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Journal of Product & Brand Management

Framing online promotions: shipping price inflation and deal value perceptions
Patrali Chatterjee,
Article information:
To cite this document:
Patrali Chatterjee, (2011) "Framing online promotions: shipping price inflation and deal value perceptions", Journal of Product &
Brand Management, Vol. 20 Issue: 1, pp.65-74, doi: 10.1108/10610421111108030
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(2014),"Promote the price promotion: The effects of price promotions on customer evaluations in coffee chain stores",
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 26 Iss 7 pp. 1065-1082

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Pricing strategy & practice

Framing online promotions: shipping price

inflation and deal value perceptions
Patrali Chatterjee
School of Business, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, New Jersey, USA

Purpose This research seeks to examine differences in perceived shipping charge inflation associated with online promotions presented as reducing
base product price, reducing shipping surcharge, or reducing all-inclusive price and its impact on deal values for shipping charge skeptics and non-skeptics.
Design/methodology/approach Drawing from research on multi-component pricing and mental accounting, a laboratory experiment investigates
if shipping charge skeptics differ in their perceptions of shipping charge inflation for different presentations of online promotions from non-skeptics, and
if they differ in perceived deal value of economically equivalent promotions presented as reduced product price, reduced shipping charge promotion, or
reduced all-inclusive price for high and low priced items with small or large shipping fees at retail websites.
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Findings Analyses show that shipping charge skeptics differ from non-skeptics in their perceptions of shipping charge inflation and deal values for
different online promotions only when the surcharge is large relative to the base price. Reduced price promotions are most attractive for high-priced
items with low surcharge but least attractive for large surcharge sizes. For large surcharge sizes, shipping charge skeptics prefer reduced all-inclusive
price promotions to reduced shipping promotions, while non-skeptics prefer reduced shipping promotions to reduced all-inclusive price promotions.
Research limitations/implications The results suggest that the effectiveness of various promotion frames at online stores differ based on base
price, surcharge size, and consumer skepticism of shipping charge. Robustness of the results obtained at different levels of discount sizes need
Practical implications Online retailers that have to charge high shipping fees can use promotions to shift the referent price component used by consumers
to calculate savings and mitigate perceptions of shipping or base price inflation. For equivalent dollar savings, retailers can use reduced shipping charge
promotions to communicate higher deal values to shipping charge non-skeptic consumers than reduced base price or reduced all-inclusive promotions.
Originality/value This research examines how consumer perceptions of deal values differ, even though objective savings and financial outlay is the
same, when promotions are presented as reducing product price versus surcharge.

Keywords Prices, Accounting, Retailing, Electronic commerce

Paper type Research paper

Introduction charges, taxes etc. It is also of particular relevance to

purchases in remote channels like catalogs or the internet
There is considerable published research documenting that where consumers pay a base product price and a shipping
different implementations or semantic presentation of the surcharge (for product delivery). This research focuses on
same retail price reduction can change consumers perception surcharge components that are mandatory (e.g. shipping
of a promotion offer (Sinha and Smith, 2000; Gilbride et al., charges for non-digital products purchased online that cannot
2008; DelVecchio et al., 2009). When prices have a single be consumed otherwise) but not components that consumers
component, base price of the product, savings associated with can purchase separately (e.g. salesperson suggests optional
sales promotions reduce the base price thus communicating replacement plan when consumers purchase household
superior transaction value to consumers. However, if the price appliances), and are strategically managed by retailers (e.g.
of a product is made of multiple components, a retailer has while sales tax is a mandatory surcharge, consumers perceive
the flexibility of presenting the promotional offer to reduce it to be outside the control of the retailer).
one or more price components (not just base product price). In remote retail channels, shipping charge is a mandatory
There are many examples of multi-component pricing in the price component in addition to base product price when
marketplace: warranty and services associated with products, consumers purchase non-digital products. This offers retailers
cell phone purchase along with activation fees, service multiple possibilities of presenting the various components of
price. It does not add any tangible value to the physical
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at product but provides the means to transport the product to the customer (Schindler et al., 2005). Retailers can offer or
change how promotional offers are presented in real-time to
improve their positions on shopbots and compete on the basis
Journal of Product & Brand Management of price. Various shopbots differ in how they order products in
20/1 (2011) 65 74
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1061-0421]
their listings, some use product price, whereas others use
[DOI 10.1108/10610421111108030] landed price (base product price plus shipping and handling).

