Question 1

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In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?


When conducting my masthead I looked at various aspects

in regards to the genre that my magazine is related to I had
to ensure that it was bold, clear and recognisable as in Hip
Hop there is a Brand culture where if a company was associated
by having a Brand, it would be known better and also recognised
and associated easier. The contrast between the red and black is a
common colour in which is portrayed through the convection of Hip

Research for my Masthead

When researching into my masthead I looked at

various different magazines, such as Vibe and
Billboard, to get inspiration and an insight into
professional magazines. Billboard allowed me to
look at a more diverse and neutral themes and
how they incorporate and mix different genres
within the magazine.

Front cover

On the front cover we can see that I made the

Ghost the centre and eye catching photo as the
main article is about the Ghost returning I
wanted a dominating photo which would catch the
attention of the reader.

On the contents page I wanted to illustrate the
different aspects within the magazine, and also to
emphasise the main and key aspects of the
magazine. I managed to do this through the
separation of the page using various contrasting
colours such as using black to create a box and to
set the layout of the page in a way that will
emphasise the page numbers and also the
headings. On the magazines I saw that the
significant conventions that were shown use the
same theme.

Double Page spread

On the double page spread I had to look at various

aspects in which would allow me to get the attention of the readers
and also to make the page interesting as I wanted a different
approach to the layout. I also wanted to carry the theme of the
masthead, by writing the the return across the larger sized R I
managed to do this.

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