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VOL. 71. PP. 769-784. 7 FIGS.. 1 PL. J U N E 1960



I3u [,DNA 11. l m m x ~AND M. G o a u o ~WOLMAN

Most river CLL~VCShave nearly the same value o l thc iatio of cuivature radius to channel
width, in the range of 2 to 3. Memders formed 114meltwater on thc surface of glaciers, and
by the main current of the Gulf Stream, have a relation of meander length to channel
width similar to rivers. Because such meanders carry no sediment, the 4iapes of curves
in rivers are evidently dcteiminetl i)riinaiily I > p the tlynrunics of flo\v I athcr than hy
relation to del,ris load.
I Velocity distriliutions along river Luives provi(ic n generalized picture ol flow L h a i a c -
teristics. Evidence on flow resistance in curved channels suggests that a Imic aspect of
meander mechanics may be related to the distiibution of energy loss provided by a
particular configuration or curvature. No general theory of meanders is as yet satisfac-
ry, however; in fact, present evidence suggests that no single theory will explain the for-
ation and charactcristics of all meanders and that few of the physical principles in-
volved have yet been clearly identified.
de rivii'res la valeur clu rapport entre le rayon de courbin e
de grandeur de 2 2 3, est presque toujours la m&me.Les
fonte i la suiface des glaciers et par le principal courant
e relation entre la longueur du mdancire et la largeur du
'viiires. Puisque de tels miandies ne transportent pas de
que la forme des courbes de rivihres est determinie piinci-
I'c'Loulerncnt d'eau plutbt que lite A la charge sddimentaiie.
s le long des courbcs d e rivihres donne unc image g6nEralc
ent. Ce qu'on sait de la rc'sistance A I'icoulenient dans les
la resistance minimum est un facteur de base clans la
tefois, aucune thiorie gEnirale des indandres n'est encore
n fait, les donnCes actuelles suggi'rent qu'aucune thEorie
ne suffira pas i expliquer tous les indandres, et que quclques-uns seulement des principes
de physique en jeu ont ddji & t ireconlitis.

Die meisten FluRwindungen habeu etwa dasselbe Wertveihaltnis von Krumiiiungs-
radius zu Bettbreite, ungefahr zwei zu drei. Mhanderwindungen, die durch Schmelzwssser
auf der Oberflache der Gletscher entstchen, und solche, die durch die Hauptstromung
des Golfstromes bedingt sind, haben eiu Verhaltnis von Mhanderlange zu Betthreite,
elches dem der Fldssc Bhnlich ist. Da solche Maander kein Sediment mit sich fuhren,
nd die Formen der FluDwindungcn offensichtlicli in crster Linie durch die Dynaniik der
romung bedingt, weniger durch die Gegebenheiten des mitgefuhrten Materials.
Die Verteilung der Stromungsgeschwindigkeit entlang den FluDwindungen zeigt ein
rallgemeinertes Bild der Stromungsmerkmale. Was uber den Stromungsln,itlcrstand in
wundenen FluObetten heobachtet xvurde, 1LOt die Vermutung aufkommen, dain der
ringste Widerstand eine wichtige Ursache f u r Maanderbildungcn ist. Tatsaclilich lassen
e gegenwartig heohachteten Tdtsachen vermuten, dafi vorlaufig noch keine cinzigr
eorie alle Maanderhildungen erklaren kann, und daO nur wenige der physikalischen
esetzmainigkeiten, die dabei eine Rolle spielen, bisher gefunden worden sind.
E ~~ ~ O E O YIJ M.
J I ~ H ~ R ropAoH Y O ~ ~ M ~ H

Fo.nbIininmno permin ~ ~ m y r r w i0r 6 n a ~ a ~I Ii O~ W ~ OJ[IIIINCOBOI% R ~ , J I I i ~ I I T I I O h
HOIUeHIlR p n ~ i i y c a~ c p i m i m mIC~ mpIpiiHe mm,nnr2, rco,ne6aror~e~cr1
2 no 3 MearrApbr, oFpn30sna11bre mxoa B O H O ~HCLIIOBC~SIIOCTII ne:jmtcoB EI


ne1 width and meander length and t11c:in
radius of curvature. . . . . . . . . . . i
rage 3. Planimetric map antl I m l topography of a
General statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770 nieantlcr of the Mississippi River at Point
Gcornetry antl pattcrns of channel Breeze, Louisiana, the New Fork Ilear
bends.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771 Pinedale, Wyoming, and Duck ('rrck
Curves in sediment-free channels . . . . . . . . . . . 774 near Cora, Wyoming. . . . . I
Channel cross scctions and longitudinal 4. Lateral and downstream components of
profiles.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776 velocity at various cross sections in a
Dynamic ant1 flow characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . 778 bend, Baldwin Creek, near Landcr, Wyo-
Pattern of flow in a meander bend.. . . . . . . . 778 ming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
Generalized picture of flow in a meander. . . . 779 5. Isometric view of generalized diagram of
Channel shape and movement in relation to flow distribution in a meander, sIio\ving
the flow pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781 downstream (open parabolas with arrows)
EfTect ol flow pattern on deposition and and lateral (closely lined areas) compo-
erosioii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751 nents of velocity as vectors, and surface
RIcander mechanics and physiographic streainlincs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I"-ol,lellls . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 6. Stratigraphy of point bar in relation to meas-
General discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 ured cross sectional profiles during six
Initiation and dcvclopnient 01 nicantlcrs . . 784 years of observation, Watts Branch, 1
Prohlem of channel equililxiuni . . . . . . . . 786 mile northwest of Rockville, Maryland ;
Direction for future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788 7. Map and cross section of a typical point
Bibliography.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789 har of the flood plain of Watts L(ranch,
Apliendis. Shapes of meander waves in alluvial 1 mile northwest of Rockville, R.laryl;mtl ;
plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791
Plate Facing g

TI, I,USTKATIONS 1. Meanders on 1)inwoocly Glacier, Wyoming , ;

