MastercamX Quick Ref Card

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Keyboard Toolbar Keyboard Toolbar

Function Function
shortcut icon shortcut icon

GviewTop Alt+1 Copy to clipboard Ctrl+C

GviewFront Alt+2 Regenerate screen Shift+Ctrl+R
GviewBack Alt+3 Paste from clipboardCtrl+V

GviewBottomAlt+4 Cut to clipboard Ctrl+X

GviewRight Alt+5 Redo an event that has been undone Ctrl+Y

Zoom around target point Ctrl+F1
GviewLeft Alt+6
Zoom with window selection F1
GviewIsometric Alt+7
Fit geometry to screen Alt+F1
AutoSave Alt+A
Unzoom Previous / 50% of original F2
Run C-Hook or user app Alt+C
Unzoom to 80% of original Alt+F2
Set drafting global options Alt+D
Repaint F3
Hide entities Alt+E
Selection grid options Alt+G Analyze entities F4

Online help Alt+H Exit Mastercam Alt+F4

Delete F5
Show/hide Operations Manager pane Alt+O
Configure Mastercam Alt+F8
Previous view Alt+P
Show/hide coordinate axes F9
Shading on/off Alt+S
Show all axes (world view, Cplane, Tplane)Alt+F9
Show/hide displayed toolpathsAlt+T
Select rotation point for SpaceBall Alt+F12
Undo the last creation or eventAlt+U, Ctrl+U, Ctrl+Z
PanArrow keys
Mastercam version, SIM serial numberAlt+V
Rotate Alt+Arrow keys
Set main color/level/style/width from entity Alt+X
Zoom/unzoom by 5% Page Up, Page Down
Level Manager Alt+Z
Note: These shortcuts are not active if the cursor is inside the
Select all Ctrl+A Operations Manager.

Customizing Mastercam

fCCreate your own keyboard shortcuts. fCCustomize the right-click menu.

Choose Settings > Key mappings from the menu to define your Right-click in the graphics window to see a list of commonly used
own keyboard shortcuts. Add to or redefine the above list. functions. Choose Settings > Customize to add your own functions
Save sets of shortcuts to different key map files (.KMP) and to this menu. The list of functions is saved in your .MTB file.
load them as needed. fUUse drop-down menus.
Choose Reset All to restore the shortcuts listed above. Add drop-down menus to toolbars
to present many related functions
Open .KMP files in any text editor to see the key assignments. in a very small space. Choose
fCChange toolbar layouts. Settings > Customize> Drop-
Choose Settings > Customize from the menu to customize tool- downs tab.
bars. Rearrange icons or add new functions to the toolbars.
Add or remove functions from
Name sets of toolbars and save them to different toolbar files existing drop-down menus, or
(.MTB) and load them as needed. create your own custom menus.
Choose Toolbar states to hide or display toolbars.
Mastercam is a registered trademark of CNC Software, Inc.
Tip: A toolbar layout is which buttons are on which toolbar. The Copyright 2006 CNC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
toolbar state is which toolbars are displayed and where. Revision: April 2006 ISBN: 1-883310-46-6
Selecting geometry

The General Selection ribbon bar is what you will often use to select geometry. It will be automatically activated by many Mastercam functions
that use it, or you can use it to pre-select entities. In other words, use it to select entities, then choose a Mastercam function to apply to
them. It is typically used when you are deleting, transforming, or changing the attributes of geometry. Different sets of buttons let you
select wireframe or solid geometry.
Standard selection mode. Click on an entity to
Selection masks. Set selection criteria. Choose from Only the entities select it or drag a selection window. Shift-click to
that match, or choose All matching entities. select a chain. Shift-click again to terminate a
partial chain. Alt-click to drag a selection vector.

