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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 (2010) 15761580

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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j n o n c r y s o l

Thermal and mass spectroscopic characterization of a sulphur-containing bacterial

melanin from Bacillus subtilis
Ana M. Gmez-Marn , Carlos I. Snchez
Escuela de Procesos y Energa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medelln, Cra 80 No. 65-223, Medelln, Antioquia, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Among technologies for melanin commercial-scale production, microbial synthesis is an attractive option. In
Received 10 September 2009 this study, a melanin producer, wild strain Bacillus subtilis, was isolated from the soil, and pigment from this
Received in revised form 28 April 2010 bacterium was puried and characterised using different techniques. The use of tandem pyrolysis/gas
Available online 22 June 2010
chromatography/mass spectrometry allowed us to classify the pigment as a sulphur-containing bacterial
melanin. Thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses indicated that melanin might contain two
Biopolymer B125;
fractions of water, a strongly bound fraction and a weakly-bound fraction. Scanning electron microscopy
Differential scanning calorimetry D190; showed an amorphous structure without differential characteristics, and electronic conductivity measure-
Mass spectrometry M105; ments at normal atmospheric conditions and humidities suggest that melanin may be an insulator. However,
Thermal analysis T135 more work is underway to clarify this point.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Exploiting the microbial synthesis of these materials is an attractive

option to develop commercial-scale production. This method pro-
Organic conductors are interesting materials that are currently being vides an alternative to other production methods that use puried
used in many different technological applications, including photo- tyrosinase, expensive chemical synthesis based on the oxidation of
voltaics, sensors and other electronic devices. Melanins are disordered tyrosine and its derivatives or the cumbersome extraction of these
bioorganic conductors with unique physical and chemical properties. materials from animal or plant tissues. However, due to the high
These properties give them a broad range of functions in nature, diversity of biological sources for melanin production, there is no
including roles as photoprotectants, pigments, charge transport common standard method for melanin isolation and purication [4].
mediators, free-radical scavengers and antioxidants [1]. They are an A number of bacterial species have been reported to produce
attractive material with a wide range of possible industrial applications melanins [5,6]. These materials can be produced in the Actinomiceto or
in medicine, pharmacology, cosmetics and other elds and may prove to Streptomicetos groups, Bacillus and Azotobacter genuses [5,7,8]; howev-
be a novel class of semiconducting polymers, bio-compatibles and with er, very few of these pigment systems have been molecularly dened.
a readily available natural source as natural materials extracted from The best-understood melanisation pathway is the classic MasonRaper
pigmented cells. pathway. In this pathway, tyrosinases yield the melanin intermediate
However, despite signicant scientic effort over the past 30 years, dihydroxyphenyl-alanine -DOPA-, dihydroxyindole -DHI- and dihy-
the basic functions of melanins are still a matter of controversy and droxyindole carboxylic acid -DHICA- [1,9]. Other pathways that produce
speculation. This uncertainty results from the few and poorly dened melanins have also been reported [3,9]; for example, pyomelanin is
structural and physicalchemical properties that are known in these derived from the catabolism of tyrosine via -hydroxyphenylpyruvate
molecules that continue to perplex researchers even though their and homogentisic acid -HGA- [6].
adaptive importance has already been proven [2,3]. These materials Melanins constitute a general class of complex, polyphenolic
are particularly intractable from an analytical perspective because heteropolymers [10]. Traditionally, they are divided into brown
they are chemically and photo-chemically very stable, and they are black melanins, described as eumelanins, that are primarily synthe-
virtually insoluble in most common solvents. sised by the classic MasonRaper biosynthetic pathway. Additionally,
In microorganisms, melanins may be found in either extracellular brown, red or yellow melanins, described as pheomelanins, are
or intracellular environments, and they pose very interesting targets derived from sulphur-containing monomers like glutathione or
for molecular structure determination and organic synthesis [3]. cysteinyldopa -CD-. Structural analogs of tyrosine or tyrosine
metabolites may also serve as precursors for eumelanin and
pheomelanin synthesis. Nitrogen-free melanins, described as allome-
Corresponding author. lanins, are similar to eumelanins but instead form from catechol by a
E-mail address: (A.M. Gmez-Marn). mechanism that is not well understood [3,11]. Pyomelanins, also called

