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Martinez, Keyla

Mr. Wisner

World History

4th period

April 8, 2017

By embracing death, Santa Muerte followers

enjoy life

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

o Mounds - Heap up into a rounded pile.
o Primitive - A person belonging to a preliterate, nonindustrial
society or culture.
o Teeming - Be full of or swarming with.
o Venerated - Regard with great respect.

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own

A. The Saint Death, more known as, La Santa Muerte, was created from a
combination of traditional aspects with catholicism and ancient aztec religiosity to form a
new faith. As the Saint Death is the patron, Santa Muerte is perceived and found through
those who do not feel protected. In Mexico, its a wide known choice for those in the
LGBT+ community, prostitutes, felons, and drug traffickers, as well as elderly, doctors,
judges, and many more. People who believe in the Santa Muerte say that death picks no
favorites. Rich or poor, weak or powerful, death comes to everyone.

B. The earliest evidence we have of this religion dates back to more than 100,000
years. Theres been bodies in which were unveiled to show them deliberately posed or
oriented towards the rising sun, covered in sprinkled flowers. Some of the bodies also had
items buried with them, such as necklaces and shells, animal bones, and stone tools. The
mounds themselves were decorated with stoned markings, so the living can come and
visit them. The only reason primitive humans would have put time and effort into the
burial process is if they that the dead were not actually dead. That they had merely passed
on to another realm.

C. Theres no idea as to how this belief arose, or even came to life. But theres one
that, in some way, was a foundational belief in what ultimately led the creation of religion
in the first place. Think about it: if the dead are not really dead, then that means that us,
humans, are trapped in a mortal body with immortal souls. Meaning that there is a world
that is and one that is unseen. It means both worlds must be teeming with unseen spirits.
These are all just theories, of course. But in a place like Mexico City, where people feel
abandoned by both state and church, the link between religion and death has created a
rapidly-growing faith community for whom death is to not be feared but venerated.

Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).

My opinion of the event circles around in the faith one has towards the Santa Muerte.
After reading the article, I get to see some aspects that also relate to what my beliefs are.
For example, fearing death and being trapped in mortal flesh, but having an immortal
soul, sort of wraps around to meet Christianity just in a different manner. Thats
something that I actually found really interesting actually.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).

Tying this to a historical era, I would relate this back to the Dark Ages when Crusades
existed, as the people too, felt abandoned by their state and lost in what to believe. Both
religions, Christianity and the embracing of the Santa Muerte seem to arose and have a
wide-spread community who helped its belief grow. A thing that wouldnt have matched
was that during that time, people found Christianity in seek of need, in seek of help for
salvation, because too much commotion had been happening (invasions in Jerusalem,
etc.). Therefore, it has its similarities and differences as faith in the Santa Muerte made
people feel more relaxed and comfortable with the idea of death.
Relate your Event to the a subtheme (at least 3 sentences).

This event falls into the subtheme of cultural interaction. We have a religion, a belief
system that is rapidly increasing through time. The event shares a belief that not many
have heard and surely wants to share knowledge with those who do not know much about
the Santa Muerte. Its a culture interaction within a community with new beliefs to

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

-Who was the one to create this religion?

-What are some of things they traditionally do?
-What wouldve happened if the state, Mexico City, was actually involved with the
-How did catholic traditions and ancient aztec ideas develop a faith in La Santa Muerte?

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