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Unit V-


Accountability can most succinctly and precisely be described as
answerability. Having accountability exclusively means a necessity and
expectation to explain one's actions for whatever they are accountable for.
An easy way to think about being accountable is literally - whatever the
results of a person's actions, that person must be able to give an account of
not just what happened, but why it happened and how.

By this definition, a CEO can do a terrible job as an executive of a company,

allow it to fall into ruin, and squander all of its fund and assets - but still be
accountable, if they are up for the task of simply explaining what happened,
how it happened, and why. Accountability, then, does not lay blame for or pin
success to the person who is accountable, it only describes that person as
being able to explain their actions or the actions of a group or business.

Responsibility is the idea of being completely in charge of something, that
the person who is responsible for something is the root cause behind
whether that thing succeeds, fails, lives, or dies. If a person is responsible for
taking care of their favorite rose bush, that rose bush's fate, its liveliness,
and its health now has a causality associated with that person. If it thrives, it
was the responsibility of that person and can be attributed to that person's
actions. If it dies, the responsibility also lies with that person.

This does necessarily mean that if the rose bush dies, the person will have to
explain how or why the rose bush died. Responsibility merely says that
blame (or praise) is assigned for whatever happens to the rosebush to one
person, or a group of people. If the rose bush dies, it is the fault of that
person or group, but they do not owe any explanation of how or why it


Accountability Can Have Positive Results-

Accountability means being held answerable for accomplishing a goal or

assignment. Unfortunately, the word "accountability" often connotes
punishment or negative consequences. Certainly, management should not
tolerate poor performance and should take action when it occurs. However,
when organizations use accountability only as a big stick for punishing
employees, fear and anxiety permeate the work environment. Employees are
afraid to try new methods or propose new ideas for fear of failure. On the
other hand, if approached correctly, accountability can produce positive,
valuable results.

Positive results of accountability-

The positive results of practicing a constructive approach to accountability


improved performance,
more employee participation and involvement,
increased feelings of competency,
increased employee commitment to the work,
more creativity and innovation, and
higher employee morale and satisfaction with the work.

These positive results occur when employees view accountability programs

as helpful and progressive methods of assigning and completing work. For
example, managers who involve employees in setting goals and expectations
find that employees understand expectations better, are more confident that
they can achieve those expectations, and perform at a higher level. Positive
results also occur when employees don't associate accountability only with
negative consequences. If employees do not fear failure, if managers
recognize employees for their accomplishments, and if managers support
their employees when goals become difficult, employees are more likely to
be creative, innovative, and committed to their work.

Arguments for practicing constructive accountability are overwhelming. In his

book, The Accountability Revolution, Mark Samuel says that "accountability
means people can count on one another to keep performance commitments
and communication agreements." According to Samuel, accountability can
result in increased synergy, a safe climate for experimentation and change,
and improved solutions because people feel supported and trusted. All of
these positive results create higher employee morale and satisfaction.

Confidentiality "implies a relationship between two or more persons in which
the information communicated between them is to be kept in confidence."
The need for confidentiality can arise in a number of ways:
as a contractual duty through a service agreement, employment contract
or client agreement
as an ethical duty informed by a code of ethics or code of conduct
as a statutory duty governed by professional regulation or a particular
legislative scheme.

Ethical duty of confidentiality-

Ethical duties of confidentiality usually arise under one of the ethical and
conduct frameworks such as codes of conduct, codes of ethics, guidelines or
by virtue of membership of a particular profession or professional
association. A number of factors will determine whether the confidentiality:
is enforceable or unenforceable
against whom the confidentiality will be enforced
the scope and limits of the confidentiality
the consequences for breach of confidentiality.


Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more
dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor
lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded,
focused, and alert.

With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a
tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and
supporting both physical and emotional health.

Laughter is good for your health

Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension
and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and
increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the bodys natural feel-good
chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily
relieve pain.
Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and
increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other
cardiovascular problem.
Laughter and humor help you stay emotionally healthy

Laughter makes you feel good. And the good feeling that you get when you laugh remains
with you even after the laughter subsides. Humor helps you keep a positive, optimistic
outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss.

