John C Calhoun - Senate Speech January 16, 1833

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[J .....
I .... 15, 16. UC13.
}I,. CLAY l'cnlotcd in bia nppooillon, and 010.1$1 lb., ~ ...Ii. c petiod woS, that a ooPY of the ..,t of Ahembly
b. ,hould ...,ruW.... " <I"';';"" not to lok~ up the u.n.d 8lU could not be procured in OIl oullIenti<: fo.... : b,,1 do. do-
.. oq.....l....1 In .. dccioion to Ie.t.-re it .u...,ted "" ror Ihe "''''''ntl .. ould' be eo<nlJl~nicated, whe'he1- ."'" copy
Not oflhe~ . He thpi!Mlherntlc ....... f ...... )lit- should be oblaiaod .... nM. He hoped the Se ... "", wO<dd
_Ii looked ~ .... rb bly w' I, and. qw.ite """'l""ent to no<, under 'hll ' _ ..""e, i",,", on Ihe pl"<::K~''''''''''' <if
C<lnlinue tt>e debate. He then ..,111001 ror tlte y... and 'he Senote ~p<>n bie o;eooluliooo, but would ... Wu it to lie
noy. u" the motion, . hich w .... e "",,r<iingly 01'<1<1'<;<1. '
Afte. " r.w r.m..ko rcoln M......
SP RA GUE, and PO&.'W TH, th.e qu ••lion lnlI tak e.. On
on ,4 tabl.. .
lib. C ALH OUN ..if1 he ~ertainl, ohould not objeCI,
~nde. the ....... rnou.nces, to th. IoY'"J or hi • •elOlution,
1M motion of Mr. W E BST E R, and decided at f.llo .... , fo. tII. pretenl, 'on lIIe tablo. Ili, obJ'''' had been "",~.
Y...... _)I.-..lkn.on. Bibb, Blo.k. 8 .......", S ... k ...... Iyl<> obtain these dQc,,"'rnu, 10 .... !old before lhe Serfale.
Cllomb ....... D,U~ Dudl.,. !'on,th, G... nd,..
·H~rict ..
IfjU, 11 01", ... IU .... King. Millet. ~I oo"", }IolIinlOn. SOl.
And.~. tl ..... rhl " !,ro~'10 oay tho. be did POt upecl
" , ... eh crue~ooioto on Ihe ... bjc., .. genlle",U _",.d
be .. , Smith, T ipton, W eb,'er, W ilki .... Wbite-U.
Nn • . -~l<> •• ". lleU, Cl.y, CI.yton, ni~ke ..... n, EIO;08'.
'0 ,n! onl'oipa"d. It h.d M' heen h., 10 UIt
. en."re onr ... he.e, b"t onl, '0 b,inr the ,locomen .. into
'PnM. I'reiinghltyoen, Knight,. Nau.uin, Poindexter. I'.., .. · tbe P"..., ... M of tb. S;'n .. t • . 11>cy .... ,..,. in hi' opinion,
t .... Robbin .. Se,,,,,,,,., $""""'.- 1....
So th. s.e ....te 1I(I'Oe<l to ~r 1M bill; aoo the bill
"""n..,lcd with. ",o. l, ;"ue-on in".whi<:h in
impo ........ hod ....'.c b•• a ..rp.....w in ,t.. hitlO<'1 of
being . h.... b< r_ th • .se..... , .. in C"",,,,,"'" of tbe """n'''', not ....
' his .~ 01 the time,.,heft IIw l)ec.lontion
" hole: of lot<lepe""._ .... pubr.....,.. Und•• Ihie i",prnoion,
l l '. W £DST ER, ,n 0 .".,c.b or .boul 1... 0 h.. , .., ,Ie. he hod b"""A'hl f"" ... od"llon '0 brint lbe P>P"'"
y~l<>p.d Ihe pr'''''.i''l .. of Ih. bill, • .,d lhe ""","~. on befort' lhe Senol';. I f onj' $, ",,'0. til""'rhl "rope? to
whieh il w" ~~t>o'l.d by l b. eommittrt, and 0"' whi~h he "" we 10 lor tbe ",.,Iulion on Ihe t.ble , l,e I huuld tI\It~
,hwld -.l. ocal. ill pt._,e. . nn objectkin 10 Ihe 01)\' ....
M •. TVL F.R III~ upai...w. thee d,ffi"ully he felt in On ,...,.;"" of )1<. GR U ~l)y, .he ",..,l~'ion Wit then
bri~", his mil>d lo.mb~ .h;' iJaporu.nt ... bje." on.,. 1.;.\ on the tobk!. •
to lotl[{ an jnleTT70l hod t .... ,;nee he bd looke<l into
lbe ","joel; 0",1 '......01 10 1>y the bill on lIIe table.
