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The serenade wafted in the air.

And my body harmonized,
The only way it knew.
The only way there was.


The tip of my toes drew a tune

On the smooth prelude,
Drenching it in pure bliss,
Pure spark.

A cambr* transformed me
In a floating hymn,
With a pirouette of surrender,
And a waltz of glee.

My arms flowed
In undulations of fugue.
An interlude of feelings
Seeped into the rhythm--mindless.

As feather-fingers spread,
A whole opera of emotions
Ballooned out

In an elegy of tears.
Tears of memories,
Tears of joy.
Of attainment.

This ballad slowed,

My frame bowed.
Found repose.
The nocturne had dawned inside.

Lisa Torcato
May 2017
*Ballet to arch the body

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