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Design of an Acquisition System for bioelectric

signals (heart) using an embedded system in FPGA

R. Soto-Camacho, M. A. Vargas, S. Vergara, F. M. Vargas
Reyes, A. Palomino. Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad Autnoma Benito
Facultad de Ciencias de la Electrnica, Grupo de Jurez de Oaxaca, Ciudad Universitaria, Avenida
robtica, Maestra en Ciencias de la Electrnica opcin Universidad s/n, Ex Hacienda .Cinco Seores., Oaxaca
Automatizacin de Jurez, Oaxaca, Mxico,
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Av. San
Claudio y 18 Sur S/N C.U., Edificio 109A, C.P. 72570, J. M. Rodrguez
Puebla Pue., Mxico Centro Nacional de Investigacin y Desarrollo,, Tecnolgico Departamento de Ingeniera Mecnica,, Tribologa Interior Internado Palmira s/n, Col. Palmira, apartado Postal 5164 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mxico,

Abstract: At present there are various measuring devices or diseases; therefore have to be imported, which makes it more
instruments that acquire the electrical activity of the heart (ECGs), difficult to purchase and greatly increases the price of this,
but make a proper measurement, models the signs are printed thus, many people may not have access to these instruments
directly on sheets of graph paper, unable to save the information for usually have a very high price.
later analysis. In this work we make the development of a bioelectric
In this work we implement an electrocardiograph in a data
signal acquisition, in this case focused on the signals emitted by the
heart to be acquired and stored on a computer. The system is based
card acquisition with a PCI bus communication, which we use
on a card bioelectric signal acquisition developed in the Maestra en for obtaining, recording, processing and analysis the heart
Ciencias de la Electrnica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la signals, ie signals type ECG (electrocardiogram) for the
Electrnica en la BUAP called MIOCARD 1.0 [1]. This card has purpose to provide the medical staff a useful tool for the
already implemented a 2-channel electromyograph, and this paper diagnosis of certain diseases or conditions.
focuses on describing the design of a electrocardiography for the
acquisition of the 12 signals that can be obtained from the heart. The II. DEVELOPMENT
card is based on a brand ALTERA FPGA family CycloneII
(EP2C8Q208C7) and communication to and from the computer via A. Electrocardiography
the protocol is PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect).
Electrocardiography is the acquisition and analysis of
Keywords: Electrocardiography, FPGA, data acquisition electrical signals from the heart to study and detection of
system. diseases related to cardiac abnormalities, for this we have that
signals are divided in 2 planes: frontal plane derivations and
I. INTRODUCTION horizontal plane derivations [2].
Technology moves quickly and each time surprises us with
1) ECG signals
new design techniques and measurement. A device used by Cardiac signals are generated by the polarization and
the feature is the computer, which is constantly evolving, so depolarization of the heart muscle cells; this is due to ion
gradually increases in speed and storage capacity. The exchange in cells [3].
development of computer controlled instruments is allowing 2.1 features of ECG signal
to automate processes characterization and measurement of The main features of ECG signals are:
different systems used in various areas of knowledge.
Espectrum 0 50 Hz.
In medicine there are different types of tools that are used as
Dominant energy 0 30 Hz.
auxiliary in the detection and treatment of certain diseases.
Although all people with some kind of illness should have the The signal is affected by the offset.
same opportunities for diagnosis, treatment and evaluate their Amplitude between 0 4 mV depending of the
improvement, this is not possible, because in the country explored region.
doesnt develop instruments to treat and diagnose this kind of

