guess cooking could be my hidden CD: Probably ‘The Places You Have Come to
talent, though it’s not all that juicy. I like to think I have a way with explaining things as Fear the Most’, ‘Dusk and Summer’ or ‘Shade of
far as teaching goes, but who knows? Poison Trees’ by Dashboard Confessional.
Most unusual thing in your fridge right now: Probably some silver ointment from Movie: I have too many favorites. Gladiator is
my brother’s road rash fiasco. probably my #1, but I also like Pride & Prejudice,
Most embarrassing moment: Which one? I’m really good at embarrassing Enough, Catch and Release, The Notebook, P.S.
moments. Too good. Can that be my hidden talent? I’ve embarrassed myself so I Love You, Dan in Real Life, Tristan & Isolde,
many times that I learned to just be quiet . . . usually. Doc Hollywood, The Time Traveler’s Wife and a
Best advice you've ever been given: My family, Mama especially, instilled in me the bunch more.
Book: My favorite book would probably be ‘The
value of trusting God completely with His will for my life. It’s the best thing anyone
Time Traveler’s Wife’ by Audrey Niffenegger, but
could’ve ever done for me. It’s the best decision anyone could make.
I also love Phillpa Gregory’s collection of ‘The
How many speeding tickets: Zip Other Boleyn Girl’ books, and ‘White Oleander’
When you see God, what do you hope He'll say? It’s good to have you home, by Janet Fitch.
baby. Restaurant: Chili’s, Mimi’s Café, and Panera
Spiritual song/Hymn: ‘Worthy of All My Praise’
A FEW OF YOUR FAVORITE THINGS by Selah, ‘There is a Fountain’, ‘Fail Us Not’ by
1000 Generations, and ‘Shadowfeet’ by Brooke
Color: Purple! I love purple, but since it’s not the most practical color, my second favorite Toothpaste: Colgate
is green. Flowers/Plant: Tulips, Peonies, and Live Oak
TV show: ‘Friends’, ‘Alias’, ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, ‘Dancing with the Stars’, and ‘So You Think trees.
You Can Dance’
Dessert: Rice crispy treats and banana cream cheesecake
Bible Verse: Romans 8:28, Romans 12:2, 2 Timothy 1:7, Romans 2:4, and Psalm 25
by Sonia Shearer

Is It What You Expected?

H ow many times have you So I now have a choice, do I do what is right in their lives. I’m not
prayed for something and then continue praying for God to bless them saying God caused all of these things to
the world seems to fall apart? and bring them to their knees so they will happen but he has certainly allowed
Then you think, what kind of an answer sell out, because that is what I’ve been them. He takes what is meant for evil
was that God? Most likely he will not praying, or do I say, “Stop God, they and turns it into good.
answer that prayer in a neat little can’t handle anymore.” The mom/aunt My encouragement to you is that
package and hand it to you and say, inside of me wants to say STOP, what when you pray and all hell breaks loose,
“OK, here is your answer”. I have found are you doing to my family? Don’t you that is a sign that God has just started
over my years of experience that He just see they are hurting and going through working. He loves the people in your life
doesn’t work that way. I have been agony? But the spirit inside of me says, more than you do so let him do what he
praying for my family to be saved for “I’m answering your prayer, I know what needs to do in their lives to bring them
years. Gradually, one by one that is I’m doing, trust me with this.” where they need to be.
happening and I’m really thanking God My favorite scriptures in the whole
for his grace and mercy in their lives. Bible is Romans 8:28, “And we know that
I still have some relatives that aren’t in all things God works for the good of
quite convinced that selling out to God is those who love him and have been
the way to go. My prayers for them have called according to his purpose”. (NIV)
intensified and so has the pressure in I’ve lived long enough to know that this
their lives. Without going into a lot of scripture is true. Many years ago God
detail, it seems everything that could go took me as low as I needed to go so I
wrong has. They have experienced could learn that he really did love me.
everything from separations of marriage Sometimes we need to get to that place.
to arrest of children to tumors the size of I’m not happy about all the things my
eggs in one of their heads. Sounds family is going through but I trust my
awful doesn’t it? awesome, all knowing, all loving God to

It's all fun and games ‘til...the doors are locked!