0022-3093/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.M. Gmez-Marn, C.I. Snchez / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 (2010) 15761580 1577

alkaptons, are produced from tyrosine through HGA [6]. While most removed by centrifugation, and melanin was extracted from the
melanins fall into these categories, we should note that other types of supernatant in the following manner: acidication at a pH b 4.0 using
melanins do exist as well. 6 M HCl; a 24-h incubation at room temperature in a rotary shaker
Melanins are usually classied by essential differences in their (95 rpm); and centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 30 min to obtain the crude
chemical composition and their monomer subunit structure [11]. melanin. The pigment was puried according to literature precedent
Nevertheless, this classication remains ambiguous and diagrams that [21]. The extracted melanin was carefully rinsed with ultrapure water
classify melanin structures are an oversimplication [10]. Melanin and then was centrifuged three times at 4 C and 10,000 rpm for 10 min.
formation is an oxidative, radical process that happens to phenolic The residue was puried by treatment with organic solvent (glacial
compounds and is inuenced by light, radiation, temperature and the acetic acid, hexane, and ethanol) and then repeated centrifugation at
presence of metals. Unlike the synthesis of most other biopolymers, 3000 rpm for 30 min. Finally, acetone was added, and the resulting
this process does not follow a discrete pattern. A given sample of solution was evaporated to dryness at room temperature. The obtained
melanin contains molecules with various structures and, due to the dry solid was kept from light.
reactivity of melanin intermediates, different components, including
proteins and lipids [10,12]. 2.3. Physicochemical characterization of bacterial melanin
The structural study of melanins has encountered great difculties
because these pigments are difcult to separate from other cellular Powders of the puried bacterial melanin were compressed into
components of the organisms in which they occur. Physio-chemical pellets, and the conductivity was measured using a two-point method
tests that are usually employed to characterise these types of materials under a direct current regime with a device that was fabricated in house.
do not differentiate between eumelanins and allomelanins [13]. In The xed area was 7.9 10 3 cm2, and the applied pressure was 4 MPa.
addition, analyses such as infrared transmission spectroscopy IR, These measurements were done at atmospheric conditions. Some
ultravioletvisible UVVIS transmission spectroscopy, magnetic samples of the melanin compressed-powders were coated with a thin
nuclear resonance NMR, elemental composition and colour lm of gold and observed by scanning electron microscopy SEM
identication are also not sufcient to differentiate these types of with an accelerating voltage of 5 kV. The supercial chemical compo-
molecules [14]. sition was analysed by EDS.
New information about melanin structure has been obtained by two DTA and TGA data were recorded using Thermal Analyst equip-
approaches, both involving the direct analysis of these pigments and the ment under an atmosphere of air and a heating rate of 5 C min 1.
study of their degradation products using pyrolysis/gas chromatogra- Puried melanin was pyrolysed and the decomposition gas was
phy/mass spectrometry PyGCMS [15]. The usefulness of this analysed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Pyrolytic
method is well documented [1618], especially in its ability to products were separated on a capillary column using helium as a
differentiate between eumelanins and pheomelanins [19]. Additionally, carrier gas at a ow rate of 1.5 mL min 1. The separations were carried
some reports suggest that melanin precipitation by HCl acidication out at programmed temperatures ranging from 60 C to 290 C, with
does not have any inuence on the melanin pyrolytic pattern [15,18]. an increase rate of 15 C min 1. Mass spectra of the obtained pyrolytic
The Bacillus subtilis strain that produces an orange pigment is products were compared to standard spectra in the Instituto de
classied as B. subtilis var. niger (Bacillus globigii DSM 2277), which Capacitacin e Investigacin del Plstico y Caucho ICIPC Library
was recently re-classied as Bacillus atrophaeus [20]. In the past, this database.
pigment has been characterised as a melanin [21]; however, neither
the type of melanin nor the thermal and electrical properties of this 3. Results
pigment are known.
In the present study, we describe a procedure for the isolation and The puried bacterial melanin showed qualities that are typical of
purication of melanin from the culture medium of a coloured strain melanins in general. The bacterial melanin was insoluble in organic
of B. subtilis. The extracted pigment was characterised by conductivity solvents, such as acetone, hexane, chloroform, methanol, and ethanol,
measurements under atmospheric conditions using energy dispersive precipitated in acid aqueous solutions (pH b 4.00) and was slightly
spectroscopy EDS, PyGCMS, differential thermal analysis DTA soluble in alkalis (pH N 10.00). The melanin was bleached with NaClO
and thermogravimetric analysis TGA analyses. and H2O2 and yielded a brown precipitate after treatment with FeCl3.
The UVVIS spectrum (data not shown) showed an exponential decay
2. Experimental part without distinguishing characteristics, including small shoulders and
no peaks in the region between 200 and 500 nm. The Fourier
2.1. Cell culture Transform IR analysis of the puried pigment also had bands that
were characteristic of these compounds (data not shown) [21].
A B. subtilis native strain that was isolated from soil and is Fig. 1 shows SEM images of pigment obtained with acid extraction
considered to be a strong melanin producer was used throughout the and solvent purication methods. The material obtained is best
study. This strain was preserved in a spore solution that was a ten on characterised as an amorphous deposit without differentiable struc-
the Mac-Farland scale [21]. LuriaBertani medium was used for tures, similar to other investigations using melanin puried with
inoculum preparation and pigment production. Approximately 0.5 mL similar procedures [19,22]. Although SEM/EDS analysis is not a reliable
of spore solution was added to 50 mL of LuriaBertani broth in 250-mL method to quantify low molecular weight elements, including C, O,
asks. This solution was then incubated at 37 C until the stationary and/or N, these analyses reveal the nature of the polymer constitutive
phase was reached. Media were sterilised by autoclaving. Erlenmeyer elements (Table 1). Additionally, these analyses give approximate O/C
asks containing 18 mL of medium were inoculated with 2 mL of the and C/N relations, in this case equals to 0.17 and 5.71, respectively.
inoculum suspension. These solutions were then incubated for 24 h at Electronic conductivity for melanin compressed-powder at room
28.0 C and 95 rpm in a rotary shaker [21]. humidity was 2.39 10 9 S cm 1, suggesting that melanin may be an
insulator at environmental conditions.
2.2. Extraction and purication of bacterial melanin Melanin extracted and puried from bacterial broth was subjected to
thermal degradation. Table 2 shows the characteristic pyrolysis
After the incubation time, the medium was centrifuged at 3000 rpm products, retention times and percentage of participation of identied
for 30 min to separate the broth and the cells. The solid pellet was then substances. The most abundant product of bacterial melanin pyrolysis
separated and resuspended in distilled water. Again, the cells were was toluene (H), which comprised 28% of the sample. In addition,
1578 A.M. Gmez-Marn, C.I. Snchez / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 (2010) 15761580