Framing online promotions Journal of Product & Brand Management
Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

Studies have shown that when retailers offer shipping 1993; Sinha and Smith, 2000). However, prior research has
promotions, they achieve the highest customer satisfaction not examined if consumers differ in their perceptions of
ratings and are the most influential aspect in ones decision to equivalent promotions presented as reduced product price
make a purchase online (Vascellaro, 2006). While there is promotions versus reduced surcharge promotions. Prior
considerable research documenting that different research on price framing has documented the deleterious
implementations or framing of the same retail price impact of reduced price promotions on internal reference
reduction (cents off, percentage off, or discounted price) prices and product quality inferences (Grewal et al., 1998).
can change consumers perception of a promotion offer However it is unknown if those negative inferences persist for
(DelVecchio et al., 2009), research is lacking on consumer reduced shipping promotions. This paper examines if
perception of different presentations of shipping promotions. consumers differ in their perceptions of deal value and
Differences in the framing of base product price, shipping shipping charge perceptions for economically equivalent
charges, and promotions can impact purchase incidence and promotions presented as reducing shipping charges (reduced
lead to differences in retailer profitability and is the focus of shipping promotions), or product price (reduced product
this research. price) or as reduced all-inclusive price and if these perceptions
Consider a product with base price $20, shipping cost $4 differ for large versus small shipping surcharge size for high
(surcharge 20 percent of base price) and a $3 off promotion and low priced products.
(discount size of 15 percent of base price). Consumers infer This paper contributes to the literature on promotion
total price (base price 2 promotional savings shipping) to framing by examining how consumers differ in their
calculate the total monetary outlay for the purchase of a evaluations of promotions offered on product base price
product at an online store. A retailer can frame the final versus shipping charges, since both can be strategically
managed by retailers. Are economically equivalent reduced
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purchase price of $21 as one of the following ways reduced

base price promotion, reduced shipping promotion, or shipping promotions more or less attractive compared to
reduced base price promotions? Given that costs of product
reduced all-inclusive price promotion as shown in Table I. If
delivery are high for retailers in some product categories, do
the promotional discount equals or exceeds the shipping fee,
consumers differ in their perceptions of shipping charge
the free shipping promotion and reduced shipping promotion
inflation across promotion formats for low-priced versus high-
would be the same. Since the financial outlay and dollar value
priced products? Further, this research contends that
of savings is the same for all promotion frames, rational
consumers differ in their framing of shipping promotions
analysis of costs in comparison to regular (unpromoted price)
compared to monetary promotions based on the relative size
should not lead to any differences in deal values across
of surcharge to base product price. As more retailers wield
consumers. shipping charges and shipping promotions as a competitive
However, given that relative savings differ dramatically tool to increase purchase incidence at their sites
based on whether product price or shipping is used as the (Mangalindan, 2006), examination of consumer responses
referent (see columns 3 and 4 in Table I) regular price, multi- to shipping promotions in relation to other commonly used
component pricing, price partitioning theory, and reference promotion frames is warranted.
dependence theory would suggest that consumers will differ
in their perceived deal value and inferences of shipping charge
inflation for each promotion frame. Online retailers face the Theoretical background
challenge of selecting promotion frames that maximize deal Presenting a price promotion in different ways is similar to the
evaluations for high and low priced products and for high and framing of purchase decisions provided the benefits received
low level of shipping charge relative to base product price. by consumers from the promotion are constant. Research on
There is considerable research indicating that different how consumers process and internalize the price stimulus in
presentations of promotions with the same product price purchase situations has examined such issues as reference
reduction can change consumers perception of a promotion price, deal framing, price recall accuracy, encoding, and
offer (Lichtenstein and Bearden, 1989; Yadav and Monroe, storage. One key generalization from this literature is that

Table I Promotional frames used by online retailers

Change to price component after Change to price component after
Promotion frame mechanism As displayed to consumers ($) promotion (%) promotion ($)
Promotion offered on bundled/ Price: 24 Price: 212.5 Price: 2 3
all-inclusive price S/H: 0
Save: 3 off total price

Partitioned prices
Sale or reduced product price Price: 20 Price: 215 Price: 2 3
savings reduce base price $ off: 3 on product price S/H: 0 S/H: 0
S/H: 4
Reduced shipping savings Price: 20 Price: 0 Price: 0
reduce shipping surcharge S/H: 4 S/H: 2 75 S/H: 2 3
$ off: on shipping

Framing online promotions Journal of Product & Brand Management
Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

consumers are highly sensitive to context, including semantic Hypothesis

cues in promotion offers. We draw upon prior research in
partitioned or multi-component pricing and mental The principal dependent variable in this study is perceived
accounting that have implications on this research. transaction value of the deal, which represents a consumers
evaluation of the financial terms of the deal per se and is equal
Partitioned prices versus bundled or all-inclusive prices to internal reference price (from memory or based on normal
Price partitioning involves separating the total cost (or prices charged) minus the purchase price, while controlling
bundled price) into a base price and one or more for the acquisition value of the offer (Thaler, 1985; Yadav and
surcharges (Morwitz et al., 1998). Prior research on Monroe, 1993). One major difference of this research from
consumer evaluation of multiple versus single prices suggest previous studies is that it examines the effect of different
that consumers perceive multiple gains as more rewarding and promotional representations on deal value perceptions where
multiple losses as more punishing than a single gain or a single underlying financial outlay and objective savings is the same.
loss of the same amount respectively. This is suggested by Previous articles have focused on the main effects of semantic
prospect theory (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979) and mental cues (other than reduced shipping promotions) and
accounting theory (Thaler, 1985). Price components magnitude of surcharge relative to base price on preferences
represent losses, thus suggesting that consumers prefer a for partitioned or bundled price components. This research
single bundled price (loss) as less punishing than multiple or posits that in addition to magnitude of surcharge relative to
partitioned prices (losses). Researchers suggest two additional base price, the magnitude of base price itself, and individual
moderating factors, consumers knowledge of product prices differences in valuation of shipping benefits will moderate the
and relative magnitudes of prices being evaluated (Mazumdar relationship of promotion frame on deal evaluations as we
and Jun, 1993). discuss next.
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When one price component is significantly smaller than the