Volleyball is every Friday night at 1851 Griffin

Rd., Leesburg from 7:00pm until you drop.

Cost is $2 per night until you reach $20, then you

are covered for the rest of the year.
The Leesburg Rec Center is state of the art
with air conditioning!!!!
These are pickup games open to the public.

Hope to see you all there!

Mark You Calendar!

Softball registration begins 1st week in Sept.
The actual games will begin on Oct 25th
There is no question that God wants us as
Christians to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts
are our tools to make use of as we co-labor with Him (it
is more God doing as we stumble along) being
channels of God’s grace, blessing and glory. These
gifts are to be part of our everyday lives; first, private
life, secondly, family, thirdly, in the work place and
finally, in church. Most Christians start in church and
skip the rest of the areas. We skip the first three areas
GIFT OF CRITICISM of discipleship because it is plain difficult; this is the

“Christian Navy Seal’s training”. There is no need to
n the early 80s, our family was a part of the Spirit travel to North Island at Coronado, California it is on the
and Word community where the Spirit of God him be cursed. I said it once; I’ll say it again: If anyone, island right where you live, he trains and retrains his
moved in ways one reads about happening in regardless of reputation or credentials, preaches called.
another part of the country. We were all so hungry for something other than what you received originally, let Fran Lance with JoAnne Sekowsky authors of
more of God and eager to learn. People came from all him be cursed.” (Galatians 1:6-9, Message) We were “You Can Minister in the Spiritual Gifts,” What are the
over to witness the love of Jesus and the manifestation building community rather than the kingdom of God. Spiritual Gifts? Chapter three states, “First
of the gifts. I remembered one time in particular a Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “The person who loves Corinthian 12, 13, and 14 are the chapters that have a
meeting where catchers fell with the person being their dream of community will destroy community [even lot to tell us about spiritual gifts. Bible authorities tell us
prayed with. I was standing behind the catchers if their intentions are ever so earnest], but the person there are three major groups of spiritual gifts: the
guiding people in the prayer line when I turned around who loves those around them will create community.” motivational gifts, the ministry gifts and the
to help an elder, his catcher was slain in the Spirit and Steve Brown wrote in his book What Was I manifestation gifts. The motivational gifts are found in
while I was trying to direct his fall, I was slain. It was Thinking?, “We can be so enamored with the Bible’s Romans 12:4-8, prophecy, service, ministry, teaching,
crazy! truth that we forget that the truth is to be lived and encouragement, contributing to others, leadership and
Many were touched and healed. A good number used, not just acquired and memorized.” Because we showing mercy. They reveal offices or ministries of the
of people today are serving the Lord because of what knew some biblical truths we thought too highly of our church. The ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:11-12 are
they experienced at some of our meetings, prayers self; self-righteousness. apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
were answered, lives were changed. I assure you I had God disrupted our self-righteousness. God is in They reveal the authority of Jesus and they prepare
no idea what was going on, but I knew God was doing the business of spoiling all of our expectations and God’s people for works of service, so the body of Christ
something good. On occasions things happened that requirements by changing our plans and using misfits (kingdom) may be built up. The manifestation gifts,
did not seem of God but I was so carried away and (his friends) who we would not choose (take me for an given in First Corinthians 12:7-11, are tongues,
immature spiritually I misused my gifts as others did. example). God always calls some weird people into interpretation of tongues, prophecy, word of wisdom,
There were those that were a part of the Word and our lives, which do not fit in our framework of word of knowledge, discerning of spirits, faith, healing,
Faith movement, some who felt if we read the right acceptance. In fact, God chooses and gifts people that and miracles. They reveal the power of Jesus. The
book or got the right speaker, the right method, formula, drive you and me up the wall. I cannot love and serve manifestation gifts in turn can be divided into three
