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Who drives my mission

By:Baldimir Palacios
A person in my life who drives me to achieve my
goals is my Teacher,Miss,Maruquain.
She inspires me to reach my goals because she is knowledgeable ,supportive, and
patient the times I need it the most.
Miss,Marqeen is very Knowledgable person.One example is when I was 8 years
old Miss Marqeen help with math and ELA and started to help me learn with my
work .
Another example of Miss,Marquin is Once I was not so smart and another teacher
gave me a math test and I didn't know nothing so I took it in Miss,Marqeens class
and saw me sitting their with the test and she came over to my desk and told me if
I needed help I was going to say no but I said yes Because I needed help and she
started to write down fractions on the whiteboard the fraction and I learned how to
do my math right.
A third example is Once I was not learning well my math and she helped me
achieve my goal because my gaol was to get straight A+ in 4th grade.
Miss,Marquins Knowledgeable help me achieve my goal knowing how to be
Next,Miss,Marquis very supportive when I was 9 years old Miss,Marquin helped
me with my work and to make me not to stop trying she knew that I needed help in
my work because I was struggling with the math and ELA.
Additionally, When I was in Miss,marqeens class in the morning I mest up with my
homework and miss Marquin saw some of them were right but I gave up but she
said don't give up yet keep trying and she helped me with my answer thats how I
Once I was in my classroom I got a test and I didn't know what it meant so
Miss,Marquin came over to my desk and help and started explaining what I
needed to do and I started working.
Miss, Marquin help me achieve my goal by supporting me with my work.
When I was 9 years old Miss,Marquin allways accepted my late work and had
patient because I was slow with my work that she gave me so she slow down.
Once I was in Miss,Marquin class she gave us work to do and I was slow so she
had patients to wait for me and turn it on time.

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