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5/23/2017 Mango:Grantincomeaccountingpolicies

Grant Income Accounting Policy

In an NGO's annual audited nancial statements, grant income is commonly accounted for in a variety of ways
by dierent NGOs around the world. There is little global consensus about what is the 'right' or 'best' way.

This page describes the three main methods used, and gives an example of the wording for the accounting policy for
the nancial statements. It also gives guidance on which policy may be most appropriate for your circumstances.

WARNING! This page contains jargon and is aimed at quali ed accountants and auditors.

Method 1 - Receivable basis

Grant income is recognised when there is: 1) entitlement to the grant, 2) virtual certainty that it will be
received and 3) su cient measurability of the amount. Unspent grants are shown on the balance sheet as
restricted funds.

This policy is consistent with UK Charities SORP

Method 2 - Receivable and spent basis

Grant income is recognised as it is receiveable, to the extent that the grant has been spent by the end of the
nancial year. Unspent grants are shown on the balance sheet as liabilities.

This policy is consistent with IAS20

Method 3 - Received basis

Grant income is recognised as it is received.

This is consistent with the cash basis of accounting, but it is commonly seen even on nancial statements
prepared on an accruals basis. E.g. 'These nancial statements are prepared on an accrual basis with the
exception of grant income which is recognised on a receipts basis'.

Which method is best for us?

To decide which method is best for you, consider:

1. Which accounting standards apply to you?

2. What will the users of your nancial statements best understand?
3. Do your donors require any particular method?
4. What have you used in the past?
5. What is most commonly used by similar NGOs in your country? 1/4

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