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Neuman 1

Olivia Neuman

Mr. Summers

Religion II

April 26, 2017

Service Reflection

God has given us purpose to love our neighbors through grace, compassion, and love by

serving them. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully

administering Gods grace and its various forms 1 Peter 4:10. We have all been placed with

unique gifts in order to help others and faithfully fulfill Gods will. Due to being called to

participate in Gods plan, I work with multiple non- profit organizations.

For my service project, I volunteered at Little Sisters of the Poor, Providence Heights

Alpha School, Cranberry Community Church, and The Pittsburgh Catholic Grade School

Diocese. Little Sisters of the Poor is a Roman Catholic institute founded with the mission to take

care of the elderly. As an on-going service, I organize social activities and help transport

residents from their rooms to and from different events such as prayer services and mealtimes. At

Providence Heights Alpha School, a small Catholic elementary school, I helped run the annual

Baby Jesus Christmas party. At the school, I read at mass, made care packages for a womens

shelter, and made cards for the military. During my time at Cranberry Community Church I ran

the concession stand at an event that allowed all profits to be donated to the Special Olympics.

Lastly, I helped run the Pittsburgh Catholic Grade School Cross Country Championship. I

assisted with the pre-event prayer ceremony and mentoring to the young runners.
Neuman 2

Having the opportunity to help give back is very gratifying. I strongly believe that

volunteering betters yourself as a person while also bettering the community. I am grateful to

have the privilege of being able to help others. In conclusion, using my gifts to my fullest

potential by serving others has helped me strengthen my relationship with God.

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