~I'. WEDSTF,II '.'I"i"",.,1 in the motion, .. bicb WI. The Sen"" then ..." .... 01 110. biZ! '" ,ppmp,.;.M, f......
e•• ried. • limite<! time, Ihe Vrocoed. 'If lb. . .I•• of . Ihe !,,,bl;,;
On motion of ~ I •. BENTO N, the Sen". II .. " lI"",e.d. bod., &0.
e<I to Ihe "",,"'1o..I1on of u<':e~ti.o b~",n ..... l lr. BUC KNE It contin"ed, ,nd ""',ol~de<l bie ", ,,,.,-1<0
ARc. tloe doo.. ~.., U-Op"ntd, in IUppori or , h ...... ndm""1, (at ciYen .!><we. )
)... CALIIOUN laid "" tbe lobk! .It.. follo"';o, n.,.. T he Son'le -.ljou"..,d.
1 ~ liotl,
RnoIwd, n..1 1100 P..,oident be req,,, •• te<1 10 l.y!>c. W U$"DH, J."uu 16.
fure Ih. Sen.te 0 copy or "i<!,roclo",ot,,,,, of the Hl1h or
n e.,.,mbe. IlISl; ond oJ"" t he • .,Ihc.. tie:oled c~pi .. of the soun l C.u:W Ll KA .
ordinon .. of the peeple of Ihe Stole of S<>ulh C.",li".. A me ..""" "'.1 .«.ive<! r""ID 110. 1·..,jd'''1 of Ih.
wilh 110. doo"",."" oc.omp..,y .... r Ihe .. me; and of ,h. Uoiled Sto •.,., 'nn,mill;"1I' cOl'i ... or the proc!'n'I>l;""
procbIMtion of Ih ('''' .... ''''. or If... 101111. of SOIlJh C...... and othtr dow"",,,,,, ~I";"r to Soulh COIO""', hOT ",.w.
Ii ... 0( 'he 20th or O""eo\bet lut, whi.h ..... lruI .... itlw. ....... e, &e. Ioe.
10 him by the Es"",,(,•• of I~I Sta", with the ..,qunt '"", . =l'ng "r
~ h """"P~ on bhr ontl 0
Ib,t he t!>oak! I.y tI,em hef"", Convno. q" ... er. A. ooon •• i, "'0' hithed_
The Sen.,e ,b.... dj""cn~d. n •. GItU!'I"D \ ' """ ..d ~ n ..f • • Ih~ me ...;.... "",I doe, ...
n,o,," tu ,I,,,
Co",m;t..,,;,. Ih~ )"d,oi" ),, .,,<1 ,h.t tl,.),
b~ priM"'!' .
Mr. CA Ll IOUN 1100"' ...... ond "';u, th.1 \,i. o~,;o~1 ,n
1')oIOC L.l.lU T ION.
t"king tI,. t\oo. wat noc 10 ",. to .n)' .. ..urk 0<1 the mo·
'lbo ,...,Jut ..... 011'0""" rntordoy by l lr. CA LHOUN lion whicll .... Immediotely before .he lIe"':e. Wh.1 be
.... , 100" t~k ... u!' for conoidention. w .. "boo,-, \., .. ~, thc..,f""", ......!d, uOlde. , ... r,."",", •.,.
)1•. KtNG ,<>Ie, nOl, •• be .. i,l, fut th. p"rp_ of en_ ",,10, be c",' .. I), ... ,\ of Of'd... lIu, be ",,,,,~I, in Ihe 1""
te. I,,\!' inw . ")ioo,,,",on of n ... ..,'ol"lion, bul hi, objocl cui; •• ei"""m"o.'" of Itit .iluOlioo, thro ... hi",scif <on tll<:
In ri .. nr ..... m... 111e ota•• , fi .. th~ in fO""'otlon ,,( th ..
hnot"" from Sout Carol,,,", th ••••"'" ... hy he mil):ltl
i .. d.. IS'~noe of Ihe Se .. ,,,, fo. hi. p"dOll fo. tl,. entire
icre lcvo .... of the ,..,m"k, "hleh h. would r.,1 bhn.df
, ..hap> \hi"k ,t 001 Uped"~1 10 p .... 'M eonbde,..t"",
or bi. ,...,I,,' ionol 110;' time. II m'thl lead 10 a d",,_
bound 10 .... h . · .
li e r.1t "" d;.,....itlon to ""'ice "'""~ ~r .he errvn
tion wl" <h would be round not to b. MCe... ry. A, ..... .. h:.h the .........p' ..."tai... ,1 in ref"......,. I<> ,h. ,10<:" . fn>m the .. ...OWent ...... kI "" """',-.d, p"""po, t<>- .... n .. by .. hi<~ " ".,.. 0"'_1'0"~, bll' It.. ... ..". Ott.
d.y o. t<HOO"""', ... bjeh would eom",,,n""" 'h o docu_ ... hicb he ...... kI ,Ieem hl"". lf .. ..,ore,,' to hi' S"'le;r
m."<! for by lI,i• ..,..,Iulion. T hey "'.. ,~! hove be di<! not ri.e .mph.tic.llt end Pro:nptll I" "O)i<:c. I.