or the new revelation, we could get on track to live a them without God given grace. groups: the vocal gifts (power to speak) – tongues,
deeper walk and those who were just very skeptical interpretation of tongues and prophecy, revelation gifts
about the whole Charismatic movement. (the power to know) – word of wisdom, word of
As time went by the meetings became closed to God always calls some weird people knowledge and discerning of spirits and power gifts (the
everyone except the members of the Spirit and the into our lives, which do not fit in our power to do) – faith, healings and miracles.”
Word Community. We had Sunday afternoon outreach framework of acceptance. The questions you must keep foremost in your
services at the Neuman Center but more and more the In fact, God chooses and gifts people spirit, is it up lifting? Does it edify Jesus? Does it
leadership pulled in the reins on who could pray for that drive you and me up the wall. encourage the brethren? Does it scare other seekers
whom, how they were to pray with a person and when away? The word criticism is not found in any of these
I cannot love and serve them
they could be prayed with. (There needs to be Biblical groups because it is an act of division, faultfinding or
without God given grace. inappropriate judging while Biblical gifts are used to
guidelines and authority.) In addition, ministries of
individuals were highlighted and flaunted all in the build kingdom.
name of Jesus. All this seemed to be well and good at Oh, we in the Spirit and the Word talked a good Amazing Grace was written late in 1772 by John
the time. The leadership was sure they were keeping walk but a sure test is how well one serves those “other Newton, “Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound, that
the move of God pure, on course and of God. We did people” (you know the kind). We talk about serving yet saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am
not want strange (fire) happenings in our midst. It we didn’t have a servant’s heart. Sinful people serve found was blind, but now I see. T’was grace that taught
came to a point where fewer people were being sinful people. Only those who don’t deserve it can be my heart to fear, and grace my fear relieved; How
touched and gradually they became discontent. Slowly served and loved, and only those who have been loved precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed!
legalism crept into the camp – leaven. This all came can love. One cannot love perfect people. Love in Thru many dangers, toils and snares, I have already
about because of our attitude. A critical spirit edge in response to goodness, perfection and obedience isn’t come; ‘tis grace that bro’t me safe thus far, and grace
so gentle and it looked so Godly. We in the Spirit and love; it’s a duty. If it weren’t for sin, I never would have will lead me home. When we’ve been there ten
the Word gradually lost our freedom (a free life in God) discovered Grace. If it weren’t for Grace, I never would thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no
and in its place came into a spirit of disapproval and have discovered the joy of serving. If it weren’t for less days to sing God’s praise than when we first
control, giving up our free life in the Holy Spirit for serving, I would never have discovered love fulfilled. begun.”
religious rules and regulations. I was taken up in this Eventually the elders realized we had gone the
spirit and yet there was this "thought-feeling" which I wrong direction but we could not keep the ship from
ignored. Now when I look back, I see that God was sinking (Titanic). My friend it was tragic, by this time
revealing his gifts in me. many were hurt. In fact, it took years before there was
It was the book of Galatians all over again. Paul reconciliation among the brethren. The anointing
says to the Galatians, “I can’t believe your fickleness – (empowerment of the Holy Spirit) was still with many
how easily you have turned traitor to Him who called but together it was powerful but separate it was a
you by grace of Christ by embracing a variant trickle.
message, a no-message, a lie about God. Those who Betty and I decided as many did that we were not
are provoking this agitation among you are turning the going to lie down or roll over but continue crying out to
Message of Christ on its head. Let me be blunt: If one God for guidance and opportunities for reconciliation
of us – even if an angel from heaven! – were to preach and ministry.
something other than what we preached originally, let Check out Leo’s blog on the Warehouse website. www.vcfleesburg.com

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