other, the cognitive cost of integrating price components can Role of promotion framing in presence of surcharge
be perceived to be larger than the benefit to be gained from Many online retailers offer promotions to increase purchase
the effort. Research in price partitioning suggests that incidence. A typical promotion offered on product price
consumers often ignore the surcharge while arriving at their represents a small gain relative to a larger loss (i.e. price paid),
purchase decision, when the surcharge is small relative to the or a mixed loss (Thaler, 1985). Research on price perception
base price (Sheng et al., 2007) or surcharge is effortful to suggests that reference states or prices influence deal
process such as when the surcharge is presented as a evaluations and consumers evaluate proportional (or
percentage of the base price (Morwitz et al., 1998). When relative) deviations rather than objective (or raw) deviations
surcharge is perceptually large relative to the base price, prior from reference states (Heath et al., 1995). Consumers
research suggests that price components should be bundled or perception of deal value will depend on whether the
be presented as all-inclusive, so surcharge is not explicitly promotion is presented as reducing product price (similar to
stated to mitigate perceptions of unfairness (Sheng et al., past research), or reducing shipping charges (which has not
2007). been investigated in prior research) or reducing total price.
We posit that a promotion can make the price component
Perception of benefits from base product versus associated with it salient, and induce perception of savings
surcharge with respect to that component rather than the other.
Research on multi-component pricing suggests that Reduced price promotions reduce the total cost of
surcharges presented separately from product price actually acquiring a product as well as the base price of the product.
draw attention to product characteristics associated with it Prior research indicates that reduced price promotions that
(e.g. the reliability of the product if the surcharge is for an are available to all buyers lead to negative quality inferences,
extended warranty; Chakravarti et al., 2002). Further, there is lower internal reference price and increase regular price
an inverse relationship between perceived benefit and inflation perceptions (Chen et al., 1998). In contrast, reduced
consumers price sensitivity, consumers prefer partitions in shipping promotions reduce the total cost of acquiring a
which they pay less for components that have low perceived product without reducing the base price of the product, but it
benefits and more for components that have high perceived is not known if they lead to perceptions of regular shipping
benefits (Hamilton and Srivastava, 2008). price inflation. Even if reduced shipping promotions are
Extrapolating to the context of shipping charges in online available to all buyers, we do not expect them to lead to
retailing, if consumers perceive shipping charges to provide negative quality inferences or internal reference price. When
lower consumption benefit to that of the core product, they prices are presented as all-inclusive, consumers do not know
are likely to evaluate shipping price versus benefits separately the prices of individual components. Reduced all-inclusive
from product price versus benefits in their evaluations of a promotions reduce total price but do not indicate which or
deal. Though shipping and labor are both perceived as any price component was reduced. In real life situations,
providing less benefit than the product (auto part), Hamilton consumers will rely on memory, use information accessible at
and Srivastava (2008) found that participants preferred point of sale, or search for product and/or shipping costs for
partitions in which shipping was 0 percent of the total price same or related products (Johnson and Levin, 1985).
but not partitions in which labor was 0 percent of the total Shipping charges as a price component are perceived to be a
price. Since consumers are more likely to be exposed to free disutility by consumers since they increase the cost of
shipping offers (0 percent of the total price) rather than free acquiring the product but do not add to the core value of the
labor on services, it indicates that preferences for partitions product (Schindler et al., 2005). Reluctance in accepting
allocating no charge to the low-benefit component may shipping and handling fees may be due to a perception that
depend on marketplace norms. the fees may contribute to the firms profit rather than just

