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Ticket to Ride: Date:

P1: P2: P3: P4: P5:

Africa: # Pts Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 2 A (1) 1
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 4 AB (2) 2
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 8 ABC (3) 4
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 14 Pts ABCD (4) 7
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 20 Pts ABCDE (5) 10
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 30 Pts ABCDEF (6) 15
ABCDEFG (7) 18
Destination Tickets Net Total*
Mrklin: Merchandise Tokens
India: Grand Tour Bonus
Europe: Unplayed Train Stations 4
USA, Europe, Team Asia: Longest Continuous Path 10
Mrklin, Nordic, Team Asia, Africa: USA
1910 (15 Points):
Most Completed Tickets 10
Legendary Asia: Most Connected Cities 10
Alvin & Dexter: Alvin Bonus 15
Alvin & Dexter: Dexter Bonus 15
Grand Total

Ticket to Ride: Date:

P1: P2: P3: P4: P5:

Africa: # Pts Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 2 A (1) 1
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 4 AB (2) 2
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 8 ABC (3) 4
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 14 Pts ABCD (4) 7
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 20 Pts ABCDE (5) 10
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 30 Pts ABCDEF (6) 15
ABCDEFG (7) 18
Destination Tickets Net Total*
Mrklin: Merchandise Tokens
India: Grand Tour Bonus
Europe: Unplayed Train Stations 4
USA, Europe, Team Asia: Longest Continuous Path 10
Mrklin, Nordic, Team Asia, Africa: USA
1910 (15 Points):
Most Completed Tickets 10
Legendary Asia: Most Connected Cities 10
Alvin & Dexter: Alvin Bonus 15
Alvin & Dexter: Dexter Bonus 15
Grand Total

Ticket to Ride: Date:

P1: P2: P3: P4: P5:

Africa: # Pts Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score Quantity Score
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 2 A (1) 1
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 4 AB (2) 2
+1 Terrain Card = Points*2 = 8 ABC (3) 4
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 14 Pts ABCD (4) 7
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 20 Pts ABCDE (5) 10
+2 Terrain Cards = Points*2 = 30 Pts ABCDEF (6) 15
ABCDEFG (7) 18
Destination Tickets Net Total*
Mrklin: Merchandise Tokens
India: Grand Tour Bonus
Europe: Unplayed Train Stations 4
USA, Europe, Team Asia: Longest Continuous Path 10
Mrklin, Nordic, Team Asia, Africa: USA
1910 (15 Points):
Most Completed Tickets 10
Legendary Asia: Most Connected Cities 10
Alvin & Dexter: Alvin Bonus 15
Alvin & Dexter: Dexter Bonus 15
Grand Total

*Any ticket that includes a City in Chaos (city contains Alvin or Dexter) is worth its normal point value, rounded down; e.g. A ticket worth 13 will be worth +6, if completed, or 6, if not completed.
"European/Asian/Indian Express" Bonus. "Globetrotter/Most Completed Tickets" Bonus. Ticket to Ride: Universal Score Sheet v2.4.0 by shigadeyo
Ticket to Ride: Universal Score Sheet
Version: 2.4.0
Date: 4/24/2013
Updated By: shigadeyo

This score sheet will allow you to score multiples games of Ticket to Ride for up to five players for each game.
NOTE: Three score sheets fit well if printed in portrait and two fit well if printed in landscape; set print area first!
You can print out the spreadsheet and calculate the points manually or the spreadsheet will do it for you.
If you are printing out the sheet for manual entry, you may want to actually enter the players' names.
Not all score sheet fields may be applicable to the particular edition/expansion of Ticket to Ride being played.
This updated score sheet is based on the one previously created by kjamma4 that's available at:

Supported Editions and Expansions

US Ticket to Ride: USA
EU Ticket to Ride: Europe
ME Ticket to Ride: Mrklin Edition
NC Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries
1910 Ticket to Ride: USA 1910
CH Ticket to Ride: Switzerland
1912 Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912
AD Ticket to Ride: Alvin & Dexter
TA Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 1): Team Asia
LA Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 1): Legendary Asia
IN Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 2): India
CH Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 2): Switzerland
HA Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 3): The Heart of Africa

1. Enter the edition of Ticket to Ride being played at the top after Ticket to Ride: . Enter the Date in the upper right corner.

2. Enter the number of routes of a particular length for each player.

For example, if Player One has three routes that are four trains long, enter three in the column that has four train cars.
The spreadsheet will multiply three times the points you receive for a four train route (7) and put the total (28), in the Score
column. Do this for all route lengths that the player has completed.
Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 3): The Heart of Africa
Points (Pts) for routes may be double if Terrain Cards are used when claiming the route:
1-3 space routes require 1 Terrain Card for double points
4-6 space routes require 2 Terrains Card for double points

3. For each player, enter the NET destination ticket total:

+ Add points for the completed routes.
Subtract points for the routes that the player did not complete.
Any ticket that includes a City in Chaos (a city that contains Alvin or Dexter) is worth half of its normal point value,
rounded down (e.g. A ticket worth 13 will be worth 6, if completed, or cost 6, if not completed).

4. For each player, enter the total points for merchandise tokens (from Ticket to Ride: Mrklin ).

5. For each player, enter any Grand Tour of India bonuses (from Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 2): India ):
Any Ticket whose 2 Destination Cities are linked via at least 2 distinct continuous paths of its owner's plastic trains qualifies for a
Grand Tour bonus. These 2 paths may intersect, but cannot share trains. The size of a player's bonus varies depending on the number
of his qualifying Tickets, as per the Mandala (Circle in Sanskrit) bonus table shown on the Map:
5 points for 1 qualifying Ticket.
10 points for 2 qualifying Tickets.
20 points for 3 qualifying Ticket.
30 points for 4 qualifying Tickets.
40 points for 5+ qualifying Ticket.

6. Enter any bonus points:

4 points per UNPLAYED train station (from Ticket to Ride: Europe ).
10 points to the player* who has the Longest Continuous Path of routes:
"European Express Bonus" from Ticket to Ride: Europe
"Asian Express Bonus" from Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 1): Team Asia
"Indian Express Bonus" from Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 2): India
10 points to the player* who has completed the most Destination Tickets:
"Globetrotter Bonus" from Ticket to Ride: USA 1910
"Most Completed Tickets Bonus" from Ticket to Ride: Mrklin Edition
"Globetrotter Bonus" from Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries
"Globetrotter Bonus" from Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 1): Team Asia
"Globetrotter Bonus" from Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 3): The Heart of Africa
10 points to the player* who has connected the most Cities :
"Asian Explorer Bonus" from Ticket to Ride Map Collection (Volume 1): Legendary Asia
15 points to the player* who has collected the most Alvin Monster Cards (from the Ticket to Ride: Alvin & Dexter expansion).
15 points to the player* who has collected the most Dexter Monster Cards (from the Ticket to Ride: Alvin & Dexter expansion).
*NOTE: If several players are tied for a particular bonus, they each score the bonus.

This spreadsheet makes use of the following freeware fonts (links to download provided):
Chippewa Falls
NOTE: The fonts must be installed in your default font directory to gain maximum usage from the spreadsheet.

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