b~.n """,m~"ie>tcd to Ihe Senot.•• thi. time, but ..... " . ,ed by 110. Chiof ll.lI'i .... le, in , ,,bOl'""" Ibot
Ih.t . d.l.~ I,ad tabn placo in ol>duronng 10 <>bllli" .n 11>0 mo...... nl. mado by the Silo" of S.... tlt C. "'\i01 .... '"
auo...nti<;atod eopy of ",me of 110. d"""ICIen" frono South d 0 cl ..,...,_ hootil. '0 ,I", U.ion. W•• h. ~. in
Caroli..... Hellloutht, ther<:~ thot , h. p,..,.,.' <...,.... "'ie i"'pr<etOion ! If· .... ~. would _y tho< 'h~'" ..,.. ,,01
would be '01>1 110. . . ,lo.l"tion. f .... the rw-nl, on ' be 0.1>0.<10 .. or r""..dolion for lloeho ""' ...... nl. , ...... ....
lift. GIlUN QY Ihon roo, . uftd rtalM Ihot he ..... au·
tbo. i •• d to ...). ' hOI the S."..lo, f",,,, SMlh Corolina
not . Sute in 110. Union Ie. ,10",-.1 tl ... " lJoulb C....I, ...
to 1'"' he,.<lf in ,,,eh oltilude of h",l:h,y. lIut ,100
ground. 0" ... I'ieh Ihe I'",oidenl f",,,,d .. Ihl. i"f..~n""
"'ould, nn Th'''~loy next, '" l>e.h.p, eArlier, •• e.i.e
oJl the doo:<"... nlO .onod fur by ,hi. ,..,.olu'ion, ',01 ',"""h
"''''''' in a ....... ,,,,,,,ieolion (ron! '''" .... >ioIenl. At><! 'be
we'. ,,01 Ie .. u'to01',lin"" tloon Ihe i"fcr.""" i,..lf.
Wt>cn I, .... ted I~'t hottil o mo,·ome" .. h"d t_. meM,
it " ... to b. "'1'""tled Ih.l lh. Pl'ftid~~. ,,",I ~ ... "'Ie ,Ioe
.._ vhy ''''' i"'pu. hod _ beu o.,...",,,,,icolo<l ol'n ... h3 1 ~ of th~ mo.-.m< nlO of Ih .. e!uoro<:lCI" .1oi<1. Md
"~rl""', nefon Soulh!iou. had tahn on)' pooi. round in "". i ...... ul""'"! ."d, " ..lea ;. un be ehul<~
"on ~ • .,.,,,fti,,,;ng choraeler, til .,.,. hod be,," ,.""",n· and ""...,eted In ;to eonrw, bl the wiodom of the F~r·•.1
U'1tiOll of Uniled SUt.,'
for the P"~ of """tf<l;I~.&'
''''''P',h. GtI two ""int., obv'''''''!y G ""ern"'~nt. iu 0p~"lion w,lI form 010 ""coptin" 10lhe

0 "" 0' ""<"",o,,to of the /;\01.. tORt",1 coune of evenUe T he Oftl,. .ouse of \OIOilder. in
lb .... eooo ..... _ ........... at AuJ'Ulo, ...d lbe his "I'inIOtl, ..... that 0111' t/,.;on bad «>ntinulOd to 10tl&';
",be . ot l:b .. l•• Ii:In. Pre.;ow to tbis cir..,."n.un~, \h. thaI, ,I the tflll of f0l11-foot. ya .... 0I1l' ~ ....... nt
Sute of S"',III Coroli". h,d look.d to notl,inr berund. o"""klotill ..,tal" ito origin.! f.".m. li e c"",.id.~ tbo',
P_.... oDd lI.,l "Mode<! ",udy 10 r". effeet to htt \0 Iho gtcat evont of 1801, tbe .u""... of l}>e p.rty 1,·l\ieh
opposotloo i. Ihe form of ...,il,,' \0, .. . h .... ",,11... hen h"d .le""l~ ) 1•. Je!f<""" .10 Ih~ !',.~e""y, ~.... ....;n·
"""Iiury for= .... diJ.pI."..s "" her 1o.onI~ ..... &n~ 'n her Ir 10 be .11".l>u~ lhis du .... llOn. Noth,nt: bu., 11>e ~~v".
limiu, o,od ... hen Ih~ mo"x ...... ,hm." .... , ap.not the \1>On "r that ''''''.;.1....1 hod " ........ nlwl1>e .... Iot. 'erm",..·
];... ef he< citi•• "••• ,>d or .hei...·i ......1 child,..,n, Ihal .ion or an upcriment. Uu, 'M lime hod.1 Jen,,~ corne
,he. r""nd tb..., .. I~. dri"en to on attitude of ..';.\a'lCe. when w. a", ""jUi. e,llo d.-cide wh~l h .. Ihi ••h.II~. a
nea i, ..... th.1 Ih.y .il ""'p1l"ed 10 O"e$dl. a .. y o~· """fed.ney an, ~ .... ","e,k. i, ....11 ]l"i......, '0
"........... • COfIooIiWoted Conn ....'''.t. He ...11fd "" Se".' ..... fO·
Bu. 110.. President 1,><1 .1.. tnlM hi. infc,""",". on .". lemnly.o ",u. . .nd d.libenl. on .his 'mporl.nt quu..
