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Bailey Moran and Mary Liming

TAG Strategy in this lesson: Task Rotation

UNIT NAME Southeast Asia: Geography

LESSON NAME Where in the world is Southeast Asia?

Time Needed (Hours/Days) 1 Day/ 50 minutes

Grade 7th

Subject Social Studies

Course World Studies

STANDARDS/ELEMENTS: CCGPS, GPS/GSE (where applicable) and TAG Standards

SS7G9 The student will locate selected features in Southern and Eastern Asia.
a. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map: Ganges River, Huang He (Yellow River), Indus River, Mekong River, Yangtze
(Chang Jiang) River, Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Sea of Japan, South China Sea, Yellow Sea, Gobi Desert, Taklimakan Desert,
Himalayan Mountains, and Korean Peninsula.
b. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea,
and Vietnam.

SS7G10 The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia.
a. Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers.
b. Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China.

SS7G11 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and
population distribution on Southern and Eastern Asia.
a. Describe the impact climate and location has on population distribution in Southern and Eastern Asia.
b. Describe how the mountain, desert, and water features of Southern and Eastern Asia have affected the population in terms of where
people live, the types of work they do, and how they travel.

SS7G12 The student will analyze the diverse cultures of the people who live in Southern and Eastern Asia.
a. Explain the differences between an ethnic group and a religious group.
b. Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism and the
philosophy of Confucianism.
c. Evaluate how the literacy rate affects the standard of living.

TAG Standards:

ACS1. The student uses written, spoken, and technological media to convey new learning or challenge existing ideas.
ARS2. The student formulates original and appropriate questions to test the limits of an existing body of knowledge.
ARS6. The student develops and uses systematic procedures for recording and organizing information.
CPS5. The student develops original ideas, presentations, or products through synthesis and evaluation.
CPS2. The student designs, applies, evaluates, and adapts a variety of innovative strategies to when problem solving
(e.g., recognizes problems, defines problems, identifies possible solutions, selects optimal solution, implements
solution, and evaluates solution).
At the end of this lesson students will understand the impact of geography in the region of Southern and Eastern Asia.
Students will know the location of major countries and physical features in Southern and Eastern Asia.
Students will know details about recent environmental issues in Southern and Eastern Asia including what is currently being
done to improve these conditions.
Students will know what types of cultures exist in Southern and Eastern Asia including a variety of religious and ethnic
Students will be able to determine how the geography in a country affects where its inhabitants choose to settle.

How does where you live affect how you live?


Teacher will need to prepare the four rotation stations by setting up desks/tables in four groupings as well as giving each
student a graphic organizer to keep track of their classwork. The groups will be set up in the following manner:
Station 1 (Mastery): Numbered political and physical maps of South East Asia should be laid out for students.
Station 2 (Interpersonal): Maps of natural resources, population distribution, and climate maps should be laid out
for the students.
Station 3 (Understanding): South Eastern Asian religion cut outs should be laid out for the students.
Station 4 (Self-Expressive): Information about pollution in South East Asia should be laid out for the students.

Students will complete an online form where they identify which learning style description they most closely identify with.
Teacher will overview the class data and explain how each of the stations will function using these learning styles including
introducing the Essential Question and relating it back to what they have learned thus far in this unit. Students will begin the
rotation in the learning style that they chose to describe themselves.

Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology

Students will spend ten minutes at each station completing the required activities, totaling in forty minutes of review. The
work done at each station will be recorded in a graphic organizer (see materials) that will be submitted at the end of the
class period and formatively assessed.

At the end of the period, the class will reconvene as a whole group to debrief the strategy as well as their self-selected
learning style.
Was the station for your learning style easier for you to complete? Why or why not?
Do you still think this learning style describes you? If not which one fits you better?
What questions do you still have about South and East Asian geography?

Assessment Strategies
Teacher will review submitted graphic organizers to formatively assess understanding of the various standards being
explored within Southern and Eastern Asia. This data will be used to inform remedial instruction needed before the
summative assessment on this topic.

This lesson is clearly differentiated by learning styles that students self-identify at the beginning of the class period and then
review again at the end through debrief.

Materials/Links/Text References/Resources

Activating strategy Microsoft Form:

Station Resources:

Directions: Read the four selections below. You are responsible for completing all of these tasks.
Supplies to do so can be found at each station. Your work should be done for the end of the period.
However, is you use the entire period, and cannot finish, you may finish up any work that still needs
to be completed as homework.

Mastery Activities Interpersonal Activities

focus on remembering key content and skills. help you make personal connections to the
We have learned the location of many We have learned where people live and how
countries, cities, and physical features. At this physical features in Eastern and Southern Asia
station, you will place all of these physical and affect the people who live there. In this station,
political features on maps. you will be asked to review population density
maps, climate maps, and natural resource maps.
Then select where in the region you would like to
live and explain why that is your location of
choice over other locations in the region.

Understanding Activities Self-Expressive Activities

focus on concepts, big ideas, and stimulate the imagination.

We have looked at some of the many different Air and water pollution affects daily life in
cultures and religions in Eastern and Southern Southern and Eastern Asia. At this station, you
Asia. At this station, you will categorize will review the causes and examples of this
characteristics into their appropriate religions or pollution. You will then come up with ideas to
cultures. end or lessen this pollution.
Task Rotation Graphic Organizer
Mastery Station:
Identify the political and physical features which were on the maps.

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________
9. __________________________
10. _____________________
11. _____________________
12. _____________________
13. _____________________
14. _____________________
15. _____________________
16. _____________________
17. _____________________
18. _____________________
19. _____________________
20. _____________________
Interpersonal Station:
Where in Southern or Eastern Asia would you prefer to live?

What makes this area better than other areas of the region?
Provide at least two specific examples. For instance, I would rather live in Egypt than the DRC because Ive
always wanted to see the pyramids and jungles scare me would be one example.



Understanding Station:
Match the frames to the religions in Southern and Eastern Asia:
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
6. ______________________________
7. ______________________________

Self-Expressive Station:
How would you end or lessen air pollution in the region?

How would you end lessen water pollution?







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Pollution Articles
Read at least one water pollution article. Then either read the air pollution article or watch the
video. Then answer the questions on your graphic organizer.

Water Pollution
Indias Polluted Ganges River Threatens Peoples Livelihoods

A Prayer for the Ganges

Ganges Hit by Alarming Pollution Levels During Kumbh Mela

If You Think Chinas Air is Bad, You Should See the Water

Air Pollution
Article: China's Brown Cloud

Video: Air Pollution in China

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