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Group 9

Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193

Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
1. Elementary School grade of I/ semester 1
Competence Standard: organism and their living process
1. To know part of body and their living.
2. To know to keep manner environment that healthy
No Basic Competence Question
1. To knowing part of body and 1. Part of the body that using to see….
their function and treatment. a. nose
b. eye
c. hear
d. lip
To identification body need that 2. To get energy we needed….
healthy growth and strong (food, a. food
clothes, esc). b. clothes
c. air
d. healthy environment

Usually healthy life. 3. The manner of life healthy is, except ….

a. eat food that healthy
b. take a bath 2 times every day
c. toothbrush of before and after building sleep
d. throwing garbage to any place.
2 To knowing keep manner 4. The way to keep environment usually healthy is ….
environment so that healthy. a. throwing garbage to it the place
b. throwing garbage in moat
c. become lazy to clean the home
d. burning the garbage
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
To differences healthy 5. Environment that healthy is environment which….
environment and unhealthy a. clean
environment b. dirty
c. much garbage
d. smelly
Narrating the importance of 6. The benefit of maintenance the plant is ….
taking care of plant, conservancy a. production food
animal and environmental about. b. get smelly
c. get dirty
d. cause contamination
2. Elementary School grade II/ semester 2
- To know part of animal body and plant whit their habitat.
No Basic Competence Question
1. To know the part of animal and 1. Tools that using by fish to move are….
plant that is around our a. wing
residence through the b. skin
observation. c. foot
d. fin
To identification changes that 2. The right steps of plant growth are….
happen of animal growth and a. seed – stem - leaf – flower – fruit
plant (begin seed become plant). b. stem – seed – leaf – fruit – flower
c. seed – fruit – leaf – flower – stem
d. seed – leaf – stem – flower - fruit
To identification some place 3. Animal where life in the sea is….
organism life (water, land and a. monkey
other place). b. fish
c. tiger
d. chicken
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
To identification organism, that 4. Animal that production milk that can be consumed
profiting and harming. by human is….
a. elephant
b. tiger
c. cow
d. buffalo
3. Elementary School grade of III/ semester I
1. To understand characteristic and requirement of organism also the factors that influence
of organism changes.
2. To understand environment condition that influence of healthy and attempt to keep it.
No Basic Competence Question
1. To identification characteristic 1. Tool that using by fish to move is….
and requirement of organism. a. foot
b. stomach
c. fin
d. wing
To classification organism as 2. Animal who feed the plant is called ….
simple. a. omnivore
b. herbivore
c. carnivore
d. parasite
To description changes that 3. Factor that influence of growth and development of
happen of organism and factor human is, except….
that influencing of growth a. light
development child (food, b. nutrition
healthy, recreation, refreshing c. food
and sport) d. clothes
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
2 To differences healthy 4. The unhealthy environment is environment
environment and not healthy. which….
a. clean
b. natty
c. regular
d. dirty
To description condition of 5. Cleaning up to.....
environment that influence to a. healthy
healthy. b. riches
c. prosperity
d. cleverness
To explaining the keep manner 6. The way to keep healthy our environment is….
healthy environment in around a. cut down plant
our residence. b. burn garbage
e. throw garbage in any place
c. clean environment
4. Elementary School grade of IV / semester I
1. To understand relationship between body organ structure with their function with their
2. To understand relationship between plant structure with their function.
3. To classification animals according to their kinds of food.
4. To understand cycle life some kinds of organism.
5. To understand connection of organism and their environment.
No Basic Competence Question
1. To description connection 1. Bone that influences the shape of human face
between cavity body of human is ….
with the function. a. thigh
b. cheek
c. crown
d. neck
To applying look manner of 2. The way to keep body skeleton is, except....
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
healthy cavity body. a. effort shutdown and standing straighten
b. active to be playing sport
c. effort hand leaf and right bring material
that heavy same.
d. effort shutdown oblique.
To description connection 3. We can sniff the aroma of food through the
between the five human senses five human senses, which is called ….
structure and their function. a. feeler
b. sniffing
c. seeing
d. taster
To applying the way to keep 4. The way to keep well being of our eye is,
healthy of five human senses. except …
a. keep the cleaning of eye
b. check to doctor if the eye unable to see.
c. eat food that contain vitamin A.
d. reading to closely
2. To explaining connection 5. The followings are plant that has root
between root plant structure with adventives is, except ….
their function. a. mango and soy
b. corn and rice
c. nut and soy
d. Mahoney and mango
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
To explaining connection 6. The part of plant that has functioned as
between stem structure and their transportation tool is ….
function. a. leaf
b. stem
c. flower
d. fruit
To explaining between leaf plant 7. Photosynthesis process occurs at….
structure with their function. a. stem
b. leaf
c. flower
d. root
To explaining connection 8. The place of plant reproduction is….
between flower and their a. stem
function. b. leaf
c. flower
d. root
3. To identification kinds food of 9. Food that is source of the plant is ….
animal a. vegetables
b. fish
c. meat
d. milk
To classification kinds of 10. Animal that eats plant and other animal is
animals according to their food. called ….
a. herbivore
b. omnivore
c. carnivore
d. parasite
4. To description, some cycle life 11. Cycle life of fly is…..
of animal in around residence a. egg – maggot - pupa- fly
such as grasshopper, butterfly b. egg – pupa – maggot –fly
and fly. c. maggot – pupa – egg – fly
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
d. Pupa – egg – maggot - fly
To showing the caring of animal 12. The way to take care of pet is….
keep like as cat, chicken and a. give healthy food
fish. b. look after hygiene of the organism body
c. make cage to it
d. put in the dirty place
5. To identification some kinds and 13. The inclusive of symbiosis between organisms
connection symbiosis and is….
connection “eat and eating” a. symbiosis mutualism
between organism (chain food) b. symbiosis commensalism
c. symbiosis composistisme
d. symbiosis parasitism
To description connection 14. The relationship between flower and butterfly
between organism with their is one kind of …. symbiosis.
environment. a. parasitism
b. mutualism
c. commensalism
d. neutralism
5. Elementary School grade of V/ semester I
1. To identification organ of human and animal.
2. To understand the way of green plant, make their food.
3. To identification the way of organism to adapt itself with their environment.
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
No Basic Competence Question
1. To identification the function of 1. The place where process of gas changes in
organ respiration of human. respiration system is ....
a. alveolus
b. capillary
c. bronchus
d. bronchioles
To identification the function 2. The respiration organ of fish….
organ of respiration animal like a. lungs
as fish and worm. b. skin
c. gills
d. stomach
To identification organ function 3. Enzyme that has function to changes starch to
digestive human and the sugar is.…
connection with food and food a. enzyme amylase
and healthy. b. enzyme trypsin
c. enzyme lipase
d. enzyme pepsin
To identification organ of 4. Which is not including of kinds blood cells is….
circulation system of human. a. erythrocyte
b. thrombocyte
c. leukocyte
d. granulocyte
To identification trouble of organ 5. The disease which attack circulation system is,
circulation system of human. except…..
a. hemophilia
b. anemia
c. leukemia
d. osteoporosis
2. To identification the manner 6. Green plant makes food through to use energy
green plant make food. of sun light is called….
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
a. photosynthesis
b. pollination
c. cultivation
d. fertilization
To description of depending of 7. Food that contains high nutrition is, except….
human and animal of green plant a. vegetables
as source food. b. fruit
c. meat
d. water
3. To identification adaptation of 8. The example animal that can live in the water
animal with certain environment and land is….
to defend it life. a. frog
b. butterfly
c. cow
d. mouse
To identification adaptation of 9. plant that can life in the dry area is….
plant with certain environment to a. lotus
defend it life. b. cactus
c. jasmine
d. corn
6. Elementary School Grade of VI/ semester I
1. To understand relationship between characteristic of organism with their habitat.
2. To understand the breeding and reproduction way of organism.
3. To identification influence of human activity to balancing of environment.
4. To understand conserving kinds of organism to preventing extinction.
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
No Basic competence Question
1. To description connection 1. Special characteristic of animal who live in the
between special characteristic desert area is….
that have by animal (bat, lizard, a. have thick feather
parrot.) and their environment. b. have eyebrow that long and place to
storage fat
c. have a scratch at foot
d. have small ear and thick feather
To description connection 2. Stem that contain much water at cactus have
between characteristic that have function to….
by the plant (cactus, plant and a. take care itself from the predator
insect) with their environment. b. to detain hot from our
c. to hasten evaporation water
d. save the storage water at dry season
2. To description of development 3. The cultivation, which starts with fertilization,
and growth of human begin baby is called … development.
until old. a. vegetative
b. generative
c. sexual
d. asexual