Selecting multiple entities. Solid selection. Activates solid selection mode

Choose a selection method from the list to quickly
select groups of entities.
Chain. Select entities which form a continuous
Window. Click and drag a rectangle
to select all the entities inside it. to select edges, faces, or solid bodies.
Choose how entities on the Select from back. Select edges or faces that
boundary will be included. are hidden from view. Lets you select them
without rotating the part on the screen.
Polygon. Draw an irregular shape Select last. Reselects the solid selection from
and select all the entities inside it. the previous operation.
Choose from the same boundary options as for Window selection.
Single. Select one entity at a time. Use the following tools in all selection modes:
Verify selection. When many entities are close
Area selection. Search for and select entities inside a closed boundary. together, use this mode to have Mastercam
highlight them one after another. Click when
Vector. Click and drag a line to select all entities which intersect it. the one you want is highlighted.
Create an irregular shape or compound vector by clicking at each
corner; double-click when you are done. Cancel selection. Unselect all entities.
Tip: Choose Settings>Customize to assign these End selection. Confirm that you have finished
selection modes to hot keys or the right-click menu. selecting and continue with the active function.

Chaining geometry

The Chaining dialog box (left) displays automatically when you need to select chains of entities. These are
sets of entities which are linked by common endpoints and which have a direction. If you select multiple
entities that arent continuous, Mastercam will simply create multiple chains. You will use this most often
when creating toolpaths, where the tool direction equals the chain direction.
Chaining modes:
Chain wireframe Cancel selection. Works
geometry. one chain at a time.
Chain edges or faces of C-plane. Chain entities in the same
solids. Reverse chain direction.
plane as first chained entity.
Enable dynamic start & 3D. Manually select when multiple Access advanced
end point selection. entities share an endpoint. options and settings.

Regular chaining. Select Chain a single point. Re-select chain from

all continuous entities. Useful for creating previous operation.
Draw window and chain entry or exit points. End current chain and
all entities inside it. Chain all entities inside begin another. (Only
Create a chain from a a closed boundary. used in certain modes.)
single entity. Draw a polygon and
Draw a vector (simple chain all entities inside.
or compound) and chain Partial chaining. Select first and last entity and chain
all entities intersecting it. everything in between. Use Wait option to retrace geometry.

AutoCursor is automatically activated whenever you need to specify a Fastpoint mode. Simply type the
location in the graphics window. The most common use of AutoCursor is coordinate position and hit Enter.
when creating geometry. Use AutoCursor to snap to key geometry
positions, sketch points in space, or to simply type coordinate positions. AutoCursor settings. Tell Mastercam what kinds of
Use whichever method is easiest for the current operation. locations you want to snap to.

AutoCursor tips:
Press the [Spacebar] to
enter Fastpoint mode.
Type X, Y, or Z to enter a single Hold the [Ctrl] key to
coordinate directly in the field. To select a single location temporarily release all
based on part geometry, snap settings and free-
Click the X, Y, or Z button to
choose the type of location sketch point locations.
lock the field.
from this list, then click on Shift-click a location to enter
Click to select a recently the entity in the graphics
used value. relative coordinates.
Press Tab to move to Double-click the AutoCursor
Tip: Click AutoCursor to undock it, or drag it any-
another field. settings to activate power where in the window. You can
key shortcuts for these close it, and Mastercam will
selection modes. Deactivate automatically display it again
power keys if they interfere when it is needed.
Origin with your other work.
Arc center
AutoCursor cues
Sometimes when there are many entities close
Midpoint together, it can be difficult to know what points
Point AutoCursor is locking to. AutoCursor uses the icons at
left to tell you what kind of location it is snapping to. In
Quadrant this example, the icon tells you that the location is the
center point of an arc.
Nearest entity

Data entry shortcuts

Use these shortcuts in virtually any numeric data entry field.

Type this and get this
fBBuilt-in calculator
Fields that take number values have a built-in calculator. You can enter simple
formulas directly in the field and Mastercam will input the value. For example, type
9/32 in a field and Mastercam will display the value 0.28125.
You can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Use
parentheses to build expressions. Type PI to automatically enter its value.
If the field takes an integer instead of floating-point number, Mastercam will
discard the decimal portion of the result.
fAAutomatic inch/metric conversion
You can also automatically convert inch/metric values. When working in inch mode,
type a metric value followed by mm and Mastercam will automatically convert it. In
metric mode, follow an inch measurement with in to convert it.
fRReading values from geometry
Mastercam can also read dimensions, coordinate positions, and other values
directly from geometry in the graphics window. For example, type x in a field and
press either Tab or Enter. Mastercam returns you to the graphics window to select
a point or entity location, and reads the X coordinate directly into the field.
Right-click in the field or type ? to see the complete list of shortcuts.
Select a shortcut from the menu or type the hot key.
Toolpath Manager

The Toolpath and Solids Managers share the pane on the left side of your window. Use them to review, edit, and manage toolpath and solid
operations. Together, they are also known as the Operations Manager. Drag the border to resize it, or press [Alt+O] to hide it completely.
Most functions will work on multiple operations if more than one are selected.

