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Bioresource Technology 43 (1993) 27-33

M. E Bernal & J. M. Lopez-Real
Department of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences, Wye College, University of London, Wye,Ashford, Kent TN25 5.411, UK
(Received l0 February 1992; revised version received 5 March 1992; accepted 7 March 1992)

Abstract The ion-exchange capacity is basically a function of

Zeofite clinoptilolite is a natural mineral with ion- the degree of substitution of aluminium for silicon in
exchange and gas-adsorption properties. Ammonium- the framework structure. The greater the substitution,
and ammonia-adsorption processes were studied in the the greater the charge deficiency, and the greater the
zeolite cfinoptilolite and zeolite-like sepiolite minerals. number of cations required for electrical neutrality. In
Maximum adsorption capacities of both ammonium practice, however, the ion-exchange depends on other
and ammonia were determined by fitting the experi- factors, notably the nature of the cation species (size,
mental results of the adsorption isotherm to Langmuir charge, etc.), the temperature, the concentration of the
and first-order models. Ammonium-adsorption capaci- cation species in solution and the structural charac-
ties of the zeolites were from 8"149 to 15"169 mg N g- i; teristics of the zeolite. The cation-exchange equili-
up to 16~3 times higher than that of sepiolite. Ammo- brium between a zeolite and a solution is usually
nium-adsorption capacity increased with the surface depicted by an ion-exchange isotherm. Clinop-
charge density of the material, due to the readily avail- tilolite is one of the commenest natural zeolites.
able exchange sites in the surface. The small amount of aluminium substitution for
Ammonia-adsorption capacities of the zeolites were silicon in the framework (Si:AI>4) results in
between 6"255 and 14"155 mg N g-i. Because of its large a relatively low ion-exchange capacity. Its cation
surface area, sepiolite had a capacity of ammonia selectivity has been reported as: C s > R b >
adsorption three times higher than that of the ammo- N H 4 > Ba > Sr > Na > Ca > Fe > AI > Mg > Li (Ames,
nium ion. The complexity of the ammonia-adsorption 1960) and Pb > NH4 > Cu, Cd > Zn, Co > Ni > Hg
process meant that no individual characteristics of the (Blanchard et aL, 1984).
materials influenced directly the adsorption capacity. Its characteristics in cation-exchange capacity and
However, ammonia adsorption was enhanced on the cation selectivity have led to its frequent use in waste-
ammonium adsorption in zeolites with relatively low water treatments, mostly for waters with high levels of
surface charge density. ammonium (Hagiwara & Uchida, 1978; Murphy et al.,
1978; Baumann et aL, 1981; Liberti et aL, 1981; Tara-
Key words: Adsorption isotherm, ammonia, ammo- sevich, 1988); in agriculture and aquaculture (Barba-
nium, Langmuir equation, sepiolite, zeolite clinopti- rick & Pirela, 1984); and in radioactive-wastewater
lolite. treatments (Mercer & Ames, 1978).
Crystalline zeolites are unique adsorbent materials
due to their large central cavities and entry channels.
Most of the surface area is found within the zeolite
The applications of natural zeolites include pollution structure and represents the inner surface of dehy-
control, energy conservation, agriculture and aqua- drated channels and cavities. Molecules having dia-
culture, mining and metallurgy (Mumpton, 1981). All meters small enough to pass through the channels are
the applications of natural zeolites make use of one or readily adsorbed in the dehydrated channels and
more of their physical and chemical properties: ion- central cavities. The unique geometries contained in
exchange, adsorption and related molecular sieve zeolitic channels and cavities create selective sorption
properties, dehydration and rehydration, and siliceous properties. Zeolites are active drying agents (Flaningen
composition. About 39 naturally occurring zeolite & Mumpton, 1981; Dyer, 1988), they have been used
species have been subjected to study. for reducing the odour due to ammonia in agricultural
wastes (Miner, 1984) and in livestock buildings (Koelli-
ker et al., 1980). Due to their channel sizes, they also
Bioresource Technology 0960-8524/92/S05.00 1992 have molecular-sieve properties, and they can be used
Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd, England. Printed in Great in the purification of gases (Hayhurst, 1978) and in
Britain catalysis (Chi etal., 1978).
28 M. P. Bernal, J. M. Lopez-Real

