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SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004


Leonora Knecht1, Jacques B. Ventre2, Jean-Pierre Leduc2 and Benot Mathis2.
Institut EGID-Bordeaux 3, 1, Alle Daguin, 33607 Pessac cedex, France, 2 Total, 64018 Pau cedex, France

Copyright 2004, held jointly by the Society of Petrophysicists and The hard constraint method is presented here,
Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) and the submitting authors.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPWLA 45 th using an example in unconsolidated sands with a
Annual Logging Symposium held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, binary sand/shale distribution, calibrated on core.
June 69, 2004.
By combining the invaded zone resistivity image
with the shale and porosity image, an invaded
ABSTRACT zone HC volume image is obtained. Above the
Evaluating thin bed reservoirs becomes a crucial transition zone, this isnt very different from the
task when they are expected to contain a un-invaded zone saturation.
significant part of the initial hydrocarbon (HC) in There are now two ways of checking the core to
place. In this case, conventional logs only see an log match: first, by up-scaling the high-resolution
average of volumetric properties. While high- core data to the low-resolution log data: this is the
resolution tools such as microresistivity borehole- standard petrophysical log procedure. In addition,
imaging devices access the net sand fraction, but the high-resolution core data can be compared to
without any valuable up to date means of the downscaled log results of the petrophysical
calculating a net HC column. image.
This paper investigates the integration of oil base- This method improves the understanding of the
mud electrical borehole images with other thinly laminated reservoirs. It permits the accurate
conventional logs to improve formation quantification of the productive sand layers and
evaluation of finely laminated reservoirs. associated porosity and HC saturation. These
A powerful step by step method has been petrophysical images will help improve the
developed which seeks to create so-called log/rock typing and permeability modeling, thus
petrophysical images which emphasise improving the flow units dynamic behavior PPP
variations of shale volume, porosity and HC prediction.
content throughout the borehole.
For validation, the high-resolution shale and INTRODUCTION
porosity images have to be consistent with the Today, microresistivity borehole-imaging tools
standard resolution petrophysical interpretation are a common source of geologic and reservoir
and the core data. knowledge. Recent devices developed to operate
They are thus constrained by the standard in non-conductive drill-in fluids have the
resolution interpretation. The constraint may be advantage of providing a calibrated invaded zone
hard: in this case, the averaged properties of the resistivity (Rxo). The OBMI * (Oil-Base
petrophysical image are forced to reproduce the MicroImager) tool is one of them. Its depth of
standard log interpretation results exactly. On the investigation is 3.5 in, its vertical resolution is
other hand, the constraint may be soft: in this stated as 1.2 in (0.2 in sampling rate) and its
case, some differences are allowed. The averaged horizontal coverage is of 32% in an 8 in borehole
low-resolution image-derived petrophysical (Cheung et al., 2001).
properties are then compared with the standard
log interpretation results, in order to check how *
Mark of Schlumberger
well they were predicted.

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

Evaluating thin bed reservoirs becomes a crucial is likely to improve the facies detection. At first, a
task when they are expected to contain a constant cut-off system was applied to transform
significant part of the initial hydrocarbon (HC) in the resistivity image into a binary sand/shale
place. In this case, conventional logs only see an image. The resistivity histogram at xx77.8 m
average of volumetric properties (Fig. 1). While (Fig. 2) shows a rather bimodal behavior, with a
high-resolution tools such as microresistivity minimum between 7 and 10 ohmm. However, by
borehole-imaging devices access the net sand applying such a constant cut-off value, the
fraction, but without any valuable up to date resulting large-scale average clay content does
means of calculating a net HC column. not fit with the results of the quantitative
interpretation. This is not surprising, in view of
This paper describes a method developed to
the fact that resistivity depends not only on clay
obtain a binary sand/shale image and a saturation
content, but also on porosity and saturation.
image which should help make a correct estimate
of the net HC column in unconsolidated sands A variable cut-off was obtained as follows. In
with a binary sand/shale distribution. The order to obtain a binary clean sand/shale image,
sand/shale image is created using a standard the already computed low-resolution clay volume
resolution clay reference curve derived from a curve (Vclay) was changed into a shale volume log
petrophysical quantitative interpretation based on (Vshale = Vclay / Vclay-maximum). The OBMI*
conventional logs. Once the sand/shale is image resistivity distribution was combined with the
obtained, the Archie law can be applied to the Vshale log to compute, at each depth, the best
sand pixels, creating a saturation image. Sand OBMI* resistivity cut-off. In an oil-base mud
porosity is taken from the quantitative environment shale intervals are lowly resistive
interpretation. whereas sand intervals are highly resistive. The
cut-off was calculated applying the shale value to
These images are validated by comparing them to
the cumulative resistivity histogram of the image
the standard resolution petrophysical quantitative
at each depth (Fig. 3). That amounts to
interpretation and to core data.
calculating, for every 2 ft interval, the number of
image pixels to be considered as shale. This
METHODOLOGY variable cut-off was directly (no averaging)
applied to the OBMI* images in order to get a
Shale image high-resolution binary image (Fig. 4).
An in-house quantitative formation interpretation No averaging was applied to the cut-off, thus
calculates clay, effective porosity and saturation obtaining a hard constrain by the low-resolution
curves. These curves are computed with an interpretation and forcing the binary assumption.
estimated (log driven) vertical resolution of
approximately 2 ft (Fig. 1). The information is Saturation image
hence averaged over a 2 ft interval. The sand pixels of the image were converted into
A frequency histogram of the pixels resistivity sand porosity. This sand porosity was computed
values on the electrical image was computed at the petrophysical interpretation scale with:
using a 2 ft sliding window (a hanning averaging
operator was used). This distribution was E _ max
displayed in the same way as the NMR T2
sd = E + ( Vclay ) (1)
Vclay _ max
distribution (Fig. 2). Both resistivity image and
T2 distribution are very similar, thus validating in Where:
a way the assumption of a binary distribution of
the clay. In addition, the vertical resolution of the sd : sand porosity
OBMI * resistivity distribution is much higher.
This new way of dispatching the OBMI* readings E : low-resolution interpreted effective porosity
* Vclay: low-resolution interpreted clay volume
Mark of Schlumberger

