Democracy Maintains That Freedom Is A Birthright.: Right Birth

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Discrimination= treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person

or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on
individual merit.

2. nationality= a body of people sharing common descent, history, language, etc; a nation.

3. slavery= the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has
absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune.

4. birthright= any right or privilege to which a person is entitled by birth :

Democracy maintains that freedom is a birthright.

5. public policy= the fundamental policy on which laws rest, especially

policy not yet enunciated in specific rules.

6. refreshment= the act of refreshing or the state of being refreshed.

7. degrade= to become degraded; weaken or worsen; deteriorate.

8. scapegoat= one who is blamed or punished for the mistakes or sins of


9. neglect= to fail (to do something) through thoughtlessness or

carelessness: he neglected to tell her.

10. willy-nilly= whether desired or not; At Jamestown, willy-nilly, the old

Governor was forced to promise reforms.

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