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A Visit to Germany

Name: Hallie Utter Date: 3/20/17

Curriculum/Course: English Language Arts/Art Grade level: 3rd Grade
- Germany PowerPoint
- Grimm Brothers Folktale: The Frog Prince
- The Frog Prince copies
- Notecards
- Trachten Hat Instructions
- Green Construction Paper
Time/Period: 40 Minutes
- Stapler
- Flower Cutout
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Passport
- Stamp

-CCSS.ELA.SL.3.1.d. Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.
-CCSS.ELA.RL.3.2. Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine
the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
-MDE. ART.VA.II.3.2 Create a composition using the elements of art and principles of design to communicate

A) Using the German PowerPoint, students will discuss answers to questions with 75% accuracy.
B) After reading the folktale, students will identify the central message, lesson or moral in one of the
Grimm Brothers folktales without error.
C) Using construction paper, students will create a trachten hat without error.

Outcome Statement: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to discuss answers to questions with 75%
accuracy, identify the central message, lesson or moral in one of the Grimm Brothers folktales without error
and create a trachten hat without error.

Assessment (Formative, Summative)

Formative Assessment:
A) As a class, we will discuss questions based off of the PowerPoint. I will call on different students for
each question to make sure all students are participating in the discussion.
B) As a class, we will discuss the lesson or moral of the folktale. I will observe the students answers and
note those students whose answers are incorrect.
C) Each student will create their own trachten hat and I will observe to see which students have trouble
after modeling how to make the hat.
Introduction/Hook (5 Min.)
Prior to the lesson, I will have the German PowerPoint projected on the board and make sure the back two
rows of students are sitting on the carpet. I will state Guten Tag Frau Simons Klas. I will ask students to
raise their hand to predict if they know what I said. (Good day Mrs. Simons class). I will then tell students that
today we will be learning about the country Germany, or as it is called in German, Deutschland.
Steps in the lesson (25 Min.)
1. I will go through the PowerPoint with the class and ask answers to different students on each slide.
-LOCATION: Germany is located in Europe. It has a total area of 137,838 sq. miles.
-PICTURES: Bottom picture is the city of Berlin which is Germanys capital. The picture to the right is
an example of Germanys architecture.
-CASTLES: The castle in Walt Disneys Sleeping Beauty was inspired by the Neuschwanstein castle
in Southern Germany. Why would castles be built among rivers on steep hillsides or on top of rocky
cliffs? (Protection)
-SAUSAGE: Weisswurt (ways-worst) Birewurst (Vier-worst)
-DINNER: Dinner is the smallest meal of the day. Why would Germans get a larger lunch and a
smaller dinner? (Work off food during the day)
- CLOTHES: Germans typically wear clothes similar to those in America. Dirndls (dar-i-duls)
-STORIES: Who can tell me one of these fairytales? The Frog Price, Goldilocks, Hansel and Gretel,
Rapunzel, The Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Seven Dwarfs.
-LANGUAGE: Language is called German. Say phrase and students repeat.
- MUSICIANS: What does classical music sound like? Who are these musicians? (Johann (Yo-Han)
Sabastian Bach, Ludwig (Loo-d-wig) Van Beethoven, Johannes (Yo-Han-as) Brahms, George Frederic
-INVENTIONS: What are some of these inventions? (printing press, pocket watches, bicycles,
Fahrenheit thermometer scale).
2. I will Read aloud a Grimms Brother Folktale: Princess and the Frog. Those students who would rather read
the story with a partner are able to do so. These students will receive copies of the story and write the message
of the story on a notecard. For those students who are listening to the folktale, they will listen and determine
what the lesson or message is of the story.
3. After the story is completed, I will ask students to tell me what the lesson or main message is of the story.
(Dont judge a book by its cover, always keep your promises etc.)
4. I will dismiss students back to their seats.

Closure Activity/Wrap up (10 Min.)

I will explain to the students that our final activity will be creating a trachten (tra-hen) hat. I will pass out a
piece of green construction paper and flower cut out to each student. I will model how to complete the hat step
by step with the students. When the students have finished the hat, I will call them up by table rows to get their
hat stapled and from there they may cut out their flower and glue it on their hat. After the last row has had their
hat stapled, I will announce that I will begin stamping passports. I will remind students that in order to get their
passport signed they need to tell me one fact that they learned about Germany. Once a row has finished their
hats, I will call them up and sign their passports and have them put their hats in their mailboxes.

What will I differentiate? Content Process Product

I will differentiate by process. When reading the Grimms folktale, I will give students the option to either
listen the book read aloud, or a read the book with a partner.

How will I differentiate? For readiness By interest Learning profiles Ability level Affect

I will differentiate by readiness from less to more independence. Those students who are proficient readers are
able to choose to read the book with a partner and come up with the message by writing it on a notecard. Those
students who are less proficient in reading may choose to have the book read to them by the teacher and come
up with the message as a group.

Proficient Readers: These students are able to choose to read the book with a partner and come up with the
message by writing it on a notecard
Less Proficient Readers: These students may choose to have the book read to them by the teacher and come
up with the message as a group.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: This student will sit close to the teacher and has his back to the
window during the activities. I will constantly check in with this student to make sure that he is completing
each activity and has a positive mood.

Auditory Impairment: During these activities, the classroom door will be shut to prevent auditory
distractions. This student will sit close to the front of the room for all activities. I will use visual cues such as
modeling in front of the class and displaying the pictures of the book to the group to help this student be more

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