More than just a respite from sadness and pain, laughter gives you the courage and strength
to find new sources of meaning and hope. Even in the most difficult of times, a laughor
even simply a smilecan go a long way toward making you feel better. And laughter really is
contagiousjust hearing laughter primes your brain and readies you to smile and join in the

The link between laughter and mental health

Laughter dissolves distressing emotions. You cant feel anxious, angry, or sad when
youre laughing.
Laughter helps you relax and recharge. It reduces stress and increases energy,
enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more.
Humor shifts perspective, allowing you to see situations in a more realistic, less
threatening light. A humorous perspective creates psychological distance, which can help
you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
The social benefits of humor and laughter

Humor and playful communication strengthen our relationships by triggering positive

feelings and fostering emotional connection. When we laugh with one another, a positive
bond is created. This bond acts as a strong buffer against stress, disagreements, and

Laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone-

Shared laughter is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and
exciting. All emotional sharing builds strong and lasting relationship bonds, but sharing
laughter and play also adds joy, vitality, and resilience. And humor is a powerful and
effective way to heal resentments, disagreements, and hurts. Laughter unites people during
difficult times.

Incorporating more humor and play into your daily interactions can improve the quality of
your love relationshipsas well as your connections with co-workers, family members, and
friends. Using humor and laughter in relationships allows you to:

Be more spontaneous. Humor gets you out of your head and away from your
Let go of defensiveness. Laughter helps you forget judgments, criticisms, and
Release inhibitions. Your fear of holding back and holding on are set aside.
Express your true feelings. Deeply felt emotions are allowed to rise to the surface.

Here are some ways to start:

Smile. Smiling is the beginning of laughter. Like laughter, its contagious. Pioneers in
laugh therapy, find its possible to laugh without even experiencing a funny event. The
same holds for smiling. When you look at someone or see something even mildly pleasing,
practice smiling.
Count your blessings. Literally make a list. The simple act of considering the good
things in your life will distance you from negative thoughts that are a barrier to humor and
laughter. When youre in a state of sadness, you have further to travel to get to humor and
When you hear laughter, move toward it. Sometimes humor and laughter are
private, a shared joke among a small group, but usually not. More often, people are very
happy to share something funny because it gives them an opportunity to laugh again and feed
off the humor you find in it. When you hear laughter, seek it out and ask, Whats funny?
Spend time with fun, playful people. These are people who laugh easilyboth at
themselves and at lifes absurditiesand who routinely find the humor in everyday events.
Their playful point of view and laughter are contagious.
Bring humor into conversations. Ask people, Whats the funniest thing that
happened to you today? This week? In your life?.

Unit IV-

Value Education: Definition and the Concept of Value Education

Values education is a term used to name several things, and there is much academic
controversy surrounding it. Some regard it as all aspects of the process by which teachers
(and other adults) transmit values to pupils.
Others see it as an activity that can take place in any organization during which people are
assisted by others, who may be older, in a position of authority or are more experienced, to
make explicit those values underlying their own behavior, to assess the effectiveness of these
values and associated behavior for their own and others long term well-being and to reflect
on and acquire other values and behavior which they recognize as being more effective for
long term well-being of self and others.
This means that values education can take place at home, as well as in schools, colleges,
universities, offender institutions and voluntary youth organizations. There are two main
approaches to values education. Some see it as inculcating or transmitting a set of values
which often come from societal or religious rules or cultural ethics.
Others see it as a type of Socratic dialogue where people are gradually brought to their own
realization of what is good behavior for themselves and their community. Value education
also leads to success. It has values of hard work, how nobody is useless and loving studies.

Explicit values education is associated with those different pedagogies, methods or

programmes that teachers or educators use in order to create learning experiences for
students when it comes to value questions.
Implicit values education on the other hand covers those aspects of the educational
experience resulting in value influence learning, which can be related to the concept of
hidden curriculum. This discussion on implicit and explicit raises the philosophical problem
of whether or not an unintentional action can be called education.
Objectives of Value Education:
a. To improve the integral growth of human begins.
b. To create attitudes and improvement towards sustainable lifestyle.
c. To increase awareness about our national history our cultural heritage, constitutional
rights, national integration, community development and environment.
d. To create and develop awareness about the values and their significance and role.
e. To know about various living and non-living organisms and their interaction with

Value Based Environmental Education:

1. Human Values:
Preparation of text-books and resource materials about environmental education can play an
important role in building positive attitudes about environment. The basic human value man
in nature rather than nature for man needs to be infused through the same.