978-1-4799-4683-9/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE

With the information that the heart provide us, we can V2: 4th intercostal space left sternal border.
identify certain pathologies in the individual as are: V3: Intermediate point between V2 and V4.
Arrhythmias V4: left 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line.
Cardiovascular Disease V5: 5th left intercostal space, anterior axillary line.
cardiac insufficiencies V6: 5th left intercostal space, mid-axillary line [5, 6].
B. Embedded System
ECG signals vary from microvolts to 4 millivolts peak.
2) Method of measurement of ECG signals A embedded system is a combination between hardware and
To carry out the measurement of the ECG signal electrodes computer software, You can also add any mechanical piece or
are connected in an individual's body, which are placed on another kind, is designed to perform a specific function.
the body along the plane configurations depending on what is Many times an embedded system is a component of a bigger
want to study, because there are two planes, horizontal plane system, in our case the designed system is part of a bigger
and the frontal plane. system which raises its use for recording and analysis of
bioelectric signals, in our case the signals of the heart, but
also works as electromyography which is used to detect
a) Frontal plane derivations
electrical signals from the muscles. The system consists of an
The frontal plane derivations are bipolar derivations because acquisition card, a stage of amplification and filtering,
they detect electrical changes between two points affected by firmware for the control and data flow and software for
the cardiac action potential and show its potential difference. display on the computer.
Frontal plane derivations are 6: DI, DII, and DIII are limb
derivations y aVL, aVF y aVR. C. Design of data acquisition system using embedded system
In aVR derivation, the electrode of right upper limb is the in fpga platform.
positive, while the negative pole will be the union of the left The acquisition system consists of the following parts: input
upper limb with lower limbs. analog signal, which is preamplified and filtered because it is
In aVL derivation, the electrode of left upper limb is the on the order of 500microvolts to 4 milivolts peak. To digitize
positive, while the negative pole will be the union of the right this signal we use an analog-digital converter (ADC) with a
upper limb with lower limbs. resolution of 10 bits within a microcontroller (16f877A). As
In aVF derivation, the electrode of left lower limb is the the process of acquisition and control data flow is high
positive, while the negative pole will be the union of upper because this card as already explained has implemented a two
limbs with the right lower limb. [4]. channels electromyography apart from this
D1: left arm (positive) minus right arm (negative), left leg electrocardiograph, an FPGA of the ALTERA brand of
(ground). family CycloneII (EP2C8Q208C7) is used for these
D2: Left leg (positive) minus right arm (negative), left arm processes. Therefore a strategy of communication between
(ground). the microcontroller and the FPGA was performed
D3: Left leg (positive) minus left arm (negative), right arm bidirectional. Within the FPGA to store the information and
(ground) [5]. do not miss a FIFO (First Input-Output First) memory is used
for that in the future these data reproduce the signal and
b) Horizontal plane derivations displayed on the computer. Finally we have the PCI protocol
They are too called precordial, they explore the electrical that is responsible for communicating to the computer with
activity in horizontal plane and are calle acording the the acquisition card and also to display the information.
exploring electrode colocation. Precordial derivations are 6: Figure 1 shows the general block diagram.
V1: 4th intercostal space, right sternal border.
Figure 1 General block diagram.

performs the function of ADC (analog - digital), to sample

D. Design of the amplification and filtering stages.
the information obtained by the electrodes. The miocard card
The amplification and filtering stage is very important has a Cyclone II FPGA to communicate with the PC through
because the ECG signals are very small its range is 500 the PCI port [1, 12].
millivolts microvolts to 4 maximum. The signal interference
is mainly caused by the AC line, for improperly fixed
electrodes and other factors, with the interference of the AC
line that stands between them, and consequently, the
elimination of their effects is very importance. In figure 2 the
block diagram is shown [7, 8, 9].

Figure 3. Acquisition data card MIOCARD

1. Analog channels with LEMO connectors for

Figure 2. Block diagram of amplification al filtering stage. signal acquisition.
2. PIC16F877A microcontroller that performs
It is necessary to use a high pass filter to remove the offset analog - digital conversion.
because this signal can interfere with our signal, too a 3. Test pins.
lowpass filter is used to delete the interference by noise line, 4. PCI connection.
an inverting amplifier is used to reverse the amplified signal,
5. Cyclone II FPGA. Control and data flow and PCI
this is with the purpose that upon entering the adder inverter
amplifier the resultant signal signal is our amplified heart
The card has the following features:
signal without interference noise. The adder inverter amplifier
Allows the capture, recording and analysis of until
stage is to apply an offset of 1.5 volts to our signal because
four bioelectrical signals.
digitization stage which comprises the microcontroller does
In the four analog channels the signal can be
not accept negative voltages, by adding the offset ensure that
sampled at 40 kmps. When using two or more at the
our signal is in positive voltage.
same time the sum of the frequencies in these
E. Acquisition card channels can not exceed 40 kmps.
Regarding the communication part of the pc has a data Signal processing by software [10].
acquisition card called miocard 1.0 developed in the thesis
[10], which has a PIC16F877A [11] microcontroller that
F. Firmware and software a signal, this signal is plotted on the PC and saved for later
For programming of firmware the Quartus II software and III. RESULTS
Altera FPGA Cyclone II EP2C8Q208C7 are used. The PCI
bus is used as a pathway of communication between the To obtain signals from the frontal and horizontal plane be
computer and the data acquisition card which code is carried out processing the signal characteristics of a real
generated in Quartus II for reading and writing data [12]. electrocardiogram by Labview [13] and the values for
bandwidth and the frequency of the signals were obtained as
shown in Table 1next:
Derivations Bandwidth Frequency

DI 22 Hz 1.41 Hz

DII 24 Hz 1.41 Hz

DIII 20 Hz 1.41 Hz

aVR 21 Hz 1.41 Hz

aVF 26 Hz 1.41 Hz

Figure 4. General diagram of the Firmware

aVL 28Hz 1.46 Hz

With these blocks is carried out the control of ECG signals to V1 30 Hz 1.43 Hz
be displayed as well as sending these through the PCI bus to
computer to be viewed.
V2 28 Hz 1.41 Hz
To display the signal in the computer a software virtual
instrumentation will be used, in this case LabVIEW which is V3 25 Hz 1.46 Hz
used to obtain the electrical signal of the heart by the PCI
protocol [10].
V4 30 Hz 1.41Hz