Figurc Rlgr TAIX E

1. Sketch to define ternis used in describing
geometric characteristics oi a meantiering Table I'aac
cliannel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772 1. Ini11iricalrelations I)etrveen size i'ararnetcrs
2. Relations ljetween meancicr length antl chan- for meanders in alluvial valleys . . Ti3

repeating tlist.aiice or lcngth of the curvr., the

width ol thc channel, and the radius of c u r w
The most characteristic features of all stream ture. In brief, the size of the bend apprars to
cli,tnncls, regardless (,I size, drc the abserice of bc proportional to tlie size of the rivcr; large
long straight reaches and the presence of rivers have large bends, and sinal1 rivers have
frequent siiiuous reversals of curvature. These sinall bends.
Iiends, \vlictlier or not they display regular i i i i adequate theory oi meandcrs slioul[I
reversals and sufficient ipnimctry to warrant explain w h y all river bends seem to h e oi
thc iiniiie nieander, teiid to be scaled versions proportioiial sizes, arid by what ~iiccliaiiical01
ol <L given set ol proportion\. The proportions physical principle a I~cndIiccoincs ailjustetl in
a r c Iry three tlimensions: tlie size to the strcain discharge. Such a thcory
GIi~NIi;I<AI,SI~AlF 771

also explain why sonic iivcrs mednder meandering pattern. Although tlicsc two parts
tliers do not. It should explain why are almost inseparable they do represent quite
ering rivers occur on ice with high vcloc- different ways of viewing thc meander problem.
flow and no sctliment load, and why We hope it will be clear from this revicw that
us channels are so prevalent in tidal many important physiographic questions
ies. A meander thcory should also explain cannot be answered with satisfaction bccausc
icc perturbations of the flow may thcre is insufficient knowledge a t preseiit about
d lead to the devclopmcnt of a sinuous meander mechanics.

present papcr does not provide any The authors are much indebted tu J. Hoover
An attcmpt is inadc to analyze and MacBin and W. W. Rubey for many construc-
te wliat appear to be the most prevalent tive suggestions and for a critical reading of an
ial characteristics 01 meandcring channels early draft of tlie manuscript.
At least some of these prevaleiit
tics arc probahly basic to the (;EOMETRY ANI) IATrERNS OP
of mcandcring channels which are CHANNELBENDS
rly understood. These include the
aturcs of the channcl, as well as the Hccausc most channels are not straight bill
ion of velocity and the pattein of sinuous, the forms which thcy display in plan
watcr. Such a summary may prove view arc, in detail, irifinitcly varied. I n our
in thc eventual definition ol the necessary experience it is unusual for a reach of natural
ufficient conditions for mcandcring of stream to be straight for a distance cxcccding
in diverse nalural cnvironmciits. 10 channel widths (Leopold and Wolman,
is a large publishcd record on the 1957, p. 53). Yet certain common features are
ce and physiographic setting of discernible. These features, coninion to many
ing channcls, as well as on the form individual bends, probably have some signifi-
ry of rivcr curves. I t is not our purpose cance in the inechanics or hydraulics of mcan-
ite this record exhaustively, but rathcr ders, but this significance is oiily poorly under-
out thosc facts which appear to us most stood. T h c geometric characteristics of a
ent, emphasizing a t the samc time that channel seen in plan view are defined by
ns may differ as to wliat is pertincnt. Figure 1.
studies of meandering streams and of We use the term arc distance to iiican the ~

er mechanics lead us to write a somewhat length measured along the channel center line
it kind of a paper than might usually lrom one point of inflection to the ncxt. Sinu-
tcd in a review series. Many ncw osity we use to mean tlic ratio ol arc tlistancc
ions are availablc, sonic previously toihalf the meander length.
hed, sonic recently published or in The geometry of meander curves lias been
blication. We hope it will be of the object of extensive statistical study,
, especially to the reader who lias cxaniples of which are papers by Jcfferson
u t not a spccialty in the subject, (1902), lnglis (1937; 1949, Pt. 1, p. 143),
sc new observations summarized Bates (1939), and Lcopold and Wolman (1957,
latcd to earlier observations. We belicvc p. 58). An additional independent sample in
c status of tlie problem will bc clcarcr as the appendix includes n~casurcmentsof rivers
It, and tlicsc obscrvatioris arc, in our in which the presence of a well-defined flood
n, of some importance in indicating plain indicates that the channel forin and
s toward which iuture work might pattern have developed reasonably frec of
c directed. bedrock control. These data for rivers of
attcnipt to show that tlic problem moderate to large size were derived from
eanders can be brolicn down into published topographic maps and for small
T h e first concerns the mechanical streams lroiii plane-table maps made by thc
raulic processes that govern the form, authors. The appendix also includes soinc data
probably tlic occurreiice of meanders. from publishcd laboratory studics of meander-
nd includcs the physiographic history ing streams in erodiblc materials.
rticular channel and the formation, Studies of the geometry of the patterns of
iicc, and possiblc dissolution of a meandering rivers give generally similar results.

Point of inflection
or crossover

L = meander length (wave length)

A =amplitude
rm= mean radius of curvature

the data in thc appendix. Hccausc of the width may bc considcrctl 1

variability in thc dimensions of channels in different groups of data fairly co


_ _ ~
___ __- -

Meander length to
channel width channel width radius of curvature

1949, pt. 1, p. 144, Jefferson

A = 1 8 . 6 ~ ~ ~ ~
il =1 0 . 9 ~"'
A = 2.7~" L = 4.7r,,,0

ps is determined more by erosion These considerations appear to support the

cs of stream banks and by other concept that a limit to the amplitude of
than by simple hydraulic princi- meanders is provided by the formation of
cut-offs. The rate of downstream migration
U. S. Waterways Experiment Station relative to the ratc of growth of the amplitude
(Friedkin, 1945, p. 15) showed that in of bcnds probably depcnds on the distribution
terial amplitude did not progres- of shear against the stream hanks, which in
nor did meander loops cut off turn is a function of channcl shape. The latter
migrated downstream. Fricdkin is determined at least partly by the character-
s to mean that "natural cut-offs istics of the flood-plain alluvium and the moving
a1 differences in the erodibility debris.
materials (p. M)." We believe rclations between channel width,

