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[Ime Vaih apartmana ili soba]

Kategorija: [zvjezdice]
Vlasnik: [Ime Pezime]
OIB: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Adresa: [adresa] [kuni broj]
[potanski broj] [grad]


Naziv usluge / Service name Vrsta / Type Termin / Period Cijena / Price
[Apartman] noenje / [400] HRK /
[Noenje za 2 osobe] [apartment]per night [unijeti termin] [55]
[Noenje za 4 osobe]

Ostale usluge / Other

services Vrsta / Type Termin / Period Cijena / Price
[Po ljubimcu po noi] / [50] HRK / [7]
[Kuni ljubimac / Pet] [Per pet per night] [unijeti termin] eur
[35] HRK / [5]
[Klima / Air Condition] [Per night] [unijeti termin] eur

Boravina pristojba sadrana je u cijeni. Cijene pristojbe po osobi: 7kn za odrasle, djeca od 12-
18g imaju 50% popusta, a djeca do 12g besplatno.
Iznajmljiva ne podlijee plaanju PDV-a prema odredbama l. 22 zakona o PDV-u.
(Ovdje upisati ako je noenje za djecu do odreene godine besplatno)
Iznos unaprijed dogovorenih broja noenja plaa se odmah prilikom dolaska prvog dana koritenja
smjetaja, u suprotnom, domain e zadrati gostov osobni dokument (putovnica, osobna iskaznica...)
do potpune isplate.

The sojourn tax is included in the price. Price per person: for adults 7 hrk, children from the age
of 12-18 has 50% discount and children up to 12 y.o. free of charge.
VAT is not included in the price because this service is not VAT taxable.
Accommodation is free of charge for children up to the age of 2. From the age of three and more,
accommodation must be paid by the current price list.
Reservation must be paid on the first day of arrival of the guest, if not, the host has a right to keep
guest's personal document (passaport, personal ID...) until reservation is paid in full.

Cjenik je vaei od [datum u obliku: dan.mjesec.godina]

The price list is valid from [datum u obliku: mjesec.dan.godina]

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