oth •• ground . II~ I,ad Laid it don'" , ,hd . he trib"".1 of ,iM. ,, " he li •• d, h~ beli"'ed It'lt U.. conlinu . .."" of
.be 8np",me eo...t of 110.. United S'at........ in 110.. I..t .ny eonlOlidal.d C"".rnm.n. "'.. impoqible. I. mutt
rdO>1, I~e .... 1» ....i ... of ,1>e dlll"eknet! ,n ,be _NC- i.... i\abl, 'tad to. miliu", deopotiom. At .hl. momen ••
lion of l hoc conol.;{uti.....:J;ty 01" tltc low.. On tIIis point ... ,.'-. ""vi~, bet!n bl"ODrh' into conbc:1 ...jth "ny ad·
th ...... m. to hue be.. .. a , ...t cho"l:'" in lI,e opinion •• roe c\l"<;UmtlO1lCCt, ... i,h"". ony "",,/!:c' ing Uti"', in 0
of tb. Y.x •• u.ive wil ru .. Ihe 1>.0. , ... I.e monlh.. "floe 'im. of pc.c<, "nd under 'he influence "fon "neumpl.d
Pralde"t bad _ held tbi. "I,in..... in,e '0 ,he,..,· r>_perily, ..... ' Union .1.-<10 on the u. "f di ... d"lion or
...... _ 01 the State of ~ " .......,... "'·.T ",,\, tlt.o ,·o~ of ....i. ".... lI o"· .... u .hi.1 w.. it t>ot at.
"'.ide, 1\,......i, ory of Ge<><p ftOmlh,. of S",,,10 Co",· .ributab~ .0 t1>e pow.rfu l "·orl.inp of Ihe cohM>l;dating
linl ; Y", no> lhe "". olde, 11,. ",,"e' nf Ihe Supreme p. iMi"I.!
Conl1. at Ibe orbiter in the bot _ ' , •• to he ,,,obined; I" Ihil ,.id.l)· nlen~.~ republic ,h.", 10.. b •• ", nf n~·
.-hi!<-, un .h. otl>e. <ide. 1M ... ill of tho J::1~11i,'" i,to be ~~ .. ilr.'" ""'i •• cOI>Aicl of "'to"'.... In 00 .. ~or'ion •
nm. if 11.. S"~""'" Court .... 10 "" .10. 01"1>;'••, I.. . oj .... ;" ._lIe.
•. .... m work< ","n.Sciolly, ,.hid. io f"" ..\ '0 be "I'P''''
]>O'"Iion . • The .yst.m ofp~,clion .. soid
wiol,«! 10 kno .. '" ... h'l monn •• tbe d«i,j"" of tlo .. l.i .. IIO 01>•• OIC 10 tI,. ad",n'.g~ ~f 11 ...... 1'••1' of Ihe ~"',"I'r
~~".l, •• 1.0 ,b. con";lutionality of Iilo I.tif!" l>w .. " 1,,·l>i.h a~ the "rong<>I. It''ery OlIO said 10, . ",1, th~re·
.......... re ~r prol~C l io... " .• • '0 be ob ' .;,~d' lIow • .•• rcu, h...... 1>00",110 beH"'e 00. 8uI in .b. .... k••• I'OI· • .
an .... ,••0 b<: made up! Til;, mod" N4 "l ..,:edy been .;....,; of Ihe c""nlry Ib .... """ """,,,e1r'0 be r-rod one
ttkd in Ihe .... of 11»1 .... . . . .iti.~n 01 Ch.. Ie>lon, .",1 , .. 1>0 . ·",,1cI M'. if h. b&d .he powe., i",t do,,'" Ihe .y •.
•I,~ .~".t "",I ,!t-clo...,d'" '".'I'>ei:r 10 o.t, rot ~"n' of I"'" or protec'ion Tho,. we"" Ih". dill"oto,,1 .i..... on
ju.jtdi<;,..... , .n<!. ",f.""," '0 10k. eogn ... nocof .h~ ... bjul . . h,~h ,'01... 110 ... wu Ihi. 10 op.... to' H ~ inl.",led, ;"
lie .. i>Iocd '" ho .. ,..1" Ih.. c'rcu ...... oaeo. h.d !.ce" .... p. !""'hing ...Mch hoc .hould -r, 1.0 .... k. o..y pe ........1 ref....
p~-no, oopp ........ "':OS 100 ,Ironl: • te.m_rotg<>" ·e...... It ... his ... ishto.rt'"' the ... b~et ooItly on phi.
IOn in Ih. ''I<""50I0]1"" Qf Ibe '.1co"'i~.. It will he ""'1:m· 10lOphi...1 gtOUOOf. A I' • .,iden." eleuN, .0<1 . _ . tbot when Iho hiU of 18~8 """" i"l""ltoo«l, which '010 ""w." hi. 1'"liey ".""....ily co"f...",. 10 .h"l of tho
h.d b.... j ...Hy e.l1 ... by .he S... f .... " )I.. .uehu ...". ",,'ty b~ which to .. i. obo..". It c.nnol be other""", .
.. bilt of .1""",........... 0 ....1'......,. ,; •• fron, S....uh er...... T10c tonll" P"'Y. f.... nan,,,le. "'ppet\. .. ,bei. nndi<ls ..
]In, 10.;.<1 lnelr«tuotl, ~~01< •• _,1 '0 obl.lft an am.ndment a ~ntlcnu • •110 i. known 10 be in r...·o. of 1M" ,........