Adsorption on crystalline zeolites is usually charac- extract. Water-holding capacity was determined at 1/3
terized by Langmuir-type isotherms (Flannigen & atmosphere in a pressure cell apparatus (Klute, 1986).
Mumpton, 1981), assuming that the surface upon A simplified ethylene glycol monoethyl ether proce-
which the sorbed molecule sits is of uniform energy dure was used for determining the specific surface area
(Dyer, 1988). When the aim is to obtain the maximum (Cihacek & Bremner, 1979). Porosity was calculated
adsorption to compare with other adsorbents, Lang- from bulk and particle density values, previously deter-
muir, Freundlich and first-order kinetics equations are mined by core method (Blake & Hartge, 1986a) and
generally used (Weber et al., 1983; Hunt & Adamsen, pycnometer method (Blake & Hartge, 1986b) respect-
1985; Witter & Kirchmann, 1988). ively. Total nitrogen was determined by a Kjeldahl
In this work the ammonium- and ammonia-adsorp- method (Bremner, 1965). Ammonium nitrogen was
tion process in zeolite clinoptilolite and in sepiolite extracted with 2N KCI, and determined colorimetri-
minerals was studied, with the aim of determining their cally by a salicylate method (Krom, 1980). The ammo-
maximum adsorption capacity. The influence of the nium acetate saturation procedure was used for
physical and chemical properties of the materials upon determining the cation-exchange capacity (Chapman,
the ammonium- and ammonia-adsorption is also dis- 1965). Exchangeable cations were analysed from the
cussed. ammonium acetate extract; Na and K by flame photo-
metry and Ca and Mg by means of atomic absorption
Four clinoptilolite zeolites and one sepiolite were used. Ammonium-adsorption isotherm
Zeolite 1 (ZI) was from S.P. Health & Hygiene Pro- Samples of zeolite and sepiolite were extracted with
ducts, and the other three zeolites (Z2, Z3 and Z4) different solutions of NH4CI + NaCI (total 0-2~) in a
were provided by Teage Mineral Products. Their main ratio 1:10 g:ml. Isonormal solutions were used in
differences were in cation-exchange capacity, surface order to maintain a constant ionic strength in the
area, and density. The sepiolite sample was from Orera sample-solution mixtures. The initial NH4CI concen-
in Zaragoza (Spain), provided by MYTA. Sepiolite is a tration in the extracting solution was from 0"001 to
magnesium silicate with low aluminium content. Its 0"160M. Amounts of ammonium adsorbed by the
structure includes internal channels which provide samples were calculated from the reduction of ammo-
zeolitic properties (Zelazny & Calhoun, 1977). nium in the solution after shaking for 2 h, and centrifu-
Although its cation-exchange capacity is lower than gation. A separate study of the ammonium adsorption
those in zeolites, it has a great surface area which by the zeolite against time showed that the ammonium
generates a high adsorption capacity. adsorption was practically complete after 1 h of shak-
ing (Table 2). Significant differences were observed
Analytical methods after 5 h of shaking.
All samples were ground to < 2 mm. Their chemical
analyses are listed in Table 1. The pH values were Ammonia-adsorption isotherm
determined in 1:5 water and 1N KCI suspensions. Each dry material (5 g) was placed on a watch glass in a
Electrical conductivity was measured in 1:5 water closed container of known volume (between 10 and 11