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

E_max: maximum effective porosity (i.e.: rock with homogeneous petrophysical and
geological characteristics).
Vclay_max: maximum clay volume.
This can be used to predict and locate the possible
The maximum effective porosity and clay volume different dynamic reservoir behaviors during the
were obtained by calculating a linear regression production history of the field (i.e.: laminated
over a sliding window of 70 ft (Fig. 5). versus massive).
This technique can be applied because the sand
porosity variations are due to sorting variations VALIDATION
and not to cementation.
Considering the fact that the resistivity image-
The next step consisted in combining the sand core correlation isnt always straightforward (the
porosity image and the original Rxo image with OBMI* resolution is lower than the core
the Archie formula, in order to compute an HC resolution) and that there is a certain gap between
volume image of the invaded zone (Fig. 6). the formation investigated by the OBMI* and the
Archie formula: core (borehole = 8 in; core = 4 in) a fairly
good correlation can be obtained when directly
( )
S xo = n a / sdm Rw / R xo comparing the shale image with the high
resolution core clay values (Fig. 8).
Where: This high-resolution binary Vshale image was
smoothed along a 2 ft sliding window and
Sxo: effective water saturation of the invaded zone
compared with the Vshale curve provided by the
a: constant petrophysical interpretation. The resulting fit is
overall very good (Fig. 9). This isnt surprising,
m: cementation factor
since a hard constraint was applied.
n: saturation exponent
The sand porosity image, once filtered along a
sd: sand porosity 2 ft window, provides an effective porosity that is
generally in very good agreement with the
Rw: water resistivity petrophysical porosity, thus validating the sand
porosity image (Fig. 9) and the used technique.
Rxo: invaded zone resistivity of sand pixel
The resulting HC volume image, once filtered PPP
Above the transition zone, this invaded zone HC
along a 2 ft window, fits with the petrophysical
volume isnt very different from the un-invaded
result (Fig. 9), validating the saturation formula
zone volume (standard resolution quantitative
used in the in-house quantitative formation


When using conventional quantitative
Several limitations exist due to the tools
interpretations to assess the net HC column, cut-
characteristics. The quantitative value of Rxo is
offs on both the effective porosity and clay
only accurate in beds 10 in thick. The quantitative
volume are needed to properly evaluate the net
values are under or over estimated when bed
sand pay. Figure 7 shows that with these new
thicknesses are less then 1.2 in. Resistivity
petrophysical images the cut-offs are no longer
measurements are also very sensible to standoff
necessary. In fact the sand layers thickness can
(borehole roughness, mudcake) (Cheung et al.,
be directly measured on the shale volume
2001). These factors reduce the accuracy of the
petrophysical images.
Thus, an accurate net oil column can be
calculated and assigned to different rock types

