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English 52
February 14 th , 2017
The American Dream
Still to this day I remember exactly everything about the week I found
everything was a lie. As a kid I was always into things like UFOs,
aliens, 9/11, the
JFK assassination or anything controversial where I noticed people
believe in one the theories or were totally against it. Soon, a favorite
musician and
comedian of mine were about answer all the questions Id had sitting in
my head for
so long.
Its funny how one simple thing can lead to you to something random
could change your life forever. I'll never forget the moment I started
my quest down
the rabbit hole as they say. After having money & keeping a decent job
since I was
16, I was sitting at home, 20 years old, broke, unemployed, and
mostly, mad at the
world. So I did what I usually do when times are bad, played some
good music & had
nice smoke. At this time there was only two artist I would ever really
listen to for
some reason, SPM & Tupac. I also really enjoyed watching & listening to
interviews if I liked there train of thought or what they talked about in
songs, I
decided to randomly YouTube Tupac interviews. Id heard most already
so I decided
to click the Recently Uploaded button within the last year.
Immediately, I noticed
what would become the most interesting interview Id ever heard,
audio only, with
L.A. times reporter Chuck Phillips. He has two interviews with Chuck
Phillips, the
first one was in 1993 before going to prison, then in 1995, immediately
following his
release. I decided to watch the 1993 interview first and as I played the
first few
seconds, I noticed the low quality & grainy sound of the interview. Also,
the fact that
it was an hour long made me even more ecstatic. At some point in the
Chuck simply asks Do you think the Black Panthers were successful?
Do you think
they were wiped out out by the government? How do you view the
Tupac, whos mother was an infamous Black Panther political activist,
replied with a
beautiful three minute straight rant about the F.B.I & more. They were
because, they bred me. I believe myself to be the offspring of the Black
because I see and learn from what they had, they got did in by the
media, there
cameras, and an extremely sinister government. They happened to be
born in the
same time as the mothafuckin name J. Edgar Hoover, a homosexual
with a big
problem! He continued with even more confidence in his voice, if we
businesses for our population, then well have more money, if we have
money, then
well have power, if we have power then we have land, then we are
people. You
know what im sayin, then we got some kind of power in this country,
so they
started COINTELPRO, the counter-intelligence program setup by J.
Edgar Hoover,
saw the Panthers were doing a damn good job because all of the
country they got
this buzz. So, now the Panthers got everybody talking about the
Panthers, and we
wanna be free, we want decent housing, talking good, not just bitch,
hoe, you
know, straight good. And they start infiltratin, now would they do this
to a young
black organization and why would you not think they would not do it to
me, they
infiltrators, meaning they got people that would say they were
Panthers, theyd join
the Panthers, and they would start the ruckus, like lets go shoot up the
Gardens or some shit, and do it the name of the Panthers, but its a
cop! And
everybody think its a Panther cause hes dressed like a Panther, hes
screaming the
Panthers but hes a cop! Hes been sent by the F.B.I. They got papers to
this shit! Straight up, where Fred Hampton is layin in his bed, they hire
bodyguard to give them a floorplan of this mans house. A floorplan! Of
this mans
house. This what they did to Saddam Hussein, a floorplan of this
house! The police is doing this! Had the police raid the shit in the
middle of the night,
nobody asked shit, just shoot, this man died in his sleep. You know
what Im sayin,
and they knew where his bed was, you know gon tell me the police
could not get
that man? You think Im not You think I cant read!? You think I dont
know what
went down?! The interviewer, probably surprised by his vast
knowledge, only
replied uh-huhuh-huh to all of Tupacs comments on the one
question. Until then
Id never heard someone speak with so much compassion. It was time
to Google it &
see for myself if any of his claims were true, theres no way Ive been
living in the
U.S. this long & never heard of the F.B.I. doing some crazy stuff like
this, I thought to
myself. I started off with COINTELPRO, a word that Id never heard
before. I soon
realized everything he claimed was true, but Id always know the
government was
somewhat corrupt & got rid of people who started there own
movements. It was nothing compared to what I was about to learn.
It was one of those random videos they have on the right side of
titled Opie & Anthony: Conspiracy Theories With Patrice ONeal.