Table 1. Characteristics of the materials

Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 S
pH (H20) 8-15 8.05 7.78 6'79 7"68
pH (KCI) 6'80 6"90 6"65 5"75 7"45
WHC (%) 133"53 132"01 128-89 168"74 170"56
Surface area (m2 g- 1) 175 172 193 214 297
Bulk density (g cm-3) 0.982 0.796 0.858 0.561 0.684
Particle density (g cm- 3) 2,378 2.395 2.353 2.287 2.555
Porosity (%) 58"7 66.77 63.54 75.46 73.22
CEC (me kg- t) 930.29 1016.36 1396.16 1501-30 175.40
SCD" (/~e m- 2) 5.32 5.91 7.23 7.02 0.59
NH4-N (mg kg- l) 107 5 5 72 17
Exchangeable cations
Na (me kg- t) 161.7 161.8 198.5 285-8 1"00
K (me kg- l) 101-4 93.2 539.9 258.0 4.10
Ca (me kg- t) 654.8 630"5 306.6 687.0 69"8
Mg (me kg- ~) 41.6 47.7 10.7 100.7 127.0
aSurface charge density.
Z -- zeolite.
S = sepiolite.
A m m o n i u m and ammonia in zeofites 29

Table 2. Influence of the extraction time in the ammonium-adsorption isotherm

Extraction time (h)

1 2 3 5 7

NH 4 adsorbed 0.761 b 0.769b 0.781 b 0.840a 0.854a

(mg N/g zeolite)
Analysis of variance
Source DF Sum of square Mean square F

Treatments 4 0.014 83 0.003 71 102"407"**

Residual 5 1.8 x 10 -4 3"62 x 10 -5
Total 9 0-015 01

***Results are significant at the probability level of 0.001. Numbers followed by the same letter are not statistically different at
the probability level of 0"01 according to the DMRT test.

litres) over 48 h with a constant atmosphere of ammo- 7"-" 4.0

nia. Ammonia concentration in the container was Z
0"17-15"70 mg N litre -1. The constant atmosphere ~ 3.o
was obtained by several additions of 100 ml of 5N v 2.5
NaOH to a predetermined amount of NH4CI during 2.o
the incubation time. Ammonia adsorbed by the mate- ~ 1.s
rials was determined by KCI extractions, acidified with 1.0
HCi (pH 4) to prevent any ammonia loss during the
-* 0.5
analysis. The Kjeldahl-N method was compared to KCI
I I i I I I I
extracts in one zeolite; the results indicated that all 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ammonia adsorbed in the zeolite was KCl-extractable Extraction times

(data not shown). Fig. I. |nfluence of the panicle size of the zeolite in the
ammonium adsorption by sequential extractions with
Statistical analyses solution NH4CI 0-01N+NaC! 0"09N (O, size <0"5 mm; A,
Results from both ammonia- and ammonium-adsorp- 0"5 < size < 2 mm).
tion isotherms were fitted to Langmuir and first-order
kinetic models by non-linear least squares, using SAS
procedures (SAS Institute, 1985). Analysis of variance Ammonium-adsorption isotherm
and Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT) were used Figure 2 represents the experimental results in the
to compare data obtained from different treatments. adsorption isotherm of ammonium, and the curve fitt-
ing for the four zeolites and the sepiolite.
The basic Langmuir equation is usually written in
Influence of the zeolite particle size in the ammonium n = MbC/( 1 + bC)
Two different particle sizes of zeolite 1 were tested in where n is the amount adsorbed per unit of adsorbent,
the adsorption of ammonium. One of them was less M is the maximum adsorption, b is a constant, and C is
than 0.5 mm, and another between 2"0 and 0"5 mm. Six the equilibrium solution concentration.
sequential extractions with a 0"01M NH4CI+0"09M The first-order function is also an asymptotic growth
NaCI solution were carried out (extraction ratio 1:10 g curve, and it can be written as:
ml-~). After each individual equilibrium was reached n= M ( 1 - e -k,)
no statistical differences in the amount of ammonium
adsorbed were observed between the two sizes tested where n, M and C represent the same factors as in the
(Fig. 1 ). The particle sizes used did not have any effect Langmuir model, and k is the first-order model con-
on the amount of NH4-N adsorbed in the zeolite. This stant.
is logical since, according to Flaningen and Mumpton Linearity of the Langmuir model (i.e. C/n plotted
( 1981 ), the external surface of the particle accounts for versus C) was not used, because plottingJ~ C) versus C
only about 1% of the total surface area of the zeolite. decreases data variability and always provides a statis-
For this reason, zeolite and sepiolite samples used in tically significant correlation coefficient (Harter, 1984).
the following experiments were ground to < 2 mm As Table 3 shows, the Langmuir model fitted the
only. experimental results better than the first-order model.
30 M. P. Bernal, J. M. Lopez-Real

