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A vous de trouver la seule bonne rponse pour chaque question en cochant A, B, C ou D sur la fiche rponse.

1 . I knows him. / I know him. / I knowing him. / I am know him.

2 . You understand? / Do you understand? / Understand you? / You do?
3 . She often visit me. / She is often visit me. / She often visiting me. / She often visits me.
4 . I'm hating fish. / I hates fish. / I hating fish. / I hate fish.
5 . Look ! He work. / Look ! He's working. / Look ! He works. / Look ! He working.
6 . What do you want? / What are you wanting? / What want you? / What you want?
7 . He is busy, he has dinner. / he's having dinner. / he have dinner. / he having dinner.
8 . She always complain ! / She's always complaining ! / She always complaining ! / She complains always !
9 . He has eaten a lot. / He have eaten a lot. / He is eaten a lot. / He has eat a lot.
10 . The fridge is empty: they eat everything. / they have eaten everything. / they are eating everything. / they eaten everything.
11 . Do you see this film? / Are you see this film? / Saw you this film? / Have you seen this film?
12 . The floor is covered with paint: he has painted. / he painted. / he has been painting. / he paints.
13 . He smells of beer: he has been drinking. / he has drunk. / he is drinking. / he drank.
14 . He locked the door. Then he leaves. / Then he has left. / Then he left. / Then he is leaving.
15 . He is used to live here. / He was used to live here. / He used to live here. / He uses to live here.
16 . When I arrived, she was sleeping. / she slept. / she sleeps. / she has slept.
17 . Do you realize what you did? / what you did do? / what you are done? / what you've done?
18 . When have you met her? / When did you meet her? / When did you met her? / When have you meet her?
19 . Shakespeare lived in this house since two years. / during two years. / for two years. / in two years.
20 . He's been here for Saturday. / Saturday ago. / last Saturday. / since Saturday.
21 . They built this castle ages ago. / for ages. / in ages. / since ages.
22 . When I arrived, he has already left. / he already left. / he had already left. / he already was left.
23 . I realised that he has gone. / he is going. / he went. / he had gone.
24 . If he came / If he comes / If he is coming / If he has come I would tell him the truth,
25 . I wish you was here. / you were here. / you are here. / you be here.
26 . If only you tell me. / you are telling me. / you tells me. / you had told me.
27 . Look at the sky ! It snows. / It will snow. / It's going to snow. / It snowed.
28 . If you work, you would pass. / you have passed. / you are passing. / you will pass.
29 . I will phone him when he will arrive. / he arrives. / he arrived. / he's arriving.
30 . I don't know when she will arrive. / she arrives. / she arrive. / she's arrived.
31 . I am sure you can to do it. / you can do it. / you cans do it. / you can doing it.
32 . She may come / She may to come / She may coming / she mays come , but I'm not too sure.
33 . You musn't tell anyone. / You must not to tell anyone. / You mustn't tell anyone. / You musn't telling anyone.
34 . Shall we go? / Shall we to go? / Shall go we? / We shall go?
35 . John's not here yet, he must sleeps. / he must be sleep. / he must to sleep. / he must be sleeping.
36 . I can't stay = I have go. / I have gone. / I have to go. / I have to stay.
37 . It's forbidden to smoke = You mustn't smoke. / You can smoke. / You must smoke. / You musn't smoke.
38 . Why don't you tell him? = You can't tell him. / You should tell him. / You may tell him. / You mustn't tell him.
39 . You are allowed to stay = You will stay. / You must stay. / You should stay. / You may stay.
40 . I said I would go and I go. / I have gone. / I did. / I do.
41 . He no lives here. / He don't live here. / He doesn't live here. / He doesn't lives here.
42 . He didn't to speak. / He didn't speak. / He no did speak. / He didn't spoke.
43 . What said you? / What did say you? / What did you said? / What did you say?
44 . What did it happen? / What did happen? / What happened? / What happen?
45 . Which of / Who of / Whose / Whom of these two boys is Peter?
46 . What did you do that for? For impress me? / To impress me? / For impressing me? / For to impress me?
47 . How much / How many / How often / How long ago money do you have?
