Enlightenment DBQ 1

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The huge destruction and slavery that would have been brought to the world if we didnt

have the freedom we have today. But we would not have it without John Locke and his words of

freedom, Voltaire and word to freedom to choose, Adam Smith and how individuality should

work without being governed, and Mary Wollstonecraft about women's rights. What would this

world turn to be if these people never spoke the huge difference this world would be. The good

thing is that they did speak and they were also heard and now we have our freedom.

John Locke one of the 3 men who brought us freedom. Locke was someone that wanted

freedom he wrote the Of the State of Nature and the Of the Discussion of Government in

1690. Which both had to do with freedom he wanted access of freedom democracy. He thought

humans equality was manipulative he wanted to change that. Through Lockes eye he saw

everybody treated equal nobody was more than the other.

Voltaire was a prolific writer, poet, novels, essays ,and letters.Voltaire accepted the

multitudes of religion. He thought that if everyone had their own religions in their own society it

would be happy and peaceful. His Main idea in the religion society was that it would be free to

practice religion. John locke and Voltaire had similarity with freedom being able to have a


Adam smith was a man who also believed that economic decisions should be made up of

individuals and not governed. Smith said every man is left perfectly free to pursue his own

interest in their own way. When he thought of people pursuing their own economic gain they

promote society. Individuals work for money and support to make a living. He spoke freedom of

individuals for economic decisions.

Mary Wollstonecraft she talked about women's right. In 1792 she wrote A vindication of

the rights of Woman. Wollstonecraft believed to make things equal between men and women
was to have equal education. The main reason about what she wrote in her writing was about

how she want women to have their equal rights and for gender and education to be equal. She

said From reason and experience convinces her that for women to fulfill their doings women

should be allowed to participate and inherent rights of mankind.

Freedom is something we should all be thankful not everybody has it. Locke, Voltaire,

Smith ,and wollstonecraft all had their own way of saying Freedom of Individuality. They all had

and their own ideas but same topics. Imagine a life without freedom without choice it wouldnt

look pretty. These people spoke and look where we are now we have freedom.

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