meander length, and radius of curvature, in which appear on Figure 1 of Plate

contrast to amplitude, are to a great extent this kind. Satisfactory measurements
indepcndcnt of bed and hank materials and are incised meanders could not be obtai
related in some unknown manner to a more the channel shown in Figure 2 of
general mechanical principle. incised 1 to 2 feet, appeared to be comp
Examining the correlations presented above to the more deeply incised streams.
one can write Comparison of the meandering strea
incipient channels being formed by
L = 1 0 . 9 "l~ ~= 4 . 7 ~ ~98.0
flowing over the ice surface led us to
Assuming the exponents to be unity and that a n irregular sheet of water
solving for the ratio of radius of curvature to concentrated in a shallow flat channel
width, place where local factors favored melt
meandering form developed as the
r,/w = - = 2.3. water gradually melted a channel do
Channels in the ice only a foot wid
Computing the value of mVJw river by river inches deep had no well-developed
from the data in the appeiidix rather than form, but another channel of similar
equating the least-square regression lines, it but 1 foot deep showed a well-dev
is found that in the sample ol 50 rivers the sinusoidal pattern.
median value is 2.7, mean 3.1, and two-thirds Although occasional rocks and
of the cases lie between 1.5 and 4.3. About one occurred in the channel none were in
quarter of thc values lie between 2.0 and 3.0. at time of observation. In some b
The tendency for similarity in the ratio of pebbles had collected on the ins
curvature to width makes all rivers look quite curve in the position ol the point liar
similar on planimetric maps, as suggested by streams. The surface of the glac
Figure 3. In fact when one inspects a planimet- locality was strewn with cobbles and
ric niap ol a river without first glancing a t random manner owing to the fac
the map scale i t is not immediately obvious channel measured was near the edge
whether the river is large or sniall owing to poorly developed medial moraine.
this tendency for similar ratio of radius to I n several places terrace renina
width regardless of river size. into the ice and abandoned as
As will be nicntioned later, thc value of the progressed. No pebbles were se
rat io of radius of curvature to channel width terrace remnants. T h e meanders app
has a n important bcariiig on resistance to cut by melting alone with no eff
flow, and this appcars to offer some clue as to from abrasion by transported pebbles.
the hydraulic basis for the observed geometric Over-all dimensions (in feet) and
similarity among channels of different sizes. parameters of the channel pictured in Fi
of Plate 1 were as follows:
Channel incisiou below ice
Meandering channels arc carved in glacicr surface
ice by streams of mcltwater flowing on the Width oi surface of flowing
glacier surface. To obtain measurements .,I water
such channels we went to o11c of the Dinwoody Mean depth ol flowing watcr,
glacicrs on the cast side of the crest of the d,,
Wind River Rangc in Wyoming (Lat. 43'12', Average velocity from ineas-
Long. 109O38"). The mcandering channels 073 urenients of flow, v
this small valley glacier can be seen in Plate 1. Average meander length
Although concentrated primarily upon the Average channel slope, s
steeper slope downstream, meandering channels Discharge
began o n tlic rclativcly flat portion of the Froude number v/ z/gd,
piofdc, that is, ncar thc point of inflection from (where g is the acceleration
concavc to convex portions ol the surface of gravity)
profile. The channels extended downstream to The Froude number, 1.9, was we
the convex-upward part of the glacier snout. the range of supercritical or shooting
Some of the meandering cha~inels were shooting flow it is usual to observe
incised 6 to 12 feet into the ice, and those wave trains and the diagonal criss

Bississippi River at Point Breeze, Louisiana FLOOD PLAIN

from Corps of Engineer's data h
, Approximate elev 3 units

,verage width
60 feet

Approximate elev 92 feet

New Fork River near Pinedale,




hDuck Creek near Cora, Wyoming



Scales are chosen so that meander length is equal on the printed page.

surface waves reflected off the channel sides. be compared to geostrophic flow of an
If these wcre present they were masked by the current, the observed similarity in
violent turbulence, although they were probably dimensions appears worthy of a
the cause of a marked hump in water-surface The importance of meanders in .
elevation extending along the channel center ocean currents lies in the fact that
line in some places. The water was conspicu- systems exhibit meanderlike phen
ously superelevated 011 the outsidc of the the absence of sediment debris. The es
curves. ment of meander length-width r
The measurements of meander length aiid similar to those of sediment-laden
width of this stream cut in ice are plotted 011 suggests that sediment alters or affects
Figure 2. The meander length of channels does not cause the meander pattern. (
tlevcloped in ice bears the same relation to contrasting view J P Matthes,
~ 1941.)
channel width as in ordinary incandering
streams. Measurements made by D. G. Ander- CHANNELCROSSSECTIONS
son of meanders of small streams on the ice of PROFILES
Chamberlain Glacier, Alaska, confirm this
conclusion (Oral communication to Leopold, From a study of bends of the
10.58). Rivcr, Fargue (1908, p. 25) stated as a
D a t a on meanderlike phenomena from rule of river behavior that the
another source deserve mention as possibly sections occur downstream from the
having some relation to the present problem. and the deepest sections downstre
In the Gulf stream of the North Atlantic the axis of the bend or point of
oceanographers have found bands of relatively curvature. The topographic inaps
high speed which have a meandering pattern in meanders in Figure 3 show in a ge
plan view. Stommel (1954, p. 887) described the features described by Fargue a
these as horizontal eddy and meander forma- workers after him. These same figures,
tions, and Von Arx (1952, p. 213) used the term also indicate that the location of
meandering current. These currents appear shallows may be highly variable. F
both in cross sections of the velocity field and data from 25 bends on Buffalo
in planimetric i m p s of the temperature field. Buffalo, New York, indicate tha
Maps of thc temperature field a t a depth of points are usually found downstream
200 meters have been published by Stommel point of maximum curvature but do o
(1954, Fig. 2) and by Fuglistcr (1955, chart 3a). well upstream from this point (Parsons
From some of these published maps rough On a reach of the Pop0 Agie River near
measurements of meander length may be Wyoming, containing four successive b
obtained and, less satisfactorily, estimates of amazing symmetry deeps occurred
current width. Better estimates of current from the point of maximum curvatur
width are obtainable from velocity cross downstream.
sections published by Von Arx (1952, Fig. 2) I n the reach of the Mississippi Ri
and Worthington (1954, Fig. 9). in Figure 3 the deepest portion occ
Four measurements of the width aiid meander axis of curvature in one bend but
length were possible from the published data, downstream from this axis in the ot
and these are plotted on Figure 2. Although I n the New Fork the deepest portion
they fall slightly below the line drawn through bend occurs practically a t the point of in
the points representing river data, the graph The reach on Duck Creek more nearly co
suggests that meandering currents in the Gulf to Fargues generalization.
Stream bear certain analogies to river meanders. There x c m s little doubt that the
Although frictioiial flow in rivers should not water at a bend of a river is closely c
~ ___- ~ _ _ _