Patrice, a funny
black 400-pound stand-up comedian, was joining as a guest on there
show. The
conversation began with Patrice explaining very specifically how wars
countries started happening, how the Federal Reserve got started, and
by the time it
was over he had convinced both me and the radio host that 9/11 was
some type of inside job, Osama Bin Ladens death never happened,
& that Barack
Obamas birth certificate is fake, which surprised me being that it was
the first time
Id heard an African say exposing and negative things about the first
president. Patrice always had a very interesting but simple theory to
any topic,
breaking things down in a way most people wouldve never thought
about, you
know I watched the Bin Laden thing, and you know theres the
conspiracy, umm
what they call conspiracy nuts, whatever, the thing that gets me you
know, when
theres one little question, that makes you go Huh??? Wait, What???,
that we dont
galvanize, and say no, no, no, youre not allowed to say anything else
til we cover
this. Give me a straight answer, because flushing Bin Laden down the
ocean like hes
cocaine from the Goodfellas; it doesnt prove anything.the Gulf of
Tonkin was fake,
theres no weapons of mass destruction, we were there for nothing
Shut up! You
dont support the troops?! and theyre just babbling. But you go
wait a minute, the
Gulf of Tonkins fake! The mothafuckas died but it was fake! So the
thing about
conspiracy guys is you can go Fuck you & just go look that shit up
and go Holy Shit, this really happened, it was fake, blah-blah-blah, so
my thing is fuck listening to
people, now just go with your own mentality theres alotta things going
wrong with
this Bin Laden thing. Now whats your whole take on the thing
Muslims have to be
disposed of within a day? asked the radio host. HORSESHITTT!!
Patrice yelled at
the top if his lungs, let me tell you something, if you Google, any
criminal, Baby Face
Nelson, theres a picture of the guy that shot him in his face, taking a
look at what
the fuck I just did shot, Bonnie & Clyde! They will never show a girl
dead but google
Bonnie & Clyde with bullets all in her face! Id never heard of Patrice
until that day
and I soon found myself studying all his stand-up specials/podcasts
where he
brilliantly explains life, relationships, and conspiracies that seem to still
most people.
Anyways what he said about the Gulf of Tonkin was what really struck a
lightbulb in my head. When researching it, I learned the Gulf of Tonkin
was basically
an incident where nobody was in support of going to war against
Vietnam so a ship
was sunk & it was told to the public in newspapers and radios at the
time that it was
an attack by the Vietnamese and that supposably many had died. Of
course, many
became in favor of the war soon after in fear of another attack or
simple for the
love of there country. However, it immediately reminded me of a
moment in 7 th
grade I never seemed to forget. All my school life I hated History, Id
understood what was the point of spending our time learning about
things that
happened 80 or sometimes hundreds of years ago. So one day at Ross
Middle School
I asked the History teacher Mr. Carlisle, whats the point of learning all
this stuff if it
happened so long ago and has nothing to do with whats going on
today?. Its
important to study it, because history always repeats itself. That quote
became very
interesting to me after learning about the Gulf of Tonkin & Operation
Operation Northwoods never ended up happening, but it came at a
time when Fidel
Castro had just taken power in Cuba and the U.S. Department of
Defense proposed
to President Kennedy staging attacks on U.S. soil to blame on the
Cubans as an
excuse to invade there land. It was authorized by the Joints Chiefs of
Staff but
rejected and turned down by President Kennedy who thought they
were crazy.
What struck me most about these two incidents is that they are now
both known
facts & even admitted by Historians, instead of being viewed as a
Hijacked planes, bombings, and orchestrating violent terrorism were all
Kennedy was also talking about secret societies and trying to put an
end to the
Federal Reserve with his own money system so it was no suprise or
when I saw he was assassinated soon after these incidents.
I connected these things with the quote my teacher had told me about
always repeating itself and everything was starting to make sense. If
the C.I.A.,
Federal Reserve, and F.B.I are still around, growing and more powerful
than ever, it
puzzled me the amount of people whod think it was just a thing of the
past or not
going on anymore. Some say money makes the world go around, I
agree, but I also
believe money is the root of all evil. I remember reading once that in
the early-mid
90s, scientists discovered some parts of Pakistan and Iraq to be the
richest on earth
in oils and gases. Being that almost every working person in the United
Stated drives
a vehicle it made total sense to me why they would knock two towers
down and
blame it on another country when they did the exact same thing with
Northwoods in 1962. That was only 39 years ago. I view it as a
business, if I owned a
restaurant, who would I leave in charge once I got older and needed
help, obviously
family and people with the same mentality as me that I could trust. I
soon began to
analyze the dots with people who were assassinated in the past to
modern times
and realized they all had one thing in common: they talked against the
establishment. Patrice ONeal not long after talking about Conspiracies
on the Opie
and Anthony show, ended up dead from a heart-attack. I
immediately remembered
a video I had just seen about a doctor who was talking about how the
C.I.A. had
asked her if there was a poison that was undetectable, especially one
mimicked a heart-attack, the video then goes to a clip of what seems
like detectives
or agents in court holding a heart-attack gun which they were
explaining how the
poison is frozen into some sort of dart, then shot at high-speed into the
person, so
when it reached the person it would melt inside them, and the only
thing would be
one little tiny red dot on there body, hard to detect, there wouldnt be
a needle or
anything left.