2. Social Values:
Love, compassion, tolerance and justice which are the basic teachings of most of our
religions need to be woven into environmental education. These are the values to be nurtured
so that all forms of life and the biodiversity on this earth are protected.
3. Cultural and Religious Values:
These are the values enshrined in Vedas like Dehi me dadami te i.e. you give me and 1
give you (Yajurveda) emphasize that man should not exploit nature without nurturing her.
Our cultural customs and rituals in many ways teach us to perform such functions as would
protect and nurture nature and respect every aspect of nature, treating them as sacred, are it
rivers, earth, mountains or forests.
4. Ethical Values:
Environmental education should encompass the ethical values of earth-centric rather than
human-centric world-view. The educational system should promote the earth-citizenship
thinking. Instead of considering human being as supreme we have to think of the welfare of
the earth.
5. Global Values:
The concept that the human civilization is a part of the planet as a whole and similarly nature
and various natural phenomena over the earth are interconnected and inter-linked with
special bonds of harmony. If we disturb this harmony anywhere there will be an ecological
imbalance leading to catastrophic results.
6. Spiritual Values:
Principles of self-restraint, self-discipline, contentment, reduction of wants, freedom from
greed and austerity are some of the finest elements intricately woven into the traditional and
religious fabric of our country. All these values promote conservationism and transform our
consumerist approach.

Importance of value based education:

In a Values-based school, children develop a secure sense of self.
They become more empowered to take responsibility for their own learning
They become more empowered to take responsibility for their own learning
Research shows that children develop academic diligence when they are involved
with a Values-based school
They develop relational trust. They become articulate and able to talk freely and well.
Through silence, quietness and reflection techniques of the Values-based framework,
children can understand much more deeply their work and their lives.
From the social perspective, Values-based Education promotes effective learning and
underpins the continuous improvement of personal, social, moral and economic
It is an investment in individual capability and self-responsibility and its product,
therefore, promises significant value to society.


1. Introduction: The Early Days of Value-Based Education
In ancient India, the instructions of a teacher (guru) to a student (disciple) would start as
"Let your conduct be marked by right action, including study and teaching of the scriptures;
by truthfulness in word, deed and thought; by self-denial and the practice of austerity; by
poise and self-control; by performance of the everyday duties of life with a cheerful heart
and in unattached mind. Deviate not from the path of good. Revere greatness.
, Fs, In Taxila, later in Nalanda Rabat and Al-Azhar, still later in Paris and Oxford,
instruction emphasized moral and ethical values. This was because formal education,
although available to a restricted few, was organized around religious institutions. Education
was thought to be a cultural good for individual moral development and was to have very
little to do with economic well-being or material progress.
But in practice individual moral excellence ignored aspects of equity, justice and freedom.
Discrimination and a sense hierarchy were commonly in vogue. The religion of the
institution was preached as the best in existence, and the condemnation of the others was,
implicitly or explicitly, taken for granted.
2. Changing Role of Education and Implications for Values and Vice Versa
From the end of the eighteenth century the rise of academies and polytechnics had expanded
the traditional concept of educational institutions and universities as the place for mainly
humanistic studies, to cover provision for skills to explore resource potential, to produce
goods and services, to negotiate terms of transaction and to manage material wealth. The
value system changed also and became "the criteria used by the members of the society to
evaluate objects, ideas, acts, feelings or events as to their relative desirability, merit or
Although principles of freedom, democracy, equality and justice remained as important
values in spirit, educational agencies remained unconcerned about them in practice, as they
were with conservation and the careful use of resources. People started laying emphasis on
private property, the practice of capitalism, rationality and growth. The communist ideals
sought in some parts of the world lost ground at the close of the twentieth century.
The belief in private property has converted much green area into concrete buildings, in the
name of urban development. The belief in material progress has polluted the air and water in
the name of industrial development.
In the industrialized and commercialized society, values changed, with emphasis on material
progress. Religious education was complemented by secular education with more emphasis
on understanding different religions, freedom and human rights.
3. Problems Facing Society Today
Towards the close of the twentieth century, several important changes have occurred in
human life all over the world, which require special attention with a view to redefining
values on an international scale.
First, development of communication and information technology has made the world a
global village with improved interaction among peoples of the world. This has also
contributed to the widening of disparities among peoples. The globalization phenomena have
given rise to issues of justice, equity, freedom, democracy and human rights.
Second, rejection of the communist ideology, while resulting in some convergence in
development strategies of various countries, has brought about ethnic conflicts, nationalism
and religious fanaticism. Never has one felt so much need for tolerance and a culture of
Third, greed for material progress has brooked no limits. Deforestation, global warming,
water and air pollution, are consequences of industrial development making the earth more
and more inhospitable. The concern for the protection of the environment has never been so
Finally, development of biotechnology and bio-informatics has brought about, on the one
hand, increased agricultural production, better medical facilities, some environmental gains,
but has also created problems of gene cloning and surrogate motherhood, raising complex
ethical issues. "The impact of ethics can be measured in high technology areas such as
biology and medicine, as well as in the arcane vagaries of computerization, a phenomenon
which is affecting all spheres including private life
4. Value-Based Education for the Twenty-First Century and the Role of
Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Agencies
While the basic values of seeking the truth, practicing honesty and appreciating beauty,
remain intact, secular values like tolerance, self respect, love for human dignity, respect and
compassion for others, individual freedom and human rights, internationalism, rejection of
cruelty, the practice of non-violence and the culture of peace have become more important
today because of the problems facing the human race. These became the principal
preoccupations of the international organizations.
The United Nations, in its Charter in 1945, established three pillars, namely, peace, justice
and freedom as follows:
5. Concluding Remarks
The year 2000, the beginning of the third millennium and the twenty-first century, has been
proclaimed by UNESCO as the International Year of the Culture of Peace. Proclamations are
not enough if they are not vigorously followed by action. Education is the main instrument
for such action. The educational institutions of the Member States of UNESCO have now the
necessary courseware to introduce value-based educational programmes incorporating both
spiritual and secular values to build a culture of peace.
The educational institutions, local, national and international agencies, have to work together
to make value-based education an essential component of educational programmes to change
the attitudes and behavior of the human race. According to UNESCO, "since wars begin in
the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed".
"I proclaim forcefully, we must hence forth be ready to pay the price of peace as we have
paid with millions of human lives the price of war; that the diversity of cultures, the very
basis of our identities and sense of belonging should unite us around ideals proclaimed by
our constitution and never again divide us; that religions founded on love should not lead us
to confrontation and hatred; and that ideologies, through freedom of expression and
participation, should serve democracy and not coercion."
India is badly in need of Value Based Education and Teaching System which inculcates
among the young students values that they need to imbibe and embalm within them.