Qf .h•• i,l. ~ f it, III ,h •• il mijl"bt ~ ... on i.sf.oe .hec:",..cI.. He did not ... O>Ckmn .his: it w .. lb. ",,,, .. I 0"<1 un •• oid·
" •• Mh,,;," aRd <Ie"''''i''e nome. 11.".., th.", •.•• "r ...
of "rol.ctio.. , ,,'hid, belonged 1<> il. \Iu. it "' .. ,."" . brOO<l able ~ou,..e of Ihi",.. Th~ or1>",i' •• id~ mu st '~en I>ke
~ h.,. <.aMid.......·1..,.., opiniono on ,h .....b)<:<:t
Soo.h Caroli"" 10 Ity the 'l"Htioo,! t"~n if ",,,, load 0 P""'"", ........., leoo ma.ked, lou. ,,'10.0 mol" be ... o(>,ned
uety ,..Eo"". on 110. O"",,,ril, of . he &"1''''_ Courl, by. pwtion " fth. "";11"1""'" ~.,..'tM M" fur Ih.1 I,...
011. ceuld no< obl.i" 'he j"Jgmu., or .Ioat """rI. W~.t '.'" 10 • tertoin u te"!, .nd by. portion <>f"'b~ anl~t.orill"
"",,,... . hen, ..... I.n for S..."h C. ... >l i"., ~". ,~. which SI.I ... bo""u.~ h. i.I ... hO>lil. 10 .b.i, intete". th,,, hi •
.toe b..1 pur..flIl cem]>Otilor. By Ihi .... mbi""t;"', "triumph i. oIIt~i""d .
It ....... bo ou;(C'led i" the _go of the b «u'i<c. II~ who ........ i"to 1"''''.' In thio mann"r, ;f he io p_
, hot th~ Sta •• ""!til 10 h, •• "_ted to Ih. other .. "IC<!. _ d orso, i" ..)Iigon« «n nc~' b. ,iislodpd. lIow
... hkh 10" p<>:n,.d oul, and 'fk.~.t.u <•• Ii •• 1'•• ,,,,1 '0', "0 hQ' 110 •• k ••• midc\l. rround bo,,· . en .h. :>otlh
• ,,",,.enlio,, M ,h. St>tt:>, in oN<:, t" omoold .h.. ,,,",.i .. . "d tI,. Sooth. If OM ,,, ... est .\tempt..o for.
lUtiO". S"".h C,T<>Ii.. h..t b<td p",,,·en ... 1 rrom ,..k'ng ..·.m move...."'. 110.. other ';<1" b:o occnpied II.., poo, .. I.
~prlicat""' ... n 'hio ... bj.... Sb" I....... ,,1oed o..·.r and '\00, ~~ tlt .. mu .... bc,rdtM 1.0 .he ''''''',nt of Ib,tly mil.
o«r 0,.:" 10 ob:.\~ a ~ •• nti'''', buI .h~ I~ ",,;rormly lion ...... tOOut th~ p."''' Ollitc .Depo..lme~, •• nd, ;,.. Iudinlr
rou,\d " r'.H d m.),,,,,y. on both 1I,?,,,u .to""1 b~r. 11 ~,,". lhal ~'roTt""'nt, I\"rt)"·''''o m,lhon., arc ''''po.ed "pon the
I/>.n, .......10. '0 oblo'" ~h~ ~" .... <,nc. or Ibe C.... :.lo\u _ c."""loy, unde' 110.. p.<lencc of r• • uuo_o" ~m~'",1 '0"
IlOot>.I '!"jc.nly of ,,,",,,lb'NO u( ,he ... e !"'»<:_' ~nd.r .. I... bl, groot« u.." ,lie nlue of uy ,ingl. _ of the
tlle ....,........... n.u........ mod. ,,~ "p pl,... "", "nt~ 'h .. gm' inte ..... of tbe counl.,-• ..,c"d; .. ~ 'he .. hole ,,,.If I.. I ~1«\ ...rI ,\ u"O/,,\OI'lu" ..... I•• nd Ihe ....... o""",nl or .he cotton ....,P. or 'he .n';", >"II"" or the ship ..
gonCJ ."''' ~·h,d, ."n.d fo,... pinr i"I...... T hu., i,Ie" him .. lf ".ilh • • w;lI,
T h........ all II .. re,....,.1:.0 whkh he cono,d.ted h,,,,· brill" nor •• ,; ... rifl', ban k nor onti::j,.nk , i,,'ern,l impro,·c .
