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how android app runs inside android mobile

2.essentail states of activity
3.sticky intent are escape characters used as attribute
5.which payment method have you used in your app how to use explain will pass data to sub activities
7.diffrent storage options in anadroid to store data in sharedperrences
9.singleton class and example
10.get current loc without gps
11.which class is used to get location
12.if gps is off then how to get loc to get value from json array
14.what is arregation
15.what process you could folllow to change walpaper on daily bases through our
16.what are steps that are required in service lifecycle
17.string buffer/string builder
18.if i use multithreading then which one is best
19.what is boardcast reciever? which method is called
20.what is the best way to handle exception
21.what is ducking of exception
22.diff betwn comparable and comparator
23.are you aware of Git will you merge your code if thre is more than 1 developer on same project
25.components of android
26.activity and fragement'
27pushnotification and explain
28.Threads vs service
29.Use of Manifest class
30.what is Gradle
31.Proguard,full description
32.intent filter to detect and avoid memory leaks
34.activity and service
37.activity lifecycle
38.activity creator to update UI from service
40.serializable and Parcellable
41. Marker Interface
42.Interface and its Uses

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