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

The OBMI * tools borehole coverage is only of Annual Logging Symposium Transactions: Paper
32%. This means that the method only works for XX.
formations with continuous beds; slumps and
non-continuous layers, at a borehole scale, wont
be properly characterized. ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Leonora Knecht is currently preparing a Ph.D. in
The Rxo cut-off values can be locally very high petrophysical reservoir characterization at the
(up to 30 ohmm). Further investigation is needed University of Bordeaux, France. She graduated in
to asses the geological origin of these high values: Earth Sciences from the University of Brest,
i.e. non-binary sand/shale distribution, variable France, and received a M.S. in Geoscience
clay compaction, cementation Engineering from the University of Bordeaux,
France in 2002. Her current research interest is
CONCLUSIONS petrophysical reservoir characterization by
wireline imaging logs and core integration.
The three petrophysical images (shale, porosity
and HC volume) were obtained by matching the Jacques B. Ventre is a Total's senior
high resolution OBMI* images to the standard petrophysical advisor in Pau (France). He holds
resolution petrophysical interpretation: it was an engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale
afterwards observed that this downscaling is Suprieure de Gologie Applique et de
actually in agreement with the standard resolution Prospection Minire of Nancy (France) and an
petrophysical interpretation. In general, there is engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale
no uniqueness, and the very satisfactory high- Suprieure du Ptrole et des Moteurs (I.F.P.
resolution results were obtained adding two France). He gained field experience in Africa and
constraints. These constraints are derived by core Italy as a reservoir engineer for Elf Aquitaine,
observation: unconsolidated sands with a binary before being assigned to France where he worked
sand/shale distribution. on geological modeling and then on petrophysics
and log analysis. He was head of the International
This method improves the understanding of the
quantitative log interpretation team within the
thinly laminated reservoirs. It permits the accurate
logging department for four years, before taking
quantification of the productive sand layers and
up his present position. Jacques served the
associated porosity and HC saturation. These
SPWLA as a Regional Director, and as a member
petrophysical images will help improve the
of the Technology Committee. He was also a
log/rock typing and permeability modeling, thus
member of the board of the SAID, Paris Chapter
improving the prediction of the dynamic behavior
of the different flow units.
Jean-Pierre Leduc graduated from the
University of Perpignan in 1979. He joined the
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sedimentological department of Elf in 1980 and
The authors would like to thank Total SA for was involved in operational and research projects
support and authorization to publish this work. both in clastic systems and carbonate domains.
He participated in the development of
stratigraphic modeling before joining the
REFERENCES geological log interpretation team in 1997. He
Cheung, P., Pittman, D., Hayman, A., Laronga, then specialized in borehole image processing,
R., Vessereau, P., Ounadjela, A., Desport, O., log clustering and petrophysical interpretation of
Hansen, S., Kear, R., Lamb, M., Borbas, T., logs and cores. His interest in research lies in the
Wendt, B., 2001. Field Test Results of a New Oil- optimization of sedimentary facies interpretation
Base Mud Formation Imager Tool, 42nd SPWLA from logs in relation with petrophysical
Mark of Schlumberger Benot Mathis is the geological advisor of the
Subsurface and Formation Evaluation Department

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

of TOTAL. He received his MS in Oceanography appointed in Netherlands as an exploration

from the"Universit de Bretagne Occidentale" in geologist. From 1999 to 2000, he was a project
1983 and his PhD in Geology from the team leader in charge of various E&P tasks in
"Universit de Nancy" in 1988. He worked first North Sea, Middle East and North Africa. He is
as a research engineer in the Oceanographic presently in charge of the geological expertise and
French Agency (IFREMER). He joined the Elf research in Total subsurface department. He has a
group in 1989 where he was successively in special interest in petrophysical reservoir
charge of log interpretation and reservoir geology characterization using well-logs and cores. He is a
of various fields. From 1995 to 1999 he was member of SPE and SPWLA.


SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

Figure 1: Left track: reference curves (Vclay, sand, water and HC). Middle track: OBMI image (plotted with
its real borehole coverage: 32%). Right track: core photo. The reference curves average the formation data
over a 2 foot interval.

Figure 2:
Resistivity and RMN T2 distributions. The resistivity histograms are computed over a 2 foot sliding window.
Both distributions are similar, validating the assumption of a binary distribution of the clay.

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

Figure 3: The Rxo cut-off value is calculated applying the Vshale value to the cumulative resistivity histogram
of the image at every depth.


Figure 4: The binary clean sand/shale image is obtained applying the variable Rxo cut-off to the resistivity

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

Figure 5: PHIE and Vclay values of a 70 foot sliding window are plotted, in order to compute the sand
porosity at every depth.

Figure 6: The HC volume image (5th track) is obtained applying the Archie formula to the resistivity of the
clean sand pixels on the shale image (4th track: sand porosity image)

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

Figure 7: Sand layers thickness can be easily measured on the shale image, without having to apply any
cut-offs. In fact the image even allows to detect thin intervals not depicted by the conventional petrophysical


Figure 8: A fairly good correlation can be obtained when comparing the shale image with the high resolution
core clay values, even though the resistivity image-core correlation isnt always straightforward.

SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004

Figure 9: The high-resolution images are smoothed over a 2 foot sliding window. All curves are in very good agreement with the curves provided by the
petrophysical interpretation.

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