FIGURE1.-In middle foreground are meandering channels of meltwater streams carved in the
ice. View southwesterly from Sentinel Peak; photograph by Mark F. Meier
FIGURE 2.--Channcl carries meltwater from glacier. The water flowed at high velocity and was v
e bend curvature. Using 103 measure one-tenth wave length. This short distance can
of mean depth and corresponding radii be seen on topographic maps of Figure 3.
ure on the River Elbe, Leliavsky The importance of the configuration of the
118) sbows that the two factors bear bars and their relation to the deeps lies in the
near relation and that depth increases relation of bed topography to bed shear. River
as a function of radius of bend. pilots and others know that in large rivers the
'nt of inflection in a river curve is crossings (points of inflection) tend to scour a t
sociated with a shallow portion of low flow and fill at high flow; the bends (pools)
, or a depositional bar on the bed. tend to fill at low flow and scour a t high (Straub,
retice of a bar or riffle in the bed 01a 1942, p. 617; Lanc and Borland, 19.54, p. 1075).
t river reach should correspond morpho- Local bed shear must be greater a t points of
herefore to the point of inflection ol a scour than where filling occurs, but direct
channel. It is on this basis that measuiemcnts of bed shear are few, and little
'stance between successivc rimes in is known i n detail about the relation of bed
each was compared with the wave topography to stress on the bed.
neanders (Leopold and Wolman, Lane and Borland (1954, p. 1079) explain
the observed sequence of scour and fill as a
only do the riffles in straight channels consequence of the different shape of cross
be in a position analogous to comparable section in pool and riffle. They say that the
s in a meandering reach, but there also crossing or riffle has a larger cross-sectional
endency for the shape of the bars to area than the pool duting high stages and a
In some straight reaches successive smaller area during low stages. Laurseii and
nd bars which constitute the riffles Toch (19.54, p. 1085) state that width often
form of lobate wedges sloping tends to be greater at a crossing than at a
toward one bank and then the bend. The expansion in width they believe
some meanders the bar near the would c a u x deposition on the wide crossing
inflection slopes sharply across the while scour occurs in the narrower bend.
1 toward the deep near the concave We have made measurements of slope and of
m. This is apparent on the depth over pool and riffle separately a t various
of the New Fork (Fig. 3) and stages of flow in an attctnpt to compute approxi-
t low flow when water flows mately the variation of mean stress. A t low
the channel down the steepest flow the 'riend is a still pool over which the
A t high flow there is rapid water has a relatively ilat slope. I n contrast,
cross-sectional area expands. in the riffle the water tends to plunge over the
longitudinal profile of bars, whether steep downstream face of the bar. As stage in-
ted with the point of inflection of a creases, the slope over the pool or bend in-
r, or a riille in a straight channel, is creases, while that over the liar decreases until
moundlike rather than dunelike and is near bankfull stage when the water surface
etric in cross section. Perhaps ideally attains a continuous uniform slope, and all
has a dunelike profile with a short, steep obvious surface effects of the shallow bar have
ream face. The topography of the been erased.
the Mississippi River (Fig. 3) suggests With increasing stage, depth increases in
t many are less regular. both bend and crossing. The product of depth
bar is asymmetric in cross section in a and slope, then, increases with stage more
t sense on upstream and downstream rapidly in pool than at the riffle or crossing.
n a meander, as one moves downstream In the one stream measured by us, Seneca
t of inflection, the surface of the Creek near Dawsonville, Maiyland, the com-
ally toward the concave bank, puted mean shear is greater in the riffle a t low
y having passed the crest of flow and greater in the pool at high flow
asymmetry changes, and the (Leopold, in press). This observation is in
bar slopes toward thc opposite qualitative agreement, then, with the concept
of scouring in the crossing at low flow and in
s reason the channel cross section in a the bend a t high flow. The analysis is incorn-
reach is symmetrical only for a plete, however, inasmuch as variations in the
istance. We estimate that on the distribution of velocity in successive cross
distance through which the cross sections have not been included in the computa-
sentially symmetrical is only about tion of shear, and additional observations
Section 1



Section 2 Section 4



C , > ~ ; w I I T I c . aLL "LLLdd"', ""I"-Y

... .

tion can be made. Mean dept h and slope,

Pattern of Flow in a Meaqzder
even over a short rea-' ---'
cn, pruaably do not
measure the trvp -___-_ .-
shpnr exerted on any local Relatively few detailed mea
area of bed. Ilirect measurement of shear distribution of flow in a nat
stress in variou,c n o r + < of a bend a t various
ywsbu been published (Blue et al.,
stages is needed. Leliavsky, 1955, p. 96-100; Van

. 19-23). T h e velocity distributions the direct helical motion in river bends due to
are intended both as additions to the combined effect of frictional and centrifugal
e of data and as illustrations of forces. Rossbys frictionally driven circula-
haracteristics of flow in bends in tion cell in the middle latitudes furnishes, in
nels. Figure 4 shows downstream our opinion, a n analogy to those circulation cells
se componcnts of velocity a t the seen in the Eakin data of the Mississippi which
nd on Baldwin Creek near Lander, rotate in a direction opposite to the helical
Point velocities were measured by motion expected in a single cell occupying the
n t meter and horizontal angles by a entire cross section.
to the wading rod. Measured It is well documented that the water surface
sed in conjunction with the is superelevated near the concave bank of a
city to compute the lateral channel bend (Blue et al., 1934; Eakin, 1935;
velocity. Measurements were Leliavsky, 1955, p. 123; and others). T h e
amount of the superelevation is proportional to

component is directed toward the Ub

i k or point bar near the bed, and
concave bank near the surfacc.
requires, then, that surface water where ZJ is the mean velocity, w is channel
nward near the concave bank and width, r, the mean radius of curvature, and g
bed water emerge a t the surface the acceleration of gravity (Leliavsky, 1955,
p. 122).
irculatory motion in the cross-sectional This superelevation is a consequence of the
of a channel, as clearly explained by curved path of water flowing around a bend
and is a correlative of the helical motion.
oving surface parcels
es near the bed. The Generalized Picture of Flow iit a Meander
dual water parcel a
Measurements in meandering streams and in
curved flumes (for example Mockmore, 1944,
eam cross section, surface stream p. 569) allow the construction of a generalized
how that no single parcel of picture of the flow pattern in a meander (Fig. 5).
ompletely from the convex to The isometric view of the two principal com-
The maximum cross-channel ponents of velocity a t various positions in the
xceed perhaps two-thirds of bend show the main features. The scale is such
in any given meander bend. that superelevation of the water surface in the
the observation by Friedkin bend does not show on the diagrams but is
oratory models that material implied by the velocity distribution.
one bank tends to deposit on a At the crossover or point of inflection of the
nstream on the same side of the bend (Fig. 5, section l ) , the cross-sectional
shape is not completely symmetrical but is
s (1941, p. 634) stated that in wide, slightly deeper ncar the bank which was
rivers hclical circulation does not concave in the bend immediately upstream.
is our opinion that in rivers of large Downstream from the crossover the section (2)
pth ratio the helical motion exists, becomes approximately symmetrical, but,
a single rotating cell involving the because this section is in the bend, some cross-
ne1 (Nemenyi, 1946). T h e existence current component exists in accord with the
cells of circulation in the Tamm curving stream lines.
from the Mississippi can be seen in The velocity in a meander crossover is not
ibution of the lateral components of symmetrically distributed. As would be
blishecl by Eakiii (1935). As in the expected, proceeding downstream from the
irculation cells of large magnitude axis of the bend the thread of maximum
k down into smaller cells. The velocity is much closer to the concave bank
cell and the trade-wind cell of than to the center of the channel. The high
, p. 610) are directly driven by velocity, moreover, continues to hug this side
s which we consider analogous to through the point of inflection of the curve.