I became sick to my stomach. A big fan of comedy and conspiracies all
my life
it was beautiful to see them both connect the way Patrice explained it.
My new
favorite comedian, taken away for trying to awaken people like me.
The sheep as
he said the people that go celebrate and get drunk when they
announce Bin Ladens
dead. All died from trying there best to have people see through the
lies. For me,
Patrice was the last straw, I couldnt deny any longer the fact that
anyone who spoke
out against anything was killed or had their reputation ruined. For
example, Bob
Marley and Tupac both were getting very deep into politics with
interest in starting
their own political party. Tupac, along with other artists even going as
far as doing a
free concert for the Brotherhood Crusade in Los Angeles on November
21, 1995. But
it was mostly Tupac pushing the movement and giving powerful
speeches. In the
very inspiring Brotherhood Crusade speech he pleads with his people
to start
voting, I sold 27 million albums this year, my homeboy Snoop sold 7
million, he
said as he pointed to Snoop Dogg. So yall need to start voting, if we
can get that
many sales, that means we got that many votes. Such a genius to
think oustide the
box like that, I always wondered why big famous musicians never used
their power
and money for something positive in the community.
Bob Marley was another person getting into politics, and always
music about politics & world events, in one song saying Until the color
of a mans
skin makes no more significance than the color of his eyes, there will
be war Until
there are no first or second class citizens of any nation war Until
the ignoble and
unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, Mozambique, South
Africa, have
been toppled and utterly destroyed War. everywhere is
war.Theres only two
major political partys in Jamaica, the Peoples National Party and the
Labor Party. Marley was trying to unite both together and can be seen
on stage in a
1978 One Love Peace Concert on stage holding both leaders hands in
the air. He is
alleged to have died after getting cancer in his toe from bruising it
then losing the
toe-nail while playing soccer in France in 1977. The story goes that in
1976, Carl
Colby, son of ex-CIA Director William Colby, visited & gifted Marley a
pair of boots
and screamed in pain after trying one of them on. They then noticed a
piece of
copper-wire facing perfectly upward. Reading that came as no surprise
as I had
already knew the story of when he was almost assassinated at his
studio in Kingston
in 1976, with two of his friends and wife Rita Marley getting shot
instead. At first, he
suspected the attack was by the JLP for agreeing to perform at a PNP-
sponsored & free concert days before a big Election in Jamaica, but
soon realized
one of the shooters to be a popular CIA-operative. The boots incident
& the
assassination attempt both happened within a week of eachother. He
had been
warning Jamaican people of the CIAs tactics & I believe they were
worried about his
power and what he talked about in his music. His death is actually
arguable &
debatable though, maybe he really did get some weird form of cancer
that killed him
quickly. However it is very suspicious when you look at the cycle of
everyone who
speaks against the government gets killed. Unless being naive, the rest
are so
obvious, famous millionaires in good health dont just die randomly.
Rapper Eazy-E was another unfortunate victim. After getting famous
songs such as F**k The Police, he received a warning letter from the
FBI to stop
performing the song. Then, after donating to a South Central charity
event, his name
was picked up by a Republican National Committee computer mailing
list, which
accidently mailed him an invitation to the White House & he
accepted. The main
article in the L.A. Times the next day stated, Eazy-E Lunches with
President Bush,
political elite in DC, circulating amongst the GOPs financial nobility as
a member of
the National Republican Senatorial Committee Inner Circle during a
invitation only luncheon with the President. The self-described former
drug dealer
was unquestionably an enigma at the gathering of 1,400 mostly white
middle aged
Republicans who paid $1,230 in dues. After arriving back in Los
Angeles, during
interviews Eazy made a mockery of them and joked about it all,
something his friend
feels is what pissed them off. "How the fuck can I be a Republican
when I got a song
called 'Fuck tha Police'? I ain't shitain't a Republican or Democrat. I
didn't even
vote. My vote ain't going to help! I don't give a fuck who's the
president," and later
released a song saying "So, you can kiss my black ass/Fuck the White
House, it ain't
my house/So, you can burn the mothafucka down for all I care/Cause T-
shirts and
khakis is all I wear, he stated. Not too long after that he, along with
countless others
who are young and perfectly healthy, died of AIDS. Which made zero
sense because
he had 9 kids, his wife was pregnant at the time of his death, and tests
later showed
that neither the mother or baby had any HIV or AIDS, which I believe
would be the
first time it happened in scientific history.