Fig. 1. SEM images of bacterial melanin powders that were obtained using acid extraction and solvent purication methods.

signicant amounts of pyridine (C), benzene derivatives (A) and our acid extraction and solvent purication procedures removed all
sulphur-containing compounds (S) were found. These ndings are bound-proteins and the polymer nitrogen content belongs to the
distinctive characteristics and they allow us to classify this polymer as a constitutive units. On the other hand, the very low aluminium content
pheomelanin. found by EDS analysis indicates that our purication process removes
Based on chemical composition, the major products of the almost all metallic ions, similar to other studies [19].
pyrolysis were divided into following groups: derivatives A benzene McGuinness and Proctor reported that melanin conductivity was
(A, A1, A2 and A3), C pyridine (C and C1), S sulphur-containing similar to that seen in semiconductor materials [26]; nevertheless,
compounds (S, S, S1 and S2), H toluene (H), E benzenenitrile (E) other authors have reported that melanin is an insulator [27,28]. This
and O oxygen (O) containing compounds (Fig. 2). is a controversial matter because the origin of conduction in these
One interesting characteristic of melanin is its high thermal stability species (ionic or electronic) is not known [2629]. In our case,
compared to other natural polymers, as seen in Fig. 3. Thermograms melanin conductivity is one thousand times greater than previously
show that, apart from H2O desorption up to about 140 C, the polymer reported [2729], but the conductivity is nonetheless comparable to
structure is relatively stable. However, when approaching 500 C, the insulating compounds. Because the conductivity properties of the
mass loss is signicant and only about 33% of the initial mass remains. powder form are largely determined by grain boundaries, more work
This result is not surprising considering that although the polymer is underway to clarify this point. Conjugate polymers, however, can be
growth process has proceeded at room temperature, melanins have either insulators or conductors, according to their doping degree [30].
well-developed graphitic-like structures, capable of supporting such Other tests that we have performed have revealed the possibility of
high temperatures [23]. TGA data corroborate the existence of this adjusting melanin conductivity with a change in the molecule's
structure in the bacterial melanin. oxidation state, similar to what had been seen in conjugate polymers
The DTA curve shows an endothermic peak between 34 and 140 C [30].
and two exothermic peaks between 170 and 700 C, the second wider Pyrolytic patterns of synthetic melanins that were obtained from
than the rst. The nature of the exothermic peaks can be better cysteinyldopamine CysDA and their copolymers with dopamine
analysed with a plot of the weight percent of each derivative with DA are characterised by large quantities of benzothiazine-,
respect to temperature Fig. 4. This gure clearly shows three peaks benzothiazole- and thiazoloisoquinoline-derivatives, in addition to
that correspond to at least three different mass losing processes. benzothiopyrano-imidazol. Some authors have postulated that these