Generalized surface

Generalized velocity
d s t r i bution
Showing downstream (open parabolas with arroycs) and lateral (closely lined areas) cornpoll
velocity as vectors, and surface stream lines. All sections viewed from a changing position to the left
above the individual section.

of the stream will be deposited a t a downstream

location on the side opposite to the one from
which i t was derived.
ar and symmetrical channel cross The plunging or diving motion of surface
watcr near the concave bank is one factor
iistreain from the symmetrical cross tending to depress the point of maximum
velocity below the surface near the axis of the
bend. Bank friction also has a siinilar effect.
t any point occurs near the concave Because the highest velocity gradient on both
t downstream from thc axis of bend. bed and bank occurs where the thread of
ents of water accelerate and highest velocity is nearest the boundary, this
a stream line. The maximum maximum velocity gradient is equivalent to
always associated with the maximum shear stress. Its location accounts,
then, for deepening of the bend reach near the
concave bank. This scour, together with build-
ing of the point bar, explains the triangular
shape of the cross section.
Increasing the depth of water in the channel
reduces the vertical velocity gradient. In a
channel that is very deep relative to its width,
the effect of bed friction becomes relatively
small, and the velocity is nearly constant
with depth except close to the bed. Thus the
helical circulation becomes negligible. Flow in a
curved cliannel of great depth and small
ess parallel to that bank. width approaches potential flow-that is, the
downstream velocity varies across the channel
?we1 Shape and Movetneizt iit Relation inversely as the radius of curvature of thc
to the Flow Pattern stream lines. This was demonstrated by
Wattendorf (1935, p. 574) in a deep, narrow,
slight lack of congruence of stream-line curved flume. I n the absence of the circulation
ure with bank curvature leads to the in cross section the thread of high velocity
hugs the convex bank and does not cross the
channel. Thus the mechanism for building the
point bar is probably absent in channels of
e bank downstream froin the axis extremely small width-depth ratio.
thus accounts for the progressive
movement of meander bends. &fed of Flow Pattern o n DepositiotA
and Erosion
The vigorous cross currents near the bed
movement of river channels and the can transport considerable quantities of bed
material from the concave to the convcx side
of the channel. On a meander bend of Baldwin
transverse component Crcek (Fig. 4) depth-integrated samples of
middle of the stream. suspended load were taken a t each of five
ich it is derived is far verticals spaced across the stream and repeated
in each of five cross sections along a meander
wave. A nearly uniform concentration of
sediment existed across the section in a cross-
over. I n the sections located in the curved
reach the concentration increased markedly
moving near the bed is near the convex bank.l A similar distribution
same bank from which it of sediment was observed by Eakiii (1935,
to the opposite bank. This
the likelihood that much Dr. John P. Miller assisted the senior author
is not carried m a r the bed in obtaining these measurements.

p. 411)in his samples taken at Tamm Bend on The path of particles which ar
the Mississippi River. This increased concen- building point bar has, of cour
tration near the convex bank is attributed to component across the stream c

Mean elevationsutf
of streambed, 1953

Large scala cross.sectlon of StratiEraphy in relation to pmfi1.S


Key to stratigraphic units is as follows:
A Gravel, mostly 3-8 mm with considerable 8-20 mm and a few 64 mm
B Olive-gray clayey silt, with organic matter, small mica flakes
C Orange-brown, mottled sandy silt with some clay, lenses of leaflike organic mterial, mica
D Coarse sand, brown-stained, with pebbles up to 8 mm, some fine roots in sit%, lenses of silt
E Brown sandy silt gradually changing upward in places into fine sand
F Fine sand with some silt

in a spirally wcldrd pipe tcnds to increase the the channel bed will be deposi
ability of a flow to transport sediment over bar a t an elevation considera

similar dimensions and boundary roughness. fine material will be carried

This effect of curvature on transport is in than will coarse material,
accord with the added energy losses accompany- would show on the average
ing increased curvature.

pal mechanism for the building of a point bar. over the coarse material on the s

tion, there is no doubt that deposition occurred and physiographic settings must be e
up to the level of the water surface at bankfull There is not yet available any
stage. I n the same period deposition over the ical principle which explains
flat flood plain by overbank flow has been too characteristic patterns comm
small to measure. These observations appear channels. In the absence o
to confirm the authors (Wolman and Leopoldt principle, however, attempts
1957) hypothesis that point-bar building i,
the primary process of flood-plain developmens
in flood plains of this type. size of bends is related to the size of the
Bank erosion is greatly influenced by wetting
of the bank materials. Arroyos cut in fine-grained Initiation and Development of Mea
alluvium experience most bank cutting after,
not during, flow. The wetting causes later A large body of experience and litera
slumping (Leopold and Miller, 19.56, p. 5). river regulation has been built up by Eu
Bank erosion is also enhanced by return engineers on rivers in Europe In
seepage of water which inftltrated the banks Africa. This experience has c
during high flow. Upon lowering the stage the greater span of time and of field c
balancing pressure of the water in the channel has American practice. Regard
is released, and the banks slump or collapse Leliavsky recently summarized
(Inglis, 1949, pt. 1, p. 152). A study of bank concepts developed (1955, esp. p.
cutting in Watts Branch near Rockville, Apparently the consensus of these
Maryland, showed that a combination of bank that the effect of helical flow is the
wetting and ice-crystal formation promoted factor. Leliavsky expresses it (p. 128) a
the greatest bank erosion (Wolman, 1959,
p. 214). Although the largest discharges For some reason or other, a small abra
occurrcd in summer, the winter provided more
have taken place. The water
thorough soil wetting which, in combination alongside the eroded portion of
with freeze and thaw, led to maximum bank curved trajectory and develop
erosion. centrifugal force. This force, in t
As bank erosion occurs in the bend of a local helicoidal current, which int
abrasion and works its way deep
mcander, over a period of timc it is usual or the shore, . . . until the whole
a n approximately equal amount of deposition
to occur on the opposite bank. This general material accumulates on the opposite ba
equality of deposition and erosion is the reason then, is the birth of a meander.
width and cross-sectional area remain about
the same as the channel moves laterally across Prus-Chacinski (1954) also argues
the flood plain. cal flow is the basic mechanism 1
meandering. He s
ducing a n artifici
to the first bend,
kinds of second
General Discztssioit successive bend w