To description the characteristic 4. The characteristic that sign puberty period of

development physic child boy boy is….
and girl. a. increase high and weight body
b. hip and bigger vocal
c. growth moustache and vocal bigger.
d. experience menstruation
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
To identification the 5. When fertilization occurs, egg cell is fertility
development way of human. by….
a. ovum
b. sperm
c. uterus
d. embryo
3. To identification the activity of 6. Planting again of plant, that cut down plant is
human, that can influence nature called….
balancing (ecosystem). a. reforestation
b. irrigation
c. population
d. hatching
To identification part of plant 7. The activities that can influence of annihilate a
that usually can benefit by species of plant is, except….
human that toward misbalancing a. cutting tree as intention
of environment. b. cutting tree for settlement
c. forest depilatory without control
d. forest theft plainly
To identification part body of 8. Elephant usually hunted to be exploited their.
animal that usually benefit by ….
human that through of nothing a. skin
balancing of environment. b. feather
c. tusk
d. meat
Group 9
Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi 071 404 193
Samsuriani 071 404 191
Jamra 071 404 192
Fitriani S. 071 404 194
4. To identification kinds of animal 9. Animal and plant can experience destruction
and plant that near to because of.….
destruction. a. usually reproduction
b. the population more big
c. usually winning emulation
d. cannot to adapt itself
To description more important 10. Part of plant that usually exploitation for
kinds of organism for science material building is….
development and social a. stem
environment. b. root
c. leaf
d. flower

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