-I" " 8
T f (b)
z Z

,= 3 0~ 4

,~ 2
ZI 1 Z

Z 0 I z 0 I I I I I I I

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Equilibriurti cone. ( l i i g N 1-1) Equilibrium COILC. ( I n g N 1-1)

,,--, -'" 10
I (o) I (4)
z 8 z 8
6 6

o. 4 4

z 2 Z 2
z 0 I I I I I I I
Z 0 I I I I I I I

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Equilibriutn uollt:. ( l l l ~ N l ) Equilibrium cone. (ntg N I-l)

I (e)
Z. 1.2
~ 1.o
'~ 0.8

~ 0.6

~ 0.4

L 0.2

Z 0.0 I I I I I

0 200 400 600 800 I000

Equilibrium conc. (mg N 1-1)

Fig. 2. Experimental results (o) and Langmuir curve fitting ( - - ) of the ammonium adsorption isotherm in zeolite 1, 2, 3, 4
and sepiolite (a, b, c, d and e, respectively).

Although, according to the values of R 2 all the equa- The maximum adsorption of NH4-N was between
tions were significant at the 0.001 probability level in 8.149 and 15.169 mg N g-l for zeolite, and 1.470 mg
both models, the lowest values of the standard error of N g- l for sepiolite. Although sepiolite had the greatest
estimate were obtained with the Langmuir equation. In surface area its capacity to adsorb ammonium was very
the first-order model the maximum adsorption was low, relating to its cation-exchange capacity. Zeolite
underestimated by 19"27- 31%. was up to 10.3 times more effective in NH4-N adsorp-
The maximum ammonium adsorptions calculated tion than sepiolite. The different adsorption capacity of
by the Langmuir model were 62"57, 74"61, 77"61, these minerals was related to both their cation-
61-12 and 59"86% of the cation-exchange capacity in exchange capacity and surface area. The surface-
zeolites 1, 2, 3, 4 and sepiolite, respectively, with an charge density (CEC/surface area) was correlated with
average value of 67" 15%. Therefore, only a fraction of the ammonium adsorption capacity, and the regression
the exchange sites were accessible to the ammonium equation was significant at the 0.01 probability level:
ion. In a previous paper Witter and Kirchmann (1989)
calculated ammonium-adsorption capactiy by Lang- N,d~,= 1"892 SCD - 0"212; r-- 0"971
muir and first-order models, but the values obtained by
the Langmuir model were only 10% greater than those where N,a s is the ammonia adsorption capacity (mg N
predicted by the first-order model. In that zeolite g-1) and SCD is the surface-charge density (/~e m-Z).
79"5% of the exchange sites were available for the Ammonium-adsorption capacity in-
ammonium adsorption. creased with the surface-charge density of the zeolite,
Ammonium and ammonia in zeolites 31

Table 3. Parameter values, coefficients of determination and standard error of estimate for ammonium-adsorption isotherm

Material" Langmuir model First-order model

Nm~ b R2 SE Nm~ k R2 SE

ZI 8"149 0"024 0"998*** 0"1745 6"132 0"0027 0"997*** 0"2125

Z2 10"616 0"0014 0"998*** 0"2121 7"682 0"001 7 0"998*** 0"228 7
Z3 15"169 0"001 1 0"997*** 0"3135 10"467 0"0014 0"996*** 0"3376
Z4 12"847 0"0017 0"997*** 0"4770 9"581 0"0019 0"991"** 0"5290
S 1"470 0"0039 0"992*** 0"0903 1"187 0"0039 0"989*** 0"1019

Nm. , = Maximum adsorption of ammonium in the material (mg N g- ').

b-- Langmuir model constant (litres mg- i N).
k = First-order model constant (litres mg- ~N).
R -~-- Coefficient of determination.
SE-- Standard error of estimate.
*** Results are significant at the probability level of 0.001.