The vagaries of nature provide cndless

opportunities for perturbations in thc flow- circulation pattern are quite persi
local hank erosion, chance emplacement of a through several successive bends. The
bouldcr, fallen trees, or blocks of other of meandering Prus-Chacinski ascribes
vegetation-any one of which would alter the disturbance which produces a n initial sec
path of a straight channel. Thus one need circulation.
hardly inquire why a stream channel is not It seems clear that helical
straight. On the other hand, a raiidom succes- important role in the process
sion of chancc pcrturbations iiiight bc expccted point bar. A building point
merely to result in random bends of different trate shear against the concave
patterns. Although this situation describes promotes bank caving and channel m
many channels, the existence of beautifully Even denying that helical flow exist
symmetrical meander bends and the remarkable rivers, Matthcs concept of meander
similarity of bcnds in rivers of different sizes inent is closely allied with that just m

and turbulence, and his argument showed keen If, indeed, a principle of least work
insight and understanding of field conditions volved-for i t is not y
(1949, p. 86-88). B u t the formula has the the development of a
disadvantage of making meander length help accomplish this objec
dependent on wave amplitude; in our opinion, of gradient achieved b
measurement data do not demonstrate this. relative to a straight chann
Although a simple comprehensive expression of a n excess of energy? Or, as was once
is still wanting, it appears that the forces is meandering the aimless wandering
determined by the velocity distribution, channel too sluggish to accomplish an
including the helical circulation, are all that is of erosion? Does a river reach a stage a
necessary to account for (1) the shape of the vertical erosion is negligible and thence
cross section in a meander, (2) the depositional its excess energy on lateral erosion by me
and erosional pattern, and (3) the progressive ing?
down-valley migration of the meander. These Under what changes of conditions w
observations are not new, but i t is important river change its pattern from meande
to emphasize the following idea. Although nonmeanderiiig or vice versa? What wo
point-bar formation and associated erosion of the effect of an increase or decreas
the opposite bank are necessary if a straight charge or in sediment load from the
channel is to develop curves, the concept of basin?
helical flow, as Leliavsky (1955, p. 128) recog- Opinions on some of these quest
nized, does not seem to explain how the second- been published, but data or measure
a r y circulation determines the characteristic meager. Existing data may answer a
dimensions or proportions of meandering question but do not explain why the
channels. The existence of meanders on glacier result was obtained. I n the followingp
ice also implies that erosion and deposition may some of these questions are considered
be a collateral, not the governing principle of with related observations from
meander development and movement. Because Results of recent work, where
the hydraulic or mechanical significance of the cited, and we suggest what
pattern of curvature is closely tied to the some of the directions in which
fundamental physiographic questions, we needed.
consider this aspect of meander mechanics in Many of these queries relate to
thc following section. fundamental question-what has the
ing pattern to do with energy expe
Problem of Chanrccl Equilibrium Inglis (1949, p. 158) states that,
Meandering is Natures way of d
The preceding discussion was concerned excess energy during a wide range of
principally with the initiation and development conditions, the pattern depending on
of a meander, elements that can be discussed material, the relation between discha
in terms of a short reach of river or a single (load) ;?nd the rate of change of
meander wave. There are a host of broader
problems of channel adjustment to external Schoklitsch (1937, p. 149) earli
controls which might be thought of as physio- what appears to be the same idea, tha
graphic problems for want of a more specific formation
To begin, one might ask how meandering of might be due to the fact that the
a channel relates to the fundamental process stretches is too great and is not in eq
;he size of the bed-sediment grains.
of stream adjustment and stream equilibrium.
It is generally believed that channel equilibrium Water-surface slope of a river is a
is constantly approached, although rarely of energy expenditure. Whe
attained, by a process of continual adjustment. slope is closely related to t
T o use the words of Rubey (1952, p. 129), on the bed, there are other
Hack (1957, p. 61) confirms
. . . . with changing conditions, the stream is generally held belief that
constantly cutting or filling and modifying its controlled to a great extent
slope, velocity and cross section so as evrntually
to accomplish the imposed work with the least and discharge, but to wh
expenditure of energy. shape enters is still unclear.

131), channel shape may adjust follow that the total energy expenditure has
ith slope. At constant discharge if been minimized. When a given discharge falls
cipal effect of bed particle size is on through some specified vertical distance, a
roughness or frictional drag, then certain amount of energy is transferred from
rms of drag need to be considered. potential form to some other form. If the water
inel resistance is materially influenced does not accelerate (velocity remains about
rag of various kinds, pools and riffles, constant downstream), then this potential
dunes, and channel curvature. energy is expended as work or heat. The same
is reabon from the hydraulic standpoint amount of energy is spent whether the water
h a t meandering may in part be a moves in a straight channel on a steep slope
frictional drag and thence energy or in a longer curved channel at a smaller
ncrgy loss occurs per unit of length gradient. The energy expenditure per foot of
than in a straight channel of the channel length is smaller in the longer curved
and cross section, owing to eddyir.~, channel than in thc shorter straight one. The
circulation, or increased rate of question, then, is bow much energy is utilized
se eddy losses result irom deflection per foot of cliannel length and in what form i t
er to a new direction as it moves is used.
a curve or bulge. It is known from This energy may be spent in moving particles
c experiments in pipes (King, 1954, of debris, or it is otherwise dissipated into heat.
that energy loss first decreases and The energy may be spent in removing particles
eases with a decrease in the ratio from the bank and transporting them (bank
rvature/pipe diameter. Although erosion) or in transporting bed or suspended
urved channel offers greater resistance particles. If this energy is concentrated in such
than a straight one, the minimum a manner that more of i t goes into mo\7ing
in resistance is about 40 per cent, and particles from one place than from another,
lies within a narrow range of the ratio then local scour will occur there and deposition
s of curvature/diameter when that elsewhere. For a channel to be in equilibrium
a value of 2 to 3. scour must balance fill within the reach in
pointed out earlier that in meandering question, and, further, the energy must be so
the comparable ratio, radius of expended that the net amount of debris coming
e/channel width, is relatively conser- into the reach must equal the net amount
alues of this ratio also tend to fall in carried out of the reach.
I t is generally agreed that meandering
) suggests a n explanation channels are often stable or in quasi-eyuilib-
crease in resistance a t this rium. They may be so even though, over a
that, as radius of curvature period of time, a meander wave moves gradually
mes about 2 to 3 times the downstream. The slope, discharge, and channel
eddy or zone of reverse shape tend to become adjusted so that the
stream from the bulge or above requirements are fulfilled. Adjustments
the appearance of the in channel shape occur through erosion or
eddy the local width is constricted, deposition which in turn affect velocity, depth,
is a local increase in effective radius and width. Specific hydraulic requirements
re and a net decrease in energy loss. relating depth, slope, velocity, and total
extent t h a t further work confirms resistance, including rcsistance offered by bed
tion that the modal value of this configuration (form resistance), bed and bank
the range 2-3, meanders tend to be grains (skin resistance), and channel curvature
rized by a geometric pattern which (a particular kind of form resistance) must
ns to offer the smallest energy loss of also be maintained.
figuration of curved channel. The Meandering is one way in which erosion and
nce of this observation is unknown, deposition may change the distribution,
suggests that some principle related to location, and amount of energy expenditure
conservation does operate in the per unit of channel boundary. By lengthening
the channel between two points a t different
ing that a bend actually does tend to elevations, the energy expenditure pcr foot of
a configuration such that the energy length is reduced. By bank erosion, point-bar
to the bend is a minimum, it does not building, and by scour and al, the channel

