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Miguel Gonzalez

Baldwin Park, CA 91706

October 27, 2016

Ms. Saravia
Sierra Vista High School
3600 N. Frazier St.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706

Dear Ms. Saravia:

I have chosen to do research about the controversial issue of if smoking should be banned in
public places. This topic is interesting to me because I go to a lot of public places like the mall
and such and there is a lot of people smoking. What I know about this issue is that smoking does
not only affect the smoker but the people around that person because they breathe in the smoke.

The thesis of my research paper will be that there should be a ban on smoking in public places.
Some of the points I may discuss are that smoking in public places affect the people around the
smoker and so the nonsmokers breathe in the smoke that can lead to many lung and respiratory
problems. Another point is that smoking bans are not only for health reasons but safety reasons
as well because by putting a ban on smoking in public places then it reduces the chance of fires.
A counterargument could be that the ban would not be effective because some smokers will
continue to smoke in public places and no one can force them to stop smoking.

My understanding of plagiarism and/or misrepresentation is to write down somebody elses ideas

or findings and not give them proper credit. I agree to submit my research paper to,
a web service that checks for plagiarism. I understand that forgery is falsifying a signature. I
also understand that if I were to plagiarize, forge or otherwise misrepresent any aspect of my
Junior research paper I will fail Junior English.


Miguel Gonzalez

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