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Torres, Ciria

Mr. Wisner

World History

Period 3rd

Date 2/16/17

On a Day Without Immigrants, Workers Show Their

Presence by Staying Home

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

o Mongering- is a seller, especially of something specific like a fish

o Bilingual-speaking two languages fluently
o Hasidic-relating to or denoting Hasidism, a mystical Jewish movement
o Spontaneously- as a result of a sudden impulse and without premeditation.

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

A: It first spread on social media, rippling through immigrant communities like the opposite of
fear and rumor: a call to boycott. Many immigrant men, women and children decide to not go to
work thursday as part of a national day without immigrants in protest of the Trump
administrations policies toward them.

B: The protest called for immigrants that were from here and who are not from here, to stay
home from work or school, close their businesses and abstain from shopping.

C: Some people felt that the support of immigrants who are undocumented was wrongheaded,
Some schools and child-care centers across the country also experienced a drop in
Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).
I believe that the event was both ridiculous and unnecessary because it will not change the
views of the government and it was a way that businesses lost money people should know that
Texas voted for Trump and he won Texass popular vote. The majority of people that are here
don't really care about the whole situation and it is really saddening but i feel it's time that we get
real and really understand that one little protest will not change much.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
I compare this event to the historical event that took place in Dec 5, 1891 which was called the
Immigration act of 1891 and this really determined that some illegal immigrants were unfit to live
in the USA and were unfit of becoming American citizens.

Relate your Event to the a subtheme (at least 3 sentences).

This event relates to politics because it involves the president. The immigration act is part of the
president's issues and concerns. He is the one that brought this whole topic up on his first day
of office and in his inauguration address and his rallies.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

Can this act go through?
What effect will it have on our economy?
Can this really happen and affect many lives?

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