Framing online promotions Journal of Product & Brand Management
Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

cover the incurred cost (Xia et al., 2004). When surcharge is accurately assess the offers value, and thus would prefer an
large relative to base price and prices are partitioned reduced base or shipping promotion over a reduced all-
consumers are more likely to be skeptical of the retailers inclusive price promotion, hence:
pricing tactics and ascribe unfair profit motives to the retailer H2. For large surcharge size, the difference in perceptions
leading to inferences of price inflation when prices are of shipping charge inflation for skeptics versus non-
partitioned (Sheng et al., 2007). This does not occur when skeptics will be higher for reduced shipping promotion
price components are bundled. compared to (a) reduced all-inclusive promotion and
Commercial reports suggest that online retailers offer (b) reduced base price promotion in comparison to
shipping promotions to partially offset the pain of shipping regular price.
surcharges on products associated with high transportation
costs (Mangalindan, 2006). However, if they lead to
suspicions that retailers inflate regular shipping charges Impact of base product price level and relative
before offering shipping promotions to preserve their profit surcharge size
margins, it will lower effectiveness of shipping promotions, Consumers perceive lower consumption benefits from
similar to price discounts (Chen et al., 1998). Since most shipping charges than from the base product (Schindler
comparison shopping websites order retailers on the basis of et al., 2005; Hamilton and Srivastava, 2008). This finds
product price, retailers may avoid inflating product price for support in reports of backlash in response to the proliferation
competitive reasons and instead choosing to inflate shipping of surcharges by online firms and reports of shipping charges
charges. Hence: being the primary cause of shopping cart abandonment online
H1. Consumers will perceive higher likelihood of regular (Keogh, 2006). Prior research on multi-component pricing
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shipping charge inflation for reduced shipping suggests that when prices are partitioned, consumers are likely
promotions followed by (a) reduced all-inclusive to evaluate each price component separately in relation to the
promotions and (b) least for reduced price promotion consumption benefit provided by each (Chakravarti et al.,
when presented with large surcharge size relative to 2002). If the price of one product component (e.g. shipping)
base price. is small relative to the price of other components (e.g. base
product price), consumers may be relatively insensitive to the
price of the lower-price component (Monroe, 1990),
Role of shipping charge skepticism especially if it is perceived to provide lower benefit than the
Individual differences in valuation of benefits from shipping large price component. Price partitioning theory suggests that
services will interact with perceptions of shipping charge a surcharge is relatively low consumers are likely to ignore
inflation from reduced price, shipping, and all-inclusive shipping surcharge (Morwitz et al., 1998) and evaluate deal
promotions. Consumer skepticism regarding shipping charges value on the basis of recalled price for reduced price
is defined as the degree to which consumers tend to believe promotions (base product price promotional savings) and
that shipping charges are used as a means to enhance sellers shipping promotions (base product price). Darke et al. (1995)
revenues and profits rather than simply as a means for getting suggest that for low-priced products consumers are more
the product to the consumer. Shipping charge skeptics do not likely to use simple heuristics and are unlikely to integrate
believe that having products shipped to their door is a service promotional savings (especially for low discount sizes) since
worth paying for and that shipping provides no consumption there is little benefit from extensive processing. Hence, we do
benefit (Schindler et al., 2005). In contrast, shipping charge not specify any hypothesis for small surcharge size.
non-skeptics believe shipping provides a benefit which may be If the low-benefit price component (e.g. shipping) is
lower compared to that of the core product (Schindler et al., proportionally larger (large surcharge size) to the high-benefit
2005). Shipping-charge skeptics tend to view shipping charges price component (e.g. base product price), consumers will
as unfair sources of profit for direct marketers and will like place undue importance on the low-benefit component
reduced shipping promotions less when shipping charges are (Hamilton and Srivastava, 2008). Further, the effect of
made salient via a partitioning strategy. Compared to promotion frame and surcharge size relative to base price on
reference (regular or unpromoted) prices that state shipping deal evaluations is moderated by the base price of the
charges, skeptics will prefer reduced all-inclusive promotions product. Darke et al. (1995) suggest that for low-priced
that explicitly state savings but hide shipping charges to products consumers are more likely to use simple heuristics
reduced price and shipping promotions. and are unlikely to process the multiple price components
Most consumers do not know the true cost of shipping a (surcharge and promotional savings) extensively since they
product even after completing their purchase of a product expect to derive little benefit from further processing.
with an all-inclusive price. However, consumers realize that However for high-priced products, consumers will
shipping charges have to be incurred by the retailer even when extensively process price and promotion information since it
no shipping charges are specified in reduced all-inclusive involves a larger monetary outlay and the benefits from
promotions. While reduced all-inclusive promotions might be extensive processing are higher than the costs of a wrong
the answer to reduce perceived shipping charge inflation for choice. Consumers will have the incentive to integrate the
skeptics, non-skeptic consumers may suspect that it is easier promotional savings since the additional money saved from
for retailers to inflate all-inclusive prices to mask absorption of price reductions in high-priced products offer greater latitude
shipping costs, especially when regular or reference prices to spend it for some other purpose than low-priced products.
indicate large surcharge size. Non-skeptics tend to interpret Consumers are likely to perceive a higher transaction value
shipping charges as just covering the sellers costs of getting from price promotions for higher-priced products than low-
the ordered items to the consumers doorstep. They will feel priced products, hence deal value for reduced price
less pain of paying the shipping charge when they can more promotion (base product price promotional savings) will