Value based education imparts social, moral, integrity, character, spirituality and many
more. It builds the qualities of humility, strength and honesty in a person. They become
better citizens of a country. People with high ethical values will never cheat others. People
are taught to co-operate with each other. They make their life happier and works hard to
make others happy.

Our history and mythology taught us of excellent values education.

We, the Indians, talk loud of our cultural heritage, we talk a lot of the characters of Ram,
Krishna, Raja Harishchandra, Sita, Savitri and for that matter many more, Buddha, Mahavir,
Kabir, Raidas, Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramanujan. Good that India have
these great mengod heads and godly as a part of our heritage. We have not to go out
anywhere to seek for ideals. We have them all in our mythology and history. But what is
needed is that they be not decorations on our walls but should be a source of enlightenment
within. And how would that enlightenment comefrom where and in what form?
Value Based Education is the only means which can give to our young the right direction.
There is need for Value based Education System in India.

High values and integrity, but it is the time for value based action.

There is need for imparting proper values among the children.

Our country very much needs a value-oriented educational system.

There have been efforts to define the role of education in national life.

The values inculcated among young generation would remain permanently.

Mother is the first teacher for her child.

The role of schools and teachers are very important.

The feeling of unity and communal harmony helps build values in a student.

Values Education need to be taught through mutual interaction and inter-communion.

Discipline is still a great lesson that has to be imparted.

Attempts should be made to eliminate Language issues.

The young should learn what is moral and what is immoral.

Television can become an important medium for values based education.



Spirituality is a deeper sense of existence. It is about connectedness and the highest aspirations of
the human spirit. Spirituality is orientation of thoughts to the deeper insights and experience,
yielding a more comprehensive self in harmony with the community and the cosmos. Spirituality
is often experienced as a source of inspiration. Education without spirituality is like flower
without fragrance.

Spirituality is derived from Spirit which is pure self beyond the body. It is ones
consciousness, conscience, thinking & feeling part of existence, sensitivity, motivation, and
divinity. Spirituality encompasses humanistic qualities such as love, compassion, patience,
tolerance, forgiveness, sacrifice, contentment, responsibility, harmony, and a concern for others,
values, beliefs, self- esteem, consciousness and energy.

Swami Vivekanand said Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain,
undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation
of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have
more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library. A semi-literate man Anna
Hazare also talks of 5-ideas viz. Pure Thoughts, Pure Conduct, Unblemished Life, Sacrifice and
Capacity to withstand humiliation; which he has assimilated, practiced and demonstrated,
becoming the most literate man of today, saluted by the Indian Parliament.

Yes, spirituality must be an important part of education. By spirituality is the age-old values that
have always sustained and nourished our society and life on this planet Earth. These values serve
as the very foundation of a harmonious existence between humans and all of nature, including
the plant and animal kingdom.

How does spirituality help students?

Why do you even see spirituality as separate from life? We have made a big mistake by branding
spirituality as not part of life. By doing so, we have disconnected the external from the internal.
The majority of the problems we see in today's world, I would say, are due to this unhealthy
attitude. It is important to create a balance between the external and the internal, the body and the

The body is just a product of the food we eat and the mind is comprised of the impressions we
collect from the world. However the soul descends from beyond. The body is known-material-
and the soul is unknown-divine. Existence is comprised of both the known and the unknown.
Without this understanding, life will be incomplete. Just as we need our right and left legs to
walk properly, spiritual understanding and material knowledge should go hand in hand.