Another example is Charlie Sheen, in 2009 he came out of the blue
videos directed at Obama demanding the truth and an independent
about 9/11. Not long after, Sheen, who was the highest-paid TV actor
on the most
popular television network show, was banned from entering the
production lot,
fired by CBS, and was called a crackhead and made to look like a
druggie by the
news and media for months. After learning about MK-Ultra and
watching military
videos of the soldiers being experimented on, I am more than positive
Sheen, along
with Katt Williams and Michael Jackson were all experimented on in a
updated version of MK-Ultra. Katt Williams for all his work exposing the
as he says which I learned is really just slang for the Federal Reserve &
the people in
charge of it. Its laughable to believe millionaires like them and Dave
become rich & successful & start smoking crack as the news
accused. Michael had
a few songs against war & promoting peace but thats not why he was
targeted. Not
everyone knows, but in 1985 he made whats considered the smartest
investment in
music history, for $41.5m he purchased ATV Music Publishing and
merged it with
Sony Music. He now owned all the music belonging to the Beatles,
Marvin Gaye, The
Rolling Stones, plus his own songs. In 1991 he sold 50% of his his share
to Sony for a
$100m. He refused to sell anymore of his rights, passing away in 2009.
A few years
later & Sony purchases his remaining 50% in the company for $750m.
Im unaware
if he was willing to sell in his last days, but being that he was dead
they didnt have
to pay much I'm sure Michael would have negotiated much for than
Especially given the fact Sony paid $2.2 billion for different catalog of
publishing when Michael had much more bigger artist with bigger
songs on his. All
of this showed me was that no matter who you are you will get taken
out if you are
just one person standing in the way of a lot of money.
I learned this all in about the month or two that I was unemployed with
much else to do. Then one day Stater Bros. called. I applied there
almost 6 months
ago, what could they be calling for. Are you willing to start working
next week? the
manager had asked. I remember being so happy to the offer and
accidently telling
him Hell yea!, only to have my younger sister scold me when I hung
up about how
unprofessional and dumb I sounded. I didnt care, I was ready to start
because I was eager to tell as much random people as possible about
all the real
conspiracies Id learn and the fake ones like UFOs and aliens which is
really just
what the government uses to distract people from the real scandals
they should be
worried about. For example, on cable TV nowadays theres multiple
shows about
UFOs, Ancient Aliens, and even stupider things like Bigfoot. Anyways
as I got to
Stater Bros. I immediately began on my mission to start preaching
about everything
the government was doing from chemtrails to false flags. No longer
was I
embarrassed about being labeled a conspiracy theorist. In fact I took
it in honor,
especially when after a few months of always arguing, one of the co-
workers who
always disagreed with me, said damn Im gonna start calling you X-
Files. He
occasionally started bringing our co-workers into the conversations
asking them if
they agreed with him or me on the conspiracy we were arguing at the
About two months into working there, The Orlando Nightclub
Shooting had just
happened. I remember going into work and everyone it seemed
especially the older
women were all heartbroken. Every other checkout aisle had People
propaganda magazines with the so called terrorist face on it. 50 Dead
in Worst
Mass Shooting in US History said the title of the magazine, the same
exact headline I
had just seen on CNN before I left the house. I couldnt help but just
laugh in my
head already knowing it was just another false flag and not a single
person died. Its
so sad, we need to get rid of these terrorists, they keep shooting
places up Im
scared to go out anymore were just some of the annoying idiotic
things I had to
endure hearing throughout the day. Soon, my laughter went to anger,
how could
people be so stupid? False flags had been happening since the 60s,
with the biggest
and most obvious one happening not too long ago in 2001. How could
people still be
completely clueless about what was going on? I became more and
more furious
thinking about it, I was only 20 years old working with people
smarter and more
experienced in life than me and was left absolutely stunned at the
amount of
people in there 30s, 40s, and so on who just clueless about anything to
with the
Federal Reserve, chemtrails, false flags, the Bin Laden/Iraq war or
anything that
went against what they thought was normal. It was satisfying however,
when I met
someone who knew just as much as I did. Even though it was only two
people, it
assured me I wasnt just some crazy person on the internet looking up
some stupid
conspiracies. As the day continued and I bagged customers groceries, I
almost all the customers would bring up the shooting, how it was so
crazy or
scary. Everybody just agreed, going along with the program, I could
not wait to just
clock out to go home to see for myself if it was for sure a false flag.
