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MANUAL : 355899019.doc
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1.1 Node configuration...................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.1 Set del baud-rate:........................................................................................................................ 3

1.1.2 Set node address (ID):................................................................................................................ 4
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Node configuration

Using the two contraves SW1 and SW2 it is possible to set 2 important parameters: baud rate and
node address (ID).

1.1.1 Set baud-rate:

NB. During this phase it is not possible to communicate with the PLC.

1. Switch off the PLC

2. Set SW2=0 and SW1=0
3. Switch on the PLC. Wait the green led blink fast. CAN RUN status indicates that the set
baud rate procedure has started.
4. Select desired speed using SW2 (check the table below)
5. Set SW1 on 1 to save the baud rate (the led CAN RUN will blink slowly for 1 second). If
the saving operation has some problem the led CAN RUN will be off and CAN ERROR on
for 2 second. If the savng operation has been completed correctly: CAN RUN on and CAN
ERROR off (for 2 seconds):
6. Set SW1 to 0
7. Switch off the PLC
8. Set the node address as before.

Speed table

1MB 800 KB 500 KB 250 KB 125 KB 100 KB 50 KB 20 KB 10 KB

SW2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

All the MS machine should work with 125 KB speed.

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1.1.2 Node address set (ID):

1) Switch off the PLC.

2) Set the SW1 and SW2 to the desire values
3) Switch on the PLC

For the Jpseries machines we use:

SW1 = 6 and SW2 = 7 for the belt motion PLC
SW1 = 6 and SW2 = 8 for the ink supply PLC

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