Select all operations.

Select all dirty operations. These need to be regenerated before posting.
Regenerate all selected operations.
Regenerate all dirty operations, whether or not they have been selected.
Backplot selected operations. Use Backplot to focus on tool movements and
positions. Or click the icon in the operation list to backplot a single toolpath.
Verify selected operations. Use Verify to focus on the stock model.
Post selected operations, using the post processor named in the machine
definition. Right-click to create batch jobs to post multiple files.
Highfeed machining. Optimize for machine dynamics and constant chip load.
New operations list; delete all operations and tools from the part file.
Lock the operation from changes. Useful when you want to edit geometry but
wish to protect the toolpath from changing.
Toggle whether the selected toolpath displays in the graphics window.
Disable posting for the selected toolpath.
Display toolpaths only when they are selected.
Display only the geometry associated with the selected toolpaths.

Machine groups Using the insertion point Working with geometry

Each machine group is associated with a The insertion point shows where the next Click one of the above icons to edit or
machine definition, which also includes the operation will be placed. It also determines reselect the geometry for an operation. You
control definition and post processor: the active machine and control definition. can also add new geometry, reverse the
chaining direction, and sort drill points.
Move the insertion point up or
Use the Properties sections to perform most down. Toolpath uses wireframe geometry.
job setup work. You can select how to apply Toolpath uses solids or surfaces. This
tool and operation defaults, create stock Position the insertion point immediately
after the currently selected operation. icon expands to let you individually select
models and safety zones, and select a drive/check surfaces, containment
material. Automatically scroll the Toolpath boundaries, and start points.
Manager so that the insertion point is
You can also select a different machine, and visible. Useful when you have many Click a geometry icon and drag it to another
have Mastercam automatically validate operations in the list. toolpath to use it in that toolpath.
operations against it. Drag toolpaths to a
different group to also trigger the automatic TIPS & SHORTCUTS Extensive right-click menu lets you:
validation. Use the following hot keys: Create new machine and toolpath groups.
Click Properties and select Files to make job- E Expand or collapse all operations. Choose Select to select operations which
specific edits to the machine or control L Lock or unlock selected operations. match your criteria, such as the same tool.
definition, or to select a different post. Any Sort or renumber operations and tools.
changes can only be saved to the part file, P Toggle posting on selected operations.
Choose Display options to customize the
and cannot be written to the machine T Toggle toolpath display for selected labels for operations and properties.
definition on your hard disk. operations. Recalculate/update feeds and speeds when
Toolpath groups Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C Cut or copy one or more you change the stock material.
selected operations to the clipboard. Import/export operations from a library.
Use toolpath groups as a convenient way to
select, move, and post logical sets of Ctrl+V Paste operations at the insertion Drag geometry icons from current
operations. Toolpath groups are subgroups point. operations to the imported ones.
of a parent machine group and inherit all of Choose Settings, Configuration, Toolpath Create and run batch jobs to post many
its properties. They can also be nested. Use Manager to set naming conventions for operations from multiple part files.
Groups, New Toolpath
the right-click menu (G machine groups, toolpath groups and NC Edit toolpaths, wirepaths & individual points.
group) to create them. files. Run collision/gouge check utilities.
Solids Manager

The Solids Manager lists all of the solid operations in your Mastercam file. Each solid body is listed separately; expand each one to see the
list of solid operations used to create it. Edit or change the settings for an operation or reselect the geometry to make changes to the solid
body. Solid operations that have been changed need to be regenerated.
Note: The Solids Manager is available when you purchase Mastercam Solids. Users without Mastercam Solids can still import and machine
solids; however, they cannot create or edit them.
Use this button to quickly regenerate Click the Select button and then select a Use cursor keys to quickly move around:
all invalid operations. This is useful face or feature of your solid model. Up and Down move one line at a time.
when you have made changes to Mastercam automatically highlights the
geometry that affect many operations. Left and Right expand/condense the selected
solid operation that created it.