48 . He is sleeping, no? / is she not? / isn't he? / isn't it?
49 . She loves him, no? / doesn't she? / isn't she? / does he not?
50 . Let's go, no? / shall we? / isn't it? / will you?
51 . What lovely a girl ! / What lovely girl ! / What girl lovely ! / What a lovely girl !
52 . How is she nice ! / How she is nice ! / How is nice she ! / How nice she is !
53 . She's such a darling ! / She's so a darling ! / She is too a darling ! / She's darling !
54 . Work ! = Play ! / Do play ! / Don't play ! / Don't work !
55 . They live in one house. / in house. / in an house. / in a house.
56 . There is much people. / There is some people. / There are many people. / There is peoples.
57 . Time is the money. / The time is the money. / The time is money. / Time is money.
58 . Do you like tea / the tea / a tea / any tea?
59 . He was wearing an uniform. / uniform. / a uniform. / the uniforms.
60 . Queen Elizabeth lives in England. / The Queen Elizabeth lives in the England.
/ Queen Elizabeth lives in the England. / The Queen Elizabeth lives in England.
61 . He plays guitar. / a guitar. / the guitar. / guitars.
62 . Have you seen the car of John? / John's car? / car's John? / the car of John's?
63 . Is this St James' Park? / Is this St Jame's Park? / Is this St Jame Park? / Is this St James's Park?
64 . There is any noise. / There are some noise. / There is no noise. / There isn't no noise.
65 . He earns many money. / plenty money. / few money. / a lot of money.
66 . Both children live here. / Both child lives here. / Both of the child live here. / Both of children live here.
67 . Each and every parents / Each and every parent / Each and all parents / All and every parent
68 . Look at they ! / Look at them ! / Look at we ! / Look at she !
69 . You must do it myself ! / You must do it himself ! / You must do it itself ! / You must do it yourself !
70 . She is a friend of me. / She is a friend of John. / She is a friend of mine. / She is a friend of her.
71 . This is your room. / This are your rooms. / These is your room. / Those is your room.
72 . She drives a blue nice car. / a nice car blue. / a blue car nice. / a nice blue car.
73 . She is more tall than you. / She is more tall that you. / She is taller than you. / She is taller that you.
74 . Its getting bigger and bigger. / more and more big. / more big and more big. / big and big.
75 . He is the taller / as tall as / the most tall / the tallest student in the class.
76 . 20/20 is the better / the best / the worse / the worst mark you can get.
77 . She never forgets her handbag . / her hand's bag. / her hand bag. / her hands bag.
78 . John is a hard-working student. / a hard-work student. / a hard-worked student. / a work-hard student.
79 . She is dark-hairy. / darked-hair. / dark-haired. / hair-darked.
80 . What do you want me to do? To go or stay? / Go or stay? / Going or staying? / To go or to stay?
81 . I can't help think of her. / to think of her. / thought of her. / thinking of her.
82 . You should stop smoking. / smoke. / to smoke. / to smoking.
83 . What do you want that I do? / I do? / me to do? / me do?
84 . Mary made he go. / made him to go. / made him go. / made he went.
85 . Give me the book what / who / that / where is on the table.
86 . Do you know the girl which / whom / what / who is sitting over there?
87 . He said that / what / how / if it was very simple.
88 . He passed his exam although / because / whereas / unless he had worked hard.
89 . Can you tell me how is he old? / how old is he? / how he is old? / how old he is?
90 . Paul said that he is going. / he was going. / he will go. / he goes.
91 . The firm was created / created / was create / create in 2001
92 . Your shirt needs washed. / washing. / to wash. / wash.
93 . Listen me ! / Listen at me ! / Listen on me ! / Listen to me !
94 . John is on his room / at his room / with his room / in his room , he is watching TV.
95 . Le dernier son entendu dans 'PIGS' est: s / z / iz / is
96 . Le dernier son entendu dans 'BUSES' est: s / z / iz / is
97 . Le dernier son entendu dans 'BOOKS' est: s / z / iz / is
98 . Le dernier son entendu dans 'OPENED' est: d / t / id / it
99 . Le dernier son entendu dans 'STOPPED' est: d / t / id / it
100 . Le dernier son entendu dans 'WANTED' est: d / t / id / it

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