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From Notes

Syntax Analysis

First page

The role of parser

Context Free Grammar

Example 4.2

Notational Convention

Example 4.3


Example 4.4

Parss tree and derivation

Example 4.5,4.6


Regular expression vs.CFG

Example 4.7

Eliminating ambiguity

Elimination of left recursion

Example 4.8, 4.9

Left factoring

Example 4.10,4.11,4.12, 4.14

Transition diagram for predictive parser

Example 4.15


Example 4.17,4.21,4.22

CH No.2
Pg #35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42

CH No.2

Syntax directed Translation

Postfix notation

Synthesized attribute

Example 2.10

Top-Down Parsing

Predictive parsing

Left recursion

Exercise 2.4.1

CH No.4

Representative grammar

Example 4.6

Eliminating ambiguity

Elimination of left recursion

Left factoring

Top Down parsing

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