V5 29 Hz 1.41 Hz

V6 28 Hz 1.46 Hz



The electrodes were connected on the body of a person

following settings for derivations of frontal and horizontal
plane thus the 12 signs of the heart were obtained on the
Figure 5. Software to obtain bioelectric signals. oscilloscope because the existing software will be changed to
display the ECG signals on the computer. In Figures 6 and 7
This software works to obtain bioelectric signals, has a button show the results obtained.
sampling which allows us to decide when we want to display
Figure 6. Frontal plane derivations. (a)DI, (b)DII, (c)DIII, (d) aVR, (e) aVL, (f) aVF

Figure 7. Horizontal plane derivations. (a) V1, (b) V2, (c) V3, (d) V4, (e) V5, (f) V6

Further we begin with the visualization of the first signal on signals are different so that work on the necessary
the computer; the signal visualized was the DII (figure 8). adjustments to the amplification step in order to have the 12
signs an acceptable voltage range for the FPGA to be sent to
the computer.
The developed system is part of a larger system whose
purpose is to visualizer the bioelectric signals, in our case the
system is already functioning as electromyography, was
developed in this thesis [1].
A. Electromiography
Electromyography is the acquisition, recording and analyzing
the electrical activity generated in nerves and muscles
through the use of electrodes. Contraction generates electrical
activity which can be measured by electrodes attached to the
skin surface near the muscle group of interest.
Figure 8. DII derivation on the computer.

1) Features of EMG signals

Until now only been able to display a signal on the computer
Important characteristics of EMG signals are:
since it has the disadvantage that the voltage ranges of the
Spectrum of importance 0-500 Hz With the amplification and filtering system, the firmware
Dominant Energy 50-150 Hz developed in Quartus II and the software Labview together
The signal is affected by line noise (60 Hz). the acquisition card the EMG signal was obtained as is shown
Amplitude between 0-6 mV peak and 0 - 1.5 mV in figures 10, 11 and 12.
Because the myoelectric signal is very small an
amplification and filtering system is used, besides the
acquisition card is used whose features already were
mentioned. A firmware in Quartus II and software in
Labview were developed for signal processing and
Figure 10. EMG signal obtained on an oscilloscope
display on the computer. Next we have the block
diagram of amplification and filtering system.

Figure 11. Signal changes during muscle contraction.

Figure 9. Block diagram of the stage of amplification and filtering of the


[2] C. Castellano, M. A. Prez de Juan, F. Attie, Electrocardiografa Clnica,

Segunda Edicin, Editorial Elsevier. 2004.
[3] J. M. Ferrero Corral, Bioelectrnica: Seales Bioelctricas, Edit.
Universidad Politcnica de Valencia. 1994.
[4] G. Franco Salazar, Manual de Electrocardiografa y
Electroencefalografa, Editorial Manuel Moderno. 2007.
[5] A. Andrs Morist, P. L. Alberbe Zabaleta, Atlas de Electrocardiografa,
Primera Edicin, Editorial Osaldetza. 2008.
[6] J. G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation and Application Design, Editorial
John Wiley and Sons, Cuarta Edicin. 2009.
[7] Analog Device, AD8221; U.S.A, 2010 [Consulta 10 de octubre del 2012],
Figure 12. EMG signal on the computer. l
[8] STMicroelectronics, TL084; Italy, 2001 [Consulta 5 de febrero de 2013],
V. CONCLUSIONS Disponible:
As can be seen this work consists of several stages which are [9] J.J. Gonzlez de la Rosa, Circuitos electrnicos con amplificadores
being perfected to optimize the acquisition of the signals operacionales, Marcombo, 1ra. Edicin, 2001.
using the computer with the purpose to make a comfortable [10] Celia del Carmen Martnez Chias, Sistema de Adquisicin de Datos
and easy to use user interface. para el Registro de Seales Bioelctricas, tesis de maestra, Benemrita
Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, 2012.
The system is part of a larger system which as mentioned has [11] Microchip, PIC16F877A; EE.UU.2010 [Consulta 8 de octubre del
implemented an electromyography. 2012], Disponible:
With the development of electromyography and
electrocardiogram within a system has a purpose to provide a [12] Manual del FPGA EP2C8Q208C7, [Fecha de consulta: 9 de octubre
2012] Disponible:
reliable and easy to use tool for the study of bioelectric [13] J. R. Lajara Vizcaino/J. Pelegri Sebasti LabVIEW entorno grfico de
signals. Also provides a contribution to the science and programacin, Alfaomega, 2da edicin, agosto 2011
technology community in the country.
[1] Celia Martinez Chias, Sergio Vergara, Sistema de adquisicin de datos
para evaluar la mejora de pacientes con discapacidad motriz bajo tratamiento
de rehabilitacin, CIINDET 2011.

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