.. Ir ...11ed "".0 moke at \h .. '_"~I I. rde •• _ '0 the ....... nor ... ,;";'Rlemol i'''p""e,"",,,', he .. nnot be di._
H"1"<In of Ih<: ""'...~ ur 110" f.U","I,n. 1Q«~d. "'....,;. ,h ........11' 1"11. ,,.Iom or ""F,_i""

..,:., . II .....,... o .b.t 110•.<"""Ir, b:od no~ 1"U<~.ed • .eri. (Q't' 0". The w ...kc • .;,1..... i. i,. ho~lc ....... and
'" . . It had. bu" "n." .. ,d tho, r.• ~"y Ih 'nlO ...·h'ch 1~ ••• nuok .. re';'IOote. T he OIron(e' O1ill o<1h"",. 10 Ihe oyo .
co,:,","" .101. ,.... If the ... of ,.. own. ~lructiOn. ~m. Th. middl. po ....., II ,h"" Ih"''''\1 \0 the Jlronre"
T h".I.n...., .... k ... ppl~.J •• 0 r:h.oul,. th." \Q fide, ","I .tI .. otronrer ..11o In lOre" which pUll do .. n , e, .
phYIO""e_ruotlorl.. Tbe p",,,,,'ple 0 docoy~. to be _. n .....u tile prou. ofeOll101id.o.ion,. Ge"
103 GAI~E S & SEATON'S lillGlSTER '04
4ToliM:::.I~ Ltmd.. """""'" {Ju . 1 ~}833.
in\g~t ,contend (halthi, w.o ,,'" ~ qu~SI;on of cQn'~Ii<IlI;onl".'.io.n, en.\eo,'Xl<ed to d~mQ"~ule to II", S~n"'~ l~ dio-
but ,t .. c""",hda""". And he could o<¢ no d"(,,,": ,on t onct,on' ~.h.e"" tbe ' ''''' ~oses: he "'.. """,Iy 'p,n 10
M.lwecn • 0"'\501,,M<d Go • • mmell' .",1 One "'I,~h . .. . ~o w oj •• d .. ' incliQfl """w,."
110<"., ~",l I.., def.,><1 'll ju...
• "m~1 tho . ;gb! of jU<lging of the prop';"" of ill\""p"oi"g ",cos. 1"0 ",be .. it migl>t not be 00, h,,' t" ' ' ' ' ' / ' ' ' ' body
milit. ,.,. powe. 10 ea.""".Rtal.. · or the »,:ople of Goo";;. i. "'.. "b • .."" an I"'lp>bl•.
We (.. i,\ Mr. C.l nu de no ""ch GOfe,"menl. South T he h"""",ble S" .... ,01" hod ..... ,..,d I~e SC"" c thO! no -
C.roli.... .. nctioned no .n~b Government. She COI,e""" Stato lo~.d the Union mOTe 110." the SI~I. ofS"",b Co,.,.
the co" fed..... ey wil~ U,. und" ..,andinl \h. \ a SIMe, in lin.. ~Ir. F . he.rd ,hi, ded."ti"" rrum ... ,eb higl .... u.
reooMa"e<; 10 oppr"";m" o. ""eoNion rrom .h.
11.. a 'ight to Judge of I 'e upe<!ie''''r 0 lhori,y wi,h "I . .. u. c. ,1 m",t .b"•• on fe~d " ..".'I,ecoo.....,
Un,on. of lhe h.J pb.«d the obJeol ofU, ... r.,.,.. ,R .xI,.., ~ e
And fonoo d";ng i. i. th. t we ".,.., Ibr~>I."ed to our d.nger . IJr. l'. conrh,laled Ihe Sc~lc , Ih.l, no, ... ,tI,.
\h .....t. cuI, and IhNe of QUr "'''el."d cbild,en. No--I "'RdillS" 'be Ih""~Rn'g 'pre-.... nce, ·\hore "'''"' RO'r."f<'
R"O too far. 1 d,d nOI i""nd 10 Uft rong"'ge SO I I'ORg". 10 'h~ public p •• te. ,·11. Chief M.W ..... '. pl<dg~. h,m·
t lle Chief M' gi.t ...,. hod no' y.t tce",",,,,,,.ded '"" d.,.. .. If "", to •.."" 10 .n)· buI ,Iofen.i<. f"''''', .,><1 Ihe s~·
p er~ a remedy . 1"l1e p ..... UI I, L gN'at '1ue,,'o .... nd ".10. f'om So",h CLrolino Icll& u' 'hOI S""U, C'I"\l~i".I ....
tbe libe,'i •• of 'he Am.,.,,,",,, """pie Jep.",1 upu" .h~ ole· ,,0 o.1"';,e 10 """ foTC<) u"k .. ...,.ibl. TI,~ h~I'. m,&ht be
cioi,,~ ofil. It .... impocoible ,h,t .. CU"fo!id.'eJ G"v~rn. itlduIS',j ,h'" .11 '''~'' pl«lg« "'ould L~ redeemed, .ftbe),
""' ~t could e~ist i" Ibtl cO"'''''y, il " • • e, eIIn. Hiot!""Y \I"e. · ~, f"re<! wo"M not be " ""d.
in Ihis co"n,ry? 11 ne."r COn u~t i" .... y cp"ntry. , f o"y The mot,,,,, ... as Ih<~ .gre.,1 10.
m>n would looi: inlo Ihe h',,,,..,.
or ,be wMM, .,~I fi,,,1 allY 0 " mOIm" of ~ Jr. G IIUKIIY, 3,000 e~l ... coyi.. of lite
,,"S,. c"'" ,n wh,ch Ih. go.""m ... 1 of ~h .... lut. m>.ju,ily, mc .... ~ ."d d"""mO,," ":c'"" .".<le,·..1 \0 be I,,,,!,,«J.
u"d'~ c!< ed I'r • • y """"i'u''''',.1 ",,, .. in", hod 1.",,0.1 .... ,. ) I r. l'OINJ.)t:XTtl! I"KI 0" Ihe "bl. co""'''
"00,,~,1 •
• en",rr , I, ......uIJ yiold I l '~ 'I"."in". . ·n. hi",. df, l,~ men," wi,;." h< p"'po".,,1 '0 m.ko i" Ihe bill "PP" 'P""·
h.d beo", r""" 1, •• "",Iiut life, deoply ,,,".h<"<.1 10 ,I,c ;"g, fCOl·' Iin,i,,,1 'in .. , 'h~ proee<d., "f \1,,, r',~lic Lo"J,.