The emphasis these days seems to be more on self-effort:

Our children, the students, should know that self-effort is not everything. If too much emphasis is
given to self-effort and the intellect, which is the modern trend, people will only become too self-
centered and egoistic. This is already a major problem that our world is facing.

While they strive to acquire education, a degree and the qualifications to earn a good living, we
should help our students understand that education for life is an entirely different thing.
Education for life is spirituality-practicing values such as love, compassion, patience,
forgiveness, etc. This alone will create a deep sense of responsibility towards our fellow human
beings, nature and the world as a whole.

The spiritual poverty of much contemporary education provides few opportunities for today's
youth to quench their deep thirst for meaning and wholeness. Misguided or unconscious attempts
by students to attain some sense of fulfillment often result in varying degrees of addictive
behavior toward activities, substances or relationships - all of which make teaching and learning
difficult, if not impossible.
Compulsive or reckless activity, substance abuse, and empty sexuality can result from students
trying to escape the pain of an inner emptiness. In the classroom this can manifest as lack of
interest, lack of self-worth, lack of compassion, lack of self-discipline and lack of spirit.
The purpose of spiritual education is to fulfill the divine potential of children, and to prepare
them for life by giving them the tools they need to keep on learning throughout the many
experiences that will come to them.
When we speak of spiritual education, we dont mean a church kind of education. What we mean
is to help children understand that theyre going to be a lot happier if they are kind to others, and
if they work for high ideals. The child who has a little bag of dates and eats them all himself isnt
nearly so happy as the child who shares those dates with others. In all cases, we can see that
people who are selfish just arent happy, and people who are selfless are happy. They can apply
this understanding not only at school, but also at home and everywhere in life. If we can bring
this kind of teaching to children, this then is spiritual education.
Another purpose of spiritual education is to build the person on all levels. We are triune beings
composed of body, mind, and soul, and if any part of us is starved at the expense of the others,
then we arent complete. Its an interesting fact that people who write, as an example of a mental
activity, will very often also do something physical to keep themselves grounded. When
Yogananda first had an experience of cosmic consciousness, his guru, Sri Yukteswar, handed him
a broom, saying, Let us sweep the porch. We have to learn to keep these worlds in harmony
with one another. If we let one go in favor of the other, in some way we become unbalanced.
An education that ignores individual differences and tries to run children through an assembly
line is bound to produce shoddy results. An education that is deep, enduring, and effective must
be highly individualized. (Click to enlarge.)
In the education of our children, we need to help them develop their characters and their minds,
but we must also help them prepare for living successfully in this world. We dont want them to
go out into society and find themselves incapable of relating to whats going on. They have to
have the facts that are a part of our modern upbringing. But they dont need to have those facts
taught to them in such a way as to leave them believing that theres no value in anything. There
is a great deal of emphasis on the wrong things today. The basis of spiritual education is to
prepare them for society in a way that will help them to remain idealistic.
Education, rightly understood, is expansion of awareness. It is preparation for that process of real
learning which takes place after we leave school, when we are in the constant struggle, the
battlefield of life. By giving children the tools and understanding to make the right choices in
life, we can lead them to lasting happiness. Then they will be able to achieve the kind of spiritual
victories that are the true meaning of success.

1. Mother is the first teacher for her child. Value based teachings and education are the
fields, the first teacher in which is the mother. It is the mother who tends to lend the first
lessons and it is on her that rests the foundation-laying responsibility. What is right, what
is wrong, what is true, what is false, what is respectable and noble and what is not it is
the mother who imparts these lessons. It is the mother who taught her child remain
honest. She encourages her child to always speak up the truth. She should ensure that her
children never tell a lie. The mother should make the child learn that she would never
scold him if her child tells the truth even if the child had done some wrong. Admit the
wrong done and you would be a nice child let the child develop this faith and he would
never fall a victim to falsehood. This is how slowly and gradually, step by step the
lessons in morality can be taught.