Framing online promotions Journal of Product & Brand Management
Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

be higher than reduced shipping promotion (base product reduced all-inclusive promotion should be preferred to a
price). reduced base price promotion or reduced shipping price
For large shipping surcharge, consumers perceive relatively promotion for skeptic consumers. Non-skeptic consumers
higher monetary sacrifice due to the shipping price associate all-inclusive promotions with higher perceived
component ($10 S/H: $20 base price or $50 S/H: $100 shipping price inflation relative to reduced shipping
base price, in our experimental design Table II) which offers promotion, hence we hypothesize:
lower consumption benefit than the core product. Perceptions H3. When surcharge is large relative to base price,
of disutility associated with shipping fees will dominate perceived deal values for high and low priced items
consumer perceptions of deal value and consumers are will be: (a) Highest for all-inclusive price promotions,
unlikely to ignore them even for low-priced items. The followed by reduced shipping promotions, and then
persuasion knowledge model suggests that consumers try to reduced base price promotions for (shipping) skeptic
defend themselves by being vigilant (Friestad and Wright, customers; (b) Highest for reduced shipping
1994), hence consumers will extensively process information promotions, followed by all-inclusive price
for both high- and low-priced products. promotions, and then reduced base price promotions
Predictions from multi-component pricing research suggest for (shipping) non-skeptic customers.
that consumers will prefer partitions in which the price of the
low benefit component is lower (Chakravarti et al., 2002).
When consumers compare regular prices with reduced Experimental context
shipping promotions ($7 S/H: $20 base price or $35 S/H:
Design and procedure
$100 base price), the monetary sacrifice for shipping (the
The data for the empirical study were obtained from a
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lowest benefit component) is lowered by 30 percent [(10-7)/

controlled experiment involving undergraduate students at a
10 or ((50-35)/50)]. Not only do reduced base price
Northeastern US university. The three treatment factors (base
promotions not reduce the relative monetary sacrifice for product price, shipping charge size relative to base product
shipping, they increase the proportion of price accounted for price, and promotion frame) were manipulated across these
shipping to 58 percent ($10 S/H: $17 base price, $50 S/H: subjects. To maintain task interest and involvement, students
$85 base price) compared to that of regular price 50 percent considered the purchase of a fictitious brand of notebook bag
($10 S/H: $20 base price, $50 S/H: $100 base price). Prior at two fictitious retailers to control for the possible
research shows consumers are more sensitive to changes in confounding effects due to brand or retailer reputation. The
surcharges than to changes in base prices (Smith and choice of notebook bags is motivated by the fact that students
Brynjolfsson, 2001), hence we expect deal values for are familiar with purchase of notebook bags and the product
reduced shipping promotions will be higher than reduced prices range from $15 to $525 at several online boutique and
price promotions in the presence of high surcharge for all office supply retailers (there is a wide variation in shipping
consumers. charges).
Skeptic consumers prefer a single all-inclusive price as less Research assistants conducted a survey of notebook bags
punishing than partitioned prices and are less likely to have offered by retailers to guide selection of stimuli. Based on a
perceptions of regular shipping price inflation. For pretest with 30 students not in the final sample, two notebook
economically-equivalent promotions, promotional savings an bags were selected as stimuli, one priced at $20 (low base
all-inclusive price represent small gains from promotional price) and the other executive version priced at $100 (high
savings segregated from a larger loss the regular all-inclusive base price). Further, survey of shipping charges by online
price. The silver-lining effect (Thaler, 1985) suggests that retailers indicated that standard shipping charges vary from

Table II Experimental stimuli

Item base price Low ($20) High ($100)
Shipping size Low ($4) High ($10) Low ($20) High ($50)
Regular price Price: $20 Price: $20 Price: $100 Price: $100
Shipping: $4 Shipping: $10 Shipping: $20 Shipping: $50

Promotion frames
Reduced all-inclusive Price: $24 Price: $30 Price: $120 Price: $150
promotion Shipping: $0 Shipping: $0 Shipping: $0 Shipping: $0
Savings: $3 off all-inclusive Savings: $3 off all-inclusive Savings: $15 off all-inclusive Savings:$15 off all-inclusive
price price price price
Reduced shipping Price: $20 Price: $20 Price: $100 Price: $100
Shipping: $4 Shipping: $10 Shipping: $20 Shipping: $50
Savings: $3 off shipping Savings: $3 off shipping Savings: $15 off shipping Savings:$15 off shipping
Reduced base price Price: $20 Price: $20 Price: $100 Price: $100
promotion Savings: $3 off product price Savings: $3 off product price Savings: $15 off product price Savings:$15 off product price
Shipping: $4 Shipping: $10 Shipping: $20 Shipping: $50
Purchase price $21 $27 $105 $135

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Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