Union; ... d he" relt, wi,h • p",po,tKon>lC in'cn,i,y, the $<c.
impOtta~cc of Ihi. '1".'''00 . h' hi. eorly y"",I, he haJ
cheri,hed. d~<p " nd enU,u, i• .,icadmi"lloro of II,is U"ioH_ " VIII. IC LA ).; ') S.
lie I.. d 1""lr;eJ Ufo its ptolr"''' ,vilh .. pI UN", oml ~""uu· The Se .... l. 11.." I'roct'e,kJ 10 'he eun,i,le""ion of ,he
..ged 'be moo, .. ng>""" "'peo,.,lon, of II. cml" ... ,c~. b,1I aI'WOI"i>ti"jJ", (y< 3 lim;I.J "m,·, II!e 1"..",,'...10 of Ibe
11 0 .Im "diey",l Ih .. ifi! .",,)d be co"ro'm~d 10 d,e p"'''. r"b!,c I~M" !ce .
c' ple. of 1798, "" th~)· "·C", then construed, il mighl en· Mr. III ,ACK, of Mi";";ppi, ",,,, bu' for Ihe 1'... "1,,, oi.
dure fo... ,·e. . ilri"1( bad; Ihe Go.e,nmenl to 'h""" prin. ,,,.I'o~;~ wl,iob I,. "'.. placetl, .tiet to much 1.. ,·inS" been
ciple., .nd he ",,,,,1<1 he ihe b" 10 "b,mlon iI, ",,!'Sm.lh ",id on ,hi, ""bj«" both at tI,e Pt~.''''t and I.., ....ion of
Cotolino "001<1 be om,,"!;", iI, Wanne .. '","oc~t<.. 1.1,,' C"ngt"e~ .nd .,id, ''''', b y ".,,~Ieme~ ", I" , ju.~I,· cu'!'.
,kp'" ftom II,t.., pr,ne,pl"...",1 in lloe 'ou",,, "f t. n ",.>nd ~ h'h-ll r'pu","on r"r tl,~" "'",<I,,tI, .,"1 . ~pc ...n.. ,"
y.... Wt .ban de<><-"t'''''e into ~ ",ili"'l ,k.poliom_ .ali<.>tul on:'i.-., I,e M,onM ",,' h,v~ lro~bkd the S<R~le
The cl")' h. d he •• , .. i.. d, "the Union i•. in 'nge'," I) e with " ny r~m"l, . If......,$!e<I, hO"·"YN, th .. ,I", inopo'.
knew of no 0,1 •• ,. Janl<"t but th,l of m,)itary .Je"l,o\i"",. tone ...f Ihe . "bjed, i" , ,,I.i.g, p •• h' 1», the l,""n'luiUi\,
H. would pt"OCbim il on Ihi, A""r, ,b~t ,hi. "... , ,h0ltt<at. of Il", 1;nio" , .. nd ctr,,,;,,ly II,. 1"",!, .. i1y of Ihe SlAt."
... danger ... jlh " 'hieh i, w .. mcn.o<d .......
eOl ,.b'C!' . ny counl'y h..! 10 ,pi' ... h.,,~.
""n. . .
·rl"" grcsI. he l,ad 'he ho"or ,tI part ,0. ",,,,.,,sc"',
" 'o,,ld p~ •.'l<1 h..
' rol~gy f",. ••ti,,!: r.... . fe .... mon",,, .. t~. al<C!l\i"" of Ihe
He begs.,1 pordo" for the "",,,mil, wid, wl,ielt he bad Sen ....
HP"'..."J him..,lr. Unb".oming" h. k "e"' tI, .. ,.,"",110 W e ,,·ho '''p«. enl 110. new Sla'~' (';'1 ~I '. !l.) I'a'·.
Iv W , he mn$! tll .... w ltim.<I f 0" hi. counlty and hi. CO"". b~en up«iall, i" ,·ited br Il""~tlt"mc" 10 .~h" w.lh lI'cHI
tryme~ r.". indulge""e. Sil""cd •• I.e ...." , .. d fceli,,!> i" thi. "'nic~ . To ""mc of u.I .... L•• n oOc,e<1 Ihe un.