10 -"" 12
(a) / ' =D
Z 8

+ ~ + + .....
z I0

~ 4

Z 0 I '" I I I I I I I Z 0 I I I 1 I I I I

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Equilibriuln cone. (rag N l -t) Equilibrium c o n e . (rag N l - t )

7 .'-" 10
(c) , (d)


Z 6

4 ~ 6

3 ~ 4
Z Z 2
i 1 I

Z 0 i i i , , i i Z 0 I I I I I I

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12
Equilibrium c.ozlc. ( r a g N l -L) Equilibrium c o n e . ( r a g N l -L)

7 (e)
Z 4

Z 0 I I i I I

0 1 2 3 4 5

Equilibrium cone. (rag N l-t)

Fig. 3. Experimental results (0), Langmuir ( ) and first-order (----) curve fitting of the ammonia-adsorption isotherm in
zeolite 1, 2, 3, 4 and sepiolite (a, b, c, d and e, respectively).
32 M. P. Bernal, J. M. Lopez-Real

due to the readily available exchange sites for this ion adsorption of ammonia gas in these materials. The
on the surface, adsorption processes include the following individual
Ammonia-adsorption isotherm
--ammonia diffusion into the atmosphere;
Experimental results of the ammonia-adsorption iso-
--intraparticular diffusion of ammonia in the gase-
therm were also fitted to Langmuir and first-order
ous phase;
models. Figure 3 shows the experimental results and
-- adsorption of ammonia gas on the zeolite surface
the curve-fitting.
(internal channels);
The zeolite samples were not wetted before expo-
- - equilibrium between the ammonia gas and ammo-
sure to the ammonia atmosphere, in order to avoid any
nia in solution (due to the partial pressure of H 2 0
possible blocking of the internal channels by water
in the atmosphere, and the moisture content of
adsorption. According to Hayhurst (1978), in the zeo-
the solid phase);
lite phillipsite, when both ammonia and water were
- - intraparticular diffusion of ammonia in solution;
present, the adsorption rate and capacity were both
- - chemical equilibrium between ammonia and the
reduced from that found for pure ammonia adsorption.
ammonium ion (NH 3 + H 2 0 ~ NH4 + O H - ); and
This effect would be expected in clinoptilolite, because
- - adsorption of the ammonium equilibrium form to
of its higher kinetic pore diameter compared to phillip-
the exchange sites by cation exchange.
site (Hayhurst, 1978).
The experimental results obtained fitted to both The complexity of the process means that no indi-
Langmuir and first-order models. As with the ammo- vidual characteristic of the materials has a direct influ-
nium-adsorption isotherm, coefficients of determina- ence on the maximum adsorption of ammonia.
tion in the Langmuir model were also higher than those However, a greater ratio of NHa/NH 3 adsorbed
of the first-order model (Table 4), and the standard occurred in zeolites with higher surface-charge density.
error of estimate was always lower in the Langmuir The ion-exchange process prevailed in materials with
model. For these reasons, the Langrnuir model more high surface-charge density, diminishing the ammonia
accurately described the adsorption process. Maximum adsorption. To increase the NH3-N adsorption in these
adsorptions of ammonia calculated by the first-order materials the protonation equilibrium,
model were 9.74-19.7% lower than the values found NH3 + H 2 0 ~NH4 + O H - , should be directed to the
with the Langmuir equation. ammonium ion formation. In this case the acid pre-
The maximum adsorption of ammonia in zeolite was treatment of the zeolite could stimulate the process,
between 6.255 and 14.155 mg N g - k Sepiolite also owing to the presence of hydrogen ions (protons) on
adsorbed less NH3-N than the zeolites (4"55 mg N g-~). the exchange sites. Prior to the actual ion-exchange
Nevertheless, its capacity for ammonia adsorption was process, a protonation of ammonia occurs on the acid
three times higher than that for the ammonium ion. exchange-sites. On the other hand, in materials with
The large surface area of the sepiolite resulted in a relatively low surface-charge density, the adsorption
great increase in the nitrogen adsorption as ammonia process is enhanced by gas adsorption in the internal
gas, with respect to the ammonium-ion form. Increases channels of the zeolitic structure. Thus, pH and base
in ammonia adsorption in contrast to ammonium were saturation could also play an important role in the
also observed in zeolites 1 and 2 (24 and 33.3%, predominance of ion-exchange or gas adsorption
respectively), while decreases occurred in zeolites 3 processes.
and 4 (58.8 and 34.9%, respectively). Witter and Kirchmann (1989) found the ammo-
To be able to understand this it is necessary to take nium-adsorption capacity of zeolite clinoptilolite to be
into account the different processes associated with the more than 10 times greater than the ammonia adsorp-

