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DATE: 07.05.17
FULL MUSIC VIDEO: Whole Shooting shot list.

Shot Shot type Description of action Camera Location Notes

1,2 & 3 Close up The dangling of a broken wind chime. Back garden

4 Close up Through a table with Gemma dancing behind it. Back garden

5, 8 & 10 Medium shot Gemma dancing behind a table. Back garden Slow motion

6&7 Medium shot Gemma standing still whilst paint being thrown Back garden Slow motion
at her dress.
9 Medium shot Gemma is standing in front of sheets with a cup Back garden Slow motion
of paint and throws it behind her.
10 Medium shot, Gemma is painting on the sheets a smiley face. Back garden Slow motion
angled to the

11 Close up Paint dripping down the sheet. Back garden Slow motion

12 & 18 Medium shot, Gemma is painting the sheet. Back garden Slow motion
following action

13, 15 & 17 Medium shot Gemma is sat on the bench. Back garden Slow motion,
stabilize shot and
keep camera still.
14 & 16 Medium shot Gemma is sat on the bench with a mask on. Back garden Slow motion,
stabilize camera.
19, 21 Medium shot Gemma is sat on the floor. Back garden Slow motion,
stabilize camera.
Production Company Name

Shot Shot type Description of action Location Notes

20, 22 Medium shot Gemma is sat on the bench with a mask on. Back garden Slow motion

23, 25 Medium shot Gemma sitting behind table smiling. Back garden Slow motion,
stabilize shot
24, 26 Medium shot Gemma is sitting behind the table with a mask Back garden Slow motion,
on and her hand over her face. stabilize shot
27, 29, 31 Medium shot, Gemma is turning to paint the sheets with the Back garden Slow motion, half
following action mask on. sheet, half mask.
28, 30 Medium/long Gemma has the mask on and is standing in front Back garden Slow motion,
shot of the painted sheets with her mask on. stabilize as much as
32, 34 Medium/long Film the painted sheets. Back garden Slow motion,
shot stabilize.
33, 35, 37, Long shot Gemma dancing behind the table with her mask Back garden Slow motion, table in
39 on. centre of shot.

36 & 38 Medium shot, Gemma turns to the camera with her mask on. Back garden Slow motion.
following action
39 Long shot, Gemma is walking down the road with her mask My road Slow motion, centre.
angled upwards. on and her sheets.
40 Long shot, My road Slow motion, centre.
angled upwards.
41, 44, 46, Long shot, follow Gemma is skipping with her sheets Uphill Woods Slow motion.
48, 58 action slightly.

42, 45

43 Close up Gemma is kicking leaves.

Production Company Name

47 Medium shot Gemma is going over a cross on a tree with her Slow motion, turning
finger. towards the camera.
49, 57 Medium shot, Gemma is lying under the sheets pretending to Slow motion, distort
distorted angle get out. angle as much as
50, 52, 54 Medium shot Gemma is showing her face coming upwards Slow motion
from behind a tree with her mask on.
51, 53, 55 Medium shot, Gemma is throwing the leaves in front of her.
from behind.
56 Medium/long Gemma is chucking leaves over the sheets.
59, 61 Medium, angled Gemma is lying on the sheets without her mask
shot on.
60,62 Medium/angled Gemma is lying on the sheets with her mask on.
63, 68 Medium/long Gemma is dancing with her mask on. TV Studio
63, 67 Medium/long Gemma is dancing with her mask off. Change opacity and
shot layer on top of
previous shot.
64, 65, 66, Medium/wide Gemma is dancing with the sheets. Slow motion
69, 71, 73 shot
70 Medium shot Gemma is stood facing the right with her mask
70, 72 Medium shot Gemma is stood facing the right with her mask Edit these two clips
off. on top of each other.
74 Medium shot Gemma is stood in the middle waving at the Slow motion.

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