Current Event 4

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Liliana, Ramirez

Mr. Wisner

World History



Current Event Title

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Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

o Ordnance-a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority.
o ambassador- an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a
foreign country.
o Secretary-a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence,
keep records, make appointments, and carry out similar tasks.
o descalating- reduce the intensity of (a conflict or potentially violent situation).

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

A. First of all this is the first time that they use a machine like that in a battle. According to the US
they had never used a non-nuclear bomb before. A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast
Bomb (MOAB), nicknamed the "mother of all bombs," was dropped at 7:32 p.m. local time,
according to four US military officials with direct knowledge of the mission. A MOAB is a 30-
foot-long, 21,600-pound, GPS-guided munition.
B. Second of all they used a pretty smart technique. "The United States takes the fight against ISIS
very seriously and in order to defeat the group we must deny them operational space, which we
did," White House press secretary Sean Spicer said later Thursday. The strike "targeted a system
of tunnels and cave that ISIS fighters use to move around freely."The US and Afghan forces were
unable to advance because ISIS had mined the area with explosives, so the bomb was dropped to
clear the tunnels, Mohib said
C. Lastly what Trump decided to do to the military. It's a change both Trump and Defense Secretary
James Mattis wanted, the official said.The President has granted military commanders broader
latitude to act independently on several battlefields where US forces are involved, which Trump
touted as making a "tremendous difference" in the fight against ISIS.
Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).
I think Trump shouldve never done the bombing thing or approved of it. I think we
should have left things how they were. I think he honestly might of caused ww3.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
I can relate this to the event of the Pearl Harbor bombing. They both have to do with
bombing. They were both spread quickly and had some type of impact on the society.

Relate your Event to the a subtheme (at least 3 sentences).

I could relate it to the political structures because it has to do with the conflicts and
maybe even with the revolutions. The Pearl Harbor happened because of the conflict that Japan
had with the United States. Also the United States and Afghanistan have had their fair share of
conflicts and that is why the United States bombed Afghanistan.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

Will afghanistan do anything back to the United States? Up until now they havent are
they waiting to get stronger and then attack the U.S.? What exactly is the conflict with
Afghanistan? Why is there so much hate?


1.Cultural Interaction 2.Political Structures

o Religions o State-building, expansion, and conflict
o Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies o Empires
o Science and technology o Nations and nationalism
o The arts and architecture o Revolts and revolutions
3.Economic Structures 4.Social Structures
o Agricultural and pastoral production o Gender roles and relations
o Trade and commerce o Family and kinship
o Labor systems o Racial and ethnic constructions
o Industrialization o Social and economic classes
o Economic theories

5.Human-Environment Interaction
o Disease
o Migration & patterns of settlement
o Population growth
o Technology

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