Click on an operation to select it. Mastercam

highlights the feature in your part model.
Click on Parameters to edit the operation settings.
Click on Geometry to reselect the geometry.

Mastercam automatically lists all

the toolpath operations in the part
file that machine the solid body.

Drag the Stop Op icon to prevent Mastercam from

generating operations which follow it. Use it to
preview your solid at different stages, without
Right-click a solid body to deleting and recreating operations.
change its color or other Tip: When you create new solid operations,
attributes, check it for errors, Mastercam inserts them before the Stop Op icon.
or create a duplicate.

Working with imported solids

Indicates a solid body. Also used in Chamfer operation. Imported solid models are listed in the
Toolpath Manager when machining a Solids Manager as a brick, meaning that
solid. Draft faces (tilt the faces by a defined
angle). you cannot access any of the operations
Operation needs to be regenerated. used to create it:
This typically appears right after Trim solids.
youve changed the parameters or Create a shell from the solid.
geometry for an operation.
Indicates a Boolean solid operation. Modify the brick with new solid operations
Operation is invalid, and Mastercam Boolean operations involve combining,
cannot generate the solid. Try just like any other solid. These will be
subtracting, or working with the listed in the solids tree normally.
adjusting the parameters or intersection of several solids.
geometry and regenerating. Right-click on the solid and choose
Identifies the tool solid in a Boolean Check solid to check the imported
The end of the operation list for a operation. Since the tool solid is
solid. model for errors or irregularities that
typically discarded as part of the might cause later problems.
A toolpath has been created that operation, Mastercam places the solid
operations in which the tool body was Right-click on the solid and choose
machines the solid. Solids > Find features to re-create
originally generated under this icon, so
Extrude, loft, or sweep operation. that you can examine or recreate the hole and fillet operations for the brick,
tool solid if necessary. which can then be edited or deleted.
Revolve operation.
You can also use Mastercam Direct inside
Consult the online help that comes with
Fillet operation. your 3rd-party solid modeling program,
Mastercam to learn more about
which preserves a solids history when it
Boolean solid operations.
is brought into Mastercam.
Backplotting toolpaths

Use the Backplot feature to precisely examine individual tool moves. Conditional stops. Tell Mastercam to
Click the button in the Toolpath Manager toolbar to backplot toolpaths. pause the toolpath at a predetermined
step, coordinate position, tool change, or new
Play toolpath continuously, or Display entire toolpath at once.
stop/pause. Slide the bar to advance the toolpath. Click a
location to jump to that tool position. Click the
Advance/rewind toolpath to next Display one move at a time. slider to activate the mouse wheel for advance
conditional stop (see right). and rewind.
Advance/rewind toolpath to next Drag to control
playback speed. Colored areas show tool changes.
step or move.
White bars indicate new operations.
Black tic marks indicate conditional stops.

Show/hide rapid moves. , Restrict/Unrestrict toolpaths.

Click the Restrict button to
remove previously plotted toolpaths. Click
Unrestrict to restore them.

Use colors from Options

to show tool movements.

Click-and-drag to resize
window panes.

Quick verify. Show/hide

Show holder/tool. area covered by tool.
Click the Options
button to select color, solid/
wireframe display, and other
settings. Current move is Show/hide endpoints
highlighted with gradient. of individual tool moves.

Selecting toolpaths Hotkeys Toolpath information

Select multiple toolpaths in the Toolpath S Step forward one move at a Click this tab to see information about
Manager to load them. While in the Backplot time. the current toolpath move. See the type
window: of move, coordinates, feed rate, and
B Move back one move.
Click the group name to backplot all cutter compensation direction (for comp
toolpaths in the group. R Toggle continuous run mode. in control).
Click an individual toolpath to backplot P Go back to previous stop.
Click this tab to see cycle time and path
it by itself. N Advance to next stop. length for the toolpaths or segments
Open a toolpath to backplot individual currently backplotting.
toolpath segments.
Click the button to configure the backplot Click the button to save the displayed toolpath as
display. Choose options for multiaxis/rotary geometry. Click the button to save the tool
axis toolpaths, tool and holder display, geometry. You will be prompted to select a level, so
toolpath colors, and more. the backplot entities will be separate from the part

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