cross section is adjusted, and the energy nient on the manner in which bank
expenditure is redistributed. Presumably abrupt and point-bar formation are related
discontinuities in the rate ol energy expenditure orderly transfer of sediment which is
in a reach of channel are less compatible with meandering, no physical or mechanical p
conditions of equilibrium than is a more or has been identified which explains quali
less contiiiuous or uniform rate of energy loss. the size and geometry of meander cu
I t may well be that a meandering channel is There is need to investigate osc
most stable when the energy loss due to curva- forces which might explain more a
ture is a t a minimum. Such a conclusion is the manner in which a n initial bulge
perhaps implied in the modal distribution of sion in a stream bank leads to a sy
values of the ratio of radius of curvature to reversal of curvature.
width in natural streams. Although the available velocity distribu
If we view curvature as simply one method in channel bends do permit general descrip
of a1tering the distribution of energy cxpendi- of the flow, many characteristics, in
ture in a given length of channel, i t is clear orientation and position of the helical
that the pattern of meandering will respond are as yet poorly defined. More detai
to changes in discharge and load. I t is well ureinents in natural channels are re
known that a n increase in discharge in a define the loci of energy losses and the
meandering channel will incrcasc the channel to flow resistance and localized e
width and will increase the size of the meander bed and banks.
bends. Decrease in discharge will gradually The way in which a natural chann
reverse the process. utes the energy loss as between bo
In the natural rivers, geologic and strati- friction, form resistance, curvature
graphic evidence clearly demonstrates that transport is little understood. Withou
during late Pleistocene time a n incrcasing understanding it is vir
discharge markedly decreased the gradient of explain or predict the behavior of a mea
Oster-Dal River and enlarged the width of channel. Although some studies of
channel as well as the size of meander beds losses in curved channcls have been
(Wenner and Lannerbro, 1952, p. 108). During (Allen, 1939; Leopold et al., in press), it
this gradual degradation of the valley floor to us that laboratory as well as field stu
the meandering pattern persisted. Thus the the distribution of energy expendit
meander pattern where i t exists in nature straight and curved alluvial chaii
appears to he a persistent attribute of thc needed. It would be par
river. map the distribution and
Change in load will cause aggradation or ary shear in bends of d'
degradation and thus changc in channel slope with similar cross sectio
and sise of bend (Friedkin, 1945, p. 7-9); an observations must in turn
increase in slope will produce an increase in mechanics of sediment transport in
meander length a i d amplitude. Schoklitsch channels of different patterns,
(Shulits, 1935, p. 644-616) arid Bagnold (1960) The principal unsolved problem with
have postulated that a t high discharges to the pattern of flow and its relation
sediment transport is a function of the rate c,; and deposition is in the area of the
work done per foot of chaniiel length, or power of sediment transport. Present th
intensity. In rt meandering channel in equilib- inadequate to explain the transport
rium increasing tightness of bend (curvature) geneous sizes under the variety of
through its effecl on the rate of energy cxpendi- found in nature. The stress needed
ture decreases the rate of transport. For and maintain motion is probably di
equilibrium, then, a balance inubt be rnaintained scattered rocks on a sand bed, uniform
between curvature and transport quite apart from sand to cobbles, graded cobb
from any changc in intensity of energy l o s ~ boulders without sand, or
brought about by :I change in length. boulders on a cobble bed. At
objective criteria are needed
FOR FUTIJRE ability of varying bank materi
erosive stresses. A quantitative e
No wholly adequate explanation of meandcr- the meandering process will requir
ing is yet available. Probably 110 single simple the erosive stress produced by tangeu
nicchanisin will suffice to explain all aspects of of the flowing water and the co
meandering. A1 hinueh there is general agree- resisting stress provided by the bank
Leliavsky, Serge, 1955, An introduction to fluvial
hydraulics: London, Constable and Co., 257 p.
Leopold, I,. B., in press, The gravel bar: some
ory studies. A few fundamental concepts observations on its role in channel morphology:
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the observations include those critical Leopold, L. B., and Miller, J. P., 1956, Ephemeral
streams. hvdraulic factors and their relation
to the 2ra;nage net: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof.
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Mockmore, C. A., 1944, Flow around bends in
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Trans., v. 109, p. 593-628
Nemenyi, P. F., 1946, Discussion of Vanoni, V.,
Transportation of suspended sediment by
water: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Trans., v. 111,
p. 116-125
Parsons, D. A., 1959, Observations of flood flow
effects on channel boundaries: U. S. Dept.
Agriculture, Agric. Research Service, mimeo-
Irus-Chacinski, T . M., 1954, Patterns of motion
in open-channel bends: Assoc. Internat.
dHydrologie, pub. 38, v. 3, p. 311-318
Quraishy, M. S., 1944, The origin of curves in
rivers: Current Sci., v. 13, p. 36-39
Rossby, C. G., 1941, The scientific basis of meteor-
ology: U. S. Dept. Agriculture Yearbook, p.
7, Studies of longitudinal stream 599-656
Rubey, W. W., 1952, Geology and mineral re-
sources of the Hardin and Brussels quadrangles
(in Illinois): U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper
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Schoklitsch, Armin, 1937, Hydraulic structures,
v. 1: Am. SOC.Mech. Engineers, 504 p.
Shulits, Sam, 1935, The Schoklitsch bed-load
., 1937, The relationships between formula: The Engineer, v. 139, p. 644-646, 687
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tream, width, and discharge of rivers Atlantic Ocean: Nature, v. 173, p. 886893
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Wolnian, W. G., and Leopold, L. B., 1957, River PUBLICATIONAUTHORIZED BY THE DIRECTOR,
flood-plains-some observations on their GEOLOGICALSURVEY

(Note: Reaches of river chosen from maps to represent (a) a single meander length in which the S3 curve was reasonably symmetrical; (b) the samples
would include a large range in sizes of rivers. Each sample is considered representative of the local reach of river.)