15 to 50 percent of base price of items on average. The worthless-valuable, and unattractive to me-attractive to me
practice of using order value to determine shipping charges is with promoted prices as focal deal and regular price referent
well-established in the direct marketing industry (DMA, (a 0:89, p , 0.001) (Grewal et al., 1998). An overall index
2004, p. 75). Academic researchers have chosen 18.5 and was computed by averaging these items. Higher scores
23.1 percent of base price as shipping costs (Morwitz et al., indicated higher deal value. Subjects indicated on a seven-
1998; Schindler et al., 2005), we choose 20 percent which is point Likert scale the likelihood that the retailer had inflated
within this range as well as credible based on a survey of offers the regular shipping price (1 being very unlikely and 7 very
for notebook bags at various retail websites. Promotion unlikely). Shipping-charge skepticism was measured using five
discount size was maintained at 15 percent of base price. items measures of the shipping-charge skepticism scale
Other researchers have selected 10 percent (Hardesty and (a 0:92, p , 0.01) as discussed in Schindler et al. (2005).
Bearden, 2003) to 16.7 percent (Grewal et al., 1996) of base Subjects were asked to recall (or estimate in all-inclusive
price as low promotion level in their research. To avoid condition) shipping charge and the total purchase price after
potential confounding effects from perceptions of price they responded to all other questions. Note that they could
inflation due to high discount size (Chen et al., 1998) we not turn back to the instructions or experimental stimuli.
consider only moderate and small discount sizes since the Other measures
focus of this research is on shipping price inflation and not Subjects also provided fair shipping charge perceptions (two
perceived inflation due to promotion or discount levels. items: average price elsewhere, shipping fee if service provided
A total of 24 versions of the experimental website were at cost) and effort to evaluate promotions (Diamond, 1992).
created and hosted locally with consistent site appearance and Purchase intention was measured as a three-item, seven-point
design across conditions (see Table II). Pre- and post- semantic differential scale, would purchase the product,
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experiment questionnaires were integrated so responses could consider purchase at this price, probability I would
be electronically recorded. On submitting their preliminary consider buying (internal consistency, a 0:91, p , 0.001)
questionnaire the experimental website was displayed. All (Dodds et al., 1991). The credibility of each of the offered
subjects read the same cover story on the computer screen. deals and shipping charge was tested on a seven-point
Subjects were provided with the empirical scenario that you semantic differential scale with endpoints of not believable
are selected to represent your school at a prestigious National and believable.
Collegiate Case Competition. You need to buy a notebook
bag for the presentation and see the following offer for an
online retailer. Please click next to view the offers. This was Results
followed by information on a particular product item and its Manipulation checks
regular price, e.g. Brand A notebook bag. Regular Price: To test whether base price level manipulation was successful,
$20.00, Shipping: $4.00. Subsequently, Advertised Deal: a one-item base price manipulation check was included for all
presented one of the three deal types [reduced price promotion frame conditions. The measures were evaluated on
promotion, reduced shipping promotion and reduced all- a seven-point scale: 1-small to 7-large. An ANOVA indicated
inclusive price promotion] as the focal deal. that base price manipulation check varied across promotion
We used a 2 2 3 2 between-subject design to examine frames (F 21:34, df 23 and 461, p , 0.01). Each pair-
the effect of base price level of product (2 conditions high, wise comparison (e.g. high vs low) was significant (all
low), shipping charge size (2 conditions small, large), p , 0.01). Similarly, shipping charge level manipulation was
promotion-type (3 conditions reduced price promotion, examined using one-item manipulation check and was found
reduced shipping promotion, reduced all-inclusive price) to be successful in that the ANOVA across promotion frames
regular price order (first, second). This ensures that subjects varied (F 32:46, df 23 and 483, p , 0.01). Finally, the
have a cognitive anchor in evaluating the deal value of the deal conditions were perceived as believable (overall
focal promotion. mean 5.94). Each of the individual deal evaluations
Participants were 234 male and 262 female undergraduate exceeded the neutral point, and these credibility ratings
students in two north-eastern universities. A total of 11 ranged between 6.14-4.71. We examined perceived effort
subjects did not complete their questionnaires and their required to evaluate the reduced all-inclusive price relative to
responses were not considered for analysis, leaving us with reduced shipping and reduced price promotion. Subjects
485 usable questionnaires with 20 or 21 subjects in each cell. reported higher degrees of effort (mean 8:21) when
Subjects were randomly allocated to one of the 24 conditions, evaluating all-inclusive price promotion compared to
with approximately 20 subjects in each cell. Respondents reduced shipping promotion (mean 4.92; t 5.18,
answered the pre-experiment survey, viewed experimental df 479, p , 0.01), and reduced price promotion
stimuli and then clicked on go to next step to answer the (mean 3:79; t 7:11, df 479, p , 0.01).
post-experiment questionnaire. Subjects provided responses
for dependent measures, price perception measures, shipping ANOVA results
charge manipulation check measures, and several measures No order effect was detected across various variables in the
assessing potential alternative explanations for our results. All study. Therefore, all analyses were conducted based on the
respondents were thanked for their participation and pooled sample. To test the effect of shipping charge
debriefed. skepticism on consumer perceptions of different promotion
presentations, a median split was performed to dichotomize
Measures consumers as either high or low in terms of shipping charge
Dependent variables skepticism. Then, an ANOVA was conducted on consumers
Perceived value of deal was measured using a three-item, perceived likelihood of shipping charge inflation and
seven-point semantic differential scale, bad deal-good deal, perceived deal value as a function of promotion type