Table 4. Parameter values, eoefficients of determination and standard error ofestimate for ammonia-adsorptionisotherm

Material ~ Langmuir model First-order model

Nm~ b R2 SE Nm~ k R2 SE

Z1 10.103 0-5529 0"993*** 0.6323 8"950 0.4197 0"984*** 0"9532

Z2 14"155 0.266 1 0-994*** 0.7878 11-368 0.2586 0"990*** 0"9966
Z3 6"255 1"3718 0.993*** 0.4663 5"646 0-9643 0-983*** 0.7497
Z4 8"365 1"519 7 0.993*** 0.653 3 7.413 1"1891 0.984*** 0"965 5
S 4"552 1-7068 0"996*** 0.2729 3"913 1.3925 0-989*** 0"4327
Nm~ = Maximum adsorption of ammonia in the material (mg N g- l).
b = Langmuir model constant (litres mg- l N).
k= First-order model constant (litres mg- t N).
R 2 Coefficient of determination.

SE-- Standard error of estimate.

***Results are significant at the probability level of 0.001.
A m m o n i u m and ammonia in zeolites 33

tion. They concluded that the high pH avoided the Zeolites. Occurrence, Properties and Use, eds L. B. Sand &
transformation of ammonia into ammonium, this being F. A. Mumpton. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 495-502.
Dyer, A. (1988). An Introduction to Zeolite Molecular Sieves.
the limiting factor, resulting in low ammonia adsorp- John Wiley & Sons, Bath, Avon.
tion for the high CEC value. However, the strong. Fianingen, E. M. & Mumpton, E A. (1981). Commercial
adsorption preference of ammonia gas over other gas properties of natural zeolites. Rev. MineraL, 4, 165-75.
compounds by zeolites has been shown (Hayhurst, Hagiwara, Z. & Uchida, M. (1978). Ion-exchange reactions
1978). The reason for the low ammonia-adsorption of processed zeolite and its application to the removal of
ammonia-nitrogen in wastes. In Natural Zeolites. Occur-
capacity found by Witter and Kirchmann (1989) could rence, Properties and Use, eds L. B. Sand & E A. Mump-
be due to the procedure, in which zeolite was wetted ton. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 463-70.
before exposure to the ammonia atmosphere. The Harter, R. D. (1984). Curve-fit errors in Langmuir adsorp-
water molecules present in the zeolite could have tion maxima. SoilSci. Soc. Am. J., 48, 749-52.
blocked the internal channels for the ammonia adsorp- Hayhurst, D. T. (1978). The potential use of natural zeolites
for ammonia removal during coal-gasification. In Natural
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E A. Mumpton. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 503-8.
Hunt, H. W. & Adamsen, E J. (1985). Empirical representa-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS tion of ammonium adsorption in two soils. Soil Sci., 139,
The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Education Klute, A. (1986). Water retention: laboratory methods. In
and Science of Spain for the financial support awarded Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Agronomy 9 (2nd edn),
ed. A. Klute. American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science
to Dr M. P. Bernal; Dr R. Manly, Kingston Polytechnic, Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 635-62.
for supplying some zeolite samples; Dr R. Ortiz, Uni- Koelliker, J. K., Miner, J. R., Hellickson, M. L. & Nakaue, H.
versity of Murcia (Spain), for the identification of the S. (1980). A zeolite packed air scrubber to improve
zeolite types by X-ray diffraction; also D. Haymes for poultry house environments. Trans. ASAE, 157-75.
his comments on the manuscript. Krom, M. D. (1980). Spectrophotometric determination of
ammonia: a study of a modified Berthelot reaction using
salicylate and dichloroisocyanurate. The Analyst, 105,
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