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Interview with former college and high school football player

Interview questions & answers:

1.) When you played college football, how big of an issue was performance enhancing

Answer: There was no big issue team wise. But a player had to go to the hospital because he
gained 30 pounds over night.

2.) Did anyone on your team ever get suspended of kicked off the team from using PEDs?

Answer: No. But 10-15 players were using. (Little to no testing) There was no peer pressure.

3.) What were the consequences that you had to face if you were caught using?

Answer: NCAA violation (suspension)

4.) Did you ever have to take a drug test before a game?

Answer: No testing that I knew of (1986)

-Players who took drugs were able to take other drugs to hide it.
Ex. When they took urine tests, they would switch out the cups.

5.) Were they as strict about using PEDs as they are today?

Answer: It wasnt a big deal. There was no testing

6.) Where performance enhancing drugs a bigger issue in college or high school?

Answer: College. There was no testing in high school too.

7.) Do you think that professional athletes (or college athletes) should be allowed to use

Answer: No. Its bad for your health and a form of cheating. Its better to play clean.
Extra Notes: Dball: steroids (increases strength and muscle mass) also to recover faster. Can
be life threatening and can cause shorter life zone

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