2. The role of schools and teachers are very important. Then, when the child enters the
school at the age now of four or five, the schools and the teachers there have to give him
lessons in universal brotherhood, respect for all religions, feeling of honour for our great
man, a sense of pride in our national flag. Students learn moral values at school. Along
with these the child shall be given lessons in dignity of labour. No work is mean or low.
Self-dependence, respect for the elders, concern for those who are handicapped or under-

3. The feeling of unity and communal harmony helps build values in a student. In a
vast nation like India with so many sections in the society, so many sects, so many
religions, so many regions, and so many languages the child has to be taught the lesson in
unity in diversity. The daily morning prayer of the school should contain this lesson of
national oneness. This should not only be repeated every morning but its import and
meaning to be explained by the Principal or a teacher. Students be asked to come
prepared with a short-speech on this oneness of the nation. They should be allowed to
speak on any of its aspects and speak out to the whole congregation after the prayer.
Similar speeches everyday on different moral values should be the first lesson given, not
by any teacher but by students themselves, one each day. Community lunch, when all
would sit together and eat even sharing one anothers lunch packet would give to them a
sense of oneness, irrespective of class, caste or religion.

Values Education need to be taught through mutual interaction and inter-

communion. There need not be any special classroom lectures on Moral Values Based
Education. It is never needed to identify any particular religion or faith. God is one and we are all
children of the same God. That is the basic lesson that needs to be given.

Discipline is still a great lesson that has to be imparted. It is the teacher who himself or
herself should be an example of discipline and children would be the automatic learners. These
are values which do not need to be the part of any curriculumthey have to be the part of the
behaviour. Being any part of the curriculum can give rise to controversies; but general behaviors
showing respect to all religions, celebrating all festivals together, would by itself be a lesson in
national integrity.

Proper training of teachers should be arranged, so that the teachers acknowledged of their
responsibilities. It is necessary that in the Teachers Training Programme, Value Oriented
Education Programme, need to be highlighted so that the teachers are trained up to know their
mission and method.

Attempts should be made to eliminate Language issues. Language controversies are also a
great point of conflict.
Television can become an important medium for values based education. Television, which
is a craze for the young of today, should also be used to present value-based programmes through
skits, cartoon scripts and such other means.

Value education should be included in higher education levels. NCC, boy scouts and guides
programmes are also a helpful means of creating a consciousness in discipline and co-working.
The Indian Education System should adopt value based education at all levels. The value-
oriented educational programme should not be led only during the school level, but should be
carried on further up to the level of higher education too, as it is from there that the nations
political leaders, bureaucrats and army personnel would emerge.

The young should learn what is moral and what is immoral.It has yet not been finally thought
off how and in what manner sex-education is imparted to the young. But at least let them be
made aware about AIDs/HIV etc, and why and how people catch these fatal diseases would
automatically be explained. That is also a part of morality in society. That is a necessary part of
value based education. It need not be any part of the curriculum but it is a lesson that they must
learn through discussions and discourses.

Value Based Education, therefore, is a part of the Educational programme which cannot be
shelved or done away with. It has to be a part of life and life is a constant education and the
process of living is a process of learning.

The core values can be explained as follows:

1. TRUTH Among the five core human values truth is considered the highest human value
connected with the intellectual domain of our personality. It is the essence of all world
religions. Adisankara says truth means absence of deceit, absence of fraud in speech,
mind and body. Truth is indestructible; virtue in indestructible, purity is indestructible.
Satya or truth is the changeless reality of pure beings, the eternal self-effulgent, blissful,
consciousness underlying all that exists or moves Vivekananda.
2. RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT Truth flows to righteous conduct. It is the moral law of
activity of thinking Speaking and doing so as to attain the high of truth or supreme
reality. It is adherence to the universal moral law. Do unto others what you wish them to
do unto you. It is the understanding between will and desire. With regard to students
these types of skills are extended in righteous conduct, self help skills related to personal
cleanliness, self retain etc.; social skills such as conduct in school and with friends,
leadership qualities, co-operative attitude etc., and ethical skills like speaking softly and
pleasantly, not hurting anyone or anything, not stealing etc.
3. PEACE Righteous conduct blossoms in peace. It is the sign of virtuous character, a
willingness for service, readiness to renounce, a calm spirit of resignation, an awareness
of the joy in the heart Sri Sathya Sai Baba (1978). Real peace can only be attained in the
depths of the spirit, in the discipline of the mind, in the faith of the one basic of all this
seeming multiplicity.
4. LOVE Truth ends in Righteous conduct which unfolds in peace and blossoms into love.
Love is not an emotion, it is a force of energy which each individual transmits and
receives every moment. It is a peculiar possession which grows with sharing. Love helps
us to overcome the sense of fear by promoting better understanding and appreciation.
Jesus declared Love is the greatest force on Earth, hatred and malice should find no
place in the heart. Education should enable the child to realize the truth in their heart
which is the source of love. It expresses itself in the act of self sacrifice and service to
fellow beings. It can be understood that love is the important factor of all other values.
Love + Thought is Truth
Love + Action is Righteous Conduct
Love + Feeling is Peace
Love + Understanding is Non violence
5. NON VIOLENCE all the four human values described culminate in non violence. It is
the zenith of human achievement and perfection. It is the universal love that goes beyond
our relations with other fellow being and embraces all living and non living things. Any
sort of wastage is violence. Non violence relates to man as a member of a society, nation
and the world. It reveals how each one is connected to the other and the happiness of
ones is not divorced from the happiness of another.