4. Discussion
Table 2
In this work, the O/C ratio, which was 0.4 for natural melanin and Compounds obtained after pyrolysis/GC/MS of bacterial melanin.
up to 0.62 for synthetic melanin, is smaller than the O/C ratios found Compound Abbrev.a Retention time (min) % Total area
in other investigations [24]. This difference can be due to intrinsic
3 compounds N.I n.i 1.1911.333 6.634
characteristics of the bacterial melanin, or alternatively it may reect Benzene A 1.350 4.428
the decarboxylation of polymer constituent units due to the extensive Furan, 2, 5dimethyl O 1.444 0.834
extraction process that was employed [19,22]. N.I n.i 1.525 4.443
Although some investigations have reported signicant quantities Thiazole S 1.571 2.594
Pyridine C 1.621 9.285
of proteins that are bound to polymer structure for melanins obtained
Toluene H 1.703 27.993
by acid extraction [19], our results showed a C/N ratios lower than Tiophen, 3 methyl S 1.764 1.308
those seen in other works, oscillating from 8 to 33 [24,25]. Possibly, N.I n.i 1.837 1.807
Thiazole, 2 methyl S1 1.908 2.270
Pyridine, 2 Methyl C1 1.982 1.545
Table 1 2 compounds N.I n.i 2.0182.084 4.430
EDS elemental composition of puried bacterial melanin (% molar). Benzene ethyl- A1 2.24 2.137
Benzene, 1,4 dimethyl A2 2.293 2.108
1 2 3 4 Averagea
N.I n.i 2.349 0.997
C 71.30 64.74 69.49 75.75 70 5 Isothiazola, 3,4 dimethyl S2 2.404 0.965
N 15.81 12.54 14.35 6.53 12 3 Styrene A3 2.447 5.203
O 9.54 16.31 10.81 12.19 12 2 6 compounds N.I n.i 2.5823.172 3.476
Al 0.31 0.86 0.32 0.5 0.3 Benzenenitrile E 3.208 1.267
S 2.86 5.27 3.88 4.30 4.1 0.6 20 compounds N.I n.i 3.28611.244 16.276
Cl 0.48 0.83 0.62 0.72 0.7 0.9 a
Abbreviation of selected group of compounds; n.i, non-identied compound; A,
Al and Cl quantitative determinations are very imprecise because of the low benzene type; C, pyridine type; S, sulphur-containing compounds; E, benzenenitrile
accelerating voltage employed and their low molar composition. type; H, toluene type; and O, oxygen containing compounds.
A.M. Gmez-Marn, C.I. Snchez / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 (2010) 15761580 1579

Fig. 2. Pyrolytic products divided into chemical groups obtained after Py/GC/MS
Fig. 4. Derivative of the thermogram from the TGA analysis of bacterial melanin. The y-
(legend see Table 2). Derivatives are as follows: A Benzene (A, A1, A2 and A3), C
axis is the derivative of weight percent of the sample with respect to temperature,
pyridine (C, C1) S sulphur-containing compounds (S, S, S1, and S2), E
where the initial weight of the sample is 100%.
benzenenitrile (E), H Toluene (H) and O oxygen containing compounds (O).

