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1) An observable sign of an emotional state is called a(n):

A) emotional expression.
B) appraisal extraction.
C) reaction.
D) arousal.

2) Which of the following brain regions is responsible for immediate fear

and panic response?
A) amygdala
B) hypothalamus
C) insula
D) cerebral cortex

3) Damage to the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex leads to all of the

following except:
A) Overly risky gambling strategies
B) An inability to express emotional states
C) More utilitarian (pragmatic) moral judgments
D) An inability to use states of arousal to guide rational decision

4) What is a Capgras syndrome?

A) an optical illusion
B) a memory disorder that affects one's ability to remember past
emotional experiences
C) an affective disorder that limits the type of emotions one can
D) a delusion that a friend/spouse etc. has been replaced by an
identical-looking impostor

5) What is the order of Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

A) Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal
B) Sensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, concrete
C) Preoperational, sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal
D) Sensorimotor, concrete operational, preoperational, formal

6) Piaget based a lot of his experimental work with infants on studying

_________, while later researchers began to focus more on __________.
A) Looking, speaking
B) Grabbing, looking
C) Looking, grabbing
D) Grabbing, speaking

7) The co-occurrence of two or more disorders in a single individual is

A) Bimorbidity
B) Covariance
C) Correlation
D) Comorbidity

8) Which of the following statements is NOT part of Piaget's theory of

A) Children's understandings are qualitatively different from adults'
B) Children's development happens in stages
C) Children can construct small objects with their hands
D) Children construct knowledge on their own

9) Ben is unusually and extremely stressed whenever he has to take a

shower. He might suffer from:
A) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
B) A Phobia
C) Panic Disorder
D) Sleeping Disorder

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