These five values are linked with five major facets of human personality. The value of truth to
intellectual dimension , Righteous conduct to the physical dimension, peace to the emotional
dimension, love to the psychic dimension and nonviolence to the spiritual dimension. Graphical
representations of the relationship of these values with the facets of personality.


the basic aspirations are happiness (mutual fulfilment) and prosperity (mutual prosperity).
Happiness is ensured by the relationships with other human beings and prosperity is ensured by
working on physical facilities.
Right Understanding: This refers to higher order human skills the need to learn and utilize
our intelligence most effectively.
Good Relationships: This refers to the interpersonal relationships that a person builds in his or
her life at home, at the workplace and in society.
Physical Facilities: This includes the physiological needs of individuals and indicates the
necessities as well as the comforts of life. It means the feeling of having or being able to have
more physical facilities than is needed.
In order to resolve the issues in human relationships, we need to understand them first, and this
would come from right understanding of relationship. Similarly in order to be prosperous and
to enrich nature, we need to have the right understanding. The right understanding will
enable us to work out our requirements for physical facilities and hence correctly distinguish the
difference between wealth and prosperity. With nature as well, we need to understand the
harmony in nature, and how we can complement this harmony.


7 Things You Cant Forget If You Want to Live in Harmony with Yourself

1. Breathe life into your body only with love. Not with anger, or self-judgement or
criticism for what you ate last or what you desire next. Just unadulterated pure
love. It doesnt mean you are throwing discipline and good sense out of the
window. It just means you are covering it in love, not tension and stress,
whenever you breathe.

2. Decide your own self-worth before others do. Decide today that you are worth your weight
in gold, or diamond, or your favorite rare jewel, and watch how nobody can dispute that once
you establish your own worth. How can they? You have claimed your self-worth. You are done
with this one. Insecurities havent a chance against a decisively positive mind!

3. Accept your loved ones just as they are. Thats right. Were dealt out of a deck of cards, and
we dont get to switch. It is what it is, they are who they are, and perhaps they are even far better
than we give them credit for. So stop changing them. Change yourself first. Change yourself
only. And accept them as they are.

4. Allow none to make you feel small, guilty, ashamed or insecure. Nobody has the
permission to make you feel anything. You allow it. You open the door and say to them, Sure
come in, make me feel like crap, I allow it, no problem. Without that, they cant do it. What do
you choose then? Choose wisely.

5. Expand your heart and your mind with books, education, and constant learning.
Learning happens on your time and on your watch, not in school and not at work. When your
mind is learning, it is staying young and active and sharp. Read books. Educate yourself. Be
learning whether you are 20 or 120 years old.

6. End your pursuit of accumulation of stuff and replace it with collection of experience.
The path to minimalism is paved with true peace and harmony. It is pure, beautiful, and one that
everyone can travel. It is the joy of seeing and believing that less is more, that we have all we
need, and that we need only more inner peace and harmony, none of which you can buy. Collect
experiences to enrich your life.

Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth or power. Our souls are hungry for meaning,
for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter.
Harold Kushner

7. Give yourself permission to be human, to be who you are just as you are. Can we stop
being so hard on ourselves for just a change? Can we not see that being hard doesnt get us
where we want to go, but it only crushes our spirit? Be human. Sleep in if you need it. Eat more
than your fair share if you are hungry or craving it. Allow your body to heal from injuries and
pain whether its physical or emotional and allow yourself to be human. Then when you have
recuperated, healed, and feel strong again, pick up speed and keep going. Youll go faster if you
are gentler to yourself first.


Relationships in the family can be likened to foods which the body may need. These foods may
soon become energy which can be compared to desirable traits needed by the family members to
keep the family harmonious and happy.

Here are the traits that should be developed to have a happy and fulfilling family life:

Loyalty is being genuine and faithful to the family

The familys reputation and honor is a very important possession that the family members must
protect at all times and maintain it. Members of the family should at all times preserve and
defend the family name during troubles and threats.

Helpfulness and cooperation

Each family members must work together enthusiastically in order to live in bliss and happiness
and attain their common purpose. The family members must also be able to give their equal share
of responsibilities. Household tasks should be divided to all the members of the family according
to their age and capabilities. The parents must see to that each of the members of the family have
their assigned tasks.