.. II. did, be c<>lll~ not It."" 'polle" oth"rwi.e . p"'i~g cOl,.meuli<ln of f,ve I",,,,,, .. ,, lil"", ,,,,l .c.... of
Mr. I'ORS\ T tI .. id . on the moti"" to .er.., 0.11 00 .., · hnd , ,nd t ... <Ive pc, c<nl .", Ih. a,""un' of .. I.... buun·
.olion, on ,h . .... ";to of 'he !' rc';,len". me .... '" ..'~r~ tr; ."d ..... r- Ji,·;dc",J " i,l , ,h"m 1""l'o,","'nod .«"tdinS"
i...... lennl ond i""~g>.I", '0 f,,oJ,,,..1 no,nb ... , •• yearly !"r , F.,r nn., I to . ..., de-
)Ir. Co\UI OUI'f .. id Joe h..:! so &talcd iWlbe out,. , o( Ic,-mined ." ",r.,.., Ih ~ h OI''''}·, reJccI t1, ~ (>0)", M,rl \0
hi' remarks, and .pol ogi~"" fo, il. d.oIitt~ the .... ice. 10m ""II a",., • • ,h .. in'" duing, my
) 1•. FO H S YTI1 ._Tr,,~, Iho So ,l>.lor ftom So"th Cor... judgment win b. ""lIeJ in '1""""0" by "","y, e,· ~" of
Iina hod .dmi,ttd Ihe ui,le!l"" oflh. ruk, ",d h..:l1:i ,-." Iltooe ... 11Me .G"'?'I op,nlo"" J h.,e hcon "",ned to
,,,.1><:,, p"";bleucuoc fur 'he .in!>.ti." ~fi'. Mr. F. 1».<1 .,Iu~. "1"0 ,"""lica',., U,~t"do,. , the cu"el,,';o .. , t" ~ ilkh
no ,uch ~""u ... 10 olf~" ,her.,ro .... , ",,,,,1.1 no' f~\I<>w ,I .., I I.• ,·. come in ' hi. '"'''or-, I ",ill . I~.o i" a b,ief, b~t I
e;.ampl. , f..... " Jo .. ,ltQI")' ............. 'he ...u o". wl.Le], I,,,,·. i",I"".d
Th e P ruidonl h .. in Ihe eI cc"lion oFl,i. ,)ul y, f,.,,,,kl)' Ihem.
aM openly up,... ..." I,i. opi"io ... . "d !he f,els .n,1 "'•. The ""rn ....."e.. w"h " "hi,,h ,1 .. , .neM"", .... '" bto,,&hI
...... upon wb.ell 'hry "·ere found.~. The S.".lo. f!"Om f..r-u, ~"I, and Ibe >c.l ,,·1,1, "·hiel, it I,u b~en preuod
Sou,b C.toli'l>, on Ih. part <>f hi, SI.'e, h. d int.'V".ed upu,. Ihe Se .. ,'", C"'HOot h.,·. coc.>pe,1 ,Joe ob •• " ·.. ,, ·,, of
h;" tk.iol. T ho: iuue i, r.irly n,od~; Ih~ eomp ... '" It;. '''y. It i, f"",d Ibal \bee 'Y'''I''om . ","nif." \O".,h.
bunal w,ll Melde. Ther... ., one or II, • ...,mo,ks Qf'h~ p. rt "f ""m. ~ "·1'" '0 pre .. tI,i. qu . .. io.~ th""'lI'I, Ihe
Se.... tor !II.. . '. fell him.elf I>ound pr<>mp\ly 10 n>.>tice, le.1 Sen, .. , 'h>I i, nuv h ..·• all impo,., . n. b~"ng 0'" ' "Qlh •.~
bis oikR"e might be oon.l ru<J inlO oc'l"i<!tCe"ce· T he ,""uure wl'ieto WIll pro\>. bl)- eume up. wilh ,,-I,,ch .• h, ...
I'",";denl;" du.rg«l witb ,nw",i,lency of opinion i" d,. i",ima",I,· ""nn,eted. My .Uusi~ " , li,·. i. 10 . "J.. <tion
cooe, of SOUlb C. ",Ii", or", G. uryp... of 11,e ,Iulioo on imporll, It is my inle~li~n 10 ~lntoi"
(~( •. C. n pl1in'-d. H co.llud<:d only 10 tbe opi"ion Ih.t from .~y ,""O)><lo <.>fI Ihi. l,,'~re .. i"g, lou u"i',,,S", And,
the S"p,..,meGoll" W' O " ~"'! .. bi'~r.l 11»<1 .Jm".1 .. id, . ,. ful .. ,bje<;t J I, .. ~ .n",le, l.o it for
Mr. F .... id it was""," impor'"'''' '0 Ihe .~t e,,' oflbe Ibe putpooe of giving it ~, my ol,inion, anJ J ... bm.i t it
a1ly"on. A, the sole ... p .... . "uti'-e at preHn! [Go"ern • .. iU, defe, '" Ihe S~""t< , tl'~I, nll""r ui,;ting dr·
Or T llO C. i. co"fin,d by indispolilio,,) of Ooorg'" he "~m...,,¢e., no ob .... elc .hou ~ l b~ p~rmitt td t~ intotl'Ct><
.m...1 P'Ole" . p;".1 'h~ co ....r \;Mtgi. b~,ng con f""nd. bc,"-c~n u, and the :tdj""",,~nt , and Ihe 'pee,ly . djll '"
ed with tI .. t .'Sou,h C&r<llina . U. b. d, On 0 forme ... "". ruell', of \10., qu"'ion . It "'
tbwjSht .lhal ' be ."'~"''' of

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