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Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

(reduced price promotion, reduced shipping promotion, and to all-inclusive price promotion (M 1:82 vs M 0:35;
reduced all-inclusive price), shipping-charge skepticism (high, t 1.98, df 236, p , 0.05) providing support for H2a, but
low), surcharge size (large, small), base product price (high, not for reduced price promotion (M 1:91, t 2:01,
low) and all possible interactions (F 9.74, df 12 and 461, df 236, p , 0.05). Hence H2b is not supported.
p , 0.01).
Deal value perceptions
Moderating role of shipping charge skepticism on perceptions of The four-way ANOVA on perceived deal value yielded an
retailer tactics significant main effect of base price (F 2:2, df 1 and 479,
ANOVA did not yield a statistically significant main effect of p . 0.05), significant main effect of surcharge level (F 9:7,
promotion type (F 1.07, df 1 and 461, p . 0.05) or base df 1 and 479, p , 0.01), and significant main effect of
product price for perceived likelihood of shipping charge shipping charge skepticism (F 5:8, df 1 and 479,
inflation (F 2.11, df 2 and 461, p . 0.05). Overall, p , 0.05) as expected. More importantly the three-way
neither reduced price promotion, nor reduced shipping interaction of promotion type, surcharge level, and base
promotion or reduced all-inclusive promotion themselves price level (F 11:9, df 2 and 473, p , 0.01), and three-
lead to significant differences in perceived likelihood of way interaction of promotion type, surcharge level, and
shipping price inflation. shipping-charge skepticism (F 8:1, df 2 and 473,
There was a statistically significant main effect of shipping- p , 0.01) were significant. The main effect of promotion
charge skepticism (F 18.72, df 1 and 461, p , 0.0001) type was insignificant (F 1:03, df 2 and 479, p . 0.05),
and surcharge size (F 14.65, df 1 and 461, p , 0.0001) on so no particular promotion frame was perceived to be
perceived likelihood of shipping charge inflation. As expected, significantly more attractive relative to the others in all
shipping-charge skeptics perceived significantly higher conditions. We discuss these findings in detail in the order of
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likelihood of shipping charge inflation than non-skeptics our proposed hypothesis.

(MSkeptics 5:81, MNon skeptics 2:47, t 2:97, df 240, A 2 (base price level) 3 (promotion type) ANOVA was
p , 0.05) and perceptions of shipping charge inflation were conducted separately for small and large surcharge size. As
significantly higher for large surcharge than small surcharge expected, for small surcharge size, there was a significant
sizes (MLargeSurcharge 6.04, MSmallSurcharge 2.01, t 3.14, interaction between base price level and promotion type for
df 240, p , 0.05). Surprisingly, the two-way interaction perceived deal value (F 5:89, df 2 and 236, p , 0.05).
effect between promotion-type and surcharge size (F 1.17, Perceived deal value will be lower for reduced all-inclusive
df 2 and 461, p , 0.01) was insignificant. For small and promotion compared to both reduced price and shipping
large surcharge sizes, there were no significant differences in
promotion. The direction of cell means support the prediction
perceived shipping charge inflation between the three
from prior research that there will be no difference in
promotion types thus rejecting H1a and H1b.
perceived deal values for reduced base price, all-inclusive, and
There was a significant three-way interaction effect between
shipping promotion at low base price and small surcharge (see
promotion-type, shipping charge skepticism, and surcharge
Figure 2).
size for perceived likelihood of shipping charge inflation
For large surcharge size, there was an insignificant
(F 8.71, df 2 and 461, p , 0.01). For small surcharge,
interaction between base price level and promotion type for
there were no significant differences in perceived shipping
perceived deal value (F 2:01, df 2 and 238, p . 0.05),
charge inflation between the three promotion types
hence we do not expect to find any significant differences in
for skeptics (MSkeptics 4:2; 4:4; 3:8) and non-skeptics
deal values of the three promotion types for low and high
(MNonskeptic 1:7; 2:0; 1:9). For large shipping surcharge,
priced products. A 2 (shipping charge skepticism) 3
skeptics and non-skeptics differ in their perceptions of
(promotion type) ANOVA was conducted separately for
shipping charge inflation for the three promotion types (see
small and large surcharge size. For large surcharge size, there
Figure 1). The difference in perceived likelihood of shipping
charge inflation for skeptics compared to non-skeptics is
significantly higher for reduced shipping promotion compared Figure 2 Base price level promotion type (surcharge size: small)