Even though I
was 99% sure it was, I didnt want to be wrong and sound like a
complete idiot at
my new job. I had already researched the Boston Bombing and Sandy
Hook shooting
and immediately seen them as obvious false flags. It was a big
moment for me in my
life. How could the news lie? Theres just no way, I thought to myself.
The icing on
the cake for me was one YouTube video from CNN, where one of the
fathers of the
Sandy Hook victims, is walking into the press conference the day of
the fake
shooting to talk about it and as hes walking in he doesnt know hes
already on
camera and can clearly see him just smiling and laughing with a huge
evil grin on his
face until you hear someone warn him that its live and your on now.
He then
immediately stops laughing, gets rid of the smile, and within two
seconds changes
into a sad face, takes a few deep breaths, attempting to bring out fake
tears in one of
the weirdest faked acting scenes I had seen. No way in the world this
mans daughter
was gunned down and he walks in with a smile laughing like it's no big
deal. Oh shit
this stuffs real nobody died it was fake, I thought to myself just as
Patrice said would
happen when you look those type of things up. My world was flipped
upside down,
it was almost as if suddenly everything I believed was a lie. After
researching the
Orlando Shooting I instantly recognized it as a false flag. The obvious
part for me is
the fake actors always keeping a calm demeanor and talking as if there
just reading
a script or a teleprompter. Nobody in there right mind would be calm
and laughing
after a surviving a mass shooting and seeing people gunned down
brutally. But that
was all I kept seeing in CNN interviews plus the fact that theyd use
actors for
different false flags or roles. For example on video shows one of the
Sandy Hook
victim's dad getting interviewed and in another clip its the exact
same guy, this
time dressed as an F.B.I. agent holding a big machine gun. Another
video showed a
Boston Bombing survivor also getting interviewed at the San
Bernardino shooting.
Same face, same voice, same everything. I remembered Tupac
screaming at the
interviewer this shits documented, you think I can't read?!, I felt like
screaming at
CNN you think I can't see?! I couldnt believe it, how could they just
blatantly use
the same person without anybody noticing or making a big deal about
it. I guess my
generation is so focused on iphones, social media, and everything on
the internet.
Instead of making things like this trend it's thrown under the rug and
obsesses with a celebrities life, taking selfies, snapchatting there whole
life like it's
an online documentary, the newest shoes or albums getting released.
Not only do
they follow eachother on Twitter but they follow eachother in life, easily
influenced or persuaded by what other people are doing. For example
in the early
2000s I remember the biggest rappers from L.A., like Snoop Dogg, The
Game, etc. at
the time only mostly rapped about gang-banging and gang-lifestyle.
This lead to
more people dressing how they dressed and eventually getting into
that lifestyle.
Even one of my cousins ended up joining gangs I feel probably after
listening to
music all his life that talks as if shooting people and gang-activities are
cool or
makes you real. Take a few years later when swag came out and
Kanye West
started wearing skinny jeans and snapbacks as I entered High School.
everywhere I looked, whether Asian, black, or white everyone was
wearing skinny
jeans and baggy jeans were a thing of the past. It shows how influential
musician/celebrity can be and why they are assassinated whenever
exposing the
government for there totalitarian tactics.
Even though it had nothing to do with the Orlando Shooting, I decided
to use
the video of the laughing dad as evidence that all these shootings were
being faked.
Before going to work, I decided to show my dad the laughing dad video
to see what
he thought since he had been calling me brainwashed ever since the
day I started
learning about these things and telling him about it. My dad was like
one of my
co-workers, both would say you watch too much YouTube videos.