Mean Meander Mean

Eleva- Range in Arc dis- implitude
width length radius Sinu- Map quadrangle
River and location tion width tance ( A1
(ft) (ft)
(W) (A)
(4 (it)
osity (scale = 1:24,000)
(ft) (ft) (it)

Sacramento R nr Chico, Calif.. . . . . . . . . . . 110 250-550 SO* 6700 8400 2050 2150 1.25 Ord Ferry, Calif.
Ninnescah R nr Belle Plain, Kans.. . . . . . . 1200 80-160 260* 1350 1700 360 400 1.26 Belle Plain, Kans.
New R nr Brawley, Calif.. . . . . . . . . , . . . . 150 70-90 250* 1475 1750 210 400 1.18 Brawley, Calif.
Missouri R nr Buckner, Mo.. . . . . . . . . , . . 700 350-1550 1850* 14,600 24,300 3150 8850 1.66 Buckner, Mo.
Missouri R nr Buckner, Mo.. . . . . . . . . . . 690 550-1950 1600* 37,100 41,800 15,550 7700 1.13 Buckner, Mo.
Camden, Mo.
Kansas R nr Eudora 790 220-800 1000* 12,750 14,400 4300 2850 1.12 Lawrence E. Kans.
Eudora, Kans.
3 Kissimmee R nr Okeechobee, Fla.. . . . . . . 18 85-155 180* 1050 2900 205 1250 2.76 Okeechobee N.W., Fla.
Arkansas R nr Mulvane, &CIS.. . . . . . . . . , 1190 220-360 500* 5650 7900 1350 2150 1.40 Mulvane, Kans.
Colorado R nr Blythe, Calif.. . . . . . . . . . . . 270 450-1650 1050* 25,300 33,300 7300 8900 1.32 Blythe N.E. Calif.
San Joaquin R nr Patterson, Calif.. . . . . . . 35 120-280 400* , 2400 4550 610 1600 1.90 Brush Lake, Calif.
James R nr Forestburg, S. D.. . . . . . . . . . . 1220 60-90 160* 2220 3600 450 1275 1.62 Forestburg, S. D.
James R nr Clayton, S. D.. . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1190 80-150 230* 1550 2600 265 900 1.68 Tschetter, S. D.
Souris R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1480
, 30-60 l50* 1100 2500 160 720 2.27 Voltaire, N. D.
Missouri R nr Lexington, Mo.. . . . . . . . . . . 690 450-1150 1350* 24,400 29,000 6000 7 100 1.19 Camden, Mo.
Lexington, Mo.
Sacramento R nr Glenn, Calif. 88+ 2 50-450 10,800 2300 3200 1.42 Glenn, Calif.
Llanos Seco, Calif.
Red R nr Campti, La.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 400-12oc 18,700 2130 7000 1.64 (scale 1:62,500)
Campti, La.
Henrys Fork nr Menan, Idaho.. . . . . . . . . . 4810 180-300 340* 2700 6100 850 2300 2.26 Menan Buttes, Idaho
Henrys Fork nr Menan, Idaho.. . . . . . . . . 4812 110-200 280* 1950 3300 410 1200 1.69 Menan Buttes, Idaho
Cedar R nr Belgrade, Neb.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1700 60-130 200* 3050 4550 7 50 1450 1.49 Belgrade, Neb.
Cedar K nr Belgrade, Neb. .. 1650 Belgrade, Neb.
*** Map 6, miles 92-102
p \.mw,
,^* A
II, ~ ~
Little Pipe Cr n r Westminster, J l d 10-1s 12 145 192 35 58 1.32 Plane-table map, authors
Baldwin Cr nr Lander, Wyo.. . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 14 185 245 45 72 1.32 Plane-table map, authors
Little Sandy nr Elkhorn, Wyo.. . . . . . . . . . 10-16 13 248 273 76 55 1.10 Plane-table map, authors
Buffalo Fork a t Black Ranger Sta.. . . . . . . 70-115 80 990 1230 308 310 1.24 Plane-table map, authors
Baldwin Cr nr Lander, Wyo. . . . . . . . . . . 12-24 15 165 205 43 48 1.24 Plane-table map
Leopold and Miller
Mississippi R nr Smithland, La.. . . . . . . . . 15 4900-2180 3330 65,000 75,400 15,700 19,850 1.16 *** Maps 38,38, miles 770-785
Mississippi R nr Lake Providence, La., . . . 85 2200-5800 3500 53,500 75,800 9900 11,400 1.42 *** Maps, 26, 27, miles 550-565
Mississippi R nr Rosedale, Miss.. . . . . . . . . 145 4300-2440 3210 40,300 47,000 11,200 11,760 1.17 *** Maps, 19, 20, miles 387-396
New Fork nr Pinedale, Wyo. (Hailstont
Reach) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-76 62 7 45 960 163 225 1.29 Plane-table map, authors
Model, U. S.Waterways Expt. Sta.. . . . . . 2-4.8 3.3 34 43.5 8.9 13.0 1.28 Meandering of alluvial ) Test 4
rivers, Friedkin, 1945 1 Plate 41
Model, U. S.Waterways Expt. Sta.. . . . . . 1.2-3.2 1.6 28.2 36.0 7.2 9.5 1.28

Model, U. S. Waterways Expt. Sta. . . . . . .

Moyen R nr Castets, France. . . . . . . . . . .





7 .O

2000 3760
8.5 1.16

1.36 Fargue, 1908


Coosa River.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 650-400 520 8916 18,500 1700 6700 2.06 Riverside, Ala.
Kansas River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 850-170 510 16,400 26,100 3150 8550 1.59 Eudora, Kans.
Red River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 500-1000 750 10,000 17,500 2000 5000 1.75 Campti, La.
Henrys Fork, nr Menan, Idaho. . . . . . . . . 4810 350-150 250 2700 5500 650 2000 2.04 Menan Buttes, Idaho
Sacramento River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 600-220 410 6100 11,000 1700 3700 1.80 Glenn and Llano
Seco, Calif.
Kissimmee River, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 130-110 120 1100 2100 225 600 1.91 Okeechobee N.W., Fla.
Sacramento River.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 700-350 525 8340 11,500 1400 3600 1.38 Ord Ferry, Calif.
James River.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220 110 2220 2600 600 600 1.17 Forestburg, S. D.
Souris River, N. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1610 140 1800 3200 440 1040 1.78 ** Sheet A, mile 12, 1926
Souris River.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1590 140 1840 4000 480 1240 2.17 ** Sheet A, mile 40, 1926
Souris River., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1560 120 840 1600 220 500 1.90 ** Sheet Cm miIe 123, 1926
Souris River.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430 100 1140 2400 300 800 2.10 ** Sheet K, mile 290, 1930
Red River, La.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 600 7400 8800 1640 2100 1.19 *** Mile 33.0

1 1926
* Estimated bankfull width
** Plan and profile of Souris (Mouse) River, International Boundary to Verendrye, N. D. (Advance sheets) : Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, printed
*** Mississippi River Commission, 1935, Maps of the Mississippi River, Cairo, Ill., to the Gulf of Mexico, La.; scale, 1:62,500: Vicksburg

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