Respect is showing high regard for others. Respect can be shown by being kind to the older
people and being courteous to them. Differences and problems can be ironed out through a
family council where the family members are given the opportunity to state their ideas and


A sincere and compassionate regards for others. Each members of the family are given the
chance to express freely their own ideas and opinions about all the things in the family, although
some of the members of the family may not agree. The viable and substantial ideas and opinions
should be considered and should prevail.


This trait is developed when one take pleasure in the company of another. It is nurtured when the
family enjoys leisure activities together such as outings, parties, sports activities, travel and the
like. Family bonding is a must.


There are times where we need to give up for the sake of something else. We often make
sacrifices to nurture further the family ties and develop and maintain a harmonious relationship
in the family


Self-control is keeping our emotions in full check at all times. An outburst of emotion may cause
internal conflicts that will make you something undesirable which you will regret later. When
anger strikes it is better to keep silent. Do your best to keep your temper in check and settle


Cheerfulness is synonymous to making the family in high spirits by virtue of saying and doing
pleasant things that will certainly bring joy and bliss to the siblings and parents.


Obedience is behaving according to rules and regulations set by the family. To keep the harmony
in the family the younger members must obey their parents and older siblings.


Communication is a must in the family and it should be two-way process (there should be a
listener and speaker) not one-way. Communication is expressing ideas, opinions and feelings.
Communication may envelop the children with some sense of security and at the same time
boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.


Honesty is the act of being conscientious and accurate in words and in actions. To earn the trust
and confidence of the other family it is a must for each family member to always speak the truth
at all times.

Here are some traits the family members must develop and nurture in order to have a
harmonious, peaceful, blissful and very happy family life.


1. Every time you encounter another person, recognize that a major percentage of each
person is identical to you. In turn, appreciate the diversity that comes from the minor
percentage of variation. You are a unique configuration of our common human nature.
Use reason and good intentions to exercise the will to live, the will to pleasure, the will to
superiority, the will to connect and the will to identity, which are all core goals of people
the world over.
2. Recognize the common nature that each person has to pursue personal preservation,
personal growth, and personal enjoyment. Seek to honor this nature in you in harmony
with your surroundings. Have a vision for your life and for humanity. Work toward the
greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Think about what goal you want to achieve, what dream you want to realize, what destiny
you want to pursue, what plan you want to execute, what mission you want to accomplish
and dig deep and enlist the support and encouragement of others to shape the future for
the better.
3. Recognize that each human being is potentially an asset to humanity. A perceived or
actual lack of resources may make another person appear as somewhat of a threat,
because he or she would add to the likelihood of some type of shortage arising, but you
should realize that most human beings have the capacity to add something of value to the
world to a greater extent than he or she depletes its things of value, and keep in mind that
we inhabit a very wealthy planet.
4. Recognize the unique contribution that each person can make to the ongoing cause
of human progress through imagination and hard work. Dont be overly concerned
with another persons religious or political affiliations but instead ask of the people you
meet: Are you making the most of your life? When you look in the mirror, do you like
what you see? Can you see yourself in another person and treat the other accordingly?
When you lie in bed at night, are you happy with how you spent your day? When you
awaken in the morning, are you hungry for higher heights.
5. Appreciate your natural desire to look good and to perform well. There is much
pleasure that can be derived from having an audience, as well as the pleasure that can be
derived from being an audience as you enjoy the appearance and performance of other
people. The dignity of human beings relentlessly prompts us to carry ourselves in a
certain esteemed way. We can bring out the best in each other as a testament to the
heights that humanity can ascend to. The unbelievable opportunity to live should be
celebrated and maximized to the fullest possible extent by the many facets of the one
diamond of human nature because this is who we are. This reality deserves unapologetic
6. Recognize that you are able to be useful to others, and that others may be useful to
you. It is unreasonable for any person to expect to get something for nothing in any
relationship. Keep in mind however that sometimes there is no harm in extending
assistance to another person simply because you can and that such a gesture could even
be a source of personal fulfillment. Indeed, not expecting reciprocation is a large part of
the success of giving because your giving then becomes unconditional. You will find
most people will reciprocate anyway, especially when you share of yourself with good
7. Recognize that we are all on this planet together. We stand to gain more by working
together and with each other rather than working against each other. It has been said by
Native Americans, no tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst themselves.
Humanity faces many unavoidable challenges that require our best defense without us
creating additional unnecessary problems between ourselves. Love is the greatest catalyst
of harmony and it always uplifts. As there is always a shortage of enough love, be giving
of it always, especially in those times it feels hardest.

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