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What is a network
2. Define the following
a. A node
b. Server
c. Client
d. Network adapter
e. Network protocol
f. Network topology
g. Network scope
3. Differentiate between a LAN and WAN in terms of
a. Scope
b. And give examples
4. Differentiate between the following network types in terms of the area
they cover
a. Personal Area networks
b. Local Area networks
c. Storage Area Networks
d. Metropolitan Area Networks
e. Wide Area Networks
f. Virtual Private Networks
5. Differentiate between Intranet and an Extranet, and give one example
of Intranet
6. Differentiate between a Client/Server Network and a Peer-to-Peer
Network giving one advantage and disadvantage of each.
7. Topologies
a. Indicate in terms of a drawing how devices are connected in
each of the following topologies
b. Give one advantage and disadvantage of each topology
8. Differentiate between the roles played by the following
connectors in a network
a. Hub
b. Repeater
c. Switch
d. Bridge
e. Router
f. Brouters
g. Gateways
9. What are three advantages of networking
10.What are three disadvantages of networking
11.What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
12.What is meant by uncapped internet connection
13.What is meant by unshaped internet connection
14.Describe the following
a. IP Address
b. Domain Name (or URL)
c. DNS server
d. World Wide Web
e. Web Site
f. Web Server
g. Home page
h. Downloading
i. Multimedia
j. Graphic
k. Animation
15. Differentiate between the following types of web sites
a. Portal
b. News
c. Informational
d. Business/Marketing
e. Educational
f. Entertainment
g. Advocacy
h. Personal
i. Blog
16.Label the following diagram

17.Write down the output of the following HTML code

a. <p>this is one</p>

<p>this is the


b. <ul>

<li> first term</li>

<li>second term</li>

<li>third term</li>


c. Write the list below in HTML:

1. First numbered item
2. Second numbered item
3. Third numbered item
4. Fourth numbered item
a. First term
b. Second term
c. Third term
5. Fifth numbered item
d. Write HTML code to create table below

e. What is the effect of the following style sheet on the

i. Paragraphs
ii. And links of the on the page on which it is applied?


<title>CSC113 2014 Module : Introduction to HTML</title>

<style type="text/css">

/* body {background-color:green} commented out: please

learn and understand usage of comments */

p{ width: 300px;

height: 200px; color:red;


border: solid { color:blue; background:yellow}

p#one {color:magenta; background:yellow}

p#two { color:black; background:yellow}

a:link { color:red}

a:visited {color:orange}

a:focus {color:purple}
a:hover {color:green}

a:active {color:blue}



18.What do the following acronyms stand for?

a. WWW
c. IP
e. FTP
19.Identify three mistakes with the HTML code below
<li colspan=2>one</li>

20.What do the following HTML tags do :

a. <body>
b. <u>
c. <li>
d. <ul>
e. <sub>

a. Write down the Formula to calculate the total in cell G6?
b. Write down the Function to calculate the Total in cell G6.
c. Write down the Function to determine if the Result in I6 is Pass or
d. Write down the Function to calculate the No. Of Students in cell
e. Write down the Function to calculate the Highest Mark in cell D16
f. Write down the Function to calculate the Lowest Mark in cell D17
g. Write down the Function to calculate the Average Mark in cell D18.
22.Describe the following in excel:
a. Active cell
b. A cell reference
c. A range
d. A label
e. A value
f. A formula
g. A Function
h. An absolute reference
i. A relative reference
j. A mixed reference

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