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Installation Manual

I n f o P a k - S i m u l a t o r V e r s i o n 4 . 1
Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION TO RWD INFO PAK - SIMULATOR 4.1.............................................. 2

APPLICATION ORIENTATION ......................................................................................................... 3

INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................... 5

REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 5
HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 5
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 6
INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE ......................................................................................................... 7

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 1

Introduction to Info Pak - Simulator

Introduction to RWD Info Pak - Simulator 4.1

RWD Info Pak - Simulator 4.1 is a software simulation and training tool that creates static and
interactive lessons for training purposes. Courseware developers use Simulator 4.1 to create
lessons while using the target application with actual scenerios. The lessons cover a series of
tasks or focus on specific elements of a task.

Students can view lessons generated by Simulator 4.1 in either static or interactive formats. The
interactive formats use a Web browser and DHTML or Java Applets; while the static format uses
a series of screen captures with text explanation in a Microsoft Word document or HTML file.
You can edit the lessons in either of the two formats. Students see each action exactly as you
have recorded. The target application recorded does not need to be running when playing back
the lesson. Lessons can be published to an FTP site for distribution and remote access.

Simulator 4.1 lessons demonstrate the proper use and procedures of application software. In
interactive lessons, Simulator 4.1 waits for the student to perform the actions specified by the
trainer. The step-by-step instructions in each lesson train personnel unfamiliar with software
products and provide shortcuts to make efficient use of the application. In static lessons, you can
include explanatory text to elaborate on the details of a task.

Simulator 4.1 requires fully functional target software to record lessons. You should have a
thorough knowledge of the target software to effectively use Simulator 4.1.

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 2

Table of Contents

Application Orientation
Simulator 4.1 captures the screens of an applications graphical user interface (GUI) and
highlights the menus, buttons, and other controls used in a particular task. The toolbars and
menus of the software appear as the same size and in the same locations as in the target

In editing mode, the Application Window contains the lesson content (screens). This window
appears on the left hand portion of the workspace. The Simulator 4.1 Toolbar and Menus
appear at the top of the workspace, the Steps Window and Properties Window appear to the
right of the Application Window. (Figure 1).

Figure 1

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 3


The features / functions of the Simulator 4.1 Menus and Toolbar can be used to stylize lessons
in the Application Window. Simulator 4.1 uses Action Rubber Bands to assist students in
finding the next step in a task. A Click Point within the Highlighted Object indicates the location
of the mouse pointer for the step.

The Steps Window appears in edit mode, and during Auto and Standard Playback Modes. It
displays each action taken in the simulation. Each step corresponds to a screen display in the
Application Window. During recording, Simulator 4.1 runs in the background while the trainer
uses the application GUI to create a lesson. Upon Playback, the Steps window displays a list of
all steps taken to complete the task. Students use this window to review lesson steps and to
prompt them of the next step in a lesson.

The Properties Window resides under the Steps Window. This window displays and allows the
editing of the specific properties related to a selected item - either in the Application Window
(i.e. an action or note), or steps selected in the Steps Window. The content of the Properties
Window differs depending upon the selected object. For example, a Note Object has properties
that include Content, Icon, & Color while a Step has properties that include Description, Caption,
& Voice Over. The Properties Window does NOT appear during the Tutorial Playback modes.

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 4



Info Pak - Simulator requires specific hardware and software, depending on its ultimate use and
implementation. The tables below outlines the specific requirements for each type of installation.

Identify the type of installation and confirm its proper hardware and software configuration before
beginning to install the software. Refer to the appropriate table for specific requirements.

Hardware Requirements
Hardware Type Minimum Configuration Recommended
CPU Pentium II 233 MHz Pentium III 400 MHz
HDD 100 MB Free disk space 300 MB Free disk space
RAM 64 MB 128 MB
CDROM Required Required
Sound Card & Speaker Optional Optional
Video Card 8MB, 16-bit High Color 16MB, 16-bit High Color
NIC + Network Optional Optional

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 5


Software Requirements
Software Type Software Name Required/Optional
Operating System Windows 95 or Required
Windows 98 or
Windows 2000 or
Windows NT Workstation 4.0,
SP5 or
Windows NT Server 4.0, SP5.

Applications Microsoft Word Required

Web Browser Internet Explorer 5.0, SP2 or Required

later, or Netscape 4.7 or later

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 6


Installing the Software

The Simulator 4.1 CD-ROM contains all the required files for installation. Follow this guide and
the on-screen instructions to install Simulator 4.1.

Simulator 4.1 needs certain hardware and software to operate properly. Check the Installation
Requirements section before installing the application to ensure your computer meets these
1. To install Simulator 4.1, select the CD-ROM drive or the drive containing the
Simulator 4.1 setup files. Double-click the Setup.exe file to begin the installation
process. Setup initially checks for prior versions of Simulator 4.1. If a prior version
is found, setup will display the Confirm Overwrite dialogue (Figure 2). Click Yes
when prompted to overwrite prior versions of Simulator 4.1, or click No to retain
the current version of Simulator 4.1 and end the installation.

Figure 2

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 7


2. The Welcome screen appears (Figure 3). Click Next to continue or Cancel to
abort the installation. Click Help to launch help information.

Figure 3

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 8


3. At the Choose Destination Location screen, select the Next button to install
Simulator 4.1 to the default folder C:\Program Files\InfoPak\Simulator. (Figure 4).
Click on the Browse button to specify a different folder. Click Cancel to abort
the installation or Help to launch help information.

Figure 4

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 9


4. Setup will then install the program files automatically (Figure 5). Click Cancel to
stop installation at any time.

Figure 5

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 10


5. During installation the setup program checks for specific dll files required for proper
application functionality. If the program detects that these files already exist on the
target computer and that their versions are newer than the versions on the
installable media, the program will display a version conflict warning (Figures 6, 7).

The warning states that the files being copied are older than the currently installed
versions on the target computer. You should respond with Yes for each instance
to keep the newer versions.

Figure 6

Figure 7

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 11


6. The Setup Complete screen will display after all installation files have been
copied to their proper locations (Figure 8). Select the Start Simulator check box
to start the application upon completion of the installation. Select the Create a
shortcut on desktop check box to create an application shortcut on your
desktop. After making your selections, click the Finish button to complete the

Figure 8

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 12

Publishing Simulation/Lessons

Copyright 2001. RWD Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Copying any portion of the
information in this manual is strictly prohibited without permission from RWD Technologies Inc.

RWD Technologies, World Headquarters

10480 Little Patuxent Parkway
RWD Building, Suite 1200
Columbia, MD 21044-3530

RWD Info Pak - Simulator Version 4.1, December, 2001 13

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