compounds are specic markers of CysDA-derived units in pheomela- In the same way, although they have been reported for natural melanin,
nins [17]. Thermal degradation of these compounds during pyrolysis neither 1, 2-benzenediol nor indoles were detected in the bacterial
may generate thiazole and their alkyl derivatives. Also, isoquinoline, a melanin pyrolysates. These molecules would be visible between the
thermal degradation product of pheomelanin, may generate pyridine retention times of 2-methyl pyridine and styrene. Indolequinone,
and its alkyl derivatives. benzothiazole, benzothiazine, thiazoloisoquinoline and benzothiopyr-
Bacterial melanin pyrogram contains little benzeneacetonitrile ano-imidazol derivatives could be the non-identied compounds that
and high quantities of pyridine and benzene derivatives, similar to have a retention time greater than benzenenitrile.
those reported for natural melanins [15], although in major Finally, the presence of nitrogen and sulphur compounds indicates
percentages, ascending to 42% between benzene, toluene, ethyl that the studied melanin is different than the catechol-melanins, as
benzene, styrene and 4-dimethylbenzene. This indicates that these phenolic-type melanins only have nitrogen traces, or from 1, 8 dihy-
compounds arise not only from noncyclic, amino acid-type units, but droxynaphthalene-melanins [24].
also as a result of the degradation of other polymeric subunits, such as Our TGA of bacterial melanin is quite similar to that previously
hydroxyindole, indolequinone, benzothiazole, benzothiazine, thiazo- reported [23]. In our studies, the mass that was lost is greater than the
loisoquinoline and benzothiopyrano-imidazol [1518]. mass of the lost L-Dopa melanin that was obtained by electro-oxidation
Additional compounds arise during the thermal degradation of during 9 days and auto-oxidation during 21 days. In those cases, 40%
DOPA melanin that is synthesised in the presence of metal ions. These and 55% of the total mass are retained at temperatures up to 500 C,
compounds include pyrazines and pyridines and their alkylated respectively [23,31]. However, other works with different synthetic and
derivatives. Furthermore, the amount of benzene is enhanced and the natural melanins report a permanence of 1226% of the initial weight
levels of pyrrole, phenol, benzenenitrile and indole-derivatives are [32]. Some authors have proposed a relationship between melanin
considerably reduced when compared with their copper- and zinc-free resistance to thermal degradation and the melanin origin [25,27,32].
melanin counterparts [22]. In our case, the high concentration of Our results suggest that microbial melanins are thermally more stable
pyridine among pyrolytic products can reect the presence of metal ions than melanins produced by superior organisms. However, one study has
during the pigment synthesis, which is normal in biological environ- found that 17.5% of the initial mass of the L-Dopa melanin, obtained by
ments [12,16]. These metal ions were removed during the extraction auto-oxidation over 48 h, remains stable up to 500 C [32], which
and purication processes. suggests a close relationship between thermal stability and the degree of
Regarding the previous paragraph, some non-identied compounds polymerisation of the melanin.
in the pyrolytic pattern could be, according to its retention time on It is clear from Fig. 4 that the polymer suffers at least three different
GC/MS, pyrazine, which is seen between 2, 5-dimethyl furane and mass losses. The rst and the last losses correspond to the release of
thiazol, and phenol, which is seen between styrene and benzene-nitrile. weakly bonded water and polymer decomposition, respectively. The
middle negative peak (Fig. 4) is consistent with the release of
intramolecular, strongly-bonded water, as this process extends only
until approximately 280 C and there are two minima in the region
between 150 and 400 C with polymer decomposition at low
temperatures of approximately 280400 C [25].
Considering the TGA curve (Fig. 3), if all mass lost up to 280 C
caused by water loss, approximately 32% of the initial mass of the
sample is adsorbed water. Furthermore, if all mass loss below 95 C,
the boiling point of water, is due to the loss of weakly-bound water, its
initial mass is then approximately 7.4%. This would mean that 27% of
melanin dry weight is strongly bound water, 6% less than the reported
value for L-Dopa melanin [31]. Between 280 and 400 C, the weight
loss is 21%, a high percentage that only can be explained by considering
polymer degradation because the extraction process has removed all
bound protein.
Our DTA curve (Fig. 3) is similar to those previously reported from
melanin pigments, both synthetic and natural. A strong exothermic peak
was attributed to the beginning of rapid polymer decomposition and an
Fig. 3. TGA and DTA data for bacterial melanin. endothermic peak was specied as weakly bonded water [25,27,32].
1580 A.M. Gmez-Marn, C.I. Snchez / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 (2010) 15761580

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