Figure 1 Large surcharge: shipping charge skepticism x promotion type

Framing online promotions Journal of Product & Brand Management
Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

was a significant interaction between shipping charge There was an insignificant two-way interaction effect of
skepticism and promotion type for perceived deal value promotion type and shipping charge skepticism size on
(F 12:89, df 2 and 238, p , 0.001). However, for small likelihood of base price inflation for large surcharge
surcharge size, there was insignificant interaction between (F 4:77, df 2 and 168, p , 0.05). This suggests that
shipping charge skepticism and promotion type for perceived promotional savings presented with large surcharge lead to
deal value (F 1:55, df 2 and 238, p . 0.05). inferences of shipping price inflation but not base price
As predicted, in the large surcharge condition, shipping inflation.
charge skeptics perceive significantly higher deal value for
reduced all-inclusive promotion than reduced shipping Discussion and future research
promotion (t 2:53, df 168, p , 0.05) and reduced
shipping promotion is significantly higher than reduced base Predictions from mental accounting theory would suggest that
price promotion (t 2:12, df 168, p , 0.05) as Figure 3 consumers would integrate monetary price components with
indicates, thus supporting H3a. Shipping charge non-skeptics promotional savings and encode them as reduced loss. This
perceive significantly higher deal value for reduced shipping would suggest that deal values associated with economically-
promotion than reduced all-inclusive promotion (t 2:94, equivalent promotions presented as reduced shipping
df 168, p , 0.05) and significantly lower deal value for promotion, reduced price promotion, and reduced all-
reduced price promotion compared to reduced shipping inclusive promotion would be equivalent. However, contrary
promotion (t 0:53, df 168, p . 0.05) but insignificantly to expectations, results from our experiment show that
lower deal than reduced all-inclusive promotion (t 0:53, shipping charge skeptic and non-skeptic consumers differ in
df 168, p . 0.05), thus partially supporting H3b. their perceptions of regular shipping price inflation and deal
value perceptions for the three promotion presentations for
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Perceptions of regular product price inflation large surcharge but not when surcharge is small.
Since promotion size is small, we do not expect consumers to Economically equivalent deals offer the opportunity to
infer regular base price inflation. To confirm that the separate the pure semantic effect of deal description as
unexpected finding that reduced price promotion leads to the monetary value of the deals and financial outlay are held
perceptions of regular shipping price inflation and is not constant across the deals.
confounded with base price inflation, we examine if shipping For equivalent dollar savings, when base price and shipping
charge skepticism, base product price level, and promotion costs are low, consumers perceive no differences between
type impacts consumer perceptions of regular product price reduced base price promotions and reduced shipping
inflation. A three-way ANOVA yields a significant main effect promotions, and between reduced shipping promotions and
of base price level (F 4:69, df 3 and 477, p , 0.05) for reduced all-inclusive promotions. Reduced base price
base price inflation, high-priced products are more likely to promotions convey higher deal values compared reduced
lead to perceptions of regular base price inflation but not shipping promotions and reduced all-inclusive price
shipping price inflation (as found earlier) compared to low- promotions for high-priced products with low surcharge.
priced products. The main effect of surcharge size (F 4:15, When base price and shipping costs are low consumers have
df 3 and 477, p , 0.05) was significant for base price little motivation to integrate the multiple price components
inflation, large surcharge size is more likely to lead to and use the largest price component, base product price, to
perceptions of regular base price inflation than low surcharge. evaluate the attractiveness of an offer. Reduced shipping
offers are wasted in such situations since consumers ignore
shipping charges anyway. Retailers have some flexibility to
Figure 3 Shipping-charge skepticism promotion type (surcharge
compete by reducing the base price and increasing shipping
size: large) charges within limits to recoup margins.
Shipping charges dominate perceived deal values of
promotions offered on high and low priced products with
large shipping surcharge. Skeptics and non-skeptics differ in
the inferences they draw from promotions which impacts deal
values. Reduced shipping promotions convey higher deal
values than other promotions among non-skeptics, since they
draw inferences of shipping charge inflation when presented
with all-inclusive promotions. In contrast, reduced all-
inclusive price promotions convey higher deal values
compared to reduced shipping and reduced base price
promotions among skeptics, who infer shipping price
inflation when presented with reduced base price promotion
or reduced shipping promotions.
This research contributes to the literature on promotion
framing by examining differences in perceived deal values of
promotions when prices are partitioned into base price and
surcharge. The size of surcharge relative to base price are a
source of information that consumers use to make inferences
about retailers tactics which impacts the deal values
associated with promotions. This has been demonstrated in
the context of online promotions, specifically reduced

Framing online promotions Journal of Product & Brand Management
Patrali Chatterjee Volume 20 Number 1 2011 65 74

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Corresponding author
implications for direct marketers pricing formats, Patrali Chatterjee can be contacted at: chatterjeep@mail.
Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 41-53.

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