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DIRECTIONS: Please take your time filling out the constitutional analysis and be completely truthful your information

n is kept
confidential. It is best to answer the questions when you are not stressed and in a place where you will not be disturbed.
Your answers should be based on your entire life not just what is true today.
Base your answers on your natural tendencies and not a lifestyle choice.
When you are finished, total each column up. The column with the highest score will be your primary dosha. The column with
the second highest score will determine your secondary dosha.

Vata Pitta Kapha

Frame/ Height Thin, light physique, exceptionally Medium physique and height Stocky, big, thick, well- 10
tall or short developed physique
Weight Low, with prominent features Moderate, good muscles tone, Heavy, overweight, difficult 10
losing weight
Skin Dry, rough, cold, dark, tans easily Red, soft, moist, moles, freckles, Pale, thick, soft, smooth, moist 10
acne, sunburn and cool

Hair Dry, wiry, scanty, coarse, brown, Moderate, fine, soft, early grey, Abundant, oily, soft, thick, 10
black color baldness, light, red wavy, light or dark colors

Face Small features, thin, long Sharp angular, reddish Large, round features 10

Eyes Small, dry, unsteady, Medium, piercing, red eye, Wide, calm, with long eye- 10
dark, small eyelashes sensitive lashes

Lips Thin, small, dry, cracked Medium, soft, red Large, moist, smooth 10

Hands/Feet Narrow, dry, cold, rough, visible Medium, reddish, moist, warm Large, thick, oily, cool, 10
veins or knuckles square or round shape
Voice Low, weak, hoarse, rapid, talka- High-pitched, sharp, Pleasant, deep, good 10
tive, unfocused moderate, convincing tone, slow, not talkative

Sleep Light, with periods of insomnia Moderate, may wake up but Heavy, difficult to 10
will fall back to sleep wake up

Feces Scanty, dry, hard, difficult, gas, Abundant, loose, prone to diar- Moderate, slow, solid, 10
constipation rhea may have mucous
Sweat Scanty, odourless Profuse, hot, strong smell Moderate, cold 10

Appetite Variable, insufficient Strong, hard to skip meals Constant but able to 10
skip meals
Thirst Variable Excessive Slow, steady 10

Circulation Poor, variable Good, warm water retention 10

Sensitivity Cold, wind, dryness Heat, sun, fire Cold, damp 10

Disease Arthritis, mental disorders, insom- Fevers, infections, Congestion, mucous, 10

tendency nia, body pain inflammatory diseases water retention

Mental Active, adaptable, creative, en- Intelligent, precise, focused, Stable, patient, affectionate, 10
balance thusiastic competitive practical

Mental Indecisive, fearful, anxious, nerv- Aggressive, irritable, easily frus- Slow to change, can be lazy, 10
imbalance ous trated overly attached

Total columns 190

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