They were
right but what else was I supposed to watch or get my news from when
it all made
sense on there and everything on TV was questionable or completely
fake. So before
pressing play on the video I told him how yes it was from Youtube but
it's simply
someone recording CNN with there camera at home and posting it, I
assured him it
wasnt edited in anyway and it was the same video that was
broadcasted on CNN. I
handed him the phone and focused on his face, eager for a reaction
and what his
opinion would be. A little bit after the dad laughed then started talking
pretending to cry I noticed his eyebrows do a confused frown. He
handed me back
my phone and walked away from the living room straight back into his
without saying a word. Always quick to shoot down anything I believed
in or say I
was crazy, I was shocked as it was the first time Id ever seen him
speechless and
confused. I now knew with every ounce in my gut that I was right. I felt
like I had
discovered a secret treasure or an unknown secret and I was somehow
now part of
an elite group of the world who noticed everything going on in the
world instead of
being programmed into staring at a phone-screen half the day. It was
now time to
see what my co-workers thought about the laughing dad. The first
person I told was
the manager, Angel. He was like most people at first, probably just
assumed Im
some weird pothead thats into reading conspiracy theories on the
internet. I told
him more about the Orlando shooting and how theres not a single
video or picture
from inside the club when the shooting happened. Think about how
many cameras
are in a nightclub dude! Everybody has a i-phone nowadays, do you
really believe
not a single person in there took a video or picture as the shooting
happened or was
about to happen, half the people in a club are on snapchat with a
phone in there
hand, I told him. I noticed he started treating me different, asking
more questions,
even saying wow your pretty smart. He had never heard of a false
flag, and after
telling him about the fake Orlando, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, and
Bombing, he sarcastically asks so your telling me you think every
shooting is a
false-flag?. It was the question I had been waiting for with an answer
ready. No,
you remember the Columbine shooting? I saw his eyes light up. Yea.
Now thats a
real shooting. I then explained to him how they had cameras
throughout the whole
school, and all the videos were released without suspicion, you see
parents & family
crying real tears and sobbing uncontrollably. I also quickly explained to
him that
how could that shooting have happened in 1999 and still have the
whole thing on
video from beginning to end but a decade later you really want me to
believe there
wouldn't be any cameras inside a popular nightclub. He agreed
completely and I
could tell he was going through what I went when I discovered
everything was a lie.
I told him if he really wanted proof to look up the video of the laughing
dad. I didnt
think he would as I always recommend him to watch a video or
documentary but
hed forget and I casually went home. The next day, while bagging a
groceries, I heard my name over the speaker monitor Jorge Lucero,
please report to
the managers office. I had been showing up late & getting disciplined
so right away
I got a bit scared especially when half the co-workers went oooohhh
similar to
elementary children. There was only a few reasons why you got called
to the
managers office, either you were in trouble or getting fired, it was
never good. As I
knocked on the manger door I was happy to see it was Angel and not
the usual
manager Doyle who seemed to have a problem with me. As soon as I
walked in I
heard Dude! I watched the video of the dad laughing what the hell!! I
anxious to hear what he thought about it. Its crazy, this dont make
sense man Im
starting to believe you. We cut the conversation short as we both had
alotta stuff to
do but Ill never forget what he told me how he went from not believing
government would never do something so sinister to realizing it for the
Before leaving I said told you so, cmon you have a daughter, imagine
if you got a
phonecall that your daughter was shot & killed at school would you
show up at the
school laughing with a smile? Id drive my fuckin truck through the
school he said
with the most serious look Id ever seen on his face. After that, Trump
running for President and I think everyone is starting to realize
something fishy is
going on with whoevers in charge of running this country. Since Patrice
ONeal was
the one who really answered all the questions I had about conspiracies
I decided to
start listening to more comedians as I realized they were quite
intelligent. One of my
favorites that I discovered after awhile became George Carlin. They
dont want
people to sit at the kitchen table to realize how badly theyre getting
fucked by a
system that forgot about them 30 years ago, they want obedient
workers, people
who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork
but just dumb
enough to accept these shitty jobs with the lower pay, longer hours,
benefits, and the vanishing pension that goes away when you go
collect it they
own this fuckin place.. its a big club.. and let me tell you something,
you aint in and I are not in it, its the same club they use to tell you what to
believe.. the
table is tilted folks, the game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice,
nobodys seems
to care.. good honest hard-working people continue to elect these rich
who dont give a fuck about them.. they dont care about you, at all,
because the
owners in this country know the truth, that its called the American
Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it When I learned all
of this and heard that Carlin rant, plus him speaking on other social
issues in the U.S. it truly changed my perspective on everything.
Thankfully people like Patrice ONeal & him put there life on the line
speaking up about things so people including myself would be asleep
no longer.

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